Application Format JRF
Application Format JRF
Full Name: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Sex M/F: Marital Status: Nationality: Category certificate: Physically handicapped: Y/N Fathers Name: Address of Correspondence: Phone No.: Mobile No.: E-mail Address:
14. Academic Record: A. GATE/CSIR/UGC National Exam Qualification details with Percent marks/Rank, year of qualifying etc.
B. Qualifying Degree: Examination (mention specialization if applicable) Class X Higher Secondary B.Sc. (Specialization) MSc (Specialization) Any other Name of School/College/ University/Institute With city and state Year of Subjects Passing % of Marks/GPA obtained Distinction/Division
C. Details of the project carried out with duration, place of work,, area worked on, mentor/guides name, description of the project and contribution to the project (in not more than 5 sentences)
D. E. F. 15.
Attach list of publications (if any): Working experience (if any): Whether currently employed: Y/N Names and addresses of three referees along with phone number and e-mail address.
Declaration I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood the instructions and particulars on this application and that all entries in this form as well as in the attached sheets are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Signature Place: