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Key to the Justice League Satellite and high.

and high. The satellite ring is I 20'thick by60' The satellite has facilities for the day to The elevator in the center of 1he floorruns
The Jus1ice League Sa1ellite is a huge in- high (4 APs by 3 APs). The ou1er force field day needs of the J.L.A. members. This in- the height of the en1ire satellite, moving a1 a
s tallation residing in a ge<>synchronous or- towers are 2«)' high with a 15' radius. cludes a sophisticated S.T.A. R. Kilo1rax speed of5 A Ps per phase. When 1he elevator
bit 22,300 miles (23 APs) above Metropolis. The transparent plasteel windows have a computer. labora1ories, machine and electri- drops someone off at a floor, it automatical-
Overall dimensions are 830 ft. by 830 ft. by BODY of23APsper 10' x IO'(I A Px IAP) cal shops, hangars, living quarters, and ath- ly returns to Level A. Theelevator doubles as
430 ft. (6 APs x 6 APs x 5 APs)- the size of section and the exterior surface has a BODY letic facilities. The four arms which stretch 1he satellite terminal for 1he Mas1er Trans-
a 40-story building occupying an entire city of 25 APs per 10' x JO' area. Interior walls from 1he central core out 10 1he ring has porter Tube. The Earthside teleportation
block. The central core of the sa1ellite is a have a BODY of 10 APs per 10' x 10' area. storage areas for supplies. Elevator shafts terminals are located in m~orcitiesthrough­
150'radiussphere(3 APradius;4 AP diame- The satellite has automatic repair systems link all of the areas i n the satellite. The c.ut the world.
ter). The arms extending out to the outer ring which can repair any breach of the exterior Up to four people may arrive via the
hangers in the outer ring contain the vehicles
are I ffi'(5 APs) long and are 60'(3 APs) wide surface (up to 3 APs diameter) within a se- 1ransporter per phase.
cond ( 25 APs of BODY per phase). Each of the J .L.A. members, such as Hawkman ·s
floor, arm, and outer ring quadrant are se- Thanagarian spaceship and Wonder Wom-
parately sealed against ou1er space. an's invisible Plane.




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A Juatlc• League of America· Adventure

Table of Contents
JI.A Satellite cross-section .... Inside Front Cover Encounter 1: Cold Star ........................ 22
Gamemaster Only .............................. 3 Encounter 2: To the Satellite .................. 25
Player ChaJ'BCters .............................. 6 Encounter 3: The Enemy Above ................ 26
Friendly Non-Player Chanarters ................ 8 Encounter 4: Investigation ............... ...... 28
Hostile NPC's: Independent Villa.ins ............ 9 Encounter 5: Assault on Squad Omega ......... 29
JI.A Satellite Maps ...................... . ..... 13 Endgame . . .... .. ........ • .... .. . . .. .. ..... . ... 30
Introductory Encounter ....................... 21 Maps .......................................... 31
A "How to u.. thla Book" guide la located on th• lnald• back cover.
© 1985 DC Comics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Produced by Mayfair Games, Inc.
Authoni: Jerry Epperson & Craig Patterson Art Di:ra:tor: Loretta Wilson
Edituns: Scott Jenkins and Perer Y. Bromley Art Stqff: David B. Bromley, Gerald
Chief Editor: Cory Glaberson O'Malley
Editorial Staff: Claudette Aho, Laird Brownlee, Scott Front Cover Art: Ed Hannigan
Jenkins, Jeer R. Leason, Jackie Leeper. Interior Art: Hilary Barta, Michael
J.L.A. Sateltite Maps: Edwin ~ Zamora
Novaw, S.1'.A.R. labs, and Villains' Headquarters Maps: James Clouse

Hclpftd Adm:Ce w Authors: nm Barrett, Greg Gorden, and Steve Sifuen
Playusters: Alex Applegate, Bob Applegate, Allan France, C.J. Mack, Steve Sifuentes, JeffStaben,
Brian Reid, Tina Lampe, Torn Lynch, Philomene Parise, Kris Kalov, Roman Mu dry, Jennifer, and the
Friday Playtest crew at Mayfair.
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All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

ISBN: 0-912771-30-5
Manufactured in the United States, Chicago, IL

Mayfair Games Inc. • P.O. Box 5987 • Chicago, IL • 60680

Gamemaster Only
INTRODUCTION America. We thought that their exist- "Technician will go with you. He will
ence would jeopardize some of our establish a communications link be-
Therewerefourofthemin Enforcer operations, but as suddenly as they
Squad Omega, and they worked well tween the planets and perform the
appeared, they vanished." actual operation ofstealing the Trans-
together. Theywerethebest,called in
for all the really tough assignments. "However, before they were able to matter Cube.
But this one was special. There were leave, we were able to put a mind "You will not disappoint us. The
rumors that this would be the tough- probe on thisone,"theholoscreen en- stakes are too high."
est assignment ever; there were larged the image of a man dressed in The filtered voice was abruptly cut
rumors that the Cartel was going to a red and yellow costume whose hair off. The shaft oflightvanishes and the
expand. seemed to be on fire, '\vho calls him- disks on the floor light a path to the
self Firestorm. After sorting out the door.
But that was impossible: the Cartel information, we have found out some-
already had its hands in everything it thing quite interesting:" "Well," says Technician, turning to
wanted on the entire planet. Squad Omega. "Let's do it."
. The holoscreen changes, giving a
How could they expand? view of a gently spinning blue planet
The only thing that was known for ringed with white clouds. '
sure was that Squad Omega-Kristin, "... another Earth, with a technol· Adventure Background
Blackstorm, Infmity, and Maniac- ogy and history similar to our own: a
was summoned, and they were called Two years ago, the Justice League
parallel planet, seperated by dimen- of America combined with the Justice
to room 236. sions ... an Earth where the Cartel
Nobody ever went to room 236. Society of America to rid Earth-2 of
can expand its operations. Brainwave. When this occured the
Nobody. ·•rechnician has created a way to existence of the J.L.A. came t~ the
They all wondered, but no one dared get to this alternate Earth, but it will att~ntion of a secret criminal organi-
look at Squad Omega as they rode the work only once due to processes we zation named the Crime Cartel. The
slidewalk through security checks, do not understand as yet. Crime Cartel used their Mind Probe
through heavy steel doors, past the "But through the mind of Firestorm, capability to gather information on
el~tronic. sensors and down a long the J .L.A. and discovered the exist-
we have found another way to get to
white corridor to a door, distinguished this Earth:" The holoscreen shows a ence of Earth-1 and the Trans matter
only by a black number painted on it: large cube, hooked up to even larger Cube, which allowed access between
236. machinery. the two worlds.
The door slid open and Squad "It is called the Transmatter Cube. The Crime Carte~ realizing the enor-
Omega was escorted into blackness. It creates a vibrational vortex that mous profits they could make by ex-
A series of large disks on the floor allows passage between dimensions. panding into a new world, decided to
glowed and faded, marking out a steal the Transmatter Cube. The Car-
path for Squad Omega to follow. The "Unfortunately, this device is in the
hands of the Justice League of Amer- tel sent its most trusted "Enforcer"
last disk faded, and a column of light group along with an experienced en-
shot down from the ceiling to illumi- ica, and they seem to be just as pow-
erful as the heroes of our Earth." gineer to accomplish this task.
nate them. They stood there and
waited. "We want this Transmatter Cube.
A short man stepped into the co- We want to open a permanent corri-
lumn oflight. The members of Squad dor between our Earths and expand The Crime Cartel
Omega recognized him; he had outfit- the operations of the Crime Cartel. The Crime Cartel, a secret organi-
ted them with special gadgets. His ''To do this, you must go to this zatio.n existing on Earth-2, exists to
name was Technician. alternate Ear th and take the Cube provide wealth and power to its mem-
An electronically filtered voice filled from their headquarters, a satellite bers. This organization has a vast
the room. orbiting 22,300 miles over the city technological capability. It has been
they call Metropolis. able to keep its extensive crime net-
"We have noticed a sudden influx of work secret through the use of highly
heroes on our world," the voice said. A "Your mission is threefold: go to
this Earth and set up a headquarters· developed techniques of information
holoscreen lit up, showing a group of
colorfully garbed people performing establish high-level connections with~ gathering. Taps into computer sys-
in their scientific, military, and eco- tems, monitors on phone and radio
feats of incredible skill and power. conversations, and several Mind Probe
nomic systems; and, one year from
"They call themselves the Justice now, lay siege to the Justice League machines enable the Cartel to antici-
League of America," continued the Satellite, steal the cube, and open the pate moves against it and to defuse
voice, "presumably an offshoot or sis- corridor between the dimensions. any situation which would reveal its
ter group to the Justice Society of existence.
Additionally, the Cartel operates public attention., but ifthere seems to "Enforcement" branch-Squad Ome-
on a "cell" type of organization, which be no other alternative, it will destroy ga, called the Enforcers. Upon their
minimizes the amount of information whoever or whatever endangers it. arrival, the Enforcers moved into an
that each of its groups. The lowest The Crime Cartel does not aspire to abandoned warehouse near the
groups have no idea of the extent of great political power. It wants to S.T.A.R. Labs at Novato, California.
the organization. Many of these cells maintain a strong, stable representa- Technician was sent along to set up
operate in legitimate businesses, us- tive government in power so its mem- their headquarters and to infiltrate a
ing Mind Probe machines to gain bers can stash their ill-gotten gains scientific organization. He is also the
them with critical information. safely. group's leader and a representative
The Cartel regulates its operations Brainwave, in cooperation with the of the Cartel.
to preclude discovery. When consid- Crime Carte~ developed a "Brainwave In preparation for their eventual
ering an expansion into a new area, Device." This device enables the Car- confrontation with theJusticeLeague,
this organization considers every as- tel to secretly plant suggestions in the the Enforcers equipped their head-
pect: the "safety" of a crime, the likeli- minds ofindividuals and groups from quarters with surveillance and secur-
hood of convictions, the amount of a distance.. In addition, it has the ity equipment, as well as a state-of-
effort required for the return, and the Control Power. the-art teleporter terminal capable of
public concern the crime might gen- Before the device could be fully pin-point accuracy. All of the mate-
erate. It has passed up several fields tested, Brainwave (along with his co- rial required to build this machinery
of crime, such as the "protection" horts from the Secret Society of is taken by Technician from S.T.A.R.
rackets and bank robberies because Super-Villains) was defeated by the Labs (Scientific and Technological
of the notoriety they bring. The Cartel Justice League of America and the Advanced Research Laboratories),
is directly in mail fraud, garnbUng, Justice Society of America. Thus, the where he workds in the Research and
stock manipulations, wholesale illicit two hero groups inadvertently de- Development Department.
drug trade, white collar crime, and layed Crime Cartel efforts to Control
even fake evangelistic 1V churches. the minds a majority of the Earth-2
In spite of these precautions, the "crime lords" and brought the Justice ADVENTURE STRUCTURE
Cartel often has "security" problems: League to the attention of the Crime A distress call to their satellite
a reporter writing an exposeon one of Cartel. sends the Justice League into action.
its groups, rival crime family chiefs When they respond, they play right
who want to take over some of its into the hands of the Enforcers who
operations, and guilty consciences Prelude wish to board the satellite while it is
within its ranks. It maintains several A one-use gadget developed by undermanned and take the Trans-
groups of "Enforcers" to deal with Technician allows the Crime Cartel to matter Cube for their own purposes.
these problems. The Cartel prefers to send a few individuals to Earth-1. The The emergency did not arise by ac-
avoid killing anyone since it draws group the Cartel sent is the best of its cident. Technician, a member of the
Enforcers, arranged for Killer Frost
to be moved past Parasite. He knew
Parasite would steal Killer Frost's
power to escape his confinement. His
breakout also allowed Killer Frost to
While the Justice League is on
Earth, the Enforcers use their tele-
port machine to enter the Justice
League satellite. They will dispatch
the monitor on duty and begin to dis-
connect theTransmatterCube. How-
ever, the emergency system on the
satellite will activate the J.L.A. signal
before it is deactivated.
Alerted by this signal, the J.L.A.
members may have to decide whe-
ther to continue combat or to return
immediately to the satellite. Any de-
lay is to the villains' advantage. On the
other hand, leaving Killer Frost or
Parasite on the loose is not in charac-
ter for the Heroes.
When the J.L.A. responds to the
signal, the Enforcers will have split
in to two groups. A group of two invis-
ible characters (Infinity and Kristin)
will await the J.L.A.'s arrival on the
Observation Deck and will ambush
the J.L.A. characters as they arrive
through the Teleporter Tubes. The
other group will be on Deck C where GAMEMASTER'S NOTES
Technician will be removing the Trans-
matter Cube. Removing it will take 8
combat phases (10 combat phases
from the first combat phase against
Killer Frost and Parasite). Once the
Transmatter Cube is removed, all of
the Enforcers will immediately tele-
port to their secret HQ by Novato,
After the Transmatter Cube is tak- Inexperienced Plafers Finally, J.LA members use tele-
en to their headquarters, the En- The Justice League of America in- port tubes located in each major city
forcers will concentrate on getting cludes some of the most powerful he- to travel to and from the observation
the unit working, but will discover roes in the DC Universe. Unless the deck on the satellite.Only J~ mem-
that it requires a larger power source. Players are familiar with their heroes' bers are able to use these tubes and
Technician will steal some Green many different Powers, this .adven- up to four may use the tubes in a
Kryptonite and a portable Kryptonite ture can become quite unbalanced. phase. Using the teleport tubes is a
power generator from S.T.AR. L~b­ movement action.
oratories. This allows the Justice To minimize this hazard, Players
Leaguers to track them back to their who have little or no experience wiih Ina Cam
headquarters. these characters should play some Si.ege can be incorporated into an
"warm up" encounters with some of ongoing campaign with very little ef-
The final confrontation between the villains given in the Master Game.
the Justice League and the Enforcers fort. Characters generated by Players
For instance, Superman might battle may be added to theJ.L.A. characters
will be a titanic struggle. It will be a Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman against
close contest, and destructive for both as auxilieries. One way is to have the
the Cheeta, Green Lantern against characters arrive on the scene of the
sides. The Justice League is stronger, Sinestro, etc.
but they are on Enforcer"turf," invad- first encounter at the same time as
ing prepared defenses. J.LA. Procedures theJLA Additional Player-generated
characters can overbalance the ad·
To begin this adventure, the GM venture in the heroes' favor. An in-
CHRONOLOGY must, especially to those u~famillar crease in the Villians' Hero Points or
The chronology below lists dates to the Justice League comic books, addiing more ViHains are the suggest-
and times that are important to the explain several J.L.A. functions. ed ways to counter-balance the addi-
adventure. The letter "A" refers to the First, explain that annually, around tion of characters.
day on which the events described. in the first of October, a "chairperson" is In addition, there are two places in
Siege begin to involve the Justice elected to handle the business affairs this adventure where a compaign si-
Leaguers. of the Justice League and to lead the tuation may begln: the interval be-
Two years ago, November 26 group. The Players may elect a chair- tween the time when the Enforcers
Brainwave develops the "Brainwave person at this time or, if DC continui- leave the satellite with the Transmat-
Device." Before he is able to test it, he ty is being followed, Aquaman is the ter Cube and when they steal the
is defeated by the combined J.L.A chairperson. In game terms, this chair- Kryptonite to power the Cube, or sev-
and J .S.A person should be the spokesperson eral of the Enforcers could escape
for the Players. from the JL.A. during the tlnal en-
Saturday, OcWber 1
The Justice League of America and Second, Justlce League members counter. These are merely opportuni-
the Justice Society of America hold rotate "monitor" duty amongst them- ties which can be used to extend this
their annual reunion. selves. These are 24-hour stints of adventure into a campaign. They are
time during which at least one Justice not a part of this module.
One year ago, Noverrtber 25 Leaguer acts as a sentry on board the
Enforcers arrive on Earth-1 and The Enforcers and their employers,
satellite, monitoring Earth for trou- the Crime Carte~ can also be incorpo-
begin to build their headquarters. ble spots. It is the monitor's duty to rated into a campaign with equal
Monday, January 3 alert the other Justice League Mem- ease. General information on both
Technician is hired at the Novato bers of trouble in their areas and to groups and their goals can be found
S.T.A.R. Labs installation. coordinate assignments, especially in the Adventure Background.
Saturday, Navember 12 (A- 17days) when the other members are not on
Maxim us Rex and his Ani-men are the satellite. At the beginning of this DC Universe Continuity
defeated (recorded in Jwd:ice League adventure, Ralph Dlbny, the Elongat- For those who are interested in
ofAmerica #221 -223). ed Man, is on monitor duty. knowing where Siege fits into the Jus-
'fuesday, November 29 (A day) Next, each member of the J.LA. has tice League of America comic book
The Justice League becomes involved a signalling device to indicated when continuity, it occurs about two weeks
in the events outlined in Siege. the J.L.A.'s help is needed. The signal after the Rex Maximus affair (re-
Wednesday, Navember30(A+ 1 day)
can be modifled to indicate an ex- corded in Just:i.ce League ofAmerica
treme emergency, but does not oth- #221-223) andshortlybeforethePa-
Unless thwarted, the Enforcers suc-
erwise communicate any other in- ragon adventure (recorded in Justke
cessfully set up a "portal" between
formation concerning the emergency. League ofAmerioo #224).
Earth-1 and Earth-2.
Player Characters
The Player Characters recommend- are the number of Hero Points which
ed for this adventure are the members are available.
of the "old" Justice League of Ameri- Aquaman: 40 Hero Points
ca. Other Player Characters may be
used but ad,justments in the Non- Firestorm: 40 Hero Points
Play~r Characters, and quite possibly Flash: 45 Hero Points
the adventure itself, will have to be Green Lantern (Hal Jordan): 70 HPs
- ._ ---'..._ made by the Gamemaster in the in- Superman: 100 Hero Points
terests of play balance. Note: See note on Superman's
I At this time, the only active mem- Vulnerability to Magic.
bers of the Justice League are: Aqua- Wonder Woman: 80 Hero Points
man, Elongated Man, Firestorm, Note: Wonder Woman's Lasso may
Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), be used to attack in two different
Red Tornado, Superman, Wonder manners. One is to use it to entangle
Woman, and Zatanna. Batman has her opponent. The other is to use its
left the Justice League. Atom has dis- Control Power once ithas struck, i.e.
appeared in the Brazilian jungles and use her Dexterity ( 10) as the Acting
is presumed dead. Black Canary and Value and its Control Power ( 10) as
Green Arrow are on leave. Hawkman the Effect Value. Rememberthat the
and Hawkwoman have returned to RAPs of Control must exceed the
their homeworld, Than agar. The Mar- target's MIND to succeed.
tian Manh unter, J'onn J'onzz, is on his
The length of the Lasso is 2 APs ( 40
homeworld, which is in the midst of a
world war.
Zatanna: 50 l;Iero Points
In this adventure, Ralph Dibny, the
Elongated Man, is on monitor duty New Characters
and is a Non-Player Character (NPC).
The Gamemaster will play his role.
RED TORNADO GlwJoltn Sl..itA
If the players wish to use their own
Player Characters in place of the he- DEx: 8 Srn: 10 Boov: 8
roes described below, they should INT: 7 W1u.: 6 M1No: 5
make certain that they are of the INFL: 4 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 4
same caliber as the Justice League of INITIATlvt: 19 HERO Pon~rs: 40
•. America, or that the Gamemaster POWERS:
balances the adventure before playing. Air Control: 15, Flight: 10, Invulnerabil-
ity: 18, Sealed Systems: 10, Telescopic
Justice League of America Vision: 7, Skin Armor: 7
The folWwing cha:rocter.; may be SKILLS:
&.._ found in the Ga:mem~ter's Manual. Gadgetry: 3 , Medicine: 4, Science: 4
~~>"· The only di,.fference in the characters L IMITA110NS:
Skill Limitation: Medicine Skill is usable
only on androids.
Minor Psychological I.imitation: Self-
destructive and t.o die for oth-
ers (death-wish).
MOTIVATION: Upholds Good
WEALTH: Comfortable
JOB: Office Worker
RACE: Artificial (jfe
A PPEARANCE: As a hero, Red Tornado ap-
pears as a red humanoid with yellow
gloves and stripes. He wears a blue cape.
When he uses his Flight or Air Control
Power, the lower half or other parts of
his body appear to be a tornado. His eyes
are white with no pupils.
In the guise of John Smith, he appears
as a tall, blue-eyed, bald Caucasian man,
often wearing a brown overcoat with a worlds. Red Tornado has been des- problem integrating into humanity.
white~ot. troyed and recreated at least twice, Many people fear his ''inhumanity." In
Red Tornado was constructed byT.O. and displays an occasional compul- addition, he perceives many people's
Morrow in one of his bids to destroy sion to destroy himself. Oddly enough, reactions to him, such as awe of his
the Justice League of America and his memory and personal continuity power, as hostility. In his alter ego,
the Justice Society of America. The were retained after his destructions John Smith, hehastwohuman friends
android turned against his creator and recreations. who know of his android origin, Kathy
and rescued the heroes of both As an android, Red Tornado has a Sutton, and Traya, an orphan.

Just before Red Tornado was com- POWERS:

pleted by Morrow, the Tornado Cham- Absorption Field: 15, Air Control: 27,
pion entered the android body, in- Dispersal: 12, Earth Control: 6, Energy Dex: 25 STR: 5 Boov: 15
tending to assume control of it, only Absorption: 15, Growth: 5, Lightning: [NT: 13 Wru.: 11 MIND: 20
to be trapped by Red Tornado's com- 19, Mimic: 20, Power Drain: 18, Shape [NFL: 6 AURA: 19 SPIRIT: 9
Change: 11, and Weather Control: 6. INITIATIVE: 44 HERO POl'N1'$: 60
puter-brain. The self-destructive com-
pulsion is assumed to be the subcons- LIMITATIONS:
cious desire of the Tornado Champion Power Limitation: Power Drain may POWERS:
drain only Mystical Powers. Absorption Field: 15, Air Control: 30,
to free himself from his android pri- Power Limitation: Energy Absorption Dispersal: 12, Earth Control; 6, Energy
son. It also accounts for Red Torna- is limited to only Kinetic Energy, like Absorption: 15, Growth: 6, Lightning:
do's desire to be accepted in to human the energy used when a character is 19, Mimic: 20, Shape Change: 11,
society. punched or an object is thrown at Weather Control: 6.
Whenever Red Tornado is utterly him. LIMITATIONS:
destroyed, the Tornado Champion, Vt.n.M:RABILITIES: Power Limitation: Energy Absorption
his good half, and the Tornado Ty- Rare Loss Vulnerability; Tornado Ty- ls limited to only Kinetic Energy, like
rant, his evil half, are released (see rant negates all Attributes, Skills, and the energy used when the character is
characters for more details). When Powers (0 Range APs). punched or an object is thrown at him.
Red Tornado's form is recreated, these MOTIVATION: Upholds Good VUI.NERABILITIES:
two beings are re-imprisoned in him. WEALTII: N/A Rare Loss Vulnerability; Tornado
Until September 1985, Red Tornado Champion negates all attributes, skills,
Joo:N/A and powers (0 Range APs).
will not know of this-thus his player
RACE: Alien MOTIVATION: Psychopath
should not be informed of it in this
adventure or any campaign that takes Appears in his natural
place before 1985 (for more informa- form as a tornado.
tion, see Red Tornado #3). Ulthoon, theTornadoChampion, was RACE: Alien
lnJusti.ceLeagueofAmerica#l93, originally evil, but changed for the APPEARANCE: Appears as a tornado.
Firestorm was informed by Tornado better. While he was returning to
Champion of Red Tornado's origin. Earth-2, where he was unknown in Tornado Tyrant is the evil entity that
Firestorm then recreated Red Torna- his original form, the Tornado Cham- is imprisoned in the android shell of
do and decided to keep Red Torna- pion came upon T.0. Morrow building Red Tornado. Originally he was a part
do's origin a secret. Thus, Firestorm's the android, Red Tornado. He sought of the Tornado Champion. But the
player should be told this information. to control the android, but was Tornado Champion's imprisonment
trapped instead. His evil form, the inside Red Tornado split him into two
THE TORNADO CHAMPION Tornado Tyrant, was stripped from entities. Now, whenever Red Tornado
Ulthoon while he was inside Red Tor- is destroyed, both the Tornado Cham-
DEx: 23 STR: 5 Boov: 15 nado, and both of them are released pion and the Tornado Tyrant are re-
INT: 14 W1u.: 11 MIND: 21 from their prison whenever the leased from their confines. Whenever
[NFL: 6 AURA: 18 SPIRIT: 9 android body of Red Tornado is Red Tornado's shell is recreated, they
lNITlATIVE: 43 HERO POINTS: 63 destroyed. are both reimprisoned.
Friendly Non Player Characters
Elongated Man Sarne as in Garne- Infonnation GM ONLY: Continue with t he follow-
rnaster's Book, only he has 25 Hero Dr. Steuben will be very helpful if he ing if Technician escaped from t he
Points. Initially left on t he satellite to is contacted by the J .L.A during the satellite.:
continue monitor duty, he was sur- first two encounters, but will have no "... altlwughhereported back about
prised and knocked out by the En- information other than the following fifteen minutes after the fricident. He
forcers, but not before he was able to (read to the Players): was not present at the sw/J meeting
activate the J.L.A. emergency signal "Killer Prost, against direct orders, held to investigate the incident.
Ralph Dibny, the Elongatec;l Man will was being moved past Parasite's "When my guards searched his sec-
be left on duty when the characters holding area. Parasite drained off tion for him about a half haur later,
go to the frnal confrontation. some of Killer Frost's pmvers, which his colleagues reported appro~n te-
he used to free himself. During his ly 3. 7 kif,ograms of our Green Kryp-
escape, the electricity to Killer .F'rost 's toniteresearch pile had disa'Jipeared
rontainer was cut off and a bullet along with theeX'J>Cri,mental p<!TtalJle
fmm O'M of the guards ' gum ~ Kryptonitepowe7plant.Asyouknow,
ERIK STEUBEN. 1'11.D., S.T.A.R.>$Dir<Vor trated its seal, which allmved Killer the limits to the output of this plant
DEx: 2 STR: 2 BooY: 3 Prost to escape. Well, you have seen have not been reached, but it could
Im: 4 WILL: 3 MIND: 3 the results. certainly supply electric power to
I NFL: 2 AURA: 1 SPIRIT: 3 "Other than that, I have not had several cities for quite a long time.
I NITIATIVE: 6 HERO P OIN1'S: 3 enough time to survey the dam.age or Several Krypt-Kicker weapons have
investigat,efurtJier. Now, if you would disanieared along with quite a
Char&;ma: 3, Gadgetry: 4, Scholar/ - be so kind as to excuse me, I need to bit of electronic equipment that Dr.
Academic Study: 4 (Physics), Science: 5 make my preliminary report to Cen- 11wmas ordered.
DEscRIP'MON: Dressed in a light gray suit,
tral Administration and to begin m:y "CentralAd.ministrot:U indicates
Dr. Steuben has a very distinguished investigation. Should I rome across that you have the ability to trace this
appearance. He is five foot eight Inches anyjurther developments, I will have stolmi Kryptcmite by having the sen-
tall, with a tan complexion, silver- Central Administration patch my sors on your satellite trace the Green
streaked black hair, piercing hazel eyes call through to your scti.eUite. I would Kryptonite radiation pattern. I need
and wire-rimmed eyeglasses. He speaks also appreciate any iriformation you not tell you how important it is to
in a slightly accented, precise voice can pravide for me on this matter. " regain possession of these items. "
(those with a Scholar/ Linguistics Skill
above 4 will recognize a Heidelberg
Dr. Steuben will call the satellite GM ONLY: Read the following if the
German a ccent). during Encounter 4 whether or not characters ask about Dr. Thomas:
he is contacted in Encounter 1. In any "Dr. Thomas, who jmru!d our oper-
Dr. Steuben is the head oftheS.T.A.R. case, he will not phone until after the ation here abaut·eleven months ago,
Labs Research station of which the Transrnatter Cube is taken. If he is has been O'M of the most creative ap-
Cryogenic Labs is a part. He is ex- contacted during Encounter 4 or plied scientists we have deve/,(yped.
tremely distressed at the release of when he phones, Dr. Steuben will say Although he was originally hired as
the two villains and will investigate in an exhausted voice: a technical writer based on the dis-
the matter vigorously. He is very se- "Tlwre is a new develnpment of sertation he presented us, he quickly,
cure in his position, having ten years which you should be informed. The through his insi!}hts and i nventions,
seniority as its head. However, he is person respansiblefcrr the 1noveTTtent eaTT/,6d a place for himself on our
anxious to minimize the stain to his of Killer Frost is Dr. Zachariah 'lho- staff.
reputa tion and any barriers this mas, a member of our energy and "His ability to manqfacture unique
might raise to future Super-Hero weapons research SiX.:tion. As ofyet, I and sophisticated lab equipment is
cooperation in research. have not been able to contact him. .. " really quite extraodinary. Because
of this, he has a free hand to order
whatever supplies and equipment he
might need. Until t.oday, we had no
"One odd thing though. The stan-
dard security linguistic analysis in·
dicated that he is a native born Amer-
ican-but could not identify any re-
gimial associations. 1'his was an
ancrmaly which we never encountered
before. We assumed that this was due
to his en<TmUYUS scientific intellect,
which skewed the statistical results. "
Hostile NPC's Independent Villains
. \. ' 1 l ,,

Killer Frost: Same character as in APPEARANCE: A muscular, disfigured pur- energies of heroes flowing through
the Gamemaster's Manual. ple humanoid with a scarred face. He has him. He also feels the pain and frus-
Killer Frost is being kept in the Cry- no eyes or hair. His mouth, ears, and nose tration of no longer being able to en-
ogenic facility while a new cell to hold are almost closed with scar tissue, and he joy the simple pleasures. He is cut off
her is being developed by S.T.A.R. has a green stripe running up the center from humanity because of his scar-
of his chest. He wears green gym shorts.
Labs. This cell is located in the Star ring and is physically unable to eat, or
City Prison and is almost finished. R. Maxwell Jensen was exposed to even sleep.
The Cryogenic facility was selected experimental radioactive material Superman "loaned" Parasite to
because, even with a power failure, when he tried to steal his company's S.T.AR. Labs Cryogenic Research Cen-
the low temperature needed to hold payroll. He looked in a contaminated ter to investigate his ability to drain
Killer Frost could be maintained with waste container, thinking this was energy from other beings. S.T.A.R.
no problem. where the company stashed their Labs hoped to perfect a much more
Information money for safekeeping. He was per- efficient way of cooling their facility
Killer Frost will not be able to pro- manently scarred by the event, but and gain insight into the physics of
vide any information concerning the also found himself possessing strange the energy of super-powers.
Villains on the satellite. power-leeching abilities.
Like Killer Frost, Parasite needs to Information
siphon energy on a constant basis. Parasite will have no information
But even worse, he has a hunger, a for the J.L.A. concerning the villians
PARASITE alias k. Mazwe/J knmi need, to steal and feel the Powers and on the satellite.
DEX: 5 STR: 3 BooY: 6
INT: 4 WILL: 5 MIND: 3
INF'l.: 5 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 3
Mind Drain: 20, Power Drain: 30, Spir-
itual Drain: 20, Vampirism: 20
S-peci,al Pawer (Parasite: 80): Upon
touch, Parasite may drain up to 80 APs
of Attributes and/or Powers from h~
victim. However, he will lose 4 APs per
Phase (0 APs or 4 seconds) thereafter.
Powers and Attributes cannot exceed
those of the victim. The victim's AP
level cannot be reduced below zero.
This is an Automatic Action.
Vehicles/Land: 3
Power Limitation: Powers acquired
through Power Drain may only be re-
tained for only 2 APs of time (four
combat phases).
Power Limitation: Powers and Attrib-
utes can only be drained from living
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction:
Needs to feel super-powered energy
flow through him.
Common Miscellaneous Vulnerability:
All limitations and vulnerabilities
placed upon the Power taken from
someone else are "inherited" for the
duration that the Power is held.
MOTIVATION: Psychopath
Jos: N/A
RACE: Humanoid 9
THE ENFORCERS Information 2 Knowledge Points
All of the Enforcers lmow the same From everyone except Technician:
The Crime Cartel used its Brain- information about each other, their "As soon as Technician opens the
wave Device to plant a psychological background, and their mission. If the corridor, yoo 'll see who'll be asking
blqck in the minds of four Enforcers Player Characters make an Interro- the questions. "
(not Technician), preventing them gation or Mind Probe Action Check From Technici.a n: "They'll be back
from revealing to anyone outside of against any Enforcer, read every sec- to get me. I'm their only link with
the Crime Cartel any details of the tion where the Result APs (RAPs) 1wme. They'll be back. "
Cartel's affairs. This psychological equal or exceed the indicated Knowl- 3-4 Knowledge Points
block can be overcome by having 10 edge Points to the Players. From Maniac, Infinity, and Black-
or more RAPs from a Mind Probe or 1 Knowledge Point. storm: "Wecometo this planet, do the
Interrogation Action Check The block FromManiacorTechnician: "/don't most important wark that they have
will not affect any information about even know why I came t,o this crummy ever come up with, and yet where do
the Enforcer's headquarters nor what Earth." we live? A crummy warehouse out-
has happened since they transferred From lnfmity and Blackstorm: " I side of Nooato. Bvun Cleveland is a
from Earth-2. can't see why you 're defending this step up ft·mn Novato. "
An additional psychological block Earth at all. The peopl.e here aren't From Kristin: "/ used to stalk the
was implanted in these four, which worth it. " stars. This is no kind of life f<Jr a
prevents them from entering Killing From Kristin: "This Earth isn't any Queen. Now /,ook at me: forced to live
Combat unless ordered to by Techni- better than the other r:me. They both in a damp ro<rm in a filthy ware-
cian (or any other Cartel Official). /,ook so much alike. " house in a city called Nooato. And
rwu>--eaptured by a band ofcostumed
5 Knowledge Points
From all except Technician: "If
Technicianhadromeup with ag<ul!Jf::t
that warked TTUJre than once, we
wouldn't have had to bother with
yours. "
From Technician: "IfI had a bigger
budget and some decent equipment, I
could \.le madea decent Transm..atter.
We never W(YUldVe had to deal with
you peopl.e. But no-0-0. They had to be
bureaucrats about the whole deal.
Naw /,ook at things. SenJes 'em right. "
6 Knowledge Points
The characters will tell what they
know about their mission and col-
leagues. Only Technician will refer to
the Cartel by name or reveal any in-
formation about the organization.
The others will only say "they "and
"them" when talking about the Car-
tel. Generally, they will answer any
specific question which is asked.
10 Knowledge Points
TlleEnfarcerswill tell all they know
abau.ttheCartet---4utonlyin re.sponse
w direct questions. They will not vo-
lunt,eer anything.

BLACKSTORM o11<1s Laci Gibbqfl8

DEX: 11 Sm: 3 BODY: 11
INT: 8 WILL: 4 MIND: 5
1Nfl1A1'1VE: 23 HERO POINTS: 33
Darkness: 25, Energy Absorption: 35,
Bio-Energy Blast: 35, Flight: 9
Charisma/Intimidation: 4, Scientist: 3,
Vehicles: 3
EQUIPMENT: bracelet and an amulet on a chain PoWERS:
Bracelet [DEx: o, SrR: o, Boov-. 4 I around her neck. Absorption Field 10, Aura of Fear: 11,
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Teleportation: 21, Flight: 10, Invisibility: 6, Poison Touch:
Super-Ventriloquism (as a radio): 22 So[\ja St. James was a petty conjurer 17, Radar Sense: 14, Regeneration: 20,
Costume [DEX: 0, Sm: O, BooY: 9] who sought the ultimate knowledge Sealed Systems: 12, Skin Armor: 12,
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Skin Armor: 9, of all matters arcane. She came to Vampirism: 30
Sealed Systems: l possess a strange, but powerful, tome SKIU..S:
LIMITA110NS: which contained a number of forbid- Charisma: 11
Bio-Energy Blast is limited to the den magics. She quickly delved into EQUIPMENT:
amount of energy absorbed using the book, performed a number of rit- Bracelet [DEX: 0, STit o. BooY: 4)
Energy Absorption Power. uals, and eventually became master Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Teleportation: 21,
MOTIVATION: Mercenary of magic. During one of her excur- Super-Ventriloquism (as a radio): 22
WEALTH: Affluent sions into demon summoning, she ac- LIMITATIONS:
Joe: Member of Enforcers cidentally freed the "essence vampire" Power Limitation: Flight only usable on
known as Kristin from her dimen- the same turn as Invis'ibility.
RACE: Human sional prison. Power Limitation: Sealed Systems is
APPE:A.RANCE: A very intimidating slender only effective while using F1ight.
woman who has a somewhat hawkish MoTIVATION: Power Lust
face. Red-haired and hazel-eyed, she has
a bracelet on her left wrist. Her skin- KRISTIN WEAL TH: Affluent
frght costume is colored black and DEX: 15 STR: 10 Booy; 21 JOB: Member of the Enforcers
bright red. She wears a black mask. IN'f: 14 W1u.: 17 MIND: 12 RACE: Humanoid
INFL: 11 AURA: 20 SPIRIT: 10
Laci Gibbons was a nuclear research APF£4RANCE: A haughty vicious look is
technician who, after a heated argu- on the face of this emaciated, shriveled
ment with her supervisor, left the fa-
cility without following the decon-
tamin.ation procedures. Whiledri:ving
home, she suffered a black-out and
Jost control of her automobile.
She regained consciousness just in
time to slam into a guard rail along
the road side. She felt her body ab-
sorb theenergyoftheimpactas if her
entire body were a sponge, the crack-
le of electricity flashed through her
body. It was through this experience
that Laci disoovered her powers ab-
sorption and its strange side-effect of
being able to rechannel this power
in to blasts of bio-energy.

INFINITY alio.s Slmja Sr. Jtm\611

DEX: 12 STR: 2 BoDY: 7
INT: 11 WILL: 8 MIND: 13
INFL: 13 AURA: 18 SPIRIT: 17

Magic Blast: 12,
Mystic Link/Flame Pr~jection: 8,
Mystic Link/Invisibility: 12,
Mystic Link/Mental Blast: 12
Occultist: 12
Bracelet [DEx: o. SrR: O, BooY: 4)
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Teleportation: 21,
Super-Ventriloquism (as a radio); 22
WEALTH: Affluent
Joe: Member of Enforcers
RACE: Human
.AJ>ff:ARANCE: A tall, raven-haired woman.
She has dark, foreboding eyes, seemingly
filled with ancient lore and mystery. She
wears a long, flowing silver-gray dress, a
woman. Her naming eyes strike fear into POWERS: Scanner [DEx: 0, SIR: 0, BODY: 4 I
you as you meet her gaze. Density Increase: 12, Regeneration: 8, Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Super·
Her uniform color is of metaJllc silver, Skin Armor: 9 Ventriloquism (as a radio): 22, X-Ray Vi-
and she has a bracelet on her left arm. sion: 1
Acts as a computer Terminal.
Kristin is an essence vampire who Acrobatics/Dodging, Gymnastics: 4,
Artist/ Actor: 2, Charisma/Interroga- Wrist Rockets: Fires 1-3 Rockets
first came to Earth from an unnamed Acting Value: 14
star when magic was still a major tion, Intimidation: 9, Vehicles: Land: 3
Effect Value: as per rocket
force. After an unsuccessful bid to EQmPMEN'I: ~· 1-short/2-medium/3-long
control the world, a thousand mages Bracelet IDEx: o, Sn: O, Bot>Y: 4 I 9 •A" Omni-Gadget Rockets: 10 AP
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Teleportation: 21, 15 AP Repair Kit
banded together to create a huge di-
Super-Ventriloquism (as a radio): 22
mensional prison in which to trap her Costume IDEx: O, S1R: O, BooY: 91 LIMITATIONS:
own essence-banishing her from the Uses: 10, Duration: 15,Skin Armor: 9, Serious Fear: Pain.
primary plane of existence. She re- Sealed Systems: 1 M<mVATION:Thrill of Adventure
mained trapped for eons. She sur- LIMITATIONS: WEALTH: Affluent
vived only by cannibalizing her own Power Limitation: Regeneration is only Joe: Works for Crime Cartel
life-form for sustenance. She emerged activated by unconsciousness.
from the dimensional prison a frac- RACE: Human
tion of her former self when she was APPEARANCE: Technician is always
freed by Infinity. WE.ALTH: Affluent dressed in a drab brown sealed nylon
JOB: Member of Enforcers overalls, helmet and breastplate. He has
heavy boots and is surrounded by elec-
RACE: Human
MANIAC aiw Hermon '-<1Ch tronic equipment with a metal bracelet
APPEARANCE: A large, muscle-bound man on his left ann and a dart launcher on
DEx: 14 STR: 30 Boov: 15 who has a crazed look. Dressed in yellow his right arm. He is weilding a weird
brr: 3 W1u.: 4 MINO: 5 wrestler tights, he has a bracelet looks pistol.
INFL: 4 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 7 on his thick left arm.
INITIATIVE: 21 HERO POINl'S: 45 Zachariah Thomas always had an in-
Shortly after being blacklisted by ev- satiable curiosity and a compulsion
ery wrestling promoter in the coun- to widen his perspectives. It was
try, and having formal charges filed through this that the Earth-2 organi-
against him for maiming three fellow zation known astheCrimeCartelwas
wrestlers, Herman Letch was freed able to enlist Zachariah's aid in con-
from his prison cell by members of the structingsomeoftheir most powerful
Crime Cartel Enforcers. He was sub- devices. He rose within their research
jected to an experimental strength organization to become one of the few
enhancement beam constructed by non-criminals in the top levels of the
Technician. In the end, Herman Letch Crime Cartel.
possessed super-strength and near It was his wish to accompany his
invulnerability. machine that would span the dimen-
sions. With his expenses being co-
vered by the Cartel, Zachariah com-
pleted the "Dimension Drifter" in a
TECHNICIAN at iGGZGa\<>""-' '""""""
matter of months; it was only about a
DEX: 6 STR: 3 Boov: 10 year later that he was tO. accompany
INT: 5 W1u.: 5 M1No: 3 the Enforcers on its maiden "voyage,"
INFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 3 more as a precaution than as a quali-
INITIATIVE: 13 HERO POINTS: 30 fied member of the group.
Artist: 2, Charisma: 2, Detect'rve: 5,
Gadgetry: 22, Milital'Y Science: 5, Scho-
lar. 5, Scientist: 5, Spy: 5, Thief: 6, Vehj..
cles: 7, Weaponry: 10.
Bracelet [DEx: o, S1R: O, BooY: 4 J
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Teleportation: 21,
Super-Ventriloquism (as a radio): 22
Costume IDEx: o, SIR: O, BooY: 91
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Radar Sense: 3,
Skin Armor: 9, Sealed Systems: 3
Krypt· Kicker Pistol IDEx: o, Sra: O. BoDY: 1o]
Uses: 10, Duration: 18, Heat Vision: 15
The Krypt-Kicker weapons were devel-
oped by S.TAR. Labs to counter super-
powered villains. Superman has a +2 Co-
lumn Shift on the Resistance Value
because it has a Kryptonite energy base.
Introductory Encounter
I :;,) I Players' Information I Roll Call
Elongated Man (NPC)
The call came in just before 9 p.m., Metra])Olis time: Firestorm
Eme>-gency-Report to the JLA satellite immediately. Flash
Within seconds you are all there, 22,300 miles aver the Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
City Center of Metropolis, in the Justice League ofAmeri- Red Tornado
ca satellite. Elongated Man is waiting for you, wuh a Supennan
worried look on his face. Wonder Woman
"Something 's up at S. T.A.R. Labs' Cryogenic Research Zat;anna
Center in Novato, California, "says Elongated Man. "It
looks lilce they may need us, and fast - they 're holding
Killer Prost and Parasite there - definitely not a good
thing if they 're running loose.
"It seems simple enough, but yau never can tell.
"Yau guys take care of things; I 'll stay by the monitor
and call if anything else paps up. "

GM Information I
Encounter 1: In California, Killer Frost and Parasite are
running amok in a S.T.A.R. Labs installation.
The GM should use the chart provided to keep track of
the time that the characters because their J.L.A. emer-
gency beepers will go off at the start of the second phase.
There will be no explanation or message. This is the only
warning that the automatic intruder system is able to
If Encounter 1 is ignored, the avoidable loss of human
life will result. No one will be awarded any Hero Points if
this happens.
As soon as the J .LA teleports to Novato, the Enforcers
will teleport up to the satellite, attack and subdue Elon-
gated Man, and begin the theft of the Transmatter Cube.
Technician will cut off the main power supply and go with
Maniac to the Tech Lab on Deck C to disconnect the Cube,
Blackstorm will wait in the Tech Lab hallway for any s'ign
of trouble. Kristin and Infmitywill turn invisible and wait
on the observation deck to ambush returning Justice
League members.
Encounter 2 will require you to use a watch with a
second hand.

If any of the players wish to remain with Elongated Man
on the satellite, he will insist that they all go and fast- he"ll - .1 . • · - ""'";--,....,,.. . . • .
... ~';~ > . , .. ~ . -:?-..' :·f,1'. ~
be handle things up here. If anything else pops up on the ..:?"? •. ·-'• /
monitor board, he'll send word immediately. / .. ... :.-·;-";!>'

Encounter One: Cold Star

Jn the second phase of battle, the J.L.A. signal beepers

will give a triple priority alert, meaning that J.L.A. mem-
bers should return to the satellite.

I :JI Players' Information I

Alarm klaxons blare out, cutting th:r0U9h the quiet
town of Novato Californi.a. Just outside the unun, at the
S. T.A.R. Labs Cryogenic Research Facility, the lab securi-
ty teams are rushing to recapture a purple costumed
man-Parasite-in the rear courtyard.
The central courtyard of the research facility is caked
with ice. A large hole has been blown through the south
side ofthe Research and Experimentation Block, notfar
from the wall ofice where Parasite has made his stand
against the security guards.
Setup I Most of the guards are busy trying to save their own
lives. Before Parasite found himself out.gunned by the
Unfortunately for the technicians at S.T.A.R. Labs, they guards, he was able to trap ten of tJ~free:t;i,ng them to
wheeled Killer Frost past Parasite's holding tank Parasite qw ground next to a precaricusly swaying monolith of
was able to siphon offsome of her power which he used to ic.e.
break out. In his escape, the power lines to Killer Frost's There are also two technicians frozen to the groo.nd
next to the Research and Experi,mentati<m Block, stand-
refrigeration chamber were cut. She warmed up enough
to move, and did move, taking the lives of the technicians ing under a line ofsharp icicles thatare snappi,ng Q[fand
and security guards in the immediate area. falling toward them each time a fqud, noise is made.
Parasite used Killer Frost's Power of Ice Production to GM NOTE: At the end of the fl.fSt phase, read the
break through the wall and trap the feet and legs of the following information to the players:
security guards that attempted to block his escape. A barrage ofice-knives burstsfrom the hole in the wall
When the Justice League arrives, Parasite will have one ofthe Research Block, trapping two near&]/ guards. Then,
phase remaining of the Ice Production power. He will use walking toward them yau see an ice-blue W0711AJ,n-Killer
it against one of the League members as a grappling Prost.
attack, so that he can get close enough to siphon the Your J.L.A. signal beepers sudaenlyemita high, steady
victim's power. He will then use that power to escape from triple beeping-tripU¥priority alert - meaning get to the
theJLA. satellite as quickly as possible..
Killer Frost will come out of the building in phase two
and begin to drain the body heat from the male techni- Jllyl GM Information I
ci~ns and security guards that Parasite has trapped . She The normal NPCsin this encounter have Attributes of2
will use bashing attacks against the heroes until she has or3.
drained the body heat of four more lab employees, then If they are not rescued, the ten security guards will be
she will try to escape. crushed by the monolith infour phases and the two tech-

• •••• .
.1••···: ••••••.,
nicians will be killed by the icicles in three phases.
The ice should be melted or a shield should be put up
between the victims and the ice. If the ice is punched there
is a 60% chance that six of the guards or one of the Killer Frost will use Energy Absorption to consume
technicians will be killed by the collapsing column of ice. body heat from her male victims whenever she can. This
(Roll a D 10 - if the result is 1-6, the victims are killed. If requires physical contact.
the result is 7-10, the victims are saved.) If the heroes defeat the villains in less than three
The two guards that are trapped by Killer Frost will phases, or if they decide to split up, with some of the
have their body heat taken from them in the second phase players going up to the satellite as soon as the beepers go
off, there are two ways of stalling them:
unless a hero with a higher initiative can stop her in that
l. Reminding them of the innocent bystanders who are
still in danger or in need of medical help (the GM may
If Killer Frost defeats the Player Characters, she will create a number of simple emergency situations that will
continue to destroy the S.T.A.R. Lab complex until it has take at least 2 phases of time.)
been levelled. She will then head into the city of Novato, 2. Reminding them that once the villains have been
leaving a trail ofdeath and destruction. Once she is there, defeated, something must be done with them: they have to
she will commandeer a plane and head for the northern be detained so that they cannot escape and harm more
woods of Canada. people.
The Star CitySpecial Criminal Center is a good place for
them, unless Superman or Firestorm would rather use a
SPECIAL GM FUDGE: Killer Frost will crash, but will phase to rebuild their cells.
only receive minimal damage. However, she will be un-
conscious until the authorities are able to pick her up. Rules
Killer Frost's victims are considered to be suffering For the rules on Combat, see page 15 of the Player's
from killing damage. Their BODY is considered to be 0. Manual. As the League has a code against killing, some of
Medicine: Surgery Skill is required to treat victims the J.L.A. characters will have to "pull their punch" in
properly and the Action Check has the Opposing and order to prevent killing villains through damage inflicted
Resistance Values modified by +2. by incidental Knockback. If a villain is killed through
incidental Knockback, especially where the APs involved
If Parasite can escape or defeat the heroes, hewill fmd a clearly would knock- the opponent out, the Standard
place to hide, laying low until he is either discovered or Award for participation and role-playing should not be
captured. Future involvement with Parasite, in this or awarded. Remind the Players of this when this situation
other adventures, is left to the discretion of the Gamem- occurs. If more than one villain is killed in this manner, no
aster; it is outside the context of this adventure. Hero Points are awarded. Punch Pulling is on page 23, and
When this encounter is done, go to Encounter 2. KnockbackDamageisonpage24ofthePlayer'sManual.
Encounter Two: To The Satell ile

Setup I
The Players are still on a time limitation, so make sure
they are aware of this as they try toget up to the satellite.
Mark off one phase every thirty seconds of player conver-
The Players have to get to the satellite. However, Kristin sation to reflect the amount of real time the characters
and Infinity are waiting at the teleport terminal to am- use to decide what to do next.
bush the JLA. If they go directly up to the satellite by the teleporter,
If the heroes suspect a trap, Green Lantern or Fire- remind them that the teleporter can handle a maximum
storm can fly the rest of the characters up in a force offour people at a time. When the first group reaches the
bubble, breach the wall of the satellite, and make a recon- satellite, go immediately to Encounter 3.
naissance run through the satellite. Thus, the heroes can
attack the villains with Surprise.
If the players come across this solution by themselves,
award them a Special Award for Role Playing at the end of Do what you can to keep the heroes together. Ifthey get
the Adventures. Do not give them any hints. For more separated for too long, the inactive group will become
information on Special Awards, see the Gamernaster's bored very quickly.
Manual in the Basic Game Set. The GM should be aware that there will be a difference
Since Elongated Man is inside the satellite, it would be between Player knowledge and character knowledge.
unwise for the rest of the characters to open it to the When the first group of characters reaches the satellite,
vacuum ofspace and let the villains (and Elongated Man) they will be immediately ambushed by Kristin and Infini-
freeze, boil, and choke to death. ty. There is no way for the second group of heroes to know
what is happening, but the other Players in the room are
aware of the events.
I ilJ I Players' Information I In order to avoid any controversy, set up the order of
arrival of the heroes on the satellite, before you begin to
The J:LA emergern, beepCl's have gone qff-t:ripl.e run Encounter 3. Thus the Players will know exactly
priority alert. Sornething is wrong up at the satellite. which phase their characters will arrive on the satellite.
Make sure their actions correspond to the information
that the characters would have.
GM Information I Teleport travel is instantaneous; the characters are
brought to the satellite during the same phase, but the act
If the heroes try to contact the J.L.A satellite before of stepping into and out of the teleporter counts as a
they go up, there will be no answer. movement action.
Encounter Three: The Enemy Above


Setup I GM Information I
If phase 10 has been played, the villains have left the Elongated Man is simply !mocked out. It is not urgent
satellite and have gone to their headquarters. The heroes that he be taken care of immediately, but he will be un-
will have to go to the Tech Lab on level C before they will conscious for the next hour (10 APs).
know that something is missing. Go to Encounter 4. If the characters do not enter through the teleporter,
Two of the Enforcers, Kristin and lnfmity, are invisible refer to the maps for the heroes' location, and tell them
and waiting at the transporter terminal to a~bush the that nothing is out of order on the empty decks which are
JLA. empty (except that the emergency lights are on, so the
If the heroes entered the satellite by any means other main power source has been disconnected).
than the transporter, the viJlains will still be in the When they reach DeckC, where the Enforcers are work-
planned locations listed below, and the heroes will be able ing to remove the Transmatter Cube, the characters will
to attack them with Surprise. See the Player's Manual, be able to Surprise Attack Blackstorm in the hallway
page 25 for information on Surprise Atttacks. leading to the Tech Lab. Maniac will attack in the second
phase. After two more phases, Kristin and Inrmity will
I :rJ I Players' Information I Teleport down from the Observation Deck They will do
their best to allow Technician to continue with his dis-
To be read to the players if they enter through the Master mantling of the Transmatter Cube.
Transporter Tube or breach the wall of the Observation If the heroes decide to enter the satellite on Deck C,
Deck: have them enter in either the Chemistry or Biology lab.
1'he emergency lights are cm: their red glaw indicates
that the main pqwer source has been disconnected.
A imlg red tube with a black line running its 1.cngT.h Planned strategy of villains (to be used if the heroes
stretches alnng the.floor. A closer Wok reveals that the tube enter by use of the transporters.)
is ElangatedMan. H eis unconsci.ous and his tweathingis Kristin and Infinity will stay invisible and attack the
shallow. You can see 1W ane else in the room. heroes as they enter the satellite through the transporter
tube on Level A. Kristin will use her Vampirism Power,
and Infmity will use her Magic Blast for two phases. Then
they will teleport down to the Tech Level (Level C) and
warn the others.
Kristin will use Power Drain on Flash, absorbing his
Superspeed. If this is successful, she will attack him with
her Vampirism. Then she will go after Zatanna with the
same tactics, absorbing her Lightning.
Blackstorm will use Energy Absorption and Bio-Energy
Blasts against Green Lantern, then go after Firestorm
with the same tactics.
Infinity willl use Magic Blast against Aquaman, Super-
man and Zatanna. See the special section concerning
Superman and Magic, this page.
On Level C, Kristin will fight from the hallway leading
into the Bio-Lab, Infinity will make her stand in the hall-
(I ........ ~------
way leading to the Chemistry Lab, and Blackstorm will This is to clarify Superman's vulnerability to magic.
guard the hallway leading to the Tech Lab, where Techni- Magic is defined as any Mystically based Power, inclu-
cian is working. They will do their best to hold the heroes ding those in Mystic Objects and Powers which are
in the elevator area. They will give no clue to which area bought with Mystic Link. Superman is treated like a
they are guarding, but will teleport to the Tech Lab hall- normal human being when dealing with Mystical Pow-
way if the heroes make a push in that direction. ers. A Magic Blast can kill Superman.
Also, if one of the Enforcers should fall, the other two To reflect this vulnerability in game play, all of Su-
will teleport to guard the Tech Lab hallway. perman's abilities are reduced to 4 when dealing with
If it appears that the heroes will get through to the Tech magic. However, to keep record-keeping simple, dam-
Lab, Maniac will use his Density Increase Power and de- age against Superman is taken against his normal Cur-
f end Technician. To do this, Maniac will use up all of his rent Attributes, but with the following conditions:
Hero Points, if necessary.
1. Damage from magical attacks on Mystical Attri-
Ifit appears that Maniac will lose, Technician will fire at
butes is deducted normally.
random characters with his Krypt-Kicker and teleport
back to Enforcer Headquarters. The others, if concious, 2. If Superman takes 4 or less APs of damage from
will do teleport there as well. magical attacks, the damage is subtracted from the
At the beginning of phase 10, Technician will have the appropriate Current Resistance Attribute, in the same
Transmatter Cube disconnected. He will teleport himself manner as if it was a normal attack
back to Enforcers Headquarters and begin to set up the 3. If Superman takes 5 to 7 APs of damage from
cube. magical attacks on Physical or Mental Attributes, the
If any of the other Enforcers is conscious, he/ she will Current Attribute, unless already negative, is reduced
teleport down to their headquarters at the same time. The to -1 and Superman is unconscious. If the Current
unconscious Enforcers will be available for interrogation. Attribute is already negative, the Current Attribute is
(see Encounter 4 for details). reduced to the negative of the Resistance Attribute.
Each time that an Enforcer teleports, tell the players 4. If Superman takes 8 or more APs of damage from
that he has touched the golden bracelet before he magical attacks on Physical or Mental Attributes, the
vanished. Current Attribute is reduced to the negative of the
If the heroes are able to beat the Enforcers and stop Resistance Attribute.
Technician before he disappears with the Transmatter
Cube, go to Endgame. 5. Killing Combat. If a magical attack is in Killing
If the villains are able to vanish with the Transmatter Combat, fU'St subtract the damage from the Current
Cube, go to Encounter 4. Attribute. If the Current Attribute is reduced below the
If the Enforcers do not succeed in getting the Trans- negative of the Resistance Attribute, then Superman is
matter Cube and escape, they will make a second attempt dead. The player can first try to recover APs through
(and third, if necessary) about 2D10 + 6 hours later. the use ofSuperman's Invulnerability Power, but in this
In the interim, the Player Characters might want to try phase only, the Invulnerability Power is reduced to 4
to locate the villains through whatever means are availa- APs.
ble to them (see Encounter 4 for details). Additional Notes Concerning Supenna.n's Vulnera·
When the second attack occurs, all of the Enforcers will bllity to Magic:
appear on Deck C. Everyone, with the exception of Tech- When Superman is confronted with magically crea-
nician, will attempt to isolate the deck from the rest of the ted objects, his abilities are reduced to 4. For instance,
satellite. He will then need 9 phases to remove the Trans- Superman can use his Supers peed to vibrate through a
matter Cube before it can be transported to the Villains' brick wall. However, he would not be able to vibrate
Headquarters. With a concentrated effort, the Enforcers through a brick wall (BODYof8) created using a Mystic
should be able to pull off the heist. Link-acquired Matter Manipulation Power.
If the heroes capture Technician, the other Enforcers The abilities ofSupennan's Uniform are also reduced
will return to the satellite to try to rescue him exactly 24 to 4 when dealing with magic.
hours ( 15 APs) later.

S.T.A.R. Lab locations, and one unauthorized location
within the city limits of Novato, California.
If the Players do not think of using their equipment to
do this, then Dr. Steuben could remind them that they
have the necessary equipment.

GM Information I
The above Player's Information is from an Earth-One
standpoint, as the Players have no way of knowing that
the villains are from Earth-Two, or that the real plan is to
invade Earth-One. Still, it is reason enough for the heroes
to take immediate action.
If the heroes get the information out of the captured
Enforcer(s) or they follow the Kryptonite emanations,

Setup I
they will be lead directly to the villains' hideout.
This Encounter leads directly into Encounter 5.
If the heroes are not able to beat and capture the
Enforcers in Encounter 3, the Enforcers will go to their I :JI Players' Information I
headquarters and begin to set up the Transmatter Cube. Yau have t.ofind the 1ransmatter Oube. {f you do Mt, a
In this encounter, the Players will have to role play to group of villains will have access ro an unsuspecting
discover where the villains' hideout is. Earth-Tu'O.
If the heroes were able to capture one ofthe Enforcers
in the last encounter, they will be able to Interrogate that
person for further information.
If not, they will get a call from Erik Steuben, Director of If the Players are still unable to fmd the villains' hideout,
the S.T.A.R. Lab Cryogenic Research Center in Novato, there will be a warning light on the monitor, indicating
California (see Dr. Steuben's character description in the that there is a large explosion in the city of Novato,
Non Player Character section). He will tell them that a California.
number ofKryptonite fuel blocks have been stolen from Because of the power surge in the system when the
their safe. The lab has enough left for normal operations, Kryptonite power rods were installed, the Krypt-Kicker
but they feel that Superman should be warned. Howitzers in the villains' headquarters fired off one quick
To find the Kryptonite, a spectroscopic examination of blast, which destroyed four nearby warehouses.
the earth will reveal the present location of all deposito- The Enforcers will be inside the headquarters, waiting
ries of Kryptonite: the Fortress of Solitude, various for the heroes to show up (see Encounter 5 for details).
- ..
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Encounter Five: Assault on
Squad Omega
lJ Setup I
The villains will try to hook up and activate the Trans-
This is a gadget created by Technician that mimics the
Heat VlSion Power. Since it is powered by Kryptonite, if it
is used against Superman, there will be a +2 Column Shift
on Superman's Resistance Value.
matter Cube. They will succeed 8 phases after the heroes Note: As the Krypt-Kicker is in the form of a gun, the
arrive. If the heroes miss their deadline, go to Endgame. higher of the two Dexterities, the DEX of the gun and the
If the heroes fight the villains, the villains will use the DEX of the user, is used as the Acting Value, and the
same ploy as on the satellite-half of them will do their Power is used as the Effect Value.
best to keep the heroes away from Technician, while the There are four Krypt-Kickers in the hanger deck, con-
other half will staywith him as he hooks up the Transmat- trolled by the computer, and giving them a DEX Value of
ter Cube. 15.
The Enforcers will try to battle the Justice League out-
GM Information side the Enforcers' Headquarters, where there is more
room to maneuver and can make optimum use of the
The walls have a BODY of 25 and the doors, a BODY of Krypt-Kickers. The GM must use the characters to try to
15. distract the player characters a way from the warehouse.
Be aware that unless the Green Kryptonite is dealt with, Letting the Players think that the villains are escaping the
Superman's vulnerabilities will affect him as soon as he is Headquarters should be enough to get them to pursue
within 3 APs (80 ft) of the machine shop. without too much coaxing.
However, Superman had prepared for a possible theft If the heroes get inside the machine shop, they will see
of the Kryptonite. The Kryptonite that he has made avail- that Technician has nearly completed the generator and
able to S.T.A.R. Labs is unstable, requiring a Heat Vision of already has the Transmatter Cube connected to it Des-
20 to destroy it. He can do it easily- if he is able to get a troying this room will prevent the link-up between the two
clear line of s·ight to the Kryptonite. Earths, at least for the moment.
If the Justice Leaguers arrive at the Enforcers' Head-
quarters secretly, they will probably get the jump on the
villains. Technician will be found in the machine shop Troubleshootin
connecting the Transmatter Cube to the Kryptonite If Superman enters the Headquarters, he will imme-
generator. The other Enforcers will be found in the han- diately be affected by the Green Kryptonite (which is in
gar deck, manning the monitors in the computer room or the machine shop). Compute the damage to the Man of
recuperating in their own rooms. Steel caused by the Kryptonite. The structure ofthe build-
If the Justice League is spotted approaching the En- ing will provide no shielding to the Kryptonite. The height
forcers' Headquarters or if the Krypt-Kicker Howitzers of each floor is 1 AP (2 APs to the top floor).
have gone off by accident (see Troubleshooting in En- If the Enforcers cannot lure the Justice Leaguers away
counter 4), the remaining Enforcers, with the exception
from the workshop, they will retreat into this room for a
of Technician and one assistant, will be assembled in the final showdown with the J.L.A.
hangar deck and in the front hallway. If Technician escapes, he will be lost to the Justice
League and may eventually be able to construct another
Transmatter Cube, but this will not occur for quite some
time since he will have trouble acquiring parts. This would
be a good basis to start a campaign.

If Kristin or Infmity is still with the Enforcers, she (or

they) v.-ill use the Invisibility power and the same tactic as
in the satellite.
Technician and his assistant will remain in the Labora-
tory/ Workshop until Technician is done assembling the
Transmatter Cube.
Kl)'pt-Kicker Howitzer
{DEX: 15, Srn: 0, Boor. 15)
Uses: 10, Duration: 15, Heat Vision: 20
with good reason. This means that excessive use of force
against less powerful beings will indicate that the hero is
being played out of character. If the Player character is
routinely killing villains or breaking the law without re-
gard for the consequences, he is out of character. If they
use violence to obtain information, he is being played out
of character.
If any non-villain NPCs are killed during the course of
the adventure, the Player characters involved in the en-
counter are not entitled to the Standard Award for saving
innocent bystanders and are only given the Standard
Award for Participation.
If the Transmatter Cube is made operational and is not
destroyed or dismantled by the Justice League, then the
PCs are not g·rven the Standard Award for thwarting the
Consequences villains.
If things look pretty hopeless for the Enforcers, they If, by the adventure's end, the Transmatter Cube is
probably will not fight to the death. They would rather live destroyed, the Player characters are given the Standard
to fight another day when they are stronger. This is espe- Award for thwarting the villains.
ciaUy true ofTechnician. He holds the key to the Enforcers If the Transmatter Cube is recaptured by the Justice
getting back to their own Earth and is not about to jeo- League, rather than destroyed, the PCs are a warded one
pardize himself. He will surrender first. Standard Award for thwarting the villain and they will
If any of the Enforcers should escape, they will eventu- not have to rebuild the Transmatter Cube.
ally try to break their comrades out of prison and reform If the Transmatter Cube is destroyed, it will cost the
the villain group. They will eventually want to have their J .LA 250 Hero Points to rebuild it.
revenge, they will first concentrate on building a Trans-
matter Cube from the lrnowledge that Technician will
have gained.
The Standard Award
Since the Transmatter Cube will require components of The Standard Award for this adventure is 40 Hero
a very rare nature, the Justice League might become Points. The following is how the Standard A ward was
aware of the Enforcers' intentions if the thefts are ob- arr'rved at.
viously the work of a super-villai'n group. If Technician is Opposition: Equal ........................•..... 20
dead, the Enforcers still have a chance to get back to their Critical Points: None ...........................•. 0
own Earth ifthey can capture one of the Justice Leaguers Area of Consequence: International ............. 10
who knows how the Transmatter Cube was constructed
and force that character to build a new one. Hawlanan,
Green Lantern, and Superman are the only three Justice Standard Award ............................ 40 -
Severity: Perma:nentNonfatal ........... ......... 10

Leaguers who know how the Transmatter Cube is put

together. The Area of Consequence portion of the Standard
If the Justice League is defeated, the Enforcers will be Award is more than the usual a ward for an International
able to bridge the gap which separates Earth-! and Earth- area. The Cartel will clearly be able to penetrate and
2. Over the course of the next several months, the Crime control most of the criminal organizations ofEarth-1 and
Cartel will infiltrate Earth-! crime organizationsand gain thus will have world-wide consequences. On the other
positions of power. Eventually, if they are not discovered hand, the Crime Cartel's expansion will not be noticed,
and stopped by other heroes, they will control a majority except in economic stafistics. Thus while the impact of
of the crime syndicates on Earth-!. the Crime Cartel will be wor Id-wide and clearly more than
While the effect of this would not be widely lrnown, it just International, its effect will be moderated by its
secrecy. The award is adjusted accordingly.

will make things increasingly difficult for the heroes of
Earth-!. The Crime Cartel will always keep tabs on heroes . : ; r..../'-0_

and hope to learn their secret identities, using this infor-
mation to extort "favors." Of course, all of this will take a

lot of time, but the Crime Cartel is patient with its plans.
While only the GM canjudge whether or not the players
are role-playing their characters "in character" or not,
some general guidelines can be given. The Justice League
of America is called "The WorId's Mightiest Superheroes"
G. SECURITY SCALE: • - " " '



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Rear Access


SCALE: ........i D Q
1 CENTIMETER = 15 feet

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How A Note on t h e Module Ditliculty Rating System
Each module which Mayfair will publish will have a
estimate on the power of characters. This estimate will be
in a form stating, for example For (5-7) characters

to Use generated using (1000-2000) Hero Points. To determine

whether your characters will be powerful enough to use
the module, add up the number of Hero Points needed to
generate the Attributes, Powers, and Sldlls of the charac-

'This Book ter, including those Powers and Attributes in special

equipment that are unable to be purchased. The Batman ·
Option and Link Costs are ignored. Add the banked Hero
Points and the amount of Hero Points spent for equip-
ment and labs. Compare the Hero Point levels to the
This book is divided into four sections: GM's Introduc- bracket amounts given below. Ifthe average character in
tion, Characters, Places, and Encounters. In any of these your team falls within the bracket, the module will likely
sections, text in italics is to be read to the players. be a good challenge for them. Having several characters
Gamemaster's Introduction one or even two brackets below the stated bracket will be
The Gamemaster's Introduction provides the Game- all right if there are a couple characters above the
masterwith the background needed to !'Un the adventure. bracket.
This section contains information about the ma.jor
characters, both Player and Non-Player, involved in the
adventure. Heroes and villains which appear in the Game-
master's Manual only give Hero Points and information;
the basic abilities are the same as given in the Gamemas-
Brackets Typical Groups or characters
ter's Manual. In addition, the information which can be
obtained from each Non-Player character appears here.
Descriptions and maps pertaining to the encounters
are in this section. Brief descriptions including game sta- 250-500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beginning Level Characters
tistics are provided. 500-1000 ..................... The New Teen Titans
without Raven and Kid Flash
Encoun ters 1000-2000 ..................... The New Teen Titans
The DC Heroes Role Playing system is based on encoun- with Raven and Kid Flash
ters. That is, the players go from situation to situation 2000-4000 ......... Justice League without Superman
instead of location to location, as in other Role Playing 4000-8000 ............ Justice League with Superman
games. Each encounter is broken up into at least three 8000-16000 .......................... Wonder Woman
sections: Setup, Players Information, and GM Informa- 16000+ ............................... Superman
tion. Sometimes, when necessary, there will also be Trou-
bleshooting and Rules sections to help the GM run the

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