Building The Jamestown Colony: By. Jamie Shields, Devin Edwards, Beth Anne, John Chailie

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Building the Jamestown Colony

By. Jamie Shields, Devin Edwards,

Beth Anne, John Chailie
The First English Colony
 With Queen Elizabeth's permis-
sion, sir Walter Raleigh raised
money to outfit the colony in
North America.
 In 1585, almost 100 men sailed
across the Atlantic Ocean.
 The colonists landed on Roanoke,
an island off the coast of present-
day North Carolina.
 In 1587, Raleigh sent John White
back to the island with a new
 When the supplies ran low, White
went back to England, leaving 117
colonists behind.
 When White returned to England,
they were preparing for war with
Challenge and Survival in
 In 1606, the Virginia Company got
a charter from King James.
 A charter is a legal document giv-
ing certain rights to a person or
 In spring 1607, a group of 105
colonists arrived in Virginia.
 They sailed into Chesapeake bay
and set up houses along the
James river and called there vil-
lage Jamestown, after their king.
 Jamestown was located in a
swampy area the water was un-
healthy and mosquitoes spread
 Governing proved difficult as well,
there was a council of 13 men ap-
pointed to rule the settlement but
they quarreled a lot and did little
to plan for the colony's future.
 By summer 1608, the colony was
near failure.
 Colonists also faced starvation,
they had not planted many crops,
they would rather look for gold.
 John Smith made laws saying you
Representative Government
 Governors sent by Virginia company
ran the colony like a military out post.
 Settlers were assigned work.
 Even small offenses could be punished
with death.
 The harsh laws didn't do any good at-
tracting colonists.
 Virginia company worked at establish-
ing a new government to attract set-
 Burgesses are representatives of the
 House of Burgesses is an assembly
of Burgesses.
 Burgesses met in house of Bur-
gesses with government and set-
tlers to make laws.
 First session met in Jamestown
Church in July and August of 1619.
 Representative Government-
voters elect representatives to
make laws for them.
 In 1215, English nobles forced
King John to sign Magna Carta or
Great Charter.
 Magna Carta stated that king John
couldnt raise taxes without con-
 Great Council became a representative
assembly known as parliament.
New Arrivals
 The first women arrived in 1608.
 Few worker's came to raise tobacco an
other crops.
 Virginia Company sent about 100 wo-
men to help “make the men more
 They charged each man who found a
wife 150 pounds of tobacco.
 Men were almost twice as likely as
women to die from diseases or other
 Women made everything from scratch
 Anthony Johnson owned 250 acres of
land and employed five servants to
help him work.
 In the late 1600's Virginia set up a sys-
tem of laws allowing white colonists to
enslave Africans for life.
 The early 1700's, free African properly
owners could not vote.

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