Massachusetts SLI (She|tered Lng||sh Instruct|on) Lndorsement LxpecLed, May 2014
LxL8lLnCL ln LuuCA1lCn 2ervas L|ementary Schoo|, newLon, MA SepLember 2013- resenL 5toJeot 1eocbet, 1st qtoJe CrafL and lmplemenL lnLerdlsclpllnary unlLs across conLenL areas uslng an undersLandlng by ueslgn model lncorporaLe Common Core sLandards ln lesson plans almed Lo engage sLudenLs ln hands on, mlnds on" lnsLrucLlon MalnLaln a safe and coheslve classroom uslng a 8esponslve Classroom deslgn Lead gulded readlng groups and hold reader conferences Lo formaLlvely assess readlng levels 8evlew sLudenLs' lLs and 304 plans and collaboraLe wlLh speclallsLs Lo make approprlaLe accommodaLlons ALLend 81l groups Lo undersLand how Lo lnLegraLe lnLervenLlon lnLo whole class lnsLrucLlon CommunlcaLe wlLh parenLs by sendlng weekly newsleLLers home and lnvlLlng famllles Lo currlculum shares
1utor|ng In ub||c Schoo|s rogram (1.I..S.), WalLham, MA !anuary 2011- resenL ltoqtom co- cootJlootot Manage program LhaL places volunLeer LuLors ln elemenLary and pre-k classrooms CoordlnaLe wlLh admlnlsLraLors and Leachers of local WalLham ubllc Schools Lo expand exlsLlng programs and develop new programs wlLh oLher schools uevelop assessmenL sLraLegles Lo llnk LuLorlng wlLh achlevemenL resulLs and esLlmaLe Lhe quanLlflable lmpacL Lo resLrucLure program accordlngly
volooteet 1otot: WalLham lamlly School, WalLham, MA SepLember- uecember 2012 AsslsLed Pead SLarL pre-k class of newly lmmlgraLed LSL learners laclllLaLed sLaLlons almed Lo develop llLeracy, soclal and flne moLor skllls
volooteet 1otot: SLanley LlemenLary School, WalLham, MA SepLember 2011- May 2012 AcLed as alde and LuLor ln klndergarLen classroom Worked one-on-one wlLh sLudenLs Lo modlfy and dlfferenLlaLe currlculum Led supplemenLary readlng/wrlLlng exerclses ouLslde of Lhe classroom for lndlvldual sLudenLs
volooteet 1otot: lympLon LlemenLary School, WalLham, MA !anuary- May 2011 arLlclpaLed ln a 3rd grade afLerschool homework club SLraLeglzed wlLh peers Lo effecLlvely and efflclenLly solldlfy endurlng undersLandlngs of lessons relnforced ln homework Lmphaslzed Lhe lmporLance of educaLlon by ensurlng LhaL all homework was compleLed LhoughLfully and lnLenLlonally
At|ant|c 8each Iew|sh Center, ALlanLlc 8each, n? !une- AugusL 2012 and 2013 Asslstoot 1eocbet AsslsLed preschool camp for 2 and 3 year olds lmplemenLed engaglng acLlvlLles LhaL developed prosoclal and moLor skllls negoLlaLed needs of chlldren aL dlfferenL developmenLal levels and Lallored approprlaLe acLlvlLles accordlngly
Deve|opmenta| sycho|ogy Course at 8rande|s Un|vers|ty, WalLham, MA SepLember- uecember 2012 1eocbloq Asslstoot Led dlscusslon and revlew sesslons speclflcally focuslng on symbollsm and moLlvaLlon ln chlldhood rovlded educaLlonal perspecLlve Lo developmenLal psychologlcal Lheorem Peld open offlce hours Lo clarlfy currlculum and provlde advlce for psychology sLudenLs Marked and edlLed exam papers
2ervas L|ementary Schoo|, newLon, MA !anuary- May 2012 lte-ltoctlcom Obsetvet, 1sL grade Cbserved classroom and provlded lndlvldual lnsLrucLlon durlng llLeracy block LhaL uLlllzed workshop model ConducLed focal chlld sLudy concenLraLlng on one sLudenL wlLh underdeveloped readlng skllls ALLended supplemenLary 81l readlng group LvaluaLed sLudenLs' progress wlLh conLlnuous formal and lnformal assessmenLs lncludlng runnlng records
Cabot L|ementary Schoo|, newLon, MA SepLember- uecember 2011 lte-ltoctlcom Obsetvet, 3rd grade Cbserved classroom wlLh focus on classroom managemenL, layouL and seL-up CompleLed focal chlld sLudy on sLudenL wlLh aLLenLlon and readlng dlfflculLles AsslsLed small group wrlLlng exerclses wlLh emphasls on relnforclng skllls for MCAS sLandardlzed LesLlng
Lng||sh Language Learn|ng In|t|at|ve, WalLham, MA !anuary- uecember 2011 volooteet 1otot 1uLored non-Lngllsh speaklng dlnlng hall sLaff member ueveloped lesson plans for each meeLlng focused on baslc grammar and Lenses
CCMMunl1? SL8vlCL 1omche| Shabbos, Lawrence, n? !une 2009- AugusL 2010 cootJlootot ooJ volooteet CoordlnaLed program for dellverlng food Lo low lncome elderly resldenLs Crganlzed groups and delegaLed responslblllLy Lo drlvers and dellverers ackaged and dellvered food on a weekly basls
|Sh|ne, Lawrence, n? SepLember 2009- !une 2010 volooteet SupporLed chlldren wlLh menLally and physlcally challenged slbllngs Pelped Lhem wlLh homework and parLlclpaLed ln prosoclal group acLlvlLy