Three Day Lesson Plan

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Title | Course

Hypothesis Check List, Forensic Science

. State Standards:

SWBAT: Identify and explain the differences between the three major types of drugs and explain the misconceptions and common myths, which accompany them. Compare and contrast the differences between Physical and Psychological drug dependences with a focus on how their long-term use can affect growth as an adolescent, and when proper medical attention should be sought

Comment [1]: !"#$%&'($")$*+$,%--".-$/$ 0.'"#1"#&2%$*+$-+.2(%-03%4$"56%'207%-8$ 9(0'($(&7%$5%%.$&4&12%4$)#"*$2(%$-2&2%$ "56%'207%-:$

Michigan State Standards on Health Education o 2.1 Describe the short-term and long-term health consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. o 2.2 Clarify myths regarding the scope of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among adolescents.

Background Knowledge: Misconceptions:

Students should know that drugs could be tested for by Police Officers at the scene of a crime. There are ways to pass a drug test. Eating/Chewing gum will alter the readings of a breathalyzer test Drugs have no affect on adolescent growth

Glogster Drugs Hallucinogens Depressants Stimulants

Comment [2]: ;+$04%.20)+0.<$'"**".$ *0-'".'%120".-$2(&2$*+$-2=4%.2-$*&+$ %.'"=.2%#8$/$&*$&5,%$2"$&4&12$*+$,%--".-$ 2"9&#4-$2(%0#$.%%4-:$>(0-$&,-"$&,,"9-$*%$2(%$ "11"#2=.02+$2"$'#%&2%$&$-2=4%.2$'%.2%#%4$ ',&--#""*$5+$1#%%*1207%,+$04%.20)+$2#"=5,%$ &#%&-:$

4 Posters, Marker, Computers, Rulers, Project Description

Differentiated Instruction:
Students will participate in a Think, Pair, Share, Activity, where they will be allowed the opportunity discuss using scientific language. Students will take part in a writing assignment, where they will display their ideas and possible solution to a scientific experience. Students will incorporate technology into their Drug projects, to show difficult to understand scientific processes.

Comment [3]: /$'".2"=#$%&'($,%--".$0.$ "#4%#$2"$2#+$2"$#%&'($2(%$.%%4-$")$*+$ 7&#0"=-$2+1%-$")$,%&#.%#-:$$

Do Now (Opener):
During the first 5 minutes of class students will drop off their homework from the night before into the box, and begin working on their Do Now question. Why do some people use drugs? How do drugs affect people? Are there safe drugs to use? During this time I will begin taking attendance, and collecting their homework. After this initial 5-minute period I will begin walking around the room stamping their Do Now questions, as we discuss the potential answers.

Comment [4]: ;+$0.'"#1"#&20.<$ 2%'(.","<+$0.2"$*+$',&--#""*$*+$ ?0.%-2(%20'$,%&#.%#-$&#%$&5,%$2"$-(0.%:$@(0,%$ 2(%$#%-2$")$*+$-2=4%.2-$&#%$&5,%$2"$-("9$"))$ ("9$2%'(.","<+$(%,1-$2(%*$,%&#.:$ Comment [5]: ;+$(&70.<$&$4&0,+$#"=20.%8$ -2=4%.2-$&#%$&5,%$2"$%.2%#$0.2"$2(%$ ',&--#""*$&.4$A=0'?,+$-%22,%$4"9.:$>(0-$&,-"$ (%,1-$2(%$-2=4%.2-$2"$5%'"*%$*"#%$-%,)$ #%,0&.28$-0.'%$2(%+$&#%$#%A=0#%4$2"$10'?$=1$ 2(%0#$*0--0.<$&--0<.*%.2-$)#"*$2(%$5"B:$

After discussing our Do Now question, we will begin working on our Hypothesis Checklist. I will present the students with the following question. You are a 21-year-old college student who has just attended your first party. You have had a fun night out with your friends, who have convinced you to drink and smoke pot. Feeling hungry, you decided to drive to the local McDonalds where you are pulled over entering the McDonalds parking lot. What do you do? Is there a way to beat this inevitable drug test? From here they will be required to write a short Hypothesis explaining their answer, using the Claim, Evidence and Reasoning model. For the evidence section the students will write down questions that they may need answered, in order to identify if their claim is correct. They will then participate in a Think Pair Share activity, with the rest of their table. Each student will explain their Claim Evidence and Reasoning, then as a group they will write a combined Claim Evidence and Reasoning. The groups will then share their ideas out loud as I place them onto the white board, which will later be transferred to a poster board on display in the classroom. I will work to monitor the discussions and circulate around the room, to assist with individual group problems.

Comment [6]: ;+$(&70.<$*=,201,%$>(0.?$ C&0#$D(&#%$&'207020%-8$/$&*$&5,%$2"$5=0,4$&$ -2#".<%#$',&--#""*$'"**=.02+:$>(0-$0-$ -2#%.<2(%.%4$5+$(&70.<$*+$-2=4%.2-$&22&'?$ 04%&-$."2$-2=4%.2$#%-1".-%-:$

During the last 15 minutes of class I will hand out the rubric for their Glogster Drug project. They will then have the remainder of the hour to identify a drug of their choosing, and outlining their projects. By the end of the day the students will have to tell me their group members and their groups drug choice.

Exit Ticket:
Groups must tell me their members and choice of drug.

Practice Opportunities:
Students will begin working on their Glogster projects, and connecting with my account online.

Lab Safety Hazards:

None Today

Comment [7]: ;+$'(%'?0.<$*+$-2=4%.2-$ =.4%#-2&.40.<$&2$2(%$%.4$")$%&'($,%--".8$/$ &*$&5,%$2"$'".2"=#$*+$,%--".$)"#$2(%$.%B2$ 4&+:$

Reflections on Teaching
Make sure to allow about 45 minutes to complete the hypothesis checklist if this is rushed the students are unable to share all of their ideas.

Lesson Subject to Change

Title | Course | Date

Venn Diagram/ Notes, Forensic Science

. State Standards:

SWBAT: Identify and explain the differences between the three major types of drugs and explain the misconceptions and common myths, which accompany them. Compare and contrast the differences between Physical and Psychological drug dependences with a focus on how their long-term use can affect growth as an adolescent, and when proper medical attention should be sought

Michigan State Standards on Health Education o 2.1 Describe the short-term and long-term health consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. o 2.2 Clarify myths regarding the scope of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among adolescents.

Comment [8]: E7%.$9(%.$/$&*$2%&'(0.<$&$ '"=#-%$2(&2$4"%-$."2$(&7%$02-$"9.$-2&2%$ -2&.4%#-8$/$&*$&5,%$2"$1=,,$)#"*$*=,201,%$ 40-'01,0.%-:$$

Background Knowledge: Misconceptions:

Students should know that drugs could be tested for by Police Officers at the scene of a crime. There are ways to pass a drug test. Eating/Chewing gum will alter the readings of a breathalyzer test Drugs have no affect on adolescent growth

Glogster Drugs Hallucinogens Depressants Stimulants Physical Drug Dependence Psychological Drug Dependence Adolescent Growth

Venn Diagrams, Marker, Computers, Chapter 5 PowerPoint

Differentiated Instruction:
Students will participate in a Venn Diagram Activity, where they will be allowed the opportunity discuss using scientific language. Students will take part in a writing assignment, where they will display their ideas and possible solution to a scientific experience. Students will research the difference between psychological and Physical drug dependence on the computer.
Comment [9]: ;+$&,,"90.<$*+$-2=4%.2-$2"$ 9#02%$4"9.$2(%0#$)0.40.<-$".2"$&$-%1&#&2%$ -(%%2$")$1&1%#8$*+$70-=&,$,%&#.%#-$&#%$&5,%$ 2"$-%%$2(%$'"..%'20".-$&.4$1&22%#.-$ 5%29%%.$2(%$*&2%#0&,:$

Do Now (Opener):
During the first 5 minutes of class students will drop off their homework from the night before into the box, and begin working on their Do Now question. What is one time you have had the courage to say No to drugs During this time I will begin taking attendance, and collecting their homework. After this initial 5-minute period I will begin walking around the room stamping their Do Now questions, as we discuss the potential answers.

After discussing our Do Now question the students will log onto the computer and begin searching information about Physical and Psychological drug dependence, along with their affects on adolescent growth. From here they will place 4 facts about each subject into a Venn Diagram. Then as a class we will create one large Venn Diagram showing the important pieces of information from each category. After this activity we will begin our chapter 5 notes using a PowerPoint presentation. During this class period I will work to monitor the discussions and circulate around the room, to assist with individual group problems. I will also place the classes combined ideas onto our larger Venn Diagram and lecture during our PowerPoint presentation.

Comment [10]: ;+$'".-",04&20.<$&,,$")$*+$ -2=4%.2-$04%&-$".2"$".%$,&#<%$F%..$G0&<#&*8$ 2(%.$40-1,&+0.<$2(%*$2(#"=<("=2$2(%$ ',&--#""*8$*+$-2=4%.2-$<&0.$&$-%.-%$")$$ 1#04%$0.$2(%0#$9"#?:$

During the last 5 minutes of class I will assign the class their homework. For this activity they will be required to write a half page explanation of the differences between Physical and Psychological drug dependence and how drugs can affect adolescent growth. They will be required to use one internet source and print the article they read.

Exit Ticket:
None Today

Practice Opportunities:
Students write a half page explanation on the difference between the two types of drug dependence and how drugs affect adolescent growth. Students will continue to work on their Glogster Projects.

Lab Safety Hazards:

None Today

Reflections on Teaching
Remember to give the students one full hour to complete the Venn Diagram, and start your next day by discussing it.

Lesson Subject to Change

Title | Course | Date Video Drug affects on your body/Presentations/ Notes, Forensic

Science, January 30st, February 3rd and 4th 2014 Objectives:

SWBAT: Identify and explain the differences between the three major types of drugs and explain the misconceptions and common myths, which accompany them. Compare and contrast the differences between Physical and Psychological drug dependences with a focus on how their long-term use can affect growth as an adolescent, and when proper medical attention should be sought

. State Standards:

Michigan State Standards on Health Education o 2.1 Describe the short-term and long-term health consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. o 2.2 Clarify myths regarding the scope of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among adolescents.

Background Knowledge: Misconceptions:

Students should know that drugs could be tested for by Police Officers at the scene of a crime. There are ways to pass a drug test. Eating/Chewing gum will alter the readings of a breathalyzer test Drugs have no affect on adolescent growth

Glogster Drugs Hallucinogens Depressants Stimulants Physical Drug Dependence Psychological Drug Dependence Adolescent Growth

Video Drug affects on your body, Glogster Presentations, PowerPoint
Comment [11]: ;+$0.'"#1"#&20.<$704%"-$ 0.2"$*+$,%--".-8$*+$-2=4%.2-$&#%$&5,%$2"$ ,%&#.$*&2%#0&,$40#%'2,+$)#"*$1#")%--0".&,-$ 9("$9"=,4$"2(%#$90-%$5%$0.$&''%--05,%:$

Differentiated Instruction:
Students will follow along with a video, which helps to explain how drugs scientifically affect the body. Students will take guided notes as they are shown an in depth PowerPoint presentation, which explains the scientific ways in which drugs are tested. Students will use technology to present their Glogster Drug Projects.

Comment [12]: ;+$1#"7040.<$*+$-2=4%.2-$ 902($<=04%4$."2%-8$2(%+$&#%$5%22%#$1#%1&#%4$ 2"$)",,"9$&,".<$&.4$&#%$."2$)#&.20'&,,+$2#+0.<$ 2"$9#02%$4"9.$9(&2$/$-&+:$

Do Now (Opener):
During the first 5 minutes of class students will drop off their homework from the night before into the box, and begin working on their Do Now question. Name 5 ways in which drugs affect your body? During this time I will begin taking attendance, and collecting their homework. After this initial 5-minute period I will begin walking around the room stamping their Do Now questions, as we discuss the potential answers.

Comment [13]: ;+$)",,"90.<$2(%$-&*%$ #"=20.%$%7%#+$4&+8$/$&*$&5,%$2"$&--0-2$*+$ -2=4%.2-$9("$(&7%$7&#0"=-$0*1&0#*%.2-:$

After discussing our Do Now question the students will log onto the computer and begin searching information about Physical and Psychological drug dependence, along with their affects on adolescent growth. The students will have the bulk of the 31st to watch the video on how drugs affect the body. This will help to explain how they affect the central nervous system, while I am in class at Michigan State University. During the video students will be required to write 15 pieces of information they have learned from the video, which will be stamped as they exit the classroom. When the movie finishes they will have the remainder of the time to finish their projects. On Monday and Tuesday the students will spend the majority of their time presenting their projects. When they have finished their presentations, I will finish our notes on chapter 5.

During the last 5 minutes of class I will assign the class their homework. For this activity they will be required to write a half page explanation of the differences between Physical and Psychological drug dependence and how drugs can affect adolescent growth. They will be required to use one internet source and print the article they read.

Exit Ticket:
Students must show their 15 facts they have learned from the video.

Practice Opportunities:
Students will have the rest of the weekend to complete their Glogster projects.

Lab Safety Hazards:

None Today

Comment [14]: >(0-$&--0<.*%.2$&,,"9-$ 2(%$-2=4%.2-$2"$/4%.20)+$2(%$1&22%#.-$2(%+$ (&7%$-%%.$)#"*$2(%$1#%70"=-$4&+-$&'20702+8$ &.4$1,&'%$2(%$4%)0.020".-$0.2"$2(%0#$"9.$ 9"#4-:$

Reflections on Teaching

* Lesson Subject to Change

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