Atlantis Rising 32

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The magazine covers a wide range of topics related to ancient mysteries, future science, and unexplained anomalies. It includes articles on topics like Atlantis, advanced ancient technologies, alternative theories of history and archaeology, healing, and paranormal phenomena.

Some of the main topics covered in articles include theories about Atlantis, advanced ancient technologies, alternative theories of history and archaeology, healing practices, paranormal phenomena, underground bases, occult topics, and more.

The magazine offers subscriptions, as well as providing information on ordering related books, videos, audio recordings and offering other products in their catalog. It also publishes letters from readers.


Number 32
March / April, 2002

Unraveling Ancient Codes

Beverly Jaegers on the Secrets

U.S. $ 95 Canada $5 95


William Donato
Did Atlantis Have Maser and Laser Technology?


John Kettler
Some WWII Battles Didnt Make the Front Page


Cynthia Logan
Dr. Jeanne Achterbergs Astounding Investigation

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PLATOS ATLANTIS and the UNDERWORLD Author Alan Alford Excerpts His Startling New Book

PUBLISHER & EDITOR J. Douglas Kenyon CONTRIBUTORS Alan Alford Michael Cremo Chuck Doire William Donato Christopher Dunn Julie Gillentine William Hart Beverly Jaegers Frank Joseph John Kettler Cynthia Logan Dr. Eugene Mallove Rob Resetar Richard Sauder COVER PHOTO Relief, Tomb of Pacal Palenque, Mexico ATLANTIS RISING published bi-monthly Write PO Box 441, Livingston, MT 59047 COPYRIGHT 2002 by ATLANTIS RISING
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.

Number 32 March / April

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Michael Cremo, Author of Forbidden Archaeology, Makes his Apologies to Columbus 18

Infinite Energy Editor Eugene Mallove with Aliens in the Basement 17

Beverly Jaegers Tackles the Problem of Unraveling Ancient Messages 22


Did the Sleeping Prophet Accurately Describe Masers and Lasers? 24


Did the Ancients Have Advanced Memory Chips? 27

Please call 406-222-0875 or 800-228-8381. Direct all ad copy to PO Box 441, Livingston, MT 59047. Publisher reserves the right to accept only advertising deemed appropriate to the publication in subject matter and presentation.

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UNDERGROUND BASES Reality or Paranoid Delusion? 30 ANCIENT PRECISION If the Early Egyptians Had It, Why? 32 OCCULT WAR AGAINST THE NAZIS Some Choose Unusual Weapons to Fight Evil 35 THE POWER OF HEALING PRAYER Jeanne Achterberg Takes Science to Uncharted Waters 39 THE MESO AMERICAN MYSTERY Why Cant Science Explain the Mayas? 42 ATLANTIS IN THE STARS Frank Joseph Evidence Above 45 ATLANTIS IN THE UNDERWORLD Alan Alford Takes Plato in a New Direction 46 Order ASTROLOGY 48 BOOKS, VIDEOS & MORE VIDEOS 50 See Our Catalog Page 74 RECORDINGS 57


Psyche Abandoned. Statue in the Louvre by Augustin Pajou

ome have wondered how the chosen themes of this magazineancient mysteries...future science...unexplained anomaliescan fit together under the same umbrella, so wed like to offer a few words of explanation. We see this publication as a voice in the great debate currently raging over the dimensions of the human soul. On one hand are those who see the human race as little more than a mass of consumers of manufactured stuffacademic doctrine included. By their way of thinking we are all products of the Darwinian struggle, and nothing more. Whatever claim we have to worth and dignity is in our collective advancement since leaving the caves just a few millennia ago, and from which, we are told, we began, for the first time, the laborious ascent to our present lofty height. Notions of immortality and transcendent individual possibilities are said to be illusions, born of social conditioning, and nothing more. On the other side, however, are those who see unlimited capacities in each of usnot excluding personal immortality. Never mind that the human psyche we find today is clearly still suffering from many ancient wounds. The evolutionary scheme is seen by these as far grander, more subtle and, indeed, more sublime than mere survival of the fittest. From this perspective, it seems that most people today labor in bondage to a shriveled concept of their own identity. Programmed to accept the authority of the dominant scientific/secular/humanist establishment, they have given up on exalted possibilities within themselves. The rulingacademically rootededifice has succeeded in convincing most of us that its formulations are virtually settled matters, well beyond challenge. We are left to play our assigned parts and nothing more. Atlantis Rising Magazine simply does not accept this state of affairs and, in our own way, we are participating in the growing campaign to change it. We believe the underlying logic, or reasonableness, on which the establishment bases its authority is fallacious, if not corrupt, and we intend wherever possible to expose this unfortunate state of affairs. We believe that solving the mysteries surrounding our ancient origins is fundamental, because it is in knowledge of the unseen greatness of our roots that we are empowered to spread our branches to the stars. By future science we refer to the limitless achievement remaining to be unfurled as we rediscover our true potential. And in unexplained anomalies we see revealed the basic failures of the academic elite to offer satisfactory answers to lifes deepest questions. We are grateful for your support to our efforts thus far and we hope we can continue to count on you.




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Establishment Tactics T
o get your comments into this space, write: Atlantis Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT 59047, or e-mail us at [email protected]. Writing a brief and clear letter remains the best way to get your views to our readership. Velikovskys Martyrdom John Kettler notes that Carl Sagan led the rigged 1974 AAAS meeting in San Francisco (Symposium on Velikovskys Challenge to Science) which was designed to bury Velikovskys claims once and for all. What was Sagans interest in Velikovsky? Empirical science gathers facts, proposes theories that explain the facts and uses the theories to predict additional facts. Finding a predicted fact verifies the theory which then itself becomes a scientific fact that can be used as a basis for additional theories. Velikovsky, using historical records, theorized that Venus was a late addition to the solar system. The predictive fact he used as possible verification of his theory was the temperature of Venus which he claimed would be eight times the temperature of Earth. Mass/gravity, a basic scientific fact that cuts across all scientific disciplines, uses Newtonian Mechanics to describe the solar system. Newtonian Mechanics prohibits the addition of planets to the solar system. Velikovskys theory that Venus was a new planet opposed Newtonian Mechanics. It could not be correct. Given the theorys impossibility and the improbability of Venuss temperature ever being verified, astronomers felt safe using Velikovskys prediction of a hot Venus to ridicule the man himself. Astronomers were therefore more than perplexed when Velikovskys prediction turned out to be accurate. Not only were they faced with the embarrassment of having an object of their ridicule proven right, the basic astronomy discipline was in danger of being discredited. Either Newtonian Mechanics was wrong, or worse, astronomical data were not subject to the empirical methodology. This later possibility was devastating because of scientific comity under which one branch of science accords uncritical validity to 6 the scientific facts empirically verified by another branch of science. Astronomy could not afford to have its empirical conclusions brought into question within the broader scientific community. As a result, astronomers had to take action to avoid being hoisted on their own petard, the discovery of a publicly ridiculed prediction verifying an impossible theory. Action took the form of the young, photogenic astronomer, Carl Sagan. The plan was simple: Replace Velikovskys prediction with one showing that Venuss heat was empirically predictable from accepted astronomical observations made prior to its discovery. Unfortunately, the only fact astronomers could use to predict Venuss heat prior to its discovery was the Venusian cloud cover and no reputable astronomer could venture an explanation how Venuss temperature, almost four times what was needed to boil water, could be predicted from its cloud cover. Thats where the young Sagan came in. He had no reputation. The astronomical community called one of its rare televised press conferences to feature Sagan claiming he had long known Venus was hot because its cloud cover produced a greenhouse effect that caused the clouds to trap heat just like a greenhouse traps heat on Earth. There were a number of problems with the analogy, not the least of which was the fact that clouds decrease the heat in a greenhouse rather than intensify it. If inserting a layer of clouds around a greenhouse could produce the temperatures recorded on Venus, the oil industry would have long since gone the way of the dinosaurs. But with the worlds astronomers behind him, Sagan was able to make the analogy appear reasonable and his prediction replaced Velikovskys prediction, allowing the empirical purity of astronomy to remain intact. Sagan, in arranging the 1974 AAAS symposium, was merely putting the formal stamp of scientific legitimacy on his after-the-fact prediction, disappearing Velikovskys successful prediction

down the memory hole of science. With the greenhouse effect now a scientific fact in astronomy, it was accorded uncritical acceptance by other branches of science. Sciences concerned with the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere began to propose theories about the cause of the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gasses, and their effect, global warming. The problem with this, of course, is that Sagan only created his greenhouse theory to give the appearance that Venuss heat had been predicted by astronomy. The theorys predictive fact had preceded the theory. Designed only to predict an existing fact, the theory was demonstrated by its assertion. This is not exactly a rigorous application of empirical methodology and could even be called cheating. The greenhouse theory was allowed to pass the empirical test designed by the scientific method to verify theories without being required to take the test. Having accepted an untested theory as fact, unrelated branches of science now reach easily discreditable conclusions about global warming based on the untested theory, and charges of junk science fly from every direction. An unintended result of Sagans effort to bury Velikovskys successful prediction that Venus was hot, then, was not an end to scientific controversy, but rather an intensification of it. Peter Bros Springfield, VA

Cayces Caribbean In 1960, three of us left Fort Lauderdale in a small plane for Nassau in the Bahamas, I being in the passenger seat behind the co-pilot. I presume our flight path was a direct line, generally east-southeast. We passed over small landmasses, and to my recollection, had been in flight some 30-40 minutes (not certain about this). While watching the water below (we were probably at 2500-3000 feet altitude), which was shallow, there appeared perfect circles (I judged 100-150 yards in diameter), perfectly spaced apart

Continued on Page 9



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Continued from page 6
some quarter to one half mile in a line running generally NNE to SSW for as far as I could see in both directions. The circles ran roughly at a 90degree angle from our flight path. I could not determine if they were concave or convex, but they were completely symmetrical. A friend explained that this area had been used as a bombing range during WWII, some 15 to 20 years earlier. That could be a logical explanationbut wouldnt the ocean floor change considerably in that period of time? I think otherwise. I believe that we were near the Gulf Stream, which wanders somewhat, and in so doing it may have uncovered whatever this was (and is). It has been a puzzle for all these years and probably will remain so for my lifetime. Perhaps satellite photos might shed some light, if they were available. I think eventually the world will conclude that old Edgar was right about Atlantis. Richard Moncrief Brewton, AL If there was a polar shift, I have always theorized that Atlantis was buried under Antarctica. Now I hear the reports coming from Cuba. Edgar Cayce prediction may be accurate and now I wonder if reports from Antarctica could be pointing to the lost continent of Mu? I hope that American archaeologists will have full rein to investigate the waters near Cuba. The discovery of Atlantis would be monumental in our human culture and it is necessary for us to know our true past. Cherie Leaird Colgate, OK Mel Fisher, the most successful treasure hunter of the twentieth century, did find a sunken city somewhere between Florida and Cuba. He made a mention of it but said he would not reveal its location until Cuba and the United States were on friendly terms... Jim Steed Lexington, KY Tracks from the Great Pyramid I had long heard of the ruts made by chariot wheels and wagons grooving Roman pavement, but in truth when as a casual tourist I saw them I found I was unconvinced. They were too good. A car does not go in a straight line; neither does a walking human. It seemed odd that a Roman horse, however disciplined, should

move through traffic in such a straight line. Besides, surely there was dirt on the street, horse flop if nothing else. The deep clean cuts I was looking at should have filled up and bounced the wheels out onto the unmarred pavement. Besides, a moving stream with the slightest bend will increase that bend as the water seeks the outer bank of the bend and erodes it. A rapidly moving vehicle should do the same thing, but it had not happened. Then in a Roman quarry in Sicily our guide described how the stones were moved by hand on pairs of iron wheels joined by an iron axle. Now that made sense. If large stones were brought through town for construction and repair with the same contraption, the weight could have cut the grooves. The workers would have moved very slowly with ample time to keep their track straight or to follow a previous track. Perhaps they thought that by staying in one track they were minimizing damage to the road. Mining probably never stopped in Europe after Roman times. Even in the Dark Ages they never stopped using metal. So it would be no great stretch to imagine that the technology changed little. People hate change. There is an ancient preconception that dogs use to this day that is almost surely wrong and will within the century bring down our civilization like so many before (excepting of course Atlantis, which had a perfectly good excuse for dying out). But no one is so bold as to challenge it in print. At all events, if British mines were still being worked with Roman methods and Roman standards, it is no stretch to think that the same gauge survived, not only in the mines described in the article but also in many others. And it is no stretch to think that this reluctance to consider change has kept the same gauge in use long after the seven-foot gauge was proven superior. How far back before Rome the standard was used is beyond me, but it does appear that the ancient Egyptians moved a lot of stone. Thank you for a delightful and thought-provoking article. Linton Herbert Largo, Fl Fan Mail I never write fan letters. This is a fan letter. You deserve it. Youre the best. I never read magazines, EXCEPT for yours. You broke a 50-year habit of not reading magazines! I got my first copy at the UFO conference years ago and got hookeda good advertising tool! Keep it up! Dr. Marion Douglas Fair Oaks, CA
Number 32 ATLANTIS





n December, researchers confirmed their earlier reports of an underwater city in the waters between Cuba and Yucatan. Published reports from Havana quoted Russian-born Canadian Paulina Zelitsky and her associates with the British Columbia-based Advanced Digital Communications (ADC) that new explorations with a miniature submarine have reaffirmed the existence of large stone structures apparently created by an unknown civilization thousands of years ago. Zelitsky and her company first gained widespread attention two years ago with discovery of the sunken U.S. battleship Maine at 3700 feet near Havana harbor. The curiosity of the world was again captured in Spring of 2001 when the group reported finding an underwater city at around 2100 feet. No further information was immediately forthcoming except to say that National Geographic Magazine had been given exclusive magazine rights and would be carrying out a joint venture with the Cuban Academy of Sciences later in the summer. The NG project has yet to materialize, but apparently Zelitsky and her group returned on their own. The Lost City is located off the Guanahacabibes Peninsula on the Caribbean islands western tip. According to Reuters, this past July ADC and its Cuban partners, operating from their research ship Ulises, deployed a remotely operated underwater vehicle to film the 7.7 square mile area. Images

The research vessel Ulises

taken at that time were cited in December as revealing huge smooth granite-like blocks in perpendicular and circular formations, some in pyramid shapes. According to researchers most of the blocks, measuring from 6.5 to 16 feet in length, were exposed and stacked one on top of the other. Some were covered in a fine white sand found throughout the area. In the previous report the area had been described as looking like an urban development with shapes that resemble roads and bridges. (All images are apparently awaiting release from National Geographic before being made public.) When pressed the researchers ha-

zarded an opinion that if the site is manmade, as it appears, it could be at least 6,000 years oldan estimate that seems to err considerably on the side of caution. While no one knows how to place the Cuba discovery within a familiar geological context, it seems clear that, if the site is indeed artificial, its age is more likely to comport with Platos dates for the sinking of Atlantis, 9500 B.C., than with any orthodox geology. If so, the find could be the most important of our time. In the meantime, officials at National Geographic say they are considering their options in Cuba along with about 50 other interesting projects which are vying for their attention.


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(top left) Satellite image of Cat Island and Little San Salvador, (background) Chart, (lower left) Detail of Long Rocks, (lower right) Long Rock formations


alifornia-based cartographer Ron Smith believes he has identified, in the Bahamas, the location of the great canal which Plato said surrounded the royal city of Atlantis. In an area between Cat Island (which, from the air, resembles a dolphin) and Little San Salvador, east of Bimini, Smith has found two lengthy concentrically curved rocky structures visible above the water which appear to form the banks of what was once a great circular canal. The two structures are identified on charts as Long Rocks. The currently visible features

are of coral encrusted limestone (coral, by the way, can be dated). The channel between the islands is at a depth consistent with a once-navigable waterway and, according to Smith, the remains of what appears to have once been a very long canal are easily discerned. Longtime Caribbean explorer and archaeologist William Donato says circles coinciding with the islands would indicate a center 3.22 miles away. In Platos story the distance was 3.2 miles. Smith also reports that the area between Bimini and Andros has dimensions corresponding to Platos great

plain. Moreover, Smith also believes he has identified other structures consistent with Platos account, including the Grand Canal outlet to the sea. He is now actively campaigning for further exploration of the area. Incidentally, recent satellite photos of nearby Bermuda show faint circular patterns which appear to be the cratered remains of significant meteor hits, providing support for those, like the late German scholar Otto Muck, who have suggested that the destruction of Atlantis was the result of meteor or asteroid hits.
Number 32 ATLANTIS




receding every great advance and many of the setbacks in our history, the geniuses of both light and darkness, have battled for the hearts and minds of the rest of us. But, despite the stubborn resistance of those committed to the primitive notions of earlier ages, the outrageous impossibilities of one generation continue to become the revolutionary breakthroughs of the next and the basic necessities of the future. Still... in the 20th century, while the Marconi's...the Henry Ford's...the Thomas Edison's have succeeded in capturing most of the attention, others with technological prowess bordering on the miraculous, strangely, have gone unnoticed. Men with names like Tesla, Moray, Rife, Russell and Schauberger, laboring in almost complete obscurity, and achieving almost incomprehensible miracles--free energy, anti-gravity, transmutation of the elements, physical rejuvenation and more--were yet largely rejected, ridiculed and despised by the scientific establishment of their day. But now, a few decades later, a new breed of inventors, scientists and researchers is making rapid, if yet unpublicised, strides toward unraveling the astonishing secrets of those unsung giants who preceded them. Today, many of these new technological magicians find themselves on the threshold of breakthroughs, still believed, by many, to be the stuff of hallucination.

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any who believe that we were all changed forever on September 11 may be surprised to learn that the events of that day also produced evidence that the planet has a consciousness. Researchers report that computers set up to produce random numbers generated a mysterious pattern on 9/ 11, which they say could be evidence for the existence of a global consciousness. Every day, as part of the Global Consciousness Project, 37 computers all over the world toss virtual coins and the results are usually around 50% heads and 50% tails. On September 11, though, the team claims their results skewed in one directionsomething which normally happens maybe once in 15 days. Moreover, the skewing continued for an unprecedented number of hours. A project researcher Dean Radin told USA Today: Were not dealing with something as simple as thoughts affecting the system. But there is a correlation and its not clear how it comes about. The team reports they saw similar, but smaller, effects after the funeral of Princess Diana and the sinking of the Kursk submarine. Not surprisingly, cynics say the data needs to be analyzed in more detail before any conclusions can be drawn.

n a startling admission, mainstream science has conceded that it cannot explain near-death experiences (NDE). A study published in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet (December 15) acknowledges that standard medical factors, such as medication and the duration of unconsciousness, cannot explain the phenomenon. The so-called near-death experience has been widely reported for many years. Anecdotes, originating with patients or victims who had been pronounced clinically dead, yet somehow survived, typically have had many elements in common. Many describe out-of-the-body experiences in which often they witness attempts at their own resuscitation by doctors. Also frequent are descriptions of entering into a great light and receiving guidance from higher spiritual beings. Until the Lancet article skeptics have insisted that such reports are essentially hallucinatory, brought on by a reduction of oxygen to the brain or something of the sort. In the Lancet report, Dr. Pim van Lommel of the Netherlands and his colleagues say that their study clearly rules out all such standard rationalizations. Previous studies have asked patients to recount their experiences long after they occurred but this time initial interviews were carried out immediately after the event. Researchers found that 62 of 344 patients (18%) who had recovered after being pronounced clinically dead had near-death experiences. Of these, six were later found not to have had an NDE, but 41 were said to have had a deeper core experience. For the latter the details remained very clear when they were reinterviewed eight years later and they seemed to have gone through a significant spiritual transformation showing less fear of death and a strong belief in the afterlife. We did not show that psychological, neurophysiological, or physiological factors caused these experiences after cardiac arrest,' the researchers write.
Number 32 ATLANTIS





Wall at Sacsayhuaman


xplorers in Cuzco, Peru are reporting that they have unearthed what they believe is a doorway which once led into a temple in the Andes mountains. The discovery in early December, claims National Culture Institute Director Edwin Benavente was in downtown Cuzco, 13 feet beneath a colonial era house. The seven-foot high doorway, he says, is similar to ones found at Sacsayhuaman, and could be part of a grand complex and is probably a doorway that led to the archaeological site of Sacsayhuaman. Archaeologists have discovered a zigzagging wall similar to the one at Sacsayhuaman that is buried beneath Cuzco's modern-day buildings and that points toward the recently discovered doorway, he said. In Atlantis Rising, Issue #19, David Hatcher Childress reported on evidence for a great ancient tunnel system which may still exist in South America with one of many possible entrances in the vicinity of Sacsayhuaman. At this point it is not clear if the Peruvian researchers plan to look for and explore any subterranean passages which may connect with the door.

he tractor beam of science fiction lore may be one step closer. Researchers in Scotland say they have come up with a laser light which can twist objects at a distance. A physics team at St. Andrews University has demonstrated the ability, with nothing more than the power of light, to rotate microscopic objects such as a tiny glass rod, twice the thickness of a human hair. The group has developed what it calls laser tweezers. Using two lasers together, an interference pattern is created in the form of a spiral of light which traps an object in its arms. The scientists have used the glass rod to stir tiny amounts of liquid and they say they have also rotated a hamster chromosome, thus demonstrating potential applications in medical science. Other possibilities include the building of micromachines with components not much larger than mole-

A helix of twisting laser light forms the beam

Very small objects can be rotated by the beam

culesthe so-called nanotechnology. So far, all applications appear very tiny, indeed, so dont look for tractor beams to haul off over parked cars anytime soon.

Could the dark spots on a NASA filtered photo be signs of bacteria on one of Jupiters moons?


he question: is there life in the solar system beyond earth? may be near an affirmative answer. The first case, however, to be made may be from somewhere besides Mars. In fact, it may not be a planet at all, but rather a moon. Ames Research Center planetary geologist Brad Dalton believes he has the evidence which could indicate that Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, is

host to living organisms. Daltons case is built on the odd light emissions and reddish hue coming from Jupiters ocean-bearing moon which he believes could be generated by bacteria. An apparently close match between the chemical signature of bacteria on earth and the light from Europa is the major fact in a paper that Dalton will present Houston-based Lunar and Planetary Institute's conference in March.




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Dr. Eugene F. Mallove


From Close Encounters of the Third Kind


his essay touches on alienswhere they are and what energies they might command. In a past issue of Infinite Energy magazine (No. 29, January/February n 2000), we featured optical physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabees article, Prosaic Explanations: The Failure of UFO Skepticism. Infinite Energy is not, of course, a magazine of UFO investigation, as I noted in introducing Maccabees article. We are very interested, however, in promoting open-minded discussion of evidence for major claimed anomalies in science beyond radical new energy sources. We are particularly concerned whenever the methodology of evidence handling is abused and masqueraded as careful investigation, as is often done by some skeptics. For better or worse, aliens have entered the evolving paradigm of how science is conducted. They will affect us all. Looking back on my own career in engineering, science, and journalism, I realize that a good part of it has emerged from an interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life aliens. In my teenage amateur astronomy days I wondered passionately about which planets in our solar system might be inhabited by intelligent lifeor by anything wed recognize as life, let alone the intelligent variety. This was at the early post-Sputnik beginning of the Space Age. While doing course work at MIT toward my two degrees in aeronautical/astronautical engineering, I became most interested in very advanced propulsion systemsones that could open the solar system for humankind, beyond the pathetic chemical rockets of then and today. With sufficiently advanced propulsion, such as ion engines or fission-energized rockets that heat hydrogen propellant, we could at least visit more easily those places nearby where life might be found. Another link of past with present: The molten-core (liquid droplet core) fission nuclear rocket was the subject of my masters thesis. Now defunct, the fission rocket era of the 1960s might be reborn when low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) can perform as reliably as or better than conventional fissionsans the need for massive neutron shielding. To be frank, my interest in rocketry and aliens came from the basement. As did many others, I had a teenage romance with dangerous pyrotechnic ignitionsan outgrowth of early 1960s basement experiments with bombs and rockets. (This was before the era of packaged model rockets, which are now commonly available.) Basement bombing was a typical rite of passage for apolitical, pre-terrorist-era male youth. (In 2000 such activities might land a teenage boy in jail. In 1960, the fire marshal merely told me and my friends not to do such things any more, at least not with 0.75-inch diameter copper pipes stuffed with gunpowder!) Today officialdom is sand-bagging us again. The DOE fire marshals and an academic priesthood warns us away from much more significant experiments: Stop! Dont do cold fusion. Alas, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Patience, aliens are coming. Paralleling rocketry, I grew interested in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations via radio-telescopes (then called CETI, now SETI). This had just begun with Frank Drakes brief microwave observation of Epsilon Eridani and Tau-Ceti back in 1960Project Ozma. That search was in the water-holenear the 1420 MHz hydrogen emission line. My fascination was intense and early. Long before Carl Sagan became a household name, as a 15year-old I attended and taped one of his earliest lectures on extraterrestrial lifeon a portable (reel-to-reel!) tape recorder at a local junior college in New London, Connecticut. Carl was a great salesman for aliens even then. He certainly helped sell me, a mathematics teachers and plumbers son not a scientist. I did not go into plumbing, but the water focus of my father and grandfather may have recapitulated itself when I entered the cold fusionwater-as-fuel controversy. As the noisy sixties wore on, it became clear that the solar system, interesting as it seemed, was not enough. We just had to plan for interstellar travel if we were ever to encounter really interesting planets with intelligent beings. Especially hard to find would be dumb ones (Carls words) like us, who might not have an interest in microwave signaling. There would be smart ones too. Some of the early books on SETI spoke of a Kardashev Type-II civilization, which might have gotten control of the entire energy output of its star by wrapping it in a durable cocoon. That would be quite a feat, but still just solar power writ large. We might see these societies, or so it was suggested by Freeman Dyson, by observing their infrared emissions. A Kardashev Type-III civilization might command the energy output of an entire galaxy. This was all postulated with a straight face, with hardly a thought about where the stupendous energies of Kardashev Type-III would come from. If it wasnt solar power, what could it be? That was left unanswered. It is amazing what stuff can be discussed in polite academic circles, providing it doesnt actually do anything or have any direct relevance to contemporary technologies. But bring in a civilizationchanging jar of heavy water that creates excess heator describe experiments with free-energy aether motors (see my essay in the last issue of AR), and all hell breaks loose. Maybe the aliens were deep into hot fusion, or perhaps antimatter annihilation? Later came speculation about black holes and titanic energies that might be derived therefrom. Thermonuclear fusion, the nemesis of today, seemed to me then more reachable. One of my propulsion courses at MIT incubated a paper that showed that Robert Bussards interstellar ramjet concept seemed to be on the right track. He had the idea of scooping up interstellar hydrogen that could be used ramjet-style in a fusion propulsion system. The rock-

Continued on Page 58
Number 32 ATLANTIS

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove is the Editor-in-Chief of Infinite Energy



INFORMATIVE LINKS worth following


Notes from

Michael A. Cremo
Mars Rendered by Ken Veenenbos

Ancient Mars: Renderings Show Raging Floods, Vast Oceans With a host of spacecraft at Mars or being readied to go there over the next two years, scientists are poised to uncover the planets liquid secrets. The big question: Was Mars once warm and wet? scienceastronomy/solarsystem/ ancient_mars_020104.html

With Apologies to Columbus: A Report on the ISAC Annual Conference

Electricity From Earths Core A radical new method of producing electricity from the Earths inner heat has been devised by a power plant designer from Texas. technology/ 0,1282,48947,00.html

arly on the morning of October 11, 2001, I went to the Los Angeles International Airport to get my flight to Columbus, Georgia, where I was to speak at the annual meeting of the Institute for the Study of American Cultures. ISAC is dedicated to investigation of preColumbian and Native American culture and history. Orthodox academic opinion holds that aside from a brief visit by Vikings, the Americas had no contacts with Old World cultures before the time of Columbus. But ISAC researchers have reported abundant evidence of reciprocal contacts between the Americas and a variety of Old World culture centers, such as Europe, India, China, and Egypt. My road to Columbus began quite a few years ago. When my book Forbidden Archeology first came out, it Antelope Springs, Utah, human shoe print was picked up by David Hatcher Childress, who included it in his Adventures Unlimited mailorder catalogue. David then told the late Jean Hunt, president of the Louisiana Mounds Society, about the book, and suggested that she publish a review in her societys newsletter. Jean did get in touch with me, and did publish a very favorable review. She became quite an enthusiastic supporter of Forbidden Archaeology , and recommended it to many of her contacts in the early American studies field. For example, she put me in touch with Bill Cote, who invited me to participate in the making of his classic television special The Mysterious Origins of Man , which was aired on NBC. She also recommended Forbidden Archaeology to Dr. Joseph B. Mahan, then president of ISAC, and to Vincent Mooney, an officer of ISAC. Mahan and Mooney separately invited me to come to an ISAC conference, but that year I was already scheduled to be doing a publicity tour for the launching of The Hidden History of the Human Race . Just this past year, Vincent again invited me to give a paper at the annual ISAC conference, and I was happy to accept. Unfortunately, Vincent died before the conference took place. I arrived at the Columbus airport, meditating on the irony of an organization dedicated to dimming Christopher Columbuss fame being headquartered here. I noted a distinct military atmosphere in the airport, which serves nearby Ft. Benning. After claiming my bag, I made my way to the conference hotel. At an evening reception, I met Morton A. Harris, president of ISAC, a genuine southern gentleman, and Carole Sides, ISACs secretary,
Continued on Page 20

Neanderthals clever enough to make superglue Researchers say Neanderthals had considerable technical and intellectual skills and were as ingenious as modern humans. German scientists say they have found Neanderthals mixed a kind of superglue to make tools. news/story/sm_488461. html?menu=news. scienceanddiscovery
Continued on Page 20




Number 32 ATLANTIS


Vast majority of Americans believe in angels Americans overwhelmingly believe in the angels that heralded the birth of Jesus 2000 years ago and think they still walk the Earth in these modern days. stories/459/909572.html

who had taken on most of the burden of organizing the conference. I also met many of the conference speakers. At my table I had to turn down some of the drinks and snacks because they didnt fit in with the strict vegetarian diet I follow as a practitioner of the Hare Krishna religion. When I was explaining this, Richard Flavin, one of the speakers sitting at my table, told me he had sometimes had some vegetarian meals at the Hare Krishna temple in Boston. My main interest is not pre-Columbian culture contacts between the New and Old Worlds but the origin of anatomically modern humans. According to orthodox scientists, humans of our type came into existence about one hundred thousand years ago. So what I look for is evidence that humans of our type existed before that. In my ISAC lecture, I presented evidence for a human presence in the Americas that goes back more than one hundred thousand years. Some of the cases I mentioned were the Sheguiandah, Canada artifacts (125,000 years); the Trenton, New Jersey human femur (114,000 years); the Calico, California artifacts (200,000 years); the Lawn Ridge, Illinois copper coin (200,000 years); the Hueyatlaco, Mexico artifacts (250,000 years); the Buenos Aires, Argentina skull (1 million years); the Nampa, Idaho, human figurine (2 million years); the Miramar, Argentina flint arrowhead (3 million years); the California gold mine skeletons and artifacts (50 million years); the Macoupin County, Illinois human skeleton (about 300 million years); the Antelope Springs, Utah human shoe print (500 million years), and the Dorchester, Massachusetts metallic vase (600 milNampa, Idaho, human figurine lion years). Among the other lectures, one that especially caught my attention was Carl Johannessens talk on Photographic Evidence of the Pre-Columbian Movement of Plants Across the Oceans. It featured photographs of gods and goddesses in temples in South India holding ears of corn. The temples are over one thousand years old. Corn is native to the Americas, and according to standard historical reasoning, it should not have entered the Old World until after the voyages of Columbus, about five hundred years ago. The ancient Sanskrit writings not only say that humans existed millions of years ago but also that the Vedic culture of India had a worldwide presence. Other speakers pointed out additional signs of contact between India and the Americas, such as lotus and elephant motifs on Central American temples. At the time the temples were constructed, way before Columbus, the lotus and elephant were not, according to standard opinion, found in the New World. Someday I would like to do a very thorough study of all of this evidence for contacts between India and the Americas (and other parts of the world) and put it together in a book. Professor Stephen Jett, of the University of California at Davis, is one of the leading academic voices arguing in favor of pre-Columbian transoceanic contacts. He is presently working a scholarly book summarizing the evidence. His talk at Columbus showed that a variety of cultures had both the ships and navigational skills to make voyages across oceans to the New World in ancient times. In Columbus, I had the good fortune to meet Gloria Farley, the grand dame of early American research. She said she had always wanted to meet me because one of the more extreme anomalies that I documented in Forbidden Archaeology came from the town where she lives, Heavener, Oklahoma. In 1928, Atlas Almon Mathis was working in a coal mine two miles north of Heavener. The shaft went down over ten thousand feet. Once, Mathis and other miners used dynamite to blast out a new room deep in the mine. In a signed affadavit, Mathis said, The next morning, there were several conSUBSCRIBE OR ORDER BOOKS, VIDEOS AND MUCH MORE!

Brits established secret UFO investigation group Official papers have revealed Britains Ministry of Defence set up a secret flying saucer working party in the 1950s. news/story/sm_485819.html? menu=news.scienceand discovery.phenomena

Dan Akroyd

Aykroyd Set to Go Out There for Sci Fi Cables Sci Fi Channel has signed Dan Aykroyd to host Out There, a late night talk show devoted to the paranormal. nm/20020103/re/ television_aykroyd_dc_1.html

Nasa could use magnets to launch rockets Nasa scientists are looking at whether electromagnets could be use to propel rockets into space. news/story/sm_487421.html? menu=news.scienceand discovery.inventions
Continued on Facing Page



crete blocks laying in the room. These blocks were 12-inch cubes and were so smooth and polished on the outside that all six sides could serve as mirrors. Yet they were full of gravel, because I chipped one of them open with my pick, and it was plain concrete inside. Mathis added, As I started to timber the room up, it caved in, and I barely escaped. When I came back after the cave-in, a solid wall of these polished blocks was left exposed. About 100 to 150 yards farther down our air core, another miner struck this same wall, or one very similar. ( Forbidden Archaeology , p. 809) The coal at this level is almost 300 million years old.

Britons 200,000 years earlier than first thought Man could have settled in Britain up to 200,000 years earlier than previously thought, according to new studies. news/story/sm_479418.html? menu=news.scienceand discovery.archaeology

Gloria was kind enough to give me a copy of her book In Plain Sight: Old World Records in Ancient America , which features an encylopedic review of anomalous inscriptions on stone, shell, and metal. Dr. Mahan said about this work: Anyone who reads this book can never again believe that Columbus or even Leif Erickson discovered America. Evidence presented that Old World people were here centuries before is in the form of translated writing on stone and related petroglyphs, which the author has carefully recorded for the past forty-five years. Glorias talk at Columbus was about new discoveries of Old World coins in North America. Another old friend I met at Columbus was archaeologist Neil Steede. We had last met over the summer, in Vienna, where we had both spoken at the Unsolved Mysteries conference organized by Klaus Dona, in connection with his unprecedented exhibition of anomalous archaeological artifacts gathered from museums and private collections around the world. Neil, I learned, was a vice president of ISAC. He is well known for his archaeoastronomical work, showing that the temple structure at Tihuanaco, Bolivia was aligned to the solstice and equinox points as they existed about 12,000 years ago. At the ISAC conference in Columbus, he spoke about sundials found at Comalcalco, Mexico, and also showed similarities between Roman and Mayan dice. Neil has also been involved in some new work going on at the Hueyatlaco, Mexico site, and he filled me in on some of the results. Morton Harris asked me to give the after dinner talk at the conference banquet. I spoke on the topic of fraud in archaeology, going over some of things I wrote about in my last Atlantis Rising column. I can recommend the ISAC annual conference to Atlantis Rising readers as an excellent opportunity to hear some top quality lectures from an assortment of speakers, ranging from university professors to expert amateurs. The audience is small enough that there is plenty of opportunity for attendees to meet and converse with the speakers over the course of the three-day event. For information Trenton, New Jersey, human femur about next years conference, readers can write: ISAC, P.O. Box 2707, Columbus, GA 31902, USA. Michael A. Cremo is author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground classic Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.

copper coin Lawn Ridge, Illinois

Pig-to-human transplants said just years away Doctors have welcomed news that pigs organs and cells could be used in transplants within a few years. news/story/sm_485831.html? menu=news.scienceand discovery.amazingscience

Chrysler Offers Fuel Cell Van with Soapy Twist A chemical cousin of laundry detergent could make cleanrunning cars and trucks a reality, if a new fuel cell concept vehicle from the Chrysler side of DaimlerChrysler AG proves its worth. nm/20011211/sc/autos_chrysler_ fuelcell_dc_1.html

Cult Says It Was First to Clone Embryos A U.S. companys claim to have cloned a human embryo is simply a case of been there, done that for a Canadian UFO cult linked to a secretive cloning company, the movements leader said. nm/20011127/od/cult_dc_1.html

Number 32 ATLANTIS



If We Find Texts from a Forgotten Civilization, Will We Grasp Their Meaning?

hat can a symbol on a stone or a cave wall tell us? If there is a Hall of Records under the paw of the Sphinx, in what language will it be written? Are there eternal truths right under our noses being missed because we cant decipher them? It has been said, and rightly, that nine-tenths of human history has been carved in stone and the rest written in ink. The stone tools of Cro Magnon and Neanderthal are studied, their cave paintings easily read by knowledgeable eyes. We think we know what they meant to say, and these crude renderings give us a clear picture of what their lives were like. A sketch of a man carrying a weapon near a mammoth may have conveyed the same meaning as a sign on a modern highway, such as deer crossing. From the clear evidence, we know that man co-existed with the mammoth, as archaeologists of the far future will be able to say with authority that we of the twenty-first century coexisted with deer, and even what these deer looked like. Some stone carvings found in various parts of the world are enigmas to most scientists as they seem to be in languages not common to that place, or


that time. Did intelligent peoples capable of conveying thought once cover much more of the world than traditional science believes? A star map carved on a stone was found 7,000 feet up on a mountain outside Flagstaff, Arizona by an archaeologist, Jeffrey Goodman, hidden 16 feet under the surface in his dig. Dated by an archaeo-astronomer, the particular configuration of stellar bodies shown on the stone dates to +/- 100,000 years, many millennia before the famed land bridge crossings from Asia were postulated to have begun. And this is only one of many such enigmas found on the North American continent. Despite much contradictory evidence, documented by researcher Michael Cremo and others, the orthodox scientific view is that the transfer from pictures on stone to other materials dates to approximately 4,500 years ago. It was found that a sharpened stick made readable symbols on a clay tablet, but because of the inability to erase a symbol once made, Babylonians who were developing this new method of communication later changed to beeswax tablets, which could be scraped and corrected, or shaved and reused. In Egypt, the tradition had always been of hieroglyphs on stone. Hieroglyphs were the first form of writing that could be proven to include not

only the way a word was to be sounded, but also a thought, concept or abstract idea. On stone, the problem of correction was a serious one, and the transfer to wax tablets was soon made. The hieroglyphs, however, were so intricate that a member of the new profession, the scribe, ran out of space long before the message was complete, no matter how small his symbols were inscribed. Then the discovery which still is making it possible for you to be reading this magazinepaper (if youre not reading our PDF on the web)! A marsh weed, the papyrus, scraped and dried while glued together, was developed, which would take writing much more clearly than any other material such as scraped animal hide, from which the sheepskin given to college graduates is last reminder. Within a short span of time, inks were developed which would ensure fine definitions on this new writing material. In time, those who could draw symbols on paper became a valuable resource, and scribing was taught in the temples of ancient Egypt. These first forms of writing are as clear today as they were when reed and ink first touched papyrus! Shortly, the space problem reared its head once more, and scholars found

Continued on Page 59




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nder proper conditions irradiated quartz can produce maser action. In fact, quite a few substances can produce laser or maser action, including such common things as sulfur and carbon, not just reactive substances. The principles of physics which exist now existed in the past and were just as capable of being utilized then as now, especially by an inquisitive and technologically oriented people. Whether Plato or Edgar Cayce, the people of Atlantis are described as being creative and wielding great power. Perhaps the most intriguing thing ever described in Edgar Cayces psychic readings was the Atlantean solar energy converter called the tuaoi, or fire stone. Unlike the bulk of psychic or channeled information which is generally short on details, the information on the fire stone was remarkably detailed and specific with regard to both the operating principles and the associated components. Terms were used which had no meaning then but which have decided significance now. As an archaeologist interested not only in the technology itself, but also any linguistic clues, I began a search over 10 years ago to see if there might be any linguistic connections with known cultures. There wereand on both sides of the Atlantic among some of our most ancient cultures. I began with the logical assumption that tuaoi was literally interpreted by Cayce as fire stone, The Mayan word took (pronounced like duke, but with a t) means burn. Our word naptha is derived from the Sumerian

How Technically Realistic Was the Sleeping Prophets Description of Tuaoi the Atlantis Stone of Fire?

The principles of physics which exist now existed in the past and were just as capable of being utilized then as now, especially by an inquisitive and technologically oriented people.
napatu and means stone that burnsthe tu component referring to burning. In the Guanche language of the Canary Islands (a people often associated with Atlantis) there is a place with a volcanic mountain called Orotava (remarkably similar to Polynesian


phonetics!) which means mountain of fire (literally mountain-fire). By using common linguistic reconstruction (referred to as glottochronology) we can backtrack Orotava to Oro-tvah, then to Oro-twah, and finally to Oro tu-ah. ["Oro is similar to the Greek word for mountain ("oros/ori)from which we derive the word orogeny ("mountain building).] I doubt whether this is coincidental. Part of the confusion as to what the fire stone was is due to the fact that, according to Cayce, there were many generations of difference between the original version and what it ended up being. Originally it was set as a crystal and seemed to have served as an Atlantean analog to the Ark of the Covenant: It was in the form of a six-sided figure in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were radial activities guiding the forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans (Reading: 2072-10). Note that there is a rare form of quartz, asteriated quartz, in which a light does appearsomewhat like in a star sapphire. The final Atlantean version appears to have been purely technological in nature and was composed of a cylindrical housing and a faceted capstone with electrical connections at the bottom of the cylinder and at the base of the capstone itself. There are three terms that Cayce uses which make this device take on added significance to us: amplified the light, condensed the light, and concentration of the rays. A magnifying



lens simply focuses light rays to a point. The only device that actually amplifies light is a laser, an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation, initially evolved from the maser (the m is for microwave). Laser light differs from ordinary light in that it is coherent, where all of the photons are of the same wavelengthso Cayces term condensed the light is a good term as the energy is condensed into a single wavelength from the many present in ordinary white light. As such it can pack far more power in a small space with all of the photons lined up rather than bouncing in different directions. If there is any doubt that this was what Cayce was referring to, we need only look at a variation of this device which he called (in 1933) the Death Ray, or the super cosmic ray, that will be found in the next 25 years. In 1958, 25 years later, Prof. Charles H. Townes and Arthur C. Schawlow published a paper entitled Infrared and Optical Masers which laid the groundwork for the development of the laser. In 1959 the operating frequency of maser-type devices had been thrust up into the optical region creating the laser (Masers and Lasers by Arthur H. Klein, 1963). How did the firestone operate?

Cayce speaks of rays from the sun amplified by crystals and the raising of the powers from the sun itself to a ray that makes for the disintegration of the atom. [The laser is sometimes referred to as the atomic lightand atomic lasers are a reality.] Ionization is the process whereby atoms gain or lose electrons, which if continued to complete ionization would in fact result in its disintegration, leaving only positive and negative charges in a plasma state. Reading 877-26 states: These were not only rays from the sun, amplified by crystals, but were combinations of these. Continuing: For it was these gases, that were used for what we call today the conveniences. As for light, heat, the motivative forces: or radial activity, electrical combinations: the motivative forces of steam, gas, and the like for conveniences. The gas laser is regarded as the workhorse of lasers because of its versatility and differs from others in that it can produce several wavelengths. The tuaoi crystal (it is repeatedly called a crystal, quartz being the first definition in the dictionary under it) was said to get its power from the concentration of energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves, along with elements that are found and not found in the earths atmosphere. Helium was initially discovered in solar

spectra and only later in wells in Texasand is used with other elements in several types of gaseous lasers. Both hydrogen (found in stars) and krypton (found in the atmosphere) lase in the ultraviolet, and krypton fluoride lases in the extreme ultraviolet. Oxygen will lase and it has been speculated that ozone, a more energetic form that absorbs strongly in the ultraviolet, might be used in a gas laserwith caution, of course. Another reading mentions crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences in the earth. So what does this all have in common? A thermally excited gas laser with a quartz housing. Quartz allows for the transmission not only of visible wavelengths but also ultraviolet and infrared radiations, unlike ordinary glass. It is both piezoelectric and pyroelectric. The piezoelectric quality can be used for Q-switching, a phenomenon that could possibly enhance the output. Cayce states the force which came from the tuaoi arose in the form of rays invisible to the eye, suggesting ultraviolet or infrared as the operating range. An ultraviolet laser (technically designated as a uvaser) ionizes the air directly in front of the beam creating

Continued on Page 61

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One Reader Thinks the Ancient Egyptians Had an Advanced Memory Chip

he Ankhthe Egyptian symbol of eternal life. Ever since I first saw one on a class trip to the San Francisco Museum of Natural History, it has fascinated me. I suspected that there was more to it than a simple religious symbol. The ankh has always been associated with eternal life and people connected with Egyptology generally consider or revere it as an extremely powerful talisman, or symbol, without really understanding it. This blind allegiance shown to it by some always baffled me and seemed completely unfounded and unwarranted. I personally always believed that the basic function of the ankh, if indeed it ever had one, was lost thousands of years ago when the last of the pharaohs, priests finally died. But, after personally being witness to some rather fantastic experiments at the University of California at Berkeley with Egyptian mummies and huge volumes of electricity (see letters, archives, back issues, story letter entitled the Mummies Curse by Chuck Doire), I de-

cided not to dismiss closer study, and I too began my own research into the mysterious ankh. The breakthrough for me came when I stumbled across a compilation of results from tests conducted in the late 50s and early 60s at Fermi Labs, and other lesser nuclear facilities. Apparently, these assorted laboratories would take pure copper rings in many different sizes and emerge one end of the ring into a tank of liquid oxygen, or other super cold medium. They would then introduce a considerable charge of electricity. Apparently, the electrical bolt was virtually unable to pass through the ultra frozen bottom half of the copper ring. The ring was then placed on a ceramic table and allowed to warm to room temperature and according to the test results, the test copper ring would have in it once it was thawed out a bolt of electricity traveling round and round completely self-contained virtually forever. Apparently, the reasoning for these experiments was the need for a power supply for space-based laser satellites that could remain at full power for dec-


Editors Note: Atlantis Rising frequently receives first-person reports and essays from readers which describe original research, discoveries and conjecture. Previously (before issue #25) it had been our policy not to publish such material. The reasons had to do with limited space and the intention to maintain our own credibility by sticking with third-party objective reporting of material which is making news. Also, it is important to remember that this is not a professional journal devoted to pure research and we cannot become overly technical. However, much of the material we receive, despite the subjective bias of the writers, is quite interesting and we feel that at least some of it should be passed on to our readers. We are now devoting regular space to such materialonce per issue. We hasten to add that the appearance of such material in Atlantis Rising does not constitute an endorsement from the publisher. Please form your own opinion and let us know what you think.


ades if necessary. It was the goal of the government to have a defensive net of killer satellites circling the earth. Each satellite would be equipped with a dozen electro rings all charged through tremendous capacity never losing potency in the vacuum of space. The computer controlling the laser satellites had only to access one of the power rings for a huge momentary burst of energy when needed for attacking enemy targets. The report ends by mentioning the extreme weight factor of launching a military satellite with twelve rather large solid copper rings and the undeniable fact that the Soviet Union no longer possesses a serious enough threat to warrant such expenditures. Eventually, I realized the connection between the ankh and the convoluted report I had read. The Egyptians talk of life never ending, continuing for eternity. The report also talks of electricity going around forever, endlessly. I started at an original ankh that I had purchased in Cairo years ago. Nobody is going to believe this, I said to myself as I picked up my pen and began to write. The human body carries all information from the brain to the various parts with electricity. The neuron nets of the mind with its synapses firing make all things possible. All experiences both good and bad in a persons life are processed and remembered hopefully never to be forgotten. So, at certain times in Egyptian societys past the wearing of the ankh had become fairly widespread. I believe that at some point, Egyptian royalty, or possibly their priests, became aware of the incredible fact that a gold ankh
Number 32 ATLANTIS




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Continued from Page 27
worn around the neck would act as an accumulator of that persons life pulses, or brain waves, and as that particular person traveled the road of life his or her ankh would somehow absorb the minuscule discarded brain waves and ocular vision images processed by the mind. The information would collect at the three-stems, or antenna of the ankh and thereon circle endlessly, eternally in the circular loop of the ankh. As the electrical memories, or thoughts, would arrive they would stack, or align themselves in order, so the persons life experiences would remain in logical order, or progression. This would occur possibly because I believe as the person ages his or her brain would continually be degrading, growing older so every thought collected by the ankh would be slightly corrupted from the previous thought. So, like an endless train each thought or experience would simply hook up where the last left off in line and on track. Whether they knew what they were doing or not, the fact was by the time of their death they had accumulated and stored what amounts basically to their entire life conveniently stored in their ankh memory storage hoop. It seems quite likely that as the Egyptian, whether priest or king, lay dying, his ankh was still around his neck even at this late hour. It was still absorbing, still accumulating the dying mans life. When he finally breathed his last as his heart stopped beating, his brain naturally stopped generating electricity. I believe at this point, the ankh would truly stop, unable to accept any future data from this man. It would then do what it was designed for. It would hold within its golden loop the entire lifes experience, both cerebral and visual and emotional. It would circulate them around and around, over and over never-ending. It would never stop. The man would with the help of ankh relive his entire life in all its glory and all its reality forever without end. He would have found eternity, completely unaware he was in reality a collection of electrical impulses in his own ankh. Although I truly believe this is what happened, I have been unable to do much research on the subject. As you can imagine, museums are not willing to allow close study of their very rare

gold ankhs. I cant really blame them, but it would be intriguing to monitor the presence of any active or unusual occurrence present in some original ankhs. Tests conducted on my own have proved inclusive. Its also possible that I inadvertently purchased a fake, which would make it useless as a tool for investigation. The ankh has always had a distinctly electrical look to it, always appearing like something that belonged on a circuit board in some high-powered computer. So, I conclude that a high-tech device for collecting human electrical brain impulses and visual memories

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Ankh case, Cairo museum

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stored them in perpetuity in the loop of the ankh allowing the deceased person to relive, for all eternity, his life undisturbed, uninterrupted, unknowing. I believe my own tests concerning the ankh were inclusive because I lacked access to advanced scientific equipment and a qualified technician capable of performing highly unusual procedures. It was my plan to access the possible information stored within the ankh by using essentially reverse electrical logic. Basically, if indeed all information contained within the golden ankh was accumulated over many years at an electrical output of the human brain, I reasoned the exact same electrical information could be forced back out by the introduction of a steadily increasing high current of positive and negative voltage applied to each of the smaller two protruding arms of the crosslike structure. Finally, a third connector is attached to the longer main post, or staff, and this is connected to a computer and screen capable of processing anything thrown at it. Once activated, varying amounts of current would be applied and results, if any, could be observed on the monitor screen. If my theory has any validity, incredible images could flash across the computer screen, giving color glimpses into the life of a long dead Egyptian of possibly royal or priestly origin.




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Editors Note: Do secret, underground government installations exist? In his book Underground Bases and Tunnels, author Richard Sauders extensive research indicates there are more such bases than you think, and there is more going on than the basic planning to keep the president alive in a nuclear war. Working from public document and corporate records, the author digs deep below the surface of the governments super secret underground. Heres an excerpt:

n 1987, Lloyd A. Duscha, the Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, gave a speech entitled Underground Facilities for Defense Experience and Lessons. In the first paragraph of his talk he referred to the underground construction theme of the conference at which he was speaking and then stated: I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified. Mr. Duscha subsequently launched into a discussion of the Corps involvement, back in the 1960s, in the construction of the large NORAD underground base beneath Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. And then he said: As stated earlier, there are other projects of similar scope, which I cannot identify, but which included multiple chambers up to 50 feet wide and 100 feet high using the same excavation procedures mentioned for the NORAD facility. You will probably not find a more honest admission anywhere by a military officer that the Pentagon has, in fact, constructed secret underground installations. Given such an explicit admission, within the context of the paper trail that the military has left over the last 35 years, and the stories heard from other individuals, I consider it certain that the military has constructed secret underground facilities in the United States, above and beyond the approximately one dozen known underground facilities. Just a few of the many places

alit y or
where such underground facilities are alleged to be are: Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (home of the Army Corps of Engineers); West Point, New York (site of the Armys officer training academy); Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base, in southern California; Groom Lake or Area S-4, on or near Nellis Air Force Base, in southern Nevada; White Sands Army Missile Range, New Mexico; under Table Mountain, just north of Boulder, Colorado; under Mount Blackmore in southwestern Montana and near Pipestone Pass, just south of Butte, Montana. I would be glad to hear from individuals with information about any of these alleged facilities. But not all underground installations are secret military projects. Many underground tunnels and facilities have been built that are not covert in any way. There are numerous highway and railroad tunnels, and many major cities have extensive subway systems. There are also miles of utilities, such as water lines and sewer tunnels, with accompanying pumping stations. Some of the most complex, noncovert underground facilities that have been built are for hydroelectric powerhouses. The rooms and halls in these kinds of plants can be hundreds of feet below the surface and quite huge in some cases. For example, the powerhouse at Portage Mountain Dam in British Columbia, Canada is 890 ft. long, 66.5 ft. wide and 152.5 ft. from top to bottom.

Par ano id D elus ion ?

Tunnel makers at work beneath Ranier mesa, Nevada test site.



But if such extraordinary human ingenuity and effort can bring into being the tunnels through which we freely drive our cars, and the power stations which deliver electrical power to our homes, it requires no great stretch of imagination to suppose that installations of similar, or even greater, size,



complexity and depth could have been built underground, perhaps covertly, by agencies of the government and huge corporations. Where are the bases? For some of these bases, I can report only that they exist; for others, I can say a good deal more. As it happens, there are many similar deep underground facilities in other countries. Sweden, Switzerland, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Russia are known to have sophisticated underground installationsand, presumably, yet other countries have them as well. So there is no question that secret underground bases exist. But how do they get there? How is it possible to plan, build, and operate them, all in secrecy? As it happens, it is easier than the average person might suspect. In 1985 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a report entitled Literature Survey of Underground Construction Methods for Application to Hardened Facilities. The report concluded that Since adequate technology is available to construct hardened underground facilities under virtually any ground conditions, the main constraint in construction projects remains economic viability rather than technical feasibility. In other words, with enough money, under-

ground facilities can be built almost anywhere. In very general terms the Army Corps report discusses a variety of types of underground facilities and construction techniques. Two of the types of underground facilities it discusses are (1) deep shaft structures and (2) tunneled structures in mountainsides. Corps of Engineer drawings depict tractor trailer trucks entering both kinds of structures. In a mountainside facility the truck appears to drive in through a tunnel. In the deep shaft structure, truck entry appears to be via an access building and some kind of vertical hoist or elevator. The deep shaft structure is also shown with an accompanying ventilation shaft to the surface, which has its topside terminus in a protective enclosure. Hiding an Underground Base To illustrate just how well hidden such facilitiesand the entrances that give access to themcan be, consider the examples of two actual, underground installations. One of them is in England, the other in Sweden. In central Sweden there is an underground factory, excavated deep into a granite mountain which employs nearly 3,000 workers and manufactures diesel and gasoline engines, agricultural machinery, and various machine tools.

As you approach this installation, the only man-made structure apparent to the unaccustomed eye is an innocent looking Swedish farm house, located at the foot of a hill. However, when the hinged walls of this house swing open, much like large garage doors, there is an opening of sufficient size to accommodate large trucks. Consider that these words were written in 1949, during the immediate post-war period. If in the 1940s the Swedes could disguise the entrance to a major, underground, industrial facility as an ordinary farm house, what might the Pentagon be capable of today? Clearly, the possibilities are extensive. Until 1989 the War Headquarters of the British Armys UK Land Forces Command was situated in an underground bunker 50 ft. below a field in Sopley, Hampshire. When it was active the sign in front of the installation identified the place as a training area for the No. 2 Signals Brigade. The English bunker has now been replaced by a newer facility elsewhere. On the surface, only a guardhouse and two ventilator shafts now stand in an empty, but fenced-off field ... A shaft concealed at the back of the innocuous looking guardhouse gives access to a

Continued on Page 63

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Number 32 ATLANTIS



Did the Ancients Have It? And If They Did, Why Should It Matter to Us?
he word precision comes from precise which Websters defines as sharply or exactly limited or defined as to meaning; exact; definite, not loose, vague or equivocal; exact in conduct; strict; formal; nice; punctilious. Preciseness is exactness; rigid nicety; excessive regard to forms or rules; rigid formality. Precision is the state of being precise as to meaning; preciseness; exactness; accuracy. To many people, the application of precision in their lives is related to their words and actions. We have precise speech, precise timekeeping and the precision of a military drill. We may have the good fortune to be invited to a dinner party by a precision and find the tableware in exact order, with nary a spoon or goblet out of position. The application of precision, as noted above, is part and parcel of being civilized. It is the discipline and order that is necessary for civilization to function successfully. Beginning in the late 1800s, a different application of precision was gaining increased importance and seen to be necessary to ensure the successful outcome of human endeavors. The machines that were invented and used as labor-saving devices depended on precision components to function properly. In the 1800s, the cotton industry and steam power spawned the Industrial Revolution in the north of England. The demand for more efficient spinning mills and looms gave rise to a greater emphasis on producing components that functioned precisely. To make products that were consistent, variables in the manufacturing process had to be reduced or eliminated. To accomplish this, dimensional variables that were inherent in the manufacture of critical components needed to be reduced to accept-


able levels. However, because of the inaccuracies of the machine tools of that day, skilled fitters were needed to scrape, chisel and file components to close dimensions in order for them to fit properly. Wars have accelerated the evolution of standardized measurements and the elimination of variables in the manufacturing process. Put yourself in the place of a soldier during the Civil War. Their rifles were precision crafted, but when replacing a component in the field, they had to hand file the pieces to fit. Obviously, this was time consuming, and in war, timing could make you a winner or a loser. Standards were necessarily instituted and suppliers had to meet these standards or lose business. Anyone who has brought home a bicycle or piece of ready to assemble furniture can appreciate the precision that is required for these objects to go together easily. Have you ever found yourself trying to align a bolt in a predrilled hole that is off by an eighth of an inch? This is an excellent example of the need for precision, and how the effort to produce precision products is actually an expensive, difficult endeavor. In manufacturing today, components are made throughout the world and come together in an assembly plant. The exacting standards and precision of the product shipped from thousands of miles away ensure that when they go to the assembly line, the components fit together without additional work being performed. Most people will never actually

Chris Dunn in the Serapeum

create objects to a high precision. It is understandable, therefore, that most people overlook this important aspect of a civilizations infrastructure. To lay persons, precision is an abstract concept. This is not a criticism. If you have not had precision manufacturing experience, either professionally or as a hobby, an understanding of the concept of precision is academic. We are end users of powerful precision technologies that fuel our civilization and make our lives easier. Without manufacturing precision, cars would not run, planes would not fly and CDs would not play. The precision we create is born out of necessity. We do not create it without good reason, because the costs of producing artifacts today go up exponentially if the demand for accuracy is greater. An example of close accuracy and precision is the 12-inch straight-edge that I have taken to Egypt in 1999 and 2001. The edge was finished on a precision grinder. Its deviation from a perfect straight line was a mere .0001 inch. For the reader who cannot relate to what that means in real terms, take a

Continued on Page 65



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Number 32 ATLANTIS


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We were introduced to the Photon Sound Beam about four years ago, and were so impressed, that we purchased one and have been avid users since. Dr. George Friebott of Priest River, Idaho demonstrated the machines effect on blood cells. I asked if he would check my blood. He agreed, took a sample and showed it on his video screen. There was a lot of clumping of the cells, and although I didnt understand what that meant, the DRs twelve year old daughter said quietly, thats not good. Then the Dr. pointed out the characteristics. He put the Photon Sound Beam probe on the sample and the cells began to separate. Someone in the audience said, why dont you put Phyllis on the machine. He did, then took a second sample of blood. This sample responded just as it did when he just put the probe on the sample he previously showed on the slide. As I mentioned, we purchased a machine and have used it for various ailments, including swelling, easing and even eliminating colds, ect. We take it with us on vacations and use it to help eliminate problems we may have picked up along the way (especially in airplanes with hours of recirculating air). Now its a dont leave home without it item. Were happy and healthy with our Photo Sound Beam. Phyllis and Mike Stene Clark Fork, Idaho FREDRICK W. PIRK, D. D. S., M.S., INC. I find the photon sound beam indispensable in the management of periodontal surgical procedures involving the long term use of membranes. Ridge augmentation therapy can present numerous problems with regard to inflection and long term use of antimicrobials. Patients who pulsed the surgical sites on a weekly basis for 30-40 minutes appear to exhibit minimal side effects, reduce their dependence on medications, and have a superior osseous healing response. Fredrick W. Pirk, D.D.S., M.S., FACD FICD Director Dental Research, WNHO

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The Occult War Against Nazi Evil

While the Bullets Flew Some Took Up More Subtle Weapons

orld War II has gotten tremendous coverage of late, and in many forms. The surprising development, though, has been the mainstreaming of obscure, esoteric information about the Nazis, Hitler, black magic and all manner of strange beliefs and even stranger practices. It turns out that the Nazis were deeply engrossed in precisely the sorts of activities we saw depicted in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The entire topic was for the longest time the province of dedicated researchers and students of the occult, but the films and several documentaries have done much to remove the veil once shrouding Nazi occultism. The Nazis werent the only ones, though, engaged in occult activities which affected the conduct of the war. And therein hang several tales. As above, so below This principle, known as the Hermetic axiom, is the basis of metaphysics, and we see it evidenced in everything from the Platonic ideal forms, the notion that everything we see is but reflection to one degree or another of the perfect, true thing which exists in another realm, to the familiar and disturbing voodoo doll. Likewise, healing modalities such as acupuncture rely on affecting the energy body to effect healing in the physical one. For our purposes here, we shall be discussing the notion of waging war on other planes, with a view to understanding that much more goes into waging war than dropping bombs and shooting bullets, or even disseminating propaganda. During the war, as devout millions prayed in their churches and homes for the defeat of the Axis powers, many esoteric spiritual groups on both sides of the Atlantic turned more unusual spiritual weapons against the threatening evil. In America, for instance, the I Am Fellowship under the leadership of Edna Ballard (who had succeeded her late husband Guy Ballard), directed the application of intense unison prayers, called decrees, from hundreds of groups all over the country against the

Again, circa 1943, Thomas Hart Benton


Nazis. On one occasion the group claimed credit for the destruction of a German submarine off the U.S. East Coast. A weekly publication known as The Voice provided group members with the latest developments in the unfolding spiritual battles behind events portrayed in daily headlines. In his 60s era novel Gravitys Rainbow, author Thomas Pynchon gives a fictitious accountbelieved by many to be based on historical factof a secret operation by the British government during the London blitz to employ sensitives and psychics in an attempt to provide, among other benefits, early detection of incoming buzz bombs and rockets. For decades there have been persistent rumors that Prime Minister Winston Churchill recruited the witches of England for the British war effort. No such direct evidence has so far been found concerning the prime minister and witches, but something almost as interesting found this writer at a used bookstore, in a work called The Magical Battle of Britain, Golden Gates Press, 1993, by Dion Fortune, au-

thor of such works as Sane Occultism and Psychic Self-Defense. Dion Fortune was the pseudonym of Violet Mary Firth, whose family motto was Deo, non Fortuna, ("by God, not Luck). The name she chose thus reflected her connection to her family and her fundamental beliefs. The book consists of a series of letters and instructions written by her as master of The Society of Inner Light to the students of that lodge from October 1939 to October 1942 for the threefold purpose of protecting Great Britain, blocking and destroying the evil which had taken over Germany, and laying the foundations for a better and more just world after the war. The book features an introduction and commentary by one of her students, Gareth Knight. There isnt room here to go into depth, but it is possible to sketch some of the high points and convey a bit of the flavor. Each Sunday the society was assigned a meditation by Firth, and her letter the following week describes the events and results, if any. Letter No. 1 of October 8, 1939 conNumber 32 ATLANTIS



cerns itself with the definition of key terms which will guide and structure the magical work to follow in the years ahead. Firth draws a clear theoretical distinction between the highly mutable and fickle Group-mind and the vastly more stable and steadfast Group-soul. Having defined her terms, she then defines the task: It is for us who understand the nature of the invisible realities and have trained ourselves in their use, to bring all our force to bear to hold the race life firmly together as a unified whole... By force she means the clear, focused will of the hundreds of members of her society meeting at the same date and time all over Great Britain, all working to a common agenda and concentrating upon the assigned topic for a week. This concept may sound strange and threatening to some, but not only has the power of righteous mass prayer to overcome evil been recognized through the ages, but even modern medicine has studies showing that patients prayed for recovered three times faster than those who werent. By race life Firth means the sum total of all the traits, characteristics and energies which, when taken together, define, enable and sustain the British as a people. The task she sets herself and all the members of her society is to first stabilize the British as a people, then weld them into a unified whole to first parry then smash the evil which had seized and was expressing itself through Germany and the Axis. Letter No. 2, dated October 15, 1939, notes that this group work did not start on a large scale, but rather grew from an earlier awareness that positive spiritual forces would begin to flow October 1, 1939. The handful of members at society headquarters assembled and meditated with the specific goal of contacting the Group-mind of the race. They were told that they

Wings Over Europe, 1940, Daniel FitzpatricK, St. Louis Post Dispatch

would shortly see the ideas they were transmitting expressed in influential quarters. Judge for yourselves. The society chose October 1, 1939 as the date for its meditation some six weeks before the various religious denominations chose the same day as a national day of prayer and pleas for divine intercession. It gets spookier. Thirty-six hours after the societys inner circle meditation, the address and meditation then given were repeated almost verbatim by the Archbishop of York broadcasting to the nation. Firth notes these things as confirming for her the occult teachings about the invisible governance of the world. Under the extreme stress of a nation at war and in imminent jeopardy, Firth takes the unprecedented step of inviting in all who wish to do the occult work, thus, as she descibed it, ripping asunder the customary veil of secrecy so long used to keep extremely potent knowledge and techniques out of the hands of the untrained or even willfully abusive and evil. Lest the work be viewed as a hate the German fest, Firth admonished:

Continued on Page 66
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J. Douglas Kenyon


ccording to the view of mainstream historians, primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and in India emerged from the stone age just over five thousand years ago. Just a few centuries after what the experts say was the first great labor saving invention of the ancient world, the wheel, society crossed a major divide and headed inexorably toward the modern world. The wheel, we are told, revolutionized primitive society and set the stage for the great achievements which were to follow. Such is the conventional scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. The assumption is, that the rise of highly organized society was unprecedented. If there had been an earlier advanced civilization, we would have discovered unmistakable evidence highways, and bridges and electrical wiring; plastic bottles, city dumps, and CD Roms. Those, after all, are the things which we will leave to puzzle future archeologists. But could an ancient civilization have risen to heights similar to our own and, perhaps, have traveled a different road? Would we understand a world which might have employed fundamentally differentthough no less effectivetechniques to harness the forces of nature? Would we understand, for example, the transmission of energy by means other than a power grid, rapid transit without internal combustion engines, or highly complex calculations involving earth science and astronomy without electronic computers? Have we been surrounded by evidence of such ancient advancements, but not yet, advanced enough ourselves to grasp the astounding implications. Now a breakthrough video from the creators of Atlantis Rising magazine takes a look at real evidencelargely ignored by the academic establishmentwhich shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. Now assembled in a devastating one-hour documentary, hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J. Douglas Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers such as John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar Evans Cayce and others.

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Number 32 ATLANTIS







n the big island of Hawaii, amidst sulfur dioxide fumes spewing from development projects, Dr. Jeanne Achterberg is researching the power of prayer and is attempting to establish a center for alternative treatments for cancer. Using the most exquisite piece of equipment in the world for studying the human brain (which no one really knows how to use!), she spends her time at North Hawaii Community Hospital in Waimea, a small facility built on the body/mind/ spirit model (and recently voted the number one hospital in the nation). Achterberg is the perfect person for the task. A Ph.D. Physiologist / Psychologist, she has been researching alternative methods of treating cancer for over twenty-five years. Internationally recognized as an authority on the use of imagery for healing purposes, she pioneered the technique of guided visualization now used in hospitals around the world. Not the general newage type, Achterbergs instructions are very specific, and require that patients look up the pathology of their diag-


nosed diseases, evaluate suggested treatment protocols and then develop an imagery scenario that includes the appropriate physiological components. And, as a visionary recently diagnosed with ocular melanoma, a rare form of cancer that invades the eye, she has been on the receiving end of worldwide prayer directed towards her own healing. Author of Imagery in Healing, Woman as Healer and other works in the field, Achterberg has written a new book chronicling her journey through the maze of medical and alternative options for treating her condition. Lightning at the Gate is written in a journal/ diary format and is a fascinating journey for the reader. Described as breathtakingly honest, Achterberg acknowledges some hesitancy about its release: I use bad words and I work in an Adventist hospital. It reveals parts of me that are too intimate. But, if there is any single thing in here that gives another person strength, then the book has been worth it. My hope is that it will bring people to the place where they recognize their own beauty and power. Beauty is something Achterberg was born with. An army brat born in

Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D.

The Power of Prayer to Heal

Bozeman, Montana, she graduated from high school in Germany, then studied to be a school psychologist. Though she had thought herself homely and was often lonely, she created a makebelieve life in which she was a princess wearing clothes dripping with lace. Her intelligence was not fantasy, however. She got the best grades in her third grade class and read the World Book Encyclopedia from A-Z, then repeated it, starting next on the Bible, which she read in its entirety numerous times. Her physical development mirrored her intellectual prowess, and she eventually became head cheerleader as well as valedictorian of her class. She also took eight semesters of home economics, hoping to become a wonderful wife and mother of six. Destiny decided otherwise. Her first marriage brought her to Texas A&M, an all-male military school at the time, where she earned a Ph.D. in physiology/ psychology. It was an early version of body-mind medicine, she notes. It was also in Texas that she met Dr. Carl Simonton (my oldest and best friend), where the two began researching cancer alternatives in Fort Worth, a subject that was to become her lifes work. That work recently culminated in

Dr. Jeanne Achterbergs Investigation Is Taking Science into Uncharted Waters


Number 32 ATLANTIS

Continued on Page 41 RISING 39


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cally. Her life, though filled with interesting work that took her around the globe, loyal friends, a magnificent home and a life-partner with whom she Continued from Page 39 led popular seminars, was out of focus. Time Magazines inclusion of her as Too shaken to perform specific imone of 100 top innovators in the field agery on herself, she used critical of alternative medicine. Senior Editor thinking, creativity, her inner vision, for Alternative Therapies in Health the bonds of friendship and transperand Medicine, Achterberg has been a sonal prayer to effect what now apfaculty member for eleven years at pears to be a successful healing. Southwestern Medical School, and is Im trying to do what no one on currently professor of Psychology at the face of the earth has ever done, Saybrook Institute in San Francisco, a she says, noting that the physiology of position she has held for many years. I the eye is not well known, nor is ocwill probably never leave Saybrook. ular melanoma well understood. Given The students the choice of rethere teach me moval of her afall the time. And fected (left) eye Im here without or a complia library, without cated surgery any real comthat would inputer access, so I stall a shield beneed the acahind it to prodemic connectect her from tion, she acthe nuclear knowledges. power plant raDeveloping a diation dose that major research would follow, program in a she decided to small hospital buy some time. thats never done It just didnt Grief-Stricken Victim of Kosovo violence research before (Green Cross Foundation) make sense, is a challenge she writes. Either option would dethat Achterberg finds daunting but stroy my eye, and neither could guarprobably doable. Depending on what antee that the cancer wouldnt spread, time of day you ask me, I dont know which is why most people with ocular how Im going to do it. But about once melanoma die. Achterberg was cona week, someone comes out of the cerned that studies done on the disease woodwork to help. Im in a totally isowerent familiar to American surgeons, lated environment, where half the popthough they had been published in ulation doesnt have running water. I English, and that none of the physiwill dedicate another year to get an incians she consulted considered the frastructure set up for this and then spontaneous remissions that often ocwell see. This is probably the reason I curred. Still, while she pursued alternawas kept alive. tive options, Achterberg kept her mind Not overtly religious, Achterberg open and considered the medical interdescribes her spiritual roots as eclectivention, especially when she experically Christian ("We went to whichenced severe pain. Contrary to what ever church was close. They kind of many people believe, I didnt reject the just dropped us off. I preferred the medical system, it rejected me, she Methodist, because the choirs were says. I saw a number of specialists and great and you got to go on hay rides.), had scheduled followup procedures and now embraces a more shamanic several times, but each time a Big Hand tradition. I dont think Ive had any reached in and changed my course. control over the path of my life, other Another life-changing event was than day-to-day decisionsthe timing of Achterbergs visit to war-torn Kosovo my life has been unbelievable, she in May of 1999. Her illness developing marvels. Ive always been at the right unbeknownst at the time, she arrived place at the right time and met the as part of a healing team to assist traupeople I needed to meet. matized refugees, teaching them her After receiving what she now refers healing imagery techniques. Familiar to as the Grim Reaper diagnosis, Achwith the accoutrements of war she had terberg turned to many of those seen on army bases as a child, she was, people, most of whom had skills and nevertheless, completely unprepared connections valuable to her. In July of for the massive war machine that sur1999, she was faced with practicing rounded her while in Kosovo. Aware what she had been preaching: The that somewhere back when she made a only way one stays alive after a serious contract to experience life as fully as diagnosis of cancer is to find ones vipossible, in all its richness, terror, ecsion. She had lost hers, metaphori-


Continued on Page 68
Number 32 ATLANTIS




Central I American Mystery

What Could Explain the Failure of Mainstream Science to Unravel the Origins of Meso Americas Advanced Ancient Cultures?

Artists conception of James OKons Mayan bridge


t has been 23 years yet I remember the morning like it was yesterday. A mist shrouded the jungle above the Temple of the Inscriptions. A series of roaring sounds suddenly split the silence as a band of Howler monkeys made their way through the trees. It startled me, I thought it might be a jaguar, but the cacophony added to the sense of mystery. My head was exploding. By the time I had reached Palenque we had already visited dozens of archaeological sites from the northernmost down to the Yucatan Peninsula and Quintana Roo. I was steeped in questions and mysteries. Several things had become clear to me: the cultures that built the pyramids and other buildings had been advanced in the arts and sciences. I had seen many beautiful things as well as mind-tugging enigmas. The Olmec civilization surprised me the most. I had read about the Maya and knew of the Aztecs but I was unprepared for what I found in Villahermosa: Large stone heads with Negroid features and stone Stele carved with depictions of curious ambassadors. The figures clearly were not from any Mexican culture. These artifacts were more than just a fascinating puzzle; they represented a headache for science. They were an anomaly. Who carved the heads? Who created the Stele? Where did they get the models for these heads and figures? These were questions that arose because of the way scientists have reconstructed the human history of Mesoamerica. Africans dont fit and neither do the cloaked Caucasian figures carved on the Stele. They shouldnt be there; however, they are surely there. Scientists do not claim to have solved this enigma. Anthropologists and archaeologists admit they do not know much


of anything about Olmec culture. So 60 miles from the quarry to the burial we dont know the ethnic group or the site; those heads weighed from 5 to 25 language and nothing of their social ortons; and they also carved the figures ganization, beliefs or traditions. No one into the stele. They wouldnt have gone has any idea of why they carved the to all that trouble unless the people the helmeted heads and then buried them. monuments represented were imporIt doesnt make a lot of sense. We dont tant to them. It is a logical assumption usually bury monuments if that is what to make and we can only hope that scithey were. entists in the distant future will reach The only records we have are the the same conclusion when they study monuments they left behind, which Mount Rushmore. are impressive. But how do we underSince we have the artifacts we know stand them? Where do they fit into the that there has to be an explanation for mosaic of human history? There are no who the builders were. As with any direct clues in Mexico. The Olmecs mystery you search for clues. You didnt leave us any written records. begin in the most likely places and However, we do have a clue. work your way down the list: Mexico. The Bible is an extremely important The problem is that the Olmecs disapdocument. It doesnt matter whether peared from the scene long before you are a believer or not. It contains a Cortez arrived. None of the cultures very ancient accounting contemporary with the of human history comAztecs made any referpiled from a variety of ences to the Olmecs; early sources. At least they seemed to know this is true of Genesis. nothing. No other NeBut it is not always easy groid heads have been to decode. Do we find found in Mesoamerica. any reference in the Another curious fact is Bible that might help us that the developmental solve the Olmec period that must have enigma? preceded the mound Turning to Genesis building and head chapter 11 we read carving is nowhere to Now the whole earth be found. used the same language The Olmecs just sudand the same words. denly appeared then disThis indicates that there appeared! was a period in mans It took me years of history when there was investigation to finally a global human civilizarealize that the most tion. We learn that probable answer was in during that epoch men the Bible and that was Olmec Head wanted to build a about the last place I tower: Come, let us build for ourthought to look. Did the Olmecs come selves a city, and a tower whose top from outer space as some researchers will reach into heaven; and let us make have proposed? Not necessarily. For for ourselves a name; lest we be scatone thing there is no evidence to suptered abroad over the face of the port that theory. Secondly, the Negroid whole earth. heads and the people depicted on the The fact that the Olmec civilization stele are obviously human. presents science with an anomaly indiThe idea that there was a global civcates something quite profound: the ilization in ancient times does not condata does not fit the current model. Sciform to the current model of science. entists cant change the observable However, it is corroborated by the refdata, it is as hard as data can get. But erence in the Bible. The problem with they could change the model to conthe scientific model is that it cant exform to the data. There is the rub. Anplain the available data and that is a sethropologists and archaeologists have a rious issue that has many consehuge investment in that model, an inquences. If the problem was limited to tellectual edifice that has been built up the Olmec civilization we might just let over generations. it go. But there are artifacts in Egypt, Scientists would rather ignore the South America and other parts of tough questions and leave the Olmecs Mexico that also dont fit the orthodox alone in the dim mists of forgotten anscheme. tiquity. That is not a very scientific apScientists have often shown a willful proach. Where is the pursuit of truth? blindness regarding artifacts and develWhat happened to the scientific opments that they cant explain using method? It is just not acceptable. Why? their belief system. Worse, they have either ignored key questions or discredSome ancient society built the huge ited the facts. Many other hard facts, mound; dragged the basalt heads about


Continued on Page 69

n December 6, 2001 a Canadian exploration company announced they had made a startling discovery in the depths of the Caribbean. Using side-scan sonar equipment they identified a large underwater plateau with clear images of symmetrically organized stone structures that looked like an urban development partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resembled pyramids, roads and buildings, the researchers told reporters. (Reuters) The lost city is submerged under 2,100 feet of water off the west coast of Cuba and within 75 miles of the Yucatan. The team estimated that the mysterious structures were built at least 6,000 years ago. This would make the site the oldest urban center in the world. A robot called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) was sent down to film the structures that lay over a 7.7 square mile area. The images produced by the ROV confirmed the presence of massive, cut granite-like blocks in perpendicular and circular formations. Who built this ancient city? The researchers declined to speculate. What is extremely interesting to note is that according to various Mesoamerican cultures, they originated in a land to the east. Quetzacoatl, the culture bearer, also arrived in his boat without oars from the east. The Aztecs referred to their original home as Aztlan, which also lay to the east and the empires key city Tenochtitlan was laid out in a pattern resembling Aztlan; it must have been an island because as Cortez describes in letters to the King of Spain, it was surrounded by water. Platos account stated that Atlantis was comprised of six islands. This would begin to explain the origins of the enigmatic Olmec civilization in the gulf coast region of Mexico as well as the Maya in the Yucatan.
Number 32 ATLANTIS


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tlantis means Daughter of Atlas, and the Atlantides or Pleiades were, in Greek myth, seven daughters fathered by the oceanic titan. After their deaths, Zeus, impressed by their high virtue, transformed their souls into the seven stars of the constellation still known as the Pleiades. Like all myths, theirs is a poetic narrative woven around a core of historical truth. As such, they corresponded to actual places within the Atlantean sphere of influence, and thereby help illustrate the story of that vanished empire. For example, Atlas consort in Greek myth was Pleione. Her name derives from the word pleo, to sail, appropriately enough, because the Pleiades, as stars, are visible from May to November, the sailing season. Pleione means Sailing Queen. Pleiades, the plural, translates, the Sailing Ones. By their very definitions, they exemplify the Atlanteans most outstanding cultural trait, namely, their maritime prowess. The Pleiades appear, significantly, in Odysseus sailing instructions to the island-nation of Phaeacia, Homers version of Atlantis (Odyssey, Book X, 307). A common theme among the Pleiades was their offspring, who, like the Atlanteans themselves, were founders of new kingdoms in distant lands. Kleito was the mother by the sea-god, Poseidon, of the Atlantean kings who ruled distant parts throughout the Atlantean empire. Paralleling her in Platos narrative, Alkyone was leader of the Pleiades. She bore royal sons to Poseidon (Hyrieus, founder of Boetia; Hyperenor of Sparta; Anthas, king of Althepia; and Hyperes, king of Troezen). Alkyones sister, Klaeno, married Lyous, king in the Blessed Isles, a term in circulation throughout Classical Times referring to an unspecified group of Atlantic islands, although sometimes implying the Azores, or even Atlantis itself. Sterope, the third Pleiade, gave birth to Onemaus, king of Pisa. A son of the Pleiade, Merope, became the king of Corinth. Thanks to Zeus, the Pleiade, Taygete was given a son, Lacedaemon, founder of Sparta. Electra bore Dardanus, who established Troy. All the Pleiade sons and grandsons founded or rebuilt cities and nations with the possible lone exception of Maia. She was nonetheless venerated in Rome until the last days of the

Atlantis in the Stars

Can the Story of Atlantis Be Read in the Heavens?
Reflection Nebula in the Pleiades, Hubble Space Telescope


empire, as the very patroness of civilization. Though her son, Hermes, founded no city, he was the god of organized society, travel, commerce, the crafts and wealth. The expanse of Atlantean civilization was encompassed by the Pleiades and their offspring. As the great Greek geographer, Diodorus Siculus, wrote of them in the first century B.C., All the rest likewise had sons who were famous in their times, some of which gave beginning to whole nations. Others to some particular cities, and, therefore, not only some of the barbarians, but likewise those among the Greeks refer the origin of many of the ancient heroes to these daughters of Atlas, when they were dead and adored as goddesses in the constellation of the Pleiades. Before then they lay with the most renowned heroes and gods, and became the first ancestors of the larger part of humanity. Diodorus explanation of the Pleiades suggests they were not originally mythic figures but real women wives of Atlantean culture-bearerswho lived in the kingdoms which comprised the empire, and gave birth to the royal lineages of those realms. Deified in

death as divine stars in their own constellation, their stellar relationship to Atlantis has been sited in Odysseus sailing instructions to Phaeacia. But their Atlantean significance predated the Odyssey and spread far beyond Homers Greece. The Sumerians likewise associated the Pleiades with their version of Atlas, Adad, the fire-god, who dwelt in a volcano. In America, the rising of the Pleiades signaled the New Year among the Mayas and Aztecs, as they did for the pre-Inca Chimu and Nazca peoples of the Andes. Known to the Mayas as Tzab, the Aztecs sighted them along a water channel running parallel to the Sirius-Pleiades Line at Teotihuacan. When their constellation ascended the middle of the sky at dawn of the winter solstice, Aztec priests assembled on the summits of the Huizachtleatl Mountains, as some indication of their fundamental importance. The Cheyenne Indians of North America believed that a mother died and took her daughters with her into the night sky to become the Pleiades,


Number 32 ATLANTIS

Continued on Page 71 RISING 45


herds of cattlethe ccording to bane of hungry Plato, Atmen; here, too, the lantis lay lonely island in the Ogygia, where the depths goddess Calypso of the wooed Odysseus for Atlantic Ocean, to seven long years; the west of the Pilhere, too, the isolars of Heracles lated island Scherie (otherwise known whence those faas the straits of Gimous sailors, the braltar). It was Phaeacians, conhere, in what Plato veyed Odysseus called the true home in their magOcean, that the ical ships; here, too, vast islandthe country of the continent of AtLotus-eaters, the lantis sank beneath land of the Cythe waves in a clopes giants, the single day and night land of the Laestryof extremely violent gonian giants, the earthquakes and sky-high cliff of floods. If Platos Scylla the seastory is to be litermonster, and the ally true, Atlantis frightening whirlmust be sought in pool of Charybdis. the depths of the Who would deny Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot Atlantic Oceannot that all of these inin the alternative locredible places beThe Mystery of the Atlantic cations which have frequently been longed to a fairy-tale world, conceived A good place to start is with the anproposed. It must be acknowledged, by popular folklore and the imaginacient Greeks view of the world. As however, that modern scientists have tion of the poets? many readers will know, the known mapped the floor of the Atlantic The Continent in the West world at that time was held to comOcean, in outline, using echo Intriguingly, Homers Odyssey prise the continents of Europe, Asia sounders, Geosat radar and multimakes mention of a huge continent in and Africa, which surrounded the Medibeam sonar, and yet discovered no the remote westan idea that was terranean Sea. But surrounding all these trace whatsoever of any sunken contiechoed four centuries later in Platos known regions there supposedly lay a nent. Platos Atlantis seems truly to description of a true continent lying mysterious encircling river of Ocean, have disappeared, leaving not a trace beyond the Isle of Atlantis. The idea apof which the Atlantic Ocean was a part, behind it. pears in books 10 and 11, where Odyswhich was entirely unknown and unIn reaction to this negative eviseus travelled to the land of the dead navigable by sailors. To enter into this dence from the Atlantic Ocean, Atto consult with the soul of the blind great Ocean, via the Pillars of Heracles, lantis-hunters have suggested that the prophet Teiresias. This he did by was to cross over from the known Atlantis story was garbled at some sailing deeper and deeper into the world into the unknown worldinto a point or expressed in poetic terms, ocean (i.e. the Atlantic Ocean) until he region that was dominated by magic causing Plato to cite an incorrect geogeventually beached his ship on its furand monsters. raphy. Atlantis has thus been sought in thermost banks, i.e., the shore of the On account of its reputation as the all four corners of the world, often in opposite continent. unknown sea, the Atlantic Ocean beplaces that were quite unknown to This, however, was no ordinary concame the subject of a fantastic and inPlato. tinent, for Homer goes on to describe credible folklore among the Greeks. However, in my new book The Athow Odysseus proceeded on foot into Consider, for example, Homers lantis Secret: A Complete Decoding of Persephones grove and Hades Odyssey, in which Odysseus was swept Platos Lost Continent I take a difkingdom of decay, where the infernal away into the ocean while returning ferent approach and maintain that waters of Pyriphlegethon and Cocytus from the Trojan War. Here, in the unPlato knew exactly what he was doing (a branch of the Styx) flowed together known sea, Odysseus came across the when he placed Atlantis in the Atlantic into the Acheron. Odysseus, evidently, floating island Aeolia, receiving from Ocean. Moreover, I explain how had descended into the subterranean its king the winds, imprisoned inside a Platos story might indeed have been Underworldinto the world of the leather bag; here, too, Odysseus came perfectly truejust as he claimed it chthonian gods! across the wooded island Aeaea, where wasdespite the negative findings Homers remarkable story estabthe witch Circe preyed on men and from the Atlantic Ocean floor. lishes an important principle, which transformed them into fawning aniIndulge me if you will, and I will may have dramatic implications for our mals; here, too, Odysseus encountered take you on a journey back in time, understanding of Platos opposite conthe fateful island of the sweet-voiced Siinto the lost world of the ancient mythtinent and, by the same token, his rens who robbed so many sailors of makers. story of Atlantis. The principle is this: their promised homecomings; here, that the ancient poets could portray too, the splendid island Thrinacie BY ALAN ALFORD the Underworld either as the interior where the Sun-god kept his sacred SUBSCRIBE OR ORDER BOOKS, VIDEOS AND MUCH MORE! 46 ATLANTIS RISING Number 32

Was Atlantis the

A New Book by Alan Alford Suggests It Was

of the earth or as a region of the remote west; and thus it was that Homer had Odysseus sail into the west, and ultimately set foot upon a continentthe land of the deadwhich truly lay beneath the surface of the earth! Such was the prerogative of the ancient poets. The crucial question, however, is this: did Plato knowingly draw upon Homers vision of the Underworld in the west when he described the opposite continent beyond Atlantis, enclosing the sea in which Atlantis lay? The Elysian Plain and Islands Further light on Atlantis is shed by the Greek myths of the Elysian Plain and the Islands of the Blessed. The Elysian Plain, we are told, lay in the furthermost west at the ends of the earth as a home for the blessed dead. There a man would spend his afterlife in a place where living is made easy for man, where no snow falls, no strong winds blow, and there is never any rain (Odyssey 4.561 ff). Significantly, this Elysian land was equated with a series of islandsthe Islands of the Blessed, of which Hesiod sang: To some of the heroes Zeus granted a life and home apart from men, and settled them at the ends of the earth. There they dwell with carefree heart in the Islands of the Blessed, beside deep-

swirling oceanfortunate heroes indeed, for whom the grain-giving soil bears its honey-sweet fruits three times a year. (Works and Days 167-73) The parallels here to Atlantis are stunning and hard to ignore. Atlantis, too, was one of several islands. Atlantis, too, lay in the distant west beside the winds of ocean. Atlantis, too, possessed an idyllic plainthe loveliest of all plains. And Atlantis, too, was blessed by a temperate climate, and produced an abundance of produce from its remarkably fertile land. All of these characteristics are shared by Atlantis with the Elysian Plain and the Islands of the Blessed. But noone would seriously suggest that the Elysian Plain and the Islands of the Blessed were real places. Rather, it is accepted that they were imaginary places mythical placeswhich belonged to the utopian realm. The Elysian land of the setting sun was, in fact, a

spin-off from the true land of the deadthe kingdom of Hadeswhich lay beneath the surface of the Earth. Did Plato have this Elysian Underworld in mind when he penned his story of the idyllic islands and plain of Atlantis?
Figure 1

Figure 2

The Subterranean Sea Another piece in this utopian puzzle is the Atlantic Ocean in which Atlantis was said to lie. Here, again, the concept of the Underworld comes into play. Firstly, it should be noted that the Greeks called the Atlantic Ocean the Sea of Kronos, commemorating the former god of Heaven whom Zeus had cast down beneath the earth and the harvestless sea, i.e., into the subterranean Underworld. Strictly speaking, the Sea of Kronos would have been a subterranean sea in the first instance.

Figure 3

Continued on page 72


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Number 32 ATLANTIS


To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the Sun. Ecclesiastes 3:1

efore modern clocks and electricity we could see the night sky, and the cyclical motions of the sun, moon and stars were the way we told time. In the Middle Ages the universe was seen as a static, clock-like mechanism, ticking out ages and dispensations. But the ways of the gods are capricious. The shifting of cogs in the great mill, which heralded the beginning of a new age, was seen as fraught with peril. The ancients probed the night skies, searching for unexpected alterations within predictable patterns. Occasionally the sky changed, the alarm was raised, and disaster struck. Disaster and catastrophe meant literally disturbed order in the sky, ill-fated crises in the stars, or asters, from the French for star. Power grew from predicting the influences of the cycles. Circles or lines? To the Mayas of Central America time was seen as circular. Mayan cosmogony depicted humankind as a walker around the wheel of existence, a pilgrim, seeking home through continuous life experiences. Modern Western thought conceives time in a more linear fashion, flowing in a continuous line from the past into the future. But in point of fact, our measures of time are increments or intervals which repeat, such as hour, day, month and year. The suns apparent rising and setting (earths rotation), became day, divided into four corners: dawn, noon, dusk and midnight. The moons major phases, defined by the cyclical journey around the earth, gave us the month which is divided into eight lunar phases. Earths longer movement around the sky (earths orbit), gives the illusion that the sun moves around us. The suns apparent passage through sky gave us the year, delineating the annual

journey of the mythical Solar King. The year is quartered by thirteen-week seasons, marked by equinoxes and solstices. As ancients watched the skies over millennia, larger divisions of time such as ages developed. The passage of an age lasted more than two thousand years and was replicated in Egypt in statues of bulls in the age of Taurus, and rams in the age of Aries, gracing temples built during those epochs. Once we identify the pattern or interval, we can predict when it will repeat. We observe the cycles and name the intervals. The Hindus observed the small interval of a breath or a heartbeat. Circles, Quarters and Eighths The annual frame of time can be viewed as a sphere where the seasons intersect the circle of the year. Astronomically these points of intersection are called colures. In the northern hemisphere as summer begins, and the moment of summer solstice reigns supreme, the shifting yearly pendulum stands still and moves once again toward darkness. Six months later winter begins, announcing the return of light. The cycle is a balanced dance of polarity, like the symbol of infinity, mirroring above and below. The four cardinal points, or beginning of the seasons, in the northern hemisphere are denoted in Astrology by: Aries, Spring Equinox; Cancer, Summer Solstice; Libra, Autumn Equinox; and Capricorn, Winter Solstice. The passage of the seasons are like the phases of the moon, ebbing and flowing through periods of maximum light, equal light and darkness, and complete darkness. This fluctuating rhythm seeks equilibrium. Visually, from the vantage point of earth, the sun and moon appear to be the same size. This perspective causes one or the other to be blacked out during the perfect alignment of a total solar or lunar eclipse. Each season has its special characteristics. Spring is char-

acterized by emergence, or resurrection of new life. Tentative at first, breaking through newly thawed Earth, this new life is courageous and powerful. Summer is a celebration of life in flower, beauty in radiant multiplicity. Autumn is the harvest of life, the fruits of the cycle, and the seed gathering for the next cycle. Winter is the quiescent period of gestation. The Julian calendar, based on solar cycles, was named for Julius Caesar. This calendar was the system of time measurement widely used between 46 BCE and 1582 CE. The year was divided into twelve alternating thirty and thirtyone-day months, with February having twenty-nine days. The Julian year was eleven minutes and fourteen seconds longer than the actual annual solar cycle, resulting in a discrepancy of ten days by the year 1562. Pope Gregory XIII corrected the problem and brought the so-called Gregorian calendar, which we still use, into synchronization with the solar year. Eight-fold pattern In Eastern traditions the moon is the more important celestial body since she courses through the lunar mansions against the backdrop of stars. The lunar mansions are divisions of the sky which house perils and promises, depending on which stars are engaged in passing. Vedic astrology focuses on the opportunities presented to everyone by these monthly passages.


The Measuring and Marking of Cycles Are a Major Part of What Makes Us Human


The Wheels of Time



Jewish, Islamic and Hindu calendars are lunar, based on the cycles of the Moon rather than the sun. Many ancient cultures used multiple calendars, separating the sacred from the mundane aspects of time and cycles. Easter, which echoes Passover, is the only Christian holiday still based on the lunar calendar. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. Celtic Fire Festivals Earlier cultures honored the seasons more consciously. We still have holidays which mark the passage of the

year. In the pre-Christian era the halfway points between the equinoxes and solstices were known as fire festivals. Sometimes marked by a full moon, these festivals divided the year into eight stages. The eight phases of the sun are reflected in eight monthly lunar phases. The four fire festivals alternated with the shifting balance of light and dark created by the equinoxes and solstices. At that time, the year began around October 31, on Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. Spiritual traditions believe the veil between the seen and unseen worlds is thinnest then, and rites and prayers for the dead, honoring the continuity of life, are common. Samhain (pronounced sow-en), October 31 (Now Halloween) Yule, December 21, Winter Solstice (now Christmas) Imbolc, February 1 (now Ground Hog Day) Ostara, March 21, (Spring Equinox) Beltane, May 1 (now May Day) Litha, June 21, Summer Solstice Lughnassadh, August 1, Midsummer Mabon, September 21, Autumn Equinox Kindling of Tein Eigin, forced fire, was carried into every house and was sustained as the hearth fire throughout the year. These cycles

marked the yearly passage of the Sun King as he traversed the sky. As the cyclical march of the seasons, and the annual fluctuation between light and dark, continues, we still celebrate the annual rites of passage with other names. Our attempt to Christianize the calendar doesnt alter the seasonal cycles. Father Christmas, Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas, is a mythical representation of the end of the yearly cycle. The Baby New Year is the birth, or rebirth, of the Solar King at the Winter Solstice which signals the return of the light. Mithras, who developed from the much older Indian deity Mithra, was born on December 25. Placing the symbolic birth of Christ on this day overlays a Christian holiday on an ancient myth, claiming the inherent power of the cycle, and retaining the potency of ancient belief. We celebrate January first, rather than winter solstice, as the beginning of the year. January is named for Janus, the two-headed Roman god who looked both forward and backward simultaneously. Ground Hog day replaced Candlemas, the midway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. If the Ground Hog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks

Continued on Page 73

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Paradigm Busters Galore I

ts been said that we often see what we want to see. If something new doesnt fit neatly into our belief system, we have three choices: 1. We can pretend it doesnt exist and remain blissfully ignorant. 2. We can feel so uneasy about the earth-shattering possibility of realizing that our cherished beliefs may be wrong, that we attack anyone or anything that is different. OR 3. We can try to keep an open mind, even if it means we were wrong. Option #3 requires the most guts, especially in a world where open minds seem to be in the minority. Think outside the tribe and people will often ignore you, call you crazy, or if youre really original, crucify you. Of course, you can always tell when someone is blindly clinging to their old belief systems because they usually lack a sense of humor. I guess you could say...they have their head up their past. EVIDENCEPart 1 & 2 Terra Entertainment Even though this is beyond rocket science you dont have to be a rocket scientist to understand and marvel at this amazing video by UFOlogist, David Sereda. Presented by film & television celebrity, Dan Akroyd, David Sereda shows actual NASA space footage of extremely large, glowing, pulsating, unidentified flying objects near the Space Shuttle. Seredas methodical analysis of this phenomenon leaves us with the clear possibility that we are witnessing an unusual form of advanced intelligence, capable of traveling much faster than the speed of light. He explains his theories of how this inter-dimensional travel can occur. Included in the footage are glowing balls that fly into the upper atmosphere of earth, move against gravity and even change direction instantly. At the estimated speed of 900,000 mph no physical object could structurally survive such abrupt turns. Former astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon in 1971 during Apollo XIV, believes that aliens have landed on the earth. Based on his research and conversations with people who have worked in intelligence agencies and military groups he is convinced that the American government has covered up the truth about UFOs for over 50 years. Although Mitchell does not agree with Seredas conclusions about this video footage, Sereda effectively establishes the basis for his conclusions with sound logic and common sense. Close-up computer enhanced photographs of these glowing balls reveal a

For Challenging Comfortable Assumptions, Try These Videos

signature electromagnetic spiral, a dark area in the middle of the craft and a square notch along the perimeter. In 1938 a Chinese/Tibetan archaeological team discovered a burial site estimated to be 12,000 years old with several large, round, stone discs with virtually identical characteristics to the glowing balls. The stone discs had a square notch on the perimeter and a dark area in the center with a spiral coming out. Along with these stone discs were found the remains of tiny people with bulbous heads. Recent translations of the characters and diagrams on the stones speak of a crash landing by a space craft from the star system Sirius. Theres much more in this fascinating two-part video. Highly recommended. $ 24.95 for two-video set. To order call: 1-800-228-8331

CONTACT Exciting new video footage reveals the source of some crop circles. Small, self-luminous balls glide through the air over fields in England. Like magic, highly detailed crop circles appear be-


Continued on Page 52



Number 32 ATLANTIS


neath them in a matter of seconds. All of this is captured on film. A woman unexpectedly finds herself telling a friend that tomorrow shes going to film a luminosity. The next day a small butterfly-like glowing ball of fluttering energy appears before her in broad daylight. She captures the appearance on video tape. More and more mysterious glowing balls are seen and filmed gliding over fields by day and night around crop circles. Robbert van den Broeke of Holland witnesses small pinkish purple glowing balls flying around his house and into a wheat field nearby. He watches as the light turns into a large disc-shaped object which appears to transfer an energy release into the field leaving a crop circle. Seconds later the glowing disc disappears. Oddly, no matter how far away these glowing spheres travel, their size appears the same. They do not become smaller to the viewers perception. Upon investigation, scientists have found that the nodes of crops within the circles expand with the greatest intensity being closest to the center of the design. Using a mathematical model of electromagnetic radiation of a point source, Elio Haselhoff Ph.D. recently discovered that the intensity distribution of this radiation on the floor level corresponds perfectly to the distribution of a small electromagnetic source just above the field. Dr. Haselhoffs research was peer reviewed, accepted and published in the internationally recognized scientific journal, Physiologia Plantarum. Even more incredible is the Japanese scientist who traveled to England expecting to expose crop circles as a hoax. The facts convinced him otherwise and he proceeded to experiment with conscious communication with the intelligence responsible for the crop circles. He and a small group of friends meditated and sent out a request for the formation of a new crop circle. Their specifications were that it had to appear that night, to the west of their location and it had to have a Japanese element in the design. Sure enough, the next day they discovered a brand new crop circle, placed exactly west of their location with an origamilike design. British military helicopters are often seen minutes after the glowing balls occur, suggesting that the government has some way of knowing when and where some of the lights will appear. The helicopters have been known to chase the lights but at other times it is obvious that the lights are right in front of the helicopters and the pilots cannot see them, suggesting that the light spheres appear to be in control of who sees them. Stunning footage. Very highly recommended. 52 minutes. $19.95 To order call: 1-800-228-8331 BEYOND ZERO POINT Gregg Braden Gregg Bradens videos are always rich with wisdom and useful information for personal transformation. Beyond Zero Point is no exception. Although the first fifteen minutes was mostly material that is covered in




other videos, he soon got to the central focus of a 4000-year-old Essene text which deals with how compassion affects our physical and spiritual being. It asks us to consider that there is a single source of life in the universe and that every life event is an expression of that source without exception and is therefore divine. This does not mean that we condone, consent or agree to a hurtful activity. It merely suggests that if we can accept that there is a divine essence at work in every situation, and if we can acknowledge that divinity and bless all individuals who are a part of the situation, then we can release the emotional charge or connection we have to the event and to those involved. (I hope I got that right.) It urges us to trust the process of life in divine timing and to believe that each and every experience drawn to us is an opportunity to express mastery. Next, to believe that our life mirrors our quest and helps us to know our extremes. That our life essence is eternal and our body may also be eternal. And in conclusion, it says that we cannot really judge any event, choice or action as right, wrong, good, bad or anything other that an expression of the One Source. Blessing each participant in a painful situation, the giver, the receiver and the witness releases the emotional charge from being stored in our bodies, allowing the higher purpose to unfold. Profound advice. Highly recommended. 60 min. $19.95 To order call: 1-800-2288339 The Shakespeare Conspiracy In this very wellproduced documentary, host Sir Derek Jacobi examines the historical evidence for the true identity of William Shakespeare. As is par for the course, popular history would have us believe that the uneducated and perhaps even illiterate William Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon was the author of some of the greatest plays and sonnets of all time. Theres one small problem. There is no solid evidence to support this assumption. The earliest

known biography of Shakespeare was based almost entirely upon speculation which, over time, was erroneously accepted as fact. (Not unlike much of what is taught today about medicine, physics and the rest of history including the origins of man.) Like a great mystery novel, each theory is presented, analyzed and scrutinized. The logical conclusion, according to this production, reveals none other than Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford as the man behind the pen name, William Shakespeare. At that period of history it was unthinkable for a nobleman to be directly involved with the arts. Yet, to write with such brilliance and insight required someone who was very well educated and who had an intimate knowledge of the royal family. De Vere had all that and more, including a life with many parallels to the storylines and characters in the Shakespeare plays. Highly recommended. 50 minutes. $24.95 To order call: 1-800-228-8331

Number 32 ATLANTIS



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PERUS MYSTERY IN STONE A brief but fascinating look at the little known, enigmatic rock formations of Marcahausi in northern Peru. Many think that the illusive images seen in the rocks are simply a matter of fertile imaginations and natural erosion. But in this rare interview with the late Dr. Daniel Ruzo, Peruvian archaeologist, we see an entirely different picture. After decades of research and crossreferencing, Dr. Ruzo shows us symbols and images found in Marcahausi that are nearly identical to the great sculptures of Egypt, Easter Island and other ancient peoples. One giant rock depicts what appears to be two huge astronauts. Another appears to be a giant human head with as many as 14 different faces representing several races on a single rock. Since the formations at Marcahausi are so highly eroded it is likely that they may even predate those of ancient Egypt, which some have suggested may be as much as 12,500 years old. The similarities and examples are so



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I had originally planned the usual three or four reviews for this column. But as soon as I heard the audiocassettes of Dr. Len Horowitz on Vaccines and Healing, I knew that one page would not be enough to talk about an issue this vital to the health of individuals and families.

The War for Good Health I

cized or persecuted. Especially if you came up with an effective, low-cost cure. Dr. Horowitz tells the story of how his 6-year-old daughter broke her arm and a simple trip to the hospital turned into a nightmare. When his wife took their daughter for medical care she was asked about vaccinations and replied that their daughter didnt have any because they have been known to have dangerous side effects. Mrs. Horowitz lost custody of her child for several days because the nurse recorded that she was a potentially abusive parent. Although many schools, medical establishments and public service employers will try to make you believe that vaccinations are mandatory and may even threaten you for not complying, they cannot force you if you demand your rights. Vaccinations are not mandatory. If anyone tries to tell you differently, you need simply mention that according to your CDC officials (Center for Disease Control), they are not mandatory, which is why exemption forms are legally required to be made available to individuals. You can simply state that for spiritual and religious reasons you refuse to have yourself or your child vaccinated. If they still insist...Horowitz suggests agreeing to taking a vaccine on one condition. Tell the insistant vaccinator: I (or my child) child will take the vaccination as long as you provide us with a bonded, notarized affidavit that swears that you will assume all medical, legal and financial risks in the event that I or my child is injured from the vaccine. After their jaws return to closed position, you shouldnt have any more problems. Theres so much startling information packed into this single 90-minute audiocassette that you may never listen to the radio on your way to work again.

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To order toll free call: 1-888-5084787 $14.75 plus S&H HOROWITZ ON HEALTH by DR. LEN HOROWITZ Tetrahedron With so many potentially dangerous viral and fungus-related infections floating around and vaccinations only making things worse (see above) Dr. Len Horowitz recommends a five-step process for getting and staying healthy. He covers all the basics of internal cleansing, fasting, eating an alkaline diet, reducing your intake of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, alcohol and meat products. There are lots of valuable health tips here including the facts about Canola Oil. Canola is actually rape seed oil, which is one of the most dangerously toxic oils known. It has been found to cause eye damage and many more severe health problems if taken internally. So why is it being sold in health food stores and being put into many products including potato and corn chips, frozen foods, mayonaise and more? Because its cheap and probably because the media spin campaign intended to disguise its true identity and danger has been largely effective. Other highlights include a natural garlic remedy for earaches, a formula to boost your immune system, a section on oxygen therapies and bioelectric healing which is so effective and relatively inexpensive that the international medical industry has tried to make it illegal. If you doubt any of this, you can do your own research on the internet but Len Horowitz will save you the trouble. Horowitz on Health is a wealth of valuable information and well worth the price. If you want to find out more about Len Horowitz, visit his website at: www.tetrahedron .com. To order call toll free: 1-888-5084787 $14.75 plus S&H Rob Resetar composes music for films and television. If you would like to have your CD or video reviewed in Atlantis Rising please send it to: Atlantis Rising, 9030 N. Shadow Rock Dr., Tucson, AZ 85743.
Number 32 ATLANTIS

VACCINES by DR. LEN HOROWITZ Tetrahedron In one 90-minute audiocassette Dr. Horowitz gives you what he says is the real story about vaccines. How they are not only ineffective, but contain contaminants and active viruses that have caused more severe health problems than they have allegedly prevented. Its a story of big business, payoffs, huge profits and insanity that will leave you shocked. He names names and follows the paper trail of government contracts with huge pharmaceutical companies for the development and creation of immune system destroying viruses. He tells stories of early vaccines with known cancer-causing contaminants being tested on unsuspecting individuals in Russia and how to this day, oral polio vaccines are still being prepared from monkey kidney tissues which contain as much as 100 Simian monkey virus contaminants per dose! All of this is done with the knowledge and sanction of the FDA. But thats just the tip of the iceberg. The medical professionals are the ones who unwittingly carry out the agenda of powerful pharmaceutical companies who control exactly what is taught (and not taught) at medical schools and what is sanctioned in their journals and accepted as truth. Since the early 1900s, says Horowitz, if you were a health or science professional who did not go along with the international pharmaceutical agenda you were demoted, defunded, ostra-





Continued from Page 17

etry problem would be solved by scooping up tenuous interstellar fuel along the waymuch easier said than done. In 1989, as the cold fusion age dawned, Dr. Gregory Matloff and I compiled summaries of what was then known about interstellar flightThe Starflight Handbook: A Pioneers Guide to Interstellar Travel, John Wiley & Sons. Then there are the UFOs. Even the great Sagan had had a fling with them, as did I in the early 1970s; I even investigated a few cases as an avocation. Who wouldnt be curious about all these strange reports of aliens actually here, which surfaced from time-to-time? Sagan grew inclined to dismiss all UFO reports, although he did argue that past visitations might well have happenedthat we should be vigilant for any archaeological signs of visits in the safe, distant past. That seemed and still seems a paradox to me: believing that others well might have been here 200,000 years ago and left calling cards, but are unlikely to be here now. Hmmm. It all boils down to what the physics known to the aliens might allow them to do. If you believe that physics is largely a closed book resting on secure pillars, you might well be inclined to dismiss as bunk the reported visits and gymnastics of alleged alien craft. But certain safe articles have begun to appear in even the mainstream literature that suggest that star travel by very unconventional means might not be all that difficult for ETI and for us eventually. When were collectively smart enough not to deny even carefully measured, wellreproduced excess energy and nuclear products from electrochemical experiments, then maybe well have passed the intelligence test for starflight with new physics. Not until then. Scientific American, January 2000 features the article, Negative Energy, Wormholes and Warp Drive. The ordinarily conservative, cold fusiondenying Scientific American editors

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appear quite enthusiastic about this scheme of Lawrence H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman. This is how they promote the article: Contrary to a popular misconception, Albert Einsteins theories do not strictly forbid either faster-than-light travel or time travel. In principle, by harnessing the elusive force of negative energy, one can shorten stellar distances by bending space time around would-be star trekkers. Editor John Rennie calls this a legitimate scientific perspective. Why legitimate? Why, of course, because the authors are using the laws of physics, meaning the laws that Rennie believes are the law. The article is safe for Rennie, because he knows that we are unlikely to get ourselves a bunch of negative energy to create the star drive. Again, mainstream scientists speculations based on accepted laws is fine for those of Mr. Rennies mold. Just let there be any claim that someone on earthor smart aliens elsewhere might have solved the problems of star travel or infinite energy in a more straightforward way, and the claimants are dispatched to the appropriate Gulag of the present Inquisition. Sir Arthur C. Clarke recently broke the Nature barrier via a message to earth couched in science fiction and humor. Read his stellar essay in Nature, Vol.402, 4 November 1999, p.19, Improving the Neighbourhood. The essay drew a bit of critical mail, perhaps because Clarke generously and courageously dedicated it at the end to Drs. Pons and Fleischmann, Nobel laureates of the twenty-first century. Written from the perspective of a nearby alien civilization, the essay recounts the aliens observation that earth civilization destroyed itself in what may have been an industrial accident. Clarke writes slyly, After several false starts, involving lowtemperature nuclear reactions of scientific interest but no practical value, they succeeded in tapping the quantum fluctuations that occur at the very foundations of space-time. This gave them access to a virtually infinite source of energy. The aliens perspec-




tive on we terrestrial bumblers? Clarke: mishandling the ultimate forces of the universe, they triggered a cataclysm which detonated their own planetand, very shortly afterwards, its single large moon. Clarkes message may not be just an entertaining story. We should be prepared to find these industrial accidents. One can see already that the cosmos is a very violent place. What part of that violence might be attribut-

able to life forms remains to be learned. An attraction to aliens that for me began in the basement has brought me full circle. I have come to believe that if infinite energy based on new physics is really there for the taking, as I firmly believe it is, of course the aliens have it! And of course they could/would use it to come here. This says nothing about whether they are already here and what they are doing entirely different questions. The

people in SETI and the UFO communities should think about that. Because of recent demonstrations before my very eyes of aether motor technology and anti-gravity, and realizing from aetherometry ( that Einsteins speed-of-light barrier is a probable fiction, I am fully prepared to imagine that aliens can get to my basement whenever they damn well please!

Continued from Page 22
that even in large sheets to be rolled into scrolls, there was still a space problem, as well as the difficulty of writing what the High Priest or Pharaoh was saying in unwieldy pictographs. An unknown genius of that time began to develop a faster yet still recognizable form of writinghieratic (shorthand). The forms were simplified so that rapid writing was possible, and a court scribe could take dictation from pharaoh or one of his officials. Eventually, each town of any size in the land along the Nile had a public scribe, who was the only one in the village who could read or write, and earned his daily bread, beans and onions by writing letters or reading letters to those who received one. Most of these were written in the short form which was the basis of shorthand, called Hieratic. The need for word and letter forms which could be

The Rosetta Stone

written rapidly continued throughout the ages, and each language produced those who developed their own style of rapid speed writing. In the late 1800s, two men in the Western world developed simplified methods of shorthand which are still taught today in business schools, although the advent of the computer has made them almost a dead language. They are invaluable to journalists, reporters, court reporters and correspondents, however, and all of these individuals still use the actual forms of shorthand. The attraction over later centuries to the huge monuments and gold-enriched mummies drew scholars to explore in Egypts rich soil to recreate the obvious past glories of this land. A young mans education in the 18th century was not considered complete unless he had made a trip to Egypt. Eventually, some of these became scholars and returned to study the history and art of the landand at length, archaeology was born, and recognized as a worthy field of study. Early archaeologists puzzled out some of the formal hieroglyphs on


Number 32 ATLANTIS


tomb and temple wall, but the shorter form baffled them completely. They werent even certain they were reading the hieroglyphs correctly. Then in the reign of the little corporal Napoleon Bonaparte, Egypt was overrun by the French army, who blasted the Sphinxs nose and brought along a quiet youngster who picked up an odd stone from the desert sands along the Nile in 1799. It had recognizable Greek writing, but there were two other forms of script. One was the known court form of hieroglyph writing, and the other was in the puzzling little forms whose meanings were unknown. Eventually, Jean-Franois Champollion, the curious young rock collector, made a breathtaking discovery, and by reading the Greek inscription on the Rosetta Stone, was able to decipher both forms of the Egyptian script. To coin a pun, after that, ancient Egyptian became an open booka fact that may, someday, help us translate whatever writings may yet lie hiddenmaybe even those which Edgar Cayce predicted would be discovered in the Hall of Records. Most scholars who entertain the idea that the hall exists, also theorize that such writings would most likely be in formal Hieroglyphsused in court, temple and by historians in Egypt. If not, we might need another Rosetta stone. At about the same period as hieratic developed, simplified forms of writing spread to and developed in the middle East, and were captured on scrolls as well. Such scrolls could be protected from the elements for millennia, and a treasure trove of such scrolls protected in lidded jars was discovered by a young peasant boy searching the cliff caves near Qumranwhich has led to a revision of the Bible, even if only in the case of the Old Testament books. In Europe, writing on papyrus and parchment began as the trade routes brought the ideas and materials back along the great silk road from the far reaches of both Near and Far Eastern areas where writing already flourished, although on parchment and rice paper rather than localized papyrus. Restricted at first to western nobility and Priests, and jealously guarded 60

by them, the art of writing fast became the vehicle of opportunity, and once established, was used to form ciphers and codes which could be read only by the initiated. These ranged from simple codes with symbols which had specific meanings to extremely sophisticated methods of concealing hidden meaning. Even in the case of mnemonics such as nursery rhymes the

Jean-Franois Champollion

opportunity was created to utilize one sentence which may mean something entirely different. It is known that most common rhymes and especially nursery rhymes concealed political and/or religious meanings which could be recited in the open without coming under suspicion. The Christmas carol The Twelve Days of Christmas for instance, was used as a secret celebration of the beliefs and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, during the times in the Middle Ages when the Church was out of favor or proscribed. Each of the twelve gifts stood for a tenet of the Church, and was thus taught as an easy catechism to the young. Another was Mary Mary, How Doth Your Garden Grow? used against Henry Vllls eldest daughter, Catholic Bloody Mary before her early death elevated her younger half-sister Elizabeth I to the

throne of England. The accession of Elizabeth and her reign was one of the times when thousands of scholarly codes and secret writings flourished, including the genesis of the who wrote Shakespeares poems? mystery and the correspondences of Roger Bacon and his eternally secretive and curious-minded alchemist/scholar friendsmany of whom were also given to humorous works of no meaning at all. The Freemasonic codes are simple, for the most part, substituting symbols with specific meaning for words. Most of these can be puzzled out, and found to be not only harmless but purely of interest to the Fraternal Order. There exists a tradition that in those past centuries from 900 to 1500 A.D. the Order of the Templars (and others) had a similarly created code and much of their remaining writings may yet be undecipherable. The plots of the Indiana Jones movies were concerned with such codes and clues leading to the Grail used at the last supper, the chest which held Moses scrolls the Ark of the Covenant, and similar extremely esoteric and mysterious devices. Codes and ciphers have existed since the development of writing on paper or papyrus, and are still evident. It was the breaking of the Purple code in World War ll that led to the attrition of Japans navy, and a similar effort in Great Britain unlocked the Nazi Enigma code and did much to win the war in Europe. One of the strangest code stories of WWII, however, belongs to the United States. The reality of the Navajo codetalkers has only recently come to light. The code-talkers could speak openly in Navajo over armed forces field radios and keep everything they said a total mystery to the enemy. Only recently have these brave young native Americans received the recognition they deserve. It has only been a handful of decades since a single handwritten codex was discovered in Europe, which provided the key to the writing of South American tribes such as the Maya and some Aztec groups. Such a codex was thought not to exist due to burnings by the Spanish Church. did. Bible codes are rife, and while there may be some evidence that such



codes do exist, scholars and linguists are quick to point out that the early stories which made up the Bible were collected from carefully preserved word-of-mouth accounts (at least until the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered) and even if written, were translated from Hebrew or Aramaic to Greek, then to Latin, then to English, and that in this string of translation much may have been lost, edited or changed. Now that a written form exists, much of the controversy may be solved. Entire books have been written about codes which may exist in the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. These codes are said to prophesy most of the larger events of the centuries since the structure was built. Treasure maps also abound, some real, some not, purporting to lead seekers to the hidden treasure of Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, or other famed pirate figures. Monthly magazines on the subject have been published, all featuring clues and experiences of those who seek the hidden gold or treasure. Hundreds of magazine articles have been written about the most famous of these. The problem seems to be that their ciphers are so obscure that when the spot is reached, nothing is there and the seeker must go on to another spota never-ending process. Codes, ciphers and mysterious finds and equally mysterious writings will always be a subject of great controversy, and otherwise quiet and reasonable men of science will still tremble with anger when debating one side or the other. Like the Rosetta stone, the Mayan codex, the fossil human and dinosaur footprints, and the chipped stone point found embedded in the fossilized ribs of a mammoth, the answers to their meanings may yet turn up in the dusty reaches of some huge forgotten libraryor, perhaps, under the left paw of the great Sphinx! This will be the last contribution to Atlantis Rising by Beverly C. Bevy Jaegers. On December 20, just days after submitting this article, Bevy unexpectedly passed away. She was a journalist, columnist and researcher in many fields who led the U.S. Psi Squad, a police/civilian group using Psi/Remote Viewing to assist law enforcement in mysteries of the criminal type. She was also the author of books such as The Psychic Paradigm, Psychometry, Science of Touch, and many others. She is survived by her husband, Raymond, four daughters, two sons, 10 grandchildren, and one great granddaughter. She will be very much missed.

Continued from Page 25
an electrically conducting pathway literally sending electricity directly through the air without the use of wires, cables, or other instrumentalities. If it was in the less energetic infrared region one would have to pump a lot of energy into the beam for useful work, but in the ultraviolet range (already quite energetic) all that would be necessary to modify the beam for various uses would be electrooptical devices like special mirrors, prisms, and so on. Cayce said that the beam traveled within the visioning of the one eye (analogous to our term

A Modern Research Laser

line of sight) and used induction methods which acted directly on the motivating forces of the various forms of transportation. We can imagine smaller variants of the tuaoi set in an airship, for example. The beam would transmit energy directly into these receptor crystals which would in turn re-amplify the power, possibly powering an electrical or thermal engine. We have done the same thing by shining laser light into another laser crystal. One can easily see the advantages of such a well-thought-out system. Pollution-free power could be sent wirelessly through the air on a line of sight basis with other power stations (ground- or space-based) to act analogously to our own electrical transformers, amplifying or reducing the power levels, wavelengths, or frequencies with electro-optical modifiers. For transmitting underwater the beam would be altered to the blue-green wavelengths (currently used in submarine laser communication systems).

Even the power station itself implies a laser type of system. It is described as having an oval dome that could be rolled back to expose the crystal directly to the sun, and that the walls were lined with non-conductive stone something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite or other non-conductors. Serpentine is a massive form of asbestos and bakerite is a form of howlite. Alternate laminations of these would make an effective thermal insulatorand lasers are known for the prodigious amounts of heat that they produce. Closing the dome would help to shut down the reaction by cutting off the light/heat that was serving as the pumping action. Other uses of the energy of the fire stone included: guiding ships at sea and in the air and in conveniences of the body as television and recording voice, things which we have only been doing in recent times. He also mentions transmission of the body. We transmit images with TV, while body suggests three-dimensional forms, hence holography (3D laser images). He also indicated that the rays from the stone could be used to burn away things that brought destructive forces to an animal organism, perhaps like using a laser and a fiberoptic tube to burn away plaque from arteries? Here is how I speculate that it operated. Facets on the capstone bring the rays of the sun to a sharp focus inside the hollow cylindrical quartz housing ionizing the gas mixture (whatever it was). Proper design of the facets and the internal bottom of the cylinder are cut to specific angles to reflect the light back and forth like the mirrors at opposite ends of the tube in gas lasers. The ionized particles migrate to opposite ends of the tube (charge separation). Electrical connections at the lower end of the cylinder and at the base of the capstone serve as the primary control element and trigger electrode. Upon reaching the saturation point an incident signal triggers the release of the energy, light being released as the electrons fall back to lower energy states, with the process repeating endlessly especially if the Gas Dynamic Laser (GDL) process (whereby spent gases are pumped out and new ones pumped in) is used. The rays from the stone are then transmitted either directly to buildings or vehicles or to secondary transmitters that modify the radiations for selectively specialized applications. Theoretically we could actually construct such a system now. Computer
Number 32 ATLANTIS



Satterthwaite (some archaeological simulations could help determine the heavy weights), both of whom pubproper tube geometry, gas mixtures, lished their findings. Cayce described power requirements, and faceting patthe stones as being set in front of the tern (systems that use mirrors have to temple, between the service temple replace them after a time). The facets and the outer court temple and stated would most likely be triangular or that it would be interpreted as a sunquadrilateral shapes. But we should redial that lies between the temple and member one warning: Cayce had said the chambers, or opposite temple inthat at one time the fire stone had unindicating that erosion has tentionally (human error?) made an effect on same been tuned too high and something very likely if it was that this brought on a period made of the local limestone. of destruction. Lasers are He also stated that the stones, tuned. which they know so little According to Cayce the about, would ultimately be image of the fire stone brought to the University of (showing the number of Pennsylvania museum and a facets) still exists on a stone at portion is to be carried to the a site that the University of Washington preservations of Pennsylvania was excavating such findings, or to Chicago in 1933 on the Yucatan PeninEdgar Cayce (Reading: 440-5). sula (in Guatemala). At that Was anything of the kind actually time they were only working at one found? A peculiar category of artifact site: Piedras Negras. This site is unique found only at Piedras Negras was disamong Mayan sites in that it is one of covered between various temple structhe few situated on a surface river altures. The founders noted that at cermost in the center of the Yucatan Petain times the shadows fell across it ninsula (making it safe for earth from the nearby structures. They desigchanges?). It also is one of the earliest nated these artifacts (there were sevsites to depict human sacrifice. Since eral) as column altars. With few ex1999 Brigham Young University has ceptions Mayan columns are of square found evidence that it is now datable form (though round ones are found at to Pre-Classic times. In the 1930s some Tuluum). The designation is interwell known archaeologists worked at esting. There is only one culture, real the site, including Dr. Mahler and Dr.

or legendary, with which I am familiar that uses columns in an altar-like function: Atlantis. Plato stated that the blood of sacrificed bulls (caught with staves and nooses) was poured over their sacred column with the inscribed laws of the kings of Atlantis. [Note: In the Mayan cuch ceremony we also find an analog to the bull sacrifice where a deer (the nearest local approximate to a bull) is hunted with staves and nooses.] Since Cayce said that the number of facets could be taken from its image on one of the stones, I speculate that the most likely technical view would be from the top and might resemble a mandala type of figure. [Column altars are described in The Handbook of Middle American Indians, a multivolume resource work.] Incidentally, Cayce had stated that the description of the fire stone could be found in three places: the Hall of Records near Bimini under the slime of ages of sea water, the Hall of Records at Giza (Egypt) where the shadow falls between the paws of the Sphinx and the river, and the Yucatan Hall of Records where the temple there is overshadowing samewhich means that this is the site of the third Hall of Records (Reading: 2012-1). It might prove quite interesting to use ground penetration radar in the plaza areas between the temples.

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and local business interestsshowed themselves capable of coming together to plan the construction of a major underground military facility, to be built Continued from Page 31 inside of Green Mountain, in the stairwell and underground tunnelat southern Appalachians, just outside of the end of which is a two-story bunker Huntsville, Alabama. That nexus of inwith about 50 rooms. terests was comprised of (a) big busiI strongly suspect that the designers ness; (b) military agencies; and (c) prihere in the United States have been at vate individuals who were in on the least as ingenious as their counterparts deal. in Europe in disguising and Here is the way the actual concealing entrances to unconstruction scenario may derground installations. Virhave played out: military tually any house anywhere, agencies desire to construct or any building, large or underground facilities as sesmall, is capable of concretly as possible. The Army cealing an entrance to an unCorps of Engineers can suderground facility. This is not pervise the actual constructhe same, of course, as tion and draw up the plans, saying that every house and but special expertise and building that one sees is, in equipment will often need reality, a disguised underto be supplied by private inground base entrance. Still, dustry. And specific or as the above examples show, highly technical industrial some houses and buildings operations will likely need certainly can be disguised ento be conducted by private trances for such facilities. companies as well. Although So underground bases do the Pentagon and other fedexist and they can be hidden. eral agencies (notably the But how do underground U.S. Forest Service, National construction projects get unLockheeds mysterious Hellendale, California facility. Shown here, the Park Service, Bureau of Inderway in the first place, entrance to underground facilities (closeup below). Although the long dian Affairs, and the Bureau without being noticed? paved surface would seem to be a landing strip, it is interrupted by two of Land Management) conConsider Kennesaw huge pylons, which serve to render this landing strip unusable for trol huge tracts of land in Mountain, just outside of Maconventional aircraft. the West, in other parts of rietta, Georgia (in the late the country most of the land 1950s) and Green Mountain, is owned by private citizens. on the outskirts of HuntsSo if a military agency ville, Alabama. wishes to secretly construct Two articles in 1957 rea base on a piece of land ported that the Army was that it does not own, in planning to build a huge unorder to avoid drawing attenderground rocket factory intion to its plans, it might side Green Mountain. The covertly employ a sympaproject was to have been unthetic group of private citidertaken jointly by the Amerzens or businessmen to ican Machine and Foundry handle the real estate transCompany, the Redstone Araction(s). In this way, the senal and the Army Ballistic military gets its land without Missile Agency. In addition unwanted publicity and fanto the missile plant, the fafare. cility was also slated to have The Air Force Times ana sort of subterranean nounced in 1959 that it was junior Pentagon where elabon the verge of agreeing orate headquarters would be with the U.S. Department of installed to direct the dethe Interior to place an underground fense of the southern U.S. from enemy be a combination underground junior SAGE radar facility inside of Kennesaw attack. A local group bought 200 Pentagon and U.S. Army missile facMountain (the mountain was, and is, a acres along the Tennessee River for tory, the land for it was actually purNational Park owned by the Interior docks from which a company called chased not by the Department of DeDepartment) on the outskirts of MaChemstone would ship the limestone fense, but by private citizens, acting on rietta, Georgia. Construction was proexcavated during construction to their own or as proxies for others. The jected to last two years and cost about market. This same group, comprised of plan for the facility is also intriguing in $15 million (in 1959 dollars). The famembers of the Huntsville Industrial that, as of 1957, it clearly showed the cility was to be a semi-automatic Air Expansion Committee, also engaged in kind of military-private industry cooperDefense Center for the surrounding a nearly two-year series of obscure ation that has today become common13 state region. It is not clear if this inreal estate transactions in which they place. In this case, it involved the U.S. stallation was ever built. The mountain purchased in their own names or Army and the American Machine & is only a few miles from Dobbins Air through proxies, various parcels of Foundry Co. Force Base, so it would have been posland scattered about ... Green MounSo already in 1957 the Pentagon sible to drive a tunnel the short distain, for the construction of the un-


derground, military-industrial facility. I dont know if this base was ever actually built, but whether or not it actually moved to the construction phase is beside the point here. It is fascinating enough to see how a site is selected, bought and prepared for construction. The preparation and preliminary work proceeded in a most interesting fashion, in that, even though it was to


Number 32 ATLANTIS


tance from Dobbins AFB and excavate the inside of the mountain without disturbing the surface of the national park in the slightest. All of the heavy machinery required to build the facility could have entered and exited the underground construction site via Dobbins AFB. Whether this was in fact done I do not know. But even if neither the Kennesaw Mountain nor the previously mentioned Green Mountain underground facilities were ever constructed, the mere fact that plans to do so were announced demonstrates that the Pentagon, as of the late 1950s, was actively planning for underground bases in the region. Not only that, but the plans were in an advanced stage of preparation. So even if these two particular facilities were not built, my research leads me to believe it is likely that others were built in northern Alabama and Georgia, and in the Carolinas, and perhaps in Tennessee as well. Supplying Power A primary consideration in the construction of deep underground facilities is obtaining sufficient power for operation once the installation is built and functioning. By the early 1960s the U.S. military had decided that ... either of two prime power plant systems

would provide suitable sources of electrical power for hardened, underground Command Centersdiesel and nuclear. While it may seem possible to plug into the commercial network that services most of the country for the electrical power needs of underground facilities, a 1963 Army report concluded that the power requirements of these installations can be sufficiently unique, due to stringent voltage and frequency requirements which may be imposed by special electronic equipment, and due to the necessity of power self sufficiency under emergency conditions, that it is far more satisfactory, and in many cases more economical, to provide a generating plant within the installation itself to serve all the load and to eliminate any connection to a commercial power source. The 1963 Army report concluded that ...nuclear power plants appear to be advantageous for use in underground installations. And it effectively endorsed their use in underground military installations: ...(N)uclear power is the only field tested, nonairbreathing system with sufficient electrical generating capacity to support an underground installation of the size and type envisioned. The report then proceeded to discuss the pros and cons of various power plants, most of

them conventional, before concluding with a list of the various nuclear power plants already built, under construction or being designed for military use. However, the report unfortunately did not specify for what size and type underground installation these power plants were intended, or where the facilities may be located. But the very existence of an Army Corps of Engineers manual entitled Utilization of Nuclear Power Plants in Underground Installations means it is entirely possible that underground military facilities may be powered by self-contained nuclear power plants. In the case of diesel power plants, during emergency button-up periods when the installation would be sealed from the outside world, there would be a so-called closed cycle system in operation. This system would probably utilize sodium hydroxide for disposal of carbon dioxide in the exhaust produced by the diesel engines; liquid oxygen stored in cryogenic tanks for combustion of the diesel fuel; and fuel oil to power the diesel engines, stored in an underground depot, and replenished as needed from tanks on the surface. The secret underground bases exist; they can be well hidden; and they can be independently powered.

Bacteria that have developed immunity to antibiotic drugs pose a large and growing threat to the success of modern medicine. These studies demonstrate that antibiotic resistance is literally streaming across America and what has not been appreciated is the extent of contamination. American Society of Microbiology, Science News June 5, 1999


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Continued from Page 32
hair out of your head, and split it equally along its length into 20 parts. One part is approximately equal to .0001 inch. (the average hair is .0025 inch). Or, to compare it to our some assembly required example above, this straight-edge is 1,250 times MORE precise than the predrilled hole which was off by an eighth of an inch. If we were to miraculously uncover an unidentified artifact in the Sahara desert that had been buried for thousands of years, how would we determine its purpose? If the speculation arises that it may have had some technological purpose, the challenge would be to prove it, which would require us to reverse engineer its design to determine its function. Reverse engineering has been a part of industrial competitiveness for years. Engineers would buy a competitors product and by studying its design and components would understand the science and engineering behind its function. This is why the recovery of a potential or real enemys weapons of war is important. If, after a cursory examination of this unidentified prehistoric artifact, we determine that it may have been a machine that functions as a tool to create artifacts, how would we know that it was a precision machine tool? In order to prove the case for our prehistoric precision machine tool, it would need to be measured for accuracy. Certain components associated with precision machine tools are manufactured to a high accuracy. Flat surfaces necessary for the machine to function properly would be finished to within .0002 inch. This kind of accuracy separates primitive tools and those that are the result of need and development. The discovery of this precision would elevate the artifact to a higher purpose. If these components were not precise, the arguments against it being the product of an advanced society would be strengthened. The critical evidence, therefore, is the accuracy of the surfaces being measured. Artisans do not create surfaces with such accuracy unless the artifact they are creating needs to function to exact specifications. This kind of precision is only conceived of and created out of need. Unless there is a need, it isnt even a consideration. When looking for prehistoric machines, though, we tend to look for artifacts that are made of iron or steel, not granite. Primarily because we use iron and steel to construct our machines. We see things as we are, not how they are. Nevertheless, the critical proof that would be demanded to sup-

port the conclusion that a steel artifact was a precision machine is its precision and the product of the machine. This precision can be found in Egypt crafted into many artifacts made of stable igneous rock that would survive tens of thousands of years and still retain their precision. On the one hand we may not have the iron and steel used to create the artifact, but we have the products in abundance. Many of these artifacts, I believe, may have been misidentified and assigned to a time that doesnt support the hypothesis, that the tools used to create them may have eroded over a much longer time than established dates would allow. There is support for such a speculation if we look at artifacts from purely an engineering perspective. It has been said that to understand the ancient Egyptian culture, you have to think like an Egyptian. To understand their technological accomplishments, however, you have to think like an engineer. The Serapeum The granite box inside Khafres pyramid has the same characteristics as the boxes inside the Serapeum. Yet the boxes in the Serapeum were ascribed to the 18th dynasty, over 1100 years later when stoneworking was in decline. Considering that this dating was based on pottery items that were found and not the boxes themselves, it would be reasonable to speculate that the boxes have not been dated accurately. Their characteristics show that their creators used the same tools and were blessed with the same skill and knowledge as those who created Khafres pyramid. Moreover, the boxes in both locations are evidence of a much higher purpose than mere burial sarcophagii. They are finished to a high accuracy, their corners are perfectly square, and the inside corners astoundingly sharp. All of these features are extremely difficult to accomplish and none of them necessary for a mere burial box. In 1995 I inspected the inside and outside surfaces of two boxes in the Serapeum with a 6-inch precision straight edge that was accurate to .0002 inch. My report on what I discovered has been published in my book The Giza Power Plant, and on my website,, as Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt. The artifacts I have measured in

Egypt have the marks of careful and remarkable manufacturing methods. They are unmistakable and irrefutable in their precision but origin or intent will always be open to speculation. The accompanying photographs were taken inside the Serapeum on August 27, 2001. Those taken of me inside one of these huge boxes show me inspecting the squareness between a 27ton lid and the inside surface of the granite box on which it sits. The precision square I am using was calibrated to .00005 inch (that is 5/100,000 of an

The Serapeums granite box

inch) using a Jones & Lamson comparitor. The underside of the lid and the inside wall of the box are incredibly square. Finding that the squareness was achieved, not just on one side of the box but both, raises the level of difficulty in accomplishing this feat. Think of it as a geometric reality. In order for the lid to be perfectly square with the two inside walls, the inside walls would have to be perfectly parallel. Moreover, the topside of the box would need to establish a plane that is square to the sides. That makes finishing the inside exponentially more difficult. The manufacturers of these boxes in the Serapeum not only created inside surfaces that were flat when measured vertically and horizontally, they also made sure that the surfaces they were creating were square and parallel to each other, with one surface, the top, having sides that are 5 feet and 10 feet apart from each other. But without such paralellism and squareness of the top surface, the squareness noted on both sides would not exist. As an engineer and craftsman, who has worked in manufacturing for over 40 years and who has created precision artifacts in our modern world, in my opinion this accomplishment in prehistory is nothing short of amazing. Nobody does this kind of work unless there is a very high purpose for the artiNumber 32 ATLANTIS



fact. Even the concept of this kind of precision does not occur to an artisan unless there is no other means of accomplishing what the artifact is intended to do. The only other reason that such precision would be created in an object would be that the tools that are used to create it are so precise that they are incapable of producing anything less than precision. With either scenario, we are looking at a higher civilization in prehistory than what is currently accepted. The implications are staggering. This is why I believe that these artifacts that I have measured in Egypt are the smoking gun that proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that a higher civilization than what we have been taught existed in ancient Egypt. The evidence is cut into the stone. The boxes that are off the beaten tourists path in the rock tunnels of the Serapeum would be extremely difficult to produce today. Their smooth flat surfaces, orthogonal perfection and incredibly small inside corner radii that I have inspected with modern precision straightedges, squares and radius gauges, leave me in awe. Even though after contacting four precision granite manufacturers I could not find one who could replicate their perfection, I would not say that it would be impossible to make one todayif we had a good reason to do so. But what would that reason be? For what purpose would we quarry an 80-ton block of granite, hollow its inside and proceed to craft it to such a high level of accuracy? Why would we find it necessary to craft the top surface of this box so that a lid with an equally flat underside surface would sit square with the inside walls? There may be arguments against the claims of advanced societies in prehistory. Some may argue that the lack of machinery refutes such claims, but a lack of evidence is not evidence. It is fallacious to deny or ignore what exists by arguing for what does not exist. When we ponder the purpose for creating such precision, we inexorably move beyond the simple reasons espoused by historians and are forced to consider that there was a civilization in prehistory that was far more advanced and vastly different than previously thought. We do not need to look for secret chambers or halls of records to know that this civilization existed. It is crafted into some of the hardiest materials with which they workedigneous rock. Authors Note: I am indebted to Dr. Zahi Hawass for introducing me to Mr. Adel Hussein Mohamed, the Director of Saqqara, who gave me permission to conduct further studies inside the Serapeum. 66

Continued from Page 36
Nothing and nobody is altogether evil, therefore it is never justifiable to destroy any person or thing by direct action, but only to open a channel whereby spiritual forces are brought to bear upon the problem. Later in that same Letter No. 5, she adds: ...Our work is a work of healing, and no hate must come of it. We look to see a regenerated Germany rise up in strength and greatness as well as goodwill and peace.. Letter No. 16 for the week of February 4, 1940 not only comments on her perception that the visualization of the angelic patrol should continue for the duration of the war, but that angelic presences were seen in Finland that same week as her society invoked the same in Great Britain. Skipping ahead to Letter No. 19 for the week of February 25, 1940, we find Firth discussing hidden symbology and its application to fighting the dark forces under conscious use by the Nazis: Now this sceptre is the Rod of Power and signifies occult knowledge directing the astral forces. This teaches us that the knowledge of the Secret Wisdom is going to play an important part in what has to be done for the winning of the war and the building of a stable peace. This may sound fantastic, but it is only necessary to read the unexpurgated Mein Kampf to see that the Nazis are fully alive to this, and that the manipulation of the racial subconscious mind is one of the strongest cards they play. She goes on to note: It may be a very small handful of leaven that we are providing, but the nature of the spiritual force employed is such that it is capable of leavening the whole mass of racial subconscious and immunizing it from Nazi poison. We now turn to the still unresolved mystery of Hitlers fanatical deputy Rudolph Hess and his strange, some say insane, flight to England on the night of May 10, 1941 bearing a peace offer. There are strong indications that rather more was afoot. Was Hess Had? For many years accounts circulated indicating the standard version of the Hess flight was incomplete or even deceitful. Moreover, some mention was made that British intelligence knew Hess was coming and had forced his hand by making his personal astrologer ill and substituting its own, who gave him a rosy prediction of success when the stars were actually opposed. The best site located during research on

Rudolph Hess

Hess was, which has not only standard materials but his astrological charts, period press clippings and excerpts from several new books based on freshly declassified information indicating that British intelligence knew he was coming, stopped him from contacting high Royals who were Nazi sympathizers, buried the real story for decades and scored a propaganda coup against Hitler and the Nazis. This writer decided to test the occult trapping hypothesis by contacting astrologers Frank Ozak and Gwenn Wycoff to see whether they might have some insights to offer. They went way beyond that by unexpectedly providing a fresh chart and considerable interpretation. She wrote the commentary, but both reviewed the stunning results: The chart indicates that the astrologer set Mr. Hess up to die, not to live. The technical reading is as follows: 1. There is no relationship between the star pattern and the question, which makes this chart invalid, and is not to be read. This is also known as a stricture against judgment. It portends the outcome will be unfortunate, or this is not a good time to do anything at all. The reasons for this are: a. There is no recognized relationship between the planetary hour and the ascendant. b. The moon is in the Via Combusta (fiery path). c. The ruler of the 7th aspects a malefic. 2. The moon is also moving to an opposition to Saturn, in the 8th house of death. That would be enough right there to advise ones client not to proceed.

Continued on page 68


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Continued from Page 66
3. Three of the Arabic Parts are on the positions of death. 4. Caput Algol, one of the most violent fixed stars in the heavens, and one with which I have done a great deal of research, is conjunct 4 of the planets in the 8th house of death. Caput Algol is about cutting the head off. Another name for Algol is The Headless Medussa. If one wants to sever a relationship, this is a positive manifestation. Mostly this Headless Medussa is predictably unfortunate. If the astrologer was Dark Force, he/she would have been well aware of this. We can pretend this astrologer was reading that the enemy would undo themselves, except for the position of the moon in an opposition to Saturn. Not even a junior astrologer would miss that one. 5. The end of the matter is signified by Saturn, in the 8th house of death. There followed two additional messages: Although the greater benefic, Spica, at 24 degrees of Libra is rising, the overall negative aspects overwhelm the positive and protective influence of this desirable star, especially because the entire chart is considered invalid,

+19 is the strongest. It is ruler of the seventh house, the power of others, so we again find that the opposition is stronger than all of the other influences in the power to the opposition, or the enemy. This definitely foreshadows a dark moment. Wycoff concludes, Mars is the God of War, and one needs him rising, or on the side of the one who expects victory, not giving all the power to the opposition, or the enemy. We have touched upon the largely unknown Occult Battle of Britain, and identified what may prove to be a valuable new tool for historical investigators prepared to think outside the conventional box. Many momentous events could be similarly analyzed, starting with the date of the J.F.K. assassination, rumored to have been astrologically optimized to hide the true perpetrators as long as possible. Care to try?

Hess Chart

by ancient horary standards, and nonsupportive. If Spica had granted any mercy, it may have been to grant a sudden death, or the intended victim avoided the greatest devastationin other words, it could have been worse. If we apply the point system to judge the strength of the influence of any of the planets, we find that Mars at

Continued from Page 41
stasy, bliss and awfulness, she violated stay back commands, wending her way into the melee of thousands of displaced people haunted by having seen and experienced things too terrible to fathom. The experience ripped my heart, opened my eyes. I knew that to survive I would have to envision the world and live my life in a far different fashion than I had been. Achterberg sees the crisis rendering asunder what we most valuehuman relationships, families and cultures. We are in an abyss of destroying one another, she says somberly. It was clear to me that we are connected. They were me and I was them. It was an epiphany, the larger vision I craved, and one that spun me into another vortex of reality. I understood a little more about the mystery and purpose of suffering: it allows our hearts to become connected. Not that Achterberg had been immune from suffering. Birthing two of the six children she had wanted, it was with sorrow that she watched her son descend into a reality that required frequent hospitalization, and her daughter suddenly go blind and con68

tract a condition that seemed to be multiple sclerosis (possibly caused by a reaction to a vaccination she had received the week before). Shes had to learn to let go, realizing that her children have their own contracts with life. And, after many years of marriage to a man she loved at first sight, facing the truth of almost as many years of deception and a divorce, has been excruciatingly painful. A delicately feminine appearance belies her deep voice, which reflects a heavy hitter with a serious grip on reality. Still, ever the romantic (she refers to herself both as Jeanne the Viking Queen and Jeanne the Fashion Queen), Achterberg admits she would love a respectful intimate partnership. Thats the one thing missing in my life. Blessed with her mothers exquisite genes, she doesnt need to follow a rigorous diet or daily exercise regimen to maintain her svelte good looks, even nearing 60. Im so used to taking care of other people that its a challenge to take care of myself, she says. I am active; I move all the time, carrying luggage, walking dogs. I dont eat junk, but Im not rabid about anything. We know so little that it would be silly for anyone to say what would be appropriate for someone else to eat.

Its that kind of objectivity and logic that characterizes Achterbergs thinking and, coupled with the rigors of scientific rather than empirical study, have earned her professional respect in both the alternative and conventional (well, some conventional) medical communities. I dont try to psychologize physiology, she states. As I get older, there is more and more that I (we) just dont know. She goes ballistic when well-meaning wellwishers suggest there may be something shes not seeing that caused her illness. There are a million things I dont want to see! she exclaims. As if its that cut-and-dried simple! In her own case, after carefully considering the options, Achterberg chose mistletoe injections as a major component in her healing repetoire. A standard of care in many hospitals in Germany, mistletoe has been superbly researched as an immune stimulant. Mistletoe fits well into my belief system, says Achterberg. A plant held sacred by the Celts, it is part of Anthroposophy, a modern system of healing that has a spiritual basis and a Western basis of thought, and which includes conventional allopathic medicine when appropriate. Too upset to do fullon imagery work for herself, Achterberg would image whenever she in-



jected mistletoe. I thanked the plant and Rudolph Steiner, the visionary who started prescribing it about fifty years ago, then Id do a little prayer while injecting it. I imagined it moving rapidly through my body, stimulating the immune cells, and heading straight for the Thing (her term for whatever had invaded her eye, cancerous or not)

and attacking it directly. Recently suffering from what a home health nurse told her was Dengai Fever, Achterberg says she is perplexed about where she would want to be cared for if she were unable to care for herself. Shes shunning hospitals at the moment, preferring to hole up in a five-star hotel. If Im going to get well, its not going to be in a hospital. Though she has scathing words for the current health care system (Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America; its time for this bad business to change!), she doesnt discount it entirely. Antibiotics for a recurrent streptococcus A bacteria have probably saved my life. Nor is she a blithe supporter of anything alternative. The most prestigious complementary care clinic in Germany

told her the same thing the Western medical establishment did. Zap that Thing, whatever the cost to your eye. And an initial foray onto the Internet terrified her. The Web may be revolutionizing the consumer role in health care, but I found the information there just revolting. Clinics and researchers are trolling for patients. The mortality and morbidity figures reported on these sites are alarmist and couched in language that is frightening. Achterberg says shes going to have to learn to talk about 911. Other than being on a congressional committee in 1988 with Ralph Moss, a leading and respected proponent for new directions in cancer care and author of the Moss Reports, she considers herself apolitical and would like to remain so. But she realizes that may be a luxury none of us can continue to afford. Once I saw that carnage (in Kosovo) and families being separated and the extent of the war machine, I just knew we have to take a different path. I dont see people looking for another way. I dont have any real wisdom about this. Im going to have to think about it. And I will. Achterberg is feeling pretty good these days and, though she still doesnt see out of her left eye, it is tracking and she no longer needs to hold a flower in front of it for aesthetic purposes. It appears that she may well have been misdiagnosed but, not being one to jump to conclusions, she says, We wont really know until the eye is out of my body whether or not this was cancer. In the end, thinks Achterberg, we are healed not by medicine in any of its forms, but by the bonds we form with each other (a thought supported by psychoneuroimmunologist Dr. Candace Perts research). Compassion, love, hope, trust, belief and other invisible facets that have lost favor in modern medicine are the true healers. At least, thats one scientists experience.

Continued from Page 43
the remains of lost civilizations, and the cultural records of numerous peoples corroborate the Olmec enigma and the Bible. References to the cataclysmic flood occur in 230 different cultures. Mayan history includes the story of how they came from a land to the east that had been destroyed. The historian Herodutus recounted of the tale of lost Atlantis. These accounts may sound like romantic myths spun out of early imaginations, however, when you stand at an ancient site surrounded by strange ruinsyou begin to wonder if they just might have more than a grain of truth. I climbed the steps of the Temple of Inscriptions and visited the tomb of Pacal. Then I decided to take a long trip down to the Rio Usamacinta to Bonampak and Yaxchilan. It was 100 miles of bad dirt road, heavily rutted in places. It finally became so muddy that we mired the van up to the axles. We had nearly reached the destination. Bonampak was a short walk. I visited Bonampak. My next destination was Yaxchilan, a ruin secreted in the jungle about 8 miles from Bonampak. I decided to try and hack my way there with a machete against the advice of the natives who had warned me: La selva is cerrado! They were right. I gave up after a grueling fourhour stint that netted less than a quarter mile mostly on my belly trying to avoid razor-sharp thorn shrubs. The insects were ravaging my body. Yaxchilan is situated on the river and it was alleged to be the center of the flourishing Mayan civilization in this region. In Feb. 1989, James OKon did manage to make it to the site. Archaeologists had been studying it for a century. A particular mound of rocks caught OKons trained eye. Scientists had dismissed it as a minor mystery but the amateur archaeologist was also a forensic engineer and he immediately knew what it really was: part of a bridge. He turned to modern technology to help prove a bridge once existed at the site. OKon, a former chairman of the forensic council of the American Society of Civil Engineers, had used similar techniques during investigations. He compiled field information at the Mayan site and used computers to integrate archaeological studies, aerial photos and maps to develop a threedimensional model of the site and determine the exact positioning and dimensions of the bridge. OKon ended up making a startling discovery: The Mayans had constructed the longest bridge span in the ancient
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world. When he finished calculations and computer models, the bridge turned out to be a 600-foot span, a hemp rope suspension structure with two piers and three spans. It connected Yaxchilan in Mexico with its agricultural domain in the Peten, now Guatemala and where Tikal is situated. What archaeologists had assumed was an insignificant rock pile turned out to be part of a crucial finding, a pier 12 feet high and 35 feet in diameter. Aerial photos located a second support pier on the opposite side of the river. Both piers were constructed of cast-in-place concrete and an exterior of stone masonry. That is exactly how the Mayan pyramids were made. In interviews OKon, who has been studying the ancient Maya for 30 years, said, the Mayas were very sophisticated mathematically and scientifically. He claimed the design requirements of the Mayan bridge parallel 20th century bridge-design criteria. Today we marvel at the ruins and speculate on how and why they built the ceremonial sites. We shouldnt forget that the Maya were an advanced race. They understood astronomy. They had an accurate calendar. They invented the concept of zero at least 700 years before Europe. They built paved roads, and as we have recently learned, the longest suspension bridge in the ancient world. What occurred to me while standing atop another pyramid at Coba in Quintana Roo surveying a trackless jungle was the fact that the Maya had achieved all this in a jungle. No other advanced civilization I could think of had emerged from a jungle environment. It deepens the mystery of this lost race. The sacbe are a system of roads that interconnect the sites. This is another feature that has long puzzled scientists and independent investigators alike. The roads were built up with rocks, leveled and paved over with limestone cement. They vary in width from 8 feet up to 30 feet. The mystery is simple: Why would a stone age people without wheeled vehicles or dray animals need such an elaborate and sophisticated road network? OKon turned his attention to the sacbe after finishing his work on the bridge. In a long rambling interview he told the author that he had found the 60-mile road that extended from Coba to Yaxuna was as straight as an arrow with a negligible deviation. His studies have revealed the Maya were not stone age; he refers to them as technolithic. They didnt use iron because the nearest mines were 1,500 miles 70

away. OKon claims, They used jade tools and they were harder than steel. You almost have to stand at a site and image the scene as it was during the peak of Mayan civilization to really grasp the magnitude and appreciate what this culture achieved. Today we see ruins and jungle. Pyramids that are little more than bare stone. Crumbling buildings surrounded by wilderness. However, in that day the pyramids were coated with stucco. They were smooth and they gleamed in the sun. The walls of the structures were painted with various designs using bright colors. The courtyards were paved. The flat white roads radiated

James OKon

out in all directions connecting the centers together. Despite their advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics and their achievements in art and architecture, scientists still consider them a stone age culture. Time is the essence of life. Human beings have always been immersed in it, keeping track of it in one way or another, measuring it as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and millennia. We know of many of its dimensions and we have used them to our advantage. We know, supposedly, when the dinosaurs roamed the earth; how long it takes for various radioactive isotopes to decay; when our early hominid ancestors branched off from apes; the layout of the human genome; the exact dates of lunar and solar eclipses long into the future. Time causes all living things to grow old and die. It seems so obvious and ubiquitous, we are like fish and time is water. We never ask the basic question: What is it? Do we understand it?

Is it more than a system of measurement, whether of the present moment or of the age of the universe? All cultures certainly have a focus on time; however, the Maya had an obsession with it. They tracked and measured the synodic period of Venus, which is 584 earth days. The 365-day Mayan calendar year was more precisely than the Gregorian calendar. They devised three different calendrical systems: the tzolkin (sacred calendar), the haab (civil calendar), and the long count. The tzolkin is a cycle of 260 days (13 months of 20 days each) and the haab is the solar cycle. These two calendars were combined in an interlocking fashion to produce a cycle of 18,980 days, which was known as a calendar round. That is about 52 years. Each day had a particular glyph and meaning ascribed to it and at the end of the 52-year cycle they had a renewal ceremony. The long count period lasted for about 5000 years. This was equivalent to an age. According to the Maya, humanity is in the 5th Sun or age. That will end about 5000 years from the beginning of their calendar, which started in 3011 BC and expires on 2012. The longest cycle in Mayan cosmology is 26,000 years, which corresponds to the precession of the equinox. Why did the Maya have such a fascination with astronomy? Why did they create such an intricate calendrical system? Would a stone age agrarian society need all this advanced astronomical and mathematical knowledge? How did they acquire it in such a short time? How would they have any awareness of such a complex phenomena as the synodic length of Venus or the precession of the equinoxes? They are either more ancient than science allows or they had more sophisticated technology than we know of or someone passed the knowledge down to them. Is it coincidental that the beginning of the 5th age was 3000 BC, which corresponds to the birth of the Jewish and Chinese calendars? The assertion that the world is only 5000 years old may have more truth to it than we know. Is it also a coincidence that so many Christians believe we are in the end times? The Mayan obsession with time may have been based on a deep awareness of how it functions on a cosmic scale and then unfolds on earth in short and long-term cycles. That may be the message that the lost civilizations have been trying to deliver to us and we may just be starting to get it.




Continued from Page 45
which, remarkably, is identical to the Greek myth. No less remarkable was the Incas worship of the Pleiades as the Aclla Cuna, the Chosen Women, or the Little Mothers. So, too, the Lakota Souix called them the Seven Sisters. These New World interpretations of the Pleiades suggest Atlantean contacts with native Americans in preColumbian times. But to learn just how Atlantean they were, let us examine some of the Pleiades in detail. Alkyone The Queen who wards off Storms, leader of the Seven Sisters, Alkyone was the Pleiade most associated with Atlantis. In the Odyssey, the king of Atlantean Phaeacia was Alkynous, the masculine derivative of Alkyone (Books VI, VII & VIII). As a Daughter of Atlas, she was synonymous with the capital city of his island, Atlantis. Like Kleito, she married Poseidon to produce sons who became rulers of farflung lands. The Druids at Boscawen-Uen, Mea-Penzance, Scotlands Callanish and other megalithic sites throughout Britain revered the Pleiades as representing fearful powers of destruction by the agency of water, recalling the Atlantean flood.

three great playwrights, wrote in Phaeton of an island in the Distant West called Merope. Like Atlantis, it was a possession of Poseidon. Aelians Varia Historia (Book III, Chapter XVIII) quotes the 4th century B.C. Theopompous of Chios about an island beyond the Pillars of Heracles (the same location given by Plato for the position of Atlantis), and ruled by Queen Merope, a daughter of Atlas, an Atlantis. The Merops, according to Theopompous, launched an attack on Europe, first against Hyperborea (Britain). But they lost the war, and the kingdom of Merope received a sudden increase in population immediately following the fall of Troy. All this is exactly paralleled in the Atlantis Dialogues (Timaeus and Kritias), although the Theopompous and Plato versions seem

The Birth of Venus, Botticelli

water, with arms upraised to carry the solar-boat containing its divine and royal occupants. He held them above the flood engulfing their mountainous island home in the Far West, then brought them safely to the Nile Delta, where they reestablished themselves in dynastic Egypt. But Nun saved both gods and men from the same disaster he brought about at the behest of Atum, who commanded from him a great deluge to wash away the iniquities of the world. In this most primeval Egyptian tradition is graphically portrayed the Atlanteans first over-sea migrations from their geologically beset homeland in the mid-4th millennium B.C. Even in Atum we glimpse Atlantis. Nun and his Atlantean implications were not confined to Egyptian myth, however. The Sumerian Ninhursag, Nin of the Mountain, arose out of the Abzu (the Primordial Sea) to create an island blest with all kinds of herbs, wines, honey, fruit trees, gold, silver, bronze, cattle and sheep. But when Enlil, like the Egyptian Atum, commanded the Great Flood, Ninhursag sank into the waves of the Abzu. The agent of the deluge was Ningirsu, Lord of Floods. Enlils wife was Ninlil, the sea, mother of all. Ninazu, the Water Knower, dwelt in Arallu (the Egyptian Aalu, the Greek Atlantis).

In Greek myth, Maias husband, Hephaestus, crafted the golden and silver statues of dogs in front of King Alkynous palace at Phaeacia. The Divine Artificer was, appropriately, associated with volcanos, which feature at all the Atlantic islands. In Hindu myth, Maia was the Maker, the divine patroness of civilization. She was also worshiped by the preSpanish Guanche aboriginals of the Canary Islands, off the coast of Morocco. Roman sailors referred to the Canary Island of Tenerife as Juonia because, they said, the natives there venerated an equivalent of Juno, Romes most powerful goddess, the Queen of Heaven. When the Spaniards arrived at Tenerife in the mid-15th century, they found the indigenous inhabitants already worshiping statues of the Virgin Mary, or so they imagined. Actually, the Guanche called her by her Pleiadian name, Maia.

otherwise unrelated-in other words, separately deriving from the same Atlantean source.

The Star of Atlas

Venus was the personal symbol of the most important Atlantean culturebearers and a telling link between the Old and New Worlds through the story of Atlantis. The Evening Star belonged to Osiris, the Westerner from Aalu, who was on a civilizing mission throughout the world. Inanna (the Babylonian Ishtar) was the Sumerian goddess who carried the Tablets of Civilization from Atu to Mesopotamia. There she was represented by a twilight Venus in the center of a circle of six rays, recalling the Atlantean Sacred Numeral of perfection and the divisional zones of Atlantis. Her Tablets of Civilization is a clear reference to the culture and technology brought to Mesopotamia from Atu, an obvious variation of Atlantis. Classical European tradition associated the coming of civilization with Venus in the West (Osiris, Inanna, Hesperus), where it was seen as the evening star. Meanwhile, pre-Columbian American tradition associated the arrival of civilization with Venus in the East (Ce Acaztl), where it appears as the morning star. The source of those arrivals lay on a lost island in the midAtlantic (the Hesperides) between the Old and New Worlds-our Atlantis.
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Elektra was the queen of an Atlantic isle-kingdom, where she gave birth to a son. But as the island began to sink into the sea, she sent Dardanus away to escape the catastrophe. Traveling to the eastern extreme of the Mediterranean Sea, he eventually settled on the north west coast of modern Turkey. There he built a splendid city at the center of a new empire of great influence, situated as it was between Europe and Asia. The narrow passages which controlled access to both worlds he called after himself, and even today they are known as the Dardanian Straits. During subsequent generations, the capital and kingdom were named for his royal descendants: From his son, Ilus, came Ilios (the Latin Ilium), while the realm of Troy derived from King Tros.

The Sea of Atlas

Nun was the Egyptian god of the Primeval Sea, out of which arose the first dry land, a mound or mountain that was home to the earliest gods and men during the Tep Zepi, or the First Time. He was represented in templeart as a man plunged up to his waist in

Her name and variations of it appear in connection with Atlantis among several cultures over a long period of time. Euripides, Platos contemporary and considered the most realistic of the



Continued from Page 47
Secondly, it should be noted that the Greeks named the Atlantic Ocean after the god Atlas, who knew the depths of all the seas. And yet Atlas, like Kronos, was a Titan-god who had been cast down from Olympus into the Underworld by Zeus. Strictly speaking, the Sea of Atlas would have been a subterranean sea in the first instance. Thirdly, it should be noted the Greeks called the world ocean (of which the Atlantic was a part) Ocean, and personified it by the god Oceanus. But this god also signified a subterranean sea. As Homer put it, Oceanus was the body from which all rivers and all the sea and all springs and deep wells take their flow (Iliad, 21.195-97). Was this the true identity of Oceanus? The Greek myths indeed allude to Oceanus having fallen from Heaven, in which case his Ocean would have been a subterranean sea in the first instance. Lest there be any doubt about this interpretation, the same idea can be found in the older mythologies of Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Egypt, for example, it was held that all things had sprung into existence from a primeval ocean called Nun, which was regarded as the true source of the River Nile. The texts imply that Nun was the ocean of the Underworld. Similarly in Mesopotamia, it was said that the god Enki ruled the Earth from a subterranean sea called the Apsu (the fall of Apsu from Heaven is described in Enuma Elish, Tablet I). In both cases, of Nun and Apsu, it was understood that the ocean of the Underworld filled the interior of the earth. In the light of these facts, it can be no coincidence that all the Greek deities associated with the ocean were primarily subterranean deities. The gods Kronos, Atlas and Oceanus have already been mentioned. A fourth example is Poseidon, the ruler of the deep sea, who was feared and revered as the god of earthquakes. According to Plato, two of these four chthonian gods were associated with the Isle of Atlantis: Atlas had lent his name to the island, whilst Poseidon had founded its capital city, allegedly by breaking apart the primeval hill of Clito (this hill not72

ably contained its own subterranean reservoir of sea water!). Atlantis was thus literally the offspring of two gods who heralded from the subterranean Underworld. In summary, I conclude in my book The Atlantis Secret that the ocean in which Atlantis lay symbolized the subterranean seaa sea which circulated in the interior of the earth.

True Continent and True Sea If the reader has followed my logic to this point, I will now reward his patience with an astonishing revelation. In Figure 1 is Platos vision of the world, as described in Timaeus. In this diagram (not to scale), Atlantis (not shown) would have been situated in the true ocean at the nine o clock positionopposite the Pillars of Heracles (the straits of Gibraltar). But the remarkable thing about this picture is that the true ocean is surrounded by a true continent which runs right around the known world! This strange concept is found uniquely in Platos Timaeus. Why on earth did Plato invent such

a bizarre design? The astonishing answer is revealed in Figure 2, where I have reproduced the ancients understanding of the earths sphere in crosssection. Here, we are looking at a sphere made up of three concentric spheres. The sphere of the true Underworld (Tartarus) is contained within the sphere of the subterranean ocean, which is itself contained within the sphere of the earths crust. The parallel with Figure 1 speaks for itself. There are fundamental implications here for our understanding of Atlantis. Plato, it would seem, recognized the Atlantic Ocean as a cipher for the subterranean sea, and recognized Homers opposite continent as a cipher for the subterranean Underworld. Accordingly, he made the opposite continent surround the Atlantic Ocean completely, thus signifying a nested pair of spheres (true to the Pythagorean leanings of his work). Furthermore, so as to make his intentions clearfor the enlightened readerhe used the word true to emphasize that he was describing no ordinary ocean and no ordinary continent. His crucial statement reads: Out there is a true sea, and the land that embraces it all the way around deserves most truly to be called a continent. (Timaeus 25a). It follows that Atlantis was no ordinary island, but rather a true islandthe Isle of the Underworld. It is for this reason that Plato lent it a supernatural size: larger than Libya and Asia (Minor) combined. It virtually goes without saying that no historical theory of Atlantis has ever been able to explain this outrageous statement. The Rings of the Underworld We should recall, at this juncture, that Poseidon created Atlantis by breaking apart the hill of Clito and forming it into six concentric circles the circular hill itself, three rings of seawater and two rings of land. This was the city, which was enclosed, in turn, by the island itselfalso an exact circle. So, overall, Atlantis took the form of seven concentric circles. Or was it rather the case that Atlantis took the form of seven concentric spheres, each nested inside the other, forming the interior of the Earth?



Ancient myths indeed described the Underworld as a system of concentric spheres. In Mesopotamia, the Underworld was conceived as vast city ringed around by seven protective walls, with seven successive gates (see, for example, the myth of The Descent of Ishtar). Alternatively, the Underworld was said to comprise seven concentric mountains which had to be crossed by the hero who sought ascension to Heaven (see, for example, The Gilgamesh Epic). Meanwhile, in Egypt, the Book of Caverns described the Sun-gods journey to the heart of the earth via a tunnel which allowed access to six successive subterranean caverns. In the light of such information, it is not unreasonable to suppose that Platoan ardent follower of Pythagorean mysticismlent Atlantis seven rings deliberately to evoke the spheres of the Underworld. In Figure 3, I reconstruct his scheme, showing the seven-sphere Isle of Atlantis enclosed by the eighth and ninth spheres of the true sea and the true continent respectively. Initiation in the Underworld In my book The Atlantis Secret I conclude that Platos Atlantis was a cipher for the subterranean Underworld and, furthermore, that Platos story of the war between Athens and Atlantis was an allegory pertaining to the creation of the Universe. It follows from this that to seek the truth of the Atlantis storyand Plato did insist upon its truththe truth seeker must rise above the profane and materialistic interpretations of the story which are so popular today, and turn his attention instead to a deeper level of cosmological and metaphysical truth. For it was the ancients fundamental belief that the Underworld connected together the realms of Heaven and Earth, and that knowledge of the Underworld was a prerequisite to learning the secrets of Heaven. It was in the Underworldthe Womb of Mother Earththat the magic of creation had been worked, producing the visible and invisible forms of God. To be initiated into these secrets was to exchange the Body for the Soul, and the Darkness for the Light, and to dwell for ever in the eternal paradise. The true Atlantis beckons for those who have ears to hear. Copyright Alan F. Alford. This article is extracted from Alan Alfords new book The Atlantis Secret: A Complete Decoding of Platos Lost Continent, published by Eridu Books, October 2001. For further information on Alan Alfords work, visit his website at

Continued from Page 49
of winter. If not, spring is said to be imminent. May Day masquerades as the earlier Beltane rites of spring, between spring equinox and summer solstice. No modern festival honors the onset of summer; perhaps we are reluctant to acknowledge the annual turn toward darkness. Instead, in America, we have a festival of lights on July fourth to celebrate the nations birth. We memorialize our war dead at the end of May. Midsummer, which is Lughnassadh, is the halfway point between planting and harvest. All Hallows Eve touches the unseen world of ghosts and goblins. Thanksgiving honors the harvest. Christmas and Hanukkah celebrate the return of light. What goes around comes around Many have said that we live in perilous times which have been noted by prophetic traditions for centuries, perhaps millennia. Many have viewed this as portending the end of the world as we know it. The Mayas saw this as the close of one cycle, a single cog in a vast wheel of interlocking cycles. In our modern world mechanical clocks and printed calendars have replaced the sky as the way we track time and navigate our way through the cycles of our lives. We have artificial light and twenty-four/seven convenience stores and telemarketing. We no longer move in harmony with natural cycles. Our lack of balance with the earth and sky has brought us to a dangerous place. An ancient maxim states, Equilibration is the secret of the Great Work. Perhaps by taking a larger view and accepting responsibility for some of our far-reaching behavior, we can make a difference. Since the great cycle of the ages is also a repeating pattern, perhaps we can learn about our present and future from a better understanding of the past. As Winston Churchill said, Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Our lesson may be learning to walk in balance and harmony with the ebbing and flowing cycles.

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classic 1929 mystic travel book is back in print in this deluxe paperback edition. The famous RussianAmerican explorers expedition through Sinkiang, Altai-Mongolia and Tibet from 1924 to 1928 is chronicled in 12 chapters and reNEW! NEW! productions of Roerichs inspiring paintings. Roerichs Travel Diary style incorporate various mysteries and mystical arts of Central Asia including such arcane topics as the hidden city of Shambala, Agartha, more. Roerich is recognized as one of the great artists of this century and the book is richly illustrated with his original drawings. 407 pp., 6 x 9 PB, Illustrated $18.95

THE COMTE DE ST. GERMAIN: The Secret of Kings I. Cooper Oakley The Comte de St.
Germain was one of the most mysterious characters in historya brilliant man with incredible knowlege and because of this, traveled widely. He was known as a mystic, philosopher, and master alchemist who held the key to immortality. The author was able to procure documents and papers unavailable to others during her years of research, which allows some of the mystery to drop away. What emerges is a more complete and fascinating picture of the Comte de St. Germain that deserves to be explored. 280 pp., Trade Paper, 6 x 9, Illustrated $22.95

ATLANTIS SECRET: A Complete Decoding of Platos Lost Continent Alan F. AlfordThe author
explains how the sages of old drew an astonishing conclusion: long ago, they decided, a living planet had exploded and seeded the beginning of all life on Earth. This cataclysm of all cataclysmsa forerunner of the modern Big Bang was encoded in the tales of gods and peoples coming down from the sky. Plato was initiated into the Exploded Planet secret and used it as the basis for his story of Atlalntis.

FATHER ERNETTIS CHRONOVISORThe Creation and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time Machine Peter KrassaIn the mid 1900s, an Italian
Benedictine monk, Father Pellegrino Ernetti, was known as a highly respected priest, scientist and musicologist. But he claimed to have secretly created a time machine the chronovisor, and asserted that he was able to go back in time and witness specific events. His claims were hotly disputed. But we see here, the first translation from Latin, the text of Thyestes by Quintus Ennius, Rome 169 B.C., that Father Ernetti claimed to have brought back with him using the chronovisor. It and other documents make it impossible to dismiss his claims. 224 Pages 6X9 $16.95

COSMIC CODE Zecharia SitchinMany thousands of

years ago, a race of extraordinary beings guided the evolution of life on Earthdetermining the existence and nature of mankind as we know it today. All powerful, all knowing, the proof of their genius is apparent in the mysterious monoliths at Stonehenge, and in the strange, but highly significant structure of concentric stone circles in Israels Golan Heightsboth requiring sophisticated astronomical knowledge. Paperback, 298 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99

450 pp., 6 x 9 $27.00



FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS The forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race Andrew CollinsCollins
reveals that the angels, demons and fallen angels of scripture were flesh-and-blood members of a race predating our own. He offers evidence that they lived in Egypt (prior to the ancient Egyptians), where they built the Sphinx and other megaliths monuments, before leaving the region for what is now Eastern Turkey following the cataclysms that accompanied the last Ice Age. Paperback, 464 pages, 6"X9", 20 B&W Illus. $20.00

GODS OF EDEN: Egypts Lost Legacy and the Genesis of Civilization Andrew Collins Hidden deep
below Egypts Giza plateau is perhaps the key to unlocking the mysteries of the Great Pyramid. Built using a technology unequaled even today, the ancient Egyptians claimed they inherited their advanced culture from a race of Elder gods who lived during a preNEW! vious age known as Zep Tepi, the First Time. In his earlier companion book, From the Ashes of Angels, the author provided historical and scientific evidence showing how these Elder gods, who were the flesh and blood members of a race of fallen angels, founded ancient Egypt. Now, in Gods of Eden, he describes the remarkable achievements of their culture. He shows us how this great society mastered acoustic technology and employed the use of sound to raise heavy objects into the air and pierce holes through solid rock; and with this technology, they constructed the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. With thorough research and scholarship, he reveals the fascinating historical destiny of this culture of fallen angels and the imprints and legacies they left behind at the genesis of civilization. 480 pp., 6 x 9 PB, b&w inserts $20.00

K2QUEST OF THE GODS (Sequel to Thoth) Ralph EllisQuest of the Gods explains the design of
the Great Pyramid in great detail and it appears that its architect has specified a structure that contains a curious blend of technology, lateral thinking and childish funyet this design can also point out the exact location of the legendary Hall of Records to within a few meters. Join the author on the most ancient quest ever devised, a dramatic journey in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and to the highest peaks at the very heart of the Himalayas... P/B with color plates $16.95

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LAND OF NO HORIZON: The Inner Earth Holds the Secret to the Origins of Humanity Kevin & Matthew TaylorAlways considered an exclusive and natural earthly species, few suspect the fundamental reality behind human existence. We were never born from natural evolution alone. Our beginnings were planned and orchestrated by others. Now, as an introduced life form, humanity encounters unavoidable hardships. Such hardships are the result of living within an environment to which we are not completely in tune. Mankinds understanding of the Earth is incomplete. We are not alone on the Earth. Other intelligent life exists here, too. But our perception of their origins is wrong. UFOs do not come from outer space. Their world is much closer than ever imagined. They too are a product of the Earth. Their past is interconnected with the beginnings of humankind. 283 pp., 6 x 10 PB, drawings $19.95

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HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE Michael A. Cremo & Richard L. ThompsonGraham Hancock,
calls Hidden History Of The Human Race One of the landmark intellectual achievements of the late twentieth century. Condensed from Forbidden Archeology, this edition exposes a major scientific cover-up showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. Paperback, 228 pgs. black & white illustrations, 6 x 9 $15.95

LAND OF OSIRIS Stephen S. MehlerWas there an advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? Were they the people who built the great pyramids and carved the Great Sphinx? Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings? Independent Egyptologist, Stephen S. Mehler, has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions and believes those answers are yes! He has uncovered an indigenous oral tradition that still exists in Egypt, and has been fortunate to have studied with a living master of this tradition, AbdEl Hakim Awyan. He has also been given permission to present these teachings to the Western world, teachings that unfold a whole new understanding of ancient Egypt and have only been presented heretofore in fragments by other researchers. 231 pp., 6 x 9 PB, b&w photos $18.95 LIGHTNING AT THE GATE Jeannie AchterbergThe author has spent more than 25 years researching, teaching, and writing about the use of imagery and guided visualization to treat cancer and other serious diseases. In 1999, she was told that she had ocular melanoma, a rare and often deadly form of cancer of the eye. NEW! This is the remarkable story of her illness and healinga deeply personal memoir that is at turns haunting, humorous, mordant, and exhilarating. Her narrative demonstrates how a combination of critical thought, creativity, inner vision, and friendship can lead to profound healing. The book ends in affirming her core belief that we are healed not by medicine but by the bonds we create with each other: care, love, trust, hope, belief, and all the other invisible facets that have lost favor in modern health care. 272 pp., 6 x 9 $23.95

GENESIS REVISITED Zecharia SitchinSpace travel, genetic engineering, computer scienceastounding achievements that stunning new evidence proves were known to our forefathers millions of yesterdays ago, as early as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. Paperback, 343 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99 GIZA DEATH STAR: The Paleophysics of the Great Pyramid & the Military Complex at Giza Joseph P. FarrellThis is
physicist, Joseph Farrells, amazing book on the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Among the topics discussed in detail in this fantastic book are: An archaeology of mass destruction; Thoth and theories; the machine hypothesis; Pythagoras, Plato, Planck, and the Pyramid; NEW! the weapon hypothesis; encoded harmonics of the Planck Units in the Great Pyramid; the grand gallery and its crystals: gravito-acoustic resonators; the other two large pyramids, the Causeways, and the Temples. Also: a Phase Conjugate Howitzer; Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times; High Frequency Direct Current impulse Technology; How the Giza Death Star Worked; and tons more in this fascinating and technical book! 290 pp. P/B, Illustrated $16.95

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military intelligence operative and author of over a dozen best sellers says not only has the intelligence community been able to perfect invisibility through projects such as the Philadelphia Experiment and the use of Stealth technology, but that such techniques were actually derived from psychic abilities that are a part of psychic occult and religious lore. Paperback, 140 pages. 7x10, B&W photos. $14.95

JESUS, THE LAST OF THE PHARAOHSThe Truth Behind the Mask Revealed Ralph EllisTraces the
history of the Egyptian royal family from the time of Noah through to Jesus, comparing Biblical and Historical records. Nearly all of the biblical characters can be identified in the historical recordall are pharaohs of Egypt or pharaohs in exile. The Bible depicts them as being simple shepherds, but in truth they were the Hyksos, the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. The familiar Biblical story is a history of one family, Abraham and his descendants. In the historical record he is the pharaoh Maybrathe most powerful man on Earth in his lifetime. By such simple sleight-of-hand, the pharaohs of Egypt have hidden their identity, but preserved their ancient history and bloodline. These kings were born of the gods; they were not only royal, they were also Sons of God. Hardcover, 6 X 9, 320 pages, Color Illustrated $24.95

Number 32 ATLANTIS


LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Zecharia Sitchin
The long-awaited companion volume to The Earth Chronicles series that reveals the story of the seeding of humanity by inhabitants of Nibiru, the 12th planet, and the wars of gods and men; offers insight into life on Nibiru; explains why the Anunnaki space beings from Nibiru initially came to Earth and why they eventually abandoned humans to return to their native planet; a culmination of the authors lifes work and research. 352 pp., 6 x 9, b&w illustrations $24.00

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(See page 81) MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS AND CROP CIRCLES Linda Moulton HoweA fascinating adventure through the
magical landscapes of Wiltshire, England and beyond, where beautiful swirled patterns appear from nowhere and luminescent globes dance in and out of existence in front of astonished observers. Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, uses level-headed science and analysis to back up the photographic and anecdotal evidence. P/B, 7 x 5, pp, well-illustrated $19.95

REALM OF THE RING LORDSBeyond the Portal of the Twilight World Laurence GardnerBrings
together for the very first time in one arena the mysteries of the legendary quests for the Ring and the Grail. From Arthurian romance to the world of J. R. R. Tolkien, these stories are enveloped within the magical lore of Elphamehowever, the myths are based on no mere fantasy, but on an engaging and continual history of real characters and events. Time-honored tales of fairies, elves and dragons have long carried a particular fascination which lingers in our collective psychea familiar but historical allure which is rooted in the far-distant realm of the Scythian Ring Lords. Dealing with numerous aspects, from Sleeping Beauty to Robin Hood and Count Dracula, the author reveals how a prestigious sovereign heritage has been strategically suppressed by parliamentary and church dictate, facilitated by a forged document which has controlled all monarchical and governmental practices in Western Europe for over 1,200 years. 405 pp. 6x9 HB. Illus. Index. $26.95

ORION PROPHECY Patrick Geryl & Gino RatinckxIn

the year 2012 the earth awaits a super catastrophe. It is said that Earths magnetic field will completely reverse in one go, phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will comNEW! pletely destroy our civilization, Europe and North America will shift thousands of kilometers northward and end up in a polar clime, and nearly the whole earths population will perish in the apocalyptic happenings. These dire predictions stem from the Mayans and Egyptiansdescendants of the legendary Atlantis. The Atlanteans had highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly predict the previous worldwide flood in 9792 BC. They built tens of thousands of boats and escaped to South America and Egypt. In the year 2012 Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same code-positions as 9792 BC! For thousands of years historical sources have told of a forgotten time capsule of ancient wisdom located in a mythical labyrinth of secret chambers filled with artifacts and documents from the previous flood. We desperately need this information nowand this book gives one possible location. 324 pp., 6 x 9 PB, Illustrated $16.95

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The Incan and Mayan cultures saw themselves as children of light descended from celestial realmsand their prophecies foretell a time of great spiritual awakening. As predicted, the human god-seed is beginning to awaken, and modern civilization is beginning to perceive human poNEW! tential in ways that the ancient cultures accepted as truth. Polich introduces techniques for awakening our own human potential through dreaming, meditations, and the power of sacred sites. The author draws on her extensive research to show how science and contemporary thought are consistent with this ancient knowledge. 176 pp., 6 x 9 PB $14.00

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King expands, with diagrams, on how free energy and anti-gravity are possible. The theories of zero-point energy maintain there are tremendous fluctuations of electrical field energy embedded within the fabric of space. He explains the following topics: Tapping the Zero-Point NEW! Energy as an Energy Source; Fundamentals of a Zero-Point Energy Technology; Vacuum Energy Vortices; the Super Tube; Charge Clusters: the Basis of Zero-Point Energy Inventions; Vortex Filaments, Torsion Fields and the ZeroPoint Energy; Transforming the Planet with a Zero-Point Energy Experiment; Dual Vortex Forms: the Key to a Large Zero-Point Energy Coherence. Packed with diagrams, patents and photos. 224 pp., 6 x 9 P/B, Illustrated $15.95

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the enigmatic priest of the French village of Rennes-leChateau, created his ultimate clue: he went to great expense to create a model of a region said to be the Calvary Mount, indicating the Tomb of Jesus. But the region on the model does not resemble the actual layout of Jerusalem. Did Sauniere leave a clue as to the true location of his treasure? And what is that treasure? After years of research, Andre Douzet discovered this model, never collected from the model maker by Sauniere, who had died just before the models completion. Backed by evidence showing correspondence between Sauniere and the model maker. 6 x 8, 116 pp, pictures and detailed drawings of the model

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SECRET CHAMBER Robert BauvalExplores the deeper layers of the Giza quest for a Hall of Records and makes the linkage between the ancient magical knowledge and the Hermetic Tradition that carried it across the ages and into the mainstream of our modern western intellectual and esoteric tradition. Paperback, 5" x 7", 572 pages $32.95 THE SECRET TEACHINGS - The Book That Separates Fact From Fiction Gene KiefferThe Egyptian Mystery Teachers knew the facts, however. They said: By this book he shall know the secrets of that which happened in the beginning. That sacred book was deciphered a hundred years ago by the British author and genius, Gerald Massey, but his works could not be comprehended by the scholars of his day. Now Masseys discoveries have been published in The Secret Teachings, a unique book whose time has come at last. 622 pgs., 200 illustrations and 1200 references, indexed, Casebound, cloth cover, gold-foil stamped. 7 x 10

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latest research confirms the authenticity of the Bibles Number Code (Gematria) in this latest book of all new material. She delves into the fascinating patterns of time and numbers that reveal, she says, the master plan of the Great NEW! Mathematician to create the Kingdom of God on Earth. Confirming the time-line using the Number Code and the beautiful Golden Proportion is the exciting theme of this book. 200 pp., 5 x 8 PB, Illustrated $14.95

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scholar and secret society member James Wasserman provides compelling evidence that the interaction of the Knights Templar and the Assassins in the Holy Land transformed the Templars from the Popes private army into a true occult society, from which they would sow the seeds of the Renaissance and the Western Mystery Tradition. Both orders were destroyed as heretical some 700 years ago, but Templar survivors are believed to have carried the secret teachings of the East into an occult underground, from which sprang both Rosicrucianism and Masonry. Sects of the Assassins, known as Nizari Ismailis, survive to this day under the spiritual leadership of the Aga Khan. Wasserman strips the myths from both groups and penetrates to the heart of their enlightened beliefs and rigorous practices, delivering the most probing picture yet of these holy warrirors. 336 pages, 6 x 9 P/B $16.95

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STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Zecharia SitchinAfter years of painstaking researchcombining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the Godsand provided astounding new revelations about the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monuments whose true meanings and purposes have been lost for eons. 327 pgs., illustrated, Paperback, $6.99 Cloth, $22.95 THE STARGATE CONSPIRACY Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince Exposes the most insidious and dangerous
plan of our time. Centered on the search for lost secrets of the pyramid builders, this extraordinary true story reveals the links between US scientific intelligence agencies, Mars and ancient Egypt. For almost 50 years, like Frankensteins monster, this conspiracy has been put together from cultishbut astonishingly powerfulbelief systems, culminating in the emergence of a new fundamentalism that is gathering strength by feeding on Millennium fever. The authors claim to reveal the secret agenda that unites apparently independent authors and researchers. Paperback 320 pages $15.00

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book recounts the investigation of a secret in the south of France. As the investigation developed, it became apparent that this puzzle involved Freemasonry...and was uncovering a grand conspiracy. The Questions: Are the Knights Templar and Freemasons related? Do they still exist today? If they were the guardians of the Ark of the Covenant, where is it now? Is there anything else, apart from guarding the Ark, that these people are trying to achieve? And the Clues: the importance of the angle 33; nineteenth-century survey map of Jerusalem; codes hidden within the Masonic Royal Arch ritual; Masonic Grand Officers jewels and the Grand Masters jewel; the fascination that the Masonic ritual compilers had with the number 3; the sacred symbol yodh from the ceiling of the Great Temple in the Grand Lodge of England. 428 pp., 6 x 9 PB, b&w photos and illustrations $19.95

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eye-opening sequel to Sauders best-selling, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? Dr. Sauder lays out the amazing evidence and government paper trail for the construction of huge, manned bases offshore, in mid-ocean, and deep beneath the sea floor. 264 pps. 6x9 PB. Illus. $16.95

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The well-known phrase, Beam me up Scotty, from the popular television series, Star Trek, introduced the public to the idea of Teleportationinstantaneous transport through time and space. Long thought to be the work of over- imaginative writers, the author now takes the subject beyond the void of pure speculation into the realm of 21st Century science. 144 pp, 7 x 10 p/b $14.95

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Number 32 ATLANTIS



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a wide range of topics, Gardner, author of Bloodline of the Holy Grail, portrays an alternate and yet amazingly accurate account of Western history starting with the hidden history of Jesus and the Holy Grail. He also covers the mysteries of the Pharaohs, sacred alchemy and legendary rituals from our cultural past, the Royal Bloodline and the machinations of political intrigues spanning centuries, and more. Based on years of research in the great museums and archives of the Western world, this video debunks much of the Biblical and political dogma that has obscured the truth about our civilization for centuries. 3 hours VHS $24.95

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Overwhelming evidence of the existence of high technology in prehistoric times, this video shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. Now assembled in a devastating onehour documentary, hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J. Douglas Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers such as John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar Evans Cayce and others. One-Hour VHS $19.95

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EVENING WITH ZECHARIA SITCHIN Zecharia Sitchin, internationally acclaimed author of The Twelfth Planet, The Stairway To Heaven and Genesis Revisited to name a few, presents evidence for mankinds extraterrestrial origins and cosmic connections. Sitchin discusses some of the advanced knowledge possessed by the Sumerians nearly 6,000 years ago. Not only did they have the wheel and detailed writings on clay tablets but also wrote of the planets in our solar system and knew the accurate distances between them. 2-hours 2-videos $34.95

Tape 1: Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve
Was there a takeover of the United States by international bankers? In this program you will visit the scene of a crime so perfect that , for thirty years, no one knew it had even taken place. Join us as we investigate the birth of a criminal conspiracy to rob each and every bank vault in America, all at the same time. This is the true, behind-the-scenes story of the birth of the United States Federal Reserve. 50 min. VHS $19.95


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Using state-ofthe-art 3-D animation, deep space photographs and computer-generated images, this spectacular twotape collection explores these cosmic destroyers and exNEW! plains why they have fascinated man for ages and remain popular subjects for hit movies, TV specials and endless speculation. Two Volume Set Approx. 100 Mins $19.95

EVIDENCE: The Case for NASA UFOs This is

the deepest investigation ever made about some breakthrough footage that was filmed by NASA. This footage records high numbers of disc shaped objects, ambiguously classified, and until now, unidentifiable as any known phenomenon. UFOlogist David Sereda spent the past six years conducting scientific investigations with NASA and through other sources about alleged UFO sightings. He is convinced that NASA has evidence of alien contact captured on video now in Sereda's possession and available to the public on these programs. Now, with this comerstonE evidence, Sereda presents this NASA footage and his remarkable discoveries in this two part series. He shows proof of intelligent craft through the process of elimination of other plausible phenomena; fundamental principles of faster than light technology and corroborating evidence found on the disc shaped objects; links to the supposed spacecraft and an identifiable star system. Over 2 hours of coverage. Starring David Sereda and featuring television and film celebrity Dan Akroyd. VHS Part 1 or 2 $19.95 Part 2 $14.95 Evidence SET (part one & two) $24.95


This is not the sensationalized program aired on CBS in 1993 which depicted Noahs Ark protruding from the ice on Mt. Ararat. That program was later shown to have been based on falsified stories, myth, and bogus documents. This is the real Ark site. Noahs Ark has been found. Here is the evidence including photographs and film footage to prove it. With the aid of aerial reconnaissance, technologically advanced sensing devices, controlled chemical analysis, and strict archaeological field work, this program presents the evidence that suggests scientists have indeed found the final resting place of Noahs Ark as described in the Bible: the Book of Genesis. VHS 2-tape set - 120 min. $34.95

CONTACT with the Unknown Intelligence Behind the Crop Circles This visually stunning documentary shows you mysterious balls of light, their intelligent behavior, their connection with the crop circles and their clear interaction with the human mind. Mindblowing images, eyewitness accounts, reconstructions and original pieces of footage providing rock-hard evidence of the presence of highly intelligent, non-human entities. This documentary contains material that will change your view of this world forever. Prepare to watch the most overwhelming evidence ever documented of a non-human, unknown intelligence, present at this very moment in timean intelligence with a plan for mankind. A very informative documentary, superb camera work, spectacular aerial and ground shots of the best crop circles up to and including the year 2000, intriguing eyewitness accounts, reconstructions and authentic footage of the lights. 51 Minutes VHS Video $19.95

HEALING CODES Leonard HorowitzHorowitz is a Harvard graduate, independent investigator, author and internationally known authority on public health education. In this, his most recent video, he presents his evidence and theories about the insidious activities and agendas for global control and population reduction by the powerful secret societies that control most of the worlds money. He calls it biospiritual warfare by the international banksters and traces the history of more than 2000 years of persecution through control of religious and political policies, planned wars and laboratory created diseases which are used to reduce certain undesirable elements of society. 2-tape set, 240 min. VHS $39.95

Number 32 ATLANTIS


HIDDEN AGENDA: Real Conspiracies that Affect Our Lives Today Tragic events throughout our history
have been guided behind closed doors by unseen forces with a Hidden Agenda to manipulate governments and institutions, control the resources of our planet and shape the way we think. This series retraces the history of Real Conspiracies That Affect Our Lives Today. VHS 6-Tape Set - 490 min. $119.95


Yugoslav-made feature film (in English) made 20 years ago. With Orson Wells as J.P. Morgan, the movie tells the story of the young genius as an immigrant to New York and his struggle to bring his fantastic inventions to the public, including his system of towers that would broadcast power into the atmosphere. A great movie on the suppression of technology and free energy! 110 minutes VHS Video

LIFE ON MARS? New Scientific Evidence The

press conference with Tom Van Flandern, former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory and Brian OLeary, former Apollo Astronaut trained for Americas first manned mission to Mars. In this historic press conference, scientists announce the discovery of startling artifacts found among the 65,000 recently released NASA/JPL photos by Mars Global Surveyor. They believe these artificial structures are proof that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent civilization.The Crowned Headthe second face found on Mars;Gigantic perpendicular Tshaped crater; Glass Tubesa network of translucent underground tubes; Giant Trees;Patterns of Arranged Triangles and more. Approx. 1 hr. VHS $19.95

$29.95 THE SECRET NASA TRANSMISSIONS: The Smoking Gun From space shuttle cameras comes startling evidence that We Are Not Alone... On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear to indicate the existence of not one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial life forms. Labeled Phenomena One and Phenomena Two by a man who spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed... 90 Min. VHS $24.95


An impressive televisionstyle documentary tracing the history of Crop Circles to the present with credible theories about their possible meaning, function and origins. Featured experts include Colin Andrews, Prof. Michael Hesemann and Richard Hoagland, to name a few. 90 min. VHS $24.95

PERUS MYSTERY IN STONE A Unique Look at an ancient Enigma Known as Marcahuasi, this region in Peru is one of the planets least explored mysteries! Hundreds of bizarre shapes can be seen on this 12,500 plateau in Northern Peru. Recognizable images from Easter Island, Egypt and perhaps even Mars! Who could have created these images that possibly date back to pre-civilization? The answer from the man who spent 50 years investigating may surprise you! VHS $14.95 QUEST FOR THE LOST CIVILIZATIO N with Graham HancockIn
this acclaimed television mini-series Hancock traverses the world eloquently explaining his theory that a highly sophisticated ancient civilization sailed the planet as early as 10,500 B.C. spreading advanced astronomical knowledge and building ancient monuments and observatories. Hancock points out astounding similarities in giant stone structures in the Egyptian desert and Cambodian jungles, and on Easter Island and in Micronesia. Along the way he points out compelling worldwide evidence of an ancient society of seafarers. All three programs feature spectaular onlocation footage from many of the Earths most mysterious ancient locales. VHS 3-Tape boxed set.

MYSTERIES OF THE GODS with William ShatnerThis

amazing gem, done in the early 1970s is a highly visual excursion around the world, from Easter Island to Carnac to Baalbek and more. This made-for-TV documentary explores many ancient mysteries and the concept of gods from outer space. Shatner takes us around the world to astounding archaeological sites and then shows us impossible artifacts from the past. Finally, Shatner tackles the UFO enigma, including government cover-ups related to UFOs. Rare interviews with figures of the 1960s and 70s. VHS 75 minutes $16.95


A 400-year-old controversy that exists to this very day is explored by Sir Derek Jacobi in this stimulating video. Jacobi provides evidence that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was the man behind the mask of the pen name, William Shakespeare. Explained in the video: Why Edward de Vere was the author who wrote the plays and poems; Why a graindealer named William Shakespeare from Stratfordupon-Avon served as a front man to hide Edward de Veres identity; Why there was a 400-year-old conspiracy to hide the true author, more. 50 Minutes, VHS






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