101 Tips For Pe Teachers

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TIP#1: Learn about your school goals, policies, and procedures. TIP#2: Meet with the principal to determine e pectations and goal setting. TIP#!: "amiliari#e yoursel$ with your school%s curriculum. TIP#&: 'reate an instructional outline $or the school year. TIP#(: )e*elop unit plans. TIP#+: 'reate de*elopmentally appropriate, standards,based lesson plans. TIP#-: Loo. o*er students I/Ps. TIP#0: Include assessment and closure in your daily lesson plan. TIP#1: Post the 2ational 3tandards $or Physical /ducation poster and your daily ob4ecti*es in the gymnasium. TIP#15: 'reate a de*elopmentally appropriate, positi*e beha*ior management plan. TIP#11: 6e mind$ul o$ the master school schedule. TIP#12: 'hec. class si#es, complete and e7uipment in*entory, and identi$y needs. TIP#1!: 'onduct a $acility inspection with your maintenance super*isor. TIP#1&: 8eport and repair sa$ety ha#ards TIP#1(: Per$orm a sa$ety chec. o$ all e7uipment. TIP#1+: 9rgani#e your e7uipment and props. TIP#1-: :eep a list o$ needs $or ne t year%s budget. TIP#10: 'reate a substitute teacher handboo.. TIP#11: 9rgani#e your pro$essional library. TIP#25: Identi$y school duties outside o$ teaching and how to e ecute them. TIP#21: ;s. how your per$ormance will be e*aluated. TIP#22: Identi$y students with medical needs and I/P plans. TIP#2!: "ormali#e your teaching philosophy. TIP#2&: 6ecome $amiliar with the school emergency action plan. TIP#2(: Meet the school nurse and de*elop a plan $or responding to in4uries. TIP#2+: 6e sure your $irst,aid, 'P8, and ;/) certi$ications are current. TIP#2-: Post all class rules where students can *iew them. TIP#20: 'reate a positi*e learning en*ironment. TIP#21: /stablish instructional spaces -stoc. up on necessary tools <poly spots, etc.=. TIP#!5: Per$orm a time analysis based upon allocated class length. TIP#!1: )e*elop a class routine that includes warm,up, re*iew, practice time, group wor. and closure.

TIP#!2: 'reate an introductory letter to send home to parents. TIP#!!: ;ttend all re7uired school meetings. TIP#!!: ;ttend all re7uired school meetings. TIP#!&: Identi$y and meet regularly with a mentor. TIP#!(: )ress in pro$essional physical education attire. TIP#!+: 6e prepared psychologically, physically and pro$essionally. TIP#!-: )isplay enthusiasm and energy. TIP#!0: >reet the students at the door. TIP#!1: Thin. o$ a creati*e way to introduce yoursel$ to your students. TIP#&5: ?se an ice brea.er acti*ity. TIP#&1: Learn and use student%s names. TIP#&2: Introduce classroom management protocols beginning on the $irst day o$ class. TIP#&!: )emonstrate and practice class rules and procedures in action. TIP#&&: / plain rationales and conse7uences $or rules. TIP#&(: 3end home 2;3P/%s Teacher Toolbo monthly physical acti*ity calendars. TIP#&+: Practice and discuss emergency action procedures. <e.g., $ire drills=. TIP#&-: Identi$y student e pectations, acti*ity interests and desires. TIP#&0: / plain assessment and grading criteria. TIP#&1: Introduce themes and units to the students. TIP#(5: 6e $irm but $le ible in tone and body language. TIP#(1: Maintain a positi*e learning e perience. TIP#(2: @ary your teaching strategies. TIP#(!: 'ommunicate positi*e comments and concerns to parents $re7uently. TIP#(&: 'ulti*ate wor.ing relationships with all school personnel. TIP#((: Promote physical acti*ity outside o$ class <homewor.=. TIP#(+: Identi$y and promote community,based physical acti*ity resources. TIP#(-: :eep students acti*ely engaged during class time. TIP#(0: Plan $or student demonstrations and e hibitions. TIP#(1: Model desired attitudes and beha*iors. TIP#+5: 8e$lect upon the lesson success and wea.ness. TIP#+1: 6e a role model A practice what you teach. TIP#+2: Teach acti*ities students ha*e ne*er tried. TIP#+!: 9*er plan and always ha*e a bac.,up plan. TIP#+&: Increase the student%s .nowledge o$ hisBher body. TIP#+(: )i$$erentiate instruction to meet the needs o$ all students. TIP#++: ;ssess student outcomes across the three domains o$ learning. TIP#+-: 8egularly communicate student progress. TIP#+0: /ncourage students to set and monitor goals. TIP#+1: )eli*er meaning$ul $eedbac. to all students.

TIP#-5: Learn inno*ati*e approaches at wor.shops and con$erences. TIP#-1: Integrate other academic content areas in the P/ lesson. TIP#-2: )e*elop a support system A school nurse, psychologist, guidance counselors. TIP#-!: 6ecome in*ol*es with pro$essional educational organi#ations. TIP#-&: 2etwor. with district colleagues at in,ser*ice trainings. TIP#-(: 3tay updates with pro$essional literature <newsletter, 4ournals, internet websites=. TIP#-+: 6e a li$elong learner. TIP#--: 6e an ad*ocate $or 7uality physical education. TIP#-0: ;ttend school,sponsored e*ents. TIP#-1: 3howcase your program through newsletters, school websites, bac. to school e*enings, morning announcements. TIP#05: 6e student,centered in all that you do. TIP#01: 6e consistent in discipline and class management. TIP#02: Play cool music whene*er possible. TIP#0!: "ind ways to ma.e lessons $un. TIP#0&: Implement technology. TIP#0(: Indenti$y additional sources o$ $unding <PT;BPT9, grants, etc=. TIP#0+: In*ite administrators, school board members, parents and other teachers to your classroom. TIP#0-: 6alance teaching e pectations with other responsibilities. TIP#00: I$ something is not wor.ing, try a new approach. TIP#01: ;ddress inappropriate student beha*ior issues immediately. TIP#15: 'hoose your battle with studentsC use tact with all. TIP#11: )on%t loo. $or the easy way to teach. TIP#12: 'reate a plan $or any emergency. TIP#1!: 8espect your students. TIP#1&: ;*oid elimination games. TIP#1(: ;lways class students by their names. TIP#1+: ;d*ocate $or physical education class to be the same si#e as other classes. TIP#1-: Plan $or the loss o$ teaching space and e7uipment. TIP#10: ;lways ha*e a lesson plan. TIP#11: / pect the une pected. TIP#155: Ta.e care o$ yoursel$. TIP#151: 6e a teacher not a $riend.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Ward

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