Employee Handbook: Edited by Schiff Hardin LLP July 2010
Employee Handbook: Edited by Schiff Hardin LLP July 2010
Employee Handbook
Table of Contents
The Cottage Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3 I. Organizational Overview ......................................................................................................... 4 A. Introduction Statement..................................................................................................... 4 B. Overview of the Cottage ................................................................................................... 5 II. General Terms Applicable to Employees and Other Staff ................................................. 7 A. Equal Opportunity ............................................................................................................ 7 B. Screening and Training .................................................................................................... 7 C. Familiarity with Protocols Required ............................................................................... 7 D. Communication ................................................................................................................. 7 E. Confidentiality ................................................................................................................... 8 F. Conduct .............................................................................................................................. 8 G. Sexual and Other Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment ...................................... 9 H. Drug and Alcohol Use ..................................................................................................... 10 I. Personal Appearance ...................................................................................................... 11 J. Training and Continuing Education ............................................................................. 11 K. Use of Office Telephones ................................................................................................ 11 L. References ....................................................................................................................... 12 III. Employment Polices ............................................................................................................ 12 A. Employment Categories ................................................................................................. 12 B. Employment Recruitment and Selection....................................................................... 13 C. Performance Appraisal................................................................................................... 14 D. Grievance Procedures ..................................................................................................... 15 E. Disciplinary Procedures .................................................................................................. 15 F. Personnel Files ................................................................................................................. 15 G. Resignation, Termination and Retirement ................................................................... 16 IV. Employee Scheduling and Compensation ......................................................................... 16 A. Daily Work Schedule ...................................................................................................... 16 B. Attendance ....................................................................................................................... 17 C. Overtime .......................................................................................................................... 17 D. Flextime ............................................................................................................................ 18 E. Pay Period, Documentation and Check Distribution ................................................... 18 F. Pay Deductions................................................................................................................. 18 V. Employee Benefit Program ................................................................................................. 19 A. Benefit Programs............................................................................................................. 19 B. Employee Health and Dental Insurance........................................................................ 19 C. Simple IRA and Employer Match ................................................................................. 20 D. Expense Reimbursements............................................................................................... 20 E. Workers Compensation Insurance ............................................................................... 21
The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Child Advocacy Center Revised May 2012
Employee Handbook
F. Holidays ........................................................................................................................... 21 G. Vacation Leave ............................................................................................................... 22 H. Sick Leave and Personal Days ...................................................................................... 23 I. Leave of Absence ............................................................................................................. 24 J. Membership Dues ........................................................................................................... 25 VI. Client Policies and Procedures ........................................................................................... 26 A. Mandated Reporting ...................................................................................................... 26 B. Client Transport ............................................................................................................. 27 C. Services to Clients with Disabilities .............................................................................. 27 D. Cultural Sensitivity ........................................................................................................ 27 E. Crisis Situation / Harm to Self or Others ..................................................................... 28 F. Release of Client Related Information ......................................................................... 29 G. Client Grievances ........................................................................................................... 30 H. Termination of Clients and Continuity of Services .................................................... 31 VII. General Operation Policies and Procedures.................................................................... 32 A. Use of Cellular Phones .................................................................................................. 32 B. Use of Internet, E-mail, Facsimile and Personal Technology ................................... 33 C. Use of Equipment .......................................................................................................... 34 D. Safety .............................................................................................................................. 34 E. Security ........................................................................................................................... 34 F. Emergency Closings ...................................................................................................... 35 G. Facility Traffic Control ................................................................................................ 35 H. Use of Office Telephones .............................................................................................. 35 Appendix A: Employee Handbook Acknowledgement .......................................................... 37
The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Child Advocacy Center Revised May 2012
Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook
Counseling Counselors and referrals are available for short-term counseling and one-on-one, confidential emotional support to child and adult survivors, their families and significant others. In addition, weekly support groups are available. Prevention Education Upon request, the Cottage provides in-service presentations and informational sessions on various topics surrounding sexual assault and violence for community members, civic groups, college classes, etc. In collaboration with other helping organizations, staff also provides educational groups for women, children and adolescents on sexual assault and violence. Service Area The Cottage serves 4 counties including 2 judicial circuits: Northern Judicial Circuit-Serving Adults Only Madison: Colbert, Comer, Danielsville, Hull, Ila & Royston Oglethorpe: Arnoldsville, Carlton, Colbert, Comer, Crawford, Lexington, Maxeys, Philomath, Stephens & Winterville Western Judicial CircuitServing Adults and Children Clarke: Athens, Bogart & Winterville Oconee: Bishop, Bogart, Farmington, North High Shoals & Watkinsville
I. Organizational Overview
A. Introduction Statement
This handbook is designed to acquaint you with The Cottage and provide you with the information about working conditions, employee benefits and some of the policies that affect your employment. Hereinafter, references in this handbook to staff or staff members are intended to include volunteers, interns and independent contractors. You are expected to read, understand and comply with all the provisions of this handbook. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed by The Cottage that may be of interest to you. The Cottage places great value on its employees and their contributions to both the organization and the community. Through its personnel policies and benefit program, The Cottage strives to create an environment that acknowledges the importance of each employee. The Cottage believes that flexibility, initiative, and the willingness to be a team player are vital to the success of the organization. The success of The Cottage is dependent on the success of the employees and staff.
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No handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question. From time to time the need may arise to modify policies described in this handbook. The Cottage reserves the right to change, revise, add or eliminate any of the policies described in this handbook. The only recognized deviations from the stated policies contained in this handbook are those authorized in writing, signed by the Executive Director, and approved by the Board of Directors. Employees will be notified of any changes in personnel policies as this occurs. All employees members are required to sign an Employee Handbook Acknowledgement Form attached hereto as Appendix A as a condition to volunteering or working with The Cottage.
The Athens Rape Crisis Line was established in January 1974 when women of the Boulevard Community in Athens formed a neighborhood patrol to protect one another and help police capture a serial rapist. The Athens Rape Crisis Line was the first antisexual assault organization formed in Georgia and was a founding member of the Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault (GNESA). In 1990, the Athens Rape Crisis Line received funding to hire staff and open an office in Athens. The name was changed to the Rape Crisis Center of Northeast Georgia. The Rape Crisis Center became a non-profit, volunteer organization, which provided services to rape survivors in Athens and the 10 surrounding counties (Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Oconee, Greene, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Walton). Services included a rape crisis hotline, short term counseling, self-defense classes, community education, support groups, as well as medical, legal, and court accompaniment. During this time, efforts were made to reach the rural counties but staff and money were limited. In 1995, the Rape Crisis Center relocated to its current location behind the Athens Clarke County Police Department. In addition, the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) program was created and collaborated with the Rape Crisis Center to provide rape exams at the Rape Crisis Center. The partnership created a friendlier, more comfortable environment, where survivors did not have to wait in a hospital emergency room for services. In 1996, the Child Advocacy Program was added to serve children. Services were now expanded to reach all ages of sexual assault and abuse survivors. The staff had now increased to four full time employees.
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In 1997, an employee solely dedicated to community education was added and the number of people being served by the Rape Crisis Center soared. In addition, a satellite office in Jackson/Barrow Counties was established to reach individuals in the Piedmont Judicial Circuit. In 1998, the Rape Crisis Center changed its name to the Sexual Assault Center of Northeast Georgia, Inc. (SACNEG) in effort to encompass all survivors of sexual violence. In addition, the service area changed slightly to serve: Clarke, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Madison, Greene, Barrow, Jackson, Hart, Franklin and Elbert Counties. In 1999, the Child Advocacy Program expanded services to the Northern Judicial Circuit and together with the already established adult program in Elbert County this began to make sexual assault services more accessible in the rural counties. In 2000, due to tremendous growth in number of services provided, SACNEGA underwent a major organizational restructuring, the Barrow/Jackson office was closed and three counties were eliminated from the service area: Barrow, Jackson, and Greene Counties. It was a difficult choice for the Center, but it was a strategic effort to provide services more effectively and efficiently to seven counties. SACNEGA has undergone many expansions and contractions in the staff and services in the past eight years. Recently, SACNEGA almost closed its doors to the community and other agencies it serves. Thanks to the efforts of many committed community members SACNEGA was not closed, but has gained all new staff and Board of Directors since the middle of the year 2007. In October of 2008, the Sexual Assault Center of Northeast Georgia changed its name to The Cottage, Sexual Assault Center and Child Advocacy Center (The Cottage). Currently, The Cottage serves four counties (Clarke, Oconee, Madison and Oglethorpe) with the adult services. Adult services include crisis counseling, accompaniment during SANE exams and court, and referrals to individual and group therapy. The child services piece includes two counties (Clarke and Oconee). These services include crisis counseling, accompaniment during SANE and court, Forensic Interviews, Forensic Evaluations, and referrals to individual and group therapy. The Cottage is actively recruiting experienced and mature volunteers for some of our services. The Cottage also continues to have a 24/7 crisis hotline. The Cottage looks forward to becoming involved in community awareness and fund raising projects in the future. The Cottage has evolved over the years and will continue to do. As long as there are individuals, organizations, and agencies committed to ending violence in our society and sexual violence in particular, the struggle will continue.
The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Child Advocacy Center Revised May 2012
II. General Terms Applicable to Employees and Other Staff A. Equal Opportunity
The Cottage maintains a policy of equal employment opportunities for all employees, and applicants for employment. The Cottage hires, trains, promotes and compensates employees on the basis of competence and performance without regard for age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status or genetics. The same equal opportunity policy applies to volunteers and consultants in the context of their work.
All individuals seeking employment, volunteer opportunities or consulting work, whether they are working with direct service or non-direct service (i.e., Board Member, clerical, etc.) must complete an application form and undergo a reference and background check.
1. Child Abuse Protocol: Every employee, volunteer and consultant of The Cottage is required to read and have knowledge of the Child Abuse Protocols for Oconee and Clarke Counties. A copy of each Protocol is attached hereto at Appendix B and Appendix C, respectively. 2. Sexual Assault Response Team: Every employee, volunteer and consultant of The Cottage is be required to read and have knowledge of the protocol involving adult sexual assault victims and the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). A copy of that Protocol is attached here to at Appendix D.
The Cottage requires open and direct communication between employees, volunteers, consultants, supervisors and the Executive Director. This way the work environment can be excellent, communication is clear, and attitudes can be positive. The Cottage is committed to responding effectively, fairly, and openly to legitimate concerns. The Cottage welcomes comments and active participation in helping it to be an organization that respects employees volunteers and consultants contribution to its mission, supports
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its workforces responsibilities to carry out their work, and encourages their talents.
1. Protection of Confidential Information: The protection of confidential information is vital to the interests and the success of The Cottage and the clients it serves. Any written, oral or other information regarding adults, children or families served by The Cottage, donors, prospective donors, or grantees and any personal information about employees, volunteers or consultants or other confidential information obtained as a result of working with The Cottage should be considered confidential (individually and collectively referred to as Confidential Information) and should only be discussed or shared as required in connection with The Cottage work. Under no circumstance should Confidential Information be revealed to third parties, except as is required by law, or approved by the Executive Director in writing. 2. Protection and Handling of The Cottage Documents: All documents, files and working papers of The Cottage are property of The Cottage. Employees, volunteers and consultants are cautioned to exercise care not to disclose Confidential Information unintentionally by indiscreet conversation or by careless handling of sensitive documents. Any employee, volunteer or consultant who directly or indirectly, purposely, or through failure to exercise reasonable care, causes Confidential Information to be disclosed will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure. 3. Confidentiality Statement: All employees, volunteers and consultants are required to sign a CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT as a condition of working with The Cottage. A copy of that statement is included at Appendix E to this handbook. This non-disclosure agreement will be kept in the individuals personnel file.
1. Expectations: To assure orderly operations and to provide the best possible work environment, The Cottage expects employees, volunteers and consultants to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of everyone working with The Cottage. 2. Infractions: It is not possible to list all forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in performance communication, progressive discipline, or termination:
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Violations of personnel policies Unsatisfactory performance or conduct Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of property Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system or other The Cottage owned equipment Sexual or other unlawful harassment Unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property Felony charges and misdemeanor convictions Possession, distribution, sale, transfer or use of controlled substance in the workplace or while on duty. Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms in the workplace
1. The Cottage Commitment: The Cottage is strongly committed to ensuring a work environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Everyone, including employees, volunteers, consultants, clients, and service providers has the right to be treated with respect and dignity and the obligation to treat others with such respect and dignity. The Cottage will not tolerate any behavior or actions that are inconsistent to our commitment to a wholesome and legal work environment. 2. Harassment: Illegal harassment is a form of discrimination. Harassment can take many forms and may include, but is not limited to, slurs, offensive remarks, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Actions, words, jokes, or any comments based on an individuals age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status or genetics will not be tolerated. 3. Sexual Harassment: Although all forms of illegal discrimination and harassment are prohibited, there is often confusion and misunderstanding about what constitutes sexual harassment. For this reason, we are providing additional guidance regarding what kind of conduct constitutes sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace includes, but is not limited to: The threat, explicit or implied, that refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect employment, assignments, advancement, wages, or career
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development within the organization. The granting or denial of employment, assignment, advancement, wages, etc. based on submission to, or rejection of, such advances. Conduct or language of a sexual nature that is offensive or creates an uncomfortable work environment. Sexually suggestive remarks, pictures, drawings, or e-mail of a sexual nature; false or harmful rumors spread about another persons sexual attributes, activities or orientation. 4. Reporting Discrimination and Harassment: Any employee, volunteer or consultant who believes he or she has observed or has been subject to any form of illegal discrimination or harassment must promptly report the matter to either his or her supervisor, or to the Executive Director. Once such a report is made, The Cottage will promptly investigate the matter and take any action it deems necessary or appropriate to resolve the problem and prevent any future discrimination or harassment. The Cottage prohibits any adverse employment action or any other persecution against a person who reports what he or she believes in good faith to be illegal discrimination or harassment or against a person who assists with the investigation of such report.
1. Illegal and Controlled Substances: The Cottage adheres to the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Use of an illegal or controlled substance is inappropriate behavior that subjects coworkers, visitors, and others to unacceptable safety risks and undermines The Cottages operating effectiveness. Reporting to work or working under the influence of an illegal or controlled substance (except if taken with a physicians prescription according to the physicians directions) is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. Such conduct is also prohibited outside scheduled working hours to the extent that it impairs an employees ability to perform or threatens the reputation of The Cottage. 2. Consumption of Alcohol: An employee, volunteer or consultant who chooses to consume alcohol while attending a gathering on behalf of The Cottage where alcohol is otherwise available is expected to do so in a responsible manner. Conduct that would impair a workers ability to perform or threatens the reputation of The Cottage is prohibited and may result in disciplinary actions. Employees, volunteers and consultants may not consume alcoholic beverages during regular business hours or at staff functions or staff retreats. 3. Notification of Violation: Any employee, volunteer or consultant who pleads no contest to or who is convicted of any violation related to an illegal or controlled
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substance or driving while under the influence of an intoxicant, must report it to the Executive Director in writing within five working days of the conviction or plea. If not, disciplinary action will follow. If the violation occurs while the employee, volunteer or consultant is on duty actively engaged in work for The Cottage, the Executive Director must be notified immediately.
Personal Appearance
Dress, grooming and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of everyone who works for or with The Cottage and affect the professional image The Cottage presents to donors, grantees, clients and other visitors. During business hours, employees, volunteers and consultants are expected to present a clean and neat appearance and to dress accordingly to the requirements of their positions. Jeans may be worn on casual dress days designated and announced by the Executive Director.
Employees and volunteers are required to engage in certain training and continuing education programs, as determined by the employees or volunteers supervisor or the Executive Director.
1. Personal Use: The telephone is a primary communication vehicle for The Cottage and as such must be used and relied upon to support work of The Cottage. Employees, volunteers and consultants are requested to keep personal calls to an absolute minimum will be required to reimburse The Cottage for personal long distance telephone charges. 2. Telephone etiquette: To ensure effective telephone communications, employees, volunteers and consultants should always speak in a courteous and professional manner. 3. Calls requiring action: The following calls should be directed to the Executive Director; External requests from the media All collect calls
4. Client information request: requests regarding release of client information shall be directed to the appropriate supervisor. 5. Forensic interview request: Requests for Forensic Interviews shall be directed to
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the Child Services Advocate. 6. Adult Advocacy: All calls relating to services needed for an adult sexual assault victim will be directed to the Adult Services Advocate. 7. Volunteer and donations: All calls relating to volunteer opportunities and/or donations should be directed to the Volunteer/Operations Coordinator 8. Hotline: The employees and other staff will divide hotline duty during working hours. The Volunteer Coordinator or Executive Director will divide up hotline call during non-working hours. There will be occasions when the hotline is not covered that paid employees and volunteers and interns will take calls during non-working hours.
L. References
References regarding an employee, volunteer or consultant and his or her work with The Cottage may be provided, upon written request, in the sole discretion of the Executive Director.
1. Employment at will: This handbook is not a contract guaranteeing employment for any specified period of time. The Cottage may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice. Nothing contained in this handbook nor any oral statement to an employee will alter the at will employment status. 2. Regular Full Time Employees: Regular full-time employees are those who are regularly scheduled to work 30 to 40 hours a week. Employees working 40 hours a week are eligible for The Cottages benefits package, including health/dental insurance (after a one-month waiting period, paid vacation, sick and holiday leave, and other benefits required by law, such as workers compensation, and social security. Employees working 30-39 hours a week are eligible for vacation, sick, and holiday leave which time will be paid at 75% of the employees regular compensation and benefits required by law, such as workers compensation, and social security. Full-time employees are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefit program and are paid an annual salary.
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3. Part Time Employees: Part-time employees are those who are scheduled to work less than 30 hours a week. Although part time employees are not eligible for The Cottage benefits package, they are eligible for those benefits required by law, such as workers compensation and social security. Part time employees may be paid an annual salary or by the hour, depending on their position. 4. Determination: Each employee is designated as either NONEXEMPT or EXEMPT. Exempt employees are paid an annual salary and are excluded from specific provisions of The Federal Labor Standard Act and payment of overtime is not required. Nonexempt employees are paid on an hourly basis and are entitled to overtime pay at the rate of 1.5 times regular rate for hours actually worked over the regularly scheduled hours.
1. Recruitment: The Cottages recruitment and selection procedures are conducted to ensure the employment of the best-qualified candidates. Therefore, they will be implemented in a manner consistent with providing equal employment opportunities. When a position is created or when one becomes vacant, The Cottage employees will be notified before or at the same time as external recruitment begins. 2. Application: The Cottage relies upon accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentation, falsification or material omission in any of this information may result in termination or exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment. Each applicant will be required to complete an application form and consent to perform a criminal background check. Prior to making any hiring decisions, the applicant must provide a list of three references, one of which is to include the current employer (or most recent if not working), and a completed FBI fingerprint check. 3. Approval: Within the organization, the Executive Director will approve all employment decisions (including hiring, promotions, demotions and other changes) before any commitments are made or notification is given to an applicant or employee. This approval extends to issues of compensation and working hours. 4. Exception: The Cottage permits the employment of an employees relative subject to the following: No employee may work under the immediate supervision of an immediate family member,
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Two or more employees who are immediate family members may not work in the same program area.
Performance Appraisal
1. Purpose: Employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance, expectations, and goals with their supervisor informally on a regular basis. The primary objective is to foster growth and improve performance. The annual performance appraisal is intended to provide a formal opportunity to discuss job functions; identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals. It is also an integral part of compensation. 2. Annual: A formal, written performance appraisal will be conducted with all employees on an annual basis usually during the months of June and July. These reviews are generally conducted between the employee and his or her immediate supervisor. Appraisals may be performed more frequently when warranted by the employees work performance. A brief report will be provided to the Personnel Committee by the Executive Director. The Personnel Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors evaluate the Executive Directors work performance and report to the full Board of Directors for approval of the report pending any additions or revisions. 3. Compensation: The Cottage awards merit-based pay adjustments in an effort to recognize truly superior employee performance. The decision to award such an adjustment is dependent upon numerous factors, including documentation and budgetary concerns, and must be approved by the Executive Director, based on the Board of Directors approved budget. Performance appraisals will be kept in the employees personnel file and a copy will be provided to the employee. The Cottage strives to provide competitive pay and compensation in order to be able to attract and retain high quality employees.
Grievance Procedures
1. Policy: It is the intent of The Cottage to be equitable in the supervision and management of all employees. If an employee believes that he or she has not been treated fairly in connection with any personnel actions, working conditions, or supervision, that employee should request a problem solving conference with the Executive Director. 2. Procedure: If the employee is not satisfied with the determination of the Executive Director, the employee may, within five (5) working days after receiving the
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answer of the Executive Director, refer the complaint in writing to the Personnel Committee of the Board of Directors. The committee shall submit in writing within five (5) working days an answer to the said complaint.
Disciplinary Procedures
1. Reprimands: A reprimand is a form of corrective supervisory feedback in response to unsatisfactory performance, misconduct or violation of policy and procedure. A conference is conducted with the employee and the reprimand is delivered. In addition, a written memo is given to the employee with a copy to the employees personnel file. The reprimand should cover: Name and position of the employee, with a clear description of the rationale for the reprimand. A description of preferred appropriate behavior should be clearly noted, with the supervisors signature and date. The employee will be asked to sign the reprimand. If an employee refuses to sign a reprimand, it shall be noted during employer and employee conference.
Personnel Files
1. Employee Documents: The Cottage retains a personnel file for each employee. The file will contain documentation regarding such aspects of the individuals employment as job descriptions, performance appraisals, performance communications, benefit and dependent documentation, and employment application documents (including name, social security number, address, telephone number, birth date, sex, occupation and wage rate). Personnel files will be kept for at least two years under a restricted condition, and only management with job related reasons will have access to those files. 2. Review of Files: Approval by the Executive Director is necessary for any employee requesting to review his or her file. An employee may review his or her file in the presence of the immediate supervisor and Executive Director at a mutually convenient time. Whether negative or positive, the employee will be asked to acknowledge review of such report. Acknowledgement of review does not imply consent to the contents, only that the employee reviewed documentation. The acknowledgment will then be a part of the personnel file. 3. Maintenance: Personnel files must be kept up-to-date with any changes in name, telephone number, address, marital status, dependents, beneficiary designations,
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education attainments, and any other relevant factors. It is the responsibility of the employee to present this information to the Executive Director.
1. Employment at-will: Employment relationships with The Cottage are on an atwill basis. The Cottage may terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice. Nothing contained in this handbook nor any oral or written statement by any employee of The Cottage will alter the at-will status. 2. Resignation: Resignation is a voluntary act initiated by the employee to terminate employment with The Cottage. Generally, an employee may resign from his or her employment with The Cottage at any time, for any reason. The Cottage requests at least two weeks written resignation notice from all employees. The written notice should be submitted to the employees immediate supervisor and copied to the Executive Director. 3. Termination: Termination is initiated by The Cottage under the direction of the Executive Director. The Cottage may terminate an employee at any time, for any reason. 4. Retirement: If an employee plans to retire, the employee is expected to give The Cottage at least three months notice to make the necessary staffing adjustments. 5. Return of Property: Employees must return all property of The Cottage that is in their possession or control in the event of termination of employment, resignation, and layoff or immediately upon request. Items may include: cellular phones, keys, telephone pass codes, equipment and written materials. It is expected that all returned property will be in the same or similar condition as originally provided to the employee, with normal wear and tear acknowledged. If property is not returned within 48 hours of request, the final pay check will be withheld. 6. Exit Interview: Prior to an employees departure, an exit interview will be conducted to discuss any matters The Cottage or the employee deems appropriate and to collect The Cottages property in the individuals possession with the Executive Director.
Monday through Friday. Appointments may be made with individual staff members before and after these hours. 2. Regular full-time employees: The normal daily work schedule for employees who work 40 hours a week is 8 hours a day, five days a week from 8:00am to 5:00pm, with one hour allowed for lunch. Employees working 30-39 hours a week will arrange their regular work schedules with the Executive Director. Staffing needs and operational demands may necessitate variations in starting and ending times, as well as variations in the total hours that may be scheduled each day and week. 3. Part-time employees: Regular work schedules for part-time employees working less than 30 hours per week will be arranged by their supervisor, approved by the Executive Director, and maintained on a regular basis. 4. Schedule Adjustments: With the Executive Directors approval, employees may adjust their regular arrival and departure time between the hours of 7:00am and 9:00pm. Employees who are granted an adjustment on their start and end times are expected to maintain that schedule on a regular basis.
1. Expectation: Regular attendance during all scheduled hours of work, reporting for work on time, working until the end of the work period, and taking no more than one hour for lunch are expected of every employee. All employees must regularly attend weekly staff meetings, scheduled team supervision meetings and scheduled individual supervision meetings, unless the Executive Director excuses the employee from attending. 2. Meetings/ Conferences: Employee will, from time to time, be required to attend meetings and conferences outside the office. When such sessions occur during normal working hours, no special provisions will be made, except that individuals are reimbursed for expenses as outlined in expense reimbursement form. When such sessions extend to a time beyond normal working hours, employees will be compensated in accordance to policy.
1. Compensation: Overtime applies exclusively to non-exempt employees and must be authorized in advance and in writing by the Executive Director. 2. Compliance: It is extremely important that employees comply with The Cottages
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overtime policy and supervisors actively enforce this policy, in order that the treatment of overtime is consistent with The Cottage budget and federal and state law.
Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay, but in some cases, may earn flextime which is additional paid time off. Exempt employees who work at conferences or on significant projects that require extraordinary time commitments may be granted flextime with the approval of the Executive Director. Each employee must keep accurate records of the extra time he or she spends working and request flextime through The Cottages monthly schedule. Flextime accrues on an hourly basis and must be taken within thirty days of its accrual. Employee will not receive any payment in lieu of time off for accrued flextime.
1. Pay period: The Cottage employees will be paid twice a month, totaling twentyfour pay periods annually. Paydays will typically be the next business day after the 15th and last day of the month. 2. Time Sheets: Non-exempt employees are required to submit time sheets to the Executive Director at the end of each month. 3. Check Distribution: Unless an employee has a direct deposit arrangement in place, the Executive Director will issue employee paychecks. Should the scheduled payday fall on an observed holiday or weekend, the checks will be issued on the last work day before the holiday or weekend. All required and voluntary deductions will be withheld automatically from the employee paycheck. Employees are responsible for reviewing their paycheck for accuracy. If an error is found, please report it to the Executive Director immediately. If a paycheck is lost or stolen, the Executive Director should be notified immediately so that a stop-payment order can be issued. If the check is cashed before a stop-payment order can be issued, the employee may be held responsible for the loss. Direct deposit is offered to employees that hold bank accounts at Bank of America.
Pay Deductions
The law requires that The Cottage make certain deductions from every employees compensation. Among these are applicable federal and state income taxes. The Cottage must also deduct social security tax on each employees earnings up to the specified limit that is called the social security wage base. The Cottage matches the amount of social
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security taxes paid by each employee. In addition, The Cottage will deduct any pretax amounts an employee contributes to a Simple IRA (as described under Edward Jones ) and any other amounts authorized by the employee or ordered by a court of law.
Eligible employees of The Cottage are offered certain benefits. A number of programs (including social security, workers compensation, state unemployment insurance) cover all employees in the manner prescribed by law. Benefits eligibility is dependent upon a variety of factors including employment category. It should be noted that a full time employee are eligible for all benefits The Cottage offers. Part time employees are not eligible for all benefits. Details of classification can be found in [REFERENCE]. Currently, The Cottage provides the following benefits program: Employee Health Plan Holidays Vacation Leave Sick Leave Leave of Absence Payment of Membership Dues Various employee benefits described in this Handbook include reference to immediate and extended family members.
Once an employee has been employed for at least 30 hours a week for one month at The Cottage, they are able to enroll in full health and dental benefits through The Cottage. At this time, The Cottage will pay for all employees health and dental benefits, if working at least 30 hours a week. The Cottage currently uses Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia for health insurance and Security Life for dental insurance. All full-time employees will be offered coverage for health care insurance. The health plan will include major medical coverage and dental care. Employees become eligible to enroll in this plan after 30 days of employment. The Cottage will cover 100% of the health care premium for employees provided they meet eligibility requirements. Employees wishing to enroll dependents in medical and dental plans may do so provided the dependents meet eligibility requirements set by the insurance company. Employees will be responsible for the full premium payment for their eligible dependents; Full-time employees wishing to opt out
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Once employees have been employed with The Cottage for at least two months, the employee will be offered the option to enroll in The Cottage Simple IRA program through Edward Jones. The employee may contribute a portion of their pretax salary to a Simple IRA. The Cottage will fully match any such contribution up to a maximum of 3% of the employees annual compensation each year. The Cottage will pay any annual fee imposed by Edward Jones for maintaining an employees Simple IRA as long as such employee remains employed by The Cottage.
Expense Reimbursements
1. Pre-approval: Generally, if you know you will be incurring expenses that you expect The Cottage the reimburse you for, you must obtain the Executive Directors approval of such expenses prior to incurring them. 2, Automobile travel: Employees who are required to use their own vehicles for The Cottage business will be reimbursed at the current mileage rate at which the State of Georgia reimburses its employees, plus expenses for tolls and parking. Reimbursements are not paid for travel between home and work. 3. Overnight Accommodations: If business requires staying overnight, The Cottage will pay for the cost of reasonably priced accommodations. Such accommodations will be selected and paid for by The Cottage unless the Executive Director asks the employee to may make their own arrangements in which case the employee will be reimbursed afterwards by The Cottage. 4. Air Travel: If business requires air travel, The Cottage will pay for the cost of reasonably priced airfares. Such airfare will be selected and paid for by The Cottage unless the Executive Director asks the employee to may make their own arrangements in which case the employee will be reimbursed afterwards by The Cottage. 5. Meals and additional conference expenses: The Cottage will reimburse employees for meals not included in conference fees at the current rate at which the State of Georgia reimburses its employees for meals ($46 per day). If a meal exceeds that rate, the remaining total will be the responsibility of the employee. Notwithstanding the forgoing, in no event will The Cottage reimburse an employee for the cost alcoholic beverages. The Cottage will also reimburse the employee for expenses incurred during a conference
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stay, to include supplies, copying, postage, telephone calls, or other items approved by the Executive Director. 6. Request for reimbursement: All requests for reimbursements must be submitted in writing on such forms as The Cottage requires. Reimbursements will be paid as soon as practicable after they are properly submitted and approved.
1. Eligibility: The Cottage provides a workers compensation insurance program at no cost to employees as required by law. 2. Emergency Situations; Reporting to Executive Director: Employees must call 911 in the event of an emergency. If the employees injury is not an emergency but requires medical attention, the Executive Director should be notified immediately in order to send him or her to a designated workers compensation physician, hospital or clinic for treatment. The names, addresses and phone numbers are posted on the workers compensation poster on the bulletin board in the right hallway. In addition, an Incident/ Injury Report Form must be filled out by the employee and submitted to the Executive Director within 24 hours of the incident. If the employee is unable to complete the form, the employee or his or her representative should contact the Executive Director so that the Executive Director can complete the form on behalf of the employee. 3. Returning to Work: An employee is not allowed to return to work until he or she has been released by a doctor and has turned in a doctors statement authorizing the return to work. Furthermore, although The Cottage will endeavor to keep your position open while you are out, it reserves the right to fill any position at any time due to business needs. 4. Gross Negligence: Gross negligence on an individuals part may disqualify him or her from receiving benefits. The Executive Director may only disqualify an employee with concurrence of the workers compensation insurance carrier. Neither The Cottage nor the insurance carrier is responsible for payment of workers compensation benefits for injuries that occur during an employees voluntary participation in any off duty recreational, social or athletic activity sponsored by The Cottage.
1. Eligibility: For each designated holiday, The Cottage will grant full-time employees who work 40 hours a week 8 hours paid holiday time. Full-time employees who work 30 to 39 hours a week will receive 6 hours paid holidays time. Part-time
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employees working 29 hours or less are not eligible for holiday pay. 2. Observed Holidays: New Years Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve or the day after Christmas Christmas Day
3. Weekend holidays: If a recognized holiday falls on a Saturday, The Cottage will take the Friday as a paid holiday. If a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, The Cottage will take Monday as the paid holiday. In January, the Executive Director will determine which day to observe the 2nd day observed at Christmas. 4. Exceptions: If an employee is required to work on a holiday listed above, he or she will receive time off at a later date for those hours.
Vacation Leave
1. Accrual/No Rollover or Payout on Termination: Employees will accrue vacation in accordance with the following schedule based upon full years of service at the employees anniversary date of hire: Years of Eligible Service At date of hire After 2 years After 4 years After 6 years Annual Vacation Granted per Pay Period 10 days (2 weeks) 15 days (3 weeks) 18 days (3 weeks/ 3 days) 20 days (4 weeks)
Unless you are an exempt employee, unused vacation will not be rolled over. Furthermore, you will not be paid for any unused vacation time upon termination of your employment. 2. Special Rule for Exempt Employees. If you are considered an exempt employee, you must request vacation time in 4-hour increments. Unused vacation time may be carried over to the next calendar year. Carry-over vacation is limited to two times the total employees annual vacation accrual. Once an employee reaches this cap, further
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vacation will stop until all accrued time has been exhausted. 3. Requesting Time: Employees should submit a Request for Leave Form to their supervisor, and then submit it to the Executive Director prior to any requested time off. A copy of the approved form will be forwarded to the employee. Vacation time is paid at the employees base rate. Vacation time may not be advanced without the approval of the Executive Director. If sick time is exhausted, vacation time may be used for sick time. 4. No Vacation During First 90 Days: Employees will begin accruing vacation time from the date of hire however, they may not use vacation time until they have completed 90 days of continuous employment without prior approval by the Executive Director. 5. Paid Leave. An employee must use vacation time in order to take a paid leave of absence.
1. Eligibility: The Cottage recognizes that employees may need to be absent from work due to their own, a childs or another family members temporary illness or injury. Paid sick leave is a privilege and should be used only for sick leave. Full-time employees who work 40 hours a week are eligible for a fully paid sick leave. Full-time employees who work 30-39 hours are eligible for 6 hours a day paid sick leave. Employees who work 29 hours a week or less are not eligible for paid sick time. 2. Special Rules for Exempt Employees. If you are considered an exempt employee, you must request sick time in 4-hour increments. Up to 30 days of unused sick time may be carried over to the next calendar year. Once an employee reaches this cap, further accrual will stop until all sick time has been exhausted. 3. Requesting time: Employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury should notify their immediate supervisor, if at all possible, before the scheduled start of his or her work day. Employees should also contact their supervisor prior to the start of the workday on each successive day they are unable to be at work. Upon returning to work, employees should submit a Request for Leave Form to their supervisor, and then to the Executive Director. A doctors excuse can be requested at any time by the Executive Director. The note should be attached to the Request for Leave Form. 4. Personal Days: All Full-Time The Cottage employees (working 30 hours or more) may take up to 2 personal days each calendar year. These days need to be requested to the Executive Director as soon as it is known by an employee that they are needed. Personal days cannot be rolled over.
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5. Use of Vacation Days. If sick time is exhausted, vacation time may be used for sick time with approval per the Executive Director. Vacation time may not be advanced without the approval of the Executive Director. Employees will not be paid for unused sick leave benefits at any time, including at separation of employment. I.
Leave of Absence
1. Accommodation: The Cottage recognizes that situations can occur that may require an employee to need time off from work but they may not necessarily need to leave the organization permanently. The Executive Director will accommodate a request for leave when possible to full-time, exempt employees. 2. Eligibility: To be eligible for any of these forms of leave, please inform your immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Employees are expected to give 30 days written notice in the form of a Request for Leave Form whenever possible. If not, employees are expected to give as much notice as possible. Regardless, a Request for Leave Form must be filled out for all leaves of absence. Employees will be required to provide medical certification for the medical leave. 3. Hold Positions Open: The Cottage will endeavor to hold an employees position until such a time as they return, subject to any legal requirements. Many times this will depend on the funding allocation and may not be possible. Leave of Absence may include military leave, family/ medical leave, personal leave, jury duty, or bereavement; each permitting various levels of paid time. 4. Military Leave: The Cottage permits Military Leave according to terms that comply with State and Federal Law. 5. Family and Medical Leave: The Cottage is exempt from the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 due to the size of its workforce. It may, however, in its sole discretion, grant unpaid leave for family or medical reasons to any full-time employee who meet the following conditions: (a) (b) He or she has worked for The Cottage full-time for at least 12 months; and He or she has at least 1,250 hours of service with The Cottage during the immediately preceding 12 months.
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If that criteria is met, The Cottage may approve up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave (480 hours) provided that all accrued paid sick leave, personal days and vacation leave is taken first. All 480 hours allowed to be taken in a combination of consecutive weeks of absence and/or reduced work schedule. Once sick leave and vacation leave are exhausted, an employee must work a minimum of 30 hours a week to qualify for paid benefits. An employee can pay for his or her own benefits during a leave if the employee does not work a minimum of 30 hours per week after paid vacation and sick leave is exhausted. An employee will not accrue additional leave unless working a minimum of 30 hours per week.
Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of leave over a rolling 12-month period for the following: Care of a newborn child Care of a new foster child or newly adopted child Care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition To recover from a serious health condition that prevents employee from performing existing job Any other reason The Cottage deems appropriate, in its sole discretion 6. Jury Duty: Any employee summoned for jury duty should notify his or her supervisor of the day and date they have been requested to serve. This will notice will serve as authorization for payment for time off during jury duty. 7. Bereavement: The Cottage will provide three consecutive days off with pay to all staff in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Members of the immediate family include spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, aunt or uncle, as well as the spouses (or domestic partners) parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, or sibling.
Membership Dues:
1. Eligibility: The Cottage will consider the payment of employee membership dues to professional organizations, associations and other institutions when deemed in the best interest of the organization.
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2. Payment Request: Employees wishing The Cottage to consider payment of membership dues should first submit a written request to their immediate supervisor detailing the nature of the organization and the importance of their participation in it. Following his or her supervisors approval, it should then be forwarded to the Executive Director for final authorization.
1. Requirements: By law, each employee and staff member must report suspected child abuse. According to Georgia statute OCGA 19-7-5, any incident where there is reasonable cause to believe that child abuse has occurred must be reported to the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). Failure to report suspected child abuse to DFCS is a misdemeanor crime and can lead to prosecution. Child abuse means: (a) (b) (c) (d) Physical injury or death inflicted upon a child by a parent or caretaker by other than accidental means; Neglect or exploitation of a child by a parent or caretaker; Sexual abuse of a child by any person; or Sexual exploitation of a child by any person.
2. How to Report: Employees and staff members must consult with a supervisor prior to making any report to DFCS. For each report made, the employee or staff member must complete a Disclosure Summary outlining the circumstances under which the disclosure was made, a thorough account of the disclosure, documentation dating the report, and to whom the report was made. A copy of the Disclosure Summary shall be reviewed by the supervisor and placed in the client file. 3. Cause to report: Reports are to be made when there is reasonable cause to believe that a child is or may be abused. The reporter does not have to have evidence. If a situation is questionable as to whether a report should be made or if questions arise from other people as to the clarity of whether to report or not, the employee or staff member should discuss the situation with their supervisor immediately. 4. Initial Client Contact: During the initial contact with an individual client or family, it is important to make them aware that The Cottage is a mandated reporter.
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Informing them helps to set ground rules and clarify expectations, therefore making it easier to make a report should it become necessary. 5. Client Notification: It is left to the discretion of the staff member to tell the parent(s) or caretaker(s) of a child that a DFCS report is necessary. If appropriate, the employee or staff member may offer the parent or caretaker the option to make the report him or herself. The parent or caretaker may want the employee or staff member to be present or available for additional support while making the report. Inform the parent that a report must be made, and that if they are unable to do so, you will make the report. Also explain the investigation procedures. It is important that the family know that The Cottage supports their efforts, and will provide advocacy and linkage with DFCS. Always let the parents know that The Cottage will continue to work with them and will not abandon them because of the report. 6. Where to Make the Report: If it is necessary to make a DFCS report, call the county office where the child lives. If the family is currently involved with child protective services you also have the option of making the report to the caseworker directly. Attempt to reach the caseworker once, and if they are unavailable call intake (just as you would for a family not involved with DFCS). Do not waste time repeatedly trying to reach a caseworker. 7. Immediate Risk to the Child: If a child reports abuse while accompanied by the alleged perpetrator or if the childs safety is believed to be in imminent risk, immediately contact DFCS and 911 to collaborate on a plan for protection and interviewing of the child and interviewing of the alleged perpetrator.
Client Transport
The Cottage does not provide client transportation under any circumstances and no employee or staff member may provide such transportation.
The Cottage welcomes employees, staff and clients with disabilities. The facility is handicap accessible, provides access to TDD and allows for disability assistant animals.
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Cultural Sensitivity
1. The Cottage Commitment: The Cottage is committed to honoring the diversity of its client population. Employees and staff members must attend annual workshops in diversity training and cultural sensitivity and will be trained in and sensitive to the cultural practices of the clients served. The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Childrens Advocacy Center is committed to providing culturally competent services to LGBTQ clients which includes, but is not limited to, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and/or Queer individuals. The acronym LGBTQ will be utilized as an umbrella term to describe the many communities and broad spectrum of gender and sexual identities outside of cisgender and heterosexual groups that we serve. This commitment includes continual assessment and implementation of current culturally competent practices specific to the LGBTQ community. 2. Non-English Speaking Clients: The Cottage will endeavor to accommodate nonEnglish speaking clients via the use of an interpreter. 3. Curriculum: Curriculum and other educational materials used with families will reflect the cultural diversity of the community. 4. Assessing Needs: Employees and staff members providing direct service to clients will be monitored and assessed for cultural awareness and sensitivity. 5. Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan: Please refer to the Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan to have a full explanation of cultural sensitivity.
1. Definition: A crisis situation exists when anyone threatens to harm him or herself or others. Examples include, but are not limited to: suicide threats, family violence, threats of harm to others, etc. 2. Supervision: When an employee or staff member becomes aware of a potential crisis situation, he or she should discuss it with a supervisor immediately. All crisis situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the employees, program staff and a supervisor to develop a plan within the guidelines described below. If an employee or staff member takes any such action before discussion with a supervisor, the employee or staff member should immediately afterwards contact and inform their supervisor. 3. Staff Safety: Employees and staff should NEVER place themselves in danger. If they are encountering a crisis situation, they should immediately consult a supervisor or
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call 911. If the situation is made known to the employee or staff member via telephone, the employee or staff member may NOT make a visit or meet the person in crisis until the situation has been assessed with a supervisor and deemed safe to meet the person in another designated setting. 4. Intervention: (a) If a client has threatened harm towards self or others and has expressed a plan to harm self or others, the employee or staff member should assess the seriousness of the threat, including whether the client has some plan in mind, and the employee or staff member should contact a supervisor immediately. If there is little time to discuss the situation, the employee or staff member should dial 911 or ask someone else to assist by calling 911 and ask for a welfare check on the person in crisis. If the threat is made via telephone, and the employee or staff member is not sure where the person is calling from, try to keep them on the line while an employee or staff member calls 911 to trace the call (if that is possible within your locale). Employees and staff members are legally obligated to call 911 if a client states that they have the means or intent to harm themselves or others or the employee or staff member believes there is imminent danger. Be sure to inform police if there is a child present.
5. Child Safety: Immediately after the 911 call is made, child protective services should be notified if the crisis involves threats to a childs safety. Inform child protective services that the police were notified. 6. Documentation: Employee and staff must thoroughly document the incident and the steps taken. If the crisis situation involved abuse or neglect of a child, employees and staff must complete a Disclosure Summary. 7. Resolution: After the crisis situation is resolved, appropriate staff member will review the crisis situation and intervention in order to debrief, provide support for staff, and assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the action taken for future crisis resolution planning.
1. The Custodian of Records; Legal Documents: The Executive Director is the official custodian of records at The Cottage, and any question regarding the release of information should be directed to the Executive Director. Similarly, any legal subpoena
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or other legal document demanding information must be delivered immediately to the Executive Director who is responsible for responding to all such legal documents. 2. Client Files: Information obtained from another source or professional, such as medical reports, psychological tests, etc. may be contained in the client file but may not be given to or copied for the client. We do not own that information and therefore cannot release it without the consent of the owner. 3. Guidelines in Response to Subpoena: A District Attorney or Assistant District Attorney of any judicial circuit in the state may seek access to a client record in connection with their official duty, without the necessity of a subpoena. Others have the right to access it as well in connection with their official duties. No other attorneys have the right to access the record by subpoena from The Cottage. They may obtain the record through a court order, or through the discovery process in connection with a criminal trial. 4. A Properly Served Subpoena: Subpoenas can only be served on the person being subpoenaed. NO employee or staff member should accept a subpoena for someone else. For a subpoena to be served properly it needs to be hand delivered or sent by certified mail directly to the person being summoned to court. Also, the subpoena must be served 24 hours before the scheduled hearing. Once a subpoena has been served the employee or staff member should call the entity that subpoenaed them and tell them what they know about the matter being subpoenaed upon. Ask the entity that has subpoenaed the employee or staff member to schedule a more specific time to be in court. If the case is a civil matter then The Cottage can request that the employee or staff member receive an expert witness fee at $100 an hour to be paid to The Cottage.
Client Grievances
1. Client Rights: Clients of The Cottage have the right to voice any concerns and ask any questions they may have regarding the programs The Cottage offers or any decision or policy of The Cottage. If a client opposes, questions or challenges such a program or any portion thereof or any decision or policy of The Cottage, this is considered a grievance. 2. Resolution of Grievances. (a) First Attempt: Once a client voices a grievance, the client should be encouraged to first attempt to informally resolve the matter with the person, office or official against whom the grievance is directed.
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Second Attempt: If resolution with the person, office, or official against whom the grievance is directed fails the client should then discuss the problem with the Executive Director. Third Attempt: If informal resolution fails, the client may submit their concern in writing to the Board of Directors within one year from the date the grievance arose. The concern should contain the following: the participant's name, address, and telephone number (if any) the name and address of any party against whom the concern is made a brief statement of pertinent facts and the nature of the concern followed by the participant's signature the date
The document should be mailed or delivered to Board of Directors, The Cottage, 3019 Lexington Rd., Athens, GA 30605. (d) Investigation: Upon receipt of written grievance, the Board may call for an investigation to determine the pertinent facts of grievance and whether informal resolution may still be available using the Executive Director as an arbitrator. Final Resolution: If informal resolution is accomplished, a resolution letter will be mailed to the client filing the grievance and a report made to the President of the Board of Directors. If informal resolution is not accomplished, the client may request a meeting with the President of the Board of Directors. The client shall receive written notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting. The meeting will be held within 30 days of the filing. The determination of the President will be final and binding on all parties.
1. Termination of Clients: The Cottage is a short-term crisis agency. Most cases can be closed within six months, unless a client is awaiting trial or is in need of long-term therapy. The Cottage is able to pay for up to ten (10) sessions of individual therapy for clients. The Cottage will refer clients to therapy at contracted therapeutic agencies within the service area for these sessions and the advocate for this client will have on-going communication with the therapist as to the clients progress and need of future sessions or services. Clients needing long-term therapy will be referred to another agency, if The Cottage is unable to integrate the individual into group therapy.
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The Executive Director will review clients need to continue therapeutic sessions on a case by case basis with the adult or child advocate involved with the client. The advocate involved will have had an evaluation of service need with the client and the clients therapist before a decision to continue therapeutic services is made. 2. Continuity of Services; Case Management: The Cottage endeavors not to discharge clients who are still in need of services. Employees should make the decision to cease providing services only after giving careful consideration to all factors of the situation and after discussion with the Executive Director. Any employee who anticipates the termination or interruption of services to any client due to the employees unavailability should notify them promptly (verbally or by letter) and arrange for the transfer, referral, or continuation of services from other resources. Employees must complete a termination summary on all terminated cases. This summary will be part of the clients file. Terminated files will remain in the client filing cabinet with the advocate for six months then will be transferred to the terminated client filing cabinets. All filing cabinets must be kept locked. In the event of the unusual circumstance that a group therapy program must end before the anticipated termination date, the Executive Director will ensure that all affected clients are notified immediately of these circumstances and make arrangements to that the clients can continue to receive the services they require. All clients must be made aware of the termination process and continuity of services through a consent form at the beginning of services provided to the client. 3. Follow Up Services: After a client ceases to receive any other services from The Cottage, advocates must continue to provide follow up services. Follow up services consist of phone calls to the client or the clients guardian, referrals to individual or group therapeutic services, and any other resources that the advocate can provide to the client. The advocate must periodically call or write a client to check up on their needs and/or healing process. If the client prefers no additional contact with The Cottage then this will be noted and the client will not be contacted.
Purpose: (a) The goal of providing cell phones is to increase the safety of the employee and the families that they serve by providing an immediate link to assistance through the availability of wireless communication. Cellular phones are to be assigned to selected staff for use while out of the office. When using The Cottages cell phones, employees are expected to pay careful attention to minutes used and to follow call plans as instructed by the Executive Director. Call plans may vary from phone to phone and may change. Each phone recipient must sign a Cellular Phone Agreement Form, which outlines guidelines for phone usage prior to receiving a work cell phone.
2. Personal Use: Cell phones may be used for personal calls; however, if usage exceeds approved minutes, the employee will be responsible for personal minutes used over the approved minutes. 411 and long distance charges are not covered unless the employee has a valid business reason for making such a call. 3. Care of cellular phone: (a) Employees must exercise care and follow all operating instructions, safety standards and guidelines when using cell phones. Each employee is responsible for the phone, battery and charger, all of which should be kept in good condition. Guidelines for repair are listed in each phones warranty. Each employee should read his or her warranty and keep it in an accessible place. Cell phone conversations can be monitored by anyone who owns a scanner. Use cell phones only when no landline is available and keep each call as brief as possible. Also, be aware that someone may be listening to your conversation so avoid disclosing any personal information about yourself or other The Cottage employees, staff members, our clients or their families.
4. Safety: Employees may not use cell phone while operating any motor vehicle. If an employee is driving an automobile and receives a cell phone call, he or she must pull over to the side of the road before engaging in the call. Employees may not text while driving any motor vehicle. If an employee must text while driving an automobile, he or she must pull over to the side of the road before texting. 5. Lost or stolen phones:
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If a phone is lost, the employee must immediately report this to the Executive Director. Each employee is responsible for replacing a lost phone within a week from the date of loss with the same make and model phone that was lost. The Executive Director will provide the name of the local cellular provider office used by The Cottage. The cost of the phone will depend on the current market cost. If a cellular phone is stolen while in the employees possession, The Cottage will cover the cost of the phone if a copy of a police report is submitted to the Executive Director. However, if the phone was stolen from a car, the employee must check with his or her car insurance company to see if the phone theft is covered.
6. Return of Property: When an employee ceases to work with The Cottage, he or she is expected to return the phone in good condition before his or her last day.
It is essential for most employees to have access to the Internet for communication, reporting and research. The Cottage provides a DSL line for this purpose; however, employees are expected to be responsible while using such equipment. Personal use should be limited and should not interfere with performance. Employees have no right of privacy with respect to any computer owned by The Cottage and The Cottage has the right to inspect and monitor usage at any time. The Cottage monitors excessive personal use and inappropriate use of The Cottage computers, both of which are infractions of our rules of conduct. The improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of any equipment owned by The Cottage can result in disciplinary action, including termination.
Use of Equipment
1. Purpose: When using any property of The Cottage, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards and guidelines. This includes using The Cottage laptops and other mobile equipment. Again, the improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of any equipment owned by The Cottage can result in disciplinary action, including termination. 2. Reporting Malfunctions: Employees are required to notify the Executive Director if any equipment, machine, or tool appears to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair in order to prevent further deterioration and possible injury to employee, staff or others.
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1. The Cottage Commitment: The Cottage intends to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees, staff members and the community. It is policy to serve clients needs in a safe, efficient and conscientious manner that is in accordance with industry standards and legislative requirements. Every employee and staff member at The Cottage is personally responsible for following sound health and safety procedures in the environment we share. 2. Expectations: Each employee and staff member is expected to obey safety rules and exercise caution in all work activities. You must immediately report any unsafe conditions to the appropriate supervisor.
3. Locks: Each door of The Cottage is to be locked at all times. Visitors may ring the doorbell or knock to gain entry. 4. Bomb Threat: If a bomb threat is communicated to any employee or staff member, he or she should immediately follow fire procedures and evacuate the building. The Executive Director should be notified immediately. 5. Hazardous material: If a hazardous material threat exists within the facility, the employee or staff member should immediately follow fire procedures and evacuate the building. The Executive Director should be notified immediately. 6. Personal Threats: If an employee feels threatened by a visitor at The Cottage, he or she should immediately dial 911 to request assistance. The Executive Director should be notified immediately. 7. Disruptive Activity: If a visitor to The Cottage or at a function sponsored by The Cottage exhibits unruly or inappropriate behavior, that person should be asked to leave. If resistance occurs the employee should dial 911 to request assistance. The Executive Director should be notified immediately.
Emergency Closings
1. Conditions necessary for closing: Emergency conditions, such as severe weather, fire, flood or earthquake, can disrupt The Cottage operations and interfere with work schedules, as well as endanger employees well being. These extreme circumstances may require the closing of The Cottage office.
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2. Criteria for Closing. The Cottage will follow the Clarke County School System schedule with respect to inclement weather; however, if conditions are such that the employee can travel from their home or residence without difficulty, they should endeavor to report to work. Use your judgment in determining whether or not you should attempt travel to the office in times of inclement weather. 3. Only the Executive Director is authorized to close The Cottage office.
Every attempt should be made to ensure the confidentiality of clients by maintaining a clear reception area. Clients or colleagues arriving for meetings with any employee or staff person should be immediately routed to the appropriate office or meeting area.
1. Personal Use: The telephone is a primary communication vehicle for The Cottage and as such must be used and relied upon to support work of The Cottage. Employees are requested to keep personal calls to an absolute minimum and will be required to reimburse The Cottage for personal long distance telephone charges. 2. Telephone etiquette: Employees should always speak in a courteous and professional manner on the telephone. 3. Calls requiring action: The following calls should be directed to the Executive Director; External requests from the media All collect calls
4. Client information request: Requests regarding release of client information must be directed to the appropriate supervisor. 5. Forensic interview & evaluation request: Requests for Forensic Interviews and Evaluations shall be directed to the Child Services Advocate. 6. Adult Advocacy: All calls relating to services needed for an adult sexual assault victim will be directed to the Adult Services Advocate. 7. Volunteer and Intern Opportunities; Donations: All calls relating to volunteer and intern opportunities and/or donations should be directed to the Volunteer Coordinator or Executive Director.
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8. Hotline: The employees and staff will divide hotline duty during working hours. The Volunteer Coordinator will divide up hotline call during non-working hours. There will be occasions when the hotline is not covered that paid staff and interns will take calls during non-working hours.
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The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Child Advocacy Center Revised May 2012