Bicharter September 11 Meeting Minutes
Bicharter September 11 Meeting Minutes
Bicharter September 11 Meeting Minutes
WhaL ls pracucal, reasonable, and meanlngful for Lhe sLudenLs and communlLy? A SLaLe CharLer/
School CharLer v. MagneL School v. currenL publlc school programs.
Can Lhe currenL school and lLs currlculum be ad[usLed Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe sLudenLs and
communlLy before launchlng an lnluauve Lo esLabllsh a charLer school?
When wlll Lhe communlLy (sLudenLs, parenLs, and leaders) be engaged ln Lhe process? When wlll
change be lnluaLed?
Who wlll gulde Lhe process of meeung wlLh Lhe communlLy (sLakeholders) Lo documenL Lhe
wlshes, concerns, populauon, needs, and submlL documenLs
1he hlsLorlcal conLexL was provlded: Alfred 8arney, Lhe former presldenL,of 8ed Lake chapLer lnluaLed
Lhe ldea of a charLer school Lhrough Lhe presenLauon of a leuer of lnLenL Lo Lhe lnLerlm leglslauve lndlan
aalrs commluee LhaL ulumaLely resulLed ln Pouse Memorlal 43.
8oscoe SmlLh (Councll uelegaLe) spoke of Lhe need Lo provlde opporLunlues Lo sLudenLs ln Lhe
geographlcal locauon of Lhe school how Lhe budgeL consLralnLs of Callup-Mcklnley schools has resulLed
ln LhreaLs of school closure.
kayla 8egay spoke abouL conversauons she has had wlLh members ln Lhe communlLy who have
expressed concern abouL Lhe currenL school performance, and Lhe deslre Lo have a school LhaL ls
lnnovauve. 1he communlLy has a hlsLory of lnnovauon and would llke a school LhaL addresses
communlLy needs. lndlvlduals have suggesLed a school wlLh an agrlculLural focus.
SuperlnLendenL Chappem spoke abouL conversauons LhaL have occurred abouL school consolldauon as
belng a poLenual lmpeLus for Lhe ldea of a charLer. 1he dlsLrlcL consldered a k-8 school Lo reduce sLudenL
Lransluons and ln response Lo low enrollmenL (Lhe mlddle and hlgh schools are aL 30 capaclLy).
Powever, Lhe school consolldauon plan was noL approved. Chappem also spoke abouL Lhe hlgh school's
performance as showlng growLh and a change ln Lhe dlsLrlcL's sLance on prescrlblng Lhe educauonal
program and currlculum aL Lhe elemenLary schools. Accordlng Lo Chappem, Lhe dlsLrlcL ls more
commlued Lo llsLenlng Lo communlLy needs ln regards Lo readlng and maLh programs. CMCS wlll begln
Lalklng abouL school consolldauons wlLh Lhe communlLy buL wlll do lL rlghL" by Lhlnklng abouL whaL ls
besL for communlLy. Chappem belleved LhaL openlng a 4
school wlll cause school closures.
Mr. kevln MlLchell, of Lhe CMCS8, shared senumenLs of Lhe dlsLrlcL's SLudenL Advlsory Commluee and
phone calls he's had ln opposluon Lo Lhe ldea of a charLer school, especlally from parenLs who worked Lo
keep Lhe mlddle school from closlng. Pe also expressed concerns abouL poLenual conlcL wlLh Arlzona
and economlc developmenL of Lhe area. Pe suggesLed ouLreach Lo Lhe folks from Lhe CrysLal area and
from SenaLor Munoz.
Mr. 8oscoe SmlLh spoke abouL Lhe currenL landscape of assesslng Lhe value of schools solely Lhrough Lhe
conslderauon of numbers-raLher Lhan Lhe responslblllLy Lo meeL broader needs of sLudenLs.
kara 8obro provlded lnformauon abouL Lhe dlerence beLween a charLer school and a magneL school,
wlLh Lhe lauer belng a dlsLrlcL-operaLed school wlLh a mlsslon focus. CharLer schools on Lhe oLher hand,
are mlsslon-focused and self-governed. 8edeslgnlng a school may noL need needs of sLudenLs. Cn Lhe
oLher hand, a charLer glves Lhe communlLy Lhe opporLunlLy Lo bulld from Lhe ground up. A charLer
school wlll allow for more communlLy ownershlp (ex. nava[o nauon sLandards lnLegrauon).
She shared Lhe communlLy engagemenL process she, and Lhe oLher founders of Lhe nauve Amerlcan
CommunlLy Academy (nACA), used Lo ldenufy needs, deLermlne Lhe mlsslon and formulaLe a plan for
Lhe school. 1hls process resulLed ln nACA's emphasls of 1) promoung hlgh academlc achlevemenL,
college preparaLory skllls and communlLy/culLurally based educauon, 2) uullzlng a hollsuc wellness
phllosophy, 3) lnLegraung nauve Amerlcan perspecuves Lhrough nA sLudles and nA language programs,
and 4) developlng relauonshlps wlLh famllles and Lhe larger communlLy helplng secure sLudenLs' posluve
ldenuLy and leadershlp ln Lhe communlLy.
ur. llorlnda !ackson expressed lnLeresL lnLeresL ln Lhe charLer school as lL wlll allow communlLy Lo uullze
naLural resources. CommunlLy could access agrlculLure, buslness, famlng, agrlbuslness Lhrough
educauon. lor many LhaL sLruggle wlLh self ldenuLy, publlc schools cannoL reach Lhem. Pow can we use
our resources Lo beneL our sLudenLs?
8epresenLauve LundsLom dlscussed Lhe currenL condluons ln Lhe 8ed Lake area lncludlng asbesLos,
waLer conLamlnauon and economlc devasLauon. She sLaLed LhaL anyume a communlLy wanLed Lo pull
lLself up from Lhe booLsLraps" she would supporL lL. She also expressed Lhe need Lo have meeung ln
lerlln Clarke posed agenda quesuon: Can Lhe currenL school and lLs currlculum be ad[usLed Lo address
Lhe needs of Lhe sLudenLs and communlLy before launchlng an lnluauve Lo esLabllsh a charLer school? Lo
SuperlnLendenL Chappem. Pow can we speclcally x lL?
SuperlnLendenL Chappem wanLs lnpuL from all. Cnce we know sLudenL ambluons, we can selecL
elecuves and move Lhem forward. lor example, Mlyamura sLudenLs were lnLeresLed ln healLh careers
Lhey goL a sporLs medlclne class. Can x schools by llsLenlng and ad[usung.
SecreLary Alllson gave a hlsLory of Lhe Sawmlll area of Lhe nava[o nauon and Lhe eecLs of Lhe loss of Lhe
logglng lndusLry. Alllson explalned how Lhe communlLy has had a braln draln" wlLh a lack of
opporLunlues for young people remaln ln Lhe communlLy. Pe shared a vlslon for brlnglng young people
back Lo Lhe communlLy Lhrough Lhoughuul use of currenL resources: Lhe land, Lradluon, and Lhe foresL.
Pe expressed hls lnslghLs abouL an economy LhaL relles on Lhe llvesLock-base comblned wlLh Lechnology,
wlLh poLenual parLnershlps wlLh Lhe SLaLe of nM AgrlculLure ueparLmenL, LxLenslon program, luLure
larmers of Amerlca, and uslng a hollsuc approach mlghL be consldered.
ueswood 1ome from Lhe omce of Lhe presldenL of Lhe nava[o nauon quesuoned Lhe denluon of
success and Lhe compeung forces of sLudenLs belng consldered college-ready and responslve Lo
communlLy revlLallzauon. Pe also Lalked abouL Lhe lmporLance of dlscusslons/agreemenLs among Lhe
Lhree sLaLes (nn, nM, AZ) and beLween Lhe Lwo nelghborlng school dlsLrlcLs.
kayla 8egay, wlLh supporL from nACA, has commlued Lo gulde Lhe process of meeung wlLh Lhe
communlLy (sLakeholders) Lo documenL Lhe wlshes, concerns, populauon, needs, and submlL documenLs
for a charLer school proposal. undersLandlng LhaL Lhe urban conLexL ls dlerenL from Lhe 8ed Lake area,
lL was clarled LhaL a 8ed Lake area charLer school would noL be a dlrecL repllcauon of nACA.
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Cn 1hursday, SepLember 26, 2013 Lhe lnLerlm lndlan Aalrs Commluee wlll meeL aL Lhe llre 8ock
Caslno ln Church 8ock, nM. lerlln Clark, kayla 8egay, and Mr. !ack !ackson wlll provlde an updaLe on Lhe
work of Lhe sLudy group for PM43.
1he nexL meeung of Lhe PM43 SLudy Croup wlll be held ln Callup on Monday, CcLober 14, 2013 aL 10:00
AM. Locauon Lo be nallzed by SuperlnLendenL Chappem
1he meeung closed aL 12:00 M