European Handball Unit

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RATIONALE Handball is a dynamic and innovative team sport, requiring coordination, creativity and tactical understanding.

Although relatively new in an Australian context, Handball has increasingly gained popularity, and a number of clubs exist in NSW alone. Handball is an excellent sport to teach at a primary level as it requires student to combine locomotor and non-locomotor movements in increasingly complex sequences. The sport requires proficiency in the following fundamental movement skills: Throwing Catching Running Jumping These skills are highly transferrable across a range of sports and will provide students with a solid foundation for performance in other sports, such as netball, basketball and soccer.

PDHPE OUTCOMES MOS 2.4- Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations GSS2.8 Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sports

PDHPE INDICATORS Throws overarm proficiently Practises and refines movement skills in a variety of games Demonstrates efficient ways of using equipment while working cooperatively with others Demonstrates a range of skills in practices and modified games



There are two goals, one at each end of the court. The ball is played with the hands. There is a center line separating the court in half crosswise. There is a goal crease which defensive players cannot enter. There is a goal keeper in each net. There are no restrictions on how the goal keeper plays the ball. They may use any part of their body. A player can only hold the ball for a few seconds then passes, shoots or dribbles. There can be one or two referees officiating the game. Sometimes there is a penalty throw. There is a doffed line which is respected by players only after a referee has whistled a minor infraction. The court is defined on all four sides with lines. When the ball crosses the line it is considered out of bounds and is brought into play with a pass. After each goal, the ball is brought back to the middle as in the beginning of the game. There are more players on the court than volley-ball or basketball but less than soccer. Light body contact is allowed. Severe contact and holding is penalized with a 2 minute suspension.



Revised to Suit Elementary Level A team sport, six against six - 5 court players, 1 goalie. No player except the goal keeper is allowed to enter the goal area. The ball is played with the hand, but may also touch any other part of the body except the feet. This results In a free-throw for the other team from the point of infraction. Cannot dive for the ball on the ground, it must be picked up otherwise this results In a free throw for the other team from the point of infraction. After a goal is scored a throw-on is awarded at center court to the teams scored upon. The throw-on also occurs at the beginning of the game and half time. Mode of travel; 3 steps, 1 bounce plus 3 more steps - is the farthest that can be traveled at 1 time - then a pass or shot must be taken. If an offensive player's shot hits the goalie or goal posts, or cross bar and comes out of the goal area, the ball is still in play. If it hits the wall behind the goal it is a goalie's ball even it if deflects off the goalie first. But if the ball goes off of any other defending court player and hits the wall, it becomes a comer throw-on for the offensive team, (similar to corner kick in soccer). Body contact; a player may stand his ground to prevent an attacker from breaking through the defense - but he may not run into a player. A player may not strike a ball from another player's hands. Penalty shot results from hitting a player illegally when he has a clear chance of scoring.




1. General Remarks
Catching the ball is an essential technical element in handball. Accurate catching is very important and ensures a fast, smooth and efficient game. Catching the ball with two hands is the best method. In some situations one can use one hand with the help of the other hand before passing or shooting. So-called putting down a ball is rarely used. The softness of catching the ball is another feature of catch ing. Fingers must be relaxed and properly placed on the ball providing shock absorption during impact. An additional element, which is important while catching, is the speed of movement and the proper positioning of a player in regard to the path of a ball. There are some positions:

frontal position, rarely used in the game sidewards, quite often used in the game backwards almost facing the path of the ball the most frequently used position in fast attack

Emphasis should be placed on teaching the last two positions.

When teaching how to catch the ball, we must remember that players... - should keep their eyes on the ball until they have caught it. - must spread their fingers, inner palms to the ball, and slightly bend their elbows. - while catching the player must assume a posture required to pass. - should always move to the ball, without waiting. - should not correct the catch.

1. General Remarks
This is one of the basic, technical elements. A pass must be accurate, fast and Tactically useful. Accurate, so that a player has no problems when catching the ball. A decision to whom a pass should be directed depends on the players position in a particular situation. A pass should be directed to that player, whose position may menace the opponent.

2. Types of Passing
Depending on the particular situation we pass: - standing - while running - with jump (preliminary stride) - with vertical jump In regard to performance we divide passing into: one hand pass both hand pass upper upper half-upper half-upper near hip lower lower in particular situations Teaching how to pass we remember... - to pass with the right and left hand. - that passing should be as simple as possible, without additional moves. - that the ball must be passed in front of a player, taking into account the players speed. - that the pass should be performed while running.

to practise short and long passing, taking into account the particular situation on the playing field.

Shots are one of the most important elements of handball. They are vital elements that decide the scores. While shooting the muscles of the lower and upper limbs, pelvic region and trunk are extremely engaged. One can assume that shooting is performed similarly to passing, but with a stronger action of the trunk and upper limbs. The shot power is conditioned by the distance and hand action time on a ball. The greater the distance that the hand on the ball covers in the time unit the stronger the shot will be (a ball reaches a higher velocity) performed. The names of shots have been derived from the way the players move on the court and the position of his/her body to the ground. In handball there are the following shots: 1. Shot in Place (Fig. 2) 2. Leaning Back Shot (Fig. 3) 3. Vertical Jump Shot (Fig. 4+5) 4. Stride /Jump Shot (Fig. 6) 5. Shot While Falling 6. Situational Shots (in particular situations)

European Handball Lesson 1/8

Location: COLA Lesson 1 introduces European Handball to students and focusses specifically on developing the throwing, catching and bouncing skills required in the game. EQUIPMENT: DIAGRAM: 20 volleyballs/European handballs any soft, medium sized ball will do Cones

WARM UP Clumps 5 mins Rules: Students move randomly about a designated playing space. On a signal, stop the group and call out a number and a body part. Students have to form a group of the
designated number with the designated body part touching another student.

SKILL Throwing and catching 10 minutes DEVELOPMENT Overview Introduce the concepts of throwing and catching in European handball to students. Make reference to the throwing/catching guide in the booklet above. In lines,
have students execute approx. 30 throws and catches to their partner.

GAME: 10 point challenge 15 minutes Prep: Divide students into mixed ability groups of 3. Move to a space with a wall/flat surface where a ball can bounce off. Note if this space is not available, this game can be modified so that partners throw to each other and need to catch the ball one handed/with non-dominant hand etc, or students can count how many passes can be made without dropping the ball. Aim: To introduce European handball throwing and catching, improve reaction time and spatial awareness. Rules: Play against a wall. One of the 3 students throws the ball as hard as possible against the wall. The one who catches the ball gets 2 points, if he/she catches the ball
before it touches the floor. If the ball has touched the floor you only get 1 point. The student who caught the ball, must then throw.

GAME: Musical handballs - 25 mins Prep: Set up a large rectangle approx. 10 x 15m. Show students how to bounce the ball correctly and indicate that this skill is known as dribbling. Aim: The aim is for the children to maintain ball control while bouncing the ball continuously combining manipulative and locomotor skills Rules: simultaneously.
All the students take a ball and run around bouncing it within a restricted area. While you are running around you must keep control of your own ball and at the same time try to knock the other student`s balls out of their control. If you lose the ball get it back as quickly as possible and continue to play. The students run around with a ball as above, however, at the teacher`s signal, all students put their ball down, but carry on running around. The teacher then removes one ball and at his/her signal all the students must try to get a ball. The student who doesn`t get a ball must run to the other end of the hall and come back, before he/she gets his/her ball back.

COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 2/8

Location: COLA Lesson 2 further refines throwing, catching and dribbling skills and introduces the concept of aiming at a target.
Braids/bibs European handball 30 x tennis balls (1 bucket) DIAGRAM: For 10 Passes:

For tiger ball:

For bombardment:

WARM UP - Shadow tag 8 minutes Rules: In pairs, one partner stands behind the other. On the go signal the front partner, the dodger jogs around the court, maki ng quick changes of direction. The other partner is the shadow chaser and tries to follow as closely as possible to the dodger wi thout touching him or her. The shadow chaser needs to see how many times they can step on their partners shadow in the time given. On the whistle both partners stop and freeze. If the shadow chaser is standing in the dodgers shadow, then they get a bonus two points. Play for one minute and then swap roles. SKILL Dribbling- throwing and catching 10 passes game 15 minutes DEVELOPMENT Prep Divide students into 2 teams. Set up a rectangle with four cones. Give one team braids and keep the other without. Scatter teams throughout the rectangle. Rules: Each team tries to make 10 passes consecutively. The ball may not be returned to the person from whom it has been received. Ten completed passes in a sequence scores one point. The opposition try to intercept the ball, steal it away, etc. as in handball. Progressions: Gradually introduce the other basic rules of handball. First, introduce the 3 second rule students may only hold the ball for 3 seconds. After this, introduce the 3 step rule students may only take 3 steps in total with the ball. GAME: Tiger ball 15 minutes Prep: Divide students into groups of 10. Ask students to stand in a circle. Select two students from each group to be tigers. Aim: Steal balls, intercept passes, develop reaction times. Rules: 7 players stand in a circle with 2 tigers in - side the circle. Those two are trying to intercept the passes. (credit time or award onepoint for every ball stolen) Pass to the player standing next to oneself is not allowed. - Passing at head height, direct, indirect, left or right-handed passes are allowed. GAME: Bombardment 13 minutes Prep: Set up a rectangle as in 10 passes. Place one basketball/European handball on a cone in the middle of the rectangle. Clearly delineate two opposing lines. Aim: The aim is for the students to throw the tennis balls at the ball on the cone in order to move the b all off the cone and over their oppositions line. Rules: Underarm or overarm throws may be used, however overarm throws are encouraged. The ball must pass the oppositions line in order for the other team to win. Students must not move off their attacking line. COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 3/8

Location: COLA Lesson 3 focusses on evading opponents in European Handball while still focussing on fundamental throwing, catching and dribbling. EQUIPMENT: DIAGRAM: Garbage bin For bin throw: Bucket of tennis balls

For run the gauntlet:

For team turnaround ball:

WARM UP Bin throw 10 minutes Rules: Provide each student with a ball. In small groups, students form a ten metre circle around a bin or target. Each group member continually throws the ball at the bin/
target. Groups aim to hit the bin/ target as many times as they can within a set time frame. Students can pick up any ball (not just their own) to continue throwing.

SKILL Evasion Shadow tag 10 minutes DEVELOPMENT Overview In pairs, one partner stands behind the other. On the go signal the front partner, the dodger jogs around the court, maki ng quick changes of direction. The other
partner is the shadow chaser and tries to follow as closely as possible to the dodger wi thout touching him or her. The shadow chaser needs to see how many times they can step on their partners shadow in the time given. On the whistle both partners stop and freeze. If the shadow chaser is standing in the dodgers shadow, then they get a bonus two points. Play for one minute and then swap roles.

GAME: Run the gauntlet - 15 Prep: Set up a rectangle with clear boundaries marked out by cones. Divide students into two teams using braids. Give each student a tennis ball. Aim: The aim of the game is for the students on team A to reach the other end of the rectangle without being hit by a ball thrown by team B. Rules: Team A stands at the top of the rectangle Team B stand on either sides of the rectangle. Only hits below the hip count Team A must run off the line within 5 seconds. If hit, students join the sidelines and attempt to eliminate their teammates. Any hard hits should be banned. GAME: Team turnaround ball 20 minutes Prep: Keep the same rectangle used in run the gauntlet, however add a hoop at either end of the rectangle. Ask students to remain in their designated teams. Aim: The aim is for the members of one team to try to keep the ball from the members of the other team through passing, dribbling and moving about as per the basic


rules of handball. After making 10 successful passes, students may have a shot at throwing the ball into the hoop area. If the ball hits the hoop area, that team scores 1 point. The ball is awarded to the opposing team if a team member holds the ball more than three seconds, takes more than three steps or allows the ball to go out of the designated area. The team with the most points wins.

COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 4/8

Location: COLA EQUIPMENT: Bucket of tennis balls Basketball Volleyball Big ball Bean bag Other balls of varying sizes Cones Braids DIAGRAM:

WARM UP Rats and rabbits 7 minutes Rules: Students work with a partner. Partners sit with their backs to each other approximately a metre apart in two separate lines. One line is called Rats and the other Rabbits. The teacher or a designated student then calls, Rats or Rabbits. The people in the group called stand and run over a line about 5 metres away. The partners chase and attempt to tag them. The game then begins again GAME: Aim, shoot, fire! 18 minutes Prep: Place objects of varying sizes e.g. tennis ball, basketball, volleyball, big ball- on cones along the bottom step of the COLA. Assign each ball a point value, with the smallest objects having the highest value and the largest balls having the lowest point value. Organise students into teams of 4-6. Set out 4-6 cones in a line and have each team line up behind a cone. Aim: The aim is to use overarm handball throwing techniques to successfully aim at and hit the objects off the cone. Rules: Only one person per team may have a go at firing the ball at any one time. Each child gets one turn, then goes to the back of the line and passes the ball to the next recipient and so on. The game finishes upon conclusion of the firing period e.g. 2 minutes of firing time or when all objects have been successfully knocked off the cone. GAME: Bench ball 30 minutes Prep: Place two benches approximately 20m apart and divide the COLA in half using cones. Divide students into 2 teams. Aim: The idea of the game is for players to throw the ball to their goalie without it being caught by the other team. Rules: Both teams choose a goalie, who stands on the bench in the opposition's half of the court. Teams aim to throw the ball to the goalie on the other side of the court without it being intercepted by the opposition team. As teams score goals, the scoring player joins the goalie on the bench. Children pass the ball between themselves until someone decides to shoot. COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 5/8

Location: COLA Lesson 5 refines skills in evasion, throwing and catching, and specifically focusses on the development of dribbling skills. EQUIPMENT: DIAGRAM: Soft euro handball style balls for each student For sting ball: Cones 2 boxes/benches Braids

For king ball:

WARM UP Freed by the bounce 8 minutes Rules: Every player moves around the COLA area by dribbling a ball. 3-4 players (without a ball) try to touch every dribbling player. If a player gets touched he/she stands in a straddle position. Another player who has to bounce the ball through the legs can free him up from this position.

SKILL Tricky dribbling 7 minutes DEVELOPMENT Overview: Players dribble/bounce the ball in various body positions (sitting, kneeling, etc.) Players dribble/bounce with one hand and jump up and down on the opposite leg Players dribble the ball through/under obstacles Players dribble/bounce two balls in sync. GAME: Sting Ball 20 minutes Prep: Mark out 2 circles as seen above. Place one student in the inner circle, 2 in the outer ring as defenders and the rest of the students outside. One ball is used. Aim: The students on the outside must try to hit the middle student with the ball. Rules: The two outer ring students must try to block the shots at the student on the inside circle. The student who hits the middle student then has to change places with GAME: King Ball 20 minutes Prep: Place 2 boxes or benches at opposing ends of the COLA. Divide students into two teams and have each team select a goalie who will stand on the box/bench. Aim: Teams score goals by passing the ball to the goalie on the box. Rules: Teams work to pass the ball to one another to get the ball down to the team goalie.
Variations: Points can only be scored if a student makes a jump shot as in normal handball Teams must make 5 passes before being able to score

him. However, if the middle student manages to catch the ball, he is not out. The teacher must ensure that the passes are fast and that the students change places.

COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 6/8

EQUIPMENT: Cones European handball Braids Location: COLA Lesson 6 introduces the defensive techniques of tackling and blocking. DIAGRAM: For blocking relay:

For hoop handball:

WARM UP Traffic lights 8 minutes Rules: Students begin by jogging around area. Teacher is to call out a series of commands which students are to follow:

Red - Stop Yellow - Run on the spot Green - Run around the area

Roundabout - turn round once Motorway - sprint (leave until a bit later in the warm-up) Speedbump - jump and carry on.

SKILL Tackling/blocking 5 minutes DEVELOPMENT Overview: Refer to the material below to advise students on correct technique to use when blocking and tackling:

Blocking: GAME: Relay with blocking 10 minutes Prep: Place two cones at the top of the COLA and divide students into 2 teams. Place 2 cones approx. 20m away from the cones at the top of the COLA. Have each team line up behind one of the cones at the bottom of the COLA. Select two students to be blockers. Aim: Each student will attempt to run up and around the cone. At the cone they will be met by a defender and will need to using blocking techniques to Rules: return to their team line. The student who returns first scores a point for their team. GAME: Hoop handball 32 minutes Prep: Set up a playing rectangle. Mark out two end zones using cones. Ask students to remain in their allocated teams. Aim: The aim of the game is for teams to pass the ball down to the end zone, where a hoop will be placed. To score a point, teams must make a jump shot and the ball must bounce in the hoop. Enforce the 3 second rules Rules:
Enforce the 3 step rule Blocking and tackling are allowed Note this is a whole group game.

COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 7/8

Location: COLA EQUIPMENT: 1 soft ball 2 European handballs 4 goal nets Cones Braids DIAGRAM: For round robin handball:

WARM UP Catch me if you can 8 minutes Rules: Have the players find their own place in the play area. Choose one player as "it" and they take the sponge ball. The game is played by "it" throwing the ball at another player, where the hit player would become "it" and have to take the job of throwing the ball. To make the game more interesting, specify a certain style of throwing, I.e. underarm, left-handed etc. GAME: Small sided handball round robin 47 minutes (including drink breaks, explanations and rotations) Prep: Set up 2 half sized European handball courts. These courts should be approx. the size of an average netball court. Mark out the corners of the rectangle and place cones on the halfway sidelines. Place a goal net at each end of each court. Divide students into 4 teams and give them a braid. according. The aim is to score a goal in the nets using a jump shot. The team with the most goals wins. Aim: Each team will partake in a 10 minute game against another team. After 10 minutes, teams will rotate clockwise to the next net to play a new Rules: team. Normal handball rules will apply 3 seconds with the ball, no more than 3 steps and need to dribble the ball. Encourage students to self referee, or if this is not feasible, appoint a responsible student to act at the game referee for each game.

COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

European Handball Lesson 8/8

Location: COLA EQUIPMENT: 1 European handball 2 goal nets Cones Braids DIAGRAM: Handball court:

WARM UP Sideways tag 8 minutes Rules: 3 students are selected as taggers. All other students stand on the homeline. The aim of the game is to run from one side of the court to the other without being tagged. The major difference between this game and other forms of tag is that the taggers can onlymove sideways. GAME: Full court handball round robin - 47 minutes Prep: Set up the full sized European handball court as per the diagram. This court should be approx. the size of two netball courts. Mark out the corners of the rectangle and place cones on the halfway sideline. Place a goal net at each end. Divide students into 4 teams and give them a Aim: The aim is to score a goal in the nets using a jump shot. The team with the most goals wins. Rules: Two teams at a time will play in a 5 minute game against another team. After 5minutes, teams will swap around. A suggested draw is shown below:

o T1 v T2 o T3 V T4 o T1 V T4 o T2 V T3 o T2 V T4 o T1 V T3 Normal handball rules will apply 3 seconds with the ball, no more than 3 steps without dribbling the ball and need to dribble the ball. Teacher to act as referee The two teams on the sideline at any one time may either watch and encourage their friends or take part in a game of tiger ball (see above) COOL DOWN (5 MINUTES) Static stretching - 5 minutes

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