Application Form_PDF
Application Form_PDF
Dr. Sangram Ray
Associate Professor Self-attested
Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg. Photograph
National Institute of Technology Sikkim
Ravangla – 737 139, Sikkim, India
Exam: Year:
If yes, please provide details
Rank: Score/Percentile:
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
7. Category (Please tick √) SC / ST / OBC / PWD / General
8. Nationality
9. No. of research publications, if any SCI Journal - Other Journal - Conference –
(Enclose the list) Book Chapter/Book -
11. Details of educational qualifications: Please give particulars of all examinations passed and degrees obtained commencing with the
10th standard / Matriculation.
Sl. Examination Name of the Name of the Board Class / Discipline % of marks or Year of
No. / Degree / Diploma passed Institute/College / University / Institution Division CGPA out of 10 passing
12. Details of employments: If employed, please give particulars of your present and past employments in chronological order, starting
with the present one:
Sl. Organisation / Institute Position held Nature of duties / work From To Experience Last Pay scale
No. Date Date (__Yr.__Months) & Gross pay
I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that all the entries
in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I fully understand that if it is found that any information given in the
application is incorrect/false or if I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria at a later date, my candidature/appointment is liable to be
Date: ................................ Signature of the Candidate
Place: ..............................