Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie,: DBE Crime Writer Romances Hercule Poirot Miss Jane Marple Tommy and Tuppence
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie,: DBE Crime Writer Romances Hercule Poirot Miss Jane Marple Tommy and Tuppence
hosts" #e $laime% to ha&e seen a !host, %es$ribe% as an elemental i!ure% $o&ere% with spots, when he was i&e years ol%" #e also $laime% to ha&e been stran!le% by a mysterious phantom in 'ublin"
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, DBE (born Miller; 15 September 1890 12 January 1976) wa an En!"# $ %r#me wr#ter o& no'e" , $ort tor#e , an( p"ay ) S$e a" o wrote #* roman%e un(er t$e name Mary Westmacott, but $e # be t remembere( &or t$e 66 (ete%t#'e no'e" an( 1+ $ort tory %o""e%t#on $e wrote un(er $er own name, mo t o& w$#%$ re'o"'e aroun( t$e #n'e t#!at#on o& u%$ %$ara%ter a ,er%u"e -o#rot, .# Jane .arp"e an( /ommy an( /uppen%e) S$e a" o wrote t$e wor"(0 "on!e t1runn#n! p"ay, The Mousetrap)213
(hilomel )otta!e-*!atha )hristie +his no&el is about a $ouple,who ha% marite% only one month a!o"+his $ouple is orme% by a woman name% *li,,an% a !uy name% -eral% Martin"*li, has a returnin! %ream,in whi$h her earlier lo&e 'i$k .in%i oy% kills her husban%,an% she lays in his arms"/ne %ay -eral% !oes %own into the &illa!e,an% the helper,an% ol% man is there an% tells *li, that,he $ome,be$ause he hear% that tomorrow they will !o to 0on%on"*li, ne!s it ,an% oun% her husban%1s notebook in the !rass,in whi$h are written %ates,an% or that %ay it1s written 9pm"-eral% asks her to ollow him to his little house where he works with photo!raphs"-eral% as$ertain that *li, hear% about that,they !o tomorrow to 0on%on an% postpones the work"*li, in%s out later,that -eral% is not -eral%,he is a serial killer,an% the %ates in his notebook are not business %ates,rather the %ates on whi$h the women were kille%"2he makes a tri$k to $all 'i$k .in%i oy% an% he makes a psi$holo!y !ame,in whi$h she tells -eral% ,that she were a nurse an% she ha% more husban%s an% kille% them,she tells -eral% that she !a&e him poison"*t nine o1$lo$k '3$k an% the poli$eman in% -eral% %ea% in his $hair" +he 4nlu$ky +heatre - 5liott /1'onnell +his story is about an irish man Ferna!han"#e hears about 6the unlu$ky theatre6,people say ,that there are !hosts in"#e meets the boss o the theatre"#e enters there to stay a ni!ht,but there happen stran!e thin!s"*ppear !hosts ,an% he is ri!htene%"#e tells the boss all he saw "