2 Jesus and Worship

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Jesus and Worship

John 4

Worship in Jerusalem

Commanded by God Temple is the place where heaven intersects earth (NT Wright) In biblical theology, the temple is the house of God, where Gods presence is localized His covenantal Spiritual presence The temple is the center of worship (Word with sacrifices and festivals and meals); the synagogues are extensions of the temple (Word only)


Jesus and the Samaritan woman are focused on corporate worship Though individual worship is not slighted in the Bible, the emphasis is on the public, corporate dimension. See Leviticus 23:2; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:17-18.

The question is where

Notice the issue of John 4: where is God to be worshipped? The answer: Not in Jerusalem. Not in Samaria. But in Spirit and in Truth. The point of the Lord is not worshippers now worship in their heart/mind. The point: Father seeks worshippers who worship in the sphere created by the Spirit and Truth.

New Covenant Worship

Old Covenant worship was centered and performed around the temple In the New Covenant, the purpose and function of the temple is taken over by the Spirit and Jesus Glory-cloud Spirit; Sacrifices/festival meals Jesus In Acts 2, the glory cloud descends on the Church, the new temple. In the NC, the sacrifices and festival meals are fulfilled in the sacrifice of Christ (Colossians 2:16-17), and their intended blessings are brought forward in the Lords Supper.

The Location of the Lords Presence

Garden (Genesis 3:8, 4:16) Tabernacle/Glory-cloud (Deu. 4:37; 12:4-7, 18; 15:20) Temple/Glory-cloud (2 Kings 13:22-23; 17:1823) Church assembly in Spirit/Jesus (Rev. 1:10; 1 Cor. 5:4; 11:10,18ff; 10, esp. 14ff; Mat. 18:20; Heb. 10:19-25; 12:18-29)

Special Presence

God is omnipresent. Nevertheless, He is present in a special way for the good and blessing of His people when His people gather together according to the appointment of Christ, on the Lords Day around the Lords Word and the Lords Supper.

What happened?

We started with the words of our Lord Jesus We interpreted His words in the light of the whole biblical material Old covenant temple worship is fulfilled in the New Covenant worship in Spirit-and-Truth We understand first the principles of Old Covenant worship, interpreted in the light of Christ and the Spirit, then apply them with wisdom and grace to our times

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