Yahoo Web Service
Yahoo Web Service
Yahoo Web Service
Here's a neat way to download stock data from Yahoo, perhaps into a spreadsheet (so you can play with the data): a BUCH of STOCK SYMBOLS separated by "+" &f=a bunch of special tags
gives this:
"GENERAL ELEC CO",32.98,"Jun 26","21.30 - 32.98","NYSE",2.66,"Jul 25",28.55,"Jul 3","-0.21%"
whereas, to get the data already in a spreadsheet (so you can play it), you can use (for example):
Here's a spreadsheet that'll download the Yahoo data according to the tags that you specify: 6/2/2009
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Data is downloaded in .csv format ... that's comma-separated-values.
Some stock names include commas.
The data associated with such a stock won't look good ... things gets shifted to the right. ^#$%@!&?
Solution? (as suggested by Azamul K.)
Put the name LAST ... in the right-most column.
If you'd like to play with the 500 S&P stocks, you can use the spreadsheet described here. It also uses some of these tags.
It's now Feb, 2004 and Yahoo has changed the pertinent URL
It's now Mar, 2007 and Yahoo has changed the pertinent URL again ... to
AARGH! 6/2/2009
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Downloading a BU#CH!
Since Yahoo has a limit on the number of stock symbols you can use, there's another spreadsheet (Yahoo2.xls) here that gets around that limitation.
It puts up to 200 stock symbols on each of several sheets and you download to each sheet in turn.
There's another spreadsheet (Yahoo3.xls) here that downloads data for up to 1000 symbols and 10 tags to a single sheet.
Sorting stuff
motivated by e-mail from Scott S.
The spreadsheets (above & below) will download data from all the stock symbols until it reaches a blank
Indeed, if the macro that collects data reaches a blank, it gets quite upset.
Don't leave a blank!!
If you wish to delete a symbol somewhere within the list, just type zzz before downloadng.
Then the spreadsheet will be quite happy. (Who knows? There may be a stock with that symbol, eh?)
Anyway, having downloaded a bunch of stuff associated with a gaggle of stocks, this spreadsheet will sort them: (Click on the picture to download.) 6/2/2009
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You can ask for a few stock thingies * (like P/E or PEG ratios, etc. but just those things that are on the Yahoo tag list !!) **
... then click a button to Download then move a SORT slider to select which to sort on. (In the example, it's the P/E Ratio.)
* They're in cell C2, namely: n and l1 and r and r5 and d and p6 and m8 and m6 and j6 and s7
** If'n Yahoo ain't got the data, then you won't get it either, eh?
Here's the DOW sorted according to PEG Ratios ... as of April, 2008
Note that Yahoo ain't got a PEG for GM.
I forgot to mention that, after downloadng, the spreadsheet automatically sorts the list according to the stock symbol.
If you entered a symbol zzz, it'll appear at the bottom of the sorted list.
Historical stuff
motivated by e-mail from Richard C..
All of the above spreadsheets download a single set of data for each stock ... and that's the most recent data!
If you'd like to build a historical data base yourself (by downloading periodically and saving the downloaded data), you can use this guy: 6/2/2009
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You download as you'd normally do ... perhaps to check the latest numbers ... THEN, click the Save Data button to save that latest data.
Each stock must have it's own sheet, like so (assuming you'll want to save data to that sheet):
Of course, each sheet must be created ... but there's an Explain sheet that says:
In other words, you may decide which stocks get their data saved, which don't and which added sheets get deleted. 6/2/2009