MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 46 - 10-1-03 - 00495
MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 46 - 10-1-03 - 00495
MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 46 - 10-1-03 - 00495
Team Number: lA
..... ..Ih~ndled thel" ~~~er, which arose from a lead from Dulles.
The investigation lasted for.about 30 days in September 2001. INS/Customs at Dulles
contacted the FBI with information abo,tid lvho had expressed pro-UBL views, was
a convert to Islam, andexhibited bizarre behavior. His practice of Islam was also
interfering with his duties as an INS jnspector at Dulles. INS/Customs was also aware
when they contactedthe FBI that t~ of the'hijackers had gone throug~ lline at
Dulles in the su~ri1er of 200 1. ,/.:' \\ \: j
I I'~~d additional ag,~'~tsconducted~ num~rous interviews '"1~th~O-
workers at INS and his supe~'i;or. They ~ookc¥.at!. _ !milita:r tinr travel
records and conducted surveillance. The mvesnganon showed that as one or
two steps removed from a number of terrorism subjects, such as Rageah, and another
subject in Virginia. I ~hone numberwasalso [inked ito an ~l?a~,doned car at
Dulles that had informa~~,pn ab~~ other terrorism :\uSPfcts. l j .I !
It is possible that the ~jj'~ckersch6s.d 1.~ine>put~fthJ 12 tb /1~ inspectorsthat
would be workin at One time at DuU~s. INS did not fdrce ~o!wear the full INS
..----- ..I~onsulted with the US AttorneY:SQffice,\\iOOtheaPinion was-that there
was not enough to chargel ~~th a crime orhold "~ifp\..o~ ~/h1aterial \yitness warrant.
ti\S:~~::-:.~I·· !was interviewed twice, and submitted to a polygraph. On the questions about
\\':.\~\"'~hether)le had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks or supported the hijackers, he was
:::\\ "::::"
~\~\\ "::::" \:\" ···:~~tiown
tobenon-deceptive. There may have been some discussion about doing another
~,\\\\ "'< .. '.<\" PQ:iygqlph, btit.i~ was not pursued. .
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\\ \ \\ ¥d been at\~ ..~g~t sch~ol.1 fjl~ not -.provide a date for the incident at Dulles.
\\ ", '\ Ihad a per~~~~.Irelati~'fl:ship with Said ~ag~ah. Witnesses reported that there were
\\ private meetings ~t.w.een the ~o at the mosque.j IRageah and their families
\\. traveled together tel ....1 .....
"\I '; kecalled \~t there was a phone link to Anwar Aulaqi. It did not turn out to
\\ be signi"ficant ~~ \. I,did 'not recall the details.
!\ I Ic01d explain hi~'{oreig~ tr~el during the interview. He had also spent time in
':,Israeli controlled areas that contributed to his anti-Israeli views.
I ~id!Wt indicate that'-.he kn~.w that the hijackers had passed through his line. It is
probable tha~ jwould rem~m~eE\USlims going through his line .
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h¥ndl..._ ......lis still expressing his
• -. anti':'American views.
... ---- .....krsonal opinion ~:~t"""'~liiIoWI'It be sure that there is not something
behind all the suspicious coincidences witfi stated that if the
resources were available.he would still cove'
mail contacts." ~- .....
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9/11 Law Enforcement
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