Key Concept Rubric

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Key Concept Rubric

What matters to me and why

I am struggling to figure out what matters to me and why.

I am starting to get a clearer picture of what matters to me and why.

I have a clear idea of what matters to me and can explain why it matters to me using my personal history.

I have been able to synthesize what matters to me from a number of different ideas and can explain and justify my reasoning using my personal history. I am to recall both obvious and inobvious elements that make up / a part of what matters to me. I have my own theories as to how these parts came to be.


I am able to recall the obvious elements that make up what matters to me.

I am able to recall the obvious and some less obvious elements that make up what matters to me.

I am able to recall and describe obvious and inobvious elements that make up /a part of what matters to me. I am starting to theorize how these parts came to be.


I am able to give an explanation about how elements of what matters to me work.

I am able to give an explanation about how elements of what matters to me work supported by some evidence in a personal or global context.

I am able to give thorough explanations about how element/s of what matters to me me work, supported by evidence in a personal and/or global context

I am able to give a thorough and revealing explanation about how elements of what matters to me work, supported by evidence and my own theory in a personal and global context. I am able to give a detailed and evidence based interpretation of the cause and /or effects of what matters to me. I can speak about the impact on both myself and others. I can give a thoughtful analysis of the significance of how elements of what matter to me are changing, from a personal and global perspective . I am competent in using my knowledge and skills to adapt my understandings to make connections between elements of what matters to me and other things. I apply these understandings to a personal and global context. I am aware of multiple and varying points of view about what matters to me.I consider each viewpoint, including my


I can give a simple interpretation of the causes and/or effects of what matters to me.

I am starting to add details to my interpretations of the cause and/or effect of what matters to me and the impact on me.

I can interpret the causes and/or effects of what matters to me with supporting details. I can speak about the impact on myself and possible impacts on others.


I can give a simplistic restatement of someone elses analysis of how elements of what matters to me are changing.

I can give a plausible (believable) analysis of how elements of what matters to me are changing from a personal or global perspective.

I can give a reasonable analysis of how elements of what matter to me are changing from a personal and/or global perspective.


I am beginning to develop the ability to use my knowledge and skills to make simple connections between elements of what matters to me and other things. I apply these understandings to a personal context.

I am developing the ability to use my knowledge and skills to make connections between elements of what matters to me and other things. I apply these understandings to a personal context.

I have a growing ability to use my knowledge and skills to make connections between elements of what matters to me and other things. I apply these understandings to a personal context. and beyond

(In perspective)

I have a simplistic understanding of points of view that differ from my own, about what matters to me. I am not

I am aware of some different points of view about what matters to me. I consider some viewpoints that differ from

I am aware of multiple points of view about what matters to me, I consider each viewpoint, including my

yet able to see how different points of view can help shape my understanding of what matters to me.

my own and draw conclusions based on my understanding of those perspectives.

own and draw conclusions based on my understanding of the origin of the perspective and supporting evidence. I am able to see and feel what others do and recognize the responsibility of myself and others to change thinking and/ behaviour in order to improve our lives, in the context of what matters to me.

own and draw factual conclusions based on a comprehensive understanding of the origin of the perspective and relevant evidence. I am able to see and feel what others do and recognize the responsibility of myself and others to take socially responsible action to improve our lives and the lives of others in the context of what matters to me.


I understand that others see and feel things differently to me and recognize the responsibility of others to change their thinking and/or behaviour, in the context of what matters to me, in order for the situation to change/improve.

I am aware that others see and feel things differently to me. I recognize the responsibility of others to change their thinking and/or behaviour in the context of what matters to me, in order for the situation to change/improve. I am beginning to see possibilities for me to assume responsibility. I am aware that the understanding of others, and my own understanding , of what matters to me may contribute to how others and I choose to behave and interact.


I am becoming more aware that the understanding of others, and my own understanding of what matters to me may contribute to how I and others choose to behave.

I am aware of limitations of my own and others understanding of what matters to me. I recognize the prejudices of others and am beginning to consider my own, and the effect these have on ones ability to act freely and without hesitation. I have chosen and created a way to attract attention to my story. I can tell my story confidently and answer questions using information from my research.

I am deeply aware of the boundaries of my own and others understanding of what matters to me. I recognize my own prejudices and the prejudices of others that affects ones ability to act freely and without hesitation.

Sharing my story

I am struggling to find a way to attract attention to my story. I find it difficult to tell my story verbally.

I am still figuring out the best way to attract attention to my story. I am getting more confident at telling my story verbally.

I have chosen and created a way to attract attention to my story that has already started to attract attention. I can sustain a lengthy conversation about my story using examples, anecdotes and information from my research. I use my initiative, perseverance and knowledge to drive my inquiry and act on what matters to me, to make an impact on myself and others.


With adult direction I can inquire into what matters to me. I am beginning to reflect and draw conclusions. I am yet to make a connection between my findings and what action I could take.

With guidance and increasing independence I can inquire into and reflect on what matters to me but am yet to act on conclusions I have drawn.

I use independent thought and behaviour to direct my inquiry and act on what matters to me, to make an impact on myself and/or others.

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