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3 February, 2014. Report of Youth For Agriculture Kwara State Ilorin

The national consultant for Youth for Agriculture held a meeting in Kwara State, Nigeria to address issues of inactivity. Over 55 local government coordinators from 17 local governments were in attendance. The state coordinator and national consultant South-West discussed progress registering over 400 cooperative societies and 10,000 members. Questions were raised and answered on loan programs, seasons, and funding. The national consultant urged members to register for loans and inputs to start projects. Several members grow cassava. The national and state coordinators pledged to work on programs and documentation to boost membership engagement in agriculture.
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3 February, 2014. Report of Youth For Agriculture Kwara State Ilorin

The national consultant for Youth for Agriculture held a meeting in Kwara State, Nigeria to address issues of inactivity. Over 55 local government coordinators from 17 local governments were in attendance. The state coordinator and national consultant South-West discussed progress registering over 400 cooperative societies and 10,000 members. Questions were raised and answered on loan programs, seasons, and funding. The national consultant urged members to register for loans and inputs to start projects. Several members grow cassava. The national and state coordinators pledged to work on programs and documentation to boost membership engagement in agriculture.
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I left Jos Plateau 7.45am to the park to commence traveling to Kwara State Ilorin. Get to Ilorin 7.oopm. I was receive !" the "a"e C#$%##rd&'a"#r, Y#u"( )#r A*r&%u+"ure in person of HA,IA -URURIAT RO.OKE -U/AIR an Pr&'%e /#de A0&'+#ye. I was rove straight to the hotel were I was lo ge as well entertaine . #he $eeting commence on the %&st Jan '(&% !" ).45 with the following A*e'da *ational +nthem &. ,pen pra"ers '. Intro uction %. ,pen remark !" the state coor inator 4. Speech from the *ational -onsultant 5. .esponse from mem!ers /. +.,0 7. Speech from the 1onal -o2or inator south 2 3est 4. 5ote of thanks ). -losing remark. &(. 6eparture. #he -o2or iantor emphasi7e on the issues of negligence that the organi7ation has committe on the issues of non active of 8. 9. +. in Kwara State In atten ance: are &5 ;ocal Government -o2or inators from various ;ocal Govts an two <'= a!sentees. 3hich are &5 ;ocal Govts -o2or inator out of Seventeen <&7= ;ocal Govts present in Kwara state. #he -o2or inator e>pansiate on the +ctivities of 8. 9. +. in Kwara State Ilorin in which there is non much effect in the activities in the state. #he state co2or inator put in upon herself to !e going from ;ocal Govt ;ocal Govt to move the programme forwar . #he State -o2or inator an the state 8outh lea er Prince 0o e ,7inlo"e has gather /:((( mem!ers in which ':((( names were etails with contacts an 4:((( are in progress to a contact num!ers. +lso the -o2or inator ?a@ia .omoke 1u!iar ha registere over '(( -o2operatives societies of various values chain A*r&%u+"ura+ 1r#*ra22e u'der A T A 1r#*ra22e u'der "(e Federa+ .&'&3"ry #) A*r&%u+"ure a'd Rura+ 4e5e+#12e'". U'der "(e Y#u"( 6 *e'der 4&5&3&#'.

3hen the !a"&#'a+ %#'3u+"a'" "# Y. F. A. 4r. Oder&'de O+ad&1# meet with the State -o2or inator he gave her an the co2or inators: assurance of new !eginning this "ear '(&4. +lso some of the co2or inators: sai that man" programme has come to Kwara State an has e>torte mone" from the people without result an people has lost hope. 0ut the *ational -onsultant sai that all hope has not lost: !ut the mem!ership is important to !enefit from 8. 9. +. programmes. +fter a lot of eli!erations the -o2 or inator accept to sign the State -o2or inator $.,.A. attach to pa" the necessar" ues in ue time. Seven Buestions was raise an answere !" the *ational -onsultantC .ee"&'*7 $eeting ates were re uce to Duarterl" meeting ue to none response an lack of structure programmes from the *ational office. Several Buestions 3ere raise from 5arious Buarter e.g. &. Issues of %7 0illion 8oung 9armers Entrepreneur Programs. '. 9arming progress seasons. %. '(&4 progress on r" season farming. 4. +gricultural ;oans for mem!ers. 5. $icro 9inance ;oans at Single igit interest. /. State 9unctional ,perational office. 7. 9armers Entrepreneurs 4. 9un ing of Programmes. ). $o!ili7ation an mo!ilit" of mem!ers. +ll these Duestions were answere respectivel". +lso the representative of the State $inistr" of +griculture an natural resources in person of .r3. ,.O F#+aya' was also present at the meeting. #he *ational -onsultant also urges the mem!ers to register with necessar" agencies an !anks for loans for there mem!ers to commence their pro@ect !efore Government Intervene. +lso mem!ers shoul !e register on +gricultural Input an 9ertili7er: Several of the mem!ers are %a33a5a *r#8er3 the State -o2or iantor has &( hectare of -assava plantation likewise other mem!ers. T(e 'a"&#'a+ %#'3u+"a'" 4r Oder&'de O+ad&1# sai that mem!ers shoul complete their registration of !io2 ata forms so ever" mem!er will !e i entif" with 8. 9. +. an her programmes. +lso the -onsultant urges the State -o2or iantor to em!ark on income Generating programmes to enhance the moral of the mem!ers: that come from 9ar istance: +lso to Purchase see s !efore the +gricultural inputs arrives.

#he 1onal -o2or iantor South23est Prince Ema was intro uce to the Kwara State -o2or inator officiall" in the presence of the ;ocal Govts -o2or inator. +lso the consultant tol the ;.G. -o2or inator to o their registration in time to o!tain their I.6 car an carr" there mem!ers along. #he 1onal -o2or inator South 3est urges the -o2or inatorsFmem!ers to put their self participating effort to move the programme ahea . #he -o2or inator was collecte with 8. 9. +. I entit" car . #he -onsultant urges ever" !o " to move to the 9arm G get the proper ocumentation for all the lan s to commence operation. #he E>ecutive of 8. 9. +. Kwara State present the *ational -onsultant with a token gift. #he 1onal -o2or inator procee s to Ekiti State while the *ational -onsultant procee to +!ia State. A.O/ ,utstan ing !ill on traveling to +!ia State K3+.+ +0I+ ,*I#S?+ +0I+ +;;,3 9,. I*#E.*E# +0+ A$A+?I+ &:((( &:4(( %:((( &:4(( 9,:00

Please kin l" sen the outstan ing to procee to Amuahia imme iatel". .eport forwar e !" &.45pm on %r 9e!. '(&4. T(a'03 4r. Oder&'de O+ad&1# !a"&#'a+ C#'3u+"a'" Y. F. A. Abu;a

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