3 February, 2014. Report of Youth For Agriculture Kwara State Ilorin
3 February, 2014. Report of Youth For Agriculture Kwara State Ilorin
I left Jos Plateau 7.45am to the park to commence traveling to Kwara State Ilorin. Get to Ilorin 7.oopm. I was receive !" the "a"e C#$%##rd&'a"#r, Y#u"( )#r A*r&%u+"ure in person of HA,IA -URURIAT RO.OKE -U/AIR an Pr&'%e /#de A0&'+#ye. I was rove straight to the hotel were I was lo ge as well entertaine . #he $eeting commence on the %&st Jan '(&% !" ).45 with the following A*e'da *ational +nthem &. ,pen pra"ers '. Intro uction %. ,pen remark !" the state coor inator 4. Speech from the *ational -onsultant 5. .esponse from mem!ers /. +.,0 7. Speech from the 1onal -o2or inator south 2 3est 4. 5ote of thanks ). -losing remark. &(. 6eparture. #he -o2or iantor emphasi7e on the issues of negligence that the organi7ation has committe on the issues of non active of 8. 9. +. in Kwara State In atten ance: are &5 ;ocal Government -o2or inators from various ;ocal Govts an two <'= a!sentees. 3hich are &5 ;ocal Govts -o2or inator out of Seventeen <&7= ;ocal Govts present in Kwara state. #he -o2or inator e>pansiate on the +ctivities of 8. 9. +. in Kwara State Ilorin in which there is non much effect in the activities in the state. #he state co2or inator put in upon herself to !e going from ;ocal Govt ;ocal Govt to move the programme forwar . #he State -o2or inator an the state 8outh lea er Prince 0o e ,7inlo"e has gather /:((( mem!ers in which ':((( names were etails with contacts an 4:((( are in progress to a contact num!ers. +lso the -o2or inator ?a@ia .omoke 1u!iar ha registere over '(( -o2operatives societies of various values chain A*r&%u+"ura+ 1r#*ra22e u'der A T A 1r#*ra22e u'der "(e Federa+ .&'&3"ry #) A*r&%u+"ure a'd Rura+ 4e5e+#12e'". U'der "(e Y#u"( 6 *e'der 4&5&3&#'.
3hen the !a"&#'a+ %#'3u+"a'" "# Y. F. A. 4r. Oder&'de O+ad&1# meet with the State -o2or inator he gave her an the co2or inators: assurance of new !eginning this "ear '(&4. +lso some of the co2or inators: sai that man" programme has come to Kwara State an has e>torte mone" from the people without result an people has lost hope. 0ut the *ational -onsultant sai that all hope has not lost: !ut the mem!ership is important to !enefit from 8. 9. +. programmes. +fter a lot of eli!erations the -o2 or inator accept to sign the State -o2or inator $.,.A. attach to pa" the necessar" ues in ue time. Seven Buestions was raise an answere !" the *ational -onsultantC .ee"&'*7 $eeting ates were re uce to Duarterl" meeting ue to none response an lack of structure programmes from the *ational office. Several Buestions 3ere raise from 5arious Buarter e.g. &. Issues of %7 0illion 8oung 9armers Entrepreneur Programs. '. 9arming progress seasons. %. '(&4 progress on r" season farming. 4. +gricultural ;oans for mem!ers. 5. $icro 9inance ;oans at Single igit interest. /. State 9unctional ,perational office. 7. 9armers Entrepreneurs 4. 9un ing of Programmes. ). $o!ili7ation an mo!ilit" of mem!ers. +ll these Duestions were answere respectivel". +lso the representative of the State $inistr" of +griculture an natural resources in person of .r3. ,.O F#+aya' was also present at the meeting. #he *ational -onsultant also urges the mem!ers to register with necessar" agencies an !anks for loans for there mem!ers to commence their pro@ect !efore Government Intervene. +lso mem!ers shoul !e register on +gricultural Input an 9ertili7er: Several of the mem!ers are %a33a5a *r#8er3 the State -o2or iantor has &( hectare of -assava plantation likewise other mem!ers. T(e 'a"&#'a+ %#'3u+"a'" 4r Oder&'de O+ad&1# sai that mem!ers shoul complete their registration of !io2 ata forms so ever" mem!er will !e i entif" with 8. 9. +. an her programmes. +lso the -onsultant urges the State -o2or iantor to em!ark on income Generating programmes to enhance the moral of the mem!ers: that come from 9ar istance: +lso to Purchase see s !efore the +gricultural inputs arrives.
#he 1onal -o2or iantor South23est Prince Ema was intro uce to the Kwara State -o2or inator officiall" in the presence of the ;ocal Govts -o2or inator. +lso the consultant tol the ;.G. -o2or inator to o their registration in time to o!tain their I.6 car an carr" there mem!ers along. #he 1onal -o2or inator South 3est urges the -o2or inatorsFmem!ers to put their self participating effort to move the programme ahea . #he -o2or inator was collecte with 8. 9. +. I entit" car . #he -onsultant urges ever" !o " to move to the 9arm G get the proper ocumentation for all the lan s to commence operation. #he E>ecutive of 8. 9. +. Kwara State present the *ational -onsultant with a token gift. #he 1onal -o2or inator procee s to Ekiti State while the *ational -onsultant procee to +!ia State. A.O/ ,utstan ing !ill on traveling to +!ia State K3+.+ +0I+ ,*I#S?+ +0I+ +;;,3 9,. I*#E.*E# +0+ A$A+?I+ &:((( &:4(( %:((( &:4(( 9,:00
Please kin l" sen the outstan ing to procee to Amuahia imme iatel". .eport forwar e !" &.45pm on %r 9e!. '(&4. T(a'03 4r. Oder&'de O+ad&1# !a"&#'a+ C#'3u+"a'" Y. F. A. Abu;a