2013 PIL Syllabus

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The key takeaways are that the course covers fundamental principles of public international law and distinguishes international law from municipal legal systems. It also exposes students to practical exercises on international legal issues.

The main topics covered in the course include the nature of international law, sources of international law, personality and jurisdiction under international law, state responsibility, and resolution of disputes.

The assessment requirements for the course include recitations and quizzes (20%), a mid-term exam (20%), a moot court exercise (20%), and a final exam (40%).


Course Title: No. of Units: Semester/ SY: Department/Track: I. Public International Law 2 Second Semester, 2013-2014 International Law Instructors: Dean Sedfrey M. Candelaria Atty. Luisa Legaspi Rosales Atty. Dani Bolong


Course Description The course will cover the fundamental legal principles governing relationship among states and other entities in international law. It will distinguish the main function of international law from the operation of municipal legal systems. Specific application of international law will be made in regard to the Philippine setting. Students will also be exposed to practical moot exercises on international legal issues. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: synthesize public international law and facts into meaningful order; identify relevant facts and recognize fact patterns; and pursue further studies or careers with a basic knowledge of public international law Methodology case-analysis clinics apprenticeships, internship, externships debates essay writing field visits (e.g. court visits, observations) film showing, with processing hypothetical cases- problem solving inter-disciplinary study/discussions lecture-recitation legal writing: brief-making, contract drafting, etc. guest lectures, with dialogues group/team projects individual/group reports and presentations mooting participatory class discussion practical class exercises: reflection/ meditation research and interviews seminars, conference, workshops simulations/role play (of actual legal practice) law teaching/training experience (e.g. street law) Others: Others: Others:

II. COURSE OUTLINE and MATERIALS Principal References: JOAQUIN G. BERNAS, S.J., INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW (2009 ed.) JAMES CRAWFORD, BROWNLIES PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW (2013) A. Introduction 1. Nature of International Law B. Sources of International Law 1. Treaties 2. State Practice: Custom 3. Domestic Law: General Principles of Law and Application of International Law by Domestic Courts C. Personality Under International Law 1. States 2. International Organizations 1


Individuals and Corporations

D. Jurisdiction of States 1. Territory 2. Adjacent Maritime Areas 3. Jurisdiction over Persons and Economic Activities (a) Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction (b) Immunity from Jurisdiction i. State Immunity and Act of State ii. Diplomatic and Consular Immunity iii. Immunities of International Organizations 4. Areas Not Subject to the Jurisdiction of Individual States E. Responsibility of States 1. General Principles of Responsibility 2. Responsibility for Acts Affecting Individuals (a) Traditional International Liability (b) International Protection of Human Rights (c) The Taking of Property: Nationalization and Expropriation 3. Responsibility for Environmental Harm 4. International Claims F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (a) General (b) The Laws of War (c) The Concepts of Self-Defense and Self Protection (d) The Legality of Reprisals (e) Humanitarian Intervention (f) Terrorism 2. Judicial and Arbitral Settlement (a) International Court of Justice (b) Non-Judicial Topics / sub-topics: A. Introduction 1. Nature of International Law Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 1-7. ROSALYN HIGGINS, PROBLEMS AND PROCESS: INTERNATIONAL LAW AND HOW WE USE IT 1-38 (1996) H.L.A. HART, THE CONCEPT OF LAW 77-96 (1986). Recommended Readings: Michael Payne, Hart's Concept of a Legal System, 18 WM. & MARY L. REV. 287 (1976). Jack Goldsmith and Daryl Levinson, Law For States: International Law, Constitutional Law, Public Law, 122 HARVARD L. REV. 1791 (2009). Module 2 Topics / sub-topics: B. Sources of International Law 1. Treaties Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 8-10, 15-18, 23-57. PHIL. CONST. art. 7 20-21; art. 8 4; art. 18 25. Office of the President, Providing for the Guidelines in the Negotiation of International Agreements and its Ratification, Executive Order No. 459 (Nov. 25, 1997). Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, May 23, 1969, 1155 UNTS 331. Bayan v. Zamora, G.R. No. 138570, Oct. 10, 2000. Lim v. Exec. Secretary, G.R. No, 151445, Apr. 11, 2002. Pimentel v. Executive Secretary, G.R. 158088, July 6, 2005. 2

Module 1

Constantino v. Cuisia and Del Rosario, G.R. No. 106064, Oct. 13, 2005. Abaya v. Ebdane, G.R. No. 167919, Feb. 14, 2007. Pharmaceutical v. DOH, GR 173034, Oct. 9, 2007. The Province of North Cotabato v. GRP Peace Panel, G.R. No. 183591, Oct. 14, 2008. Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (2008) Bangsamoro Framework Agreement (2012) Bayan Muna v. Romulo, G.R. No. 159618, Feb. 1, 2011. China National Machinery v. Santamaria, G.R. No. 185572, Feb. 7, 2012. Reservations to the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports, 1951) Interpretation of Peace Treaties Case (Second Phase, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 221, 1950) Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Jurisdiction, United Kingdom v. Iceland, I.C.J. Reports, 1974) Danube Dam Case (Hungary v. Slovakia, 37 ILM, 1998) Sei Fujii v. California (242 P. 2d 617; 19 ILR 312, 1952) Module 3 Topics / sub-topics: B. Sources of International Law 2. State Practice: Custom Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 10-15 Llamzon, The Generally Accepted Principles of International Law as Philippine Law: Towards a Structurally Consistent Use of Customary International Law in Philippine Courts, J.D. Thesis SY 2001-02, 47 Ateneo L.J. 243 (2002) Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 104768, July 21, 2003. The Paquete Habana (175 U.S. 677, 1900) The Asylum Case (Colombia v. Peru, 17 I.L.R. 28; I.C.J. Reports, 1950) North Sea Continental Shelf Case (I.C.J. Reports, 1969) Nuclear Test Cases (Australia v. France; New Zealand v. France, I.C.J. Reports, 1974) Nicaragua v. U.S. ( I.C.J Reports, 1986) Dissenting Opinion of Judge Tanaka in the South-West Africa Cases (I.C.J. Reports, 1966) Higgins, The Advisory Opinion on Namibia: Which U.N. Resolutions are Binding Under Article 25 of the Charter? Module 4 Topics / sub-topics: B. Sources of International Law 3. Domestic Law: General Principles of Law Application of International Law by Domestic Courts Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 17-19, 58-70. PHIL. CONST. art. 2 2. Tanada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18 Mijares v. Hon. Ranada, GR 1393325, April 12, 2005 International Status of South-West Africa, Opinion of Sir Arnold McNair (I.C.J. Reports 128, 1950) Filartiga v. Pena-Irala (630 F. 2d 876, 1980) Trendtex Trading Corporation v. Central Bank of Nigeria (1 All E.R. 881, 1977) Module 5 Topics / sub-topics: C. Personality Under International Law 1. States State Succession Principles Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 71-86, 98-100. Case Concerning Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (I.C.J. Reports, 176, 1952) Report of the Fifth Committee of First Assembly of the League of Nations, with reference to Admission to the League of Liechtenstein (6 December 1920) Tinoco Arbitration, 1923 3

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Territories and Peoples (U.N. G.A. Res. 1514 (XV), 14 December 1960) Western Sahara Case (Advisory Opinion, I.C. J. Reports, 1975) International Status of South-West Africa (Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports, 1950) Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South-West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 of 1970 (I.C.J. Reports, 1971) Module 6 Topics / sub-topics: C. Personality Under International Law 2. International Organizations Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 87-89, 93-97. PHIL. CONST. art. 2 2. Charter of the United Nations, Articles 1, 2, 7, 104 Reparations for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations (I.C.J. Reports, 1949) European Economic Community Treaty, Article 211 European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 1991 Module 7 Topics / sub-topics: C. Personality Under International Law 3. Individuals and Corporations Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 101-02. Ebdalin, The International Criminal Court: An Overview, 46 Ateneo L.J. 318 (2001) Vazquez, Direct v. Indirect Obligations of Corporations under International Law, 43 Colum. Journal of Transnatl. L. 927 (2005) The Province of North Cotabato v. GRP Peace Panel (supra.) Judgment of the Nuremberg Tribunal Dispute between Texaco Overseas Petroleum Co./California Asiatic Oil Co. and the Government of the Libyan Arab Republic (Compensation for Nationalized Property, Arbitral Awards on the Merits, 19 January 1977, 17 I.L.M., 1978) Module 8 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 1. Territory Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 103-116. PHIL. CONST. art. 1. Diagram of Construction of Baselines Divisions of the Continental Margin (illustration) DFA Policy Paper No. 15 (on Sabah Claim) Coquia, The South China Sea Dispute The Spratlys Treaty Limits of the Philippines (illustration) South China Sea: Selected Claims (illustration) New Baselines Law (R.A. 9522) Magallona v. Executive Secretary, GR 187167, August 16, 2011 Island of Palmas Case (Netherlands v. U.S.A., 2 R.I.A.A. 829, Permanent Court of Arbitration Legal Status of Eastern Greenland (P.C.I.J. Reports, series A/B, No. 53, 1933) Western Sahara Case (Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports, 1975) Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944 Fisheries Case (United Kingdom v. Norway, I.C.J. Reports, 1951) The Corfu Channel Case (I.C.J. Reports, 1949) 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Articles 3, 8 Module 9 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 2. Adjacent Maritime Areas Required Readings/Assignments: 4

BERNAS, 119-131. PHIL. CONST. art. 2 2. People v. Tulin, GR 111709, August 30, 2009 North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Germany v. Denmark/Holland, 8 I.L.M. 340, 1969) Gulf of Maine (Canada/USA, I.C.J. Reports, 1984) Libya/Malta Continental Shelf Case (I.C.J. Reports, 1985) 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Article 76 Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (U.K. v. Iceland, Merits, I.C.J. Reports, 1974) 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Articles 55, 56, 57, 211, 123 Module 10 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 3. Jurisdiction over Persons and Economic Activities (a) Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 132-91. PHIL. CONST. art. 2 2. Table of RP Extradition Treaties Procedure on Extradition under P.D. 1069 The Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction Govt. of U.S.A. v. Hon. Purganan, GR 148571 Sept. 24, 2002 Govt. of Hongkong v. Olalia, GR153675, April 19, 2007 The S.S. Lotus (2 World Court Reports, 1920) A97, UNCLOS The Attorney-General of the Government of Israel v. Eichmann (36 I.L.R. 277, 1962) In the Matter of the Requested Extradition of Joseph Patrick Thomas Doherty (7 Vand. J.T. L., 1984) Philippine Extradition Law (P.D. 1069) Secretary of Justice v. Hon. Lantion (G.R. No. 139465, October 17, 2000) Secretary of Justice v. Muoz (G.R. No. 140520, December 18, 2000) Rodriguez v. RTC of Manila (GR 157977, February 27, 2006) Montreal Convention of 1971- Article 8(2) R.Y. Jennings, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the United States Antitrust Laws; Sherman Act of 1890 and Federal Trade Commission Act and Clayton Act of 1914 Module 11 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 3. Jurisdiction over Persons and Economic Activities (b) Immunity from Jurisdiction i. State Immunity and Act of State Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 198-203. PHIL. CONST. art. 16 3. Sanders v. Veridiano, 162 SCRA 88 U.S. v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 Chuidian v. Sandiganbayan, GR 139941, January 19, 2001 Dayrit v. Phil Pharmawealth, GR 169304, March 13, 2007 Professional Video v. TESA, GR 155504, June 26, 2009 ATCI v. Echin, GR 178551, October 11, 2010 Gunigundo v. Sandiganbayan, GR 124772, August 14, 2007 Victory Transport Inc. v. Comisaria General de Abastecimientos y Transportes (35 I.L.R., 110 U.S.C.A. 2d Circ., 1994) Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Venne (22 D.L.R. (3d) 669, 1972) t. I1 Congreso del Partido- Cuban Sugar Trade (2 All E.R. 1064, 1981) Trendtex Trading Corporation v. Central Bank of Nigeria (1 All E.R. 881, 1977) Philippines: Pinochet Case (House of Lords, November 25, 1998) Module 12 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 5

3. Jurisdiction over Persons and Economic Activities (b) Immunity from Jurisdiction i. Diplomatic and Consular Immunity Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 203-22. Excerpts from the DFA 1997 Manual on Immunities and Privileges Minucher v. CA, 214 SCRA 242 Republic of Indonesia v. Vinzon, 405 SCRA 126 Nicolas v. Romulo, GR 175888, February 11, 2009 U.S. Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (U.S. v. Iran, I.C.J. Reports 3, 1980) Regina v. Palacios (7 D.L.R. 112, 4th, 1984) Holy See v. Rosario (238 SCRA 524) Indonesia v. Vinzon (GR 154705, June 26, 2003) Deutsche v. CA (GR 152318, April 16, 2009) DFA v. NLRC (262 SCRA 39) Lasco v. UN (241 SCRA 681) WHO v. Aquino (48 SCRA 242) ICMC v. Calleja (190 SCRA 130) Liang v. People (G.R. 125865, January 28, 2000) Sps. Lacierda v. Platon (GR 157141, August 31, 2005 ) Module 13 Topics / sub-topics: D. Jurisdiction of States 4. Areas not Subject to the Jurisdiction of Individual States Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 116-18, 129-31. 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Articles 87, 97 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Definition of Piracy, Article 101 Declaration of Principles Governing the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof, Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction Resolution 2749 XXV (1970) 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Part XI Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in Exploration of Outer Space and the Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies (1967) Convention on Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (1972) Module 14 Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 1. General Principles of Responsibility Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 227-30. International Law Commission Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Articles 1-10, 19 Youmans Case (RIAA iv. 110, 1926) Caire Claim Case (France v. Mexico, French-Mexican Claims Commission, RIAA v. 516, 1929) Home Missionary Society Case (RIAA vi. 42, 1920) Module 15 Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 2. Responsibility for Acts Affecting Individuals (a) Traditional International Liability Required Readings/Assignments: United States (Chattin) v. Mexico (4 R.I.A.A. 282, 1927) The Law of Responsibility of States for Damages Done in Their Territory to the Person or Property of Foreigners, 23 Am. J. Intl L. 131-239 (1929) Supplement: Codification of International Law. Module 16 Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 2. Responsibility for Acts Affecting Individuals 6

(b) International Protection of Human Rights Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 248-66. U.N. Charter, Articles 1(3), 55, 56 Mejoff v. Director of Prisons (90 Phil. 70) Marcos v. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668; 178 SCRA 760 International School v. Quisumbing, GR 128845, June 1, 2000 Republic v. Sandiganbayan, GR 104768, July 21, 2003 CB Employees v. BSP, GR 148208, December 14, 2004 Sec. of National Defense v. Manalo, GR 180906, October 7, 2008 Reyes v. CA, GR 182161, December 3, 2009 Rubrico v. GMA, GR 183871, February 18, 2010 BOAC v. Cadapan, GR 184461-62, May 31, 2011 Biraogo v. Truth Commission, GR 192935, December 7, 2010 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and Optional Protocols 1 and 2 International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights (1966) Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1969) Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (1981) and Optional Protocol (2000) Convention against Torture (1987) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) and Optional Protocols on Sale, Prostitution and Pornography (2002) and Children in Situations of Armed Conflict (2002) Migrant Workers Convention (2003) South-West Africa Cases, Second Phase (I.C.J. Reports, 1966, Dissenting Opinion of Judge Tanaka)

Module 17

Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 2. Responsibility for Acts Affecting Individuals (c) The Taking of Property: Nationalization and Expropriation Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 247. United Nations Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, 1962, U.N.G.A. Resolution 1803 (XVII) United Nations Resolution 3171 (XXVIII) on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, Dec. 17, 1973 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, 1974, U.N.G.A. Resolution 3281 (XXIX) Proposed Amendment to Article 2 of Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States Texaco Overseas Petroleum Co./California Asiatic Oil Co. and the Government of Libyan Arab Republic (Compensation for Nationalized Property, 19 January 1977, 17 I.L.M. 1)

Module 18

Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 3. Responsibility for Environmental Harm Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 138-40. Oposa v. Factoran DENR v. Concerned Residents, GR 171947, December 18, 2008 Ma. Socorro Manguiat, The Right to Cleaner Air: Strategies for Pollution Control in the Light of Existing Laws (1993) (unpublished J.D. thesis, Ateneo de Manila University) (on file with the Professional Schools Lobrary, Ateneo de Manila University). The Trail Smelter Arbitration (3 R.I.A.A.1905, 1938/1941) The Corfu Channel Case (supra.) The Stockholm Principles (1972) U.N.G.A. Resolution 2995 (XXVII) U.N.G.A. Resolution 2996 (XXVII) International Law Association Resolution 1972 United Nations Environment Program: Governing Council Decisions Concerning Policy 7

Objectives, 12 I.L.M. 1183 (1973) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, A/CONF.151/5/Rev.1, 31 I.L.M. 874 (1992) Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1989 Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes Module 19 Topics / sub-topics: E. Responsibility of States 4. International Claims Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 141-50, 219, 246. Vinuya v. Romulo, GR 162230, April 28, 2010 United States [North American Dredging Co. of Texas] v. United Mexican States (4 R.I.A.A. 26, 1927) Dissent of Judge Nielsen in the subsequent case of International Fisheries Co., (Nielsens Opinions 207, 1931) The Tattler (United States v. Great Britain, Nielsen Rep. 489, 1920) The Panevezys-Saldutiskis Railway Case (Estonia v. Lithuania, P.C.I.J. Series A/B, No. 76, 1939) Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala, I.C.J. Reports 4, 1955) Case Concerning the Barcelona Traction (Belgium v. Spain, I.C.J. Reports 3, 1970) Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Peter L.F. Sabbatino (376 U.S. 398, 1964) Alfred Dunhill of London Inc. v. The Republic of Cuba (425 U.S. 682, 48 L.Ed. 2d.301, 1976) Buttes Gas and Oil Co. and Another v. Hammer and Another (3 W.L.R. 787, H.L., 1981) Module 20 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (a) General Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 295-98. Grotius, On The Rights of War and Peace (1901) General Treaty for the Renunciation of War Briand-Kellogg Pact (1928) Charter of the United Nations, Articles 2 (3) (4), Articles 39-42 General Assembly Resolution 3314 XXX on the Definition of Aggression Pro-democratic Invasion Module 21 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (b) The Laws of War Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 307-19. Module 22 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (c) The Concepts of Self-defense and Self-protection Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 298-301. Charter of the United Nations, Article 51 Module 23 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (d) The Legality of Reprisals Required Readings/Assignments: 8

BERNAS, 301-02. Module 24 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (e) Humanitarian Intervention Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 302-06. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003) Reconstruction of Iraq Module 25 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 1. Use of Force (f) Terrorism Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 317-19. Koechler, The United Nations, The International Rule of Law and Terrorism Candelaria, de Guzman and Patdu, The Legal Concept of Terrorism and Its Implication under International and Municipal Law, 51 Ateneo L.J. 823 ( 2007) Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, G.R. No. 178552, Oct. 5, 2010. Module 26 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 2. Judicial and Arbitral Settlement (a) International Court of Justice Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 271-94. Statute of the ICJ Module 27 Topics / sub-topics: F. Resolution of Disputes 2. Judicial and Arbitral Settlement (b) Non-judicial Required Readings/Assignments: BERNAS, 268-70. Del Monte v. CA, GR 136154, February 7, 2001 LM Power v. Capitol, GR 141833, March 26, 2003 Frabelle v. Philamlife, GR 158560, August 17, 2007 Gonzales v. Hon Pimentel, GR 167994, January 22, 2007

III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING SYSTEM Course Requirements Recitations and Quizzes Mid-term Exam Moot Court Final Exam Grade Breakdown 20% 20% 20% 40%

IV. COURSE POLICIES 1. Eating and drinking inside the classroom are not allowed. 2. Excuse letters must be approved by the Dean to warrant any cancellation of missed quiz or recitation. 3. All electronic devices must be on silent mode during class. 9


CONTACT AND OTHER INFORMATION 1. Dean Candelaria: 899-4373 c/o Elizabeth San Pedro or email [email protected] or [email protected] 2. Atty. Rosales: 09228970433 or email [email protected] Angela Feria: 09175370685 or email [email protected] 3. Atty. Bolong: 09178050887 or email [email protected] Johanne Bautista: 09178618181 or email [email protected] 4. Consultation upon appointment. 5. The professor reserves the option of amending the reading list and assignments as exigencies warrant.


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