Water Production Problems and Solutions Part I 2

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Water Production Problems and Solutions-Part I

By: K. Aminian
Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Department
West Virginia University
Water production is one of the major technical, environmental, and economical problems
associated with oil and gas production. Water production can limit the productive life of
the oil and gas wells and can cause severe problems including corrosion of tubular, fines
migration, and hydrostatic loading. Produced water represents the largest waste stream
associated with oil and gas production. In the United States, it is estimated
that on
average 8 barrels of water are produced for each barrel of oil. The environmental impact
of handling, treating and disposing of the produced water can seriously affect the
profitability of oil and gas production. The annual cost of disposing of the produced water
in the United States is estimated
to be 5-10 billion dollars.

This article is the first of series of articles that will discuss various aspect of technology
relative to control of water production in oil and gas wells. This first article focuses on
understanding the water production mechanism, causes of water production problems,
and the methodology for identification of the source of the water production problem.
The future topics will include discussion of various technologies for water production
control, selection of an effective treatment technology to control water production, and
technologies for handling the produced water.

Water Production Mechanism
Numerous technologies have been developed to control unwanted water production, but
the nature of the water production must be known in order to design an effective
treatment. Once the water production mechanism is understood, an effective strategy
can be formulated to control water production
. The flow of water to the wellbore can
occur through two types of paths. In the first type, the water usually flows to the wellbore
through a separate path from that of the hydrocarbons. This type of water production
directly competes with oil or gas production. Reducing water production in this case
often leads to increased oil and gas production rates and higher recovery efficiencies.
This type of water production should be the primary candidate for water control
treatments. The second type of water production is water that is co-produced with oil
usually later in the life of a waterflood. Reducing production of this type of water will
result in corresponding reduction in oil production. For water flow to take place in the
reservoir, 3 factors must be present:
1. Source of Water
The sources of produced water include formation water, aquifer, and injected
water. The formation water can be originated from a water saturated zone within
the reservoir or zones above or below the pay zone. Many reservoirs are
adjacent to an active aquifer and are subject to bottom or edge water drive.
Water is often injected into oil reservoirs for pressure maintenance or secondary
recovery purposes. The injected water is one of sources of water production

2. Pressure Gradient
Production of oil and gas from reservoir can only be achieved by applying a
pressure draw-down at the wellbore which create a pressure gradient within the
formation. Production from a fully penetrating and perforated well results in a
horizontal pressure gradient in the formation. However, flow from a partially
penetrated well will result in a vertical pressure gradient near the wellbore as well
as the horizontal gradient in the formation.

3. Favorable Relative Permeability to Water
For water to flow through a zone, the water saturation in that zone must exceed
irreducible water saturation. As water saturation increases beyond the irreducible
saturation, the relative permeability to water increases and relative permeability
to hydrocarbon decreases. Oil, gas, and water flow mainly along the path of least
resistance, which are usually the higher permeability parts of the reservoir. If the
reservoir permeability was uniform throughout the reservoir (horizontally and
vertically), and if the reservoir had a uniform geometry, flow will be along a
simple line into the wellbore. Because of permeability variations, flow of fluids
can be quite complex and not necessarily along the shortest distance to the
wellbore. In water-drive reservoirs and reservoir that are subject to waterflooding,
water sweeps the formation and displaces the hydrocarbon toward producing
wells. In such situations, reservoir heterogeneity can result in water channeling
through high permeability streaks. Examples of reservoir heterogeneity that could
result in channeling include fractures, faults, discontinuous layers, and layering.
Natural fractures, depending on their size, opening and frequency can have
significant impact on fluid flow. Natural fractures are usually caused by tectonics,
and as such may have preferred patterns. Most reservoirs consist of layers of
different permeability either immediately adjacent to each other or separated by
impermeable layers (usually shales). In the absence of barriers, cross flow can
take place between layers. Layering and associated permeability variations are
major causes of channeling in the reservoir. As the water sweeps the high
permeability intervals, permeability to subsequent flow of the water becomes
even higher in those intervals and lower permeability intervals remain upswept.
This leads to premature water breakthrough. Channeling can be further
exacerbated by lower water viscosity as compared to oil particularly during

Causes of Water Production Problems
Water production causes can be divided into several categories including mechanical,
completion related, and reservoir related problems.

1. Mechanical Problems
Poor mechanical integrity of the casing such as holes from corrosion, wear and splits
due to flaws, excessive pressure, or formation deformation contribute to casing leaks.
Often casing leaks occur where there is no cement behind the casing.
Casing leak
results in unwanted entry of water and unexpected rise in water production. In addition,
the water entry in the wellbore can cause damage to the producing formation due to fluid

2. Completion Related Problems
The common completion related problems are channel behind casing, completion into or
close to water zone, and fracturing out of zone.
2.1. Channels behind Casing
Channels behind casing can result from poor cement-casing or cement-formation
Channels behind casing can develop throughout the life of a well, but are
most likely to occur immediately after the well is completed or stimulated.

2.2 Completion into or Close to Water Zone
Completion into the zones where water saturation is higher than the irreducible water
saturation allows the water to be produced immediately. Often, impermeable barriers
(e.g., shale or anhydrite) separate hydrocarbon-bearing strata from water saturated
zone that could be the source of the excess water production. However, the barriers
can breakdown near the wellbore and allow fluid to migrate through the wellbore.
Even if perforations are above the original water-oil or water-gas contact, proximity
allows production of the water to occur more easily and quickly through coning or

2.3. Fracturing out of Zone
When wells are hydraulic fractured, the fracture often unintentionally breaks into
water zones.
In such cases, coning through hydraulic fracture can result in
substantial increase in water production. In addition, stimulation treatments can
cause barriers breakdown near the wellbore as mentioned above.

3. Reservoir Related Problems
The main reservoir related problems are channeling, coning, and depletion.
3.1. Channeling
As was discussed earlier water channeling is caused by reservoir heterogeneities
that lead to presence of high permeability streaks. Fractures or fracture-like features
are the most common cause of the channeling. Water production could emanate via
natural fractures from underlying aquifers. Induced or natural fracture fractures can
cause channeling between wells. In unfractured reservoirs often stratification and
associated permeability variations among various layers can result in channeling
between an injector and a producer or from an edge water aquifer to the producers.
Deviated and horizontal wells are prone to intersect faults or fractures. If these faults
or fractures connect to an aquifer, water production can jeopardize the well.

3.2. Coning
Water coning is caused by vertical pressure gradient near the well. The well is
produced so rapidly that viscous forces overcome gravity forces and draw the water
from a lower connected zone toward the wellbore. Eventually, the water can break
through into the perforated or open-hole section, replacing all or part of the
hydrocarbon production. Once breakthrough occurs, the problem tends to get worse,
as higher cuts of the water are produced. Although reduced production rates can
curtail the problem, they cannot cure it. Cusping, in an inclined zone up to a vertical
well, and water cresting in horizontal wells are similar phenomena to water coning.

3.3. Reservoir Depletion
Water production is an inevitable consequence of oil or gas production. There is very
little that can be done to reduce water production in a depleted reservoir. Generally
at the later stages of production the focus of water control will shift from preventing
water production to reducing cost of produced water.

Problem Identification
Numerous technologies are available for controlling unwanted water production. Each of
these technologies has been developed for certain types of water production problems.
The appropriate selection of the water control technology depends on the correct
identification of the water production problem. Water production problems often are not
properly diagnosed. In fact, incorrect, inadequate, or lack of diagnostics have been cited
as one of the major reasons that water control treatments have been ineffective.
reasons for inadequate diagnostics include incorrect assumption that all water
production problems can be treated by one type of treatment, uncertainty about the
methodology for diagnosing water production problems, and lack of time or money to
perform the diagnosis on marginal wells. However, diagnosis of water production
problems in most cases can be performed with information already available from
routine surveillance of the reservoir and the well conditions. Methodology for
identification of source of water problems and candidate selection for specific types of
treatment have been discussed in a number of technical articles.
Based on the
extensive reservoir and completion engineering studies and analyses of many field
applications, Seright et al categorized the various types of water problems and proposed
a guideline for performing effective water problem diagnosis
. This proposed
methodology is summarized Figure 1 and will be discussed here.

Figure 1. Guidelines for Performing Effective Water Production Problem Diagnosis
Is A Water
Is the Problem
caused by
Casing Leak?
Is the Problem
caused by
Channel behind
the Casing?
Is the Problem
caused by
YES Solution Solution YES
YES Solution
Is Crossflow
NO Solution
The first step is to determine if a water production problem is present. Generally, a
sudden and unexpected increase in water cut is an indicator of water production
problem. Plots of water/oil or water/gas ratio versus time can provide a valuable
indication of when water production problem has developed. Chan proposed using log-
log plots of water-oil ratio (WOR) and time derivative of WOR versus time to differentiate
types of water problem.
However, WOR diagnostic plots can easily be misinterpreted
and should therefore not be used alone to diagnose the specific cause of a water
production problem.
If water breakthrough is experienced early in the life of the well,
completion problem should be examined first for possible reason. If water entry is
experienced later in the life of the well, mechanical or reservoir problems should be
considered. As was mentioned before, all oil and gas reservoir inevitably experience
increase in water production when they are nearly depleted. Therefore, it is important to
evaluate if sufficient amount of hydrocarbons is remaining in the vicinity of the well to
economically justify any treatment. Generally, the wells that are at the final stages of
production or later stages of a waterflood are not appropriate candidates for water
control treatments.

The second step is to determine whether the water production problem is caused by
casing leaks or by channels behind casing since they are relatively easy and routine to
The most common method used to diagnose casing leak problems is mechanical
integrity test. This test is conducted by pressuring up the tubing-casing annulus and
observing whether the pressure holds or not. To isolate casing leaks, pressure testing is
typically conducted using a retrievable bridge plug and packer. Cement bond logs that
are produced by various types of acoustic logging tools are the most common method
for evaluating the condition of the cement and diagnosing the problems associated with
channels behind casing. Casing and cement condition can be also evaluated and
monitored by a number of different types of logging tools. These logging methods
include multi-fingered caliper logs, electrical potential logs, electromagnetic inspection
devices, noise logs, temperature surveys, borehole televiewers, spinner surveys,
radioactive tracer surveys, and production logging.

The next step is to determine whether fluid flow around the wellbore is radial or linear.
Linear flow is associated with channeling through fracture-like features, while radial flow
is associated with flow in unfractured reservoirs. A number of methods are available to
determine whether flow around a wellbore is linear or radial. Seright et al proposed an
inexpensive and simple diagnostic method based on Injectivity/productivity calculations
as follows:

141.2 ln( )
141.2 ln( )

The calculations can frequently provide an indication of the flow geometry near the
wellbore even though they may not always distinguish between radial and linear flow. In
addition core and log analyses, pulse tests, pressure transient analyses, and interwell
tracer studies have been used to determine whether flow around a wellbore is linear.
Relatively inexpensive interwell tracer studies provide much better resolution of reservoir
heterogeneities than pressure transient analyses. Interwell tracer can indicate presence
of fractures and if those fractures are the cause of a channeling problem.

Next, the possibility of crossflow between reservoir strata must be addressed once
fracture-like features are ruled out as the cause of water production problems. If fluids
can crossflow between adjacent water and hydrocarbon strata, effective technologies for
water production control exist. In contrast, the treatments will be generally ineffective
when fluids can crossflow between adjacent strata.
Several methods are used to
assess whether crossflow exists between strata, including pressure tests between
zones, various logs for determining fluid saturations, permeability, porosity, and lithology,
injection/production profiles, simulation, and seismic methods. The most common
method is to test the pressure differences between zones. Commonly, a packer is
placed between two zones and one of the zones is allowed to pressure up. If a
significant pressure can be maintained across the packer, effective barriers to crossflow
exist between the zones. If a pressure difference cannot be maintained, crossflow
between the zones may occur.
1. G. Di Lillo and P. Rae: New Insight into Water Control- A Review paper SPE 77963
presented at SPE Asia pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia,
8-10 October, 2002.

2. Seright, R. S., Lane, R. H., and Sydansk, R. D.: A Strategy for Attacking Excess Water
Production, SPE Production and Facilities (August 2003) 158-169.

3. Reynolds. R.R.: Produced Water and Associated Issues Oklahoma Geological Survey Open-
File Report 6-2003, 2003

4. M. Azari, M. Soliman, and N. Gazi: Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Excess Water and Gas
ProductionSPE 37810 presented at the SPE Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain, 15-18 March,

5. Chan, K.S.: Water Control Diagnostic Plots, paper SPE 30775 presented at the SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Oct. 22-25, 1995.

6. Pappas, J ., Creel, P., and Crook, R.: Problem Identification and Solution Method for Water
Flow Problems, paper SPE 35249 presented at the 1996 Permian Basin Oil & Gas Recovery
Conference, Midland, March 27-29.

7. Love, T. et al.: Problem Diagnosis, Treatment Design, and Implementation Process
Improves Waterflood Conformance, paper SPE 49201 presented at the 1998 SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sep. 27-30.

8. Soliman, M.Y. et al.: Integration of Technology Supports Preventive Conformance Reservoir
Techniques, paper SPE 62553 presented at the 2000 SPE/AAPG Western Regional
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