Jolly Phonics Stage 1 Checklist
Jolly Phonics Stage 1 Checklist
Jolly Phonics Stage 1 Checklist
s ck g
a e o
t h u
i r l
p m f
n d b
Blends regular 2/3 letter words e.g. net, fun, hop, leg.
Writes 2/3 letter words from dictation e.g. tap, hen, bin, fog.
s i c h d
a t p n k e r m g o
u b
a big dog a red robin a bad fog a hot pig a bad rat a sad end a damp rag a pink hat a rip in a tent a cat jumps
a sad cat a big nest a top hat a soft lap a big tent a red sunset a bad cut a tent peg a red hen a cross dad
Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________ Class: _________ DOB: _________
Group 4 Group 5
ai z
j w
oa ng
ie v
ee oo
Blends regular words using new letter sounds e.g. brain, loaf, hook. Blends words with consonant blends and double sounds e.g. spill, keep.
Writes regular words from dictation using new letter sounds e.g. toad, soon, creep. Writes regular consonant blend words e.g. twin, flip, snag, sleet, lump.
to do are all
ai j oa ie ee or z w ng v oo
I the he she me we
bl gl fr tr
cl pl
fl sl
br cr dr gr pr sc sm
fizz well
velvet vent
dress plum strap black club truck crisp from step brick
a man swimming a floating log a soft plum a red lipstick a good dentist a black belt a green lollipop a strong man a frog on a log a mess in his bedroom
a good rest a steep hill a deep sleep a bent fork a bad storm a strong fort a timid deer a golf club a snail trail a good clock
an odd sock a felt rabbit a splendid picnic a spring wedding a black dustbin a long broom a sweet smell a big fuss a bent rail a good goal a torn jacket
a long pigtail a pink frock a paid bill a sad loss an oak tree a wet cobweb a sudden storm a red robin a black belt a black coffee a big load
The boat hit a rock and sank. He went on a long road to the zoo. We all went to Spain. It was good to see him run up the hill. I do not wish to get stuck on the rocks. It was a good wedding. I was painting this morning. He is keen to get the job. I must not miss the bus. She bangs the big drum
We feed the hens on the farm. The oak tree fell on the goat. The zip on his jumper was stuck. His bedroom is a mess. Mum drinks coffee. The snail has left a trail. She felt sick on the bus. This is a good book. It was cool in the pool. I will bring the eggs in the morning. He swept the mud off the steps.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
feel job pain die sort coat nail load beef paint corn lie toast feed storm drain hoop twin train sting vest wing zoom float
1. for 2. moan 3. beep 4. rail 5. free 6. jump 7. bed 8. fail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. zip web song van foot wag good roof woof room sweet weed stain food sing zoo
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
jeep horn road hail boat tie see or bang win zigzag went green swing boot vet bring sleep groan jog snail strong wait spoon
Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________ Class: _________ DOB: _________
Group 6 Group 7
y qu
x ou
ch oi
sh ue
th er
Blends regular words using new letter sounds e.g. cheek, loud, this, shell, shark.
Writes words from dictation using new letter sounds e.g. chap, shut, sister, start.
Tricky words 13 24
Reads correctly
Tricky words 1 - 12
Spells correctly
there they go no so my
I the he she me we
Capital letters
y sh ou er
x ch th qu oi ue ar
there they go no so my
yes six
yelp box
yet wax
yak fox
yam next
yell exit
quilt fuel
sprout flour
Stage 3, Question sentences 1 using tricky words 1-10 and the 42 letter sounds
Can a helicopter land on a ship? Is milk red? Can a box chatter? Do cats bark? Can a lamp stand up? Do bees buzz? Can a cat do sums? Is a slug pink? Do ants buzz? Is a bee strong? Do pigs cluck?
Stage 3, Question sentences 2 using tricky words 1-10 and the 42 letter sounds
Can a ship sink? Is the sun cold? Do sharks sleep in a bed? Can chips jump? Is the number six bigger than three? Do chicks grunt? Has a rabbit got a long tail? Are sprouts green? Can a man lift a truck? Is milk a liquid?
Stage 3, Dictation Sheet 1 suitable words using Groups 1-7 letter sounds
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
rash yet with such thin fox chat then hush six teeth chimp ship this cloth much part clever oil round rescue under charm cloud
1. rich 2. dish 3. thing 4. box 5. mash 6. lunch 7. yap 8. pinch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. quiz loud join due her car shout never couch sharp ever ground squint monster smart sprouts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. jar 2. boil 3. mouth 4. silver 5. card 6. queen 7. yard 8. count 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. found toaster coin painter start point march bumper
Name: ________________________________ Date: _______________________ Class: _________ DOB: _________
y(funny) i-e
a-e o-e
e-e u-e
Blends words using new letter sounds y (funny), a - e, e - e, i - e, o - e, u e, eg. daddy, late, cone.
Writes sentences from dictation using 42 letter sounds and the tricky words 1-24 e.g. They ran to the shop.
Tricky words 25 36
Reads correctly
Tricky words 13 - 24
Spells correctly
there they go no so my
Capital letters
Knows the letter names of the capital letters
dizzy handy bunny soggy skinny grubby body jelly pity ugly spotty copy
spooky greedy soapy sleepy frosty sticky grumpy noisy family hanky story clumsy
game here
pale like
shave prize those globe home date quite lake fire ate wire time save joke hose woke nose life
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 1 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
The little old man felt dizzy. You can go when it is not so foggy. The toad is ugly, but he likes me to feed him. What makes you feel happy? It is a shame that there are no cakes left. Do you shave? What date is it? We like to have a merry time. The sun shines a little bit.
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 2 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
I am sorry, but you are too late for supper. Our puppy kept digging up his old bone. I like to have a story at bedtime. My granny has a spotty nose. My family made a big bonfire. They only use a spade to dig the big hole. The flag has only three wide stripes. Granny made some homemade jam. What size are you?
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 3 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
You can invite some friends to your party. You can ride your bike down that dusty road. What is down that hole? You can go on the little road by the lake. One day I hope my dog will win a prize. They went by plane to Spain. We live in a rusty caravan. I can take one dog to the farm.
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 4 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
Can we have a story? We like to have yummy food on our picnic. He felt dizzy when he span round and round. My daddy is funny when he takes us out. He said that you can have some cake. It is silly to take your bike down there. Give the floppy hat to your granny.
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 5 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
It is rocky by the mountain. One lorry got stuck in the mud. Is your dog greedy? They like to have cherry pie at dinnertime. She is only a little bit sleepy. They only had a short story. I like to wait in the bus shelter. You can give some grapes to the little old man. He made a den with some big cube boxes.
Stage 4, Sentences for reading 6 Sentences use Stages 1-4 letter sounds and tricky words 1-36
My granny is going to have a party. When will you make the bonfire? My name is Pete. These games are good fun. What a funny bunny, said Gran. It was a mistake to take only a jacket. Down in the cave they found some insects. We can give the dog a run this evening. Come outside and have some fun.
1. They are to come in here soon. 2. Tom said that it was bad. 3. They wish to do it.
1. Here is the best book. 2. There is an ant in this drink. 3. There is a good plug in your sink.
1. Some rats ran under the shed. 2. Can you come to the quiz? 3. All the liquid ran on to the bench.
1. Your quilt is a bit big. 2. Here is the next bus stop. 3. There are ten hens in this shed.
1. They are starting to march to the park. 2. There are some frogs in the mud. 3. You must all stand at the bus stop.
1. There are some crabs on the sand. 2. We all had some good food at the pub. 3. They stood on the bench to look at the fox. 1. You must bring the ring with you. 2. She hung up all your vests. 3. Can your dad dig this trench?
1. Here is the tooth that he lost. 2. We said it was a good toothbrush. 3. The sink in here is pink.
1. They all ran to the next shop. 2. My bed is long and hard. 3. The plan was to help you cut some wood.
1. There is a trip to the zoo soon. 2. Do you think you can fix it? 3. I think some sprouts are bad.
1. Your dog must come here. 2. They got some jam from the shop. 3. I think your pen has a sharp point.
1. Some pets can come with us. 2. She said it was hot in the bedroom. 3. They think it was a good job that he went to help at the club.
1. They paid for your jam. 2. There are three dogs in the yard. 3. They cut up all your wood.
1. There was a silver ring in the box. 2. Your dad can come with us. 3. It is so good to sleep in a soft bed.
1. He said that they can come to the zoo. 2. You must all jump into the pool. 3. She said she was good at painting.
1. We are going to see the rich man. 2. Do come with us to the pub for lunch. 3. There was a bad crash on the main road. 1. We said that the chain was strong. 2. Here comes the train. 3. Your dog is hot.
1. We sleep in here. 2. They said he was good at singing. 3. Can you come and fix my shelf?
1. The dog lost his tail. 2. We go on this road to the coast. 3. They found a rat in the loft.
1. You can bring your chums on the run. 2. There are seven sheep in this pen. 3. They jump in the sandpit.
1. You can go next. 2. Here is a quilt for the bed. 3. Bring the string here.
1. Come and sit on the log. 2. They said it was free to go in. 3. He said it was raining this morning.
1. You can sail your boat on the pond. 2. They said it was hard. 3. Go to the bank in the main street.
1. Your cat is in a bad mood. 2. Here comes the queen in her coach. 3. Your teeth are bad so you must go to the dentist.
Name: ________________________________ Date: _______________________ Class: _________ DOB: _________
ay ir
ea (eat) ur
igh au
y (my) aw
ow (snow) ow (cow)
ew al
Blends words using letter sounds
ay, ea (eat), igh, y (my), ow (snow), ew ir, ur, au, aw, al, oy, ow (cow)
Writes sentences from dictation using 42 letter sounds and the tricky words 1-48
Tricky words 37 60
Reads correctly
Tricky words 25 - 48
Spells correctly
why where who which any many saw put could should would right
more before other were because want two four goes does made their
one by like have live give why where who which any many
only old little down what when more before other were because want
ea ay ir aw
y ew ur al
ow igh au oy
cheap stream
blew girl
chew enjoy
haunt crown
throw shadow yellow elbow pillow follow bow lower bowl threw bird
church shirt
first enjoy brown yogurt dirty prawn third lawn walk jaw shower stir yawn
hall powder
twirl yogurt purr straw thaw prawn claw frown shower tower jigsaw turnip dirty oyster bunk call pew growl
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 1 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-48
Why was the tortoise so slow? Who wants to drive a bus down a narrow road? Have you seen seagulls at the seaside before now? The goats want a drink because they are thirsty. We use the railway when we go on holiday because it is quick. In which year were you born? There was a storm in the night and lightning struck the tree in our garden.
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 2 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-48
You must put on your seatbelt because it will keep you safe. Which way is it to the beach? The steam burnt his arm because it was so hot. The ants were underneath the stone. The boy threw the pillow off his bed because he was being naughty. Who wants to go to the beach? How many more days have we got before our holiday? Where did you see the funny clowns?
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 3 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-48
Who had a fright in the night? Now she has no more chalk on her skirt. Stop the traffic because there are sheep on the road. They want to go to the seaside because it is a sunny day. How many children want to make a snowman? Many boys and girls try to read every night because they like reading. He cannot go to the party because he is ill.
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 4 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-48
Have you any prawn sandwiches left? asked the boys. We were happy to draw or play with our jigsaw puzzles. How many balloons have burst? Which is the best way to get to the other church? asked the vicar. The snowman is thawing because the sun is shining. Look at this view before you go home. We must mend the hole in the playground before any more children get hurt.
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 5 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-48
We were pleased to get the prize for the tallest sunflower. Why were you late yesterday? It will not be long before you can go to church on your own. I want to feed the birds because they are hungry. The dog had dirty paws because it went in the mud. Are there any children who want to eat a hamburger? We must fix the leak before it rains again.
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 6 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-60
They would like it to snow so they can make a snowman. Are you going to have a party for their birthdays? Every year he goes to the seaside. I saw their sunflowers grow until they were six feet tall. The frost could soon thaw. It was not my fault that she could not come. He does like to eat yogurts. They had to fix two faulty wires.
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 7 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-60
She goes to the flower shop every Thursday. Is it right to feed the birds in winter? Their shower was leaking. We could go to our church club on Saturday. Suddenly, we saw smoke coming from our roof. What made you choose to go and live in that town? They should put on their boots in case it snows. Does he enjoy going for walks?
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 8 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-60
He keeps yawning a lot. Could he be tired? asked Grandad. This jigsaw could be difficult for me. Why does it snow? Who saw the boy go into the sweet shop? You should button up your coat in the winter. Her skirt could get torn if she goes near those prickles. Who made their beds for them? Would you go into that haunted church?
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 9 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-60
They should count all the way up to thirty. You can put your tee shirt on when you play football. Two plus two is four. Is that right? Would you like to come into town with me? Two girls are sunburnt because they lay in the sun for far too long. He does not want stew for his dinner. Does their hamster like to have straw to sleep on?
Stage 5, Sentences for reading 10 using Stages 1-5 letter sounds and tricky words 1-60
You saw him put the small bird back into its nest. I should be good at walking because I am strong. Only four boys like to eat meat with their chips. The bus is going to turn right now. Where did you put your other sock? How does a crab get into a seashell? Does the tide come quickly up the beach? What meaning does it have?
1. They like to see the cartoon. 2. They have a long green boat. 3. We go by bus to see my grandad.
1. When did you go to the dentist? 2. They can have this one if you like. 3. The little man bends down to get the coin.
1. They must get on the bus one-by-one. 2. It only sounds good to him. 3. There are only three fish left in the pond.
1. You can give the hamster some food. 2. When can we go to the coast? 3. Give the fish and chips to your sister.
1. I have to live in this hut. 2. We can go by coach to the zoo. 3. We can give the starfish to the zoo.
1. This one is sharper than that one. 2. When can you do this little job for me? 3. I like sweets for my lunch but they are not good for me..
1. We have blisters on our feet. 2. Bring a little string with you. 3. What ship did you see going down the river this morning?
1. We can go by bus to the little pool. 2. They must count them one-by-one. 3. I like to have fun on your swing.
1. This is the best one. 2. One sheep has got out and it is lost. 3. Next winter we can go and live in the south.
1. It is foolish to go by rail. 2. I only need to get some chips. 3. When did you get some little fish for your pond?
1. There was one test that was hard. 2. We like to sing some songs for them. 3. You go down to the left and round the corner to get to the shops.
1. I like to have toast with my mum. 2. Here is a little box you can have. 3. My goat is the one standing by that tree.
1. Where have you put your other vest? 2. I want to go because it is interesting. 3. Why are there no more boats on the river?
1. Are there many more bulbs to put in? 2. They were sad because the dog died. 3. She put her coat on before she went to the car.
1. Do we need any more food? 2. The other men got there before lunch. 3. We want you to saw some wood for Fred.
1. They want to have some sweets. 2. Which is the best road to go on? 3. Finish that job before you start on this one.
1. Who saw the man jump into the river? 2. The other coat is smarter. 3. We need the car soon because we want to get to the shops before they shut.
1. Where are the other jam pots? 2. It is not long before you are six. 3. What other cars were speeding on the road?
1. It is no good bringing more junk in here. 2. There are many deer at the zoo.
3. Are there any more seeds to put in the ground? 1. You can go because it is free. 2. Why were you wet? 3. The other tree is best because it has more plums on it.
1. Why did they go in the other street? 2. We want to sleep in the bunk beds. 3. Did the car crash because it hit a bump in the road?
1. Where is the bandstand? 2. Bring the ring here before it gets lost. 3. What are you going to do before you have to go to bed?
1. Are there many rats in the shed? 2. Which food must go in the cool box. 3. Do any more pets need to be seen by the vet?