New Beastiary Descent 2014

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Descent Monsters PAGE 1/16 Name Bane Spider &idin' Spider Arach*)ra Spider +a,e Spider Spiderlin' Goblin

Archer Goblin "icher Goblin G)ard Goblin Berserker Goblin .anatic Goblin S/)i' Herder Goblin "arlock Goblin "arrior 0rc Archer 0rc G)ard 0rc Soldier 0rc "arrior 0rc Shaman Black 0rc Archer Black 0rc G)ard Black 0rc Soldier Black 0rc "arrior Black 0rc Shaman +haos 0rc Archer +haos 0rc G)ard Side 1 Hate D-ar,es Hate D-ar,es% Ma'ic MV Health Armor ! 1 # ( 1 ! 1 Attack "G "GB "G "GB Abilities Poison Poison% "eb Mo)nt Mo)nt% Poison Base #$# #$# 1$# 1$# #$# #$# #$# #$# 1$1 1$1 1$1 1$1

Descent Monsters

SETTINGS PAGE #/16 Name +haos 0rc Shaman Skeleton "arrior Skeleton Archer Skeleton Ma'e Skeleton &eaper Skeleton G)ard 2ombie 0o3e Black P)ddin' Mimic +hest Ar)mba*a Basilisk +himera &)st Monster Siren 0're Archer 0're G)ard 0're Soldier 0're "arrior 0're Shaman 0're "arlord 4roll Archer 4roll G)ard 4roll Soldier

1 Attack

MV Health Armor

Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities


Side #

Descent Monsters 4roll "arrior 4roll Shaman 4roll "arlord SETTINGS PAGE (/16 Name +onstr)ct &an'ed A5 Melee Attack &an'ed Attack Melee Attack Beastman +haos Beastman +haos 0're Gar'o*le G)n Ma'e Me'a Skeleton Demon 8ord Greater Demon Demon Prince Bloodthirster Greater Demon 09 +haos Bloodletter Demon 09 +haos :)''erna)t Demon 09 +haos Demon Vampire +haos Beast +haos M)tant Side ( 1$1 1$1 1$1 1$1 !$7 !$7 4 1 1 Attack 6 6 6 6 Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities 6 6

MV Health Armor 6 6 6 6 6 6

Base #$# ($(

Descent Monsters <eeper o9 Secrets Greater Demon 09 +haos Blood Ape Dark Priest +haos Sorceror SETTINGS PAGE !/16 Name Dra'on .erro$ Giant Golem Hell ho)nd ;ce "*rm "ere "ol9 <obold 8a,a Beetle Manticore Med)sa Na'a &a3or-in' Shade Ni'htmare Sorceror "endi'o Bar'hest +arrion Drake Side ! 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters Great "*rm +r*pt Dra'on Elemental Ettin .ire ;mp .lesh Mo)lder Giant SETTINGS PAGE /16 Name H*brid Sentinel Merriod Pla')e "orm Shado- Dra'on Vol)cri$ &ea,er ;ron Golem Shado- Golem +a,e S/)i' Giant Bat Giant &at Giant "ol9 "ild Boar "ol9 +old 0ne Horned 0ne 4erradon Salamander Side 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters Ste'adon Dra'on Great Dra'on Emperor Dra'on .ro3en Horror Gri99on Harp* H*dra Polar "arbear SETTINGS PAGE 6/16 Name Stone 4roll "*,ern =eti >n'or Beastman Gor Beastman Besti'or Beastman +enti'or +enta)r Beastman +hampion Beastman +hei9tain Beastman Shaman <horn'or +hampion Pesti'or Beastman Pesti'or +hampion +haos Dra'on Side 6 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters +haos Ho)nd +haos Spa-n +haos 4roll Dra'on 0're 0're Sha''oth Minota)r Minota)r 8ord .)r* Demon 09 +haos Prince o9 <horne Prince o9 N)r'le SETTINGS PAGE ?/16 Name Prince o9 43eentch Bloodho-ler Demon 09 +haos .lesh ho)nd Demon 09 +haos N)r'lin' Demon 09 +haos Pla')ebearer Demon 09 +haos N)r'le Beast Demon 09 +haos Great >nclean 0ne Greater Demon 09 +haos Side ? 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters Daemonette Demon 09 +haos Slaanesh .iend Demon 09 +haos Slaanesh Steed Demon 09 +haos Pink Horror Demon 09 +haos Bl)e Horror Demon 09 +haos 43eench .lamer Demon 09 +haos 43eench Screamer Demon 09 +haos SETTINGS PAGE 7/16 Name 43eench Disc Demon 09 +haos 8ord o9 +han'e Greater Demon 09 +haos <et) Gor'on +haos Ma)rader +haos "arrior +haos Archer +haos <ni'ht Aspirin' +hampion Side 7 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters +haos 8ord E$alted Sorceror <horne +hampion E$alted +hampion 8ord o9 <horne N)r'le +hampion 8ord o9 N)r'le Slaanesh +hampion 8ord o9 Slaanesh 43eench +hampion 8ord o9 43eench Brethren +)ltist Dark So)l M)tant SETTINGS PAGE @/16 Name Possessed Black 0rc Boss 0rc "arboss Goblin 4emplar Goblin Boss Goblin +hie9tain Goblin Netter 0rc Sla,er 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Side @

Descent Monsters Goblin Noiser Goblin S/)i' Hopper 0rc Bi'B>n 0rc Sa,a'e <iller 0rc Sa,a'e Archer Snotlin' Herd Dro- "arrior Dro- +orsair Dro- +rossboDro- "itch Dro- Shado-er Dro- E$ec)tioner Dro- <ni'ht Dro- Black G)ard Dro- +hampion Dro- +ommander Dro- Dark 8ord

SETTINGS PAGE 1A/16 Name Dro- Beastmaster Dro- Assassin .imir "arrior .imir Noble .imir Dirach .imir Mear'h

1 Attack

MV Health Armor

Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities


Side 1A

Descent Monsters Sa)r)s Skink Skink "arrior Sa)r)s 4emplar Skink +amo <ro$i'or Skink +hampion Sa)r)s +hampion Sa)r)s Scar Sa)r)s 0ldblood Skink Priest Slann Ma'e ;ce Gremlin Ska,en &at Sla,e &at S-arm Storm,ermin Ska,en +hampion Ska,en +hie9 Ska,en 8ord SETTINGS PAGE 11/16 Name Gre* Seer Vermin 8ord Ni'ht &)nner G)tter &)nner Side 11 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters &at Assassin Pla')e Monk Pla')e &ats +enser Bearer Pla')e Priest "ind Globadier &atlin' G)nners "arp9ire 4eam :e33ail 4eam "arlock En'ineer Packmaster M)tant &at &at 0're Banshee Dark Spirit "raith Gho)l .lesh Golem Gelatino)s +)be Necromancer M)mm*

SETTINGS PAGE 1#/16 Name 4omb 8ord 8ich Priest

1 Attack

MV Health Armor

Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities


Side 1#

Descent Monsters 4omb Scorpion Bone Giant +arrion Giant Bone Dino Doom "ol9 8ich Skeleton <ni'ht Skeleton Ma'e Skeleton "arrior Skeleton &eaper >ndead <ni'ht Death kni'ht Vampire Bat "i'ht "i'ht 8ord "in'ed Ni'htmare 2ombie .armer 2ombie Dra'on Skeleton Dra'on Vampire 4hrall Vampire +o)nt Vampire 8ord Doom 4rite


1 Attack Side 1(

MV Health Armor

Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities


Descent Monsters Doom Hell <ni'ht Doom Pink Demon Doom +*berdemon Doom 2ombie Doom Arch,ile Mind .la*er +arrion +ra-ler Android ;ntellect De,o)rer 2oat Stone An'els +haos D-ar9 "arrior +haos D-ar9 Ps*ker +haos D-ar9 General +haos D-ar9 Berserker +haos D-ar9 En'ineer +haos D-ar9 Sniper H)man +i,ilian +haos Sla,e +apt)red Ma'e +lo)d o9 .lies Dark Mist Genie Side 1!

Descent Monsters SETTINGS PAGE 1!/16 Name D-ar9 8ord D-ar9 Priest D-ar9 Mechanist B)ll +enta)r 8ord D-ar9 Noble D-ar9 "arrior D-ar9 En'ineer D-ar9 Acrol*te Boar +enta)r D-ar9 ;mmortal D-ar9 Archer El,en Ma'e El,en Militia El,en S-ordsman El,en 8oremaster El,en G)ard El,en <in' El,en Sil,erhelm El,en Dra'on Ma'e El,en Dra'on Prince El,en Shado- "arrior El,en Sisters El,en Phoeni$ G)ard Great Ea'le Side 1 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters .lamin' Phoeni$ Blink Do' SETTINGS PAGE 1 /16 Name Panther 8ion Balor Demon S)cc)b)s Ghost +la* Golem Hippo'ri9 Ha' Harp* Hom)nc)l)s Phase Spider "*,ern Giant Bee 4i'er "arlock Doom Manc)b)s 4omb G)ard Ma'ister Prince o9 Slaanesh +haos 0rc "arrior M)d Golem Deep El9 Side 16 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Descent Monsters Harp* &i,er 4roll +haos 0rc Soldier Dro- Sorceress SETTINGS PAGE 16/16 Name M)mm* <in' Doom ;mp Mephit 4arras/)e "illCoDC-isp Black Bear Do' Snake S/)id 4oad "easel Giant Ant S+ Ahriman S+ 4ro'dor S+ Vermin S+ B)33saS+ Drac)la S+ Splinter 4 1 1 Attack Hero number, difficulty and act Set at last pa'e 1 pa'e 16 Abilities

MV Health Armor


Side 1?

Descent Monsters

SETTINGS +)rrent scalin' 1 Ma$ pa'e n)mber 17 !


4 1 1

En)mber o9 heroes e$cl5o,erlord% de9a)lt !% ma$ 7F Ethe le,el/di99ic)lt* o9 the monsters 1 G standard% # G bron3e% ( G sil,er% ! G 'old% G diamond% 6 G lie)tenant% 7 G a,atarF

c)rrent stat)s as o9 9ebC#A1!C#!

Side 17

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