Task 3

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Task 3: Literacy Strategies

Link to: EPR 2503 Language Arts C (Reading/Writing/Literature) and

EPR 2603 Language Arts D (Teaching Methods for the Primary School Teacher)

Task Description
Observe your MSTs classroom and general practices you see around the school.
Discuss the areas below in context of what you observe in school and support with
photos to show evidence of your observations, and a reference to reading when

Describe the classroom environment. (Photo)

Consider how the class is a print rich environment. What print can you see around
the room? (Labels, captions, flashcards, headings, rules, instructions, timetable, flash
cards, etc.). For each one you mention insert pictures and state the purpose of each

Describe the reading area in your classroom. What genres of books are there and
how are they displayed? (Photo)

Describe a phonics lesson you observed. How does the teacher teach word attack
skills to children? Mention how the children are scaffolded to recognise the word
and get the meaning?

Consider different reading approaches have you observed? (Guided reading, Shared
Reading, Sustained Silent Reading).
Choose 2 and describe how the teacher implements these approaches in the class in
detail. (Photos, and refer to EPR 2603)
Consider seating arrangement, participation, comprehension, reading strategies in
your discussion.

Describe some types of writing activities or the method the teacher uses for
writing e.g. emergent writing, copy writing, dictations, etc.
Describe the classroom environment

Inside each classroom they have materials to use it in the classroom to help the
students to study well. The classroom environment it's important for the students and
teachers because include the colors and arrangement of the places. Colors and a clean
place can affect the students to study well and encourage them. The teacher uses in
the classroom many materials and strategy in the classroom which they are:

Smart board to show the students video, pictures or present the lesson for them also
the teacher can control of that board to move the page, lift the page and drop the page.
The smart board it's important because the students can use also the screen and touch
the board and the students can write on that board if the teacher let them to answer.

Small white board it's important to be in each class because the teacher can explain
the lesson or write the difficult things for the students, also the teacher can write for
them the answers then they can copy the answer from the board. The teacher can use
the small borad to stick the paper or cards to help the students to see it well and the
teacher can take the picture and add another new thing in the small board.
All the teachers have different style and design to organize their own classroom when
I was in teaching practice I look my teacher to organize the corner for the book this
corner help the students to put numeracy and literacy book and this corner include
many file for the different levels of the students they have for levels which they are
red color for the lower level, yellow color for the middle level, blue color for the
students who is improvement, and the last color is green for the high level of students,
so each students know who's from which level then it's easier for them to take their
own book from their levels and colors. This strategy use for the literacy class and
numeracy class and the students like this strategy because the will not confuse and
lost their book this strategy is very organize for them, also it is help the assistant to
find the book easy.

The teachers do in the back of the class three corners. Firstly, for the math the teacher
put the steps and the numbers for the students to help them when they do the
worksheet or discuss with the teacher, also it is help them to remember the name of
the geometry shapes. Secondly, the corner for literacy they take about how to catch
the pirate they draw the steps to remember and memorize the steps and the teacher
every day let three students to say the steps of how to catch the pirate this strategy
help the students to understand the lesson. Lastly, the teacher have the corner for the
adjective words because the teacher showing the students some pictures for the pirate
and the students should describe the pictures they will use the adjective words for the
corner to help the to speak while they will describe the pictures.

Describe the reading area in your classroom

Each student should to read every day in their classroom they have corner of reading
that include the stories about natural, animal, adventure store and family. In the
morning the students must choose one story to read it. The corner of the reading will
improve their early literacy skills, and they will improve their cognitive skills while
they will read the imagine story because the will thin what will happen next, also they
will develop their social skills while the students discuss with the teacher about the
story and when the students read the story and find the difficult words they must ask
the teacher then the teacher will explain the meaning for them and will show them the
pictures to let the students understand the meanings of the difficult words.

Describe a phonics lesson

In my experience at the school, most of the students took the phonics lesson and the
classes that took and focus of the phonics lesson from kindergarten to fifth grade, but
only the teachers are focus in the small stages (KG to grade 4). When the teacher
taught them to study the phonics I saw how they were learning and what methods and
strategies that she used in the classroom was using the smart board to show them the
letters and the voice of each letters and example on each letter to learn how to
pronounce correctly and also used flashcards with pictures and she was pronounced
the letter for them clearly. The students can pronounce the letters correctly. The other
strategy that use it in the classroom the teacher let the students to draw the letter in the
air or on the carpet to show the students they are understanding what that letters and
they think about the example that include in the classroom then they can tell the
teacher the example about the letters. This method helps them how to pronounce
clearly and correctly. Studying phonics will help them in the future to read the
magazine, newspaper, books and sorties correctly and pronounce all the letters
Consider different reading approaches

Guided reading it is working with small groups like to sit with 6 students or 5
students, matching student reading ability to text levels, giving everyone in the group
the same story all the students should take the same story not the different story,
introducing the story, and Engaging students conversations about the story, the
teacher let the students to talk and discuss what they are understanding about the story
that they read it. I saw my teacher how she is do with the students guided reading she
let five students to sit in the carpet she is choose low level to read with them she give
each student one story but all the students in the same group take the same story. The
guided reading has three steps which they are: before reading, during reading and
after reading. Before reading the teacher should ask the students about the cover page
of the story and the author of the story, the during reading the teacher ask the students
some questions and discuss about the parts of the story and the teacher let the students
to think what will happen next. After reading the teacher let the students to provide
and say the summarize of the story in general to check if they are understanding the
story and the teacher will ask some questions in general and the students should
answer. The questions are: "Was there anything you liked about this book? , Was
there anything you dislike about this book? , Have you read other books like it? , Did
you enjoy it more or less?" The important of guided reading is communicating their
ideas and shares the idea with the other students in the group to learning from their
knowledge, helps students to develop strategies to improve their reading skills and
helps students become great readers in the future. The teacher also use in the
classroom silent reading when the students come in the morning every day she let
them to choose one story from the reading corner that in the classroom each student
have different story and the students start to reading silently and the teacher give them
the paper to summarize the story and find what's the different words they didnt
understand then they ask the teacher about the difficult words and the teacher start to
explain for the student and correct the paper for the summarize the story. She uses this
strategy for all students in the classroom.
Describe some types of writing activities or the method the teacher uses for

Writing skills is very important to help the students to develop their fine motor skills
when they writing, the students can write the words, paragraph and they can copy
from the board and write on their own notes. In the classroom the teacher let the
students to bring their own notebook and she is doing a challenge with the students
who is handwriting is very beautiful because she is have the corner in the classroom
for the brilliant writing, she is look at the notebook for the students and evaluate
which the best handwriting then she is choose for four students and stick the notebook
on the corner for the writing in the class. She is also can help other students to write
for them questions in the board and the students can copy it immediately. The writing
skills are very essential for the students to communication with the other people or
students when they are write.

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