Gamma World Char Sheet

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Follow the instructions below while reading along in the rules to create your starting D&D Gamma World

d character. Name your character. What do othe rs call you? NAME


4 1a
Roll character origins on the Character Origin Table: ORIGIN 1 (FIRST) ORIGIN 2 (SECO ND)

Choose your armor and weapon. At 1st Level, you have one explorers kit (and ever ythin g in it). You also make 1d4 + 1 rolls on the Start ing Gear Table: GEAR (MUNDANE GEAR & OMEGA SALV AGE)


Record the traits for your two origi ns, and the critical of your choice if youre at least level 2: TRAITS (ORIGIN 1 AND 2)


Determine your hit points. Also, fi ll in your speed: HIT POINTS SECOND WIND
Hit Points Bloodied
1/encounter (minor action) regain hit points equal to bloodied value and gain +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

12 + Con+ 5/lvl after 1st

1/2 hp


Record the novice power of your fi rst origin, the novice power of your second origin, and if you are 3rd level or higher, the utility power of your choice: POWERS
Novice Primary: Novice Secondary: Utility (Level 3): Expert Primary (Level 5): Utility (Level 7): Expert Secondary (Level 9):



Determine your defenses. Your defe nses are equal to 10 + your level + the better of two scores: AC (DEX OR INT MODIFIER) ALSO: For AC, add armor bonus + shiel d bonus, if any, and only add Dex or Int if wear ing light or no armor. FORTITUDE (STR OR CON MOD IFIER) REFLEX WILL (DEX OR INT MODIFIER) (WIS OR CHA MODIFIER)

You get an 18 in the primary ability score of your first origin and a 16 for your second origin (20 if the primary ability scores for your origins match). Roll 3d6 for each remaining score. Next, see the ability modifier chart for each score; place that value + your level in the parentheses: ABILITY SCORES (+MODIFIER)
STR: CON: (+ (+ ) ) DEX: INT: (+ (+ ) ) WIS: CHA: (+ (+ ) )


Your attack bonus is your ability mod ifier + your level + accuracy bonus for the weap on or power. Your damage bonus uses the same abili ty modifier as the attack bonus + either your level or twice your level. Also, fill in your initiative score : INITIATIVE (DEX MOD + YOUR LEVEL + MODIF IERS): ATTACKS
Attack Bonus Power, weapon, or salvage item Damage Dice Damage Bonus

Each origin provides a skill bonus, and you gain a +4 bonus to one random skill; see the Skill Bonus Table: SKILLS
Bonus Skill Name Ability modifier + your level + other mods

You begin with 1 Alpha Mutation (see Character Advancement Table) and 1 Omega Tech card.

Permission is granted to photocopy this character sheet for home game use only. TM & 2010 Wizard s of the Coast LLC.

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