ALL Yearly Scheme of Work Year 1 - Year 6 Sample 2010

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YR 1 Pg 1 of 12


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &!' (onsonants in the initial position. &e.g. cap, cat, clock ' &c' 0owels in the medial position &e.g. rat, mat, cat ' Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of monosylla!le words. (Refer to vocabulary list for the monosyllable words) S'eaking : 1ame the people and animals in the story. & e.g. mir, !en ' (ea)ing : 2aster letters of the alpha!et. & $ 3 4, in 5L$ ' Learn indi#idual letter sounds of the alpha!et. &reinforcement of consonant sounds in *.*.* &!' ' 6ecognise complete words. &e.g. good morning ' 6ead and learn the meaning of , ey words for each topic 7 theme &e.g. good, night, morning' Writing : Write letters of the alpha!et in clear and legi!le print 8 small letters & in 5L$ ' 8 com!ination of small and capital letters & in 5L$ ' (omplete missing letters in texts & e.g. 3 in a rhyme / "he c#t runs after the r#t that hides under the m#t . ' Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. & e.g. &ood morning ' S'eaking : ;i#e details a!out the people or animals of a story heard or read. (ea)ing : =dentify letter shapes !y their sounds &in 5L$' 6ead aloud the #owels and consonants in their initial position and say aloud their sounds 7c7 6ead and group words according to word families / the )at* family. &e.g. rat, cat, mat, fat ' Writing : (opy words and phrases in clear and legi!le print. &e.g. good morning, goodbye'

*rammar : 9.: &a' *.- )roper 1ouns e.g. mir, !en *.. ;ender 8 he, she -.* )ersonal )ronouns e.g. $, he, she 9. Su!ject80er! $greement e.g. %e sleeps..... <. Simple )resent "ense e.g. $ am....... 9.:&!' Suggested Sentence )atterns *. Exchange greetings (e.g. &ood 'orning, &ood (vening) +. =ntroducing >neself &e.g. $ am ....., 'y name is ...... ' Soun) S+!tem: ,.+ 0owels in medial position &e.g. rat, mat, cat ' ,.- (onsonants in initial position &e.g. cap, cat, clock '

Week : 1 to 4
Unit 1 : Hello Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and word stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm, and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. 4"1 &a' (opy correctly 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"$ )unctuate meaningfully. -.*.-.*.. -.*., *.+.*



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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 2 of 12


S'eaking : (hant rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 3 &i' "he ;ood 2orning Song &ii' "he (at and the 6at "al a!out the actions of the people and animals of a story heard or read. Li!tening : Listen to, identify and group 8 !. (onsonants in the initial position. c. 0owels in the. medial position. &e.g. rat, mat, cat ' Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy songs, rhymes and children?s songs. Writing : @se capital letters for the pronoun A=?.

,o : 2ono8sylla!le words / = am my name is he she good night cat the hello, morning, afternoon, mother, father, away, e#ening, good!ye /ora. ,a.ue!: 6efer to $ppendix * Writing ;uidelines for "ext!oo . *rammar : 9.: &a' *.* (ounta!le 1ouns &e.g. s%uares, circles' *.+ 1um!er *.- )roper 1ouns &e.g. 0iew 1ing, 'ikal' -., =nterrogati#e )ronouns &e.g. .hat is this , ' <.Simple )resent "ense &i' =t is a s%uare D. )ositi#e Statements &e.g. /es, it is. ' *:. 1egati#e Statements &e.g. -o, it is number 2'

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+ * + Week : % to 0
Unit # : 2a ing Briends Theme : World of Bamily and Briends Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and word stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm, and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"&" ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made.




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Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &a' 0owels in the initial position. & e.g. ant, apple ', &c' 0owels in the medial position &e.g. rat, mat, cat ' Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of monosylla!le words. (Refer to vocabulary list ) Listen to and understand the num!ers * 3 , &e.g. one 3 *' S'eaking : $s simple %uestions re%uiring Ces 7 1o replies. &e.g. $s this number + , -o' ;i#e one word replies when identifying or naming o!jects, plants, animals, etc. ;i#e replies pertaining to num!ers *8, &=dentifying, stating. e.g. .hat number is this ,' Exchange greetings &e.g. %ello, "hank you, /ou*re welcome ' (ea)ing : Learn indi#idual letter sounds of the alpha!et. Writing (opy legi!ly numerals *8*: in !oth num!er and word forms &in 5L$'. 2atch words to pictures Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words &- 3 . words in a sentence

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 3 of 12

#"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meanings through the use of contextual clues. 4"12-3 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"# 2atch words to linear and non8 linear representations / i. word to word ii. word to phrase iii. word to picture, sym!ol 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ )unctuate meaningfully.

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and understand all the words in the word list. Listen to and understand the num!ers 9 3 *:. S'eaking : $s %uestions pertaining to num!ers. &e.g. %ow many circles are there , ' ;i#e longer replies when identifying, naming o!jects, plants, animals, etc. ;i#e replies pertaining to num!ers 9 3 *: =dentifying, stating &e.g. $s it number ### , /es, it is. ' (ea)ing : 6ecognise and read aloud the num!ers 9 3 *: in its numeral and word forms. Writing : (opy words and phrases in clear and legi!le print. 2atch phrases to pictures &in 5L$'. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly & the $ndy $nt rhyme' S'eaking : $s AWH? %uestions to find out more information a!out identity, shape and colour. 6efute statements and gi#e the correct name or num!er &e.g. $s this number ###### , -o, it isn*t. $t is number ##### ' Writing : (onstruct simple sentences independently &- 3 . words in a sentence' !y loo ing at a picture. Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy songs, rhymes and children?s songs. (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. Writing : @se capital letters for 3 the names of people.

*rammar : 9.: &!' *. Exchanging ;reetings &e.g. %ello ' +. =ntroducing oneself &e.g. 'y name is4..., $ am 4.. ' -. "al ing a!out oneself. .. $s ing %uestions and gi#ing information 3 &i' What is your name E 2y name is ... ,. "o refute statements. Soun) S+!tem: ,.* 0owels in initial position &e.g. 7a7 /ant, apple ' ,o : one two three four fi#e six se#en eight nine ten s%uare rectangle triangle circle what than you you are welcome /ora. ,a.ue!: 6efer to $ppendix * Writing ;uidelines for text!oo / *.., *.9, *.D, -.+, -.-

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 5 of 12

[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 6 of 12

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*.-.* *...* *...+ +.*.+.-.+ +.,.* -...* -.F.* ..-.* Li!tening : Listen to and understand ey words in stories heard & 7en goes to bear school ' Listen to and learn the #oca!ulary of instructions. Listen to and follow one8word instructions. S'eaking : $s %uestions with correct intonation. ;i#e one word replies when identifying or naming o!jects, plants, animals, etc. 1ame the people, places, animals in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words in lists and la!els. 6ead simple poems and simple stories. Writing : (omplete missing letters in texts e.g. in shopping lists, furniture in#entories. Li!tening : Listen to and understand all the words in the word list. S'eaking : $s %uestions pertaining to num!ers. +.+.+ -...+ -.F.+ (ea)ing : 6ead aloud phrases &e.g. %e 8 0he has ....... ' 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : (omplete simple instructions and directions, description, rhymes, with the missing word&s' &with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures' Li!tening : Listen to and understand simple spo en phrases and sentences. Listen to and follow simple instructions. S'eaking : "al a!out the actions of the people and animals of a story heard or read. ;i#e simple instructions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand a simple paragraph of + 3 sentences. 6ead aloud sentences in signs, notices and simple stories. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read.

*rammar : ,.: &a' *.* (ounta!le 1ouns *.+ 1um!er &Singular7)lural' +. $rticles / a, an -.+ Gemonstrati#e )ronoun / this, that -., =nterrogati#e )ronoun ,. )repositions / in, at <. Simple )resent "ense / "his is *-. )unctuation 3 &i', &ii', &iii', &i#' and &#' Soun) S+!tem: 9.+ 0owels in medial position / 7o7 / 7ob, rob, shop and 7e7 / 7en, pen, ten ,o : classroom canteen field toilet office go ruler pen pencil !ag !oo play ta!le des s they li e

Week : 1& to 1$
Unit 4 : )laces =n 2y School Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1"4 Listen and follow simple instructions and directions accurately. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm, and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"&" ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meanings through the use of contextual clues. &"0 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate to one?s life &e.g. 7en goes to school'


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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 9 of 12

4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence.

Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy songs, rhymes and children?s songs & e.g. :ne two, how are you, and :ne flag, two flags, three flags, four ' (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing nat picture clues. Li!tening : Listen to and understand ey words in stories heard Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals & e.g. "his is 0iew 1ing*s family. 0he has two brothers and a sister. ' S'eaking : 1ame the people, places, animals in the story. Exchange greetings & e.g. &ood morning ' (ea)ing : 6ead and understand phrases !y matching simple phrases to pictures. & e.g. "his is 0iew 1ing*s family. ' 6ead aloud words in lists and la!els. Writing : 2atch words to pictures. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words &- 3 . words in a sentence'. Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions and answer simple AWh? %uestions on details & e.g. %ow many brothers do you have , ' Listen to and understand all the words in the word list. S'eaking : ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. "al a!out oneself & e.g. age, family mem!ers 3 $ am seven years old ' (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple sentences &-8, words' !y matching them to pictures. 6ead aloud phrases. Writing : 2atch phrase to pictures. 2atch words to signs. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts.

/ora. ,a.ue!: 6efer to $ppendix * Writing ;uidelines for text!oo . *rammar : ,.: &a' *.. ;ender & he, she ' +. $rticles

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Week : 11 to #4
Unit % : 2y Bamily Theme : World of Bamily and Briends Learning Out ome! : 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and se%uence. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meanings through the use of contextual clues. +.,.* +.<.* -.-.* -...* ..+.* ....*

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-.* )ersonal pronouns &=, he, she, you' -.+ Gemonstrati#e pronouns -.. )ossessi#e pronouns -., =nterrogati#e pronouns &e.g. .ho is she, ' .. (onjunctions & and ' 9. Su!ject8#er! agreement &e.g. %e has.... , 0he has .... ' <. Simple present tense &e.g. $ am seven years old ' F. Simple past tense &e.g. !umar*s family was in the park ' D. )ositi#e statements ,.: &!' +. "al ing a!out oneself.

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg ; of 12

Learning Out ome! : 4"# 2atch words to linear and non8 linear representations / i. word to word ii. word to phrase iii. word to picture, sym!ol 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : Listen to and understand simple spo en phrases and sentences. & e.g. $ have two brothers. ' S'eaking : 6ecite simple poems with expression and gestures. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals of a story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand a simple paragraph of + 3 sentences. 6ead aloud sentences in signs, notices and simple stories. Writing : 2atch words to other words. (onstruct simple sentences independently &-8. words in a sentence' !y loo ing at a picture. & e.g. %ow old are you , $ am #### years old. 8 %ow many sisters do you have , $ ########### . ' (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues

*rammar : .. $s ing %uestions and gi#ing information 3 &i', &ii', &iii' Soun) S+!tem: 9.- (onsonants in initial position & j 7 j 7 , m 7 m 7' ,o : !rother sister mother father man woman girl !oy we help this who he is my she ha#e old you years !ig our day next last /ora. ,a.ue!: 6efer to $ppendix * Writing ;uidelines for text!oo . *rammar : 9.: &a' ,. )repositions 9. Su!ject8#er! agreement <. Simple present tense F. Simple past tense D. )ositi#e statements *:. 1egati#e statements *+. Sentence types 3 Simple sentence *-. )unctuation




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* + Week : #1 to #4
Unit $ : Learning $!out Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and word stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and se%uence. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm, and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs.


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S'eaking : $s simple %uestions re%uiring Ces71o replies. ;i#e one8word replies when identifying, naming o!jects, plants, animals, etc. (ea)ing : Loo ing at pictures of a simple factual text. Writing : Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words &- 3 . words in a sentence'. Spell common sight words Li!tening : Listen to identify and group / &!' (onsonants in initial position. Listen to simple descriptions and answer simple AWh? %uestions on details. (ea)ing / 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions.

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 2 of 12

Learning Out ome! : #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"&" ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meanings through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"% Spell correctly and ta e dictation. 4"$ )unctuate meaningfully.

Writing : Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. Spell seen words &words gi#en to !e memorized' Li!tening : Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : (hant rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words correctly. $s AWh? %uestions to find out more information a!out identity, shape and colour. Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy songs, rhymes and children?s songs. (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. Writing : @se capital letters for 8 the pronoun A=? 8 the names of people, days of the wee , months of the year Li!tening : Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. Listen to simple short stories, fairy tales and respond 3 #er!ally, non8#er!ally. S'eaking : ;i#e non8#er!al response to the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and recognize words in word chains and other word games. 6ead simple poems and simple stories. 6ead and select a picture that will show what happens next. Writing : Write lists for #arious purposes.

Soun) S+!tem: ,.* 0owels in initial position & e.g. octopus, otter ' ,.+ 0owels in medial position & e.g. pin, !in ' ,.- (onsonants in initial position 8 p7p7, s7s7 & e.g. peas, se#en ' ,o : !lue green red yellow !elt cap dress shirt shoes soc s li e water /ora. ,a.ue!: 6efer to $ppendix * Writing ;uidelines for text!oo . *rammar : 9 &a' ,. )repositions **. )ositi#e %uestions and responses *+. Sentence types 8 Simple sentences 9 &!' F. "o answer simple %uestions Soun) S+!tem: ,.- (onsonants in initial position 8 7%7, 7z7, 7l7

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Week : #% to #0
Unit 1 : How Go = ;et "here Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and se%uence. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to pupil?s a!ility. #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language

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YR 1 Pg + of 12

[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 1< of 12

Learning Out ome! : #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"0 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate to one?s life. 4"12-3 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions and answer simple AWh? %uestions on details. (ea)ing : 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. Li!tening : Listen to stories and answer %uestions on details of people 7 animals in stories. (ea)ing : 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. Writing : (opy -8word sentences in clear and legi!le print. (omplete simple instructions and directions, description, rhymes, notices, stories with the missing word&s' &with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture'. S'eaking : State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. Writing : (onstruct simple sentences independently &-8. words in a sentence' !y loo ing at a picture. Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy songs, rhymes and children?s songs. Li!tening : Listen to and understand ey words in stories heard Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. S'eaking : 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes !y joining in with words and phrases. 1ame the people, places, animals in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead simple poems and simple stories. 6ead and select a picture that will show what happens next.

*rammar : *:. 1egati#e Statements **. )ositi#e %uestions and responses Soun) S+!tem: ,.- (onsonants in initial position 8 7 t 7, 7 d 7 ,o : 2onday "uesday Wednesday "hursday Briday Saturday Sunday today day yesterday tomorrow






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* + Week : && to &$

Unit 5 : Let?s Learn 2ore Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and se%uence.


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*rammar : 9 &a' 9. Su!ject8#er! agreement <. Simple present tense D. )ositi#e statements *:. 1egati#e statements

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 11 of 12

Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to pupil?s a!ility. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"0 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate to one?s life. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling in forms.

S'eaking : (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and understand simple spo en phrases and sentences. S'eaking : 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes with expression and gestures. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals in the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. Writing : (onstruct simple sentences independently &-8. words in a sentence' !y loo ing at a picture. Write simple sentences !ased on a picture with little guidance. Li!tening : Listen to simple short stories and !e a!le to say whether they li e or do not li e the story. S'eaking : State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and tell what will happen next in the story.

*rammar : **. )ositi#e %uestions and responses *-. )unctuation Soun) S+!tem: ,.- (onsonants 3 =nitial position 8 7 f 7, 7 # 7 ,o : arms legs all many /ora. ,a.ue!: )ro!lem sol#ing (reati#e and critical thin ing

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[email protected]

YR 1 Pg 12 of 12


Li!tening : Listen to simple short stories, fairy tales and respond 3 #er!ally, non8#er!ally. S'eaking : 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes !y joining in with words and phrases. (ea)ing : Loo ing at the pictures of a simple factual text. 6ead and select a picture that will show what happens next. Li!tening : Listen to simple short stories and !e a!le to say whether they li e or do not li e the story. S'eaking : (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to stories and answer %uestions on details of people 7 animals in stories. S'eaking : 6etell stories heard !efore. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals in the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. Writing : (onstruct simple sentences independently &-8. words in a sentence' !y loo ing at a picture. Write simple sentences !ased on a picture with little guidance. S'eaking : State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and tell what will happen next in the story.

*rammar : 9 &a' 9. Su!ject8#er! agreement <. Simple present tense D. )ositi#e statements *:. 1egati#e statements **. )ositi#e %uestions and responses *+. Sentence types 8 Simple sentence Soun) S+!tem: ,.- (onsonants 3 =nitial position / 7 l 7, 7 r 7, 7 m 7, 7 p 7, 7 ! 7. ,o : much many /ora. ,a.ue!: )ro!lem sol#ing (reati#e and critical thin ing

Week : &1 to &5

Unit 14 : Let @s )ut =t "ogether Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and se%uence. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to pupil?s a!ility. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meanings through the use of contextual clues. &"0 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate to one?s life. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling in forms.



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Yr 2 Pg 1 of 7

TOPIC JANUARY 2 Week 1 7 & 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Se.8 *.*.* *.*.+ *.*.*.+.+ +.*.+.+.* -.*.-.*.. -.*.< -.+.* -.-.+ -.,.* -.F.* ..*.+ ....* ....+

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat 8 a. =nitial !lends Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. $s simple %uestions re%uiring Ces 7 1o replies. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 3 a. =nitial !lends 6ead aloud words with 3 a. =nitial !lends. (ompare words for similar and different sounds. 6ecognise complete words. 6ead and understand simple sentences. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. (opy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. (omplete missing letters in texts. (omplete simple instructions and directions, descriptions rhymes and other texts with the missing word&s'. &With guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures'. Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of +8sylla!le words. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. )ronounce +8sylla!le words. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / a. =nitial !lends !. =nitial digraphs c. =nitial silent consonants d. Binal digraphs e. Long and short #owels f. Giphthongs 6ecognise complete words. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out people in the story. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. (opy phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. Write for a purpose 8 e.g. ma ing a list Write simple descriptions with little guidance.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / =nitial !lends *.* H!lI *.+ H!rI ;rammar / 8(ounta!le nouns 81um!er &singular and plural forms' J regular plurals &s, Kes '. 0oca!ulary / girl, !oy, man, woman. 2oral 0alues / Self8esteem

Sugge!te) To'i : A-out /e 2 Se.8 an) 8rien)! 3

2 Week 4 9 $ 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Se.8 *.+.* *.+.+ +.*.* +.*.. -.*.Sound System / =nitial !lends *.< Hg I *.F HgrI ;rammar / 8(onjunctions &and, or' 0oca!ulary / father, sister, !rother, mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, male, female. 2oral 0alues / 6espect Lo#e for oneself and others.

Sugge!te) To'i : /+ Fami.+ An) I -.+.* -.9.+ -.9.-.F.* -.F.+ -.F...*.+ ..F.* ..F.+

[email protected]

Cear + Pg 2 of 7

TOPIC 2 Week 1 7 5 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Se.8 *.*.* *.+.+.... +.<.* +.<.+ -.*., -...+ -.,.* -.F.* -.F.+ -.F...-.+ ..,.+ ..F.*.*.* *.*.+ *.+.+ *.,.. +.+.+.... -.*.+ Sugge!te) To'i : What 6a''ene) To)a+ -.*., -.+.* -.9.+ -.9.-.F.* -.F.+ ..*.+ ....2Week 1& 7 1%3 *.*.* Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.*.+ *.+.+ *...+ +.*.+.<.. -.*.-.*., -.+.* -.9.+ -.9.-.F.*

Sugge!te) To'i : /+ Frien)!

2Week 14 7 1#3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Se.8

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 3 !. =nitial digraphs. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 6etell stories heard !efore. Exchange greetings. =ntroduce oneself. 6ead aloud words with 8 &!' =nitial digraphs. 6ead aloud pronouncing correctly sentences in signs, notices, lists, la!els and simple texts. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. 6ead and understand simple poems and simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out people in the story. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. 2atch words to signs, pictures. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Listen to and repeat 3 &e' Long and short #owels. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to simple descriptions and recall details !y answering simple Awh? %uestions. $s Awh? %uestions to find out more information. 6etell stories heard !efore. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 8 &e' Long and short #owels. 6ead aloud words with the letters listed. 6ecognise complete words. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people in a story heard or read. (opy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. (omplete simple descriptions with missing words. Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 3 diphthongs. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and follow simple instructions. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. ;i#e simple instructions. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 8 &f' diphthongs. 6ead aloud words with 8 &f' diphthongs. 6ecognise complete words. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / =nitial digraphs / +.* HshI +.+ HchI ;rammar / Su!ject80er! $greement 0oca!ulary / remem!er, came, return, meet, friend, telephone, !oo , reading, spea . 2oral 0alues / 6espect. Lo#e for oneself and others. Sound System / 0owels 3 ..+ HeaI ..- H=I ;rammar / )ositi#e Statement 0oca!ulary / shop, mil , !read, !oo shop, groceries, par , field, ites, home. 2oral 0alues / 6espect. (are for others. Sound System / Giphthongs 3 ,.+ HowI

;rammar / Sentence "ypes / Simple Sentences

Sugge!te) To'i : Parent! Nee) Our 6e.'

0oca!ulary / mar et, customers, housewor , washing, watering, sweeping.

[email protected]


6ead and gi#e details a!out people in the stories

Cear + Pg 3 of 7

TOPIC 2Week 1& 7 1%3 = >ontinued from previous page. 2Week 1$ 7103 *.*.* Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *.+.+ *.+.+.*.* +.*.+.-.+ -.*., -...-.,.* -.<.* -.<.+ ..-.+ ..-.....+ 2Week 15 7#13 *.*.* Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.<.* *.<.+ +...+ +.... +.9.* -.*.-.*., -.F.* -.F.+ -.F...+.+ ..-.+ ..-...,.+ -.F.-.F.. ..+.+ ..F.-

SPECIFICATIONS 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. "ell why a person in a story is good or !ad. Write words and phrases in clear and legi!le print. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 8 &a' =nitial !lends. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and repeat simple rhymes, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. )ronounce +8sylla!le words. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. ;i#e short replies when naming o!ject, plants, animals, etc. 6ead aloud words with 8 &a' =nitial !lends. 6ead aloud poems and sentences in simple stories expressi#ely. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. Loo at pictures of a simple factual text L tal a!out them. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions. 2atch words to signs, pictures. 2atch words to other words. (omplete simple instructions and directions, descriptions rhymes and other texts with the missing word&s'. &With guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures'. Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 8 &a' =nitial !lends. Listen to simple short stories, fairy tales and respond non8 #er!ally. Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a!out the story. (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. 6etell stories heard !efore. ;i#e non8#er!al response to the story heard or read. Loo at letters and say aloud the 8 &a' =nitial !lends 6ead aloud words with the initial !lends. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out people in the stories. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. Write words and phrases in clear and legi!le print. 2atch words to signs, pictures. 2atch words to other words. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts.

TEAC6IN* POINTS 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for family.

Sound System / =nitial 5lends / 8 *.** HstI *.*+ Hs I ;rammar / $djecti#es of colours, shape and size. 0oca!ulary / small 3 !ig, asleep 8 awa e, !elow 8 a!o#e, !right 8 dar , %uiet 8 noisy, leaf, flower, seed, insect. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for the en#ironment. Sound System / =nitial 5lends / 8 *.D HplI *.*: HprI ;rammar / )repositions &of location and direction' 0oca!ulary / playing, sad, jumping, open, croa ing, pity, magician. 2oral 0alues / Self8confidence )oliteness

Sugge!te) To'i : I .ike 8.o:er!

Sugge!te) To'i : Fair+ Ta.e!

[email protected]

Cear + Pg 4 of 7

TOPIC 2Week ## 9 #43 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.*.* *.*.+ *.*.*.,.* +.*.. +.+.+.,.+ Sugge!te) To'i : Fruit! Are *oo) For U! +.9.+ -.*.-.*.< -.-.+ -.<.* ..+.+ ..-.+ ....-

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat diphthongs. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to and understand simple stories. (hant rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.. $s Awh? %uestions to find out more information a!out identity, size, shape and colour. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals in the story heard or read. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. Loo at letters and say aloud the following 8 diphthongs. (ompare words for similar and different sounds. 6ead and understand simple sentences. Loo at pictures of a simple factual text and tal a!out it. Write words and phrases in clear and legi!le print. 2atch words to pictures. (omplete simple descriptions with the missing words.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / Giphthongs 3 ,.* HouI ;rammar / )ositi#e %uestions and responses 0oca!ulary / #egeta!les, fruits, durian, ram!utan, ca!!age, long !eans, !anana, mangosteen, grow, healthy, orchard. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for the en#ironment.

2Week #% 9 #13 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *.*.* *.+.+ *.,.+.*.+ +.+.* +.-.* -.*.-.*.. -.*.< -.+.+ -.-.-.9.+ -.9.-.F.* -.F.+ -.F...*.* Listen to and repeat 8 &a' =nitial !lends. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 6epeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. $s simple %uestions re%uiring Ces 7 1o replies. 6esponding with Ces 7 1o replies. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 8 &a' =nitial !lends. 6ead aloud words with 8 &a' =nitial !lends. (ompare words for similar and different sounds. 6ead and learn the meanings of , ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand a simple paragraph. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. (opy letters of the alpha!et in clear and legi!le print / 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters (omplete missing letters in texts. Borm simple sentences !y arranging words. Sound System / =nitial !lends 8 *.- HclI *.. HcrI

Sugge!te) To'i : I Lo;e /+ Countr+

;rammar / $rticles &with singular sounds' / a, an, the

0oca!ulary / flag, parade, soldier, gardener, policeman, shop eeper, marching, saluting.

2oral 0alues / Lo#e for country.

....* ..,.*

[email protected]

Cear + Pg 5 of 7

TOPIC 2Week #0 7 &43 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *.*.* *.*.+ *.+.+ +.*.+ +.*.+.,.* -.*.Sugge!te) To'i : Pet Anima.! -.+.* -...* -...+ -.9.+ -.9.-.<.+ -.F.* -.F.+ ..-.+ ..,.* ..,.+ ..F.. 2Week &1 7 &&3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.*.* *.<.* *.<.+ +.+.Sugge!te) To'i : Fair+ Ta.e! +...+ +.,.+.9.+ -.*., -.,.* -.9.* -.F.* -.F.-.F.. ..*.+ ..-.+ ..,.-

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 8 &c' =nitial silent consonant. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 6epeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 8 &c' =nitial silent sounds 6ecognise complete words. 6ead aloud words and phrases. 6ead aloud pronouncing correctly sentences in simple texts. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. 6ead and understand simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. 2atch words to pictures. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. & - 3 . words in a sentence' (onstruct simple !y matching sentence parts. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 8 &d ' Binal digraphs. Listen to simple short stories, fairy tales and respond non8 #er!ally. Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a!out the story. $s Awh? %uestions to find out more information a!out identity, size, shape and colour. (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. 1ame the good L !ad characters L tal a little a!out them. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. 6ead aloud words with &d' Binal digraphs. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. 6ead and recognise words in word chains and other word games. 6ead and understand simple poems and simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. (opy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. 2atch words to signs, pictures. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / =nitial silent consonants 9.* Silent H I 9.+ Silent HhI

;rammar / 8 (apital letters 8 Bull Stop 8 Muestion mar

0oca!ulary / dog, cat, field, tiger, wolf, wild, tame, chic en, goat, cow, horse, crocodile, !uffalo.

2oral 0alues / Lo#e for animals. Sound System / Binal Gigraphs -.* HshI -.+ HchI

;rammar / Simple )resent "ense

0oca!ulary / young, old, stuc , peacoc , laugh, share, ind, golden, ing.

2oral 0alues / Self8confidence (ourageous

[email protected]

Cear + Pg 6 of 7

TOPIC 2Week &4 7 &$3 *.*.* Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : Anima.! In The Wi.) *.9.* +...* +...+ +...-.*.+ -.9.+ -.9.-.<.* -.<.+ ..+...*.*

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 8 &a ' =nitial !lends. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs and rhymes. 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes !y going in with words and phrases. (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes with expression and appropriate gestures. 2aster the letters of the alpha!et and rearrange words according to the second letter. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. Loo at pictures of a simple factual text and tal a!out them. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions. Write sentences in clear and legi!le print. (opy letters of the alpha!et in clear and legi!le print / 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and repeat simple rhymes, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs and rhymes. (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. 6ecite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes with expression and appropriate gestures. ;i#e non8#er!al response to the story heard or read. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. 6ead aloud poems and sentences in simple stories, expressi#ely. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture clues. 6ead and recognise words in word chains or other word games. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. 6ead and understand simple poems and simple stories !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in a story heard or read. Write simple descriptions with guidance. (onstruct simple sentences independently !y loo ing at the picture.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / =nitial !lends *., HflI *.9 HfrI

;rammar / )ronouns

0oca!ulary / !utterfly, fish, horse, frog, land, water, mouse, eagles, !ea , claws

..,.* 2Week &1 7 &03 *.+.+ *.+.Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! Sugge!te) To'i : Fair+ Ta.e! *.9.* +...+ +...+.9.* +.9.+ -...-.,.* -.9.* -.9.+ -.9.-.F.* -.F.+ -.F...+.+ ..,.+

2oral 0alues / Lo#e for animals and the en#ironment. Sound System / Long 0owels 8 ... HeeI

;rammar / 1egati#e Statement

0oca!ulary / garden, house, castle, thum!, fan, flowers, trees, tele#ision, !ed, grass, children.

2oral 0alues / Briendliness Lo#e for oneself

[email protected]

Year 2 Pg 7 of 7

TOPIC 2Week &5 7 413 *.*.* Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *.*.+ *.-.+ *.-.+.-.+.-.. +.,.* +.9.+ -.*.-.+.* -.+.-.+.. -...* -.9.+ -.9.-.<.* -.<.+ ..*.+ ..+.+ ..,.+ ..,.-

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat #owels in their medial position 3 & e ' long and short #owels. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds Listen to and understand cardinal num!ers. Scope / ** 3 *, Listen to and understand cardinal num!ers. Scope / *9 3 +:. ;i#e replies pertaining to num!ers ** 3 *,. ;i#e longer replies when identifying, naming o!jects, plants, animals, etc. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds 8 &e' long and short #owels. 6ecognise complete words. 6ecognise and read aloud cardinal num!ers ** 3 *, in numeral and word forms. 6ecognise and read aloud 8 the num!ers *9 3 +: 8num!ers in tens up to +: in its numeral and word forms. 6ead aloud words and phrases. 6ead and group words according to categories. 6ecognise and ma e small words from !ig words. Loo at pictures of a simple factual text and tal a!out them. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions. (opy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. Write simple descriptions with guidance. (onstruct simple sentences independently !y loo ing at the picture. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / Long and short #owels ..* Hoo 7u/I ..+ HooI

Sugge!te) To'i : Farm Anima.! Are U!e8u.

;rammar / "he Simple )ast "ense

0oca!ulary / farm, calf, !utter cheese, eggs, mil , ra!!it, duc , meat

2oral 0alues / Lo#e for animals. Kindness

[email protected]


Year 3 Pg 1 of 9

-...* -...-

6ead aloud poems, stories and fa!les with expression. 6ead and understand simple poems, stories and fa!les. (omplete missing letters in words (onstruct simple sentence parts.

[email protected]

Year 3 Pg 2 of 9

TOPIC *.*.* 2 Week 1 7 5 3 *...* Theme : Wor.) o8 Per!ona. (e.ation!hi'! Sugge!te) To'i : (a<in=! Ne: 6ou!e *...+ +.+.* +.-.* +.<.* -.+.* -.+.+ -.9.* -.9.+ ..*.*

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and repeat 8 =nitial !lends =nitial digraphs Listen to and learn the #oca!ulary of instructions to do or ma e something and directions Listen to and follow simple instructions to do something or ma e something. $s simple %uestions. 6esponding to Awh? %uestions. "han ing people. 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words. 6ead and la!el parts. 6ead and group words according to categories. Write words with phrases and sentences in clear legi!le print 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters. (omplete missing letters in words. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. La!el parts. Spell seen words. @se %uestion mar s. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. (onstruct simple sentences independently. Listen to simple stories and fa!les and tell what the people and animals did in the story. Listen to simple stories and fa!les and retell the story. (omplete parts of the story heard or read !efore. 6etell stories read !efore. ;i#e details a!out the people and things of a story heard or read. 6ead and understand simple sentences. (omplete missing letters in words. Spell seen words.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / =nitial digraphs +.* HclI +.+ HcrI ;rammar / 8 $rticles &with singular sounds' a, an, the 8 )ronouns 8)reposition !eside, !etween, in front of, next to, into, at, opposite, !ehind 0oca!ulary / #ase, um!rella, sofa, sto#e, classmates, neigh!our, pillow, !athroom, 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for oneself. Sound System / =nitial Gigraphs +.* H!lI +.+ H!rI ;rammar / 8 )ersonal )ronouns 0oca!ulary / clap, cle#er, together, little, !lac , crystal, golden, etc. Sound System / +.* HflI +.+ HfrI ;rammar / 8)ossessi#e $djecti#es & my, his, her, your, our ' 0oca!ulary / 2onths in a year, present, !oth, party, !eautiful, parent, playground, !ought, a!out, room, etc.

..-.* ..-.+ ..+.+ ..,.* ..9.....* ....2 Week 5 9 14 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! To'i : The /i!!ing San):i h 2Week 11 9 1#3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge To'i : Su Anne=! >irth)a+ *.<.*.<.. +...+ +.... +.,.* -.-.+ ..-.* ..,.*

*.+.+ *.-.+ *.-..

*.-., +.-.+.-..

Listen to and repeat correctly phrases L expressions. Listen to and understand cardinal num!ers J Scope +* 3 +,. Listen to and understand cardinal num!ers J Scope +9 3 -: 8 num!ers in tens up to .: 8 when the num!ers are added, su!tracted and refuted Listen to and understand ordinal num!ers J Scope fourth to tenth &.th 8 *:th' ;i#e replies pertaining to num!ers +9 3 -: 8 num!ers in tens up to forty. 8 adding, su!tracting and refuting the num!ers. ;i#e replies pertaining to num!ers 3 Scope / Bourth 3 tenth &.th 3 *:th '

[email protected]

?ear & Pg 3 of 9

TOPIC 2Week 11 9 1#3 = >ontinued from previous page. -.*.. -.+.-...* -.+.* -.-.+ -...+ -.+.9 ..*.*

SPECIFICATIONS (ompare words for similar and different sound. 6ecognise and read aloud cardinal num!ers +* 3 +, in numeral and word forms. 6ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ead out and understand simple sentences. 6ead out correctly notices. 6ead and learn ordinal num!ersJ fourth to tenth & .th 3 *:th ' Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters 2atch phrases to pictures (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with little or no guidance '. Listen to and repeat / 8 short and long #owels 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple stories and ta!les and recall the names of animals in the story. Listen to simple stories and tell what the animals did in the story. $s simple AWh? %uestions. ;i#e details a!out the animals of a story heard or read. "al a!out the action of the animals in a story heard or read. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds a. short and long #owels !. diphthongs c. initial !lends d. final !lends 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ecognise and ma e word from other words. 6ead and understand simple poems, stories and ta!les. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of animals in a story heard or read. "ell why a person or animal in a story is good or !ad. Spell seen words. Write word phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. (onstruct simple sentences.

TEAC6IN* POINTS 2oral 0alues / 8 Lo#e for oneself 8 Lo#e for one another

..+.* ..-.+

..-.2Week 1& 71 43 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! Sugge!te) To'i : Three /onke+! *.*.*

Sound System / +.* HglI +.+ HgrI ;rammar / Su!ject80er! $greement & this, those, these, that ' 0oca!ulary / house, !uilds, !ric , cost, stic , little, etc. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for one another

*.*.+ *.<.+ *.<.+.*.* +.,.* +.,.+ -.*.* -.+.* -.9.-.D.* -.D.-.D.. ..,.*

[email protected]

?ear & Pg 4 of 9

TOPIC *.-.2Week 1% 7 1$3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *...+.+.* +.-.* +.*.. -.-...*.* ..-.* ..-.+ ..-.....2Week 11 9 103 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! Sugge!te) To'i : The (o-in An) The Cro: -.*.* *.*.*

SPECIFICATIONS Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spo en word. Listen to and follow simple directions. $s simple Awh? %uestions. 6esponding to AWh? %uestions. $s %uestions with correct intonation. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print. (omplete missing letters in words. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with little or no guidance '. (onstruct simple sentences. @se %uestion mar Listen and repeat / 8 short and long #owels 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends Listen to and identify different types of sounds. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. )ronounce words with the following sounds / 8 short and long #owels 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / 8 short and long #owels 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends 6ead and group words according to the word families, the Ast? and As ? families. 6ead and understand phrases 6ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at picture cues. 6ead and group words according to categories. 2atch phrases to pictures. 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the picture. Write words, phrases, sentences, in clear, legi!le print 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / +.* HplI +.+ HprI ;rammar / 8 (apital letters 8 Bull stops 8 Muestion mar 0oca!ulary / muffins, notice, ca e, hundred, least, !a e, !oo mar , etc. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for one self. Sound System / +.* HstI +.+ Hs I ;rammar / 8 )ronouns 8 )ersonal pronouns 0oca!ulary / pec s, paper, happily, e#erything, %uarrel, ro!in, etc. 2oral 0alue / Lo#e for animals.

Sugge!te) To'i : Canteen @a+

*.*.+ *.*.+.*.*

-.*.-.-.* -...* -.,.* -.9.+ ..+.* 2Week 15 9 #43 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : 6o: To *o To S hoo. -.+.* -.+.+ -.-.-.,.* ..*.*

Sound System / +.* Hs I +.+ HstI ;rammar / 8 (onjunctions & and, !ut, or '

[email protected]

Year 3 Pg 5 of 9

TOPIC 2Week 15 9 #43 = >ontinued from previous page. ..-.+ ......,.+ ..<...<.* 2Week #4 9 #%3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.*.+ *.-.* *.<.* *.<.+.*.* *.*.*

SPECIFICATIONS (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. (onstruct simple sentences independently. "a e dictation of seen sentences. Write short messages, instructions, directions and descriptions with little or no guidance. Write simple short messages, instructions, directions, with guidance. Listen to and repeat / 8 short and long #owel 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and understand ey words in stories heard. Listen to simple stories and respond non8#er!ally and #er!ally. Listen to simple stories and tell what people did in the story. )ronounce words with the following sounds / 8 short and long #owel 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard and read. 6ead aloud correctly picture announcements, messages, letters, stories and fa!les. 6ead aloud poems, stories and fa!les with expression. 6ead and group words according to categories. Locate the word in the dictionary. 6ead and understand simple poems, stories and fa!les. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of the people in a story heard or read. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple stories and fa!les and recall the names of people and animals in the stories. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals in a story heard and read. 6ead and understand phrases. 6ead and understand simple sentences. )ic out the words that show comparison. Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print / 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters

TEAC6IN* POINTS 0oca!ulary / motorcycle, lorry, helicopter, aeroplane, trishaw, !oat, !us, #an, taxi. 2oral 0alue / Lo#e for the en#ironment Sound System / +.* HstI +.+ Hs I ;rammar / 8 (onjunctions & and, or, !ut ' 0oca!ulary / !est, scary, mas , #est, !oast, toast, tas , wears. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for oneself

Sugge!te) To'i : Aa k An) The /agi >ean!

+.,.+ -...+ -...-.9.+ -.F.+ -.D.* -.D...<.+ 2Week #% 9 #$3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : Painting The 6ou!e *.*.+ *.<.+ +.*.. +.,.+ -.-.* -.-.+ -.9.. ..*.*

Sound System / +.* HshI +.+ HchI ;rammar / 8$djecti#es of colour, shape and size 0oca!ulary / thic , thin, fat, round, long, fast, small, short

[email protected]

?ear & Pg 6 of 9

TOPIC 2Week #% 9 #$3 = >ontinued from previous page. ..-.* ..-.+ ..+.* ....* ....2 Week #17#0 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! Sugge!te) To'i : The /ou!e)eer An) The Farmer *.-.*...+.*.*

SPECIFICATIONS (omplete missing letters in words. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. 2atch phrases to pictures. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. (onstruct simple sentences independently. Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spo en word. Listen to and follow simple directions. )ronounce words with the following sounds a. short and long #owels !. diphthongs c. initial !lends d. final !lends e. initial digraphs f. final digraphs g. silent letters )ronounce +8sylla!le words correctly. 6ead aloud poems, stories L fa!les with expressions. (omplete missing letters in words. Spell seen words. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Listen to and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spo en word. 6esponding to Awh? %uestions. 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ead and understand phrases. 6ead and understand simple sentences. Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print / 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters 2atch phrases to pictures. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentences. (onstruct simple sentences independently.


Sound System / +.* HshI +.+ HchI ;rammar / $djecti#es of colour shapes and size. 0oca!ulary / !ig, small, juicy, happy, scold

+.*.+ -.....-.* ..,.* ..<.+ *.-.+.-.* -.+.* -.-.* -.-.+ ..*.*

2Week #5 9 &43 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : Fun A ti;itie! To @o

Sound System / +.* HshI +.+ HchI ;rammar / 8 AWh? %uestions 8 )ositi#e %uestions and responses 0oca!ulary / s ates, !a es, paints, draw, feeds, catches, huge, plant. 2oral 0alue / Lo#e for one another

..+.* ..-.+ ....* ....+ ....-

[email protected]

Sugge!te) To'i : The >ig Tree

-.-.+ -.-.-.<.+ -.<.-

6ead and understand simple sentences. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y identifying details.. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y identifying main ideas.

?ear & Pg 7 of 9

0oca!ulary / root, shoot, food, !eat, leap, cheat, deep, meat, sheet.

[email protected]

?ear & Pg 8 of 9

TOPIC 2Week &# 9 &&3 = >ontinued from previous page. ..-.+ ....* ..,.+ 2Week &% 7 &$3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : *oing To To:n *.+.+ *.,.*.<.. +.+.* +.,.+ -.+.* -.+.+ -.-.-.<.+ ..-.+ ....+ ......,.* 2Week &1 9 &03 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge Sugge!te) To'i : >ui.)ing *.*.+ *.-.* +..*., +.... +.,.* +.9.+ -.*.+ -.*.-.+.+ -.<.+ ....* ......9.+

SPECIFICATIONS (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. "a e dictation of seen sentences. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to and understand simple factual texts. Listen to simple stories L fa!les and retell the story. $s simple Awh? %uestions. "al a!out the actions of the people and animals in a story heard or read. 6ecognise and read out words. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y identifying details. (omplete missing word in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions, rhymes, stories and other texts &with guidance in the form of words and pictures'. Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts. (onstruct simple sentences independently. Spell seen words. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and understand ey words in stories heard. (hant rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 6etell stories read !efore. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard or read. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. 6ead aloud words with letters listed. 6ead and group words according to the family Aow? or Aou?. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y identifying details. Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. (onstruct simple sentences independently. @se full stops at the end of a sentence.

TEAC6IN* POINTS 2oral 0alue / Lo#e for animals

Sound System / 0owel sound Aou? Aow? ;rammar / )repositions &of location and direction' 0oca!ulary / stadium, hospital, cinema, li!rary, post office. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for one?s country.

Sound System / 0owel sound Aou? Aow? ;rammar / )repositions 0oca!ulary / museum, !uilding, longhouse 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for one?s country.

[email protected]

?ear & Pg 9 of 9

TOPIC 2Week &5 9 443 Theme : Wor.) o8 Kno:.e)ge *.,.*.9.* +.+.* +.-.* -.+.* -.+.+ -.-.+ -.-.-.9.+ ..*.*

SPECIFICATIONS Listen to and understand simple factual texts. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs and rhymes. $s simple Awh? %uestions. 6esponding to Awh? %uestions. 6ecognise and read out whole words. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand simple sentences. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and group words according to categories. Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le print / 8 small letters 8 capital letters 8 com!ination of small and capital letters Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Listen to and repeat / 8 short and long #owel 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends 8 silent letters Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and group words according to same sounds. 6epeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / 8 short and long #owel 8 diphthongs 8 initial !lends 8 final !lends 8 initial digraphs 8 final digraphs 8 silent letters 6ead aloud words with the letters listed in -.*.* a!o#e. (ompare words for similar and different sounds. (onstruct simple sentences independently. Write simple descriptions with guidance.

TEAC6IN* POINTS Sound System / +.* H I +.* HhI ;rammar / Simple )resent "ense 0oca!ulary / teeth, claws, fur, trun s, nec , stripes, fierce, smell 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for animals Sound System / +.* H I +.* HhI ;rammar / Simple )ast "ense 0oca!ulary / nife, honest, heir, nee, noc , hour, sharp. 2oral 0alues / Lo#e for animals.

....* ..<.+ 2 Week 4474# 3 Theme : Wor.) o8 Storie! *.*.+ *.*.+.*.Sugge!te) To'i : The Cro: An) The FoB +.*.. -.*.* *.*.*

-.*.+ -.*.. ......<.+ 2 Week 4&74%3 Pre'aration o8 Fina. EBamination The Fina. EBamination

[email protected]


YR 4 Pg 1of 16


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &#ii' initial !lends &xi' word contractions S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly / &#ii' initial !lends &xi' word contractions (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud / &#ii' initial !lends &xi' word contractions 6ecognise simple words in texts. Writing : (opy letters of the alpha!et in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing 3 com!ination of small and capital letters. Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. S'eaking : "al a!out personal experiences. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with the letters listed in -.*.* Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. (ea)ing : (ompare words for similar and different sounds. Writing : 2atch words to other words. (omplete simple texts with the missing word&s'. @se full stop for initials and a!!re#iations.

*rammar : 9.: &a' 1" Noun! *.. (ommon 1ouns e.g. 8 !oy, girl, man, woman *., )roper 1ouns e.g. 8 $li, Si#a, (heng, =poh, Su!ang Naya, Sa!ah *.9 ;ender e.g. masculine 3 !oy, man feminine 3 girl, woman. &" Pronoun! -.* )ersonal )ronouns *9. )unctuation &i' (apital letters &ii' Bull stop Soun) S+!tem: ,. 1" Initia. >.en)! <.* tw7tw7 8 twist <.+ s 7s 7 8 s ate <.- sw7sw 3 swim 11" Wor) ontra tion! **.* All 3 =?ll **.+ Are 3 we?re **.- n?t 3 don?t ,o : colour white friends swim s ate s ip s ydi#e swing sway sway twist twiddle happy =?m they?ll we?ll =?#e it?s we?re don?t lady uncle niece goose gander peacoc peahen leopardess

Week : 1 to 4
Unit 1 : What do you li e E Theme : World of )ersonal 6elationship Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. 4"1 (opy correctly 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 )unctuate meaningfully. +.-.-.*.+.*.*


-.*.* -.+.* ..*.*



-.*.. ..-.......<.*

[email protected]

YR 4 Pg 2 of 16



/ora. ,a.ue!: ,C Lo#e for family Kindness (aring for animals )oliteness CCTS Gecision ma ing (ategorising 2emorising Self8esteem Spelling /I 0er!al 3 linguistic =nterpersonal 2usical Kinaesthetic L6TL Gictionary s ill

Week : % to 0
Unit # : Loo ing ;ood Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. *.-.+

*.*.* *.-.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &ii' final consonants Listen to ey words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding !y pointing to pictures. Listen to and understand cardinal num!ers / -: 3 .: S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly/ &ii' final consonants $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame or identify o!jects, parts of the !ody, etc. @nderstand num!er in stories and situations/ -: 8 .: (ea)ing : Loo at the letters and say aloud / &ii' final consonants 6ecognise and read aloud cardinal num!ers -: 3 .: in numeral and word forms. 6ead simple poems and simple stories. Writing : (opy letters of the alpha!et in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing. Write clearly and legi!ly numerals -: 3 ,: in !oth, num!er and word forms using cursi#e writing for word forms. Spell words that are gi#en to !e memorised.

*rammar : 9.: &a' 1" Noun! *.- 1um!er & Singular and )lural ' 5" Su-Ce t7;eragreement 14" Sim'.e Pre!ent Ten!e

+.*.* +.+.* +.-.* -.-.+

Soun) S+!tem: ,. #" Fina. on!onant! +.* l7l7 8 fall +.+ p7p7 8 lap +.- !7!7 8 scru! +.. t7t7 8 pat +., d7d7 8 !ad 1&" Stre!! i. Stress in compound words.

-.*.* -.+.-.D.* ..*.+ ..+.* ..9.*

[email protected]

YR 4 Pg 3 of 16

Learning Out ome! : #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"5 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate it to one?s life. 4"1 (opy correctly. 4"# Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#els in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"$ Spell correctly and ta e dictation.

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning !y matching them to pictures and the spo en word. Listen to and understand information !ased on cardinal num!ers / Scope 8 .: 3 ,: num!ers in tens 8 ,: 3 <: when the num!ers are added , su!tracted or refuted S'eaking : @nderstand num!ers / 8 .: 3 ,: 8 1um!ers in tens up to <:. 8 adding, su!tracting and refuting num!ers. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ecognise and read aloud / 8 the num!ers .: 3 ,: 8 num!ers in tens /,: 3 <: in its numeral and word forms. 6ead and understand simple sentences. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Write words and phrases in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing. $pply spelling rules to plurals / a' words ending in 3ss, 8sh, 8ch, 8x, add 3es !' words ending in f, change f to # O es Li!tening : Listen to and understand ordinal num!ers. Scope / *:th 3 *,th. S'eaking : ;i#e replies pertaining to ordinal num!ers/ *:th 3 *,th. (ea)ing : 6ead and learn ordinal num!ers. Writing : "a e dictation of paragraphs gi#en to !e learnt.

,o : clothes e#ery eyes head !andanna #est jeans snea ers glo#es singlet raincoat scarf s irts !oots nostrils wrist el!ow thigh an le nee morning much num!er second first ele#enth twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth fifty sixty se#enty thirty8one thirty8nine forty8four forty8eight come does goes round tries !rush com! /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C (leanliness "idiness Giligence 6esponsi!ility CCTS 2emorising Listing (lassification Spelling =nferencing )redicting /I 2usical Logical82athematical Kinaesthetic Spelling =nferencing )redicting

*.+.+ *.-.*.-..




-.-.+ -.D.+

..+.+ ..9.+



-.+.9 ..9.-

[email protected]

YR 4 Pg 5 of 16


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &#iii' final !lends Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. Listen to ey words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding !y pointing to pictures. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sound in words correctly/ &#iii' final !lends (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound/ &#iii' final !lends 6ead and understand phrases !y matching simple phrases to pictures. 6ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 6ead and group words according to alpha!etical order. 6ead simple poems and simple stories. Writing : (opy words in clear, neat, legi!le print for captions, la!els, etc. Li!tening : Listen to and follow simple instruction in preparing food. Listen to simple texts and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. Listen to simple stories and recall the story8 line !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. S'eaking : $s %uestions with the correct intonation. $s other forms of %uestions to see information. "o re%uest for specific o!jects when carrying out a tas . (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple sentences. 6ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing :

*rammar : 9.: &a' 1" Noun! *.* (ounta!le nouns *.+ @ncounta!le nouns &" Pronoun!

Week : 5 to 1#
Unit & : Healthy Li#ing Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"4 Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions accurately. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz chants and songs. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to the pupil?s a!ility. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words

*.*.* *.<.* *.-.*


-.+ Gemonstrati#e pronouns & refer to a noun ' -.- )ossessi#e adjecti#es 0" /o)a.! must ha#e to Soun) S+!tem: ,. 0" Fina. -.en)! F.* F.+ F.F.. F., n 7 P 7 8 drin lt 7 lt 7 8 felt mp 7 mp 7 8 camp ft 7 ft 7 8 left nd 7 nd 7 8 friend

-.*.* -.-.* -...* -.<.* -.D.* ..*.-

*...+ *.,.+ *.<.+

+.*.. +.+.+ +.<.+

-.-.+ -...+ -.D.+

,o : playing games drin sandcastle !ittergourd garlic ginger onions potato tomato pump in plums gua#a grapefruit pears honey melons mutton #enison sausages !eef spinach Brench !eans carton pac et pudding in#itation salad noodles oli#e lemon pepper peel ingredients grain nutritious !alanced greedy stomach ache head earache

[email protected]

on sight.


Write words and phrases in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing.

!ac ache


YR 4 Pg 6 of 16

Learning Out ome! : &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"1 @se the dictionary. &"5 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate it to one?s life. 4"1 (opy correctly

Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words &with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures'. Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se%uence of e#ents. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes and poems. Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words &with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture'.

,o : heart lungs !one muscle gymnastics /ora. ,a.ue!:

....+ ..F.+

*.+.*.,.. *.9.*

,C 2oderation Giligence Giscipline (leanliness CCTS Spelling 2emorising )redicting /I 0isual8spatial 2usical Kinaesthetic L6TL Gictionary s ill Se%uencing =nformation transfer

....4"# Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#els in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.

Week : 1& to 1$
Unit 4 : Story "ime Theme : World of Stories Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. *.9.* *.<.*

*.*.* *.-.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &i' initial #owels Listen to ey words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding !y pointing to pictures. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes and poems. Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to the pupil?s a!ility. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sound in words correctly 8 &i' initial #owels. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants !y completing phrases.

*rammar : 9.: &a' &" Pronoun! -.. =nterrogati#e )ronouns i. What ii. Who iii. Where i#. When #. Which #i. Why $" A)Ce ti;e! o8 o.ourD !ha'e an) !i<e" 9.* (omparati#e noun 9.+ Superlati#e form 11" The Siom'.e Pa!t Ten!e 1$" Pun tuation #. Exclamation mar

+.*.* +.+.* +...*

[email protected]

YR 4 Pg 9 of 16

Learning Out ome! : 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz chants and songs. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to the pupil?s a!ility. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"5 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate it to one?s life. 4"# Write at word, phrase, sentence

+.,.* S'eaking : "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound/ &i' initial #owels 6ead simple poems and simple stories. Writing : Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words &fi#e to six words in a sentence '. Li!tening : Listen to simple texts and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is a!out. Listen to simple stories and recall the story8 line !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. S'eaking : $s %uestions with the correct intonation. (omplete parts of a story heard !efore. "al a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. S'eaking : (hant rhymes, jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and !rea appropriate gestures. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tal a little a!out them. ;i#e reasons why one li es or does not li e the story.

Soun) S+!tem: ,. 1" Initia. ;o:e.! *.* a 7 Q 7 *.+ e 7 = 7 *.- e 7 R/ 7 *.. o 7 S 7 *., a 7 S 7 1&" Stre!! iii. Stress in %uestions i#. Stress in statements ,o : animals as ed found heard flew left opened ago trotted journey were why legends fol tales fa!les greedy crow haw eagle claws incident upset anger characters excitement surprise shoc happiness sadness tapir rhino !ullied entertain chiefs chew filed down strength her!s dye criminal condition ashamed furry !right8eyed comic leaping /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C Sharing Wor ing together Humility CCTS =nferencing

-.*.* -.D.* ..,.*

*.,.+ *.,.*.<.+

+.*.. +...+.,.+ +.9.+



+.*., +.... +.,.+.9.-

[email protected]

and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. i. word to word ii word to phrase iii. word to picture, sym!ol


(ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressi#ely.

)redicting /I Kinaesthetic 2usical

YR 4 Pg ; of 16

Learning Out ome! : 4"% (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

(ea)ing : 6ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressi#ely. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. Writing : Write sentences in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &i#' medial digraphs &#' final digraphs Listen to and repeat the pronunciations of and . sylla!le words. Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly / &i#' medial digraphs &#' final digraphs )ronounce -8sylla!le words. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / &i#' medial digraphs &#' final digraphs Writing : Write a message for a purpose. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to simple text and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases, expressions, and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. "al a!out personal experiences. (ea)ing : ;i#e words according to word categories.

/ora. ,a.ue!: L6TL Gictionary s ills )re8reading strategies Se%uencing



Week : 11 to #4
Unit % : ;etting (onnected Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole

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*rammar : 9.: &a' &" Pronoun! -.- )ossessi#e adjecti#es 8 my, his, Nohn?s 4" ConCun tion! !ecause, and, or Soun) S+!tem: ,.: 4" /e)ia. )igra'h! ..* ph 7f7 8 elephant ..+ ch 7 7 8 school ..- ir 7:/ - girl %" Fina. )igra'h! ,.* ph 7f7 8 photograph ,.+ ch 7 7 8 stomach 1&" Stre!! ii. Stress in - and .8 sylla!le words. ,o : communications telephone telegraph tele#ision wal man fax machine computer 5raille sign language printing press radio 2orse code internet satellite whisper facsimile microphone mouthpiece recei#er

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[email protected]

texts. ..,.+ Writing : Borm simple sentences !y matching sentence parts.

studio email jewels message !ecause application online

YR 4 Pg 2 of 16

Learning Out ome! : &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effect. 4"% (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se%uence of e#ents. S'eaking : (hant rhymes, jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. (ea)ing : Learn another fi#e ey words for each topic and use these ey words in sentences of one?s own. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs.

/ora. ,a.ue!: ,C 6esponsi!ility >!edience (autiousness Giscipline CCTS Spelling memorising Se%uencing =nferencing /I 0er!al8linguistic 0isual8spatial Logical8mathematical Kinaesthetic L6TL Gictionary s ill (ross referencing (ategorising =nformation transfer



-.+., 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms. -.-.-

Week : #1 to #4
Unit $ : Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"4 Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions accurately. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence.

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Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &ix' diphthongs &xii' word endings Listen to and understand simple instructions. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly 8 &ix' diphthongs &xii' word endings (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / &ix' diphthongs &xii' word endings 6ead and understand instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, recipes, passages and descriptions. Writing : Borm simple sentences and %uestions !y arranging words. &fi#e8six words in a sentence'.

*rammar : 9.: &a' 4" ConCun tion 8 so %" Pre'o!ition! 2 o8 .o ation an) )ire tion 3 8 across, along, against, amongst, next to, at the !ac of. Soun) S+!tem: ,. 5" @i'hthong! D.* ei 7eT 78 weigh D.+ ey 7 R/ 7 8 ey D.- oa 7UV 7 8 !oat D.. ow 7 UV 7 8 row D., ie 7 a= 7 8 pie 1#" Wor) en)ing! *+.. KKtion 8 station

-.*.* -.F.*


[email protected]

#"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately

,o : a!o#e across along around !elow !etween following near

YR 4 Pg + of 16

Learning Out ome! : #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effect. 4"& 2ach words to linear and non8 linear representations/ i. word to word ii word to phrase iii word to picture, sym!ol 4"4 (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"% (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Spell correctly and ta e dictation. 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

Li!tening : Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is a!out. S'eaking : $s %uestions with the correct intonation. (ea)ing : @nderstand words opposite in meaning. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to / 8 main ideas 8 details Writing : 2atch words to sign. (omplete simple instructions with the missing words & with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures '. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the neigh!ourhood. S'eaking : $s %uestions to see clarification on how to ma e things, on places, directions, and on amounts and %uantities. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures. "o respond to someone as ing for help. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. Gistinguish words that show action &#er!' and things, people, animals, etc &nouns' Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words &with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture'. (onstruct simple sentences independently &three to fi#e words' !y loo ing at a picture. "a e dictation of paragraphs gi#en to !e

,o : outside place right show start through under junction neigh dou!le8storey dome !arrac s minaret alien court house temple museum factory haw er centre car par supermar et air field transportation #ehicles tractor L6" helicopter aya canoe raft fuel jet aircraft hang8gliders gliders monorail con#enient su!marines ho#ercrafts occupations cler security guard typist station master lawyer magistrate manager firefighter island camp demonstration sleigh /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C (i#ic8consciousness 6esponsi!ility )oliteness >!edience (autiousness Giscipline CCTS Gecision ma ing Se%uencing Spelling )ro!lem sol#ing 2ind8mapping /I 0isual8spatial Kinaesthetic Logical8mathematical =nterpersonal 0er!al8linguistic L6TL


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[email protected]


learnt. Write simple description with picture cues.

Gictionary s ill Se%uencing =nformation transfer (ross referencing (ategorising

YR 4 Pg 1< of 16


*.*.* *.-.* Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &x' silent letters Listen to ey words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding !y pointing to pictures. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly / &x' silent letters "al a!out oneself to neigh!ours and friends. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / &x' silent letters 6ead and learn the meaning of fi#e ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and o!tain meaning !y ma ing reference to words within the text. Li!tening : Listen to simple texts and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. S'eaking : "al a!out personal experiences. (ea)ing : @nderstand words similar in meaning. Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words & with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures '. Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. Li!tening : Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se%uence of e#ents. S'eaking : "o as for help from neigh!ours and friends. (ea)ing : (ompare words for similar and different sounds. 6ead and distinguish homographs and homophones. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the

*rammar : 9.: &a' 1#" Po!iti;e !tatement! 1&" Negati;e !tatement! 14" Eue!tion! an) re!'on!e! Soun) S+!tem: ,. 14" Si.ent .etter! *:.* Silent At? 3 listen *:.+ Silent Aw? 3 wrist *:.- Silent Ah? 8 hour ,o : neigh!our neigh!ourhood next door two doors away friendly ind rac et guppies swordtails angel fish fris!ee horror sewing tennis court channel non8stop solo aching trained raised charity cancer mussel sports complex lean hare ser#ed mission ca!le car !allet wriggled heir throne /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C 6esponsi!ility "olerance )eace Harmony Kindness CCTS =nferencing =nformation transfer )redicting Word association /I

Week : #% to #0
Unit 1 : Li#ing =n Harmony Theme : World of )ersonal 6elationship Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English L. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greetings, ma ing introductions, in#iting people, etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopments. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se dictionary &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effect. 4"4 (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

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[email protected]

dictionary. ..F.Writing : Write simple description with picture cues.

=nterpersonal 0er!al8linguistic L6TL Gictionary s ill

YR 4 Pg 11 of 16


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &#i' dou!le consonants Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes and poems. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly / &#i' dou!le consonants $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame or identify o!jects, parts of the !ody, etc. ;i#e non8#er!al response to the story heard or read. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / &#i' dou!le consonants 6ead simple poems and simple stories. 6ead according to one?s interest. Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants !y completing whole lines. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read. (ea)ing : 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words &with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures'. Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds.

*rammar : 9.: &a' 1" A);er-! 11" Sim'.e 'a!t ten!e 1$" Pun tuation &#' Exclamation mar Soun) S+!tem: ,. $" @ou-.e on!onant! 9.* ll 7 l 7 8 till 9.+ pp 7 p 7 8 tapper 9.- rr 7 r 7 8 arrange 9.. tt 7 t 7 8 letter 9., dd 7 d 7 8 address 1#" Wor) en)ing *+.- KKKed 8 parted ,o : monster mystery choose !lur! title flip through selfish instructions giant spine author lo#ely sweetly notice !oard Spring Winter Summer $utumn !lossoms slip snow frost croa neigh!ours fence gate hum!le prince hunting !ra#e ind generous pro#e wise rolled supper narrow corridor horror terror terri!le !itter el#es shoema er wor room wor ta!le lace tongue lining

Week : #5 to &#
Unit 0 : 2ore Stories Theme : World of Stories Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz chants and songs. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to the pupil?s a!ility. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and +.+.+ +...+ +.9.+

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[email protected]

intonation and sentence rhythm.


Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a!out the story.

heel toe upper sole !oo re#iew re#iewer comments rating

YR 4 Pg 12 of 16

Learning Out ome! : &"5 6ead and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them !y tal ing a!out the people and moral #alues in the story 7 poem and relate it to one?s life. &"14 6ead widely and independently. 4"4 (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"% (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"0 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

S'eaking : (hant rhymes, jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 6etell stories heard !efore with expression. ;i#e reasons why one li es or does not li e the story. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressi#ely. 6ead and distinguish homographs and homophones. 6ead and understand cause and effect relationships. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. "ell why a person or animal in a story is good or !ad. Writing : (omplete simple instructions with the missing words &with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture'. (onstruct simple sentences independently &three to fi#e words' !y loo ing at a picture. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / &iii' initial digraphs Listen to ey words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding !y pointing to pictures. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words correctly / &iii' initial digraphs 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants !y completing phrases. (ea)ing : Loo at the letters and say aloud the following sounds / &iii' initial digraphs 6ecognise complete words in texts. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the words !efore and after. Li!tening : Listen to simple texts and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions.

/ora. ,a.ue!: ,C Kindness Giligence Lo#e Helpfulness CCTS 6easoning E#aluating Se%uencing =nferencing )red /I 0er!al8linguistic 2usical L6TL Gictionary s ill *rammar : 9.: &a' 4" ConCun tion! 8 and, !ut, !ecause 1%" Senten e t+'e! 8 simple sentence 8 compound sentence Soun) S+!tem: ,. &" Initia. )igra'h! -.* ph 7 f 7 8 photo -.+ ch 7 7 8 chemical -.- wh 7 w 7 8 white -.. wh 7 h 7 8 who ,o : sun rain snow cloud desert hot cold chilly wet

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Week : && to &%

Unit 5 : (ome 6ain or Shine Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made.

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[email protected]

#"4 "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems.


S'eaking : "al a!out personal experiences. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard or read.

rain!ow spring summer autumn winter misty cloudy water #apour droplets north south east

YR 4 Pg 13 of 16

Learning Out ome! : #"$ Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopments.

(ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to / 8 main ideas 8 details Li!tening : Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se%uence of e#ents. S'eaking : 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. Gistinguish words that show actions &#er!s' and things, people, animals, etc &nouns'. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and understand cause and effect relationships. Writing : Write sentences in clear and legi!le cursi#e writing. 2atch words to other words. (onstruct simple sentences independently &three to fi#e words' !y loo ing at a picture. "a e dictation of paragraphs gi#en to !e learnt. Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. Write simple descriptions with picture cues.

,o : west north8east south8west forecast aircraft meteorologist temperature stormy thunderstorm glossary drizzly o#ercast flood humid icy monsoon peninsular energy lightning weather#ane /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C En#ironmental awareness (ooperation 6esponsi!ility (i#ic8consciousness CCTS (ause and effect =nferencing )ro!lem sol#ing /I 0er!al8linguistic 1aturalist 2usical Kinaesthetic Logical8mathematical =nterpersonal =ntrapersonal L6TL Gictionary and thesaurus s ill =nformation transfer 2ind8mapping *rammar : 9.: &a' &"4 Interrogati;e Pronoun! i. What ii. Who



+.... &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"% 6ead and understand the meanings of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se dictionary &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effect. ..+...-...,...9...F.+ ..F.-.-.-.9.9 -.<.. -.<., -.F.,

Week : &$ to &0

Unit 14 : 2alaysia, 2y (ountry Theme : World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar +.*.*

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Li!tening : Listen to and repeat / word endings KKKest Listen to and enjoy children?s songs rhymes and poems. S'eaking : 6epeat the following sounds in words

[email protected]

and different sounds of the English Language. -.*.*

correctly/ word endings KKKest (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sounds / word endings KKKest

iii. i#. #. #i.

Where When Which Why

YR 4 Pg1 5 of 16

Learning Out ome! : 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poems, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effect.

(ea)ing : 6ead and o!tain meaning !y ma ing reference to words within the text. Writing : )ro#ide missing letters in words. Li!tening : Listen to simple texts and recall details !y answering simple AWh? %uestions. S'eaking : $s %uestions with the correct intonation. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to / 8 main ideas 8 details Writing : (omplete simple instructions recipes, descriptions, rhymes with the missing words &with guidance gi#en in the form of words and pictures'. (omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word&s'. Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. S'eaking : $s %uestions to see clarification on how to ma e things, on places, directions, and on amounts and %uantities. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressi#ely. Gistinguish words that show comparison / 8 er 8 est 8 es O than

*rammar : $"1 Com'arati;e Form Aer? e.g. tall8taller Aer? O than e.g. taller than 14" Sim'.e 're!ent ten!e &i' for ha!itual actions Soun) S+!tem: ,. 1#" Wor) en)ing! *+.* KKest e.g. smallest *+.+ KKer 1&" Stre!! iii. Stress in %uestions i#. Stress in statements ,o : repu!lic largest !igger stripes flag north8west south8east peninsular neigh!ours culture customs traditions languages compass ca#es nest sou#enirs plantation multi8racial harmony unity tolerance respect temple Hindus 5uddhists 2uslims contestant festi#al island tourists humid costume fence palms /ora. ,a.ue!: ,C @nity Li#ing in harmony "olerance )ride (i#ic8consciousness 6esponsi!ility (leanliness (ooperation




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[email protected]


Writing : (onstruct simple sentences independently &three to fi#e' !y loo ing at a picture.

CCTS Spelling =nferencing Gecision ma ing 2ind8mapping

YR 4 Pg 16 of 16



/I 0er!al8linguistic Logical8mathematical Kinaesthetic 2usical =nterpersonal =ntrapersonal L6TL Gictionary s ill Se%uencing =nformation transfer (ategorising

[email protected]


YR 5 / Pg 1 of 18


*.*.* *.+.* +.*.+ +.+.* -.*.* -.+.* -.-.* -.,.* Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &xi' word contractions Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of compound words correctly. S'eaking : )ronounce compound words correctly. $s HWh? %uestions to see information. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &xi' word contractions 6ecognise and read aloud compound words in texts. 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the words !efore and after Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with word contractions. 6ead and understand simple and compound sentences. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the words !efore and after. (om!ine words to form compound words. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing :

*rammar : -. )ronouns -.* )ersonal pronouns 8 $, you, he, she, we, they -.- )ossessi#e adjecti#es my book his shoes ?ohn*s bag 'aria*s car our books their books Soun) S+!tem: *: Word contractions *:.* )ll *:.+ )re *:.- n*t ,o : aunt !as et!all !edroom !eehi#e !irthday !rother cele!rate cele!rations children classmate cousin daughter dust!in eldest exciting experience family father feast festi#al fish!owl fishermen fruit ca e grandfather

Week : 1 to &
Unit 1 Bamily Birst Theme / World of Self 7 )ersonal 6elationships Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.


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[email protected]


6ead and understand simple paragraphs. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the words !efore and after.

grandmother goldfish he his her housewife

YR 5 / Pg 2 of 18

&"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary 4"12a3 (opy correctly 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Writing : (omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word&s' 3 with little or no guidance. (onstruct simple and compound sentences independently !y loo ing at pictures.

,o : household housewor highway mother our prayers son sister she they their uncle we youngest /ora. ,a.ue! : Lo#ing (aring (ooperation 2a ing associations and connections Listing (ategorising =dentifying people *rammar : F. 2odals / 8 could should **. Simple )ast "ense 8 irregular #er!s Soun) S+!tem: +. Binal consonants +.* 7 l 7 +.+ 7 p 7 +.9 7 g 7 ,o : accommodation across attractions !azaar !rochure


Week / 4 to $
Unit # "ra#el and $d#entures Theme / World of Self 7 World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound/ &ii' final consonants 8 7 g 7, 7 p 7, 7 l 7 S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound / &ii' final consonants 8 7g7, 7p7, 7l7 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard, read or #iewed. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &ii' final consonants 8 7 g 7, 7 p 7, 7 l 7 ;i#e words opposite in meaning. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.

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[email protected]


Writing : =ndent when writing a paragraph.

!rought cele!rate coastline con#enient

YR 5 / Pg 3 of 18

1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence" #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"4 "ell stories !ased on picture and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"4 6ead aloud

Li!tening : 8 S'eaking : "al a!out things heard, seen or read. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with the letters listed in the final digraphs. Writing : (onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences independently !y loo ing at the pictures. =ndent when writing a paragraph. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and understand ordinal num!ers/ sixteenth 3 thirty8first &*9th 3 -*st'. Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and tal a!out them. S'eaking : @nderstand ordinal num!ers / sixteenth 3 thirty8first &*9th 3 -*st'. (ea)ing : 6ecognise and read and learn ordinal num!ers./ &*9th 3 -*st'. 6ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi#ely. Writing : (omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word&s' &little or no guidance' (onstruct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details. =ndent when writing a paragraph.

,o : con#oy costumes destination distance ha!itat mechanics popular pac age participants sanctuary sixteenth slept snor el successful terri!le traditional costumes /ora. ,a.ue! : (ourage )atriotism 6ationality 2a ing decisions

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[email protected]

expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress L intonation and sentence rhythm.

YR 5 / Pg 4 of 18

&"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ )unctuate meaningfully. ,th Be! )rophet 2uhammad?s 5irthday



Week : 1 to 5
Unit & Sa#ing >ur En#ironment Theme / World of Self 7 World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately.

* *.*.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound/ &i' initial #owels S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound. &i' initial #owels. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &i' initial #owels. Writing : 8

+.*.* +.+.* -.*.*

*rammar : .. (onjunctions / so L !ecause *:. Simple )resent "ense 8 for ha!itual actions *,. Sentence types / 8 Simple sentence 8 (ompound sentence Soun) S+!tem: *. =nitial #owels *.*?a? as in away *., Aa? as in all

[email protected]

YR 5 / Pg 5 of 18

Learning Out ome! : #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : 8 S'eaking : "al a!out things seen or read. "al a!out actions of people or animals in a story read, heard or #iewed. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to 8 main ideas 8 details Writing : (onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi#ely. 6ead and understand cause and effect relationship. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard. Writing : 8

*rammar : adrift always audience auditorium awful chemicals chimney clogged colleagues customer destroy dispose of dump factory furnace gar!age housing estate incinerator inspects landfill metal health inspector recycle reduce released rot sort /ora. ,a.ue! : )u!lic Spiritedness (ooperation ;ood (itizenship Gecision 2a ing



....+ ..<.-

*.*.+.-.9 -.-.-...-.F., -.D.-

[email protected]

4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.

YR 5 / Pg 6 of 18


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound/ &ii' final consonants 8 7 t 7 and 7 d 7 S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound. &ii' final consonants 8 7 t 7 and 7 d 7 $s AWh? %uestions to see information (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &ii' final consonants 8 7 t 7 and 7 d 7 Scan for specific information in texts. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. S'eaking : "al a!out things seen or read. (ea)ing : State collecti#e nouns 6ead L gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (omplete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions, rhymes with the missing words and simple phrases &with guidance'. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple recounts with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : 8 (ea)ing : (ompare words for similar and different sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary.

*rammar : * 1ouns *.- (ollecti#e 1ouns ** )ast Simple with 3d 8ed Soun) S+!tem: +. Binal (onsonants +.. 7 t 7 +., 7 d 7 ,o : animals !at !rood cal#es cat chic s chic ens chimpanzees coops cows cric et dog duc s duc lings experience farm farmstay fish floc foal frog goats goose gosling hens herd horse ids ittens leopard litter nest owl

Week : 14 to 11 Week: 1# 7 1&

Unit 4 $nimals and @s Theme / World of Self 7 )ersonal 6elationships Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.


+.*.* +.+.* -.*.-.F.+ ..*..

*.*.+ +.-.-.9.< -.D.+ ..*.. ..-.+ ....+ ..<.+


-.*., -.-.-.<.*

[email protected]

&"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. ..*.. &"1 @se the dictionary. ....-

Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details.

pond puppy ra!!its sea lion shed s%uirrels

YR 5 / Pg 7 of 18

Learning Out ome! : &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"1 (opy correctly


,o : swarm tadpole troop toad wee end wol#es /ora. ,a.ue! : Lo#e for animals (leanliness Giligence

4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.

Listing information 2a ing associations and connections Se%uencing e#ents

Week : 14 to 1%
Unit % 5ountiful Har#est Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &#i' initial !lends S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound / &#i' initial !lends (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &#i' initial !lends 6ead and distinguish homographs. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and o!tain meaning of words and phrases for contextual clues. Writing :


*rammar : *. 1ouns *.. 1um!er & Singular and plural forms' ,.:&!' Suggested sentence patterns. <. Suggesting and responding Soun) S+!tem: <. =nitial !lends <.* 7 cl 7 <.+ 7 !l 7 <.- 7 !r 7 ,o :

-.*.* -.9.-.F.+ -.F.-

[email protected]

accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification.


Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing.

agricultural industry ants association !lazer !led

YR 5 / Pg 8 of 18

Learning Out ome! : #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greeting, ma ing introductions, in#iting people etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. 4"12a3 (opy correctly

Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. Suggesting ideas to do things. 6esponding to suggestions. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to word families. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. S'eaking : $s %uestions to see clarification on how to ma e or do things on places, directions and on amounts and %uantities. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple and compound sentences independently !y loo ing at pictures.

,o : !lue !linded !lin !lissful !listers !lizzard !lown !ow !right !ro e can child children clear cliff clim!ed cloa clouds clump cric et crops date deforestation desert dinner disco#er estate fa!rics farmers farmers? income fast fertilizers grains geese goose hardwor ing har#esting hungry landowners lea#es lice louse machinery man men mice mouse ox oxen pesticides plant plantation present processing pulp and paper refuse responsi!le snow summer sympathy systematic teeth tooth wondered wea wind winter woman women young /ora. ,a.ue! : Giligence (ooperation

*.*.+ +.+.+ +.<.+.<.. -.*.. ..*.. ....+


-.-.-.<.* ..*.. ....-

4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

[email protected]

Gescri!ing 2a ing associations L connections (ategorizing Listing

YR 5 / Pg 9 of 18


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 8est, 8er, 8ed and 8tion S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound/ 8est, 8er, 8ed and 8tion $s AWh? %uestions to see information Extending an in#itation. $ccepting or declining an in#itation. (ea)ing : 8 Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Borm sentences and %uestions !y matching sentence hal#es and using su!stitution ta!les. Li!tening : Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with the letters listed in -.*.* 6ead and group words according to word families. 6ead L gi#e details a!out the people and animals in the story. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. S'eaking : 8 (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story heard.

*rammar : *. 1ouns *.+ @ncounta!le 1ouns some water some rice some money ,.:&!' Suggested sentence patterns. 9. "o accept and decline an in#itation Soun) S+!tem: **.* =est **.+ =er **.- =ed **.. tion *+&ii' Stress in -8syllla!le and .8sylla!le words. ,o : any !alanced !igger !iggest con#enient ethnic expensi#e hygienic ingredients largest pic les please some smallest sweetest special tasty uni%ue #ariety /ora. ,a.ue! : 1ational @nity (ooperation

Week : 1$ to 10
Unit $ ;lorious Bood Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"1 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context such as exchanging greeting, ma ing introductions, in#iting people etc. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"12a3 (opy correctly 4"& (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence.


+.*.* +.+.* +.<.* +.<.+

..*.. ....*

*.*.+ +.+.+ -.*.-.*.. -.D.+ ..*.. ....+



[email protected]

4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

..*.. ..-.-

Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (omplete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word&s' &little or no guidance'

"olerance Gescri!ing 2a ing associations and connections 2ind mapping (ategorising 2a ing decisions

YR 5 / Pg 10 of 18


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &i#' medial digraphs. Listen to ey words and phrases in stories, recounts, and descriptions heard. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &i#' medial digraphs. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &i#' medial digraphs. Writing : 8 Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and simple factual texts and gi#e details. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to 8 main ideas 8 details Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Li!tening : 8 +.-.9 -.-.-...S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi#ely.

*rammar : +. $rticles &with singular nouns' +.* a +.* an +.- the D. Su!ject80er! $greement Soun) S+!tem: .. 2edial digraphs ..* ph 7 f 7 ..+ ch 7 7 ..- ir 7 -/ 7 ,o : anchor alpha!et ancestor appreciate !ra#e design dignitary diligent excited community courageous enemy echo hardwor ing honest in#ent indigenous leader organ particular polite protect proud peace parade recei#e

Week : 15 to #1
Unit 1 )eople Theme / World of Stories 7 World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence" #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise

*.*.* *.-.*




+.+.+ -.F..


[email protected]

words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. Writing : 8

represent responsi!le society treat useful

YR 5 / Pg 11 of 18

Learning Out ome! : &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.


/ora. ,a.ue! : Humility 6espect Lo#e (ourage )atriotism ;ood citizenship ;i#ing opinions ;athering information 6elaying information Listing (ategorising

Week : #1 to #& Week : #& to #4

Unit 0 =n#entions Theme / World of Knowledge 7 World of Stories Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.

*.*.* +.*.* +.,.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &#' final digraphs S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &#' final digraphs ;i#e details a!out the people and animals of a story heard, read or #iewed. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &#' final digraphs ;i#e words similar in meaning. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages,

*rammar : *. 1ouns *.9 )roper 1ouns Soun) S+!tem: ,. Binal digraphs ,.+ ch 7 7 ,.- gh 7 f 7 ,o : !right competitions distances download

-.*.* -.9.+

[email protected]

1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately.


recounts and descriptions. 6ead and o!tain meaning of words and phrases for contextual clues. Writing : 8

edit experiments gears handle historic impro#e in#ent material motor

YR 5 / Pg 12 of 18

Learning Out ome! : #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : Listen to and understand phrases in stories, recounts and descriptions heard. S'eaking : "al a!out things seen or read. (ea)ing : 8 Writing : (omplete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions, rhymes with the missing words and simple phrases &with guidance'. Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and tal a!out them. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. Writing : (onstruct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details.

,o : participate propellers reduce remo#e ru!!er patch s%ueeze wheels /ora. ,a.ue! : (ourage




)atriotism 6easoning Listing Se%uencing


+.-.9 -.<.+ .....

Week : #% to #1
Unit 5 (ulture and "raditions Theme / World of Stories 7 World of

*.*.* *.-.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &x' silent letters Listen to ey words and phrases in stories, recounts, and descriptions heard. S'eaking :

*rammar : .. (onjunctions 8 and 8 !ut 8 or Soun) S+!tem:

[email protected]

Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.


6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &x' silent letters (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &x' silent letters Scan for specific information in texts. Writing : 8

D. D.* D.+ D.D..

Silent letters Silent At? Silent Aw? Silent Ah? Silent As?

-.*.* -.F.+

,o : almost attracti#e !egan cross

YR 5 / Pg 13 of 18

Learning Out ome! : 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se%uence" #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight.

Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and simple factual texts and gi#e details. S'eaking : $s other forms of %uestions to see information. "al a!out things seen or read. "al a!out actions of people or animals in a story read, heard or #iewed. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to 8 main ideas 8 details Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : 8 S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems and stories clearly and expressi#ely. Writing : 8

,o : competition clothes culture custom costumes e#ent fa#ourite for!idden happy honest honour heir hour instrument island listen materials occasions often pastime show start still tradition those tra#eller temporary through where world watch wrap wrong whistle write /ora. ,a.ue! : Humility 6espect


+.+.+ +.-.+.,.+


....+ ..<.-

+.-.9 -.-.-...-

[email protected]

Honesty ;ood citizenship ;i#ing opinions ;athering information 6elaying information (ategorising

YR 5 / Pg 14 of 18


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &iii' initial digraphs Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &iii' initial digraphs @nderstand num!ers in stories, fa!les and situations/ .* 3 ,:. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &iii' initial digraphs 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand different instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and description. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write simple messages for a purpose. Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. "al a!out actions of people or animals in a story read, heard or #iewed. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with initial digraphs.

*rammar : <. $d#er!s of manner Soun) S+!tem: -. =nitial digraphs -.- 7 w 7 -.. 7 h 7 -., 7 fr 7 ,o : angrily athletics athlete !adminton !at !all !itterly competitors foot!all Brance Brench fresh from gymnasts goal eeper pads gracefully glo#es hoc ey medal neatly >lympic ;ames S@K2$ team s%uash smartly sweetly softly tournament

Week : #0 to &4
Unit 14 What games do you play E Theme / World of Knowledge 7 )ersonal 6elationships Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"4 "ell stories !ased on picture and other stimuli and recite poems.

*.*.* *.9.*

+.*.* +.-.+ +...*

-.*.* -.+.+ -.F.*

..*.. ..<.*




[email protected]

#"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight.

-.-.+ -...+

6ead and understand simple and compound sentences. 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple descriptions with guidance.

..*.. ....+ ..<.-

white whale when who whole wholesaler whined whipped a crowd of spectators a team of players a pile of firewood

YR 5 / Pg 15 of 18

Learning Out ome! : &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress L intonation and sentence rhythm. &"1 @se the dictionary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence and cause and effects. &"14 6ead wide and independently. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to L repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (onstruct simple and compound sentences independently !y loo ing at pictures.

,o : a class of pupils a crew of sailors /ora. ,a.ue! : 2oderation 6espect


+.-.9 -.-.-.<.* ..*.. ....-

(ooperation Giligence =(" s ills "hin ing s ills Knowledge ac%uisition

Week : &1 to &&

Unit 11 Where do you li#e E Theme / World of Self 7 )ersonal 6elationships

*.*.* *.9.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &ix' diphthongs. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking :

*rammar : 9. $djecti#es Soun) S+!tem: F. Giphthongs &#owel digraphs'

[email protected]

+.*.* Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. +.-.+ +...*

6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &ix' diphthongs. "al a!out things heard, seen or read. 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &ix' diphthongs. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. Writing : 7

-.*.* -.+.+

F.* ei 7 e= 7 as in neigh F.+ ey 7 i/ 7 F.- oa 7 UV 7 as in !oat F.. ow 7 UV 7 as in row F., ie 7 aT 7as in pie ,o : along !egan !elow !etter

YR 5 / Pg 16 of 18

Learning Out ome! : 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. #"4 "ell stories !ased on picture and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"$ Express thoughts and feelings, and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard, or #iewed in simple language.

Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. State whether one li es or does not li e the story heard, read or #iewed. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple and compound sentences. Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to L repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. Writing : 8

,o : !eautiful !ehind !eside !ig !igger !iggest !oat !oatman !om!er !right !righter !rightest !ungalow cle#erer cle#erest coat communicate dust eldest enormous expensi#e floor flat follow fast faster fastest fighter garage gender harmful high higher highest house impressi#e large larger largest light massi#e more most neigh old older oldest outside own other playground rainstorm row small smaller smallest weigh wide window yellow


+.-.9 +.9.+

-.-.+ ....+ ..<.-



[email protected]

&"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.

/ora. ,a.ue! : 2oderation 6espect Lo#e (ooperation Honesty 6ationality

YR 5 / Pg 17 of 18

Learning Out ome! : 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.


/ora. ,a.ue! : )atriotism =(" s ills Learning how to learn 6eferencing s ills

Week : &$ to &5

Unit 1# "he =nternet Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and

*.*.* *.9.*

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sound 3 &#i' dou!le consonants Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the following sound/ &#i' dou!le consonants @nderstand num!ers in stories, fa!les and situations / .* 8 ,: 6ecite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the following sound / &#i' dou!le consonants 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead L understand different instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and description. 6ead according to one?s interest and eep a reading record. Writing : Bill out forms.

*rammar : ,. )repositions *,. Sentence types 8 simple sentence 8 compound sentence Soun) S+!tem: 9. Gou!le (onsonants 9.* ll 7 l 7 9.+ pp 7 p 7 9.- rr 7 r 7 9.. tt 7 t 7 9., dd 7 d 7 ,o : a!o#e across along among around article

+.*.* +.-.+ +...*

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[email protected]

songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately.


Li!tening : Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with initial digraphs. 6ead and understand simple and compound sentences. 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. 6ead according to one?s interest and eep a reading record.

+.*.#"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made. -.*.-.-.+ -...+ -.*:.*

!edroom !ehind !elow !rother ca!le ()@ chat classroom connect country details down educational e8mail exchange

YR 5 / Pg 18 of 18


Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on a gi#en stimulus. Write simple descriptions with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to L repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and enjoy children?s songs, rhymes, poems and jazz chants. S'eaking : "a e part in teacher guided discussions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead according to one?s interest and eep a reading record. Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences independently !y loo ing at pictures.

,o : follow for example friends in front of information internet interesting ey!oard li e monitor mouse near next to online online dictionary print printer puzzle sister soft such as through together under #isit we!site we! page word year /ora. ,a.ue! : )u!lic spiritedness (ooperation (aring

Week : 44 to 44
#"4 "ell stories !ased on picture and other stimuli and recite poems. #"% "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress L intonation and sentence rhythm. &"1 @se the dictionary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting

....+ ..<.-


+.-.9 -.-.-.<.* -.*:.* ....-

[email protected]

details, se%uence and cause and effects. &"14 6ead wide and independently. 4"4 (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

=(" s ills )reparation for the real world Knowledge ac%uisition "o compare and contrast Listing (ategorising



YR 6 / Pg 1 of 20


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound / &iii' diphthongs Listen to ey words and phrases in descriptions. Listen to and enjoy poems. S'eaking : 6epeat words that o!tain the sound / &iii' diphthongs )ronounce - and . sylla!le words correctly. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. 6ecite simple poems. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tell why they are good or !ad. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds / &iii' diphthongs 6ecognise and read aloud words with prefixes and suffixes. 6ead L learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. ;i#e words similar in meaning. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. Writing : Write simple guided descriptions.

*rammar : )refixes Suffixes Soun) S+!tem: Giphthongs 8 7 aV 7 as in mouth 8 7eU 7 as in stairs ,o : 8 /ora. ,a.ue! : 6espectful "han ful 1e#er gi#e up ;rateful E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $cti#e listening $nalysis (ategorising (lassification (olla!orati#e (ooperation Gifferentiate Explanation Expressing opinion

Week : 1 to &
Unit 1 Wonderfully 2ade Theme / World of Stories 7 World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state.

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-.*.* -.+.* -.+.+ -.-.* -...* -.9.+ -.F.+ -.*: ..9.*

[email protected]

#"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.


(ompose poems with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and understand phrases in stories and descriptions. Listen to and enjoy poems. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress and intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. "al a!out the e#ents of the story. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with diphthongs.

*.*.+ *.-.*.9.* +.*.+.+.+ +.<.-.*.+

;athering information ;enerate ideas =dentifying main ideas =nference =ntensi#e reading =nteraction =ntrapersonal Kinaesthetic Explanation 1ew ideas 6ationalise 6eading 6easoning

YR 6 / Pg 2 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. &"14 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did. 4"0 Write to express oneself creati#ely such as when composing simple poems and stories, creating greeting cards, posters, etc.

6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : (onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. (ompose poems with little or no guidance.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : Scanning S imming 0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence 0isual 7 Spatial =ntelligence

+ -...+

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*.*.+ *.9.* +.+.. +.9.9 +.<.. -.-.-.*: ..-.-

Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and enjoy poems. S'eaking : 6esponding to such %uestions. "ell simple stories. "al a!out the #alues explored in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions and completing info transfer diagrams. 6ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. Writing : Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases and on a picture stimulus.

[email protected]

..9.+ ..F.+

Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. (ompose poems with little or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of compound words correctly. Listen to ey words and phrases in descriptions. S'eaking : )ronounce - and . sylla!le words correctly. 1ame and identify things. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. *rammar : ,&a' -. )ronouns -.- )ossessi#e $djecti#es Soun) S+!tem: F. Stress i. Stress in compound words

Week : 4 to %
Unit # )roud "o 5e $ 2alaysian Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences.

*.+.* *.-.* +.*.+ +.-.* -.-.* -...*

YR 6 / Pg 3 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context. 1"1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fa!les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a le#el suited to the pupil?s a!ility. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"0 Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and

Li!tening : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. ;i#e words similar in meaning. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and descriptions. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in a story read. Writing : Write simple guided descriptions. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing. Li!tening : Listen to stories and gi#e details. *.<.+ +.*.+.+.+ +.-.. +.<.+.F.+ -...+ -.,.* -.9., S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress and intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. "o ma e comparisons. "al a!out the e#ents in a story. 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. (om!ine words to form compound words. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals

,o : <. (ompound Words /ora. ,a.ue!: $ppreciation (aring (onsiderate (ooperation ;rateful Kind Lo#e for one?s country )roud 6espect @nselfishness E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : =(" s ills Learning How "o Learn S ills 2ultiple =ntelligences )reparation for the 6eal World "hin ing S ills

-.,.* -.9.+ -.F.* -.F.+ -.D.+

..9.* ..*:.*

[email protected]

fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship.


in a story read. Writing : (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : "al a!out the #alues explored in the story. 6elate the story to one?s life. 0alues and (itizenship

..-.+ ..9.+ ..*:.*


+.<.. +.F.+

YR 6 / Pg 4 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. &"14 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did. 4"14 )unctuate meaningfully.

(ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the words in context. 6ead and predict outcomes. 6ead and tell what one has learnt from the story. Writing : Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing.


-.-.-.<.* -.<.+ -.D., -.*: ..9.+ ..*:.*

Week : $ to 0
Unit & Bit $s $ Biddle Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound / &#' initial !lends. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &#' initial !lends $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 6ecite simple poems with expressions. (ea)ing : 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them

+.*.* +.+.* +.9.* -.+.+ -...*

*rammar : , &a' *.* (ounta!le 1ouns *.+ @ncounta!le 1ouns , &!' *+ "o show concern Soun) S+!tem: Binal !lends / 7 mp 7 and 7 dg 7

[email protected]

1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, se%uence, and cause8 effect relationships. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems.

-.9.+ -.F.+ -.D.+ ..*.*

correctly. ;i#e words similar in meaning. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people in the story. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions, recounts, news reports and factual texts and gi#e the main ideas and supporting details. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. ;i#e suita!le endings to a story.

,o : )hrasal Muantifiers /ora. ,a.ue!: Healthy li#ing (aring (ourage Giligence 5ra#ery Hardwor ing $ppreciation Show concern $wareness )hysical health (ooperation


+.*.+.+.+ +.9..

YR 6 / Pg 6 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs L whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"# (omplete texts with the missing

(ea)ing : State phrasal %uantifiers. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (omplete texts with the missing words without any guidance. (omplete mind maps, diagrams with information from the text. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : "ell simple stories. "o show concern. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to final sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead aloud poems clearly and expressi#ely. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases and on a

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : (reati#e "hin ing S ills 5odily Kinaesthetic Gictionary S ills =nterpersonal Knowledge $c%uisition

-.9.< ..*.* ..+.+ ..+...-.+


Learning How "o Learn S ills Logical 7 2athematical =ntelligence )reparation for the 6eal World )ro!lem Sol#ing "hin ing S ills 0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence

+.9.9 +.D., -.*.-.-.-.....*.* ..-.-

[email protected]

word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.

picture stimulus. 0isual 7 Spatial =ntelligence

Week : 5 to 11
Unit 4 2agical 2o#ements Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound / &ii' dou!le consonants. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &ii' dou!le consonants. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tell why they are good or !ad.

+.*.* +.+.* +.-.* +.<.*

*rammar : ,. &a' * 1ouns *.- (ollecti#e 1ouns < $d#er!s Soun) S+!tem: +. Gou!le (onsonants 8 7s7 8 7z7 8 7r7

YR 6 / Pg 6 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, se%uence, and cause8 effect relationships. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"0 Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"& 6ead and understand phrases,

(ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds / &ii' dou!le consonants 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and descriptions. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people and animals in a story read. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write clearly and legi!ly in print for diagrams. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to simple descriptions, recounts, news reports and factual texts and gi#e the main ideas and supporting details. S'eaking : "al a!out the e#ents of the story. 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing :

,o : Words pertaining to human and animals? mo#ements. /ora. ,a.ue!: $ppreciation $wareness (are for the animals ;rateful ;ratitude Honesty Lo#e Lo#e of nature )erse#erance )roud 6espect E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : =(" S ills Learning How "o Learn S ills 2ultiple =ntelligences )reparation Bor "he 6eal

-.*.* -.-.* -.,.* -.F.* -.F.+ -.D.+

..*.* ..+.*

*.*.+ *.,.+


[email protected]

sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing.

-.*.+ -.-.+ -.,.* -.F.-.D.-

6ead aloud words with the letters listed in -.*.* &ii'. 6ead and understand simple and compound sentences !y interpreting pronoun forms. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story read. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (omplete mind maps, diagrams with information from the text. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the middle and ending sounds.

World "hin ing S ills 0alues $nd (itizenship

..*.* ..+...-.+ ..9.+


YR 6 / Pg 7 of 20

4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did.

S'eaking : 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6elate the people and e#ents in the story to one?s life. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound/ &i' short #owel sounds. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &i' short #owel sounds. )ronounce - and . sylla!le words correctly. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds /


+.F.+ -.-.-.,.* -.<.* -.D.9 ..*.* ..-...9.+

Week : 1# to 1&
Unit % Sounds >f 2usic Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language.


+.*.* +.*.+ +.+.* +.-.* -.*.*

*rammar : ,. &a' + $rticles ,. &!' *: "o express happiness Soun) S+!tem: *. Short #owel/ a. 7 W 7 !. 7 X 7 ,o :

[email protected]

1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state.

-.+.+ -...* -.9.* -.9.+ -.F.+ ..*.+ ..+.* ..F.* ..*:.*

&i' short #owel sounds. 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. ;i#e words opposite in meaning. ;i#e words similar in meaning. Scan for specific information in texts. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. Write clearly and legi!ly in print for diagrams. (ompose poems with guidance. @se capital letters, comma and full stop when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and sentences.

Words pertaining to music. /ora. ,a.ue!: 6especting the 1ational $nthem. )atriotism E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $cti#e Listening $nalysis 5rainstorming

*.*.+ *.+.+

YR 6 / Pg 8 of 20

Learning Out ome! : #"5 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and

S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. "o express happiness. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. 5uild new words from a gi#en word. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. (omplete the text with the missing words without any guidance. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. @se capital letters, commas and full stops when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle sounds. Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : (ategorise (lassification (ooperati#e Gifferentiation ;enerate =deas =dentifying 2ain =deas and Getails =nference =nteraction =nterpersonal =ntrapersonal

+.*.+.+.+ +.D.-.*.+ -...+ -.9.F -.F.-

..*.+ ..+.+ ..-.+ ..*:.*

*.*.+ *.+.-

Logical Explanation Scanning

[email protected]

cause and effect relationship. +.+.. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"0 Write to express oneself creati#ely such as when composing simple poems and stories, creating greeting cards, posters, etc. 4"14 )unctuate meaningfully. ..*.+ ..*:.* -.*.-.-.-.<.* -.<.+

S'eaking : 6esponding to such %uestions. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. @se capital letters, commas and full stops when writing.

S imming @nderstanding 0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence

YR 6 / Pg 9 of 20


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound/ &i' short and long #owels. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &i' short and long #owels. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. State whether one li es or does not li e the story and gi#e reasons. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds / &i' short and long #owels. 6ead L learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences pronouncing them correctly. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing.

*rammar : ,&a' )reposition Soun) S+!tem: 9. *. Short and long #owel sounds/ &c' 7 V / (d) / / ,o : (olours Beelings Similes /ora. ,a.ue!: 5eing grateful Baithfulness Kindness )erse#erance "han ful @nconditional lo#e @nselfish E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! :

Week : 14 to 1%
Unit $ Splashes >f (olours Theme / World of Knowledge 7 World of Stories Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries


+.*.* +.+.* +.-.* +.F.*

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..*.+ ..*:.*

[email protected]

made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"0 Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.

*.*.+ *.+.+ +.*.+.+.+ +.-.. +.<.+ +.<.-.*.+ -...+ -.F.-.D..

Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle or ending sounds. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. "o ma e comparisons. "al a!out the place in the story. "al a!out the e#ents in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 6ead and tell, and write why a person or animal in a story is good or !ad.

$cti#e Listening $rranging (ategorising (lassification (onceptualise (ooperati#e Gifferentiating E#aluating ;athering =nformation =nference =ntensi#e 6eading

YR 6 / Pg 10 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"0 Write to express oneself

Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. (omplete the text with the missing words without any guidance. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. (ompose poems with little or no guidance.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : =nteraction =nterpersonal =ntrapersonal Logical Explanation

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*.*.+ *.+.-

Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same middle or ending sounds. Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : 6espond to such %uestions. "al a!out the #alues explored in the stories. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context.

)rediction )resentation Muestioning 6ationalise 6eading Scanning Short Listing S imming

+.+.. +.<.. -.*.-.-.-.<.* -.<.+

[email protected]

creati#ely such as when composing simple poems and stories, creating greeting cards, posters, etc. 4"14 )unctuate meaningfully.


6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. (ompose poems with little or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound/ &#' initial !lends Listen to and follow simple instructions on how to complete a gi#en tas . Listen to simple messages and gi#e the information re%uired. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &#' initial !lends 1ame and identify things. "o ma e a telephone call for a purpose. "o ta e and gi#e short messages to friends and family mem!ers. 6ecite simple poems with expressions.

@nderstanding 0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence

..*.+ ..-.+ ..F.+

Week : 1$ to 10
Unit 1 5eautiful World Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences.

*.*.* *...* *.,.*

*rammar : , &a' 9. $djecti#es 9.* (omparati#e form 9.+ Superlati#e form Soun) S+!tem: ,. =nitial !lends a. thr 8 @r 8 !. shr 8 Ar 8 c. st 8st 8 ,o : =dioms

+.*.* +.-.* +...* +.,.* +.9.*

YR 6 / Pg 11 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 1"4 Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions accurately. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, se%uence, and cause8 effect relationships. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. #"4 2a e and recei#e telephone calls politely. #"% (on#ey a simple message accurately. #"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems.

(ea)ing : 6ead L learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences pronouncing them correctly. ;i#e words similar in meaning. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and descriptions. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the place in a letter. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write simple guided letters to friends or family mem!ers. Write simple messages with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same !eginning sound. Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. S'eaking : "o ta e and gi#e short messages to friends and family

/ora. ,a.ue!: $wareness Giligence (ooperation $ppreciate nature )erse#erance E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $cti#e Listening (reati#e "hin ing S ills (ritical "hin ing S ills =nterpersonal Knowledge $c%uisition Learning How "o Learn S ills

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*.*.+ *...+


[email protected]

mem!ers. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. ..*.* &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. ..+.+ ....+ ..<.+ -.,.* (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the text. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. (omplete the texts with the missing word&s' without any guidance. Write simple letters &less guidance'. Write simple directions and messages with little or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same !eginning sound. Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. Listen to simple messages and tal a!out them. S'eaking : "o ta e and gi#e short messages to friends and family mem!ers.

Logical 7 2athematical =ntelligence )reparation for the 6eal World "hin ing S ills 0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence 0isual 7 Spatial =ntelligence

*.*.+ *.+.*...+ *.,.+.,.*

YR 6 / Pg 12 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"4 Write simple informal letters to friends, parents, other family mem!ers and pen8pals in a social context. 4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.

(ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions. 6ead aloud poems clearly and expressi#ely. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the text. @nderstand simple idioms. Writing : Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi!le cursi#e writing. Write paragraphs !ased on words and picture stimuli. Write simple letters &less guidance'. Write simple directions and messages with little or no guidance.


-.*.-.-.-...-.,.* -.9.D ..*.* ..-.....+ ..<.+

[email protected]

Week : 15 to #4
Unit 0 En#ironmental =ssues Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"$ Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poetry, jazz chants and songs. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state.


*.9.* +.*.* +.-.* +.9.* +.<.* +.F.* +.D.* -.*.* -.+.+ -.-.* -.,.* -.9.+

Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound/ &#ii' #oiced and #oiceless Ath?. Listen to and enjoy poems. S'eaking : 6epeat words that contain the sound/ &#ii' #oiced and #oiceless Ath?. 1ame and identify things. 6ecite simple poems. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tell why they are good and !ad. State whether one li es or does not li e the story and gi#e reasons. "o #olunteer. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds / &#ii' #oiced and #oiceless Ath?. 6ead L learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. ;i#e words similar in meaning.

*rammar : ,. &a' .. (onjunctions ,. &!' F. "o #olunteer Soun) S+!tem: 0oiced and #oiceless Ath? a. th 7 Y 7 !. th 7 Z 7 ,o : Homographs /ora. ,a.ue!: $ppreciation (are for the en#ironment (onsiderate (ooperation ;rateful ;ratitude Kind )roud 6espect @nselfishness

YR 6 / Pg 13 of 20

Learning Out ome! : #"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"0 Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. #"5 )erform a #ariety of functions in a social context. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole

(ea)ing : 6ead and distinguish homographs. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and descriptions. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. Writing : Write a simple guided letter to the class teacher explaining, for example, why one was a!sent from school. Write simple guided descriptions. (ompose poems with guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same !eginning sound. Listen to and enjoy poems. S'eaking : $s %uestions to see information and clarification.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : =(" S ills Learning How "o Learn S ills 2ultiple =ntelligences )reparation for the 6eal World "hin ing S ills 0alues and (itizenship

-.9.-.F.* -.F.+ -.*:.*

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*.9.* +.+.+ +.<.-

[email protected]

texts. -.,.* &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationship. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes. &"14 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. -.F.-.D.-.D..

"al a!out the e#ents in the story. (ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people and animals in a story read. 6ead and tell, and write why a person or animal in a story is good or !ad. Writing : (omplete the texts with the missing word&s' without any guidance. (omplete mind maps, diagrams with information from the text. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Write simple guided descriptions. (ompose poems with little guidance or no guidance. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the middle and ending sound. Listen to and enjoy poems.

..+.+ ..+...-.+ ..,.* ..F.+

*.*.+ *.9.*

YR 6 / Pg 14 of 20

4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"% Write simple formal letters to the teacher and other people in authority for a particular purpose. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did. 4"0 Write to express oneself creati#ely such as when composing simple poems and stories, creating greeting cards, posters, etc.

S'eaking : "al a!out the #alues explored in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions and completing info transfer diagrams. 6ead aloud poems clearly and expressi#ely. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 6elate the people and e#ents in the story to one?s life. Writing : Write simple guided descriptions. (ompose poems with little guidance or no guidance.


+.<.. -.-.-...-.<.* -.<.+ -.D.9 ..,.* ..F.+

[email protected]

Week : #1 to #&
Unit 5 Exchanging 2essages Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made / to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of words correctly. S'eaking : $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. (ea)ing : 6ead L learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. ;i#e words similar in meaning. 6ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, la!els, messages, letters, passages, recounts and descriptions. Scan for specific information in texts. Writing : Write simple guided descriptions. Li!tening : Listen to and understand phrases in descriptions heard. S'eaking : $s %uestions to see information and clarification.

*rammar : ,. &a' 9. $djecti#es Simple )resent "ense &i' Bor ha!itual actions ,. &!' D. "o show appreciation Soun) S+!tem: F. Stress &ii' - and . sylla!le words ,o : )ro#er!s /ora. ,a.ue!: $ppreciation Social 6elationships

+.*.+ +.-.* -.+.+ -...* -.,.* -.9.+ -.F.* -.F.+ ..9.*


YR 6 / Pg 15 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"% 6ead and understand the meaning of words !y guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationships.

(ea)ing : @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering simple comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : (omplete the texts with the missing word&s' without any guidance. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : (ritical "hin ing =(" S ills Knowledge $c%uisition Learning How "o Learn S ills 2ultiple =ntelligences )reparation for the 6eal World "hin ing S ills

-.,.* -.F.-

..+.+ ..9.+

Li!tening : 8 +.+.. S'eaking : 6esponding to such %uestions.

[email protected]

4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did.

-.*.-.-.-.,.* -.9.D -.<.* ..-...9.+

(ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to medial sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions and completing info transfer diagrams. @nderstand the meaning of words !y loo ing at the context. @nderstand simple idioms. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. Writing : Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases on a picture stimuli. Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. Li!tening : 8 S'eaking : $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame and identify things. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tell why they are good or !ad. (ea)ing : 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for the topic taught. 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. ;i#e words similar in meaning. 6ead and distinguish homophones. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and gi#e details a!out the people in the text. *rammar : ,. &a' **. "he Simple )ast "ense 8 =rregular 0er!s *..Muestions and responses 8 Muestion tags Soun) S+!tem: F. Stress &iii' Stress in %uestions &i#' Stress in Statements

Week : #4 to #%
Unit 14 6emar a!le $chie#ers Theme / World of Knowledge Learning Out ome! : 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"& $c%uire #oca!ulary and understand the meaning of words L phrases in context.

+.+.* +.-.* +.<.*

-.+.+ -...* -.9.+ -.9.. -.F.+ -.D.+

YR 6 / Pg 16 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, se%uence and cause8 effect relationships. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"& ;i#e rele#ant information politely in response to en%uiries made/ to identify, to refute, to ma e comparisons, to state. #"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and

Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print for diagrams. Borm sentences and %uestions !y expanding on words gi#en. Write simple guided descriptions. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to simple descriptions, recounts, news reports and factual texts and gi#e the main ideas and supporting details. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. @nderstand ordinal num!ers. "al a!out the place in a story.

,o : Homophones /ora. ,a.ue!: $wareness 5ra#ery (aring (ourage (reati#ity Giligence Hardwor ing 2oti#ation )atriotism )erse#erance E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $nalysing

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+.*.+.*.. +.+.+ +.-., +.<.+

[email protected]

other stimuli, and recite poems. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. #"0 Express thoughts and feelings and gi#e opinions on things read, seen, heard and #iewed in simple language. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationships. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes.

+.<.+.F.+ -...+ -.F.-

"al a!out the e#ents in a story. 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : (omplete the texts with the missing word&s' without any guidance. (omplete mind maps, diagrams with information from the text. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. Li!tening : Listen to and understand ordinal num!ers. Scope / first 3 thirty8first S'eaking : $s %uestions with %uestion tags. "ell simple stories. 6elate the story to one?s life. (ea)ing : 6ecognise and read and learn ordinal num!ers / *st 3 -*st 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions and completing info transfer diagrams.

(ategorising (ooperation (ritical "hin ing S ills =nformation 3 See ing S ills =nterpersonal Knowledge $c%uisition Logical Explanation Logical 2athematical =ntelligence )reparation for the 6eal World )ro!lem Sol#ing Scanning S imming 0er!al Linguistic =ntelligence

..+.+ ..+...-.+


+.+.+.9.9 +.F.+ -.+., -.-.-

YR 6 / Pg 17 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"$ Write simple factual descriptions of things, e#ents, scenes and what one saw and did.

(ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases !ased on a picture stimuli.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : 0isual 7 Spatial =ntelligence



Week : #$ to #1
Unit 11 ;rowing )ains


Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words that contain the sound / &i#' silent letters S'eaking : 6epeat word that contain the following sound /

Theme / World of Knowledge +.*.*

*rammar : ,. &a' -. )ronouns -.. =nterrogati#e )ronouns F. 2odals

[email protected]

Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"1 "al a!out the people, places and moral #alues of the stories heard, read and #iewed in simple language. &"1 $c%uire word recognition and word attac s ills to recognise words on sight. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts.

+.*.+ +.+.* +.<.*

&i#' silent letters )ronounce - and . sylla!le words. $s AWh? %uestions to see information. 1ame the good and !ad characters and tell why they are good or !ad. (ea)ing : Loo at letters and say aloud the sounds / &i#' silent letters 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions with the correct intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. "al a!out the e#ents in a story. (ea)ing : 6ead aloud words with the silent letters A!? and Ag?. 6ead aloud sentences in texts o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation.

Soun) S+!tem: .. Silent letters &a' Silent A!? &!' Silent Ag? ,o : 2etaphors /ora. ,a.ue!: $ccept the way we are (oncern Going the right thing E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $nalysis (lassification

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(ooperati#e =nference =ntensi#e 6eading =nteraction =nterpersonal =ntrapersonal

YR 6 / Pg 18 of 20

Learning Out ome! : &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"1 @se the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of the word. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationships. &"5 6ead simple texts and predict outcomes.

(ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 6ead and tal a!out the actions of people in the story. 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and group words according to the same !eginning sound.

E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : Logical Explanation 2usical Muestioning


..*.+ ..-.+ ..*:.*

6ationalise 6eading Scanning Short Listing


[email protected]

&"14 6ead simple texts and ma e inferences and draw o!#ious conclusions. 4"1 Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph le#el in clear, legi!le print and cursi#e writing. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. 4"14 )unctuate meaningfully.


Listen to and repeat poems, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. S'eaking : 6esponding to such %uestions. "al a!out the #alues tal ed a!out in the story. (ea)ing : 6ead and group words according to !eginning and final sounds. 6ead and understand simple paragraphs !y answering comprehension %uestions and completing info transfer diagrams. 6ead and locate the re%uired words in the dictionary. 6ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 6elate the people and e#ents in the story to one?s life. 6ead and tell what one has learned from the story. Writing : Write clearly and legi!ly in print. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat words. S'eaking : )ronounce - and . sylla!le words correctly. 6ecite simple poems with expressions. (ea)ing : 6ead and learn the meaning of ey words for each topic taught. 6ead and understand phrases !y matching phrases to pictures.

S imming @nderstanding

+.+.. +.<.. -.*.-.-.-.<.* -.<.+ -.D.9 -.*:.* ..*.+ ..*:.*

0er!al 7 Linguistic =ntelligence AWh? Muestions

Week : #0 to #5
Unit 1# $ Gay "o 6emem!er Theme / World of Knowledge, World of Briends L Bamily, World of Stories

*.*.* +.*.+ +.9.* -.+.+ -.-.*

*rammar : 8 Soun) S+!tem: 8 ,o : 8 /ora. ,a.ue!: (ooperation Giligence Briendship ;ratitude

YR 6 / Pg 19 of 20

Learning Out ome! : 1"1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 1"# Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences. 1"% >!tain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, se%uence and cause8 effect relationships. #"1 Spea clearly !y pronouncing words accurately and spea ing with

(ea)ing : 6ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. 6ead and distinguish homographs. 6ead and distinguish homophones. Scan for specific information in texts. 6ead and understand simple factual texts !y answering comprehension %uestions in relation to main ideas and details. Writing : (omplete the texts with the missing words with guidance. (reate greeting cards. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing.

/ora. ,a.ue!: Lo#e for nature Lo#ing )u!lic Spiritedness 6espect E)u ationa. Em'ha!e! : $nalytical S ills (reati#e "hin ing ;athering =nformation

-...* -.9.-.9.. -.F.+ -.F.-

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[email protected]

the correct stress and intonation. #"# $s %uestions politely to o!tain information and clarification. #"$ "ell stories !ased on pictures and other stimuli, and recite poems. &"# $c%uire ey words at #arious stages of de#elopment. &"& 6ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. ..+.+ &"4 6ead aloud expressi#ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly and o!ser#ing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. &"$ $c%uire a wide range of #oca!ulary. &"0 6ead and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, se%uence, and cause and effect relationships. 4"# (omplete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4"& (onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. ..-.+ ..F.+.*.+.+.+


Li!tening : Listen to simple descriptions, recounts, news reports and factual texts and gi#e the main ideas and supporting details. S'eaking : Say aloud phrases with the correct stress L intonation. $s %uestions to see information and clarification. (ea)ing : 7 Writing : (omplete the texts with the missing word&s' without any guidance. (onstruct simple and compound sentences !ased on words and phrases gi#en and on a picture stimulus. (reate greeting cards. Li!tening : Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and sentences. S'eaking : 6esponding to such %uestions. (ea)ing : 6ead and understand simple paragraphs. 6ead aloud poems clearly and expressi#ely. @nderstand simple similes.

;i#ing >pinions Knowledge $c%uisition Learning How "o Learn S ills 2a ing $ssociations )reparation for the 6eal World 6elaying =nformation "hin ing S ills 0er!al Linguistic =ntelligence 0isual 7 Spatial =ntelligence

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YR 6 / Pg 20 of 20

4"1 ;i#e accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms. 4"0 Write to express oneself creati#ely such as when composing simple poems and stories, creating greeting cards, posters, etc. 4"14 )unctuate meaningfully.

Writing : Write paragraphs !ased on words and phrases. Write simple directions with little or no guidance. (ompose stories with little guidance. (reate greeting cards. @se capital letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation mar s when writing.


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