Checklist For First-Aid Box
Checklist For First-Aid Box
Indicate by !" the rele#ant box. $here the ans%er to the &uestion is 'no() further action *ay be necessary.
Comments (if any) 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. . a. b. c. d. e. f. !. a. b. c. $. a. Location Is the first-aid box located in a pro*inent and accessible position+ Are e*ployees infor*ed and a%are of the location of first-aid box+ -o all e*ployees ha#e access to the first-aid box durin. all %ork shifts+ Identifiability /an the first-aid box be clearly identified as a first-aid box+ Is the first-aid box clearly *arked %ith a .reen crescent or cross on a %hite back.round+ Contents Are the contents appropriate to the in0uries and illnesses at your %orkplace+ -oes the first-aid box contain sufficient &uantities of each ite*+ Is an e*ployee trained in firs-aid responsible for *aintainin. the first-aid box+ Are the contents appropriately labelled+ Are the contents %ithin their 'use by( dates+ Are the contents ade&uately stored+ "ele#ant information Is there a list of contents pro#ided in the first-aid box( Are e*er.ency telephone nu*bers clearly displayed+ Are the na*e) location and extension nu*ber of the nearest first-aider clearly indicated+ %rainin& 1a#e selected e*ployees recei#ed trainin. in the use and *aintenance of first-aid box+ ,es No ,es ,es ,es No No No ,es ,es ,es ,es ,es ,es No No No No No No ,es ,es No No ,es ,es ,es No No No