Possible PCOS Iridology Signs, Hazel Eyes - Iridology Education PDF
Possible PCOS Iridology Signs, Hazel Eyes - Iridology Education PDF
Possible PCOS Iridology Signs, Hazel Eyes - Iridology Education PDF
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PCOS is becoming an epidemic. The full name of this condition is PolyCystic Ovarian
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3/16/2019 Possible PCOS Iridology Signs, Hazel Eyes - Iridology Education
Since I specialize in infertility and high-risk pregnancy work, I attract a lot of clients who have
been diagnosed with PCOS. I’ve often sent clients back to their doctors for further testing when
I’ve suspected PCOS and have had the doctor confirm my suspicions.
PCOS is a part of the Syndrome X issue that was the ‘hot topic’ of the last decade. Both PCOS
and Syndrome X seem to be garnering less attention.
PCOS is a complex metabolic disorder that includes insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance
that affects/inhibits ovulation, and further hormonal imbalances that reduce or inhibit
Most women with PCOS will have irregular or absent menstrual periods. They will also have
reduced fertility; if they do conceive, they have a higher risk of miscarriage, often miscarry
repeatedly, and have an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Aside from irregular/absent periods, they often, not always, struggle with excess facial and
chest hair, thin hair on their heads (including male pattern baldness), and excess weight
around their midsections. They can also have acne, oily skin, elevated cholesterol, and
hypertension, among other symptoms.
Why does this happen? Their diet has usually been one of refined carbohydrates that has led
to insulin resistance. I have, however, been seeing more PCOS in women who have nearly
perfect diets and lifestyles, suggesting that environmental contamination with xenoestrogens is
at play.
Another possibility is that the pituitary gland may not be functioning totally well. While we may
see pituitary iris markers in some women who have PCOS, we don’t see them in every woman.
That simply underscores that there may be more than one cause of this complex condition.
When one is insulin resistant, excess insulin circulates in the blood stream. This reduces the
sex hormone binding globulin and allows testosterone to increase. This often leads to reduced
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Normal levels of FSH are needed to stimulate the
maturation of egg follicles in the ovaries. Without adequate FSH the follicles start to mature
and get stuck. These partially mature follicles produce androgens in the next menstrual cycle.
Androgens are easily converted into testosterone.
The next hormone that is affected is LH (luteinizing hormone). This will often be elevated as it
is trying to trigger the release of an egg from the ovaries. Because the eggs are not mature, the
surge of LH does not stimulate the egg to release. The elevated LH also triggers an elevation
in estradiol, which often stimulates weight gain.
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Additionally, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is often elevated. However, when it is not
elevated and we see lower than normal basal temperatures, we can suspect type II
I always have my women who want to increase their fertility track their basal metabolic
temperature (see http://womensholistichealth.com/fertility/). Women who have PCOS have
temperatures that are usually on the low side with no consistency from one day to the next.
Their follicular phase will often have very erratic temperatures and be extended. If they do
ovulate (and a woman can have a menstrual flow without ovulating), the luteal phase may
seem normal, or it, too, may have erratic temperatures.
Case Background
Iris assessment of a woman who has a medical diagnosis of PCOS
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Weight: 135
Main concerns: unable to conceive even with help from fertility clinic; no menstrual cycles
without hormone injections
Details: Periods started age 15, used birth control off and on since age 16, came off it
completely at age 23, has not had periods on her own since. Does not display usual
characteristics of PCOS (waist over 36”, thinning hair). Does crave carbs severely. She and her
husband want to have a baby together.
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3/16/2019 Possible PCOS Iridology Signs, Hazel Eyes - Iridology Education
Pigmentation hugging How’s digestion? Burpy? Farty? Avoid certain foods Food sequencing
pupil – liver/pancreas because they don’t feel good in the stomach?
Freckles in irides – History of liver concerns? Inability to digest fats? * Lots of leafy
brown/liver Anemia? Hormone issues? greens
* Avoid coffee and
Wrinkles in irides Prone to stressing out? Takes on too much at once? Hemp hearts
Freckles L pancreas zone Carb cravings? Blood sugar balance? Increase frequency
- genetic of protein
Eliminate refined
Thyroid L iris - rarefied, Hormone imbalance? Fertility issues? How is protein Increase minerals –
pigment digestion? manganese, iodine
Liver – R sclera - dynamic History of liver concerns? Inability to digest fats? Lots of leafy greens
Anemia? Hormone issues? Avoid coffee and
Copyright © 2017 by Judith Cobb, Cobblestone Health Ltd. All rights reserved. Please respect
the time it takes to write and publish articles. If you will link to this article and give proper
attribution, you are encouraged to quote sections (though not the entire article).
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