Reading Meeting Me and Uncle Romie

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Me and Uncle Romie- Reading Meeting

Student Teacher ___Kirstyn Howard____________ Date __3/4/14____________ College Supervisor Dr. Hamwi_________________ Cooperating Teacher Danielle Metzger__________ Grade Level __Third_______ Subject Language Arts-Reading Meeting and Discussion

Preliminary Planning:
PA Core Standards CC.1.1.3.E: Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary E03.B-K.1.1.1: Answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. E03.B-C.3.1.2: Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. Modifications Brandon, Connor, Danny, and Valerie may need reminders to focus their attention. Brandon, Connor, and Danny will be placed in the small group with a teacher to read the story. Objectives Students will: Understand the characteristics of historical fiction Participate in a reading discussion for comprehension Respond to questions asked about the text Refer back to the text to support ideas Use knowledge of story structure as a strategy to comprehend Vocabulary Tier 1: Tier 2: Texts Compare Discussion Contrast Connections Comprehend Essential Question(s) Why is it important to understand the background of a text before reading? How do we determine the theme of a story?

Tier 3:
Historical Fiction Harlem

Materials and Resources

-Storytown Teacher Edition book page T226 to T236 for story and the discussion questions -Storytown Student Edition book pages 88-109(1 copy for each student) -Discussion questions in Storytown book Page 228, question 2 230, question 2 231, question 1 232, question 3 233, question 1 and 3 235, question 2 236, question 1 -popsicle sticks -computer and projector and pictures and images of collages Youtube video: -Collages Powerpoint -theme poster

Learning Sequence
Instructional Procedure Introduction (10 minutes), Learning Activities (20 minutes), Closure (10 minutes) 1. The teacher will project the collages PowerPoint and begin by reviewing collages and the city of Harlem to discuss the setting. The teacher will show examples, explain how to make one, and explain the type of artistry. 2. The teacher will show the YouTube video to introduce the setting, Harlem and build background knowledge. 3. The teacher will call the students to the back rug by teams 1 and 2. On their way to the rug, the students will pick up a Storytown book from the book shelf. 4. The students will turn to the Me and Uncle Romie story that begins on page 88. 5. The teacher will explain that the story is written from a kids perspective so it is not going to always be proper grammar, and this is because the dialect changes depending on where you live (ex. My speech and the way I pronounce my words may be different from how you speak). 6. The teacher will go over the directions for reading the story and then completing the follow up activity. The teacher will explain the importance of the time and place in a historical fiction story. 7. The students will break up into three small groups to read the story. The teacher can use Popsicle sticks to call the groups. The teacher should remind the students that it is okay to work with different students. The three learning support students should stay in a group with the aide or the teacher. 8. The students will return to their desks and complete the graphic organizer when they finish reading to identify the characters, settings, plot, and theme. 9. The students will meet back together on the rug to discuss the theme and go over the discussion questions (see materials section). 10. The teacher will summarize the responses to provide a correct answer (found in the teachers book). 11. The students will return to their desks and review the graphic organizer using the Mimio. 12. The students will then transition into grammar.

Assessment(s) The students will popcorn read during the small group reading. The teacher will call on students to participate in the book discussion and respond to comprehension questions to check for understanding. Each student is responsible for completing the graphic organizer, which will reviewed and handed in to be checked for accuracy. Also, the students will take a summative theme test to check for understanding and accuracy, which will also be graded. Post Instructional Planning Reflective Action Plan The student teacher will reflect on the lesson using a reflective journal and discuss the implementation and effectiveness of the lesson with the cooperating teacher.

This lesson was adapted from page T226 to T236 from the Storytown textbook.

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