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The document appears to be snippets from an archive of an Atlantis Rising magazine, discussing various articles and topics related to Atlantis and ancient mysteries.

The majority of the pages seem to discuss contents and articles from past issues of the Atlantis Rising magazine.

Some other briefly mentioned topics include archaeological discoveries and mysteries.

Atlantis Rising Magazine Back Issues

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Issue Number 3
Table Of Contents
A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" by Cynthia Gage
Last October, NBC took a daring plunge into the New Age. In addition to airing Angels II, Beyond the Light, they
launched a one-hour daytime show called The Other Side. The program is a response to what producers perceive
to be the powerful American fascination with extraordinary events that science cannot always explain. It explores
everything from alternative medicine, dreams, self-hypnosis, and near-death experiences to angelic visitations
and alien abductions. It's fast-paced, fascinating and sometimes phenomenal. Invited guests, subject experts
and the studio audience participate in a lively discussion on the featured topic, assisted by the mediation of host
Dr. Will Miller, a professed skeptic who deliberately plays the devil's advocate, then leaves conclusions to the
individual viewer.
Imagine: The vast city of Poseidon, the capital of Ancient Atlantis, stretched out before us. The time is
approximately 30,000 years ago, and Atlantis is at the apex of its achievement as a civilization. We see
commerce, large anti-gravity vessels called valixes ascending and descending, many sailing ships of all kinds,
small anti-gravity personal craft and land vehicles, as well as crowds of pedestrians. Today, such scenes in a
feature film or for television are not only possible technically and artistically, but in the hands of the right
directing, producing, and effects team, can be much less expensive than they once were, just a few years ago.
Coming events are said to cast their shadows. Some sci-fi moviemakers seem to have a talent for tapping into
that level of the mass subconscious in which new concepts are in the formative stages, and bringing them into
public consciousness. Typically, their films are instantly very popular, often unexpectedly, because the audiences,
to the extent to which they also are in touch with the subconscious, respond with interest and enthusiasm
without consciously understanding why. Nothing is as inexorable as an idea whose time has come, and because
film is such a powerful medium, nothing can precipitate it as quickly as a well-made movie that opens wide. It is
the Hundreth Monkey principle accelerated to warp speed! Consequently these films usually become watershed (1 of 3)08/06/2007 12:03:10 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine Back Issues
events with permanent social effects.
I know it's almost sacrilegious to criticize carbohydrates, but in light of so many negative effects from their
imbalance and overuse, the time has come to take the carbohydrate craze to task.
For the many who date their personal discovery of the wisdom of the ancients and the power of unseen forces
with the late 1960s and early '70s, two books enjoyed nearly unequaled influence. The Secret Life of Plants and
Secrets of the Great Pyramid were both runaway best sellers, which, if nothing else, put the orthodox
establishment to considerable trouble defending itself. While today, notions such as the preference of plants for
good music and the miraculous measurements of the Great Pyramid may have become somewhat passe, 25
years ago they caused quite a stir, and in the process earned not a little notoriety for author Peter Tompkins. For
one who had dared to challenge so flagrantly the titans of the scientific establishment, Tompkins achieved not
only celebrity, but also, for a time, an unprecedented measure of credibility.
TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE by David Hatcher Childress
If anyone manages to live real life like Indiana Jones it is David Hatcher Childress. A veteran of many expeditions
to some of the most interesting destinations on Earth, Childress has made adventure a career. The author of
many lengthy books on lost cities and civilizations, he has learned the hidden byways of world travel up close
and personal. Who better to provide Atlantis Rising's guide to magical summer travel trips you can actually take
without mounting a full scale safari.
In 1947, near the banks of the Dead Sea, Bedouin tribesmen found seven crumbling scrolls hidden in caves since
the time of Christ. By the end of 1956, archaeologists had discovered 800 scrolls in the desolate Judaean
wilderness near the ruins of Khirbet Qumran. Yet the question of who wrote the scrolls is now a matter of fierce
international debate. A mysterious veil has settled over the Dead Sea, over the scrolls and their meaning,
keeping them hidden still. In the meantime, tantalizing clues link them with sources found as far away as Tibet.
Some of the most important texts, one-fourth of the entire corpus, have only recently seen the light of day.
Dominican priests, said to be fearful of their implications, kept the scrolls secret for decades while publicly
denying their relevance. And today, the scrolls remain one of the most controversial and puzzling finds of our
Early Rays: News Bulletins
Atlantis Dimension
Astrology: THE CYCLES OF PLUTO by Kathie Garcia
The impact of Pluto, the slowest moving of the known planets in our solar system, is intense and far-reaching. Pluto's
energies bring about changes on a worldwide scale, reshaping history and ushering in major social, political and
geological changes and transformations. Plutonian changes may be regenerative or degenerative, but whether positive
or negative are generally extreme and long-lasting. Astrologers Sakoian and Acker note, Pluto in the signs always
produces a permanent change. The change is in relation to the sign that Pluto occupies. It goes without saying that
when Pluto changes signs, it's time to take note. On Jan. 18, Pluto began a 15-year transit in Sagittarius. On April 22,
Pluto dipped back once more into Scorpio for a final phase lasting until November 11, 1995. From then on, Pluto will
continue its transits through this fiery sign until the year 2010. What does it mean for us all?
Book Reviews: WISE & OTHERWISE by Dr. Joseph Ray
From Horus to Yogananda
Music: STILL SOUNDING POSITIVE by Robert J. Resetar
You may have noticed that most of the music reviews in this and previous issues are positive ones. That could either
mean that a) I love all music no matter how bad it is; b) I'm taking cash incentives to promote certain recordings; or c)
For a bi-monthly with limited space I decided it was best to present a few well-chosen gems that stood out among the
many recordings in the market place because of their gentleness, musical integrity and/or originality. The correct
answer will be found in next month's issue.
The Publisher
Letters To The Editor

Return To Archive Index (2 of 3)08/06/2007 12:03:10 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine Back Issues

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Atlantis Rising Magazine, A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" By Cynthia Gage

Index of Issue 3
Cynthia Gage
Last October, NBC took a daring plunge into the New Age. n
addition to airing Angels , Beyond the Light, they launched a
one-hour daytime show called The Other Side. The program is a
response to what producers perceive to be the powerful
American fascination with extraordinary events that science
cannot always explain. t explores everything from alternative
medicine, dreams, self-hypnosis, and near-death experiences to
angelic visitations and alien abductions. t's fast-paced,
fascinating and sometimes phenomenal. nvited guests, subject
experts and the studio audience participate in a lively discussion
on the featured topic, assisted by the mediation of host Dr. Will
Miller, a professed skeptic who deliberately plays the devil's
advocate, then leaves conclusions to the individual viewer.
Miller, otherwise known as Dr. Will (the character he created for
Nickelodeon's Why We Watch on Nick at Night), is what
investors are banking on. A licensed psychotherapist, ordained
minister, professional stand up comedian, and Ph.D. educator,
he is the best bet they have for making a paranormal product
palatable to the general public. The popularity of Dr. Will's tongue-
in-cheek analysis of such programs as Bewitched, The Brady
Bunch, Gilligan's sland and Lassie provides a track record that
makes the stakes less scary. As Miller puts it, Who better than a
Therapist/Minister/Comedian to host a show like this? The
therapist side of me lets them know 'd be empathetic with
people, my ministerial training and my education told them
could handle the subject matter and the comedy background
assured them could do the talk show part. Reticent at first ("t's
very important to me to preserve my image as a legitimate
professional), Miller is now thrilled to be using all of his talents in
one endeavor and sharing them with people all over the country.
And people all over the country are enthusiastic about The Other
Side. Ratings have been good enough to generate a loyal
following, even outside California.
Miller's easygoing manner, boyish good looks and contagious
smile appeal to a wide audience; his expressive face conveys
empathy, level-headedness and humor. He's funny, warm,
intelligent and diplomatic, and seems to sincerely respect
interpretations of faith and experiences outside Judeo-Christian
norms. He comments, As a minister, have beliefs that science
can't explain and as a therapist, could never demean anyone's
experience. Sometimes visibly moved, he often puts his arm
around an audience member during emotional moments, such as
the time a young black man stood in the audience with tears
streaming down his face as a medium communicated a message
from his deceased grandmother. Miller admits that the charm and
Cynthia Gage
Books & Videos on Spirituality
Books & Videos on Paranormal (1 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:12 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" By Cynthia Gage
relaxed manner haven't always been so polished. As the host of
a show, 've had to learn to be more expressively tolerant. People
hear what say and it has added value because 'm not just
another guest on the program. Sometimes people will say things
that are really intolerant and have an inclination to want to lash
back at them; have to find ways of confronting that won't turn off
people who may agree with them; that's been something of a
high-wire act.
Describing his personality as peppery, Miller says, know come
across with some warmth, but am a New Yorker and 've been a
comedian in the clubs there, and that's a very aggressive art
form. The humor is innate; born in Brooklyn, NY, Miller was
second of seven in a family where everyone was funny except
my father. He didn't taunt siblings with his talent, though, and
doesn't use it indiscriminately today. 've been very lucky,
because 'm not one of those comedians who has to be on all the
time. 've always felt very confident that my humor doesn't put
anybody down. use it appropriately and allow it to be organically
present, don't force it; it comes up when it comes up.
Fortunately, it surfaces at least once during every show and, if
NBC has its way, we'll be seeing more of the comedian and less
of the therapist.
Miller's zigzag between academic and comedic paths prompted
the LA Times and People Magazine to call the show a sitcom for
The Jung and the Restless. Yet it's his ministerial calling that
Miller is most tuned in to.
A devout Christian, he attended Union Theological Seminary and
was ordained in 1989. Realizing he wanted to minister through
counseling, he obtained a master's degree in Clinical
Psychology, then worked in a mental health clinic daytimes, did
comedy at night and served his church on weekends. The mental
health work established a baseline for what he does today. 'm
really grateful spent a few years working with people who were
very severely impaired, because got a really close-up look at
people who were suffering; saw the range of fantasy and
distortion the human mind can create in that context. That gave
me a primer for working with people who are healthier but who
are utilizing fantasy to help them cope.
Fantasy and myth are contexts Miller uses to interpret the
phenomena he's inundated with every weekday. 'm never really
shocked about anything in particular, but am continually
reminded of what Carl Jung said about the interior of the human
mind. Here is someone who lived in the glorious Alps in
Switzerland and was aware of the great expanse of the exterior
universe, yet he said the interior landscape of the human mind is
equally rich in expanse. People have a rich reservoir of meaning
inside them. Miller sees The Other Side as a forum in which to
explore that reservoir. Responding to less than enthusiastic
reviews by Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal (they
lambasted us), he states, They're missing the point. What we're
dealing with is cultural myth, with how people are finding
meaning. We are giving exposure to what hasn't been given
much exposure and that is the array of expression that people
are finding to give meaning to and anchor their context for human
living. think that's very powerful, even if it comes across or is
interpreted as trivial, and even if the viewing audience doesn't
understand it on a conscious level. To be sure, the show's
subject matter is often out there (one show featured guests who (2 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:12 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" By Cynthia Gage
claim to have had love affairs with ghosts), yet The Other Side is
probably the only daytime talk show where no one screams,
argues or bares sleazy family skeletons, and where a thoughtful,
articulate audience asks interesting, probing questions. Miller
expresses surprise at the interest shown by professional friends
and people from my church. He figures that people feel society is
deteriorating and are scrambling for something to give them
hope. They're not finding it in traditional institutions like organized
religion and are increasingly turning to new or esoteric spiritual
Of all the provocative, disturbing and awe-inspiring subjects he
has hosted, Dr. Miller cites three areas that have blown me
away. One, he says, is the power that comes when a person
combines the best traditional medicine with mobilizing the
psychological and spiritual resources that are inside them to
combat illness or people who radically vest themselves in diet,
prayer, meditation and the like while following their doctor's
recommendations. Perhaps the most dramatic example of such a
person is Dr. Paul Pearsall, whose battle with a rare form of
cancer is documented in his book, Making Miracles. Another
thing Miller finds inspiring is seeing people who have faced some
crisis or the death of a loved one, their own near-death
experience or have utilized it to completely turn their lives around
and now have the perspective of peace. wish we could all grab
that perspective without having to go through a crisis. That's
available to you and me today, we can grab that position now.
And he's always been knocked out by some of the really strange
stuff. Like James Van Praagh, a medium who claims to be able
to speak with the spirits of the dead and whose intermittent
appearances have become the main sizzle of the show. How
he's doing it, don't know. He's either an extremely gifted
mentalist or... just don't know. But what interests me is the reality
or non-reality of this. As a therapist, what find curious is that the
people who surrender to him and just believe that they have
really had contact with someone on the other side have positive
changes that seem to hold. Miller seems to wear his therapist's
hat and ministerial robes as an invisible uniform. He links his
experience with Gestalt therapy to his musings about the
medium. The chair exercise (where you imagine whomever you
have intense feelings about sitting in the chair opposite you and
then tell them everything you feel; then move into their chair and
respond to what you've heard from yourself) is incredibly
powerful. We all know the voices of our mother and father inside
of us, no matter how disconnected we are; wonder if that's not
what James Van Praagh is doing for people...providing a
cathartic experience with an impact similar to gestalt. So whether
or not he's actually contacting someone's deceased relative may
not matter.
Other subjects have left him dubious. 've not been persuaded by
channeling or past life regression, because they don't
demonstrate well. t winds up looking silly and is demeaning to
what know is a very profound experience. Also, the whole very
strange concept of alien abductions didn't come across well.
(One rural viewer commented that Dr. Miller and the audience on
that particular show appeared to take marked adversarial
positions to the guests describing their experiences, and that he
didn't feel the subject was adequately discussed.) ndeed,
sometimes the pace of the show precludes an in-depth
discussion about very hot topics that might be better served by a (3 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:12 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" By Cynthia Gage
two-hour special such as the Nielsen levitator, Ancient
Prophecies. Then, too, there was the WCCA (the organization
for Witchcraft) show. That was the worst show ever did. The
only criticism 've ever gotten was on that show. sort of got
offended; was not patient. The presentation of the moral base of
Wicca was not effectively demonstrated; it came across as very
odd to me; couldn't access it. For the most part, though, Miller is
able to put his personal beliefs aside and recognize the validity of
a variety of paranormal phenomena. Not bad for a Baptist
minister who says he's grounded in science.
Miller has, for the time being, taken off his educator's hat. With a
Ph.D. in Urban and a Master's in Special Education, he's leaving
the formal teaching to his wife, Sally, a high school principal.
Parents of two children (he got her daughter, Tamara and son,
Tommy in time for adolescent rebellion and college tuition), they
lead an active prayer life and envision the world a better place
through community development. Miller feels passionately that
the media puts too much emphasis on the one or two heated
relationships we may have and grossly underestimates the need
for extended family, neighbors and others. We're getting sicker
as a culture because we've lost community. What ails our society
is that too many people have too few relationships. really
believe that the human being flourishes within the broad array of
many relationships. We're trying to grow healthy human beings in
very depleted soil. The other side to their vision for a more
positive world lies in family participation in the educational
process. Miller, whose own mother left housekeeping at 45 to
earn her Masters degree, believes that we have to return to
whatever it is that fosters meaning, history and memory as a
context for education. Only the family can help a child access his
or her own interior.
Miller's personal interior or Other Side experiences have been
limited to earthly inspirations from heavenly realms. 've had
profound spiritual experiences, always in the context of my
religious involvement as a Christian and a minister. The sense of
certainty had about being called to the ministry is inexpressible.
Hosting a show such as The Other Side is perhaps the greatest
ministry Miller could provide. n a world fraught with religious
strife, he offers an example of someone with very definite
spiritual beliefs affording others the right to experience God
differently. Doing the show has deepened his personal beliefs.
Seeing people who experience their spirituality very differently
from me has still served to inspire a life of faith. Many Bible-
quoting Christians regard reincarnation, hypnosis, astrology and
mediums as pagan, blasphemous or downright devilish, but
Miller sees it differently. To me, feeling threatened by this
material is betraying a lack of faith. God is in charge of the world,
not me; my job is to live out my life according to how He has
made it clear to me. Are we heading for the Apocalyse? Nah, 'm
not worried about that, we have a lot more stuff to do before we
get into that. Miller enjoys the support of his American Baptist
congregation, and with good reason. 'm rooted in my faith in
Jesus Christ and work hard to embody the Good News of the
Gospel. try not to speak or interpret the Bible, but to do my best
in humility to walk the walk of Christ, of Love, to be Jesus to
others, to be open. try to allow God to radiate Divine Love
through me. love the prayer of Saint Francis...( Lord, make me
an instrument of Thy Peace....'). endeavor to embody the Holy
Spirit of God and take that wherever walk. (4 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:12 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, A WALK ON "THE OTHER SIDE" By Cynthia Gage
Amen. (5 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:12 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ATLANTIS OF YOUR DREAMS N. Thomas Miller

Index of Issue 3
N. Thomas Miller
magine: The vast city of Poseidon, the capital of Ancient
Atlantis, stretched out before us. The time is approximately
30,000 years ago, and Atlantis is at the apex of its achievement
as a civilization. We see commerce, large anti-gravity vessels
called valixes ascending and descending, many sailing ships of
all kinds, small anti-gravity personal craft and land vehicles, as
well as crowds of pedestrians.
Canals and exotic buildings surround an enormous pyramidal
structure which dominates the landscape. Scattered throughout
are hanging gardens, parks, and gigantic statues of Poseidon
and the various gods and goddesses of the city. Now imagine the
same scene thousands of years later with most of the structures
and statues in disrepair, badly weathered, and under heavy rain-
soaked skies, a giant tidal wave bears down upon it. Then again
imagine remnants of the city seen underwater during our present
Today, such scenes in a feature film or for television are not only
possible technically and artistically, but in the hands of the right
directing, producing, and effects team, can be much less
expensive than they once were, just a few years ago. When The
Last Star Fighter, the first film to use computer 3-D models
instead of actual miniatures, was made, the required super Cray
computer hardware by itself cost the production approximately $6
million. Nowadays, however, the necessary hardware is available
at a tiny fraction of the old costs. Two things have happened to
make this possible.
1. Digital compositing technology has grown by leaps and
bounds, replacing older forms of compositing by optical
2. Major advancements in software have improved computer
modeling and 3-D animation.
The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, for example, look frighteningly
real when combined seamlessly with the live actors.
Furthermore, the digital compositing tricks are so good and
impressive nowadays that Tom Hanks, as Forrest Gump, can be
made to shake hands with former presidents, one reason the film
took this year's Academy Award for special effects. All of this is
important because scenarios such as the one above can now be
produced, because costs are within bounds. Also, when
recreating scenes such as the last days of Atlantis with the
myriad artistic and technical challenges, the result could
effectively convince audiences they are actually there, and not
Thomas Miller
Books & Videos on Atlantis
Art by
Thomas Miller (1 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:13 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ATLANTIS OF YOUR DREAMS N. Thomas Miller
put them off with the tell-tale tricks of the past.
As much as once admired old-style Hollywood producer George
Pal for his Atlantean efforts, 'm sorry, but they never worked for
me. There was very little variety and everything looked like, well,
like models. The advent of personal computer software and
hardware in the professional entertainment marketplace has had
a revolutionary effect. Pioneered by the Amiga personal
computer and Lightwave 3-D software from New Tek, were
breathtaking but inexpensive special effects. Television shows
like Babylon 5, Robo Cop, Seaquest, and Unsolved Mysteries,
are among those to exploit the technology. Jaws have been
dropping in executive suites all over Hollywood as it has become
apparent that the lowly Amiga, with its inexpensive software, can
indeed do broadcast quality animation. Budgets have dropped,
too. n feature films, George Lucas's ndustrial Light and Magic
company, originally put together for Star Wars, led the way for
much of the technology we're talking about, especially advances
in digital compositing.
A curious thing has happened on the way to the marketplace for
the 20th anniversary reissue of Star Wars. Quoting Lucas: The
digital technology that LM pioneered in films like Jurassic Park
and Forrest Gump allows me to revise a few scenes which bring
the movie closer to my original vision. As reported in Cinescape
(Feb. 1995) magazine, his plans include adding or enhancing key
sequences outside the famous cantina and in the Tatooine
Dunes, among others. New shots of digitally realized creatures,
vehicles and droids are expected to be integrated. Of the scenes
likely to be added to the movie, the restoration of a lopped
confrontation between Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt (who didn't
make his first appearance until six years later in Return of the
Jedi) has received the most attention. As originally scripted and
filmed, Solo runs into a humanoid Jabba after being hired as a
taxi driver by Luke and Ben Kenobi. After Jabba bickers with
Solo over why the maverick pilot dumped a shipment he was
carrying for the intergalactic black marketeer, the scruffy glutton
agrees to give Hans a chance to repay him for the lost cargo.
So, what do Babylon 5, Seaquest, and Robo Cop (the TV series)
have in common? Special effects on PCs (Amigas) which are
better than the stories. Now let's hope the stories can catch up. (2 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:13 AM

Index of Issue 3
Len Kasten
Coming events are said to cast their shadows. Some sci-fi
moviemakers seem to have a talent for tapping into that level of
the mass subconscious in which new concepts are in the
formative stages, and bringing them into public consciousness.
Typically, their films are instantly very popular, often
unexpectedly, because the audiences, to the extent to which they
also are in touch with the subconscious, respond with interest
and enthusiasm without consciously understanding why.
Nothing is as inexorable as an idea whose time has come, and
because film is such a powerful medium, nothing can precipitate
it as quickly as a well-made movie that opens wide. t is the
Hundreth Monkey principle accelerated to warp speed!
Consequently these films usually become watershed events with
permanent social effects.
Stanley Kubrick's 2001 - A Space Odyssey and Steven
Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind are clearly in this
category. The Star Trek series has had such a profound social
effect that it has actually evoked a sort of reverse nostalgia, a
longing for the good new days! And now, a new star has
appeared on the horizon.
MGM's recent film, Stargate has revived the old excitement. As
with the others, somehow this movie struck a chord that
resonated in the mass subconscious, and consequently has
enjoyed a surprising box office bonanza. The sequel is already in
production. The movie's success would appear to validate
growing public interest, and belief in, the concept of ancient
astronauts, a subject that has intrigued a small, but international,
group of enthusiasts ever since the advent of Erich Von
Daniken's book, Chariots of the Gods, in 1968.
Star Wars was the first popular film to address this milieu,
claiming to have taken place a long time ago, on a planet far
away. Then, the popular TV series, Battlestar Galactica picked
up on the theme, portraying the adventures of a band of nomadic
stellar expatriates heading for the new promised land, Earth,
eventually to become our ancestors. n Stargate, an ancient
stone ring, about 30 feet in diameter, unearthed by
archaeologists at Giza in Egypt in 1928, is discovered, in the
present day, to be a gate to inter-stellar travel.
When activated by a certain sequence of seven symbols, it
permits travel through the gate. The Air Force takes over the
project, and recruits an expert in hieroglyphics to decode the
glyphs inscribed around the ring. He succeeds and they send
through a probe and track its path all the way across the universe
Len Kasten
Books & Videos on Egypt (1 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:14 AM
to a planet in another galaxy.
A small Special Forces expedition is assembled. They go
through the gate and find themselves in what appears to be an
abandoned temple in the middle of a desert. Two tall obelisks
stand at the entrance. A duplicate of the Great Pyramid of Giza
stands nearby.
While they know they are on a planet circling a distant star, the
scene is very reminiscent of ancient Egypt. A huge spacecraft
descends over the pyramid, and a youthful king, with his
entourage, and bodyguards who resemble the Egyptian jackal-
headed creatures, take residence in the temple.
t is Ra, the Sun God, he who rides in the Celestial Disk. Ra
keeps the people of a nearby city terrorized by means of high
technology. He has winged craft equipped with death rays, and
his bodyguards carry cylindrical ray guns.
The people worship him as a god, and they are thus kept
enslaved, working on mining operations. The story becomes
predictable after this as the Earthlings, well acquainted with such
problems, organize and lead the people and precipitate a
The film is obviously suggesting that this is essentially what
happened in ancient Egypt, that Ra and the other gods were
extraterrestrial who made a profound impression on the pre-
dynastic Egyptians, who then memorialized a catalogue of
religious rituals based on these early experiences. These rituals
then eventually became solemn and sacred ceremonies carried
out by the priests and pharaohs for thousands of years
afterwards. According to at least one researcher, this scenario is
uncannily close to the truth!
The Five Books of Zecharia
One of the foremost ancient astronaut theoreticians in the world
today is Palestinian born Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin is a walking
Rosetta Stone, a multi-lingual scholar who acquired proficiency in
ancient languages at an early age. He is the only investigator in
this field in the world who reads ancient Sumerian, in addition to
Hebrew, both ancient and modern, Greek and Aramaic, and who
has developed high competency in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Sitchin has built a reputation for scrupulous and thorough
scholarship and research, tempered with a healthy dose of
intuition, a potent combination that gives his books an air of solid
respectability and authority.
Based primarily on his deciphering of thousands of Sumerian
clay tablets, Sitchin has written a series of five books called The
Earth Chronicles in which he lays out an elaborate story about
space travelers from a theoretical 10th planet (12th if the Sun
and Moon are included) in the solar system, about four times the
size of Earth, called Nibiru, or Marduk in Babylonian.
Sitchin claims that this planet has a very eccentric orbit whereby
it travels from way out beyond Pluto, cutting across the orbits of
the rest of the planets, and then half-circling the Sun between
Mars and Jupiter, taking 3,600 Earth years for each revolution.
On its closest orbital approach, about 450,000 years ago, a band
of Nibiruans known as the Anunnaki, came to Earth and landed (2 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:14 AM
in southern Mesopotamia. They then proceeded to mine gold,
which they evidently needed for the survival of their planet.
At first they extracted it from the Persian Gulf, but they couldn't
obtain the quantities they needed that way, so they began
underground mining in South Africa. The workers were not used
to such backbreaking toil deep under the earth, and finally, after
40 Nibiru years, or 144,000 Earth years, they rebelled. This
precipitated a visit to Earth by Anu, the Lord of Nibiru, and a
meeting was convened to resolve the problem.
t was decided to genetically engineer a race of slave workers by
crossing the ape-like creatures, then inhabiting Earth, with the
Anunnaki. About 300,000 years ago, after a period of trial and
error, they succeeded in achieving the perfect model of a
primitive worker by implantation of the engineered embryo into
the womb of a birth goddess. Then they went into mass
production. Using a group of fourteen goddesses, they produced
seven humans of each gender at a time, and put them to work in
the mines when they reached adulthood.
At first they had to keep producing them because, as hybrids,
they were sterile. But later, thanks to the experiments of Enki, the
leader of the original expedition, they were able to develop a
model that could reproduce.
nitially, the gods were angry at Enki for giving humans this gift,
but they eventually realized the advantages. Sitchin claims that
this was the basis of the Adam and Eve story, and the advent of
the human race. As humans proliferated, the Anunnaki put them
to work on a variety of jobs including building their houses, or
Humans also cooked, danced and played music to entertain the
gods. Such intimate fraternization ultimately led to the inevitable.
The gods found the human females physically compatible and
attractive and began to take them as wives. This explains the
cryptic statement in Genesis, the sons of god went in unto the
daughters of men, which is now more understandable since the
females were also descendants of the gods.
This launched an era of Dionysian revelry by the gods, who
acted much like drunken sailors in a foreign port, which their
leaders found disturbing since it diluted their mission. Enlil, the
Lord of the Earth, knew that the Antarctic ice cap would soon be
plunged into the ocean because of Earth convulsions caused by
the next approach of Nibiru. n order to end this orgy of
miscegenation, it was decided to allow the human race to perish
in the coming deluge while the Anunnaki orbited the Earth safely
in their spacecraft. However, once again Enki came to the rescue
of humanity, and secretly instructed the first human king,
Ziusudra, in the construction of a submersible vessel. This, of
course, is the Sumerian version of the story of Noah. The Advent
of Ra.
Of Time and the Pyramids
There is now mounting evidence that the Giza pyramids are
much older than the Fourth Dynasty, and that instead of having
developed out of earlier primitive pyramids, they were actually
the prototypes of the later pyramids, which were really pale
imitations. They were clearly never used as tombs, and the
technology displayed in their construction was much too (3 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:14 AM
advanced for the era of Khufu, about 2600 B.C., but very
probably existed in the time of the gods.
Sitchin points out that the most convincing piece of evidence that
Khufu did not build the Giza monuments is the so-called
nventory Stela found in the Temple of sis near the Great
Pyramid. The inscription by Khufu makes reference to the
pyramid and Sphinx as already standing. And in The Stairway to
Heaven Sitchin makes a very convincing case for the fact that
the red paint quarry marks referring to Khufu, discovered in 1837
in the sealed chambers over the King's Chamber, were forgeries.
The Great Pyramid was built perfectly level and perfectly aligned
with the four directions of the compass, with each side at a
precise angle of 54 degrees. Says Sitchin, The wonderment only
increases as one realizes the interior complexities and precision
of the galleries, corridors, chambers, shafts and openings...the
locking and plugging systems ... all in perfect alignment with
each other... Consider what primitive equipment and tools were
available in that period.
The Egyptians of that era did not have knowledge of the pulley,
or block and tackle. All they had were wooden rollers and levers,
and wood was at a premium in the desert.
Consider also the immense difficulty of transporting those 2.3
million 200-ton stones from the quarry all the way down the Nile
at Aswan. f they cut, moved and placed ten stones per day, it
would have taken 632 years to completion. The Great Pyramid
still remains the largest stone structure in the world, and probably
could not be duplicated today.
But for the Anunnaki, it was probably not such a difficult feat.
Ra's father, Ptah or Enki, was known as an engineering genius,
and Ra is said to have enlisted the assistance of Thoth, the
Egyptian god of sciences and of magical powers. This suggests
that the Anunnaki might have had the ability to move the massive
stones around without benefit of manpower.
The Pharaoh's Journey to the Stars
Robert Bauval, a construction engineer working in the Middle
East, had always been fascinated by the sophisticated
astronomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, and how it was
incorporated into their religious ritual.
As the god king, each pharaohh was considered to be the
personification of Horus, the son of Osiris. According to the
Pyramid Texts, the only authentic source of information, the
purpose of the whole process of mummification and the
accompanying rites was to prepare the pharaoh for a journey to
heaven in the stars, specifically Orion, there to rejoin his father
Osiris and to become a star in that constellation, as he was.
To help in this journey, the priests would frequently paint star
maps on the insides of the coffin lids, or on the ceilings of the
tombs. Live and be young beside your father, beside Orion in the
sky says Pyramid Text 2180. About 1954, an Egyptologist named
Badawy advanced the theory that the shafts in the Great Pyramid
were not for ventilation at all, but were pointed towards certain
star systems, and had some religious significance.
After making corrections for precession, he determined that (4 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:14 AM
around 2600 B.C., the time of Khufu, the southern shaft pointed
directly at the belt of Orion, making it very likely that some ritual
was probably performed in the King's Chamber involving the
flight of the soul of the pharaoh through the shaft to Orion.
Bauval, who had always wondered why the three pyramids at
Giza were aligned the way they were, was intrigued when he
came across Badawy's data. He began to believe that there was
some correlation between Orion and the building scheme at
Giza. He pored over aerial photographs seeking some clue.
Then, one night in November of 1983, on an overnight camping
trip in the desert dunes near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he woke up
around 3 A.M. and gazed at the stellar canopy above, so crystal
clear he could almost touch it.
He awoke his friend Jean-Pierre and they observed and
discussed the Milky Way, Orion and Sirius. Then Jean-Pierre
pointed out how the third star in Orion's belt was smaller and
slightly out of alignment with the other two. n a flash Bauval
realized that the three pyramids at Giza were a replication on
Earth of the three stars in Orion's belt! He then perceived that the
Orion stars were in approximately the same relation to the Milky
Way, which resembles a great river in the sky, as the Giza
pyramids were to the Nile.
This was a momentous discovery, fraught with implications for
both Egyptologists and ancient astronaut theorists alike. t
indicated a grand plan at Giza far beyond the capability of
Pharaoh Khufu. And if Ra was the builder of the pyramids, this
would connect him with Orion in some way.
Bauval's breakthrough is discussed in detail in his new book, The
Orion Mystery (Crown, 1994) penned with co-author Adrian
Gilbert. Bauval then went on to study precession, and discovered
that Orion made its first appearance over the horizon at Giza in
10,400 B.C., almost exactly when Sitchin claimed that Ra had
built the Giza pyramids!
Sitchin never mentioned him (and Bauval never mentions
Sitchin), but Bauval points out that famous clairvoyant Edgar
Cayce also claimed that very same date to be the beginning of
the design phase of the Great Pyramid. With a scientist/engineer,
an anthropologist/linguist, and a clairvoyant adding their voices of
concurrence, the case for the antiquity of the Giza pyramids and
Sphinx seems impressive.
And so it appears that somehow Stargate has tapped into a
vision of the distant past that no respectable anthropologist,
archeologist or Egyptologist has ever painted, or would even
dare to entertain. t has brought us the true story of Ra, the Star
God, He of the Winged Globe. guess if you want to learn the
truth about the past, or to see into the future, you have to go to
the movies. Pass the popcorn, please. (5 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:14 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, IS A LOW-FAT DIET ALWAYS GOOD FOR YOU? By Ann Louise Gittleman

Index of Issue 3
Ann Louise Gittleman
know it's almost sacrilegious to criticize carbohydrates, but in
light of so many negative effects from their imbalance and
overuse, the time has come to take the carbohydrate craze to
Carbohydrate overloading tends to displace protein foods the
body needs for immunity, stable blood sugar levels, hormones
and tissue repair. Plus carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and
potatoes are deficient in essential fatty acids (EFAs) that control
the cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems. So, my
clients suffer sugar cravings, lack of concentration, lack of
energy, the need for more sleep, fluid retention, aging skin, high
glycerides and weight problems.
Carbohydrates are considered the preferred fuel for human
beings, but our national obsession with cutting dietary fat has
produced diets unusually high in carbohydrates and, therefore,
deficient in EFAs, the real key to overall health. f you were to
follow the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Guide
Pyramid as your guide to daily food choices, you'd eat 6 to 11
servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta a day, foods that
contain practically no EFAs. You'd also be advised to consume
fats and oils sparingly because, according to the USDA, they
contribute empty calories to your diet.
observed carbohydrate-connected health concerns such as
gluten intolerance years ago when worked at the Pritikin
Longevity Center. Yet that doesn't compare to the problems my
fat-phobic clients face as a result of their extreme diets. Many
have cut down on nutritional staples such as eggs, meat and
other proteins, and butter due to cholesterol concerns. nstead,
these people eat record numbers of fat-free candy, honey and
fruit juice-sweetened cookies, and low-fat (but sugar rich) frozen
yogurt. We overeat sugar and carbohydrates, which can make us
Studies show that Americans eat less fat now. The USDA reports
a drop in red meat intake between 1980 and 1990. n the past 20
years, butter intake has declined by 25 per cent. Unfortunately,
we've substituted sugar for the missing fat calories. High sugar
intake is linked to higher insulin levels, extreme hunger and,
consequently, overeating.
Nearly half of all adults and 75 percent of the obese have a
problem with carbohydrate metabolism due to insulin resistance.
nsulin is a hormone that metabolizes glucose from
Ann Louise Gittleman
Books & Videos on Health
Books & Videos by
Ann Louise Gittleman (1 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:15 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, IS A LOW-FAT DIET ALWAYS GOOD FOR YOU? By Ann Louise Gittleman
carbohydrates into energy. nsulin resistance is a condition
whereby body cells resist the action of insulin, which they over-
produce because of too many sugary and simple carbohydrate
foods. nsulin resistance is an underlying cause of a condition
associated with Type diabetes, hypertension, obesity and high
glyceride values. ndividuals who produce high levels of insulin
are constantly hungry and crave rich foods.
Consistently high levels of insulin in the blood promote fat
storage and the inability to access stored body fat. So, people
who consistently eat foods that promote high insulin response
are generating fat storage.
Even if you eat excess complex carbohydrates, you may set the
stage for fat buildup. When you fill up mainly on fat-free foods
such as wheat bread, fruit juice and corn chips, you may foster
fat because insulin is a fat-promoting hormone.
So what can a weight-conscious person do? The truth is, we're
all different, and: some people can tolerate more carbohydrates,
others less, due to the way foods are metabolized. The slow
oxidizer does better on a Pritikin-style diet (high carbohydrates
with EFAs, of course), while the fast oxidizer will thrive on a diet
high in protein and fat. n general, men seem to handle a greater
carbohydrate load than women probably because they generally
have fewer fat cells and more muscle mass, which makes them
able to burn more carbohydrate calories. My female clients,
however, do better on a diet that ranges from 30 to 40 percent in
carbohydrates unless they're very physically active. n this case,
athletic women may be able to tolerate a diet closer to 50 to 55
percent carbohydrates.
To be safe, we should strive to keep insulin levels low. This is
easily accomplished by eating meals that consist of a mixture of
proteins, carbohydrates and some fat. The good news is that
protein can increase metabolism 30 percent, while a purely
carbohydrate meal increases metabolism only 10 percent.
Protein helps balance insulin release through production of the
hormone glucagon. Protein-induced glucagon in turn mobilizes
fats from storage tissue, thus aiding weight loss. Glucagon acts
in the opposite way as insulin. By eating balanced meals you get
more steady blood sugar levels and the ability to burn stored
body fat for long-term weight loss.
Fats (butter, olive oil, sesame oil) also slow insulin release, plus
a little goes a long way in making you feel full so you won't
overeat. Besides, essential fats such as safflower oil and flax oil
have metabolic raising effects. When you add the right fat, you'll
balance carbohydrate intake automatically. (2 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:15 AM

Index of Issue 3
J. Douglas Kenyon
For the many who date their personal discovery of the wisdom of
the ancients and the power of unseen forces with the late 1960s
and early '70s, two books enjoyed nearly unequaled influence.
The Secret Life of Plants and Secrets of the Great Pyramid were
both runaway best sellers, which, if nothing else, put the
orthodox establishment to considerable trouble defending itself.
While today, notions such as the preference of plants for good
music and the miraculous measurements of the Great Pyramid
may have become somewhat passe, 25 years ago they caused
quite a stir, and in the process earned not a little notoriety for
author Peter Tompkins. For one who had dared to challenge so
flagrantly the titans of the scientific establishment, Tompkins
achieved not only celebrity, but also, for a time, an
unprecedented measure of credibility.
Both books remain in print but Tompkins, though scrupulous in
his research, came to be dismissed by the conventional as
something of a crank. More recent books (i.e., Secrets of the
Mexico Pyramids, and Secrets of the Soil) have done little to
change his undeserved reputation; nevertheless he remains
today busy and unrepentant. Nor have advancing years
quenched his fire. At 75, Tompkins has just delivered to his
publisher Harper's his latest manuscript, offering concrete proof
of the existence of elemental creatures. The book should be
forthcoming in the next few months.
Just back from a trip to Colombia, the author, at his home in
Washington, D.C., took time recently to share his secrets on
many mysteries, ancient and otherwise.
Originally from Georgia, Tompkins grew up in Europe, but
returned to the U.S. to study at Harvard. College, though, was
interrupted by World War . nitially employed by the New York
Herald Tribune, Tompkins began the war as a correspondent.
Soon he was broadcasting for Mutual and NBC. By the end of
the war he was working with Edward R. Murrow and CBS. n
1941, his reporting career was interrupted by a stint in the TO (a
precursor of OSS, which ultimately became the CA). Five
months were spent behind enemy lines. At the Anzio landing, he
recalls, General Donovan and General Park sent me into Rome
ahead of the landing, and had they not failed to arrive, we would
have had a big victory. But as it was, we got stuck. Then had to
send out radio messages four or five times a day of what the
Germans were doing, where they were going to attack and in
what strength and so on. During the mission, Tompkins recruited
Douglas Kenyon
Peter Tompkins
Books & Videos on Egypt
Books & Videos by
Peter Tompkins (1 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:17 AM
numerous agents which were sent north to link up with the
partisans and help clear the way for the planned allied advance.
Eventually he went to Berlin. When, at the close of the war,
Truman abolished the OSS, Tompkins found he had no desire to
join the newly organized CA and went his own way. The years
following the war were spent in taly learning moviemaking and
scriptwriting and developing a healthy distaste for censorship.
realized the only way could say what wanted to say was by
writing books. They don't get censored.
Even then, he was finding his views made him anathema to
many. got thrown out of more dinner parties, he chuckles, for
talking about metaphysical, or what were considered crazy,
notions at the time, so learned to be quiet.
Being quiet in print, though, has not been his wont. Nor has
censorship of a sort been entirely escaped. Tompkins believes
his most recent book Secrets of the Soils which he describes as
A cry to save the planet from the chemical killers was virtually
squashed by the publisher afraid of scaring the public. A followup
on the Secret Life of Plants, the book spelled out alternatives to
the use of chemical fertilizers which Tompkins says are
absolutely useless and only lead to killing the soil and the
microorganisms, poisoning the plants and ultimately animals and
humans. Tompkins believes such fertilizers to be primary
contributors to the spread of cancer.
The writer has found his plans thwarted, not only by publishers.
One idea to use a promising technology he had chanced upon, to
virtually X-Ray the Great Pyramid, was apparently blocked by
Zahi Hawass and the Egyptian Antiquities Authority. t would
have cost about fifty grand to X-Ray the whole pyramid and find
out what the hell really is in there, he says. t seemed to me that
it would make an interesting television program, but no one was
interested. t was very strange.
On the recent highly publicized work of Belgian astronomer
Robert Bauval purporting to show an alignment between the
pyramids and the constellation Orion, he shrugs. t's a
hypothesis, but it's not provable. 'm only interested in those
things about the great pyramid which are solid, which are
indisputable. Tompkins wants more than endless theories, of
which he claims to have a room full. But he concedes, f you
think of the Dogon and the Sirius connection, it's obvious that on
this planet, that people knew a great deal more about astronomy
and may have been linked in one way or another with the stars.
But 'm only interested when someone comes along with fairly
hard proof.
Proof of advanced ancient astronomical knowledge, Tompkins
believes, is abundant in much of the ancient architecture. t's
obvious that all the great temples in Egypt were astronomically
oriented and geodetically placed, he says. He is especially
interested in Tel el-Amarna which he sees as the subject of a
possible future book. The astronomical knowledge incorporated
into the city built by Akhenaton, Tompkins believes to be mind
blowing. Unfortunately for his plans though, Livio Catullo
Stecchini, the talian scholar and authority on ancient
measurement, upon whom Tompkins relied for much of his work
in Secrets of the Great Pyramid, is dead. (2 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:17 AM
nterestingly, Tompkins never permitted Secrets of the Great
Pyramid to be published in taly because the publisher wanted to
cut out Stecchini's appendix (not the organ, but the text). The
injustice still angers Tompkins. Here's an unrecognized talian
genius, but the talians said if you print it you can't have the book.
His subsequent book on the Mexican Pyramids further reinforced
Tompkins view that the ancients were possessed of advanced
astronomical knowledge. Though not convinced that the
similarities between Egypt and Mexico prove the existence of a
mother culture like Atlantis, as some have suggested, he does
believe it's obvious that people went back and forth across the
Atlantic. And he believes the Mexico builders used the same
system of measurements as the Egyptians. should write
another whole book on the subject of what was known on both
sides of the Atlantic.
During his Mexico experience, Tompkins succeeded, at great
expense and difficulty, in filming the effect of the rising and
setting sun at equinox on the temple at Chichen tza. t's
absolutely staggering, he relates, but you can see that snake
come alive, just on that one day. t goes up and down the steps.
We filmed it and it's just beautiful. How did they orient that
pyramid so that would happen only on the equinox?
Answering that question led Tompkins to New Zealand and
Geoffrey Hodgeson, who gained fame in the 1920s by
clairvoyantly pinpointing the precise position of the planets at a
given time. Convinced by Hodgeson's demonstration, Tompkins
concluded that he knew the secret by which the ancients were
able to achieve their precise astronomical alignments without
access to modern instruments. They didn't need the instruments,
because the instruments were built into them. Clairvoyantly they
could tell exactly where the planets were and understand their
motion. Such understanding, while available to the ancients, has
been largely forgotten by alienated high-tech Western society.
We've closed ourselves in, he says. We've pulled down the
shades on our second sight.
Fascinated by clairvoyance and the potential it represents,
Tompkins has tried to deploy it as a resource for his more
scientific investigation. When his own search for concrete proof
for the existence of Atlantis took him to the Bahamas he used
every tool at his disposal. When one site appeared to be littered
with ancient marble columns and pediments, it was a psychic
who told him that the spot was nothing more than the final resting
place of a nineteenth-century ship bound for New Orleans with a
marble mausoleum on board. On the more scientific side,
clandestine core sampling of the celebrated Bimini Road
convinced him the pavement was not manmade but only beach
rock. t took a University of Miami geologist to give him what he
Dr. Cesare Emiliani showed Tompkins the result of his own core
sampling over the years in the Gulf of Mexico. Here was
conclusive proof of a great inundation of water in about 9,000
BC. Tompkins remembers, Emiliani said, they say that Atlantis
has been found in the Azores and found off the coast of Spain
and off the East Coast of the United States. All of these places,
he said, could have been part of the Atlantean empire that was
submerged at exactly the date when Plato said it was. (3 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:17 AM
Several years earlier he had written the foreword for the English
translation of Otto Muck's book, The Secret of Atlantis. Muck's
hypothesis that Atlantis had been sunk by an asteroid Tompkins
thought very plausible, and he still thinks so, though it remains to
be proven. n Emiliani's work, though, Tompkins believes he has
found the only geological proof on the subject.
Of course, proved or not, Atlantis, like many other controversial
notions, is not likely to be readily accepted by the intellectual
establishment. The reasons for which seem clear to Tompkins.
They would have to rewrite all their archeological schoolbooks if
some of this is proved. f John West's theory about the Sphinx is
correct (that it's over 10,000 years old) it's going to change a lot
of stuff. By way of analogy he describes a man he knows in
Canada who has developed a cure for cancer and points out
what a threat such a discovery is to the billion-dollar-a-year
cancer industry. All of which leads him to another one of his
favorite subjects, though acknowledging that it may cost him
credibility with some people: Who really wrote Shakespeare?
t was written like Hollywood scripts are written today, he
explains. Written by members of the privy council, which could
have been at the time, not only Bacon and Southhampton, but all
of them who were involved, one way or another, in trying to save
the country from civil war, and realized that neither the Catholics
nor the Protestants had the answer, and you had to look deeper
somewhere. So you had to go back to the Egyptians, hence the
presence of Giordano Bruno involved in some of the plays. He
sighs, The whole subject is absolutely riveting and fascinating.
A lifetime of searching the hidden byways has made Tompkins
philosophical about his own inevitable physical transition. While
acknowledging that he is getting on, he says, 'm infinitely more
peaceful about the prospect of death. Like time, it's sort of an
illusion. mean you lose the body but what's that. You've had
many before and you'll probably have more after. Maybe you'll do
better without them. At any rate, his productivity has yet to suffer.
His next book promises to prove the existence of elemental
The project was inspired by the recent scientific validation of the
work of Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater in mapping sub-
atomic structure. Before the turn of the century the two leaders of
the theosophical society had decided to used their yogic powers
to analyze the elements. Leadbeater saw and Besant drew.
When their work was published, no one paid any attention. After
all, not only was it impossible to do what they were doing but
their results contradicted conventional science. Then in the
1970s an English physicist discovered their work and realized
that they were accurately describing quarks and other features of
the atom which had only recently been discovered. With such
powerful vindication established, Tompkins now goes into the
detailed work which the two produced on elemental spirits, as
well as the work of the renowned clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner. f
you put it all together and realize these people could actually,
many years ahead of the discovery of atoms and isotopes,
accurately describe and draw them, and then look at their
description of the nature spirits, their function on the planet, their
connection with human beings and why it is that we should
reconnect with them, you have to listen. mean it's black and
white. You can't escape it. (4 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:17 AM
What will the new book be named? don't know because hate
to give names to my books. They'll probably call it the Secret Life
of something or other.... (5 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:17 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE By David Hatcher Childress

Index of Issue 3
David Hatcher
If anyone manages to live real life like Indiana Jones it is David
Hatcher Childress. A veteran of many expeditions to some of the most
interesting destinations on Earth, Childress has made adventure a
career. The author of many lengthy books on lost cities and
civilizations, he has learned the hidden byways of world travel up
close and personal. Who better to provide Atlantis Rising's guide to
magical summer travel trips you can actually take without mounting a
full scale safari. EDITOR
What to See: The Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the National
History The Greek philosopher Plato, around 400 B.C., mentions
how his relative Solon, visiting Egypt around 590 B.C., had been
told by Egyptian priests of Atlantis and its war with ancient
Athens around 9000 B.C. The Egyptians told Solon that the world
had been destroyed several times and that the Greeks had
forgotten their own history. According to Greek mythology,
Athens was founded by the goddess Athena and was a great
civilization as early as 10,000 B.C., before the Mediterranean
was flooded and the Aegean Sea was created. Even modern
historians are in disagreement as to when Athens was founded,
but by 1400 B.C. it was a powerful city-state. Apparently the
Acropolis is built on the foundations of ancient blocks of stone,
much like the Roman temple at Baalbek in Lebanon. The current
buildings, including the famous Parthenon, were started in 447 B.
C. Don't miss wandering through the Plaka, the old city with its
narrow streets, restaurants, and gift shops.
Hints A good side trip is to the sland of Thera (Santorini),
thought by some Greek archaeologists to be the origin of Plato's
Atlantis. Thera can be reached by daily flights or ferry (12 hours
from Athens). The volcano of Thera exploded around 1450 B.C.
and is now a crescent-shaped island with steep cliffs and
spectacular views. Sit at the Atlantis Hotel on the rim of the crater
and sip a drink at sunset, watching the deep orange colors fade
over the still smoking crater.
What to See: Karnak Temple, Luxor Temple, and the Valley of
David Hatcher Childress
Books & Videos by
David Hatcher Childress (1 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:18 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE By David Hatcher Childress
History Luxor is ancient Thebes, the capital of Upper Egypt.
Here, the greatest temple in all of Egypt existed, Karnak, the
massive temple to Amon-Ra. When walking through this gigantic
temple the glory and awesome scope of ancient Egyptian
civilization will overwhelm you. Here are megalithic walls and
columns a 100 feet high built to last for thousands of years.
White-sailed felucca boats sail up and down the Nile outside your
hotel, and if you cross the Nile you can journey to the
underground tombs of the Valley of Kings and Valley of Queens.
No Egyptian mummy has ever been found in a pyramid, instead
the Egyptians buried their mummified dead in rock-cut vaults
deep underground. Believing that mummified egos could not
reincarnate, Atonists like Akhenaton and Nefertiti preferred
cremation to mummification and even fought a war over this
principle. Early Christians, who also believed in reincarnation,
were forbidden to be mummified or embalmed as well.
Hints Don't miss the Sound and Light Show at the Karnak
Temple every evening, the smaller but still magnificent Luxor
Temple, and be sure to take a walk through the Arab market a
block from the Nile. Wander among the carpet shops, tea cafes,
and papyrus shops, but be prepared for the relentless attention
of shop owners and street vendors. Tourism is down nowadays
in Egypt, so it's a buyers market. A good rule of thumb is not to
pay more than 40% of the first price quoted to you. And
remember, anything you want is available at five other shops
around the corner.
A good side trip is to the Temple of Abydos several hours north
along the Nile. Here you can visit an excellent temple in which
the full list of all the kings of Egypt are listed in chronological
order. Behind the temple is the famous Osirion, or Tomb of
Osiris. This is a pre-Egyptian megalithic building, half submerged
in a swamp, that is said to date from the time of Atlantis when the
Mediterranean was a dry valley, the ancient Osirian Civilization.
Curiously, the walls of the Osirion are built of huge polygonal
blocks of stone identical to those found in Peru.
What to See: The old city with the Dome of the Rock Mosque
and the remains of the Temple of Solomon.
History Like Baalbek in Lebanon, Jerusalem was laid out on the
massive ruins of an ancient city, a megalithic platform. King
Solomon built the first Temple on top of the huge ashlars that are
now the Wailing Wall. This temple held the Ark of the Covenant.
This object is said to have come from Atlantis and kept in the
King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Destroyed by the Romans
and in the 10th century, the temple ruins became the site of the
Muslims beautiful Dome of the Rock Mosque, the third holiest
site in slam.
Hints Don't miss the walks along the top of the ancient city walls
or sitting in a cafe in one of the old quarters. A one-day side trip
from Jerusalem should be to Qumran and the Dead Sea. The
ancient Essene community of Ein Gedi was along the shores of
the Dead Sea and the Qumran caves where the Dead Sea
Scrolls were found is just up a nearby wadi.
(See article on page 18) (2 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:18 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE By David Hatcher Childress
History t is sometimes said of famous sights that they are never
as good as you think they will be. The Taj Mahal is one of those
places even better than you imagine. Built by Shah Jahan for his
wife Mumtaz, the magnificent white marble structure with pools
and gardens is a true mystical experience.
Hints Don't miss visiting the Taj during a Full Moon when the
desert sky is clear and the building shines in the moonlight. ndia
is famous for its train trips, and Agra can be reached easily by
train from New Dehli.
The ancient city of Fatipur Sikri is nearby. This Mogul city was
abandoned when the water supply disappeared. Spend a
fascinating afternoon walking among its red sandstone minarets
and archways. A three-day side trip to Benares (Varanasi), the
holiest city in the Hindu religion, and Ganges River would be well
spent. This ancient city goes back to the Rama Empire of around
12,000 B.C. Bathe in the Ganges at dawn while an orange sun
rises above the hundreds of temples that adorn the shore.
What to See: Swayambu Temple and Bodinath Stupa
History Kathmandu is an ancient city built in a valley surrounded
by the Himalayas. Buddha was from the Nepalese city of
Lumbini, and it is said that Jesus traveled from Lumbini to
Swayambu in Kathmandu and on to Lhasa in Tibet in his early
years. Swayambu is a great geomanced temple mound with a
Buddhist shrine on the summit.
Hints Beware of the aggressive monkeys and don't take any
food. Wander through the city streets and markets to the many
temples. The smell of incense and temple bells fills the air.
Bodanath Stupa in a sacred Buddhist shrine on the outskirts of
the city. Don't miss dinner at Kathmandu's original hotel, The Yak
& Yeti, and an evening rickshaw ride through the city.
As long as you're in the Himalayas, a week-long side trip could
be made to Lhasa, the ancient capital of Tibet. With the imposing
Potala Palace towering over the city, this center of Tibetan
Buddhism captures the heart on the Roof of the World. Though
the Dalai Lama now lives in exile in Dharmsala, ndia, Lhasa is
still a city of magic and mystery.
What to See: The ancient hogans and cliff castles
History Mesa Verde is connected to the extensive road system
emanating out from Chaco Canyon in northern New Mexico. The
vanished Anasazi who lived at Mesa Verde are believed to be
related to the Hohokam ndians of Arizona and ultimately with the
Toltecs of Tula in Northern Mexico. Mesa Verde is the
northernmost site with the ball courts, kivas, walled cities, and
cliff buildings typical of southwestern American ndian (3 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:18 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE By David Hatcher Childress
settlements. The people imported exotic birds from Central
America and used crystals and boomerangs.
Hints Don't miss climbing the buildings high on the cliffs, and
looking for the mysterious pyramid of Mesa Verde.
f you continue west an interesting side trip is to Canyonlands
National Park in southern Utah or south to Canyon de Chelley
and the Hopi Mesas. The ancient cities, cliff dwellings and ball
courts of the Anasazi and Hohokam can be found from Aztec,
New Mexico, to Chaco Canyon, the Zuni Pueblo to Montezuma's
Castle near Sedona.
What to See: The Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon
and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
History The ruins around the valley of Mexico are very ancient,
the Aztecs were late-comers to this fascinating area. The Aztec
city of Tenochtitlan was built on an island in the center of a lake
which has now been drained and smothered by Mexico City,
which is slowly sinking into the still, soft lake bed. The ruins of
Cuiquilco, near the University of Mexico, are thought to be over
9,000 years old, but the most spectacular site is the Toltec
sacred precinct of Teotihuacan just to the northeast of the city.
Here the huge Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon
tower above the valley. The temple to Quetzalcoatl, the ancient
saint who walked throughout North and South America, is found
between the pyramids.
Hints Don't miss climbing to the top of the pyramids for an awe-
inspiring view.
A one-day side trip to Tula, the ancient Toltec capital three hours
north of Mexico City, is well worth it. Here the gigantic statues,
called Atlanteans, stand 80 feet high, once the columns of a
gigantic temple.
What to See: The ancient megalithic city perched on a mountain
in the Urubamba Gorge of Peru.
History No one knows what is the original name of this fabulous,
secret city perched on a jungle mountain top, but today it is
known as Machu Picchu, named after the mountain. While often
attributed to the ncas, it is likely that Machu Picchu was built
many thousands of years before the nca dynasty, as were
Ollantaytambo, Cuzco, and Tiahuanaco. This hidden city
commanded the road from the lower jungle areas up the
Urubamba River into the Sacred Valley. t is one of the most
spectacular sights in the world.
Hints Don't miss taking the train from Cuzco to Machu Picchu
station or hiking to the top of the peak above the city, Huaynu
Picchu, through the rock-cut tunnel.
A good side trip is to the ancient city Ollantaytambo, with its (4 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:18 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, TOP 10 MAGICAL JOURNEYS YOU CAN TAKE By David Hatcher Childress
megalithic fortress overlooking the town. This is one of the few
ancient cities of South America that is still occupied, and
wandering through the quiet streets with the stream running
along the sides is a trip back into the dim mists of history.
What to See: The Gate of the Sun, pyramid and buildings of
History Tiahuanaco is one of the oldest cities in South America,
going back many thousands of years. Guesses range from 3,000
B.C. to 24,000 B.C. A two hour's drive from La Paz, the capital of
Bolivia, Tiahuanaco, is the site of the bleak, windswept Altiplano
of the Andes. The pyramid and walls of the city first catch your
attention and the scattered megalithic blocks about the site. The
center of attention is the Gate of the Sun with its mysterious
hieroglyphs and the strange goggle-eyed statues.
Hints Don't miss seeing the gigantic cut-stones of Puma Punku a
mile away which are said to be the ruins of an ancient canal and
temple. A side trip to nearby Lake Titicaca would also be
enjoyable. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the
world and sits among the snow-capped peaks on the border of
Peru and Bolivia. The sacred sland of the Sun, where the first
nca, Manco Capac, stepped out of a cave in the 4th century A.D.
can be visited in the middle of the lake. UFO activity is often
reported around the lake.
What to See: The many gigantic statues, the volcanic quarry and
the walls at Vinapu.
History No one knows when Easter sland was first occupied, but
the historians of Rapa Nui, as the islanders call their land, say
that there was once a land called Hiva to the north of them from
whence they came. The island has walls such as at Vinapu, near
the airport, that are identical in construction to those found at
Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu in Peru, testifying to
their ancient age and contact with South America. The volcanic
quarry of Rano Raraku is also a natural amphitheater where
scores of huge statues, buried to their chests stand looking down
to a tortora reed lake. Platforms of statues exist at various places
around the island.
Hints Don't miss hiking around to the Arongo Birdman city on the
cliffs above the Rano Kao volcanic crater and looking out at the
sacred birdman islands below.
Easter sland can only be reached by private yacht or by plane
from Santiago, Chile, or Papeete, Tahiti, therefore a convenient
side trip would be to fly on to Tahiti and the Society slands. On
Tahiti you can visit the ancient pyramid sites and the famous
Gaugin Museum and its megalithic Tiki statues. Here the
Polynesian culture continues its vibrant existence. (5 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:18 AM

Index of Issue 3
Len Kasten
n 1947, near the banks of the Dead Sea, Bedouin tribesmen
found seven crumbling scrolls hidden in caves since the time of
Christ. By the end of 1956, archaeologists had discovered 800
scrolls in the desolate Judaean wilderness near the ruins of
Khirbet Qumran. n biblical times, a mysterious religious sect
lived in the place twenty miles east of Jerusalem, deemed by
historians to be both a monastery and a fortress. While its exact
nature is uncertain, the sect is said to have been Essene, and
author of the scrolls.
Yet the question of who wrote the scrolls is now a matter of fierce
international debate. Renegade scholars contend the site was
not home to a sect at all, but, in fact, the outpost of a militant,
nationalistic movement. These militants who wrote the scrolls,
they say, were the early Christians.
f so, the ship of religion and Western civilization may be
foundering in high seas. We of the Judeo-Christian world, it
seems, may have to take another look at who we are and where
we come from. t isn't easy, though. A mysterious veil has settled
over the Dead Sea, over the scrolls and their meaning, keeping
them hidden still. n the meantime, tantalizing clues link them
with sources found as far away as Tibet. Some of the most
important texts, one-fourth of the entire corpus, have only
recently seen the light of day. Dominican priests, said to be
fearful of their implications, kept the scrolls secret for decades
while publicly denying their relevance. And today, the scrolls
remain one of the most controversial and puzzling finds of our
From the beginning, an atmosphere of intrigue cloaked the
discovery. Early on, an agent of the newly formed CA examined
one of the manuscripts in Damascus, Syria. But any possible role
the CA could have played in the subsequent drama remains
unclear. n the political turmoil surrounding the formation of the
state of srael, it was uncertain what nation owned the texts, let
alone who wrote them. The scrolls changed hands on the black
market, passing from Bedouins to shady antique merchants.
Years passed. As if some sinister force had cast a spell upon the
discovery, the world, it seemed, had failed to realize its
significance. ndeed, in 1954, an intriguing advertisement in the
Wall Street Journal offered some of the genuine Dead Sea
Scrolls for sale. Shortly thereafter, the already enigmatic scrolls
were hidden behind another veil of secrecy, the Vatican's.
Under the lax auspices of the sraeli Antiquities Department,
Len Kasten
Books & Videos on Bible
Books & Videos on Egypt
Books & Videos on Archeology (1 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
which had painstakingly acquired the scrolls from black market
and other sources, the Ecole Biblique et Archologique, a
Dominican body, took possession of the scrolls. While slowly
translating and publishing copies of Biblical and apocryphal texts,
the Ecole kept another category of manuscripts secret. Until
recently, one fourth of the entire corpus, scrolls dealing with the
political, cultural and mystical nature of the mysterious
Qumranians, remained unpublished. Some scholars suggest that
the Dominicans, in keeping the scrolls secret for so long, acted
on the Vatican's behalf, because the texts threaten beliefs about
Christian origins. The suggestion, it turns out, is based on
n the nineteenth century, just as science was taking up the
empirical method, the Vatican was assembling an institution to
deal with archaeological discoveries and scientific theories
pertaining to biblical history. With new-found authority,
archaeologists were demonstrating the truth or falsity of religious
myths, Heinrich Schliemann's discovery of ancient Troy being a
notable example. As archaeologists excavated the ruins of the
Temple at Jerusalem, the Vatican recognized a threat. n the old
days, heretics would simply be burned at the stake. But this was
the nineteenth century, so the Vatican created an intellectual
guardian of the faith, the Ecole Biblique et Archologique
Franaise de Jerusalem. Today the Ecole, while financed in part
by the French government, is still composed largely of Dominican
To deal with the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Ecole worked in semi-
secrecy, forming an international team composed mostly of
Dominicans. The team, after monopolizing the texts, meticulously
pieced them together, translating them from Aramaic and ancient
Hebrew. Secrecy notwithstanding, a few facts about the Ecole
and its team are know with certainty. Their reason for being: the
interpretation of archaeological evidence that pertains to Roman
Catholic dogma. Their methods: refusing access to certain Dead
Sea texts, and perhaps others, that deal with the pivotal period
between 150 B.C. and A.D. 60. Their motive: to neutralize debate
about the political, cultural and religious context of early
Christianity. We know, also, that other finds, such as the Nag
Hammadi corpus, went public rather quickly compared to the
Dead Sea texts.
n the press, the Ecole's delaying tactics provoked charges of
scandal. Scholars trying to gain access protested, having been
refused for decades. The Ecole's Father De Vaux promised
publishing dates as early as 1970, and then, n 1989, offered
1997 as a possibility, an incredible fifty years after the initial
discovery. Herschel Shanks, editor of the prestigious Biblical
Archaeological Review in Washington, D.C. charged that piecing
together and decoding thousands of crumbling fragments written
in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic, an ancient jigsaw puzzle, was
too great a task for the team. He said they would never publish
the scrolls because the team was too small. Shanks, as we shall
see, was right. The scrolls went public through other channels.
n the fall of 1991 everything changed. The Huntington Library in
California announced, magically, that it had a set of photographs
of all the Dead Sea Scrolls. Back in 1961, Elizabeth Bechtel, wife
of Kenneth Bechtel of the megalithic but shadowy Bechtel
Corporation, somehow acquired the photos and entrusted them
to the Huntington. How Mrs. Bechtel came into their possession (2 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
is unclear, perhaps through her husband's connections with
middle-Eastern governments. The Ecole team and the sraeli
government demanded the photos. The sraeli Antiquities
Department even charged the library with theft, without legal
basis since srael had taken possession of the scrolls as a form
of war bounty. Undaunted, the Huntington Library responded by
offering scholars access to the photographs for a mere ten
dollars. The ancient veil had parted, at least somewhat.
So, what do the scrolls actually say?
nterpretations vary. But some phrases suggest the Qumranians
may have had a lot to do with the early Church. What gives the
scrolls weight is that the Bible, and Jesus, speak in Qumran-like
phrases and cadences, using terms like zeal, liar, law, and others
that renegade scholars Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, in
their book The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, associate with the
mentality of the militant Zealots who challenged the Roman
domination of Palestine. Moreover, Jesus fierce denunciations of
the Pharisees imitates the tone and character of the scrolls,
specifically the community council curses the sons of belial, as
translated by Eisenman, a fierce execration of the Angel of The
Pit and The Sons of Belial. John the Baptist also speaks and acts
much like a zealous Qumranian. And the route to the Jordan
River, where he baptized Jesus, passes very near the Qumran
ruins. Jesus and his followers would at least have known of the
settlement. More-over, the gospels, the Beatitudes, the Sermon
on the Mount repeat key words and concepts from the scrolls as
if the terminology and context were second nature to Jesus and
the early Christians. n short, since the scrolls predate the Bible,
written after A.D. 60, early Christianity may derive from the Sect
at Khirbet Qumran.
So the scrolls may be as relevant to early Christianity as the
Bible, though most scholars squeamishly reject this. But looking
at the New Testament, the renegade scholars identify specific
passages that suggest not only a connection to Qumran, but an
origin there. Some texts refer to Qumranians as Followers of the
Way, using the exact phrasing found in the New Testament. The
Bible in fact is rife with Qumranianisms that, when put in context,
give those phrases a revolutionary meaning. Especially revealing
is the use of the Hebrew Ebionim, meaning The Poor, found in
the Hymns of the Poor. Synonyms familiar to Christians appear
as well, the Meek, the Downtrodden.
Steven Feldman, also with the BAR in Washington, states that
the common phraseology of the scrolls and the New Testament
was simply that, the talk of the times, and that linkage of
Qumranians with early Christians springs from the fringe of
biblical scholarship. Yet historical evidence has often
contradicted Christian dogma, the beginning of creation in 4,000
B.C., for instance. f historical evidence links early Christianity
with the militant Zealots, then the contradiction becomes
dramatic indeed.
Ancient copies of the scrolls turned up at Masada, the Jewish
fortress besieged by Rome in the first century. Jewish Zealots
there apparently revered the scrolls, presumably as adherents to
the Qumranian form of Judaism. Outnumbered and starving, the
rebels committed mass suicide rather than succumb to Rome's
suppression of their spiritual and national identity. That some
historians see Khirbet Qumran as a fortress, not a monastery, (3 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
with connections to the Maccabean Revolt of the first century B.
C., contradicts the long-held notion of a pacifist Essene
community on the banks of the Dead Sea. With New Testament
links to the scrolls, and scrolls turning up at Masada, the image
of early Christians appears more akin to that of the rebels in Star
Wars fighting the Darth Vader of Roman hegemony than that of
meek followers of the Lamb.
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of The Dead Sea
Scrolls Deception, argue that a pacifistic Jesus was very unlikely.
As the authors point out, Qumranian phrases flowed from his
lips, sometimes word for word. Traditionally, scholars concede
that at least some Zealots made up Jesus inner circle. The Bible
itself reveals him acting in a Zealot-like way, driving the money
changers out of the Temple. He states in the gospels: am come
not to bring peace, but a sword. n the same vein, when a cohort
of Roman soldiers comes for him in Gethsemane, Peter raises
his sword against them, hardly the act of a meek Christian. As
revealing is the number of soldiers in a Roman cohort, six
hundred. Why send six hundred soldiers except in anticipation of
armed resistance? And crucifixion, remember, was the method of
execution for rebels, not rabbis. These biblical events, in conflict
with Christian tradition, do not conflict with the Qumran context.
On the contrary, they fit.
Through gleanings from the gospels, however, and from more
obscure sources that we shall explore, Jesus appears nothing
less than a revolutionary, albeit a deeply mystical one, drawing
on traditions from a far broader geographic and spiritual context
than even the renegades of modern scholarship dare speculate.
Was the master of Galilee far from Palestine, as some claim,
during the time of unrest? Could he have been in ndia, or Tibet,
and returned to political chaos? The Bible itself, specifically the
letters of Paul, supplies some clues.
Woven through the poetic and mystical language, the scrolls
reveal a devotion to Jewish Law that, if we are dealing with early
Christianity, seems to preclude Paul's evangelism among the
Gentiles, who were strictly off limits to the supposedly
xenophobic Qumranians. Unfortunately, the Bible provides little
historical information about the Early Church. What is known has
been gleaned from historians writing centuries later. Reliable
accounts vanished with the fall of the Jewish Temple in A.D. 70,
the burning of the library at Alexandria and, as Morton Smith has
suggested, with the possible suppression of texts written by
Jesus himself. The writings of the apostle Paul, however, help
explain how early Christianity may have evolved from a fervent
nationalistic Judaism into the spiritual movement that swept the
Western world. Also, Paul's experience on the road to Damascus
may provide another piece in the puzzle, mystical communion.
After the death of Jesus, Paul traveled and preached beyond
Judea and Palestine, actions inconsistent with the religious
nationalism of the Qumranians, or Judaism for that matter,
although his language resembles that of the scrolls. Was he a
Roman agent infiltrating the Jewish rebels, co-opting the
movement, as Baigent and Leigh suggest? Or was he a mystic
teacher inspired by progressive revelation? Let's look more
closely at his story.
After being struck by his vision of Jesus on the road to (4 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
Damascus, Paul sets out for Rome, Greece and Asia Minor,
spreading a new religion that extols Faith in Christ, in contrast to
the scrolls, the writings of James Jerusalem Church, which, we
are told, extol Jewish law and works over faith. Keep in mind the
New Testament did not yet exist. Christian doctrine, as we know
it, did not manifest until the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. Yet
Paul makes Jesus into an Eastern-style avatar, like Krishna,
capable of leading his followers into a divine state, a mystical
promised land. He preaches joint heirship with Christ, a oneness
through inner contact, the force of the Star Wars trilogy, a blend
of eastern mysticism and Persian dualism that to this day, though
biblical, defies orthodoxy (where spiritual parity with Christ is
blasphemy). Paul speaks of an inner man of the heart, much in
the way the Vedas of ancient ndia speak of a inner spiritual
identity united with Brahman, the All. The Dead Sea Scrolls also
speak of this identity, suggesting ties, or at least shared
knowledge, between Eastern mystics and the Jews of the New
and Old Testament. That the scrolls resemble the Jewish
mystical writings known as Kabbalah, support this as well.
Eisenman offers the following revealing translation from a Dead
Sea text, called The Beatitudes for its similarity to the biblical
passage of the same name. His translation reads: Bring forth the
knowledge of your inner self. This phrase (among others in
Western scripture) appears to derive from the Vedas of ndia, just
as Jesus referring to himself as the Light of the World evokes
Krishna's language in the Bhagavad Gita. mplicit in the
translation is that this self, or atman in the Sanskrit, is the identity
of Brahman, or God, residing mysteriously within the individual.
(the force?) This teaching is not Judeo-Christian in the orthodox
sense. So, do the traditions of East and West have a common
origin in eastern mystical experience?
Other evidence tells us that Jesus taught the initiatic mysteries,
the science of immortality, like the great Eastern mystics. n 1958
at a Greek Orthodox monastery in the Judaean desert, Morton
Smith discovered a letter written in A.D. 200 by Clement of
Alexandria. The letter speaks of a secret gospel of Mark, a more
spiritual gospel, Clement writes ... read only to those who are
being initiated into the great mysteries. This intriguing letter,
written long before Eusebius, speaks of a secret mystical
tradition without nationalistic borders. That Jesus taught and
participated in this tradition is more than likely. So doing, he, in
all likelihood, was no slave to regional agendas, rising beyond
symbols of relative good and evil, Jew and Gentile, while fiercely
opposed to spiritual evil embodied in corrupt priests.
Could it be that Paul seized the kernel of Christian and Vedic
wisdom, leaving behind the rind of politics, that as a mystical
initiate in Eastern wisdom that he attempted to bring to the
Western world? The teachings of Joint Heirship and the inner
man of the heart seem to do exactly that, suggesting spiritual
parity with Christ, the path of oneness in the Dead Sea Scrolls,
stated as: Bring forth the knowledge of your inner self. Could this
be the real threat the scrolls present, spiritual freedom, individual
enlightenment as opposed to subservience to orthodoxy? Going
a step farther, was this pursuit of mystical oneness at the heart of
early Christianity?
Texts from a Tibetan monastery provide some clues.
For many years rumors have suggested that the Vatican holds (5 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
exotic texts about the life of Jesus Christ, which would drastically
alter traditional beliefs about Christian origins. n 1887 a Russian
traveler, Dr. Nicholas Notovitch, claimed he discovered these
texts in a monastery at Himis, Tibet. Returning to Russia he
wrote The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, a book about Jesus
journey eastward as a young man, his lost years. Another book
by Notovitch, The Life of Saint ssa, describes Jesus studying
and teaching the Vedas in ndia. Taking up with a caravan at an
early age, the story goes, Jesus traveled the Silk Road, then to
Kapilavastu, birthplace of Buddha. While in ndia, he fiercely
denounces the Hindu priest-class, the Brahmins, in much the
same way he denounces the Pharisees in Matthew's gospel,
which, as stated, resemble the tone of the Dead Sea texts. An
ndian Swami, Abhedananda, published a Bengali translation of
the Buddhist texts in 1929. The same year, Nicholas Roerich, the
painter and explorer, traveled the far East. Transcriptions from
his diary reveal a mystical teaching on the Divine Feminine given
by Jesus in ndia, again, similar to teachings in the scrolls, and a
decidedly different view of reality than that of the Vatican.
f it seems a stretch that Jesus traveled to ndia, studied the
Vedas, that Vatican clerics stashed away Buddhist accounts of
his journey, then remember the Vatican-founded Ecole Biblique
and its handling of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Consider that Thomas,
the follower of Christ, journeyed to and built a mission in ndia,
where faithful Christians worship to this day.
f Jesus spent much of his short life in ndia and Persia, as the
texts say, far from the din of Palestine, the alleged militancy of
early Christianity becomes less of an issue. On his return, Jesus
would have found himself in the midst of zealotry and rebellion,
which he would have, it seems likely, honored in principle. f he
was God, he was also man, as the gospels point out, telling us
he wept and got angry, much like the rest of us. Why should we
deny him the right to be caught up in the struggle of his people?
Pieces of this puzzle, scattered across time, tell us there is more
to early Christianity, more to ourselves, than Western tradition
reveals. The truth reaches from crumbling texts, barren
landscapes, into the most inward part of us, prompting us to
remember the force, to solve the mystery from within. The battle
over the nature of Christian origins rages nevertheless, like the
battle over the Holy Land itself, as if the most sacred treasure
stands to be won or lost, and this is more than likely the truth. As
the veil parts above the Dead Sea, the real treasure revealed
may prove to be that of our own history, our origin. Our soul. (6 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:20 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Early Rays - News Briefs In Issue Number 3

Index of Issue 3
EarIy Rays
News Briefs In Issue
Number 3
A new book from Galde Press makes the startling claim that
ruins of Atlantis can be found in Wisconsin. Atlantis in Wisconsin
by Frank Joseph describes underwater pyramids in Rock Lake,
50 miles west of Milwaukee. According to Joseph, high-tech
search instruments have now verified ndian legends of an
ancient city of the dead at the site. The ndians remembered it
only as Aztalan. A sequel to the author's earlier work Lost
Pyramids of Rock Lake, the new book claims to have evidence
that the lake is a sacred vortex wherein time itself is bent...., that
The lost civilization of Atlantis has a discernible link to Rock
Lake... and that The ancient builders of the drowned structures
used a psychic technology more advanced than modern building
methods. For more information, contact Galde Press, (612) 891-
Near-Death Experience researcher P.M.H. Atwater is conducting
an in-depth study of such experiences involving children. The
Beyond the Light author (Atlantis Rising, #2, page 28) is seeking
volunteers for her study.
Atwater is interested in hearing from child experiencers of any
age and from any significant others with direct knowledge of such
events. am especially interested in seeing the near-death
experience from the child's point of view, and want to talk to
parents and school teachers of such children, says Atwater. n
my own work, keep running into discrepancies, differences
between what is now known about children who experience the
near-death phenomenon and what actually exists in people's
homes, in their lives. suspect we've missed a few things, and
it's now time to take a deeper look.
Send all materials as soon as possible to: P.M.H. Atwater, P.O.
Box 7691, Charlottesville, VA 22906-7691.
News Briefs
Books & Videos on Atlantis
Books & Videos on Spirituality
Books & Videos on UFOs (1 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:21 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Early Rays - News Briefs In Issue Number 3
April 28 through May 1, Colorado Springs played host to the first
annual Pikes Peak UFO & New Age Expo. Forty speakers on
everything from magnetic healing to Mayan cosmology
conducted sessions and workshops at the Radisson nn.
Keynote speaker was Budd Hopkins, author of Missing Time and
ntruders. The star of the show, though, was probably Max, the
36,000 year-old crystal skull making a rare public appearance.
Operation Right to Know, an organization dedicated to exposing
government secrets regarding UFO encounters, was on the
attack this spring. Though only a small group showed up for a
Washington, D.C. demonstration outside the General Accounting
Office, the event succeeded in attracting national attention to
their attempt to raise public awareness of current GAO
investigations into the whereabouts of documentation on the
notorious saucer crash incident in Roswell, N.M. 1947.
Despite official explanations from the Air Force that the episode
amounted to nothing more than the recovery of secret weather
balloon wreakage, public skepticism has abounded, prompting
Rep. Steven Schiff, R-N.M recently to request a GAO inquiry into
the matter. Operation Right to Know believes that if evidence of
government coverup in this case is finally bought to light, many
other long-buried secrets of clandestine government contact with
intelligent extra-terrestrial life will not be far behind.
Boasting a large and intense international following, the group
maintains an on-line computer address (alt.alien.visitors) and
charges $15 to join. (2 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:21 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ASTROLOGY - THE CYCLES OF PLUTO By Kathie Garcia

Index of Issue 3
Kathie Garcia
The impact of Pluto, the slowest moving of the known planets in
our solar system, is intense and far-reaching. Pluto's energies
bring about changes on a worldwide scale, reshaping history and
ushering in major social, political and geological changes and
transformations. Plutonian changes may be regenerative or
degenerative, but whether positive or negative are generally
extreme and long-lasting. Astrologers Sakoian and Acker note,
Pluto in the signs always produces a permanent change. The
change is in relation to the sign that Pluto occupies. t goes
without saying that when Pluto changes signs, it's time to take
note. On Jan. 18, Pluto began a 15-year transit in Sagittarius. On
April 22, Pluto dipped back once more into Scorpio for a final
phase lasting until November 11, 1995. From then on, Pluto will
continue its transits through this fiery sign until the year 2010.
What does it mean for us all?
First of all, in considering where we're going we need to look at
where we're coming from. Pluto entered Scorpio in 1984. n
anticipating this ingress at the time of the publication of their
major work, The Astrologer's Handbook in 1973, Sakoian and
Acker wrote Regeneration or die will be the order of the day. This
is because Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign of death and
regeneration. Moreover, Pluto has its fastest orbital motion while
going through Libra and Scorpio, which also coincided with the
period of Pluto penetrating Neptune's orbit. Uranus (the
Awakener) was in Scorpio in 1975. This 25-year period until the
end of the century is also believed by many astrologers to
coincide with the ending of the 2000-year Piscean Age and the
beginning of the Aquarian Age. We saw the fulfillment of
prophecies of famine and plague, atomic waste and the
acceleration of the taking of human life in legalized abortion, the
beginnings of the legalization of euthanasia, suicidal terrorism,
armed youth in our schools and on the streets, as well as
financial crises during the Pluto in Scorpio years. Yet for all the
terror of the times, we were spared much. The Scorpio
experience is the rising up of new birth out of the ashes of the old
order. So beyond the often disparaging continuum of the daily
headlines are seeds of hope, of new cures, of a more
transcendent common vision.
What changes can we expect with Pluto in Sagittarius? Well, for
one thing, Sagittarius is a fire sign while Scorpio is a water sign.
With Uranus still in earthy Capricorn through 1997, we're going to
be on our toes more than ever for the fire aspect of earthquakes.
Fires, like anger, is apt to be on the increase. There is also the
possibility of famine and drought. Sagittarius relates to the
mental cross. Fire of mind can be a fiery tongue, often self-
Kathie Garcia
Books & Videos on Astrology (1 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:23 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ASTROLOGY - THE CYCLES OF PLUTO By Kathie Garcia
righteously so. People will be very outspoken during this period.
Sagittarius has to do with religion, philosophy and ethics. Expect
debates to run hot and loom large, with tempers rising on both
sides. There's the definite possibility of diplomatic blunders and
faux pas. Published material may make a big social/cultural/
political impact. Religious groups will increase their
memberships. Young people will bring in New Age teachings on
a widespread scale and these will gain greater acceptance in
general. Since Pluto's the bad guy of the zodiac, religious
intolerance is also part of the picture, and anti-religious fanatics
may also seek their day. Religious wars are a possibility as well
as the kind of suicidal terrorism fed by so-called religious fervor.
One of the areas where change is the most needed and which
we can expect is with the high school age youth. Education in
general will be swept up with grass roots movements.
As Uranus (planet of change) enters Aquarius (science,
technology, reform, groups) and trines the U.S. natal Uranus in
Gemini, scientific breakthroughs are predictable as well as much
publicized controversy as to the ethics related to them. Genetic
engineering may top the list. We may begin to feel pushed
around rather than convenienced by so much electronic
innovation. (Did you hear the one about imbedding subcutaneous
sensors in a person's hands providing important personal data
like bank accounts, social security, etc., much like the labeling
code system works in the supermarket?) Sagittarius rules sports.
Was last summer's baseball fiasco a prelude of what's to come?
Pluto takes about 248 years to complete one full revolution
around the Zodiac. The last time Pluto was in Sagittarius was in
1750 to 1763. Writes Astrologer Rudhyur in The Galactic
Dimensions Of Astrology: During the eighteenth century, the
transit of Pluto through Sagittarius coincided with the war
between England and France which started in America and
spread to Europe. The defeat of France paved the way for the
establishment of the British Empire, which was a foreshadowing
of the future world organization.
This was a time when men in the colonies put their lives on the
line in passionately expressing their beliefs. The debate was a
prelude to the American and then the French Revolutions.
Pluto entered Gemini, the polar opposite to Sagittarius, in 1884
to 1914. n many ways, we are on the rebound of that cycle, tying
up the accomplishments and new trends set in motion during that
time. Gemini is a sign of intellectual knowledge and
communications. This era saw tremendous breakthroughs in the
application of scientific knowledge and technology in everyday
living. Uranus and Neptune were in Sagittarius (exploration). This
was a time of great scientific exploration. Many of the
conveniences not known since the time of Atlantis, that great
writers and visionaries such as Jules Verne had written about
(flying machines) were discovered. Alexander Graham Bell's
telephone became well known during this period. Nikola Tesla,
Thomas Edison, and others discovered the uses of electricity and
laid the groundwork for modern electrical technology and
communication. The automobile was developed and the Wright
brothers flew the first airplane. Wilhelm Roentgen, a German
physicist, discovered X-Rays in 1895. Henry Ford began his
experiments with engines around 1890 and completed his first
automobile in 1896. The Model T came out in 1903. (2 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:23 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ASTROLOGY - THE CYCLES OF PLUTO By Kathie Garcia
nterestingly, when Uranus (the Awakener, the Shatterer) was in
Gemini, the atom bomb was discovered. n the 80s, with Uranus
and Neptune in Sagittarius, one of the themes of the times was
arms reductions. So while we have great scientific development
in Gemini, its social, moral, cultural implications will be debated
in Sagittarius.
Pluto conjoins the U.S. conceptional Ascendant at the end of the
century. n a natal chart, Pluto on the Ascendant can threaten
one's very survival. We enter a phase requiring tremendous
strength, fortitude and union. Resentment built up against the
United States could break loose. Our tendency to jump in without
preparation and then not to complete the cycle could prove fatal.
Since the U.S. conceptional natal Pluto is in Capricorn which
follows Sagittarius, we are in a closing phase of our nation's
history. Astrologers have looked to this time as the doorway to a
long-awaited spiritual awakening. Astrologers Sakoian and Acker
predict that religions will be completely transformed. t is well to
remember the high principles upon which this nation was
founded, an experiment in liberty never accomplished before. We
need to raise up the flame of freedom and remember our
common identity and purpose as Americans.
Pluto is a catalyst of transformational-like changes in our life,
forcing us to remove excess baggage by sucking us into a vortex
of emotional turmoil if we refuse to wrestle with our pain and the
shadow aspect of consciousness. By anticipating Pluto's next
move in your chart and cleaning house before he arrives, you've
a definite edge in coming out on top! Determine which house(s)
transiting Pluto currently occupies in your natal chart. Pluto can
stay in a single house for 10 years or more, highlighting the
affairs the house represents. Make particular note if Pluto is
leaving one house and entering another (requires a house cusp
with Scorpio 27 to 30 degrees or Sagittarius 00).
Who is most likely to feel the impact of Pluto in Sagittarius in
1995 and 1996? f you were born between Nov. 22 and 25 of any
year you will experience the effect of transiting Pluto conjoined
your natal Sun. Take note. This once-in-a-lifetime transit is best
described as intense and transforming. Change is inevitable
during the next two years. Your best bet is to take a serious self-
inventory and decide what has to go. Otherwise, your worst ego
traits could be pronounced, and opposition to you personally
could be considerable. Harness your determination, and these
could be landmark years. Avoid dangerous situations. The Sun's
house position will describe the staging (business, marriage,
etc.), the Sun's aspects describe the dynamics.
Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto: those born Sept. 1955 to
June 1959. 1955 and 1956 birthdays are winding up the Pluto
square, Pluto cycle whereas 1957, 1958 and 1959 are entering
the cycle. For the earlier group, this is a time to consider the
gains and look toward the future, even if changes were painful in
recent years. For the '57, '58 and '59 crowd: in facing serious
crises demanding resolution, you will need to address your fears,
transmute resentment; through understanding you'll find peace.
Transiting Pluto square natal Uranus: Aug. 18, 1961 to Mar.
1964. Prepare for unexpected, even drastic changes. Keyword:
upheaval. This cycle can also bring liberation, but it requires
attunement and vision and spiritual detachment from apparent (3 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:23 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ASTROLOGY - THE CYCLES OF PLUTO By Kathie Garcia
adversity. For example, a serious health problem leads to
discovering a new healthier lifestyle; problems at work result in
greater efficiency, new aspirations. Your goals will be revised. n
case of unavoidable changes, seek the seed of opportunity in
every adversity. Avoid extreme radical activities. Changes may
involve health or work, groups, friends.
Transiting Pluto square natal Saturn: Feb. and Mar. 1935; Dec.
1964; Jan. and Feb. 1965. A time requiring you to call upon your
reserves of inner strength and patience. t's like preparing your
home for a hurricane; if the house is well built it will stand strong,
if not it may be destroyed and need to be replaced. This transit
will test the structures in your life. The thirties group is setting the
stage for decades to come. Sakoian and Acker describe it this
way: f the native handles this experience with good judgment,
courage and fortitude, he can emerge with greater strength,
wisdom, capability and deep understanding of the nature of good
and evil.
Transiting Pluto square natal Neptune: Nov. 1970 to June 1972.
The nature of problems facing you now, whether on a large
social order, or personal, require soul searching to resolve. Fears
flooding your world may come from deep pockets within the
unconscious, even perhaps from other lifetimes and may not be
easy to address. Especially the 1971 to 1972 group may include
run-ins with authorities. A good time to seek professional help in
Transiting Pluto conjoined natal Uranus; Nov. 1981 to Oct. 1982.
The wind could blow either way: much depends on the choice of
companions. Sudden changes in these youths lives leave an
impression for life. Their sense of direction changes. Guide them.
These are born philosophers. Take heed their sages don't
become pop stars and TV heroes. This transit may denote
serious changes in their immediate environment or more
sweeping global changes.
Transiting Pluto conjoined natal Saturn: Dec. 1926; Jan. 1927;
June through Sept. 1927; Oct. and Nov. 1956. As always, strong
Pluto transits can lead to substantial improvements by
eliminating old conditions and making way for the new. However,
Saturn tends to dig in her heals and may resist change. f so,
change may come through circumstances that seemingly are
forced upon you. You may feel threatened by others who think
differently. Anger and resentment get you nowhere. Take a
detailed look at what's going on (Saturn by house position tells
what aspect of your life is most affected), be objective in your
thinking and complete your projects and cycles. Especially the
middle-aged group may meet frustration in trying to revamp the
system when those in charge think differently. You may have a
better, more efficient way to get the job done. Some may break
through to a new lifestyle but find parts within them resistant to
change. Hold on!
Transiting Pluto trine natal Saturn (natal Saturn in earliest
degrees of Aries and Leo): Jan. through early Mar., 1938; Aug.
and the first three weeks of Sept., 1946; Feb. through the first
two weeks of June, 1947; Mar. and Apr., 1967; June and July
1976. You're highly resourceful, but perhaps you've had to work
through parental or other authoritarian type influences, or hard
circumstances, that have inhibited you in your self-expression.
Now, more than ever, you can move forward in your ambitions. (4 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:23 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, ASTROLOGY - THE CYCLES OF PLUTO By Kathie Garcia
Direct your will toward a defined purpose. Be persistent in
pursuing your goals as patience and steadfastness pay off for
years to come.
Transiting Pluto trine the Sun: Sun in the earliest degrees of
Aries (Mar. 20 to 24) or Leo (July 20 to 24). A great desire for
personal renewal characterizes this period. To maximize the
positive potential benefits of this transit, direct your energies
toward a specific goal. Creativity is high as is self-expression. A
boost for anyone involved in education, politics, sports. Self-
confidence is on the rise but Plutonian energies can also inflate
the ego.
Transiting Pluto trine the Moon: Moon in the earliest degrees of
Aries or Leo (check your natal chart). Now more than ever you're
inspired to throw out old habits that have cramped your style.
Whether in health, business, or family affairs, this is the time to
regenerate your emotional habits. Psychotherapy may be helpful
in this regard. Get rid of self-destructive habits and relationships
for good! Favorable for finances and real estate transactions.
Transiting Pluto conjoined natal Jupiter: Nov. 1935; Late Oct. and
Nov. 1947; Sept. and Oct. 1959; Sept. and the first two weeks of
Oct. 1971; Late Dec. and the first three weeks of Dec. 1983; last
week of June through the second week of Sept. 1983. For the
older set, transforming experiences lead to spiritual growth and
regeneration. Major conversions, probably through religious
experience, possibly during travels, missionary type work. A
good time to expand your education. For some, teaching others,
broadcasting the word, publishing their experiences. Seek
moderation. Avoid fanaticism. Guard against spiritual pride. The
same holds true for the middle-aged group. The last few years
haven't been easy and, as Pluto also squares your natal Pluto,
you find yourself making important life decisions that will affect
you for years to come. Avoid ricocheting off fear through over-
zealous behavior. Seek wisdom and balance. For those in their
early twenties, a time of soul-searching as Pluto also conjoins
natal Neptune. No longer can you live ignoring the higher path.
Avoid drugs. You may have to come to grips with inner child
issues related to a parent, authority figure, or division within the
family that possibly became internalized. Parents, direct your
teenagers well, lest they espouse a philosophy supporting
extreme rebellious behavior. Their choice of friends is vital now,
since transiting Uranus squares their natal Pluto simultaneously.
Travel and cultural experiences that open up new possibilities
pay off. (5 of 5)08/06/2007 12:03:23 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray

Index of Issue 3
Dr. Joseph Ray
The Nag Hammadi Library has earned a reputation. From its
discovery it has been surrounded by extremism, intrigue and
mystery. t has been difficult to assess, to translate and awkward
to comprehend. The accidental discovery of the large jug
containing the N.H. codices (a type of book) occurred in 1945, by
one of two peasant brothers come to collect nitrate-laden rocks
for fertilizer at the base of large cliffs flanking the Nile river valley.
There were in these cliffs of Upper Egypt dynastic tombs nearby,
already plundered long ago.
Surrounding the discovery or associated with the retrieval of the
documents were murders too ghastly to imagine, the most banal
ignorance, capital greed and occasionally a little sense of the
historic on the part of a few. Those codices that were not burned
found their way into various hands, including those of a priest,
the priest's brother who taught English on an itinerary circuit,
illiterate Muslims, a gold merchant, a grain merchant, a one-eyed
outlaw who acquired most of them, a Belgian antiquities dealer
and even the Jung nstitute in Switzerland. Now, all remaining
codices are conserved in the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Many of
these are fruitlessly fragmentary. Nevertheless, about 30
fundamentally complete passages (called tractates) have
survived their ordeal out of the jug.
All the tractates had been translated from Greek into Coptic,
which is the hieroglyphic language of ancient Egypt written with
the Greek alphabet. The writing styles vary greatly and
wondered if they were in the vernacular of the day and by whom;
for certainly, they were not written for everyone, since few could
read. The modern translators have stressed the fact that these
ancient translations vary markedly in quality: the apparent degree
of understanding possessed by the ancient translators of the
often subtle ideas was sometimes incomplete. Moreover, it is
conjectured that the various codices may have been written
almost anywhere in the ancient world and translated over several
centuries by different translators living in entirely different
societies. Still, students of this era have discerned many slight
hints and pieced together probable conjectures.
Most but not all of the tractates have been described as Gnostic
writings from the early centuries after the death of Jesus Christ.
Many contain quotations of Jesus. Some contain references to
the Bible as well as extensive quotations from it. However, the
subject matter varies extensively, and some tractate titles do not
seem to fit our already-established conceptual categories for
sacred writing (e.g., The Hypostasis of the Archons or the
Dr. Joseph Ray
Book Reviews
Books & Videos on Bible
Books & Videos on Egypt (1 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray
Paraphrase of Shem).
None of the tractates is particularly long and in this sense they
facilitate reading. Quite often editorial marks (denoting missing
words or other problems with the textural material) necessitate a
slower passage through the texts. Some tractates appeared to
me to be rather more historical in nature than others. Frankly,
these interested me less than others, some of which are
magnificent, profound, expressing difficult-to-discover insights.
One such is the Gospel of the Egyptians which contains
marvelous passages attributed to Seth, a main character in the
ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris. Anyone who has studied
Gurdjieff's primary work, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson or
Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell will feel a pounding heart upon
reading certain passages of this tractate. Throughout these
passages, long strings of vowels appear, identified as glorious
names (mantras). Near the end of the tractate is this sentence:
This great name of thine is upon me, O self-begotten Perfect
one, who art not outside me. felt, after completing this tractate,
that its author had attained an elevated psychological stature.
Another monumental one is the Tripartate tractate, which tells us
the origin of the universe. n particular, found the long passage
on the nature of God astounding in its approach to the subject
and insightful in its ability to avoid the undesirable propensities of
the intellect. Re-reading this several times one can gain a real
sense and deep feeling of the limitations of our, especially in
these times, over-cherished and underdeveloped intellect.
Whoever wrote this understood these deficiencies and
intentionally avoided them. Thunder, Perfect Mind, Authoritative
Teaching, Apocalypse of Adam, the Exegessis of the Soul and
On the Origin of the World will each provide one with useful
insights and food for thought.
The tractates do not readily lend themselves to quotation. Rest
assured they are powerful and inspiring. You can verify for
yourself quite readily that the popular writings of today are in no
way superior to the writings of these never-to-be known people
from earlier millennia. Humanity is neither more intelligent now,
nor more capable in thought than in bygone eras. Today, there
are thousands of new titles published (for profit!) every year.
Quite possibly, we might learn more from reading old and ancient
writings such as these than we might from reading almost any
modern ones.
This last idea arose repeatedly as a question in my mind: it
wanted to be pondered. s it perhaps true that humanity already
may have available in its seldom-read inspired works,
disregarded sacred writings and the teachings of its documented
avatars everything necessary to guide us through the period of
transition into a new age? s it possible that the recent spate of
channeled books, by someone who receives the royalties, is
called an author, yet is not responsible for the information
conveyed, exert a negative influence on the readers of them?
While wondering this, chanced upon a relevant quotation from
1971(!), by J.G. Bennett, a student of G.. Gurdjieff. t is, We are
now in a period of transition to a New Epoch; and new illusions
are arising to replace the old ones. The question arose quickly: f
this is so, are the illusions coming in books? To shed a little light
on this question, decided to read a popular channeled book,
Bringers of the Dawn: teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara (2 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray
Marciniak, which was first published in 1992. had no idea the
surprises that awaited me.
According to this book, some time, long ago, new owners of
earth (by conquest), created versions of humans with a different
DNA, the two-stranded, double-helix DNA. Originally, said the
Pleiadians (who are described as a collective of energy from the
Pleiades) humans had a 12-strand DNA: that was disassembled
but left in the human cell, unplugged. After that, a frequency
fence...was put around the planet... to limit the presentation of
the frequencies of light-information. Readers of the book, and the
Pleiadians too, are members of the Family of Light: we are
system busters and will work with the consciousness of light.
The 12 helixes (helices?) of DNA (of which ten constitute the
dormant part of the DNA that has baffled the scientists)
correspond to 12 chakras. These five additional chakras are
alleged to be outside of the body, some of them located millions
of miles above one's head, out beyond our solar system. Our
DNA, which consists of light-encoded filaments that carry
information, is in the process of being naturally mutated... Right
now, say the Pleiadians, There are some pretty chaotic tunes
being played on this planet, and there is a purpose to all of them.
n fact, there is a galactic tidal wave of light from the future
coming toward your planet.... t will be as if the entire planet has
a unilateral raise in consciousness. We can expect to experience
the evolution of super-consciousness, the evolution into the
highest aspect of your being. You do not need to worry about
becoming this being, for you already are this being, and you just
need to remember it.
We system busters are ourselves the Bringers of the Dawn. t is
we who carry the rays of the sun and living light and knowledge.
ndeed, we have a resume to back us (resume?); if we go in for
this game plan to bust the system... we can, defy the laws, and
complete the assignment. Once we have discovered for
ourselves, that the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and sense of touch
are deceivers of reality, we will begin to understand secrets and
also, to Move beyond the boundaries of self. Significantly, the big
secret that has been kept from the human species is that thought
creates experience, and thought creates reality. Once the
uninitiated are given the inside scoop by our spreading the light
(light is defined as, the promoting, dispensing, and sharing of
information), more and more changes will occur.
Many of these changes will be personal. Foremost, perhaps, will
be our capability to allow your brain cells to click into being
without your rational conscious mind wanting to define things...
We will, strengthen the self..., and eventually, Allow your intuitive
self to be the standard bearer of your experience, which is
experience no one else is going to validate. t will be possible to
correctly relate to our sexuality (especially women), to
masturbate without guilt and to appreciate sex for what it is,
namely, a doorway to the higher realms of consciousness.
Women have been poorly used by the system and a special
piece of advice is given them. You don't need abortion: you never
need to get pregnant in the first place if you don't desire it. How?
By will. All of us, must be able to master who you are.
This is the first channeled book 've read in many years.
However, did read most of the Seth books, dictated by Jane (3 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray
Roberts in trance and written down by her husband, whom Seth
called Joseph. And 've studied many books by Emanuel
Swedenborg, who took dictation from angels and penned
thousands of discussions with them. Bringers... is not at all like
these. Those books, in which similar or identical topics are
considered, impressed me with their intelligence, their
descriptive, careful phrasing, contributing to a definite clarity of
thought. Deep insights, wisdom and objectivity permeate these
books. By comparison, Bringers... is twelfth rate at the very best.
Furthermore, it is absolutely replete with errors of knowledge
which one would expect the star-seeding Pleiadians to have had.
One egregious example is their use of the phrase, eyes of Horus,
at least three times.
The Eye of Horus is a remarkable ancient Egyptian hieroglyph:
its esoteric meaning transcends greatly its physical qualities.
Most marvelously, this enigmatic eye is comprised of the glyph
for each fraction used in ancient Egypt, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
and 1/64 which together total 63/64, and not by accident.
Numerous additional serious errors of various types induced me
to wonder: How advanced were these Pleiadian energies?
ask you: would intelligent, evolved and beneficent beings have
allowed their elevated thought and profound insights to be
expressed in slipshod, sloppy writing? Would they have selected
every kind of platitude, shallow journalistic phrase, adolescent
slang and current misuse of our language to describe their
revolutionary, essential and foreign ideas to us? Or would they
have had so little discernment as to have picked a channel and
writers (three women worked on the Pleiadian tapes) incapable
of expressing their transmitted ideas except in language
intrinsically demeaning of these ideas themselves? would hope
not. And, think any and all advanced beings, who universally
communicate by telepathy, are supremely skilled in language of
all sorts: it is part of their intelligence and is as necessary to their
philosophy, science, and technology as eggs are to our omelets.
accept Ms. Marciniak's stated good intentions. Nevertheless,
doubt that they shall be achieved; there are far too many serious
deficiencies in Bringers... for it ever to be really beneficial as a
spiritually oriented book. For one thing, readers will (falsely but
legitimately) conclude that neither special practices nor continual
effort are necessary for evolution of their consciousness: indeed,
not even meditation is mentioned. Worse, readers are lulled into
complacency, and why not? A big wave is sweeping over us.
However, there is an occasional truth in the book and a few good
ideas too. But so many statements show such shallow or non-
understanding, as well as a deplorable disregard for well-
established fact and rationality, that the effect of the book cannot
help but be undesirable on all readers save those whose
discernment places them squarely beyond this book. A
wonderful, relevant saying of a great Swami, (Swami Rama
Tirtha) who came to America in 1902, arose in my mind. t is,
Head as high in the clouds as you like, but feet firmly anchored
on the ground. Psychological evolution has never been free, nor
has it ever depended upon irrationality and reality distortion.
Speaking of Swamis, Paramhansa Yogananda was an earthling
born in ndia in 1893. Following his long years in training as a
monk and his graduation from the University of Calcutta, he
came to the United States at the behest of his guru. n 1920, he
founded the Self-Realization Fellowship, headquartered in (4 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray
California. Toward the end of Yogananda's life a fellow, J. Donald
Walters, entered his ashram. Walters had come from a wealthy
area just west of Philadelphia having recently been graduated
from an elite college there. n The Essence of Self-Realization:
the wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, Walters says that
Yogananda had encouraged his note-taking during informal
gatherings. Since Yogananda, who died in 1952, did not edit this
book (published in 1990), the thoughts conveyed have passed
through Walters own brain; this process might well have modified
them (as could occur in channeled books).
Personally, found the informality of these quotations edifying
and frequently provocative. Everyone can relate to the ideas
presented in them and if they choose to, people can strive to put
them into practice in daily life. There is, by the way, a useful
index, by chapter and quotation number, organizing all the topics
discussed by Yogananda in this book.
Under General Counsel, found an interesting thought, namely,
people usually praise or criticize others for all the wrong reasons.
And then, Accept both praise and criticism with equanimity. f,
however, you must prefer one of these to the other, then prefer
criticism. Uncommon advice, in my experience, and not so easily
n the chapter, On Meditation, are the following ideas: Meditate
more and more deeply, until calmness and joy become second
nature to you. To be ecstatic is not difficult. t is thinking that it is
difficult that holds you apart from it. found these thoughts
important for two reasons, each associated with the gradually
changing definitions of words. Firstly, as the derivation clearly
indicates, ecstasy involves a degree of being beside oneself, of
standing apart from oneself. n itself, this state is an altered and a
higher state of consciousness than our ordinary state. Secondly,
meditation has become, in numerous books and in the minds of
many thousands of people, a pondering, considering activity, one
in which the brain is active. ronically, this is not the meditation
Yogananda meant. That meditation, Eastern meditation in its
various forms, quells the cerebral intelligence, the intellect, the
(lower case) mind, a phenomenon well-established in many
dozens of electroencephalographic (eeg) experiments.
There is an entire chapter concerning karma, which Yogananda
believed many did not understand properly. Here are several
quotations. Even when indulging a bad habit, because you can't
help yourself, let your mind be constantly resistant to it. Bad
karmic tendencies can be overcome not by concentrating on
them, but by developing their opposite good tendencies. First,
destroy in yourself the source of karmic involvement. That source
is your attachment to the ego. Repeatedly, we are advised to
establish a goal and to work toward it in a practical manner, just
as we might work to gain a skill, or even financial security. And
finally he says, An important factor in overcoming karma is
People seemed frequently to ask him about sin. t's a word one
seldom hears these days. Perhaps the most inclusive statement
he made on this subject is the following: Spiritual ignorance is the
greatest sin. t is what makes all other sins possible. t may be
noteworthy that in French, the word for conscience (our guardian
against sin) and consciousness are one and the same. (5 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Book Review - WISE & OTHERWISE By Dr. Joseph Ray
The thoughts of Yogananda (as transcribed by Walters) strike me
as compelling. Even when disturbing, one can feel they are true.
This book is useful and worthwhile to pick up frequently, read a
few pages, and then go about one's activities, bearing the
thoughts in mind. n this way one may establish a psychological
milieu supportive of psychological evolution which cannot occur
without one's diligent and continuous effort. (6 of 6)08/06/2007 12:03:25 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Music Review - STILL SOUNDING POSITIVE By Robert J. Resetar

Index of Issue 3
Robert J. Resetar
You may have noticed that most of the music reviews in this and
previous issues are positive ones. That could either mean that a)
love all music no matter how bad it is; b) 'm taking cash
incentives to promote certain recordings; or c) For a bi-monthly
with limited space decided it was best to present a few well-
chosen gems that stood out among the many recordings in the
market place because of their gentleness, musical integrity and/
or originality. The correct answer will be found in next month's
DonaId WaIters (CrystaI CIarity Sound & Light)
Available in CD and Cassette. n the number one slot this month
(Uh-oh! 'm starting to sound like a D.J.) Secrets of Life by
Donald Walters stands out for its wonderfully creative merging of
music and simple affirmations. Brief sayings like Look upon every
setback as but a stepping stone to success are followed by
lovely, soul-stirring music. This marriage of the spoken word and
music allows you plenty of time to contemplate the meaning and
significance of the affirmation in your life. Funny thing about
timeless advice, you think you've heard it all before, and indeed
you probably have. But once you think you've learned it so well
that you don't need to hear it anymore, you probably haven't. As
for me, 'm keeping my cassette player on auto-reverse.
Donald Walters has taken the spoken excerpts found in Secrets
of Life from his new book by the same title, published by Warner
books. A prolific writer of over 60 books and numerous
recordings, he is a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda.
G Style, Melodic neo-classical
G nstrumentation, Lightly orchestrated instrumentals using
digital samplers. The final selection is sung by D. Walters.
G Feel, Warmth, purity and calmness.
G Performances, Very good
G Compositions, A childlike purity in these compositions
makes them most effective for establishing an
undercurrent of trust as we hear the comforting, fatherly
G Arrangements, Light orchestral arrangements. There is
one vocal selection, the final piece, a lullaby entitled
Nightingale sung by D. Walters.
G Tempos, All reasonably slow.
G Recording Quality, Excellent
G Remarks, Great for inner healing and positive
Music Reviews
Robert J. Resetar
Music (1 of 4)08/06/2007 12:03:26 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Music Review - STILL SOUNDING POSITIVE By Robert J. Resetar
G Warning! This recording may be offensive to the terminally
G For more information regarding Secrets of Life and other
works by Donald Walters call 1-800-424-1055
Loreena McKennitt (QuinIan Road)
For folk enthusiasts, Canadian singer/harpist/composer Loreena
McKennitt is definitely worth checking out. Her sumptuous voice,
pensive melodies and creative arrangements are an impressive
trio. The Mask and the Mirror is an extremely well done recording
which blends Celtic, Spanish, French, Middle Eastern and
popular musical influences with striking musicality. There is such
a diversity of unusual colors here that it required several
listenings to take it all in. Be forewarned that there is a decidedly
mournful quality to much of this recording. f you're looking for
light-hearted, this ain't it. But if you're looking for an extremely
creative folk recording with a lot of intensity, look no further.
G Style, Celtic-Middle Eastern-Folk (Got that?)
G nstrumentation, Vocals, Celtic harp, guitars, keyboards,
fiddle, cello, percussion, accordion, bouzouki, bodhran,
tamboura, tabla, strings and many more ethnic
G Feel, Folk ballads in this genre are not generally known
for being cheery. They are a bit more intense and have a
darker character. Mostly in minor keys, they well capture
the feeling of the period (15th century) and locale which
inspired them.
G Performances, Outstanding.
G Compositions, Excellent.
G Arrangements, Next to Loreena's voice, the most
impressive part of this recording to me is the creative
blend of ethnic instruments and the musicality of the
arrangements. 'm personally not fond of some of the
electric guitar use and the jazz fiddle solo in this context;
but all in all, the work is exceptional.
G Tempos, Mixed. Nothing too upbeat.
G Recording Quality, Excellent.
Various Narada artists (NARADA)
Narada's latest offering to the ever-growing popularity of Celtic
recordings. A combination of traditional and original selections
performed mostly on acoustic instruments.
G Style, Celtic and nouvo-Celtic.
G nstrumentation, Most selections are performed by a small
group of acoustic instruments, varying from piece to piece.
G Feel, Light and relaxing.
G Performances, Good overall. Some better than others.
G Compositions, Good to Fair.
G Arrangements, Although most of the instrumental
arrangements are reasonably good, some tend to
meander. The most disappointing aspect of this recording,
however, is the choice of certain vocal arrangements. Two
of these in particular tend to stand out so much, that the (2 of 4)08/06/2007 12:03:26 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Music Review - STILL SOUNDING POSITIVE By Robert J. Resetar
airy mood created by the other selections is disturbed.
The problem, think, is one of having too much variety in
the tempos and arrangements.
G Tempos, wouldn't recommend this for quiet massage
ambiance, but for light backgrounds where a variety of
tempos is appropriate this would do fine.
G Recording Quality, Very Good.
G Remarks, Although this recording has some
shortcomings, it is certainly worthy of consideration for
any lover of Celtic music.
R. CarIos Nakai (Canyon)
Solo Native American Flute. That's all.
A golden oldie in more ways than one, Earth Spirit by R. Carlos
Nakai has been around for awhile, but if you haven't heard it yet,
strongly recommend you give it a listen. The plaintive call of a
solo flute echoing across the centuries. The first time heard it
was half awake, listening to the breeze and the sounds of people
going about their business. The music seemed to lift me above
the mundane busy-ness of life, as if was viewing it all from a
timeless vantage point. A slight mournful quality seemed to shed
a tear for a civilization so distracted that they barely remember
who they are and why they are here. Now when music can do
that, we're on to something.
G Style, Native American
G nstrumentation, Solo Native American Flute
G Feel, Timeless
G Performance, Excellent
G Compositions/Arrangements, Some improvised, some
G Tempos, All Medium Slow
G Recording Quality, Good
G Remarks, For meditation, healing arts, or anytime you're
looking for profound simplicity. Great with trickling water,
rustling leaves and quiet sunsets.
f you can't find the reviewed selections at your local store, most
of them can be ordered through the Present Moment book store
in Minneapolis, MN. Their toll free telephone number is 1-800-
378-3245. Ask for John.
All reviews by Robert J. Resetar, a composer/orchestrator
currently living in the Minneapolis area. His musical scores and
orchestrations have been heard on network TV, recorded and
performed by major orchestras.
f you would like to have your recording considered for a review
in Atlantis Rising please send it to Robert Resetar, P.O. Box
23528, Minneapolis Mn 55423. No selections will be returned
and due to the constraints of space only a limited number will be
selected for printing. Please include information on where
readers can purchase them and what formats they are available
in. Preference will be given to alternative styles that are
especially calming, colorful or unique. (3 of 4)08/06/2007 12:03:26 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Music Review - STILL SOUNDING POSITIVE By Robert J. Resetar (4 of 4)08/06/2007 12:03:26 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Publisher's Comments By J. Douglas Kenyon

Index of Issue 3
J. Douglas Kenyon
Like Rome, Atlantis certainly was not built in a day. So it should
surprise no one that this publication may need a bit more time to
realize the full-blown maturity which we envision. The product to
date, we believe, has shown enough promise to justify some
patience, but we hope our evolution will take somewhat less than
the 100,000 thousand years or so reputedly required by our
ancient forerunner.
We are delighted, of course, that readers have high expectations
for us, and we hope not only to fulfill but to exceed your vision.
Be advised, though, that the day when Atlantis Rising can mount
full-scale archeological expeditions, sponsor comprehensive
scientific research or shoot its own television specials is down
the road a bit. Anyway, please, hold that thought. Someday we
hope to do many such things, but for now, we will concentrate on
getting our publishing act together.
We are, however, happy to report that Atlantis Rising is
sponsoring an upcoming tour of Egypt led by Emmy-award-
winning researcher John Anthony West. For anyone who has
dreamed of visiting the many wonders along the Nile in the
company of one of the most visionary scholars of our time, the
event should be the kind of stuff of which tales to grandchildren
are made. f you have followed West's debate over the age of the
Sphinx and other issues with the Egyptological establishment, we
believe you will recognize an unparalleled opportunity here to
learn the amazing facts first-hand. For more information, please
consult the back cover of this issue.
Hopefully, this will be the first of many such trips. f you are
interested in participating in other group tours to the world's most
mysterious and interesting destinations, please write to us. This
is an area we wish to develop as quickly as possible.
For those unable to take part in such treks personally, it's worth
mentioning that the next best thing to actually going could be
reading about it in Atlantis Rising. For a case in point, don't miss
in this issue the personal tips of maverick archeologist David
Childress on favorite magical journeys you can take without
leaving the planet.
Your ticket for many such adventures is the price of a
subscription, only $19.75. Just call 800/228-8381 and use your
Visa or MasterCard now. All subscriptions will begin with the next
issue, but your adventure begins now.
Douglas Kenyon
Publisher's Comments
Books & Videos on Atlantis
Books & Videos on Archeology (1 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:27 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Publisher's Comments By J. Douglas Kenyon
J. Douglas Kenyon
Publisher (2 of 2)08/06/2007 12:03:27 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor

Index of Issue 3
Letters To The
W||n |wo |ssues under our oe||s we /e|| ||ke o|d-||mers, ou|
our readers rema|n w||||ng |o say n|ce |n|ngs aoou| us.
/|ke Ano Cero
Thank you one and all for the marvelous coverage of my book.
There were inaccuracies (like who's ever heard of South daho
Falls, 'm from Twin Falls), but all in all it was great. Your
publication gets better each time. t reminds me of a newspaper
version of Ano Cero, the top metaphysical magazine of Spain.
P.M.H. Atwater
author of Beyond the Light
Charlottesville, VA
Co|d Fus|on Deoa|e
David Lewis's article on cold fusion, Heavy Watergate, did a
great job capturing the essence of the Cold Fusion War, the
travesty of the now six-year-long attack by establishment science
against one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history.
There were but a few imperfections, such as describing cold
fusion as perhaps a a lowly chemical reaction. Even if cold fusion
excess heat were some kind of new quantum chemistry
involving, let's say, the shrinking of the traditional orbits of atoms
it would still be a spactacular technological/scientific finding.
At another point, the errononeous impression was given that
some MT researchers in 1989 failed to reproduce the cold fusion
results. Not so. they got apparent excess heat, and then
proceded to bury the results by what can only be described as
gross scientific misconduct.
applaud Atlantis Rising for taking on such a challenging,
paradigm-busting story. hope you continue to follow the Cold
Letters To The Editor
P.M.H. Atwater
Books & Videos on Energy
Books & Videos by
P.M.H. Atwater (1 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
Fusion drama.
Dr. Eugen Mallove
Editor, nfinite Energy
Concord, NH
The quality of your magazine is excellent. Please keep it going.
Eleanor Seelye
Moscow, D
Great stuff!
Richard Rodeck
San Rafael, CA
More /n|eres| |nan 5|s|er's
'm thoroughly enjoying your magazine even though you sent it to
my sister who's not as interested as am.
Anna Berordocco
Niagara Falls, Ont., Can.
Deounk |ne Deounkers
... especially like your wrap-up approach and the stories on
suppressed technology. Remember to debunk the debunkers.
Paul Piper
Revere, MA
7n|s |s |ne oes|, mos| |n/orma||ve mag ye|!
Claudia E. Freeman
Sun City, CA (2 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
7nanks /or a grea| magaz|ne!
Carolyn Nation
Tempe, AZ
don't know of any other publication that publishes articles as
interesting as yours.
David S. Alexander
Butte, MT
Needed 7op|cs
The topics are what my friends and need to help in expanding
our horizons and raising our conscience.
Although 've read a number of books on near-death and life-
after-death experience, Beyond the Light by P.M.H. Atwater
sounds interesting and exciting.
Cleo C. MacArt
DeKalb, L
Happy 5uoscr|oer
Am a happy subscriber...! greatly appreciate the update on
many timely subjects.
showed your first issue to several friends who also were
George A. Havach
San Francisco, CA
Hooked /or /|/e
...after those two issues, am hooked for life.
Marie Louise Holton
Sauk City, W (3 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
Our south Florida UFO Research Community read with great
interest your excellent article Artifacts in Space...
The Crop Cypher Enigma by Len Kasten, was another excellent
scientific article, which explains in a very credible and scientific
Mike Wales
Palm Beach, FL
have been scrounging around for this type of book and article
for years. have read most of the books and fewer and fewer
remain for me to find. Thank you!
Diane Deveines, M.D.
East Greenbush, NY
8es| New Age Magaz|ne
Your new magazine, Atlantis Rising, is the best New Age
publication to arrive on the scene this year or in any year, for that
matter. t is superb!
Robert Huntington
Hyattsville, MD
/n|eres|ed Croup
think it is really a great magazine!
...We have a group...We are interested in all the topics you've
covered. We hadn't seen some of the crop circles you pictured.
The Mars face is fascinating...
don't know how arrived on your list but 'm very happy did!
Ardeana Duluk
Allen Park, M
've been very impressed with the magazine. Jeane Manning was
right (see letters in issue #2).
Remy Chevalier
Weston, CT (4 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
/n P||e o/ 7n|ngs 7o Do
Atlantis Rising...came around the holidays and it was in a large
pile of things to do. just finally got to it and read it from cover to
cover, not being able to put it down. swore 'd never send for
another subscription. Well... sure hope the next issues are as
Jacqueline L. Glowacki
Franklin, PA
Don'| Co Down H|||
am very pleased with your new magazine...
Keep up the good work and don't go down hill like the Body, Mind
and Spirit magazine did.
Alysa Waring
Dunsmuir, CA
our oook A||an||s R|s|ng |s Crea|!
t seems that no matter how much information is blocked, when
the timing is right it will come forward. So many of us have been
seeking to know the more that we feel is there, it's time for the
questions to be answered. t's time for more information to be
revealed. t's a great time to be here as this decade unfolds.
Laureen Faust
Riverdale, UT
Ar||c|es Don'| 5k|m
received your first promotional issue of Atlantis Rising, read it
cover to cover, enjoyed it tremendously...then filed it away.
Now received a second promotional copy. Again read it cover
to cover...even all the advertisements.
t then hit me! gotta order this magazine. Never have found a
magazine that has captivated me this much. The articles don't
skim the surface but go into great detail. You've definitely tapped
my interest button. 'm hooked.
Dolores Sterner (5 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
New Freedom, PA
Ce|||ng 8e||er
The second issue was even better than the first. Am looking
forward to the next.
Ann Frank
Seattle, WA
Crea| Fu|ure
think Atlantis Rising has a great future if it continues its article
quality and breadth of topics. Best of luck to you in a tough
plan to subscribe and shall recommend it to friends.
Jane E. Hartmann, D.Hom., D.H.M.
Placitas, NM
8eau||/u||y Done
We want to commend you for the publication Atlantis Rising No.
2. t is beautifully done, for its layout and most importantly, the
substance of the material of the magazine.
The writing is as objective as you can get, considering the
futuristic as well as the pre-history of the recognizable
civilizations on Planet Earth, and in addition to planets that have
not been factually discovered by present astronomical
Charles Spiegel
Unarius Academy of Science
El Cajon, CA
Need-|o-/now Du| 7nere
don't know how you got my mother's name. She has never
subscribed to anything. But also know there is a reason for
everything. f it hadn't been for that special first cover and the
name John Anthony West that grabbed my attention, probably
would have tossed it. nstead read it from cover to cover. (6 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
Atlantis Rising Magazine, Letters To The Editor
sent for the second tape in that program on the Sphinx that
aired on TV. t was Richard Hoagland's Monuments of Mars.
didn't send for the one they've done about the moon yet, but
there it was in your second issue. So now 'm hooked.
There is a need-to-know going on out there. Especially with all
the computer nets grabbing it up. Now at last you and all your
fine people have been called to fill that need-to-know. Please
keep up the good work.
... must say agreed with all the letters of applause in your
second issue...
t should thrill you to realize you are a part of that fulfillment, and
to continue as you have begun. Good luck.
Joanne Lacy
Phoenix, AZ (7 of 7)08/06/2007 12:03:28 AM
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From the Editor of
Atlantis Rising
Intervention, and
the Suppressed
Origins of
Edited by
J. Douglas Kenyon

Overwhelming evidence of
the existence of high
technology in prehistoric
times, this video shatters

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Topic Index
(Partial listing, ssues 1-14, 18 only)
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America's Ancient Writers
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Japan's Underwater Ruins
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The Dogu Enigma: Primitive Artifact Or Six-thousand-
year-old Space Suit?
Cataclysm! 9500 BC
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The Code Of The Ancients
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China's Secret Pyramids
The Indians And The Masons
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The Crystal Skull Enigma
Archeocryptography According to Carl Munck
Cave Mysteries Of The Stone Age
Of Goddesses and Runes
Tracking The Secrets Of The Incas
Earth: A Crystal Planet?
The Mysterious Origins Of Man
Top 10 Out-of-place Artifacts (O.O.P.s)
Visitors From Beyond
Fingerprinting The Gods
The Search For Meaning In The Dead Sea Scrolls
Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology
Dealing With Fate: Is Our Fortune In Our Stars Or Our
Galactic Astrology
The Star of Dreams
Astrology: Plato And The Stars
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Reveals the thread
that unites the
spiritual paths that
have opposed
orthodox religion over
the centuries and the
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the status quo
Edited by
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From The Mummy's Curse To Threatening Plagues
The Search for Kinnaman's Entrance
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West, Hancock & Bauval Cut Out Of New Sphinx Research
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Near-death Experience: The Untold Story
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Atlantis Rising Magazine, Archives
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Nasa Accused Of Skullduggery With Mars Data
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The Illusions Of Perception
Tom Bearden Fights For Revolutionary Science
Escape From Gravity
Signs In The Sky
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B2: the American UFO?
Energy Set Free
Microbes or More?
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'Cold Fusion' Breakthrough
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Exposing A Scientific Coverup
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Top 10 Impossible Inventions That Work
Heavy Watergate
Electro-Magnetic Pollution
Is Anti-gravity In Your Future
Breaking Through to the Future
Premonitions of Disaster
Moving Beyond Prophecies & Predictions
The Risks Of Prophecy: A Review of Michael Scallion's
Earth Changes Predictions
Top 10 Prophecies For The Year 2000
James Redfield On The Future
The Truth About UFOs
In Pursuit of the Truly Strange
Mufon Launches Study Of The UFO Abduction Experience
UFO Experts See Official Cover-Up Unraveling
From Apollo To Zero Point
Artifacts In Space
The Threshold Of Change
Charting The Coming Changes
Keys to the Conspiracy Consparacy
Remembering The Future
The Zero Point Phenomenon
Top 10 Books For The Coming Changes
Debunking The Debunkers
A Walk On "the Other Side
Atlantis Of Your Dreams
Hollywood And The Star Gods Of Ancient Egypt
Secrets Of Forgotten Worlds: A Conversation With Peter
Top 10 Magical Journeys You Can Take
Angelic Alternatives
Vision Plus (3 of 4)08/06/2007 12:03:32 AM
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