Nestle Permit Phase 1

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se Development Services Department Development 300 Richards Boulevard 37d Floor Sacramento, CA.95811 n)Services Help Line: (916) 264-5011 Weep Bld Get Cy - . _ Application for Building Permit FACILITY PERMIT PROGRAM Aetivity # Inspection Area: 4 Applicant MUST complete ALL Unshaded areas | (' (K//— OPO PPS3 ADDRESS _ $470 YounGer Creek DR. SUITE PARCEL# O(,2- O1U6- O13 RESPONSIBLE PARTY LICENSED CONTRACTOR Lic. # name Alec lemMerH Name oni ConeTRUCTION, Street Address Fotsoy 10. Ste lop Steet Address City/State/Zip p City/State/Zip Phone e Will permittee have any employees on the jobsite? [I Yes No INSURANCE CO: ZuRicH- Ameeiciu Is. > WORKER’S COMPENSATION PoLIcy# WC4277339 EXPIRATION DATE: NATURE OF WORK IN DETAIL: TENANT. IMPROVEMENTS ConsisTING MIsIN6 WAL DemorrTios, | OCCUPANTITENANT: AEery LyAreei VALUATION:$ G43], S50 INSPECTION DISCIPLINES : (See Tose accuineoy wecn [cruue> | ec | ore Ceme_ #Stories | Tir Ares. [Total Area] Use Zone | Occp Group | Conetype Fire Req. YIN Fie sien| VE SPR___ALARM ROUTING | ( BY ir ym | © [cer 3 DR DE UTIL ‘COMMENTS: a REGIONAL SANITATION FEES? urJes Oi No HEALTH DEPARTMENT? Yes CI No Pease note that once tis document is@Gubmited to the Oy of Sacramento, your information may be subject to hd Public Records Request Aa However, the City wil act sll your data or Ifarmation for any purpose, isc BB pp ex cen ar are Pe as lav Hn Ching ne > (916) 264-5011 Smee anes DSD.0218___ Rev. 10/08/2008 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CTY QF SACRAMENTO 200 RICHARDS BLYD 3 FOO! CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO, CA. 95811 Facility Program Staff Contacts Facility Permits are intended to simplify the permit and inspection process. The program's “design is to streamline City services for customers who have ‘ongoing’ interior tenant improvements within commercial, multifamily, industrial and governmental buildings. Applicants should contact one of the following for information and assistance: Sean Burke Desk (916) 808-5337 FPP Coordinator Cell (916) 804-1784 Lt. Com. Combo Inspector Fax (916) 808-7185 e-mail [email protected] Paul Clayton Desk (916) 808-8950 Building Inspector Cell (916) 804-5056 Team Lead e-mail [email protected] Rob Hoatson Desk (916) 808-8019 Plumbing/Mechanical Cell (916) 804-3061 Inspector e-mail —[email protected] John Briel Desk (916) 808-1012 Electrical Inspector Cell (916) 718-7260 e-mail —[email protected] Marty Hill Desk (916) 808-1626 Fire Protection Officer Cell (916)216-4581 e-mail [email protected] Fire Inspection Line (916) 808-1643 Documents may be mailed, or delivered to the staff above at: 300 Richards Blvd, 3° Floor Sacramento, Ca., 95811 Development Services Department 43 I Development 300 Richards Boulevard 3d Floor Sacramento, CA 95811 Services Help Line: (916) 808-5656 hitdpauiN eee “* ” wwwctyofacramentocrg/dse FACILITY PERMIT PROGRAM INSPECTION SHEET appress 36.70 Yowyean (pes. J permit # COM=-~OP%4 2H TST CON FINAL APPROVALS BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING [MECHANICAL Page 1 of 1 ‘| Development. Services We Help Build A Great City PermitNo. COM-0907968 Date Applied 07/27/2008, Type Facilites Permit Program Subtype Remodel Category — Mise Permit 8670 YOUNGER CREEK DR Address SACRAMENTO, CA 95828, Site Location Parcel No, 06201400130000 kG, LLC Owner 960 FULTON AV 100 ‘SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 ALECIA WILMETH Applicant PANATTONI CONSTRUCTION ‘SACRAMENTO, CA 870-2308 PANATTONI CONSTRUCTION INC 8775 FOLSOM BLVD SUITE 100 Contractor SACRAMENTO, CA 95826, 916.340-2400 759809 Valuation § 831,850.00 CITY OF SACRAMENTO www Holp Line: 4-196800-5659 OR 1-£66-27-PERMIT Inpection Request: 1-916900-7622 Development Services Dopartment ‘300 Richards Boulevard 31d Floor ‘Sacramento, CA 85811 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION _ I hereby affirm under penaly of serury that | am licensed under ‘revisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license isin ful force and effect LUcense Class:__License Number: 759899 Date: Conese (OWNER-BUILOER DECLARATIONS I hereby affirm tat | am exer! from the Contractor’ License Law TELL, forthe folowing reason (Sec. 7031.5.88P Cade: Any aly or ‘county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior fits issuance, also requires the applicant for ‘such permit to flea signed statoment that he/she Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of CLL, Chapter 9 (2ammeneing with Sec.7000) of Division 3 of he BAP Code) or that he/she Is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violaton of Sec. 7031.5 by any applicant for @ permit subjects the applicant to cv penalty of not more than five hundred sollars ($500) 1:28 owner ofthe property, or my employees with wages as thet sole ompeneation, will do the work, and the structure isnot ntanded or offered for sale (See. 7044 BEP Code: The C-L.L does not apply io an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himsett br through his own emeloyees, provided that such improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvernent is sold within one year of eameletion, tre Gwner-bulder wil nave the burden ‘of proving that he did not bul or imprave forthe purpose of sale.) |, a8 owner of he property, em exclusively contracting with icensed ‘orivactors) to construct tne project (Sec. 7044, BaP Code: The C.LL. ‘does net apply fo an owner of property who holds or improves thereon, Fee tems AT amount || Sn vino convat for suen prooes wth a contractors) heansed pursuant heel) Hecmotogy Feo 250 [saa General Pon Feo 5] 325e 00] | 1am exempt under See. 8 & PC. fortis reason dg PernitFee 201 a sacer-r| | S$ ———orar— = Fran Review Feo 208 “[-s3.81037 [Green Building Fee - 225, i $26.00] To Oe ae ean DeCE ee 5 ____ nereby afm rat havea ceria of consent to seinsure, or 2 Pian Review Expedited - 205. 4} $1,909.68} | Ceriicate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof oy Business Operatons Tax-| 4] gag] | (See 3800, aber Code) z08 Paley Nurber, We427739002 Company: ZURICH AMERICAN Breng ouon Fos 007 | THE6e| sisza| | NBURANCE COMPANY 2 eid ony is heb fis ee 1] $140.09] Cried copy is filed with the city building inspection department or Bs oy ‘department. Fag oeranReven Dena] a] sano] | OM replicon frre Dont nepecton Fee | cocty that | have read tis application an state thatthe dove (aan 2] $220.0 | aaron cores | arose earoy wi ty an coun rdnnoes 2 = ne slate laws lating to conetucton. (hereby auorze representatives Fee Dent Plan Review Foo a] 140.00) | orth ofy to enter upon te above mentioned property fr ipecton TERI esses | TG ACRAMES Date Applicant or Agent: Deserioibrd: Bork: PLUMBING FORI RP INTERIOR pp, Jv PANEr yew oEMsING WALLS AND INSTALL UNDERGROUND AES Tena ygrovenents (No Pte CAPO) AnDDevE! TE gH eOSERHO RE BY LINTTATION TF WORK TS NOT COMMENCED WITTIN TOD BAYS, 10/07/2009 + Show Invoice Detail Invoice Detail Permit 1D #: COM-0907968 Invoice Invoice Da Period ‘Fee Item FIRST Technology Fee - 259, FIRST City Business Operations Tax - 205, FIRST _Fire Dept Plan Review Fee = 399 FIRST _ Fire Dept Inspection Fee ~ Hourly - 260 FIRST Generel Plan Fee - 213 FIRST Staff Hourly Rate - Technician - 201, FIRST Strong Motion Fee - 207 FIRST Bldg Permit Fee - 201 FIRST Green Bullding Fee - 225 Page 1 of 1 Fee $833.34 $252.74 $140.00 $280.00 $1,264.00 0 $140.00 132.69 $132.69 1.0 $4,687.67 1.0 $26.00 Total Fee: $7,756.44 Mus rofrlag 9/30/2009

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