Skin Rashes Seen After Eating in A Seafood Restaurant

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Presented by:
Christelle Primaleon
Amanda Redillas
Christian Pontanares
Kimleigh Reyes
Myca Pua
Nathaniel Sim
Ramon Ramos
Patients complain
Skin rashes seen after eating in a seafood restaurant
Skin rash as one of the most common hypersensitive reaction which can also be seen in other
illness such as measles
IgE test is requested since the doctor suspects that it might be caused by the food ingested by
the patient in the seafood restaurant
Serologic test
Assay type: Radio Immunosorbent assay (RIST)
Name of test: Hexagon IgE
Antibody used: Polyclonal antihuman IgE
Antigen detected: Total human IgE





Manner of reporting: Positive

Interpretation: (red violet line on both Control zone and Test zone)
Probable diagnosis: Type 1 hypersensitive reaction (immediate allergic reaction)
Is there a way to detect specifically the cause of the hypersensitivity? If yes how?
Is hypersensitivity permanent or can it disappear after a while?
What are common allergens that can cause hypersensitivity
What is the sensitivity and specificity of the RIST assay
What can cause a false positive result
Answers to the question
Yes, using the RAST assay which is done by reacting the IgE antibody found in the specimen
with the known allergens and a radiolabeled antihuman IgE which would result to an Ag-Ag-Ab
dye complex indirect
Hypersensitivity can disappear through time and can be tested in the lab by skin test
Pollen, Mold, Animal dander, Dust mites, Foods (milk, peanuts, eggs) medications. Latex,
Insect venoms
90% specificity and 100% sensitivity which means that the test is accurate in detecting elevated
IgE levels but has a low probability that a false result can occur
Specimens with high concentrations of rheumatoid factors may yield false positive


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