Eleot Powerful Practices

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Hainerberg Elementary School

Student Focused Observations Powerful Practices

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Equitable Learning Environment: 3

1. Has differentiated Learning opportunities and activities that meet her/his needs. 2. Has equal access to classroom discussions, activities, resources, technology and support 3. Knows that rules and consequences are fair, clear and consistently applied 4. Has ongoing opportunities to learn about their own and other's backgrounds/cultures/differences

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Rest time - Kids were partner reading, read to self, or listening to reading while the teacher was circulating (asking questions, working w/ small groups). Students seemed happily engaged in each center; words, phrases such as "yay" or "I love writing!" were heard.

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Has clear and concise standards posted throughout the classroom with student work displayed. Anyone who walks into this classroom can see what the goals for the work were to be obtained. All students actively and enthusiastically involved in Reading/ Writing.

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

High Expectations Environment: 3

1. Knows and strives to meet the high expectations established by the teacher 2. Is tasked with activities and learning that are challenging but attainable 3. Is provided exemplars of high quality work 4. Is engaged in rigorous coursework, discussions and/ or tasks 5. Is asked and responds to questions that require higher order thinking (e.g., applying, evaluating, synthesizing)

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Students fully operated the Smart Board, performing a wide variety of cross-curricular skills relating to the calendar, including math, language arts, science. Routines are well set.
Pictures match every toy, outstanding organization! Outstanding transitions! All banners approached with unique instructional plans.

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Excellent use of smart board for morning routine! One child was allowed to work at own pace doing activity outside of small group allowing for individual needs at the time. Small group facility great interactive communication skills!

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Supportive Learning Environment: 3

1. Demonstrates or expresses that learning experiences are positive

2. Demonstrates positive attitude about the classroom and learning

3. Takes risks in learning (without fear of negative feedback) 4. Is provided support and assistance to understand content and accomplish tasks 5. Is provided additional/alternative instruction and feedback at the appropriate level of challenge for his/her needs

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Well-planned activities appropriate for differentiated learning

Great materials. Positive atmosphere. Kids very engaged. Loved seeing the teacher-student interview. Students working at their pace on differentiated activities. Students freely discussed work/ ideas with peers and teacher while completing activity.
Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Real-life high interest relevant student discussions. Positive feedback. Teacher uses more time and volume to make things interesting and alive. Warm, team-work environment.
Interactive responses of students. Students respond to the target language very well. Students were following directions/ actively involved/ orderly environment/ some students brainstorming for a solution to a problem.
Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Active Learning Environment: 3 Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment: 3

1. Has several opportunities to engage in discussions with teacher and other students 2. Makes connections from content to real-life experiences 3. Is actively engaged in learning activities
1. Is asked and/or quizzed about individual progress/ learning 2. Responds to teacher feedback to improve understanding 3. Demonstrates how her/ his work is assessed 4. Understands how her/ his work is assessed 5. Has opportunities to revise/ improve work based on feedback
Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Uses differentiated work/ expectations for different children/ groups.

Community/ Military support incorporated in activity. Well developed lesson w/ high expectations. Gentle and respectful manner reminding students of accepted interactions w/ peer.

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Students are well aware of procedures during the computer time. They immediately started their work and were productive the entire time. They knew the high expectations of the teacher.

Students worked independently in groups helping each other out. "I" charts were displayed at each station with student/ teacher responsibilities.
Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

Well-Managed Learning Environment: 3 Digital Learning Environment: 2

1. Speaks and interacts respectfully with teacher(s) and peers 2. Follows classroom rules and works well with others 3. Transitions smoothly and efficiently to activities 4. Collaborates with other students during student-centered activities 5. Knows classroom routines, behavioral expectations and consequences 1. Uses digital tools/ technology to gather, evaluate and/ or use information for learning 2. Uses digital tools/ technology to conduct research, solve problems and/ or create original works for learning 3. Uses digital tools/ technology to communicate and work Teachers, and Parents... collaboratively for learning Students, Learning for a Lifetime!

Students were enthusiastic! They were aware of their routine and had been make aware of expectations. They were informed of the "plan" for the day and were respectful of others. Enjoyed the learning environment. Opening Exercises

Therapeutic dog: Rosie working with students and communication.

Students, Teachers, and Parents... Learning for a Lifetime!

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