Weed Science and Irrigation Management and Dryland Farming

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The key takeaways are that weeds compete with crops for resources like water, nutrients and space, reducing crop yields, and they can be classified based on life span as annual, biennial or perennial weeds, or based on their habitat preferences.

Weeds can be classified based on life span as annual weeds, which complete their life cycle in one season or year, biennial weeds which take two years to complete their life cycle, and perennial weeds which live for more than two years.

Weeds can be classified based on ecological affinities as wetland weeds adapted to waterlogged conditions, garden land weeds adapted to irrigated lands, and dryland weeds adapted to withstand drought.



Weeds are the plants, which grow where they are not wanted (Jethro Tull, 1731)
Weeds can also be referred to as plants out of place.
Weeds compete with crops for water, soil nutrients, light and space (ie CO 2) and
thus reduce crop yields.
Definition: Weeds are unwanted and undesirable plant that interfere with utilization of
land and water resources and thus adversely affect crop production and
human welfare.
Sometimes Agriculture also defined as a battle with weeds as they strongly
compete with crop plants for growth factors.
Origin of weeds
Weeds are no strangers to man. They have been there ever since he started to
cultivate crops about 10,000 BC and undoubtedly recognized as a problem from the
beginning. To him, any plant in the field other than his crop became weed. Again the
characters of certain weed species are very similar to that of wild plants in the region.
Some of the crops for example including the wheat of today are the derivatives of wild
grass. Man has further improved them to suit his own taste and fancy. Even today they
are crossed with wild varieties to transfer the desirable characters such as drought and
disease resistance. So the weeds are to begin with essential components of native and
naturalized flora but in course of time these plants are well placed in new environment
by the conscious and unconscious efforts of man. Hence, it is considered that many
weeds principally originated from two important and major arbitrarily defined groups.
1. By man’s conscious effort
2. By invasion of plants into man created habits
Out of 2,50,000 plant species, weeds constitute about 250 species, which are
prominent in agricultural and non-agricultural system. Under world conditions about
30000 species is grouped as weeds.
I. Based on life span:
Based on life span (Ontogeny), weeds are classified as Annual weeds, Biennial
weeds and Perennial weeds.
(a) Annual Weeds: Those that live only for a season or year and complete their life
cycle in that season or year is called annuals.
These are small herbs with shallow roots and weak stem. Produces seeds in profusion
and the mode of propagation is commonly through seeds. After seeding the annuals die
away and the seeds germinate and start the next generation in the next season or year
Most common field weeds are annuals. The examples are
a. Monsoon annual
Commelina benghalensis, Boerhaavia erecta
b. Winter annual
Chenopodium album

(b) Biennials: It completes the vegetative growth in the first season, flower and set
seeds in the succeeding season and then die. These are found mainly in non-
cropped areas.
Eg. Alternanthera echinata, Daucus carota

(c) Perennials: Perennials live for more than two years and may live almost
indefinitely. They adapted to withstand adverse conditions. They propagate not
only through seeds but also by underground stem, root, rhizomes, tubers etc. And
hence they are further classified into
i. Simple perennials: Plants propagated only by seeds. Eg. Sonchus arvensis
ii. Bulbous perennials: Plants which possess a modified stem with scales and
reproduce mainly from bulbs and seeds. Eg. Allium sp.
iii. Corm perennials: Plants that possess a modified shoot and fleshy stem and
reproduce through corm and seeds. Eg. Timothy sp.
iv. Creeping perennials: Reproduced through seeds as well as with one of the
a. Rhizome: Plants having underground stem – Sorghum halapense
b. Stolon: Plants having horizontal creeping stem above the ground –
Cynodon dactylon
c. Roots: Plants having enlarged root system with numerous buds –
Convolvulus arvensis
d. Tubers: Plants having modified rhizomes adapted for storage of food –
Cyperus rotundus
II. Based on ecological affinities:
a. Wetland weeds: They are tender annuals with semi-aquatic habit. They can thrive as
well under waterlogged and in partially dry condition. Propagation is chiefly by seed.
Eg. Ammania baccifera, Eclipta alba
b. Garden land weeds (Irrigated lands): These weeds neither require large quantities of
water like wetland weeds nor can they successfully withstand extreme drought as
dryland weeds
Eg. Trianthema portulacastrum, Digera arvensis
c. Dry lands weeds: These are usually hardy plants with deep root system. They are
adapted to withstand drought on account of mucilaginous nature of the stem and
Eg. Tribulus terrestris, Convolvulus arvensis
III. Based on soil type (Edaphic):
(a) Weeds of black cotton soil: These are often closely allied to those that grow in dry
condition. Eg., Aristolochia bracteata
(b) Weeds of red soils: They are like the weeds of garden lands consisting of various
classes of plants. Eg. Commelina benghalensis
(c) Weeds of light, sandy or loamy soils: Weeds that occur in soils having good
drainage. Eg. Leucas aspera
(d) Weeds of laterite soils: Eg. Lantana camara, Spergula arvensis
IV. Based on place of occurrence

(a) Weeds of crop lands: The majority of weeds infest the cultivated lands and cause
hindrance to the farmers for successful crop production. Eg. Philaris minor in wheat
(b) Weeds of pasture lands: Weeds found in pasture / grazing grounds. Eg. Indigofera
(c) Weeds of waste places: Corners of fields, margins of channels etc., where weeds
grow in profusion. Eg. Gynandropsis pentaphylla, Calotropis gigantea
(d) Weeds of playgrounds, road-sides: They are usually hardy, prostrate perennials,
capable of withstanding any amount of trampling. Eg. Alternanthera echinata,
Tribulus terestris
V. Based on Origin
(a) Indigenous weeds: All the native weeds of the country are coming under this group
and most of the weeds are indigenous. Eg. Acalypha indica, Abutilon indicum
(b) Introduced or Exotic weeds: These are the weeds introduced from other countries.
These weeds are normally troublesome and control becomes difficult. Eg.,
Parthenium hysterophorus, Phalaris minor, Acanthospermum hispidum
VI. Based on cotyledon number
Based on number of cotyledons it possess it can be classified as dicots and
(a) Monocots Eg. Panicum flavidum, Echinochloa colona
(b) Dicots Eg. Crotalaria verucosa, Indigofera viscosa

VII. Based on soil pH

Based on pH of the soil the weeds can be classified into three categories.
(a) Acidophile – Acid soil weeds eg. Rumex acetosella
(b) Basophile – Saline & alkaline soil weeds eg. Taraxacum stricta
(c) Neutrophile – Weeds of neutral soils eg Acalypha indica
VIII. Based on morphology
Based on the morphology of the plant, the weeds are also classified in to three
categories. This is the most widely used classification by the weed scientists.
(a) Grasses: All the weeds come under the family Poaceae are called as grasses which
are characteristically having long narrow spiny leaves. The examples are
Echinocloa colonum, Cynodon dactylon
(b) Sedges: The weeds belonging to the family Cyperaceae come under this group. The
leaves are mostly from the base having modified stem with or without tubers. The
examples are Cyperus rotundus, Fimbrystylis miliaceae
(c) Broad leaved weeds: This is the major group of weeds as all other family weeds
come under this except that is discussed earlier. All dicotyledon weeds are broad
leaved weeds. The examples are Flavaria australacica, Digera arvensis
IX. Based on nature of stem
Based on development of bark tissues on their stems and branches, weeds are
classified as woody, semi-woody and herbaceous species.
(a) Woody weeds: Weeds include shrubs and undershrubs and are collectively called
brush weeds. Eg. Lantana camera, Prosopis juliflora
(b) Semi-woody weeds: eg.Croton sparsiflorus

(c) Herbaceous weeds: Weeds have green, succulent stems are of most common
occurrence around us. Eg. Amaranthus viridis
X. Based on specificity
Besides the various classes of weeds, a few others deserve special attention due
to their specificity. They are;
a. Poisonous weeds:
b. Parasitic weeds
c. Aquatic weeds
a. Poisonous weeds: The poisonous weeds cause ailment on livestock resulting in
death and cause great loss. These weeds are harvested along with fodder or grass and
fed to cattle or while grazing the cattle consumes these poisonous plants. Eg. Datura
fastuosa, D. stramonium and D. metel are poisonous to animals and human beings.
The berries of Withania somnifera and seeds of Abrus precatorius are poisonous.
b. Parasitic weeds: The parasite weeds are either total or partial which means, the
weeds that depend completely on the host plant are termed as total parasites while the
weeds that partially depend on host plant for minerals and capable of preparing its
food from the green leaves are called as partial parasites.
Those parasites which attack roots are termed as root parasites and those which
attack shoot of other plants are called as stem parasites. The typical examples of
different parasitic weeds are;
1. Total root parasite – Orabanche cernua on Tobacco
2. Partial root parasite - Striga lutea on sugarcane and sorghum
3. Total stem parasite - Cuscuta chinensis on leucerne and onion
4. Partial stem parasite - Cassytha filiformis on orange trees and Loranthus
longiflorus on mango and other trees.

c. Aquatic weeds: Unwanted plants, which grow in water and complete at least a part
of their life cycle in water are called as aquatic weeds. They are further grouped into
four categories as submersed, emersed, marginal and floating weeds.
1. Submersed weeds: These weeds are mostly vascular plants that produce all or most
of their vegetative growth beneath the water surface, having true roots, stems and
leaves. Eg. Utricularia stellaris, Ceratophyllum demersum,
2. Emersed weeds: These plants are rooted in the bottom mud, with aerial stems and
leaves at or above the water surface. The leaves are broad in many plants and
sometimes like grasses. These leaves do not rise and fall with water level as in the
case of floating weeds. Eg. Nelumbium speciosum, Jussieua repens
3. Marginal weeds: Most of these plants are emersed weeds that can grow in moist
shoreline areas with a depth of 60 to 90 cm water. These weeds vary in size, shape
and habitat. The important genera that come under this group are; Typha,
Polygonum, Cephalanthus, Scirpus, etc.
4. Floating weeds: These weeds have leaves that float on the water surface either singly
or in cluster. Some weeds are free floating and some rooted at the mud bottom and
the leaves rise and fall as the water level increases or decreases. Eg. Eichhornia
crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia, Nymphaea pubescens.

Nature has bestowed the following qualities on weeds:
1. Produces larger number of seeds compare to crops
2. Most of the weed seeds are small in size and contribute enormously to the seed
3. Weed seeds germinate earlier and their seedlings grow faster.
4. They flower earlier and mature ahead of the crop they infest.
5. They have the capacity to germinate under varied conditions, but very
characteristically, season bound. The peak period of germination always takes
place in certain seasons in regular succession year after year.
6. Weed seeds possess the phenomenon of dormancy, which is an intrinsic
physiological power of the seed to resist germination even under favourable
7. Weed seeds do not lose their viability for years even under adverse conditions.
8. Most of the weeds possess C4 type of photosynthesis, which is an added
advantage during moisture stress.
9. They possess extensive root system, which go deeper as well as of creeping
WEED DISSEMINATION: Dispersal of weeds
Dispersal of mature seeds and live vegetative parts of weeds is nature’s way of
providing non-competitive sites to new individuals. Had there been no way of natural
dispersal of weeds, we would not have had them today in such widely spread and
vigorous forms. In the absence of proper means of their dispersal, weeds could not
have moved from one country to another. “Weeds are good travelers”
An effective dispersal of weed seeds and fruits requires two essentials
(1) A successful dispersing agent
(2) An effective adaptation to the new environment
Common weed dispersal agents are
(a) Wind, (b) Water, (c) Animals and (d) Human
(a) Wind: Weed seeds and fruits that disseminate through wind possess special organs
to keep them afloat. Such organs are
1. Pappus – It is a parachute like modification of persistent calyx into hairs.
Eg. Asteraceae family weeds Eg. Tridax procumbens
2. Comose - Some weed seeds are covered with hairs, partially or fully Eg. Calotropis

3. Feathery, persistent styles - Styles are persistent and feathery Eg. Anemone sp.
4. Baloon - Modified papery calyx that encloses the fruits loosely along with entrapped
air. Eg. Physalis minima
5. Wings - One or more appendages that act as wings. Eg. Acer macrophyllum
(b) Water: Aquatic weeds disperse largely through water. They may drift either as
whole plants, plant fragments or as seeds with the water currents. Terrestrial weed seeds
also disperse through irrigation and drainage water.
(c) Animals: Birds and animals eat many weed fruits. The ingested weed seeds are
passed in viable form with animal excreta (0.2% in chicks, 9.6% in calves, 8.7% in
horses and 6.4% in sheep), which is dropped wherever the animal moves. This

mechanism of weed dispersal in called endozoochory Eg., Lantana seeds by birds.
Loranthus seeds stick on beaks of birds. Farm animals carry weed seeds and fruits on
their skin, hair and hooves. This is aided by special appendages such as Hooks
(Xanthium strumarium), Stiff hairs (Cenchrus spp), Sharp spines (Tribulus terrestris)
and Scarious bracts (Achyranthus aspera). Even ants carry a huge number of weed
seeds. Donkeys eat Prosophis julifera pods.
(d) Man: Man disperses numerous weed seeds and fruits with raw agricultural
produce. Weeds mature at the same time and height along with crop, due to their similar
size and shape as that of crop seed man unknowingly harvest the weeds also, and aids in
dispersal of weed seeds. Such weeds are called “Satellite weeds” Eg. Avena fatua,
Phalaris minor.
(e) Manure and silage: Viable weed seeds are present in the dung of farm animals,
which forms part of the FYM. Besides, addition of mature weeds to compost pit as farm
waste also act as source.
(f) Dispersal by machinery: Machinery used for cultivation purposes like tractors can
easily carries weed seeds, rhizomes and stolons when worked on infested fields and
latter dropping them in other fields to start new infestation.
(g) Intercontinental movement of weeds: Introduction of weeds from one continent to
another through 1. Crop seed, 2. Feed stock, 3. Packing material and 4. Nursery stock.
Eg. Parthenium hysterophorus
Knowing weed biology such as seed production capacity, germination dormancy
and their ecological adaptations will help in formulating suitable weed control
Weed ecology:
Ecology is the interrelationship between organisms and their environment.
We concerned with growth characteristics and adaptations that enable weeds to
survive the change in the environment. Man plays an important role in changing the
environment by altering the crop husbandry practices and by maintaining weed free
monocrop or multicrop culture.
Survival mechanism: The seed is the primary means of survival mechanism of annual
weeds while the vegetative parts such as buds, rhizomes tubers and bulbs offer on
additional mechanism for perennial weeds.
a. Sexual reproduction: Through sexual reproduction abundant and small seeds are
produced. Annual and biennial weeds depend on seed production, as the sole means of
propagation and survival of perennial weeds are less dependent on this mechanism.

The seed production capacity of some of the weeds is

Ontogeny Seeds/plant Name of weed/crop Seeds/plant
Perennials 16,629 Amaranthus retroflexus 1,96,405

Biennials 26,600 Solanum nigrum 1,78,000
Annuals 20,832 Chenopodium album 72,000
Trianthema 52,000
Wheat & Rice 90 to 100
A few weeds may produce seed through apomixis i.e without fertilization. Eg.
Ferns reproduce by spores.
b. Vegetative reproduction: Vegetative structures normally rely upon parent for their
plant nutrient conferring their competitive advantage but has disadvantage also owing to
their genetically identical nature and as such may not well adapted to change in
environment. The vegetative structures include stolons, rhizomes, tubers, bulb, corms
and roots.
Seed dormancy as survival mechanism
Weed seeds possess a variety of special germination mechanisms adapted to
changes in temperature, moisture, aeration, exposure to light, depth of burial of seeds
etc., When conditions are unfavourable for germination, they can remain dormant or
delay germination.
Conditions favourable for weeds seed germination are
a. Seeds of many weeds require an exposure to light for germination. This is
regulated by bluish-green protein pigment called phytochrome.
b. Many weed seeds germinate under aerobic conditions while some require
anaerobic condition. Soil turnover during ploughing and other operations
exposes the seeds to light and induces germination.
c. Periodicity of germination is another specialised germination mechanism.
Amaranths spp have a definite pattern of peaks of germination at regular
d. Summer annuals favour higher temperature & winter annuals germinate at lower
temperatures some weeds germinate freely throughout the year.
Seed Dormancy: Dormancy is a state of seeds and buds in which they are alive but not
germinated. If all weed seeds were to germinate at one time, their seedlings could be
destroyed. Dormancy allows storage of millions of weed seeds in soil and enables them
to grow in flushes over years. In this context, the old gardeners saying “One year
Seeding seven years Weeding” is very appropriate. In fact, weed seeds have been found
viable even after 20-80 years of burial in soil.
Weed seeds exhibit three lands of dormancy.
(1) Enforced Dormancy : It is due to deep placement of weed seeds in soil during
ploughing of the field. Weed seeds germinate readily when they are restored to top
3 to 5 cm. Enforced Dormancy is a non-specific character of seed. Cultivation
encounters enforced dormancy by bringing the weeds to surface where they are
exposed to light besides better aeration. High soil temperature and NO3 content of
surface soil may further help in breaking seed dormancy.
(2) Innate dormancy: It is a genetically controlled character and it is a feature of
specific weed seeds which fail to germinate even if they are present in the top 3-5cm
soil and adequate soil moisture and temperature provided to them. The possible reasons
are the presence of

(i) Hard seed coats e.g., Setaria, Ipomoea, Xanthium spp.
(ii) Immature embryos e.g., Polygonum
In certain weed seeds particularly of Xerophyttic origin, presence of inhibitors is
responsible for innate dormancy. It can be overcome with passage of time, or under the
influence of some climatic pressure.

(3) Induced Dormancy: Induced dormancy results from some sudden physiological
change in normally non-dormant weed seeds under the impact of marked rise in
temperature and or CO2 content of soil, low O2 pressure, water logging etc.
Wild oat (Avena fatua) seeds exhibit all three kinds of dormancy.
Persistence of weeds (Adaptation)
Persistence is an adaptive potential of a weed that enables it to grow in any
environment. In an agricultural situation, the cropping system with its (associated
habitat) management practices, determines the persistence of weed species. It is largely
influenced by climatic, edaphic (soil) and biotic factors, which affect its occurrence,
abundance, range and distribution.


A. Climatic factors
The important climatic factors are light, temperature, rainfall, wind and
Light intensity, quality and duration are important in influencing the
germination, growth, reproduction and distribution of weeds. Photoperiod governs
flowering time, seed setting and maturation and on the evolution of various ecotypes
within a weed species. Tolerance to shading is a major adaptation that enables weeds to
Temperature of atmosphere and soil affects the latitudinal and longitudinal
distribution of weeds. Soil temperature affects seed germination and dormancy, which
is a major survival mechanism of weeds.
Rainfall has a significant effect on weed persistence and distribution. More
rainfall or less rainfall determines reproduction & survival.
Wind is a principal factor in the dissemination of weeds.
Climate can effect variations in cuticle development, pubescence, vegetative
growth, vigour, competitiveness etc. Climate thus has a profound effect on the
persistence of weeds which can adapt to a wide variety of climates.
B. Soil factors:
Soil factors are soil water, aeration, temperature, pH and fertility level and
cropping system.
Some weed species are characteristically alkali plants, known as basophilic (pH
8.5) which can grow well in alkali soils and those grow in acidic soil is known as

Basophiles Acidophiles Neutophiles
Alkaligrass – Puccinalia spp. Cynodon dactylon common
Quack grass – Agrophyron repens Digitaria sanguinalis
Several weed species of compositae family grow well in saline soils. A shift in
soil pH, towards acid side due to continuous use of Ammonium sulphate as a ‘N’ source
could cause a shift in the weed spectrum.
Many weeds can grow well in soils of low fertility level however, can adapt well
to soils of high fertility also. Weeds also has adaptation to moist soil, drought condition
C. Biotic factors: In a cropping situation, the major effects on weeds are those exerted
by the crop as it competes for available resources. Once, a particular weed species is
introduced, its persistence is determined by the degree of competition offered by the
crop and also the agricultural practices associated with the growing of a crop may
encourage or discourage specific weeds.
Eg. Ponding of water – Cynodon dies
Repeated cultivation – discourage nut sedge.
Crops that serve as hosts to parasitic weeds, (Sorghum – Striga) crop-induced
stimulants are examples of other biotic factors.
Competition and allelopathy are the main interactions, which are of importance
between crop and weed. Allelopathy is distinguished from competition because it
depends on a chemical compound being added to the environment while competition
involves removal or reduction of an essential factor or factors from the environment,
which would have been otherwise utilized.
Weeds appear much more adapted to agro-ecosystems than our crop plants.
Without interference by man, weeds would easily wipe out the crop plants. This is
because of their competition for nutrients, moisture, light and space which are the
principle factors of production of crop. Generally, an increase in on kilogram of weed
growth will decrease one kilogram of crop growth.
1. Competition for Nutrients
Weeds usually absorb mineral nutrients faster than many crop plants and
accumulate them in their tissues in relatively larger amounts.
 Amaranthus sp. accumulate over 3% N on dry weight basis and are termed as
 Achyranths aspera, a ‘P’ accumulator with over 1.5% P2O5
 Chenopodium sp & Portulaca sp. are ‘K’ lovers with over 1.3% K2O in dry
Mineral composition of certain common weeds on dry matter basis
Sl. No. Species N P2O5 K2O
1. Achyranthus aspera 2.21 1.63 1.32
2. Amaranthus viridis 3.16 0.06 4.51
3. Chenapodium album 2.59 0.37 4.34

4. Cynodon dactylan 1.72 0.25 1.75
5. Cyperus rotundus 2.17 0.26 2.73
Crop plants
1. Rice 1.13 0.34 1.10
2. Sugarcane 0.33 0.19 0.67
3. Wheat 1.33 0.59 1.44
 The associated weed is responsive to nitrogen and it utilizes more of the applied
‘N’ than the crop. Eg. The ‘N’ uptake by Echinochloa crusgalli is more than rice.
 Nutrient removal by weeds leads to huge loss of nutrients in each crop season,
which is often twice that of crop plants. For instance at early stages of maize
cultivation, the weeds found to remove 9 times more of N, 10 times more of P and 7
times more of K.
2. Competition for moisture
χ In general, for producing equal amounts of dry matter, weeds transpire more
water than do most of our crop plants. It becomes increasingly critical with
increasing soil moisture stress, as found in arid and semi-arid areas.
χ As a rule, C4 plants utilize water more efficiently resulting in more biomass per
unit of water. Cynodon dactylon had almost twice as high transpiration rate as
pearl millet.
χ In weedy fields soil moisture may be exhausted by the time the crop reaches the
fruiting stage, i.e. the peak consumptive use period of the crop, causing significant
loss in crop yields.
3. Competition for light
β It may commence very early in the cop season if a dense weed growth smothers
the crop seedlings.
β It becomes important element of crop-weed competition when moisture and
nutrients are plentiful.
β In dry land agriculture in years of normal rainfall the crop-weed competition is
limited to nitrogen and light.
β Unlike competition for nutrients and moisture once weeds shade a crop plant,
increased light intensity cannot benefit it.
4. Competition for space (CO2)
Crop-weed competition for space is the requirement for CO2 and the competition
may occur under extremely crowded plant community condition. A more efficient
utilization of CO2 by C4 type weeds may contribute to their rapid growth over C3 type of
Allelopathy is the detrimental effects of chemicals or exudates produced by one
(living) plant species on the germination, growth or development of another plant
species (or even microorganisms) sharing the same habitat.
Allelopathy does not form any aspect of crop-weed competition, rather, it causes
Crop-Weed interference, it includes competition as well as possible allelopathy.

Allelo chemicals are produced by plants as end products, by-products and
metabolites liberalised from the plants; they belong to phenolic acids, flavanoides, and
other aromatic compounds viz., terpenoids, steroids, alkaloids and organic cyanides.
(1) Maize:
• Leaves & inflorescence of Parthenium sp. affect the germination and seedling
• Tubers of Cyperus esculentus affect the dry matter production
(2) Sorghum:
• Stem of Solanum affects germination and seedling growth
• Leaves and inflorescence of Parthenium affect germination and seedling growth
(3) Wheat:
• Seeds of wild oat affect germination and early seedling growth
• Leaves of Parthenium affects general growth
• Tubers of C. rotundus affect dry matter production
• Green and dried leaves of Argemone mexicana affect germination & seedling
(4) Sunflower:
• Seeds of Datura affect germination & growth
(i) Root exudation of maize inhibits the growth of Chenopodium album
(ii) The cold water extracts of wheat straw when applied to weeds reduce
germination and growth of Abutilon sp.
• Extract of leaf leachate of decaying leaves of Polygonum contains flavonoides
which are toxic to germination, root and hypocotyls growth of weeds like
Amaranthus spinosus
• Inhibitor secreted by decaying rhizomes of Sorghum halepense affect the growth of
Digitaria sanguinalis and Amaranthus sp.
a. Plant factors
i. Plant density: Higher the crop density the lesser will be the allelo chemicals
it encounters
ii. Life cycle: If weed emerges later there will be less problem of
iii. Plant age: The release of allelochemicals occurs only at critical stage. For eg.
in case of Parthenium, allelopathy occurs during its rosette & flowering stage.
iv. Plant habit: The allelopathic interference is higher in perennial weeds.
v. Plant habitat: Cultivated soil has higher values of allelopathy than
uncultivated soil.
b. Climatic factors: The soil & air temperature as well as soil moisture influence the
allelo chemicals potential
c. Soil factors: Physico-chemical and biological properties influence the presence of

d. Stress factors: Abiotic and Biotic stresses may also influence the activity of
Mechanism of action of allelochemicals
 Interfere with cell elongation
 Interfere with photosynthesis
 Interfere with respiration
 Interfere with mineral ion uptake
 Interfere with protein and nucleic acid metabolism
Use of Allelopathy in biological control of weeds.
1. Use of cover crop for biological control
2. Use of alleopathic chemicals as bio-herbicides
Effect of weed competition on crop growth and yield
1. Crop growth and yield is affected
2. Crop suffers from nutritional deficiency
3. Leaf area development is reduced
4. Yield attributes will be lowered
5. Reduce the water use by the crop
6. Affect the dry matter production
7. Lowers the input response
8. Causes yield reduction
9. Pest and disease incidence will be more
A. Reduction in crop yield
Weeds compete with crop plants for nutrients, soil moisture, space and
sunlightand in general an increase in one kilogram weed growth corresponds to
reduction in one kilogram of crop growth. Hence, the crop is smothered and have a
final say on crop yield. Depending on type of weed, intensity of infestation, period of
infestation, the ability of crop to compete and climatic conditions the loss varies. The
table below depicts the percentage range of yield loss due to weeds in some important
field crops.
Table1.1.Yield losses due to weeds in some important crops
Crop Yield loss range (%) Crop Yield loss range (%)
Rice 9.1 – 51.4 Sugarcane 14.1 – 71.7
Wheat 6.3 – 34.8 Linseed 30.9 – 39.1
Maize 29.5 – 74.0 Cotton 20.7 – 61.0
Millets 6.2 – 81.9 Carrot 70.2 – 78.0
Groundnut 29.7 – 32.9 Peas 25.3 – 35.5
Among the pests weeds account for 45 % reduction in yield while the insects
30%, diseases 20% and other pests 5%.
B. Loss in crop quality
If a crop contains weed seeds it is to be rejected, especially when the crop is
grown for seed. For example, the wild oat weed seeds are similar in size and shape of

the crops like barley, wheat, and its admixture may lead to rejection for seed purpose.
Contamination by poisonous weed seeds is unacceptable and increases costs of crop
cleaning. The leafy vegetables much suffers due to weed problem as the leafy weed
mixture spoil the economic value.
C. Weeds as reservoirs of pests and diseases
Weeds form a part of community of organisms in a given area. Consequently,
they are food sources for some animals, and are themselves susceptible to many pests
and diseases. However, because of their close association with crop they may serve as
important reservoirs or alternate host of pests and diseases.
D. Interference in crop handling
Some weeds can make the operation of agricultural machinery more difficult,
more costly and even impossible. Heavy infestation of Cynadon dactylon causes poor
ploughing performance
E. Reduction in land value
Heavy infestation by perennial weeds could make the land unsuitable are less
suitable for cultivation resulting in loss in its monetary value. Thousands of hectare of
cultivable area in rice growing regions of India have been abandoned or not being
regularly cultivated due to severe infestation of nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) and other
perennial grasses.
F. Limitation of crop choice
When certain weeds are heavily infested, it will limit the growth of a particular
crop. The high infestation of parasitic weeds such as Striga lutea may limit the growing
of sorghum or sugarcane.
G. Loss of human efficiency
Weeds reduce human efficiency through physical discomfort caused by allergies
and poisoning. Weeds such as congress weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) causes
itching. Thorny weeds like Solanum spp. restrict moment of farm workers in carrying
out farm practices such as fertilizer application, insect and disease control measures,
irrigation, harvesting etc.
H. Problems due to aquatic weeds
The aquatic weeds that grow along the irrigation canals, channels and streams
restricts the flow of water. Weed obstruction cause reduction in velocity of flow and
increases stagnation of water and may lead to high siltation and reduced carrying
capacity. Aquatic weeds form breeding grounds for obnoxious insects like mosquitoes.
They reduce recreational value by interfering with fishing, swimming, boating, hunting
and navigation on streams and canals.
I. Other problems
Weeds are troublesome not only in crop plants but also in play grounds and road
sides etc. Alternanthera echinata and Tribulus terresstris occurs in many of the
playgrounds causing annoyance to players and spectators.
a. Weeds are indirectly responsible for crop cultivation, but for them cultivated
crops may not receive much attention
b. As manure: When weeds are ploughed in, they add to the soil plenty of humus.
Excellent compost can be made out of many weed plants. e.g. Calotropis gigantea,

Croton sparsiflorus (Syn: C. bonflandianum) and Tephrosia purpurea are used as
green leaf manure for rice. In wetlands, weeds are said to form a sort of rotation
with paddy and are valuable in preventing loss of nitrates.
c. As human food: Weeds serve as human food e.g. Amaranthus viridis and Digera
arvensis used as greens.
d. As fodder: Most weeds are eaten by cattle and weeds like Rynchosia aurea, R.
capitata and Clitoria terneata are very good fodder legumes.
e. Weed as fuel: Prosopis juliflora very invasive in nature and notorious tree weed
commonly used as fire wood. People make charcoal out of it and is marketed.
f. Weed as soil binders: Panicum repens is an excellent soil binder; keeps bunds
in position and prevents soil erosion. We can also use Hariyali.
g. Weed as medicine: Many weeds have great therapeutic properties and used as
medicine. Eg.
Phyllanthus niruri – Jaundice
Eclipta alba – Scorpion sting
Centella asiatica – Improves memory
Cynodon dactylon – Asthma, piles
Cyperus rotundus – Stimulates milk secretion
h. Weed as mats and screens: Stems of Cyperus pangorei and Cyperus
corymbosus are used for mat making while Typha angustata is used for making
i. Weed as indicators: Weeds are useful as indicators of good and bad soils.
E. colonum occurs in rich soils while Cymbopogon denotes poor light soil and
Sedges are found in ill-drained soils.
a. Density of weeds: Increase in density of weed decrease in yield is a normal
phenomena. However, it is not linear as few weeds do not affect the yields so much as
other weed does and hence, it is a sigmoidal relationship

b. Crop density: Increase in plant population decreases weed growth and reduces
competition until they are self competitive. Crop density and rectangularity are very
important in determining the quantum and quality of crop environment available for the
growth of weeds. Wide row spacing with simultaneous high, intra-row crop plant
population may induce dense weed growth. In this respect, square planting of crops in
which there are equal row and plant spacing should be ideal in reducing intra-crop plant
c. Type of weeds species: The type of weeds that occur in a particular crop influences
the competition. Occurrence of a particular species of weed greatly influence the
competition between the crop & weed. For eg. E. crusgalli in rice, Setaia viridis in corn

and Xanthium sp. in soybean affects the crop yield. Flavaria australasica offers more
competition than the grasses
d. Type of crop species and their varieties: Crops and their varieties differ in their
competing ability with weeds e.g., the decreasing order of weed competing ability is as:
barley, rye, wheat and oat. High tolerance of barley to competition from weeds is
assigned to its ability to develop more roots that are extensive during initial three weeks
growth period than the others.
Fast canopy forming and tall crops suffer less from weed competition than the
slow growing and short stature & crops. Dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties of crops are
usually more susceptible to competition from weeds than the tall varieties became they
grow slowly and initial stage. In addition, their short stature covers the weeds less
effectively. When we compare the crop-weed competition between two varieties of
groundnut TMV 2 (Bunch) and TMV 3 (Spreading). TMV 2 incurred a loss of over
30% pod yield under uncontrolled weed - crop competition while TMV 3 lost only
about 15% in its yield. The main reason is due to the spreading nature of TMV 3, which
smothered weeds. Longer duration cultivars of rice have been found more competitive
to weeds than the short duration ones.
e. Soil factors: Soil type, soil fertility, soil moisture and soil reaction influences the
crop weed competition. Elevated soil fertility usually stimulates weeds more than the
crop, reducing thus crop yields. Fertilizer application of weedy crop could increase
crop yields to a much lower level than the yield increase obtained when a weed free
crop is applied with fertilizer.
Weeds are adapted to grow well and compete with crops, in both moisture stress
and ample moisture conditions. Removal of an intense moisture stress may thus benefit
crops more than the weeds leading to increased yields. If the weeds were already
present at the time of irrigation, they would grow so luxuriantly as to completely over
power the crops. If the crop in irrigated after it has grown 15 cm or more in a weed free
environment irrigation could hasten closing in of crop rows, thus suppressing weeds.
Abnormal soil reactions often aggravate weed competition. It is therefore
specific weed species suited to different soil reactions exist with us, our crops grow best
only in a specified range of soil pH. Weeds would offer more intense competition to
crops on normal pH soils than on normal pH soils.
f. Climate: Adverse weather condition, Eg. drought, excessive rains, extremes of
temperature, will favour weeds since most of our crop plants are susceptible to climatic
stresses. It is further intensified when crop cultivation is stratified over marginal lands.
All such stresses weaken crops inherent capacity to fight weeds.
g. Time of germination: In general, when the time of germination of crop coincides
with the emergence of first flush of weeds, it leads to intense Crop-Weed interference.
Sugarcane takes about one month to complete its germination phase while weeds
require very less time to complete its germination.
Weed seeds germinate most readily from 1.25 cm of soil. Few weeds even from
15cm depth. Therefore, planting method that dries the top 3 to 5 cm of soil rapidly
enough to deny weed seeds opportunity to absorb moisture for their germination usually
postpones weed emergence until the first irrigation. By this time the crop plants are
well established to compete with late germinating weeds.

h. Cropping practices: Cropping practices, such as method of planting crops, crop
density and geometry and crop species and varieties have pronounced effects on Crop-
Weed interference
i. Crop maturity: Maturity of the crop is yet another factor which affects competition
between weeds & crop. As the age of the crop increases the competition for weeds
decreases due to its good establishment. Timely weeding in the early growth stages of
the crop enhances the yield significantly.
Critical period of weed competition:
Defn: Critical period of weed competition is defined as the shortest time span during the
crop growth when weeding results in highest Economic returns.
The critical period of crop-weed competition is the period from the time of
sowing up to, which the crop is to be maintained in a weed free environment to get the
highest economical yield. The weed competition in crop field is invariably severe in
early stages of crop than at later stages. Generally in a crop of 100 days duration, the
first 35 days after sowing should be maintained in a weed free condition. There is no
need to attempt for a weed free condition throughout the life period of the crop, as it
will entail unnecessary additional expenditure without proportionate increase in yield.
Critical period of weed competition for important crops
Sl.No. Crops Days from sowing Days from sowing
1. Rice (Lowland) 35 7. Cotton 35
2. Rice (upland) 60 8. Sugarcane 90
3. Sorghum 30 9. Groundnut 45
4. Finger millet 15 10. Soybean 45
5. Pearl millet 35 11. Onion 60
6. Maize 30 12. Tomato 30

It becomes clear that weed free condition for 2-8 weeks in general are required
for different crops and emphasizes the need for timely weed control without which the
crop yield gets drastically educed.

For designing any weed control programme in a given area, one must know the
nature & habitat of the weeds in that area, how they react to environmental changes &
how they respond to herbicides. Before selecting a method of weed control one, much
have information on the number of viable seeds nature of dispersal of seeds, dormancy
of seeds, longevity of buried seeds & ability to survive under adverse conditions, life
span of the weed, soil textures moisture and (In case of soil applied volatile herbicides
the herbicide will be successful only in sandy loam soil but not in clayey soil. Flooding
as a method of weed control will be successful only in heavy soil & net in sandy soil)
the area to be controlled.
Principles of weed control are;
a) Prevention

b) Eradication
c) Control
d) Management
Preventive weed control:
It encompasses all measures taken to prevent the introduction and/or
establishment and spread of weeds. Such areas may be local, regional or national in
size. No weed control programme is successful if adequate preventive measures are not
taken to reduce weed infestation. It is a long term planning so that the weeds could be
controlled or managed more effectively and economically than is possible where these
are allowed to disperse freely. Following preventive control measures are suggested for
adoption wherever possible & practicable.
1. Avoid using crop that are infested with weed seeds for sowing
2. Avoid feeding screenings and other material containing weed seeds to the farm
3. Avoid adding weeds to the manure pits.
4. Clean the farm machinery thoroughly before moving it from one field to another.
This is particularly important for seed drills
5. Avoid the use of gravel sand and soil from weed-infested
6. Inspect nursery stock for the presence of weed seedlings, tubers, rhizomes, etc.
7. Keep irrigation channels, fence-lines, and un-cropped areas clean
8. Use vigilance. Inspect your farm frequently for any strange looking weed seedlings.
Destroy such patches of a new weed by digging deep and burning the weed along
with its roots. Sterilize the spot with suitable chemical.
9. Quarantine regulations are available in almost all countries to deny the entry of weed
seeds and other propagules into a country through airports and shipyards.
Weed free crop seeds
It may be produced by following the pre-cautionary measures.
i. Separating crop seeds from admixture of crop & weed seeds using physical
differences like size, shape, colour, weight / texture & electrical properties.
ii. Using air-screen cleaners & specific gravity separators, which differentiate seeds
based on seed size, shape, surface area & specific gravity.
iii. Through means of Seed certification we can get certified seeds and can be used
safely because the certified seeds contain no contaminant weed seeds
iv. Weed laws are helpful in reducing the spread of weed species & in the use of well
adapted high quality seeds. They help in protecting the farmers from using
mislabeled or contaminated seed and legally prohibiting seeds of noxious weeds
from entering the country.
v. Quarantine laws enforce isolation of an area in which a severe weed has become
established & prevent the movement of the weed into an uninfected area.
vi. Use of pre-emergence herbicides also helpful in prevention because herbicides
will not allow the germination of weeds.
b. Eradication: (ideal weed control rarely achieved)
It infers that a given weed species, its seed & vegetative part has been killed or
completely removed from a given area & that weed will not reappear unless
reintroduced to the area. Because of its difficulty & high cost, eradication is usually

attempted only in smaller areas such as few ha., a few thousand m2 or less. Eradication
is often used in high value areas such as green houses, ornamental plant beds &
containers. This may be desirable and economical when the weed species is extremely
noxious and persistent as to make cropping difficult and economical.
c. Control
It encompasses those processes where by weed infestations are reduced but not
necessarily eliminated. It is a matter of degree ranging from poor to excellent. In
control methods, the weeds are seldom killed but their growth is severely restricted, the
crop makes a normal yield. In general, the degree of weed control obtained is
dependent on the characters of weeds involved and the effectiveness of the control
method used.
d. Weed management
Weed control aims at only putting down the weeds present by some kind of
physical or chemical means while weed management is a system approach whereby
whole land use planning is done in advance to minimize the very invsasion of weeds in
aggressive forms and give crop plants a strongly competitive advantage over the weeds.
Weed control methods are grouped into cultural, physical, chemical and
biological. Every method of weed control has its own advantages and disadvantages.
No single method is successful under all weed situations. Many a time, a combination
of these methods gives effective and economic control than a single method.
Mechanical weed control
Mechanical or physical methods of weed control are being employed ever since
man began to grow crops. The mechanical methods include tillage, hoeing, hand
weeding, digging cheeling, sickling, mowing, burning, flooding, mulching etc.
1. Tillage: Tillage removes weeds from the soil resulting in their death. It may weaken
plants through injury of root and stem pruning, reducing their competitiveness or
regenerative capacity. Tillage also buries weeds. Tillage operation includes ploughing,
discing, harrowing and leveling which is used to promote the germination of weeds
through soil turnover and exposure of seeds to sunlight, which can be destroyed
effectively later. In case of perennials, both top and underground growth is injured and
destroyed by tillage.
2. Hoeing: Hoe has been the most appropriate and widely used weeding tool for
centuries. It is however, still a very useful implement to obtain results effectively and
cheaply. It supplements the cultivator in row crops. Hoeing is particularly more
effective on annuals and biennials as weed growth can be completely destroyed. In case
of perennials, it destroyed the top growth with little effect on underground plant parts
resulting in re-growth.
3. Hand weeding: It is done by physical removal or pulling out of weeds by hand or
removal by implements called khurpi, which resembles sickle. It is probably the oldest
method of controlling weeds and it is still a practical and efficient method of
eliminating weeds in cropped and non-cropped lands. It is very effective against
annuals, biennials and controls only upper portions of perennials.
4. Digging: Digging is very useful in the case of perennial weeds to remove the
underground propagating parts of weeds from the deeper layer of the soil.

5. Cheeling: It is done by hand using a cheel hoe, similar to a spade with a long handle.
It cuts and shapes the above ground weed growth.
6. Sickling and mowing: Sickling is also done by hand with the help of sickle to
remove the top growth of weeds to prevent seed production and to starve the
underground parts. It is popular in sloppy areas where only the tall weed growth is
sickled leaving the root system to hold the soil in place to prevent soil erosion. Mowing
is a machine-operated practice mostly done on roadsides and in lawns.
7. Burning: Burning or fire is often an economical and practical means of controlling
weeds. It is used to (a) dispose of vegetation (b) destroy dry tops of weeds that have
matured (c) kill green weed growth in situations where cultivations and other common
methods are impracticable.
8. Flooding: Flooding is successful against weed species sensitive to longer periods of
submergence in water. Flooding kills plants by reducing oxygen availability for plant
growth. The success of flooding depends upon complete submergence of weeds for
longer periods.
Merits of Mechanical Method
1) Oldest, effective and economical method
2) Large area can be covered in shorter time
3) Safe method for environment
4) Does not involve any skill
5) Weeding is possible in between plants
6) Deep rooted weeds can be controlled effectively
Demerits of Mechanical Method
1) Labour consuming
2) Possibility of damaging crop
3) Requires ideal and optimum specific condition
Several cultural practices like tillage, planting, fertiliser application, irrigation
etc., are employed for creating favourable condition for the crop. These practices if
used properly, help in controlling weeds. Cultural methods, alone cannot control
weeds, but help in reducing weed population. They should, therefore, be used in
combination with other methods. In cultural methods, tillage, fertiliser application. and
irrigation are important. In addition, aspects like selection of variety, time of sowing,
cropping system, cleanliness of the farm etc., are also useful in controlling weeds.
1. Field preparation: The field has to be kept weed free. Flowering of weeds should
not be allowed. This helps in prevention of build up of weed seed population.
2. Summer tillage: The practice of summer tillage or off-season tillage is one of the
effective cultural methods to check the growth of perennial weed population in crop
cultivation. Initial tillage before cropping should encourage clod formation. These
clods, which have the weed propagules, upon drying desiccate the same. Subsequent
tillage operations should break the clods into small units to further expose the shriveled
weeds to the hot sun.
3. Maintenance of optimum plant population: Lack of adequate plant population is
prone to heavy weed infestation, which becomes, difficult to control later. Therefore
practices like selection of proper seed, right method of sowing, adequate seed rate

protection of seed from soil borne pests and diseases etc. are very important to obtain
proper and uniform crop stand capable of offering competition to the weeds.
4. Crop rotation: The possibilities of a certain weed species or group of species
occurring is greater if the same crop is grown year after year. In many instances, crop
rotation can eliminate atleast reduce difficult weed problems. The obnoxious weeds like
Cyperus rotundus can be controlled effectively by including low land rice in crop
5. Growing of intercrops: Inter cropping suppresses weeds better than sole cropping
and thus provides an opportunity to utilize crops themselves as tools of weed
management. Many short duration pulses viz., green gram and soybean effectively
smother weeds without causing reduction in the yield of main crop.
6. Mulching: Mulch is a protective covering of material maintained on soil surface.
Mulching has smothering effect on weed control by excluding light from the
photosynthetic portions of a plant and thus inhibiting the top growth. It is very effective
against annual weeds and some perennial weeds like Cynodon dactylon. Mulching is
done by dry or green crop residues, plastic sheet or polythene film. To be effective the
mulch should be thick enough to prevent light transmission and eliminate
7. Solarisation: This is another method of utilisation of solar energy for the desiccation
of weeds. In this method, the soil temperature is further raised by 5 – 10 ºC by covering
a pre-soaked fallow field with thin transparent plastic sheet. The plastic sheet checks
the long wave back radiation from the soil and prevents loss of energy by hindering
moisture evaporation.
8. Stale seedbed: A stale seedbed is one where initial one or two flushes of weeds are
destroyed before planting of a crop. This is achieved by soaking a well prepared field
with either irrigation or rain and allowing the weeds to germinate. At this stage a
shallow tillage or non- residual herbicide like paraquat may be used to destroy the dense
flush of young weed seedlings. This may be followed immediately by sowing. This
technique allows the crop to germinate in almost weed-free environment.
9. Blind tillage: The tillage of the soil after sowing a crop before the crop plants emerge
is known as blind tillage. It is extensively employed to minimise weed intensity in drill
sowing crops where emergence of crop seedling is hindered by soil crust formed on
receipt of rain or irrigation immediately after sowing.
10. Crop management practices: Good crop management practices that play an
important role in weed control are
i) Vigorous and fast growing crop varieties are better competitors with weeds.
ii) Proper placement of fertilizers ensures greater availability of nutrients to crop plants,
thus keeping the weeds at a disadvantage.
iii) Better irrigation practices to have a good head start over the weeds
iv) Proper crop rotation programme
v) Higher plant population per unit area results in smothering effect on weed growth
Merits of Cultural Method
1. Low cost for weed control
2. Easy to adopt
3. No residual Problem

4. Technical skill is not involved
5. No damage to crops
6. Effective weed control
7. Crop-weed ecosystem is maintained
Demerits of Cultural Method
1. Immediate and quick weed control is not possible
2. Weeds are kept under suppressed condition
3. Perennial and problematic weeds can not be controlled
4. Practical difficulty in adoption
Use of living organisms viz., insects, disease organisms, herbivorous fish, snails
or even competitive plants for the control of weeds is called biological control. In
biological control method, it is not possible to eradicate weeds but weed population can
be reduced. This method is not useful to control all types of weeds. Introduced weeds
are best targets for biological control.
Using chemicals, generally referred as herbicides, for the control of weeds is
called chemical weed control. In 1944 - discovery of 2,4-D Na salt as a land mark in
herbicide usage.
1) Herbicide can be recommended for adverse soil and climatic conditions, as
manual weeding is highly impossible during monsoon season.
2) Herbicide can control weeds even before they emerge from the soil so that crops
can germinate and grow in completely weed-free environment at early stages. It
is usually not possible with physical weed comfort.
3) Weeds, which resemble like crop in vegetative phase may escape in manual
weeding. However, these weeds are controlled by herbicides.
4) Herbicide is highly suitable for broadcasted and closely spaced crops.
5) Controls the weeds without any injury to the root system of the associated
standing crop especially in plantation crops like Tea and Coffee.
6) Reduces the need for pre planting tillage
7) Controls many perennial weed species
8) Herbicides control the weed in the field itself or insitu controlling where as
mechanical method may lead to dispersal of weed species through seed
9) It is profitable where labour is scarce and expensive
10) Suited for minimum tillage concept
11) Highly economical
1) Pollutes the environment
2) Affects the soil microbes if the dose exceeds
3) Herbicide causes drift effect to the adjoining field
4) It requires certain amount of minimum technical knowledge for calibration
5) Leaves residual effects
6) Some herbicide is highly costlier
7) Suitable herbicides are not available for mixed and inter-cropping system.


Herbicide: It is a chemical used to kill some targeted plants.

Principles of chemical weed control
The selectivity exhibited by certain chemicals to cultivated crops in controlling
its associated weeds without affecting the crops forms basis for the chemical weed
control. Such selectivity may be due to differences in the morphology, differential
absorption, differential translocation, differential deactivation etc.
1) Based on Method of application
i) Soil applied herbicides: Herbicide act through root and other underground
parts of weeds. Eg. Fluchloralin
ii) Foliage applied herbicides: Herbicide primarily active on the plant foliage
Eg.Glyphosate, Paraquat
2) Based on Mode of action
i) Selective herbicide: A herbicide is considered as selective when in a mixed
growth of plant species, it kills some species without injuring the others. Eg.
ii) Non-selective herbicide: It destroys majority of treated vegetation Eg.
3 Based on mobility
i) Contact herbicide: A contact herbicide kills those plant parts with which it
comes in direct contact Eg. Paraquat
ii) Translocated herbicide: Herbicide which tends to move from treated part to
untreated areas through xylem / phloem depending on the nature of its molecule.
Eg. Glyphosate
4) Based on Time of application
i) Pre - plant application (PPI): Application of herbicide before sowing or
along with sowing. Either it is foliar applied or incorporated in soil soon after its
application. Pre-plant foliar spraying of glyphosate to control perennial weeds
like Cyperus rotundus and pre-plant soil incorporation of Fluchloralin to control
weeds in ground nut
ii) Pre – emergence: Herbicide is applied to soil soon after sowing a crop before
emergence of weeds Eg. Atrazine, Pendimethalin, Butachlor, Thiobencarb,
iii) Post - emergence: When herbicide is applied to kill young weeds standing in
the crop plants or application after the emergence of weed and crop. Eg.
Glyphosate, Paraquat, 2,4-D Na Salt.
iv) Early post emergence: Another application of herbicide in the slow growing
crops like potato, sugarcane, 2-3 week after sowing is classified as early post
1. Based on molecular structure

Herbicide formulation – time of application – preplant, pre emergence, post
emergence - methods of application – granular, spray, herbigation –
application equipments
Herbicides in their natural state may be solid, liquid, volatile, non-volatile,
soluble or insoluble. Hence these have to be made in forms suitable and safe for their
field use. An herbicide formulation is prepared by the manufacturer by blending the
active ingredient with substances like solvents, inert carriers, surfactants, stickers,
stabilizers etc
Objectives in herbicide formulations are;
a. Ease of handling
b. High controlled activity on the target plants
Need for preparing herbicide formulation
 To have a product with physical properties suitable for use in a variety of types
of application equipment and conditions.
 To prepare a product which is effective and economically feasible to use
 To prepare a product which is suitable for storage under local conditions?
Types of formulation
I. Emulsifiable concentrates (EC): A concentrated herbicide formulation containing
organic solvent and adjuvants to facilitate emulsification with water eg., Butachlor
ii. Wettable powders (WP): A herbicide is absorbed by an inert carrier together with
an added surface acting agent. The material is finely ground so that it may form a
suspension when agitated with a required volume of water eg., Atrazine
iii. Granules (G): The inert material (carrier) is given a granular shape and the
herbicide (active ingredient) is mixed with sand, clay, vermiculite, finely ground
plant parts (ground corn cobs) as carrier material. eg., Alachlor granules.
iv. Water soluble concentrates (WSC) eg., paraquat
Time of application of herbicides
Application of herbicides before the crop is planted or sown. Soil application as
well as foliar application is done here. For example, fluchloralin can be applied to soil
and incorporated before sowing rainfed groundnut while glyphosate can be applied on
the foliage of perennial weeds like Cyperus rotundus before planting of any crop.

Weed seed Weed

Application of herbicides before a crop or weed has emerged. In case of annual
crops application is done after the sowing of the crop but before the emergence of
weeds and this is referred as pre-emergence to the crop while in the case perennial crops
it can be said as pre-emergence to weeds. For example soil application by spraying of
atrazine on 3rd DAT to sugarcane can be termed as pre-emergence to cane crop while

soil application by spraying the same immediately after a rain to control a new flush of
weeds in a inter-cultivated orchard can be specified as pre-emergence to weed.

Crop seed
Weed seed Weed
Post-emergence Crop seed
Herbicide application after the emergence of crop or weed is referred as post-
emergence application. When the weeds grow before the crop plants have emerged
through the soil and are killed with a herbicide then it is called as early post-emergence.
For example spraying 2,4-D Na salt to control parasitic weed striga in sugarcane is
called as post-emergence while spraying of paraquat to control emerged weeds after 10-
15 days after planting potato can be called as early post-emergence.

Weed seed Weed

Crop seedling

1. Spraying
2. Broadcasting
Factors influencing the methods of application are
a. Weed-crop situation
b. Type of herbicides
c. Mode of action and selectivity
d. Environmental factors
e. Cost and convenience of application
Depending on the target site, the herbicides are classified in to
i. Soil applied herbicides
ii. Foliage applied or foliar herbicides
Different methods by which these herbicides are applied is tabulated below
Soil application Foliar application
a. Surface i. Blanket spray
b. Sub surface ii. Directed spray
c. Band iii. Protected spray
d. Fumigation iv. Spot treatment
e. Herbigation
a. Surface application
Soil active herbicides are applied uniformly on the surface of the soil either by
spraying or by broadcasting. The applied herbicides are either left undisturbed or

incorporated in to the soil. Incorporation is done to prevent the volatilization and photo-
decomposition of the herbicides.
Eg. Fluchoralin – Left undisturbed under irrigated condition
- Incorporated under rainfed condition
b. Subsurface application
It is the application of herbicides in a concentrated band, about 7-10 cm below
the soil surface for controlling perennial weeds. For this special type of nozzle is
introduced below the soil under the cover of a sweep hood.
Eg. Carbamate herbicides to control Cyperus rotundus
Nitralin herbicides to control Convolvulus arvensis
c. Band application
Application to a restricted band along the crop rows leaving an untreated band in
the inter-rows. Later inter-rows are cultivated to remove the weeds. Saving in cost is
possible here. For example when a 30 cm wide band of a herbicide applied over a
croprows that were spaced 90 cm apart , then two-third cost is saved.
d. Fumigation
Application of volatile chemicals in to confined spaces or in to the soil to
produce gas that will destroy weed seeds is called fumigation. Herbicides used for
fumigation are called as fumigants. These are good for killing perennial weeds and as
well for eliminating weed seeds.
Eg. Methyl bromide, Metham
f. Herbigation
Application of herbicides with irigation water both by surface and sprinkler
systems. In India farmers apply fluchloralin for chillies and tomato, while in western
countries application of EPTC with sprinkler irrigation water is very common in
i. Blanket spray
Uniform application of herbicides to standing crops without considering the
location of the crop. Only highly selective herbicides are used here.
Eg. Spraying 2,4-Ethyl Ester to rice three weeks after transplanting
ii. Directed spray
Application of herbicides on weeds in between rows of crops by directing the
spray only on weeds avoiding the crop. This could be possible by use of protective
shield or hood. For example, spraying glyphosate in between rows of tapioca using
hood to control Cyperus rotundus.
iii. Protected spray
Applying non-selective herbicides on weeds by covering the crops which are
wide spaced with polyethylene covers etc. This is expensive and laborious. However,
farmers are using this technique for spraying glyphosate to control weeds in jasmine,
cassava, banana.
iv. Spot treatment
It is usually done on small areas having serious weed infestation to kill it and to
prevent its spread. Rope wick applicator and Herbicide glove are useful here.

The success of weed control programme depends on the following factors:
1. Study of weed flora
2. Selection of proper herbicide
3. Use of correct dose
4. Stage and time of application
5. Method of application
6. Calibration of sprayer
Factors influencing choice of herbicides
1. Crop factor
Monocots and dicots show differential tolerance to a herbicide, accordingly
depending on type of crop cultivated the choice of herbicides varies. Eg. Monocots like
rice has tolerence to 2,4-D Na salt while dicots like soybean gets killed when used as
2. Nature of weeds present
Based on the type of major weeds present in a situation, the herbicides are
suggested accordingly. For eg., If more grassy weeds – fluzipop butyl is used while 2,4-
D Na salt is used to control broad-leaved weeds.
3. Site of application
Soil applied herbicides – Atrazine, fluchloralin
Foliar applied herbicides – glyphosate
4. Time of application
(i) Pre-emergence herbicides – metolachlor
(ii) Post-emergence herbicides – paraquat
5. Farming situation
Wetland – water soluble herbicides butachlor
Garden land – Wettable powders – Atrazine
Water bodies – Diquat.
6. Duration of weed control
Short duration – less persistent herbicide - Anilofos
Long period – residual herbicides – atrazine
7. Cropping system
Maize + pulse combination - Isoproturon used and not atrazine
Maize followed by pulse use pendimethalin
Maize followed by cereal – Atrazine
8. Cost
In case of rice though butachlor, fluchloralin, pendimethalin etc. are
recommended mostly butachlor is used because of it is cheaper than all other chemicals
but not in control of weeds.
Crop Herbicide Dose Trade name and Time of
(kg ai/ha) formulation application
1. Rice Butachlor 1.25 Machete 50% EC Pre-emergence
Delchlor 50% EC

Thiobencarb 1.25 Thunder 50% EC Pre-emergence
Saturn 50% EC
Anilophos 0.40 Arozin 30% EC Pre-emergence
Aniloguard 30% EC
Fluchloralin 0.90 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 0.90 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
2,4-D Na salt 1.00 Fernoxone 80% SS Post-emergence
2. Rice (Upland Thiobencarb 1.25 Saturn 50% EC Pre-emergence
direct sown) (8 DAS)
Pretilachlor 0.45 Refit 50% EC Pre-emergence
3. Sorghum Atrazine 0.25 Atrataf 50% WDP Pre-emergence
4. Ragi Butachlor 1.25 Machete 50% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 0.75 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
5. Maize Atrazine 0.25 Atrataf 50% WDP Pre-emergence
6. Cumbu Atrazine 0.25 Atrataf 50% WDP Pre-emergence
7. Cotton Metolachlor 1.00 Dual 50% EC Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 1.00 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 1.00 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
Diuron 0.40 Karmex 50% WP Pre-emergence
8. Groundnut Metolachlor 1.00 Dual 50% EC Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 0.90 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
9. Sunflower Fluchloralin 0.90 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 0.90 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
10.Vegetables Fluchloralin 1.00 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 1.00 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
11. Sugarcane Atrazine 1.00 Atrataf 50% WDP Pre-emergence
12. Pulses Fluchloralin 0.70 Basalin 45% EC Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 0.60 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
13. Wheat Isoproturon 0.60 Arelon 75% WP Pre-emergence
Cropping Systems
1. Sorghum + Pendimethalin 0.90 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
2. Sugarcane + Thiobencarb 1.25 Saturn 50% EC Pre-emergence
3. Maize + Pendimethalin 1.00 Stomp 30% EC Pre-emergence
Alachlor 2.00 Lasso 50% EC Pre-emergence

Simultaneous or sequential application of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides,

antidotes, fertilizers etc are followed in a single cropping season. These chemicals may
undergo a change in physical and chemical characters, which could lead to enhancement

or reduction in the efficacy of one or more compounds. The interaction effects were
seen much later in the growing season or in the next season due to build up of persistent
chemicals or their residues in the soil. Knowledge on the interactions of various
chemicals can be helpful in the formulation and adoption of a sound and effective plant
protection programme. It can also help to exploit the synergistic and antagonistic
interactions between various pesticides for an effective eradication of weed and other
pest problems.
When two or more chemicals accumulate in the plant, they may interact and
bring out responses. These responses are classified as additive, synergistic, antagonistic,
independent and enhancement effects.
i) Additive effect: It is the total effect of a combination, which is equal to the sum of
the effects of the components taken independently.

ii) Synergistic effect: The total effect of a combination is greater or more prolonged
than the sum of the effects of the two taken independently.
Eg. The mixture of 2,4-D and chlorpropham is synergistic on monocot species generally
resistant to 2,4-D. Similarly, low rates of 2,4-D and picloram have synergistic response
on Convolvulus arvensis. Atrazine and alachlor combination, which shows synergism
is widely used for an effective control in corn.
iii) Antagonistic effect: The total effect of a combination is smaller than the effect of
the most active component applied alone.
Eg. Combination of EPTC with 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T or dicamba have antagonistic responses
in sorghum and giant foxtail. Similarly, chlorpropham and 2,4-D have antagonism.
When simazine or atrazine is added to glyphosate solution and sprayed the glyphosate
activity is reduced. This is due to the physical binding within the spray solution rather
than from biological interactions within the plant.
iv) Independent effect: The total effect of a combination is equal to the effect of the
most active component applied alone
v) Enhancement effect: The effect of a herbicide and non-toxic adjuvant applied in
combination on a plant is said to have an enhancement effect if the response is greater
than that obtained when the herbicide is used at the same rates without the adjuvant. Eg.
Mixing Ammonium sulphate with glyphosate.
Herbicide-moisture interaction
Soil applied herbicides fail when there is a dry spell of 10-15 days after their
application. Pre-emergence herbicides may be lost by photo-decomposition,
volatilization and wind blowing while some amount of water is desirable to activate the
soil applied herbicides, excess of it may leach the herbicide to the crop seed and root
zone. This may injure the crops and on other side, result in poor weed control. Heavy
showers may wash down herbicides from the foliage.
Continuous wet weather may induce herbicide injury in certain crops by turning
them highly succulent. Eg. maize plants are normally tolerant to Atrazine but they
become susceptible in wet weather, particularly when air temperature is low. Extra
succulence has been found to increase atrazine absorption and low temperature decrease
its metabolism inside the plants. Quality of water used may also determine herbicide

action. Dusty water reduces action of paraquat. Calcium chloride rich water reduces
glyphoste phytotoxicity.
Herbicide-insecticide interaction
These chemicals are usually not harmful at recommended rates. The tolerance of
plants to a herbicide may be altered in the presence of an insecticide and vice versa.
The phyto-toxicity of monuron and diuron on cotton and oats is increased when applied
with phorate. Phorate interacts antagonistically with trifluralin to increase cotton yield,
by stimulating secondary roots in the zone of pesticide incorporation.
Propanil interacts with certain carbamate and phosphate insecticides used as
seed treatments on rice. But chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides as seed treatment
have not interacted with propanil. When propanil is applied at intervals between 7 and
56 days after carbofuron treatment, it results in greater injury to rice vegetatively.
Herbicide-pathogens / fungicides interaction
Herbicides interact with fungicides also. Dinoseb reduces the severity of stem rot
in groundnut. In sterilized soil, chloroxuron is not causing any apparent injury to pea
plants, while in the presence of Rhizoctonia solani in unsterilized soil it causes injury.
Oxadiazon reduces the incidence of stem rot caused by the soil borne pathogen
Sclerotium rolfsii L. in groundnut. Diuron and triazine which inhibit photosynthesis
may make the plants more susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus. On the other hand,
diuron may decrease the incidence of root rot in wheat.
Herbicide-fertilizer interaction
Herbicides have been found to interact with fertilizers in fields. E.g., fast
growing weeds that are getting ample nitrogen show great susceptibility to 2,4-D,
glyphosate than slow growing weeds on poor fertility lands. The activity of glyphosate
is increased when ammonium sulphate is tank mixed. Nitrogen invigorate (put life and
energy in to) the meristamatic activity in crops so much that they susceptible to
herbicides. High rates of atrazine are more toxic to maize and sorghum when appled
with high rates of phosphorus.
Herbicide-microbes interaction
Microorganisms play a major role in the persistence behaviour of herbicides in
the soil. The soil microorganisms have the capacity to detoxify and inactivate the
herbicides present in the soil. Some groups of herbicides more easily degrade through
microbes than others. The difference lies in the molecular configuration of the
herbicide. The microorganisms involved in herbicide degradation include bacteria,
fungi, algae, moulds etc. Of these, bacteria predominates and include the members of
the genera Agrobacterium, Arthrobacter, Achromobacterium. Bacillus, Pseudomonas,
Streptomyces, Flavobacterium, Rhizobium etc. The fungi include those of the genera
Fusarium, Penicillium etc.
Bio control
Defn: The use of living organisms to suppress a pest population, making it less
abundant and thus less damaging than that it would otherwise be.
Control or suppression of weeds by the action of one or more organisms through
natural means or by manipulation of weed, organism or environment.

Use of living organism viz., insects, disease-causing organisms, herbivorous
fish, snails or even competitive plants for the control of weeds is biological control. In
biological control method, it is not possible to eradicate weeds but weed population can
be reduced. This method is not useful to control all types of weeds. Introduced weeds
are best targets for biological control.
Qualities of bio-agent
1. The bio-agent must feed or affect only one host and not other useful
2. It must be free of predators or parasites.
3. It must readily adapt to environment conditions.
4. The bio-agent must be capable of seeking out itself to the host.
5. It must be able to kill the weed or atleast prevent its reproduction in
some direct or indirect way.
6. It must possess reproductive capacity sufficient to overtake the increase
of its host species, without too much delay.
1) Least harm to the environment
2) No residual effect
3) Relatively cheaper and comparatively long lasting effect
4) Will not affect non-targeted plants and safer in usage
1) Multiplication is costlier
2) Control is very slow
3) Success of control is very limited
4) Very few host specific bio-agents are available at present
Mode of action:
i. Differential growth habits, competitive ability of crops and varieties prevent
weed establishment Eg. Groundnut, cowpea fast growing and so good weed
ii. Insects kill the plants by exhausting plant food reserves, defoliation, boring and
weakening structure of the plant.
iii. Pathogenic organisms damage the host plants through enzymatic degradation of
cell constituents, production of toxins, disturbance of harmone systems,
obstruction in the translocation of food materials and minerals and
malfunctioning of physiological processes.
Outstanding and feasible examples of biological weed control
(i) Larvae of Coctoblastis cactorum, a moth borer, control prickly pear Opuntia sp.
The larvae tunnel through the plants and destroy it. In India it is controlled by
cochinial insects Dactylopius indicus and D. tomentosus
(ii) Lantana camara is controlled by larvae of Crocidosema lantana, a moth bores
into the flower, stems, eat flowers and fruits.
(iii) Cuscuta spp. is controlled by Melanagromyza cuscutae
(iv) Cyperus rotundus - Bactra verutana a moth borer
(v) Ludiwigia parviflora is completely denuded by Altica cynanea (steel blue

(vi) Herbivorous fish Tilapia controls algae. Common carp, a non-herbivorous fish
controls sub-mersed aquatic weeds. It is apparently due to uprooting of plants
while in search of food. Snails prefer submersed weeds.
Definition: The use of plant pathogen which are expected to kill the targeted weeds.
These are native pathogen, cultured artificially and sprayed just like post-
emergence herbicides each season on target weed, particularly in crop areas.
Fungal pathogens of weed have been used to a larger extent than bacterial, viral
or nematode pathogens, because, bacteria and virus are unable to actively penetrate the
host and require natural opening or vectors to initiate disease in plants.
Defn: A fungal pathogen which, when applied inundatively, kill plants by causing a
Here the specific fungal spores or their fermentation product is sprayed against
the target weed. Some registered mycoherbicides in western countries are tabulated
No Product Content Target weed
1 Devine A liquid suspension of fungal spores of Strangle vine (Morrenia
Phytophthora palmivora causes root rot. odorata) in citrus
2 Collego Wettable powder containing fungal Joint vetch (Aeschyomone
spores of Colletotrichum virginica) in rice, soybean
gloeosporoides causes stem and leaf
3 Bipolaris A suspension of fungal spores of Jhonson grass (Sorghum
Bipolaris sorghicola halepense)
4 Biolophos A microbial toxin produced as Non-specific, general
fermentation product of Steptomyces vegetation
1. One method of weed control may be effective and economical in a situation and it
may not be so in other situation.
2. No single herbicide is effective in controlling wide range of weed flora
3. Continuous use of same herbicide creates resistance in escaped weed flora or causes
shift in the flora.
4. Continuous use of only one practice may result in some undesirable effects. Eg.
Rice –wheat cropping system – Philaris minor
5. Only one method of weed control may lead to increase in population of particular
6. Indiscriminate herbicide use and its effects on the environment and human health.
• Uses a variety of technologies in a single weed management with the objective
to produce optimum crop yield at a minimum cost taking in to consideration
ecological and socio-economic constraints under a given agro-ecosystem.

• A system in which two or more methods are used to control a weed. These
methods may include cultural practices, natural enemies and selective
FAO Definition
It is a method whereby all economically, ecologically and toxicologically
justifiable methods are employed to keep the harmful organisms below the threshold
level of economic damage, keeping in the foreground the conscious employment of
natural limiting factors.
IWM is the rational use of direct and indirect control methods to provide cost-
effective weed control. Such an approach is the most attractive alternative from
agronomic, economic and ecological point of view.
Among the commonly suggested indirect methods are land preparation, water
management, plant spacing, seed rate, cultivar use, and fertilizer application. Direct
methods include manual, cultural, mechanical and chemical methods of weed control.
The essential factor in any IWM programme is the number of indirect and direct
methods that can be combined economically in a given situation. For example,
increased frequency of ploughing and harrowing does not eliminate the need for direct
weed control. It is, therefore, more cost-effective to use fewer pre-planting harrowing
and combine them with direct weed control methods.
There is experimental evidence that illustrates that better weed control is
achieved if different weed control practices are used in combination rather than if they
are applied separately.
Good IWM should be
a. Flexible enough to incorporate innovations and practical experiences of local
b. Developed for the whole farm and not for just one or two fields and hence it should
be extended to irrigation channels, road sides and other non-crop surroundings on
the farm from where most weeds find their way in to the crop fields.
c. Economically viable and practically feasible.
Advantages of IWM
• It shifts the crop-weed competition in favour of crop
• Prevents weed shift towards perennial nature
• Prevents resistance in weeds to herbicides
• No danger of herbicide residue in soil or plant
• No environmental pollution
• Gives higher net return
• Suitable for high cropping intensity
IWM of Cuscuta in Lucerne
2. In fields with history of Cuscuta (dodder), adopt crop raotations with non-
susceptible crops. Grow lucerne only once in three years in such fields.
3. Do not move animals and machinery from the dodder infested fields to the new
4. Treat densely infested patches of lucerne with a non-residue herbicide like

5. Do not feed the cuscuta infested crop to the animals.
6. Do not collect the lucerne seeds from the crop infested with dodder.
A conceptional model of IWC by Noda, K. (1977)

Preventive means

Manual weeding Safety on Increasing

environment unit area

Method of systematization
Labour saved

Mechanical control
Increase of
Less input weed

Chemical control

No or less toxic Limit of weed Increasing per

present man yield
without yield
Cultural means loss

Co-existed with Knowledge of

other technique weed science

Biological control

Useful Agents

Apply any one of the Pre-emergence herbicides viz., Butachlor 2 l/ha, Thiobencarb
2/ha, Pendimethalin 2.5 l/ha, Anilofos 1.25 l/ha on 8th day after sowing to control weeds
in the lowland nursery. Keep a thin film of water and allow it to disappear. Avoid
drainage of water. This will control germinating weeds.

a) Use Butachlor 2.5 l/ha or Thiobencarb 2.5 l/ha or Fluchoralin 2 l/ha or
Pendimethalin 3 l/ha or Anilofos 1.25 l/ha as pre-emergence application.
Alternatively, pre-emergence application of herbicide mixture viz., Butachlor 1.2 l +
2,4-DEE 1.5 l/ha or Thiobencarb 1.2 l + 2,4-DEE 1.5 l/ha or Fluchoralin 1.0 l + 2,4-
DEE 1.5 l/ha or Pendimethalin 1.5 l + 2,4-DEE 1.5 l/ha or Anilofos + 2,4-DEE
ready mix at 1.25 l/ha followed by one hand weeding on 30-35 days after
transplanting will have a broad spectrum of weed control in transplanted rice.
b) Any herbicide has to be mixed with 50 kg of sand on the day of application (3-4
days after transplanting) and applied uniformly to the field in 2.5 cm depth of water.
Water should not be drained for 2 days from the field or fresh irrigation should not
be given.
c) Wherever there is possibility of heavy weed infestation, herbicides can also be
applied with neem coated urea which could serve as carrier, three to four days after
transplanting instead basal application of N at last puddling.
If herbicides are not used as pre-emergence, hand weed on 15 th day after
transplanting. 2,4-D sodium salt (Fernoxone 80% WP) 1250 g dissolved in 625 l/ha of
water is sprayed with a high volume sprayer, three weeks after transplanting or when
the weeds are in 3-4 leaf stage.
Late hand weeding
Hand weed a second time, 80-85 days after transplanting, if necessary.
In wet seeded rice apply Thiobencarb at 2.5 l/ha or Pretilachlor 0.9 l/ha on
4DAS/6DAS/8DAS followed by one hand weeding for effecrtive control of weeds OR
Pre-emergence application of Pretilachlor + safener at 0.6 l/ha on 4DAS followed by
one hand weeding on 40 DAS effectively control weeds.
1. First weeding should be done between 15th and 20th day and second weeding may be
done 45 days after first weeding. or
2. Use Thiobencarb 2.5 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3 l/ha 8 days after sowing if adequate
moisture is available, followed by one hand weeding on 30 to 35 days after sowing.
Thiobencarb/Butachlor at 2.5 l/ha as pre-emergence application one day after
wetting / soaking can be applied and it should be followed by hand weeding on 30th day.
Sufficient soil moisture should be available for herbicidal use
Use Thiobencarb 3 l/ha or Pendimethalin 4 l/ha on 8th day after sowing as sand
mix if adequate moisture is available, followed by one hand weeding on 30-35 days
after sowing.
Pre-emergence application of pretilachlor 0.6 l/ha followed by post emergence
application of 2,4-D Na salt 1.25 kg/ha + one hand weeding on 45DAS.

i. Apply the pre-emergence herbicide Atrazine 50% WP 500 g/ha on 3 days after
sowing as spray on the soil surface, using Backpack/knapsack/Rocker sprayer
fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 900 lit of water/ha
ii. Sorghum is slow growing in early stages and is adversely affected by weed
competition. Therefore keep the field free of weeds upto 45days. For this, after
pre-emergence herbicide application, one hand weeding on 30-35 days after
sowing may be given.
iii. If pulse crop is to be raised as an intercrop in sorghum do not use Atrazine.
iv. Hoe and hand weed on the 10th day of transplanting if herbicides are not used.
Hoe and weed between 30-35 days after transplanting and between 35-40 days
for direct sown crop, if necessary.
i. Remove the weeds immediately after harvest of the main crop
ii. Hoe and weed twice on 15th and 30th day after cutting
Keep sorghum field free of weeds from second week after germination till 5th
week. If sufficient moisture is available spray Atrazine @ 500 g/ha as pre-emergence
application within 3 days after the soaking rainfall for sole sorghum while for sorghum
based inter-cropping system with pulses, use Pendimethalin 3 l/ha.
Transplanted crop
Spray Atrazine 50 WP 500 g/ha on the 3rd day. Then, one hand weeding on 30-
35 days after transplanting may be given. If herbicide is not used hand weed on 15th day
and again between 30-35 days after transplanting.
Direct sown crop
i. Apply the pre-emergence herbicide Atrazine at 500 g/ha, 3 days after sowing as
spray on the soil surface using Back-pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with
flat type nozzle using 900 lit of water/ha.
ii. Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
iii. Hand weed on 30-35 days after sowing if pre-emergence herbicide is applied.
iv. If pre-emergence herbicide is not applied hand weed twice on 15 and 30 days
after sowing.
i. Apply Butachlor 2.5 l/ha or Fluchloralin 2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 2.5 l/ha, using
Back-pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with flat fan type of nozzle with 900
lit of water/ha.
ii. Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil or irrigate
immediately after the application of herbicide.
v. If pre-emergence herbicide is not applied hand weed twice on 10th and 20th day
after transplanting.
iii. For rainfed direct seeded crop, apply post emergence herbicide; 2,4-DEE or 2,4-
D Na salt at 0.5kg/ha on 10th day after sowing depending on the moisture

i. Apply the pre-emergence herbicide Atrazine 50 at 500 g/ha (900 lit of water), 3
days after sowing as spray on the soil surface using Back-
pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with flat fan or deflector type nozzle
followed by one hand weeding 40-45 days after sowing. For maize + Soybean
intercropping system, apply pre-emergence Alachlor at 4.0 l/ha or
Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha on 3rd after sowing as spray.
ii. Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil
iii. Do not disturb the soil after the herbicide application
iv. Hoe and Hand weed on 17th or 18th day of sowing if herbicide is not applied.
Note: If pulse crop is to be raised as intercrop, do not use Atrazine.
i. Spray Isoproturon 800 g/ha as pre-emergence spraying 3 days after sowing
followed by on hand weeding on 35th day after sowing.
ii. If herbicide is not applied, give two hand weeding on 20th and 35th day after
i. Spray Fluchloralin 1.5 l/ha or Pendimethalin 2 l/ha 3 days after sowing mixed
with 900 l of water using Back-pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with flat
fan type nozzle. Then irrigate the field. Following this one hand weeding may
be given 30-35 days after sowing.
ii. If herbicide is not given, give two hand weeding on 15 and 35 days after sowing.
i. Fluchloralin may be applied to the irrigated crop at 2.0 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3
l/ha after sowing followed by one hand weeding 30 days after sowing.
ii. If herbicide is not used, give two hand weeding on 20 and 35 days after sowing.
iii. Pre-emergence application of Fluchloralin at 2.0 l/ha or Alachlor 4.0 l/ha may be
used in soybean wherever labour availability for timely weeding is restricted.
i. If sufficient moisture is available, spray Fluchloralin at 2.0 l/ha as pre-
emergence within 3 days after sowing.
ii. If herbicide is not given, give two hand weeding on 20 and 35 days after sowing.
i. Pre-sowing: Fluchloralin at 2.0 l/ha may be applied and incorporated.
ii. Pre-emergence: Fluchloralin 2.0 l/ha applied through flat fan nozzle with 900 lit
of water/ha followed by irrigation. After 35-40 days one hand weeding may be
iii. Pre-emergence application of metolachlor (2.0 l/ha) plus one hand weeding on
30 days after sowing is more profitable.
iv. In case no herbicide is applied two hand hoeing and weeding are given 20 th and
40th day after sowing.
Weed and hoe on the 15th and 35th day of sowing. Apply Alachlor at 2.5 l/ha on
3 days after sowing and irrigate the crop immediately.

i. Apply Fluchloralin at 2.0 l/ha before sowing and incorporate or apply as pre-
emergence spray on 3 days after sowing followed by irrigation or apply
Pendimethalin (3.0 l/ha) as pre-emergence spray on 3 days after sowing. The
spray of these herbicides has to be accomplished with Back-
pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzle using 900 lit of
water/ha as spray fluid. All the herbicide application is to be followed by one
late hand weeding 30-35 days after sowing
ii. Hoe and hand weed on the 15th and 30th day of sowing and remove the weeds.
Allow the weeds to dry for 2-3 days in the case of irrigated crop and then give
Hoe and hand weed on 25th and 40th day of sowing.
Hoe and weed on 20th and 40th day of sowing.
i. Apply pre-emergence herbicides Fluchloralin 2.2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha
three days after sowing, using a hand operated sprayer fitted with deflecting or
fan type nozzle. Sufficient moisture should be present in the soil at the time of
herbicide application or irrigate immediately after application. Then hand weed
on 35-40 days after sowing.
Note : Do not use Diuron (Karmex) in sandy soil. Heavy rains after application of
Karmex may adversely affect germination of cotton seeds.
ii. Hoe and hand weed between 18th to 20th day of sowing, if herbicide is not
applied at the time of sowing followed by second hand weeding on 35 to 45
i. Pre-emergence application of Fluchloralin 2.2 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha
ensures weed free condition for 40-45 days. This should be followed by one
hand weeding and earthing up during 40-45 days. Fluchloralin need
ii. Take up hoeing and weeding 20 days after sowing.
iii. Take up this operation when the top soil dries up comes to proper condition.
i. Application of Fluchloralin 2.0 l/ha or Pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha or Thiobencarb
3.0 l/ha followed by hand weeding 40 days after crop emergence. At the time of
herbicide application sufficient soil moisture must be there. Fluchloralin needs
soil incorporation.
ii. If sufficient soil moisture is not available for applying herbicides hand weeding
may be given at 15-20 days after crop emergence.
SUGARCANE - Pure crop
i. Spray Atrazine 2 kg or Oxyfluurofen 750 ml/ha mixed in 900 lit of water as pre-
emergence herbicide on 3rd day of planting, using deflector or fan type nozzle.
ii. If pre-emergence spray is not carried out, go for post-emergence spray of
gramaxone 2.5lit + 2,4-d sodium salt 2.5 kg/ha in 900 lit of water on 21 st day of

planting or apply 10% Ammonium sulphate on 45th, 75th and 105th day after
planting as directed spray.
iii. If the parasitic weed Striga is a problem, Post-emergence application of 2,4-D
sodium salt 1.75 kg/ha in 650 lit of water/ha has to be sprayed. 2,4-D spraying
should be avoided when neighbouring crop is cotton or bhendi or apply 20%
urea for the control of Striga as directed spray.
iv. If herbicide is not applied work the Junior-hoe along the ridges 25, 55, and 85
days after planting for removal of weeds and proper stirring. Remove the weeds
along the furrows with hand hoe.
Pre-emergence application of Thiobencarb 2.5 l/ha under cropping system in
sugarcane with soybean, black gram or ground nut gives effective weed control. Raising
intercrops is not found to affect the cane yield and quality.
First hand weeding taken up three weeks after planting. A spade digging is
followed on 45 DAT which makes the ridges flat and then reformed one week later to
have good weed control.
Control of Orobanche:
Remove as and when the shoot appears above the ground level before flowering
and seed set. The removed shoots are to be buried or burnt. Trap cropping of greengram
or gingelly or sorghum reduces the infestation.
Chemical weed control of Orobanche:
Pre-emergence application of Fluchloralin at 1.0 lit/ha or Oxyfluorfen at 0.5
lit/ha one week prior to planting controls most of the weeds.
Apply pendimethalin 3.3 l/ha or Fluchloralin at 2 lit/ha or metolachlor 2 l/ha as
pre-emergence followed by one hand weeding 30 days after transplanting.
Herbicide mixtures: Involves mixing of two or more herbicides used for effective and
economical weed control.
Advantages of Mixture
1. A mixture will broaden the spectrum of herbicidal action and kill a variety of weeds
2. It may increase the effectiveness;
3. In a mixture one herbicide may prevent rapid degradation of the other and increase
its efficacy
4. A mixture offers the possibility of reducing the dose of each of the herbicide
necessary for weed control leading to low residue
Two types of mixtures
(i) Tank mixtures made with the desired herbicides and rates before application eg.,
Anilophos + 2,4-D EE – rice

(ii) Ready mix – formulated by the manufacturer. Ready mix available in the world
market eg., 2,4-D+Glyphosate, Paraquat+2,4,-D, Atrazine+metolachlor,
Herbicide rotation
The practice of following a systematic, rotational sequence of herbicide used in
the same field to prevent or control formation of herbicide resistant weeds.
In a rotational programme a soil-applied or foliage applied herbicide or both are
used in a sequence to take care of annual as well as perennial weeds. The choice of
herbicide depends on the tolerance of crops to particular herbicides, type of weed
spectrum, intensity of weed infestation, soil and climatic factors etc.,
The best rotational programme will aim at maximum cumulative cost benefit
ratio and least residual problems and least build-up of tolerant weeds.
(i) Helps in preventing emergence of tolerant weed species (Herbicide is captured in
vacuole and inactivated excluding the herbicide from site of action).
(ii) Reduces the quantities of herbicide required for optimum weed control over the
(iii) Provides most effective weed control for the duration of crop growth.
(iv) Reduces the building up of herbicide residue problems.
(v) It offers high cumulative cost-benefit ratio over the years
Weed survey and mapping may be done every year and if any shift in weed
flora, appropriate changes in herbicide rotation should be made.
Herbicide tolerance and Resistance
Herbicide Resistance: Naturally occurring inheritable ability of some weed biotypes
within a population to survive a herbicide treatment that would, under conditions of use
effectively control the weed population (Rubin, 1991)
• Senecio vulgaris resistance to triazine group of herbicide was noticed during 1970
• World wide 183 weeds have developed resistance to herbicides till 1997
• In India the most common example is Philaris minor
• The highest resistance in 61 weed species was recorded for atrazine
• USA alone found to have 49 herbicide resistant weeds, the highest in the world
Tolerance: The term tolerance refers to the partial resistance and presently the usage of
the term is discouraged due to inconsistency in quantifying the degree of tolerance.
Gross Resistance: When a weed biotype exhibits resistant to two or more herbicides
due to the presence of a single herbicide mechanism.
Multiple resistance: It is a situation where resistant plants posses two or more distinct
resistant mechanism to a single herbicide or groups of herbicides.
Basic principles of herbicide resistance
1. Time, dose and method of application of herbicide variation
2. Variation in phenotypes of a population
3. Genetic variation by mutation or activation of pre existing genes
Conditions favourable for development of Herbicide resistance

a. Repeated use of same herbicide or use of herbicide
with same mode of action due to the practices of monoculture
b. Areas where minimum/zero tillage is followed
c. Fields where farmers rely on only herbicides for
high degree/level of weed control including nurseries, orchards
d. Non-crop situations like road sides, railway tracks
etc. where herbicides are repeated used may be at higher doses than cropped
Resistance was exhibited in crop is due to
1. Herbicide metabolism by crops making them inactive
2. Absence of certain metabolic process in crops compared to weeds and thus
tolerating the herbicides
3. Crops couples the herbicide molecule
Herbicide antidote
Chemicals which are used to inactivate the applied herbicides are called as
antidotes. Eg. Paraquat spray can be inactivated by spraying 1% ferric chloride
Safeners / Protectants
Substances used for protecting crop plants, which are otherwise susceptible or
less tolerant to some herbicides at doses required for good weed control.
eg., Naphthalic anhydride (NA) – 0.5g / kg of seed for rice to protect against molinate
and alachlor
R – 27788 – soil application protects maize from alachlor and metolachlor
Mode of Action: Safeners enter the target plants and compete there with herbicide
molecules for a binding site on some native enzyme.
Adjuvants are chemicals employed to improve the herbicidal effects, sometimes
making a difference between satisfactory and unsatisfactory weed control.
Mode of Action: Adjuvants aid the herbicide availability at the action site in plants.
Some important kinds of adjuvants are
1. Surfactant ( Surface active agents)
(a) Aid in wetting the waxy leaf surface with aqueous herbicide sprays (wetting agents)
(b) In spreading the hydrophilic herbicides uniformly over the foliage (spreaders)
(c) In the penetration of herbicide into the target leaves and stems (penetrates)
A water drop is held as a ball on a waxy leaf surface. (Take water in a beaker, if
you dip a leaf of Cynodon dactylon and pull it back, you can see the leaf without
wetting. But if you add a drop of surfactant you can readily wet the foliage.). With the
addition of surfactant, the water drop flattens down to wet the leaf surface and let the
herbicide act properly.
2. Stabilizing agents:
These include
(i) Emulsifiers
(ii) Dispersing agents
(i) Emulsifiers: A substance which stabilizes (reduces the tendency to separate) a
suspension of droplets of one liquid which otherwise would not mix with the first one.
It substitutes for constant agitation of spray liquids during field operation.

Eg., ABS, Solvaid, 15-5-3, 15-5-9.
(ii) Dispersing agents: They stabilize suspensions. They keep fine parricides of
wettable powder in suspension in water even after initial vigorous agitation has been
withdrawn. They act by increasing the hydration of fine particles of WP laden with the
3. Coupling agents (Solvents and co-solvents)
Chemical that is used to solubalize a herbicide in a concentrated form; the
resulting solution is soluble with water in all proportions. Eg., 2,4-D is insoluble in
water, but it can be dissolved in polyethylene glycol to make it water soluble.
Common solvents: Benzene, acetone, petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride

4. Humicants (Hygroscopic agents)

Humicants prevent rapid drying of herbicide sprays on the foliage, thus
providing an extended opportunity of herbicide absorption Eg. glycerol.
5. Deposit builders (Stickers or filming agents)
Chemicals added to herbicide concentrates to hold the toxicant in intimate
contact with the plant surface. They also reduce washing off of the toxicant from the
treated foliage by rain. Eg., Several petroleum oils, Du pont spreader sticker, Citowett.
6. Compatibility agents
Used to intimately mix fertilizers and pesticides in spray liquids Eg. Compex
7. Activators (Synergists)
Chemicals having cooperative action with herbicides that the resultant
phytotoxicity is more than the effect of the two working independently.
Eg., Paraffinic oils, Ammonium thiocyanate, Urea and Ammonium chloride to enhance
2,4 –D phytotoxicity
8. Drift control agents
Herbicide spray drifts may pose serious hazards to non-target plants. Eg., 2,4-D
on cotton. Solution is to spray herbicide liquids in large droplets.
Thickening agents eg., (Decagin, Sodium alginate)
An ideal soil applied herbicide should persist longenough to give an acceptable
period of weed control but not so long that soil residues after crop harvest limit the
nature of subsequent crops which can be grown. Various management techniques have
been developed which can help to niinimise the residue hazards in soil.
A. Use of Optimum dose of herbicide
Hazards from residues of herbicides can be minimised by the application of
chemicals at the lowest dosage by which the desired weed control is achieved. Besides,
applying herbicides in bands rather as broadcast will reduce the total amount of
herbicide to be applied. This will be practicable in line sown crops or crops raised along
ridges, such as cotton, sugarcane, sorghum, maize etc.
B. Application of farm yard manure
Farmyard manure application is an effective method to mitigate the residual
toxicity of herbicides. The herbicide molecules get adsorbed in their colloidal fraction
and make them unavailable for crops and weeds. Besides, FYM enhances the microbial
activity which in turn degrade the herbicide at a faster rate.

C. Ploughing/cultivating the Land
Ploughing with disc plough or intercultivators reduces the herbicide toxicity, as
the applied herbicide is mixed to a large volume of soil and gets diluted. In case of deep
ploughing the herbicide layer is inverted and buried in deeper layers and thereby the
residual toxicity got reduced
D. Crop rotation
Ragi – Cotton – Sorghum is the common crop rotation under irrigated field
conditions of Coimbatore district. Fluchloralin 0.9 kg or butachlor 0.75 kg/ha + Hand
weeding at 35 DAT for ragi + sunflower (border crop), pendimethalin 1.0 kg/ha + hand
weeding on 35 DAS for cotton intercropped with onion and two manual weeding at 15
and 35 DAS for sorghum inter cropped with cowpea is the recommended weed control
practice. The above weed management schedule did not show any residual effect in the
cropping system because the herbicides are changed for every crop.
E. Use of non phyto-toxic oil
Atrazine residual hazard could be reduced by mixing non phyto-toxic oil which
would also enhance the weed killing potency

F. Use of activated carbon

Activated carbon has a high adsorptive capacity because of its tremendous
surface area which vary from 600 - 1200 m2/g. Incorporation of 50 kg/ha of activated
charcoal inactivated completely chlorsulfuron applied at 1.25 and 2.50 kg/ha and did
not affect the yield of maize compared to untreated control. Application of charcoal at
5.0 kg/ha along the seed line reduced the residual toxicity of atrazine in soybean crop.
G. Use of safeners and antidotes
A new development in herbicide usage is the use of safeners and antidotes in
order to protect the crop plant from possible damage by a herbicide. This means that it
may be possible to use certain herbicides on crops that would normally be affected by
herbicide. NA (1,8-naphthalic anhydride) has been used as a seed dressing on rice to
protect the crop against molinate and alachlor. Another herbicide safener cyometrinil is
used along with metolachlor in grain sorghum and other crop species.
H. Leaching the soil
Leaching the herbicide by frequent irrigation is possible especially in case of
water soluble herbicides. In this case, the herbicides are leached down to lower layers
i.e. beyond the reach of the crop roots.
(Exercise: Collect Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) permissible in crops for five
common herbicides)
Simply, irrigation can be stated as application of water to the soil for crop
growth and development. The application of water to plants is made naturally through
rainfall and artificially through irrigation.

Irrigation is defined as the artificial application of water to the soil for the
purpose of crop growth or crop production in supplement to rainfall and ground water
Regulating, the activities based on the various resources for its efficient use and
better out put. i.e., allocation of all the resources for maximum benefit and to achieve
the objectives, without eroding the environment is called management. Otherwise it can
be stated as planning, executing, monitoring, evaluating and re-organizing the whole
activities to achieve the target.
Irrigation Management
Management of water based on the soil and crop environment to obtain better
yield by efficient use of water without any damage to the environment.
Management of water, soil, plants, irrigation structure, irrigation reservoirs,
environment, social setup and it’s inter liked relationship are studied in the irrigation
For this we have to study
 The soil physical and chemical properties
 Biology of crop plants
 Quantity of water available
 Time of application of water
 Method of application of water
 Climatological or meteorological influence on irrigation and
 Environment and its changes due to irrigation
Management of all the above said factors constitute Irrigation Agronomy:
Management of irrigation structures, conveyances, reservoirs constitute Irrigation
Engineering; and social setup, activities, standard of living, irrigation policies,
irrigation association and farmer’s participation, cost of irrigation etc., constitute Socio-
economic study.
Except Economics and Engineering all the other components are grouped under
Agronomy. Sociology has a major role in irrigation management in a large system.
Hence Engineering, Economics, Social science and Agronomy are the major faculties
come under Irrigation Management.
Irrigation management is a complex process of art and science involving
application of water from source to crop field. The source may be a river or a well or a
canal or a tank or a lake or a pond.
Maintaining the irrigation channels without leakage and weed infestation,
applying water to field by putting some local check structure like field inlet and
boundaries for the area to be irrigated etc., need some skill. These practices are the art
involving practices in irrigation management.
Time of irrigation and quantity of water to be applied (when to irrigate? and how
much to irrigate?) based on soil types, climatic parameters, crop, varieties, growth
stages, season, quality of water, uptake pattern of water by plants, etc., and method of
application (How best to irrigate) includes conveyance of water without seepage and

percolation losses and water movement in soil, are the process involving scientific
irrigation management.
Simply, it is a systematic approach of art and science involved in soil, plant and
water by proper management of the resources (soil, plant and water) to achieve the goal
of crop production.
Importance of Irrigation management
Water is essential not only to meet agricultural needs but also for industrial
purposes, power generation, live stock maintenance, rural and domestic needs etc. But
the resource is limited and cannot be created as we require. Hence irrigation
management it very important:
 To the development of nation through proper management of water resources
for the purpose of crop production and other activities such as industrialization,
power generation etc., which in turn provides employment opportunities and
good living condition of the people.
 To store the regulate the water resources for further use or non-season use
 To allocate the water with proper proportion based on area and crop under
cultivation. (Balanced equity in distribution)
 To convey the water without much loss through percolation and seepage
(Efficiency in use)
 To apply sufficient quantity to field crops. (Optimization of use)
 To utilize the water considering cost-benefit (Economically viable management)
 To distribute the available water without any social problem (Judicial
 To meet the future requirement for other purposes like domestic use of
individual and to protect against famine (Resource conservation).
 To protect the environment from over use or misuse of water (Environment safe
Impact of excess and insufficient irrigation water in crops
Avoid excess or insufficient water to the crops
Excess irrigation leads to wastage of large amount of water, leaching of plant
nutrients, destruction of beneficial microbes, increase of expenses on drainage,
accumulation of salt leading to salinity and alkalinity, water logging leading to
physiological stress and yield loss or crop failure.
Insufficient irrigation leads to reduction in quality of food grains, loss in crop
yield or crop failure, poor soil environment etc.
Water becomes a limiting resource due to the multi-various demand from
sectors like agriculture, livestock, industries, power generation and increased urban and
rural domestic use. The increasing population increases the needs of industrial
complexes and urbanization to meet the basic requirement and also to provide
employment opportunities. So the demand for water is increasing day by day and
hence, it is essential to study water potential and its contribution to agriculture which is
turn is going to feed the growing population.
Sources of water

Rainfall is the ultimate source of all kind of water. Based on its sources of
availability it can be classified as surface water and subsurface water.
Surface water includes precipitation (including rainfall and dew) water
available from river, tank, pond; Lake Etc., Besides, snowfall could able to contribute
some quantity of water in heavy snowfall area like Jammu, Kashmir and Himalaya
Subsurface water includes subsurface water contribution, underground water,
well water etc.
Rain fall
Seasons of rainfall can be classified s follows
1. Winter (Cold dry period - January – February
2. Summer (Hot weather period - March – May
3. Kharif (South-West monsoon) - June – September
4. Rabi (North-East monsoon) - October – December
South-west monsoon
It comprises the month June, July, August and September which contributes
about 70% of rainfall to India except for extreme North of Jammu and Kashmir and
extremes South of Tamil Nadu. Hence the success of agriculture in India depends on
timely onset, adequate amount and even distribution of this South West Monsoon
(SWM). This season is also called as Kharif season.
North East monsoon
It comprises the months of October, November and December. North East
Monsoon (NEM) contributed rainfall to South Eastern part of peninsular India Tamil
Nadu receives its 60% of rainfall from NEM (North East Monsoon). This season is also
called as Rabi season.
It comprises of the month of January and February. It contributes very little
Comprises of the months of March, April and May and contributes little summer
Characteristics of good rainfall
1. Quantity should be sufficient to replace the moisture depleted from the root
2. Frequency should be so as to maintain the crop without any water stress before it
starts to wilt.
3. Intensity should be low enough to suit the soil absorption capacity.
Indian rainfall does not have the above good characteristics to maintain the crop
through rainfall alone.
Characteristic features of Indian rainfall
 Annual Average rainfall is 1190 mm
 There is wide variation in the quantity of rainfall received from place to place.
Highly erratic, undependable, variation in seasonal rainfall either in excess or
deficit are the nature of Indian rainfall. For example a place in Rajasthan

receives practically nil rainfall at the same time Chirapunji about 3000 mm
 Rainfall is not uniformly distributed throughout the year. It is seasonal, major
quantity is in the South West Monsoon, (SWM alone contributing 70% of total
rainfall) i.e. in the month of June to September followed by North East Monsoon
(NEM) from October to December. It summer and winter the amount of rainfall
is very little.
 With in the season also the distribution is not uniform. A sudden heavy
downpour followed by dry spell for a long period is common occurrence.
 Rainfall distribution over a large number of days is more effective than heavy
down pour in a short period, but it is in negative trend in India
 Late starting of seasonal monsoon
 Early withdrawal of monsoon and
 Liability to failure are the freakish behaviour of Indian rainfall. Timely and
uniform distribution of rainfall is important for better crop planning and to
sustain crop production.
Irrigation has been practiced since time immemorial, nobody knows when it was
started but evidences say that it is the foundation for all civilization since great
civilization were started in the river basins of Sind and Nile.
This civilization came to an end when the irrigation system failed to maintain
crop production.
There are some evidences that during the Vedic period (400 B.C) people used to
irrigate their crops with dug well water. Irrigation was gradually developed and
extended during the Hindus, Muslims and British periods.
The Grand Anaicat (KALLANAI) constructed across the river Cauvery is an
outstanding example for the irrigation work by a Chola king the great Karikala Cholan
during second century. The Veeranarayanan Tank and Gangai Konda Cholapuram tank
was constructed during 10th century in TN. Anantaraja Sagar in AP was constructed
during 13th century.

Early Mauryan king Samudragupta and Ashoka took great interest in the
construction of wells and tanks. Later Moghul kings or North India and Hindu kings of
South India focused their attention, in the establishment of canals, dams, tanks etc.
British Government initiated their work during 19th century in remodeling and
renovation of the existing irrigation system. The Upper Ganga canal, Krishna and
Godaveri delta system, Mettur and Periyar dams are the great irrigation structures built
by the British rulers. After independence, Irrigation activities have been accelerated
and number of multipurpose river valley projects like Bhakrea-nangal in Punjab,
Tungabhadra in Andraprdesh, Damodar Valley in Madya Pradesh were established.
Irrigation Development during five year plans
In 1950 – 51 the gross irrigated area was 22.5 million ha. After completion of 1
five year plan the gross irrigated area was enlarged to 26.2 million ha. Further it was
gradually increased to 29, 35.5, 44.2, 53.5; 75 million has respectively over the II, III,

IV, V, VI & VII five years plans. The expected increase through VIII and IX five year
plans area 95 and 105 m ha respectively.

Classification of irrigation work or projects

The irrigation projects can be classified as 1. major 2. medium 3. minor based
on financial limits or expenditure involved in the scheme.
1. Major – more than 50 million Rupees : It covers cultural command area of more
than 10,000 hectares
2. Medium – 2.5 million to 50 million Rupees : It covers cultural command area of
2000 – 10,000 hectares
3. Minor – less than 2.5 million Rupees : It covers cultural command area of 2,000
The minor irrigation work consists of irrigation tanks, canals and diversion work
for the welfare of small of farmers.
Indian has may perennial and seasonal rivers which flow from outside and
within the country. Among this some important rivers of different states are given
Important irrigation projects in India
State Project Name
A.P. Godavari delta system, Krishna delta system, Nagarjuna sagar
Bihar Gandala
Punjab Western Jamuna, Bhakranangal Sutlej, Beas
Gujarat Kakrapare – Tapti Narmada
M.P. Gandhi sagar (Chambal, Ranap setab, sagar
Maharastra Bhima Jayakwadi (Godavari)
Kerala Kalada, Mullai Periyar
Karnataka Ghataprabha, Malaprapha and Turga
Orissa Hirkand and mahanathi
U.P Upper ganga canal, Ramaganga
W.B Damodar Valley
Rajasthan Rajasthan Canal (Sutlej)
Tamil Nadu Mettur – Lower Bhavani Project
Parambikulam Alliyar Project
Periyar Vaigai, Cauvery delta
Tamiarabarani, Other river basins in TN is given in Map
India’s water budget

Total geographical area = 328M.ha.
Average annual rainfall = 1190mm
In million hectare metre = 1190 x 328 = 392 M ha m
Contribution from snowfall = 8 M ha m
Total = 400 m ha m.
The rainfall below 2.5 mm is not considered for water budgeting, since it will
immediately evaporate from surface soil without any contribution to surface water or
ground water.
When rainfall occurs, a portion of it immediately evaporates from the ground or
transpires from vegetation, a portion infiltrates into the soil and the rest flows over
surface as run off.
There are on an average 130 rainy days in a year in the country out of which the
rain during 75 days considered as effective rain. The remaining 55 days are very light
and shallow which evaporates immediately without any contribution to surface or
ground water recharge. Considering all these factors it is estimated that out of 400
million hectare meter of annual rainfall 70 million hectare meter is lost to atmosphere
through evaporation and transpiration, about 115 million hectare meter flows as surface
run-off and remaining 215 million hectare meter soaks or infiltrates into the soil profile
Surface run-off
Surface run off consists of direct run off from rainfall, melting of snowfall and
flow in streams generated from ground water. Total surface run-off has been estimated
by Irrigation Commission of India in 1972 as follows.
a) Total surface run off 180 M ha m
b) Rain fall contribution 115 M ha m
c) Contribution from outside the country through steams and rivers 20 M ha m
d) Contribution from regeneration from ground water in Stream and rivers 45 M ha m
Total 180 M ha m
Disposal of surface run off
The surface runoff is disposed in three ways
1. Stored in reservoirs
2. Disappears by means of percolation, seepage and evaporation
3. Goes to sea as waste
The waster stored in reservoirs is lost through evaporation and some amount
through seepage. The rest in utilized for various purposes mainly for irrigation and
drinking water.

Total surface run off = 180 M ha m

Stored in reservoir and tanks = 15 M ha m
Flow in the river = 165 M ha m
Utilization from the river by diversion tank and direct pumping = 15 M ha m
Water goes to sea as waste = 150 M ha m
On full development work expected utilization = 45 M ha m
Water flows to sea = 105 M ha m
Land utilization pattern of India

Total geographical area = 328.00 M ha
Net area reported = 307.47 M ha
Area under forest = 65.90 M ha
Area under non agricultural use, barren and uncultivable waste = 100. 45 M ha
Net Area sown = 141.12 M ha
Net area irrigated = 31.20 M ha
Gross area sown = 164.00 M ha
Gross area irrigated = 80.50 M ha
Land utilization pattern in Tamil Nadu
Total geographical area = 13.00 M ha
Area under forest = 2.00 M ha
Non agricultural area = 1.40 M ha
Barren and uncultivated = 0.80 M ha
Pastures = 0.20 M ha
Tree = 0.20 M ha
Culturable waste = 0.50 M ha
Culturable fallow = 0.90 M ha
Other fallow = 0.50 M ha
Gross area under cultivation = 7.30 M ha
Net area sown = 6.30 M ha
Gross area irrigated = 3.50 M ha
Net area irrigated = 2.70 M ha

Tamil Nadu Ground Water Potential

Average rainfall = 850 mm
Ground water potential = 36872 Mm3
G. water utilization = 19,801 Mm3
Unutilized = 46.3%
Percentage of area depends upon ground water in various parts of Tami Nadu
Salem = 83%
Dharmapuri = 65.3%
Coimbatore = 51.3%
Madurai = 45.1%
Trichy = 34.9%
Tirunelveli = 35.0%
Water Resources in India and Tamil Nadu
Distribution of irrigated area in ‘000 hectares
Canal Tanks Wells Other
India 12,776 4,123 12,034 2,601
Tamil Nadu 931 924 820 35
World Irrigation Statistics
Sl.No. Countries Area irrigated in million hectares
1 Australia 1.150

2 Botswana 0.002
3 Brazil 0.141
4 Burma 0.753
5 Canada 0.627
6 Ethiopia 0.030
7 France 2.600
8 India 37.640
9 Indonesia 3.797
10 Iran 4.000
11 Iraq 3.107
12 Israel 0.153
13 Japan 3.390
14 Pakistan 11.970
15 USSR 9.900
16 USA 16.932
17 China 74.000


Plants and any from of living organisms cannot live without water, since water
is the most important constituent about 80 to 90% of most plant cell.
Role of water in crop and crop production can be grouped as
A) Physiological importance
• The plant system itself contains about 90% of water
• Amount of water varies in different parts of plant as follows
• Apical portion of root and shoot >90%
• Stem, leaves and fruits - 70 - 90%
• Woods - 50 - 60%
• Matured parts - 15 - 20%
• Freshly harvested grains - 15 - 20%

• It acts as base material for all metabolic activities. All metabolic or biochemical
reactions in plant system need water.
• It plays an important role in respiration and transpiration
• It plays an important role in photosynthesis
• It activates germination and plays in important role in plant metabolism for
vegetative and reproductive growth
• It serves as a solvent in soil for plant nutrients
• It also acts as a carrier of plant nutrients from soil to plant system
• It maintains plant temperature through transpiration
• It helps to keep the plant erect by maintaining plant’s turgidity
• It helps to transport metabolites from source to sink
B) Ecological Importance
• It helps to maintain soil temperature
• It helps to maintain salt balance
• It reduces salinity and alkalinity
• It influences weed growth
• It influences atmospheric weather
• It helps the beneficial microbes
• It influences the pest and diseases
• It supports human and animal life
• It helps for land preparation like ploughing, puddling, etc.,
• It helps to increase the efficiency of cultural operations like weeding, fertilizer
application etc., by providing optimum condition.
The multifarious uses of good quality water for the purpose of irrigation,
industrial purposes, power generation, livestock use, domestic use for urban and rural
development, are increasing the demand for water. Due to increasing cost of irrigation
projects and limited supply of good quality water, it becomes high valuable commodity
and hence it is stated as Liquid Gold. Further, historical evidences indicate that all
civilization established on water base due to proper management and disappear due to
improper management of the same water base. All the superior varieties, organic
manure, inorganic fertilizer, efficient labour saving implements, better pest and disease
management techniques can be implemented only when sufficient water is applied to
the crop. The diversified value of water can be quoted as follows:

Water as a source of sustenance

Water as an instrument of agriculture
Water as a community good
Water as mean of transportation
Water as an industrial commodity
Water as a clean and pure resource
Water as a beauty
Water as a destructive force to be controlled

Water as a fuel for urban development
Water as place for recreation and wild life habitat
As indicated by Sir.C.V.Raman water is the ELIXER of Life which makes
wonders in earth if it is used Properly, Efficiently, Economically, Environmentally,
Optimally, Equitably and Judicially.
Hydrological Cycle
Solid – liquid- gaseous form (refer any standard book)
State of water as solid – ice, its temperature – presence as ice, icebergs and Ice
Mountains, ice glaciers and their role on water availability
As water – ocean – extent of ocean – their role on water availability
Gaseous form – clouds and their formation – precipitation – forms of precipitation etc.

Water in Soil - plant - atmosphere continuum

Soil physical properties influencing irrigation
Soil is a three-phase system comprising of the solid phase made of mineral and
organic matter and various chemical compounds, the liquid phase called the soil
moisture and the gaseous phase called the soil air. The main component of the solid
phase is the soil particles, the size and shape of which give rise to pore spaces of
different geometry. These pore spaces are filled with water and air in varying
proportions, depending on the amount of moisture present. The presence of solid
particles, liquid (soil solution) and gas (soil air) constitute a complex polyphasic system.
The volume composition of the three main constituents in the soil system varies widely.
A typical silt loam soil, for example, contains about 50 per cent solids, 30 per cent
water and 20 per cent air. In addition to the three basic components, soil usually
contains numerous living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, insects and
small animals which directly or indirectly affect soil structure and plant growth. The
most important soil properties influencing irrigation are its infiltration characteristics
and water holding capacity. Other soil properties such as soil texture, soil structure,
capillary conductivity, soil profile conditions, and depth of water table are also given
consideration in the management of irrigation water.
Water Relations of Soil
The mineral and organic compounds of soil from a solid (though not rigid)
matrix, the interstices of which consists of irregularly shaped pores with a geometry
defined by the boundaries of the matrix (Fig. 7.5). The pore space, in general, is filled
partly with soil air and liquid vapour and partly with the liquid phase of soil water. Soil
moisture is one of the most important ingredients of the soil. It is also one of its most
dynamic properties. Water affects intensely many physical and chemical reactions of
the soil as well as plant growth.
The properties of water can be explained by the structure of its molecule. Two
atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen combine to form a molelargely determined
by that of the oxygen ion. The two hydrogen ions take up practically no space. Water
molecules do not exist individually. The hydrogen in the water serves as a connecting
link from one molecule to the other.

Soil serves as the storage reservoir for water. Only the water stored in the root
zone of a crop can be utilized by it for its transpiration and buildup of plant tissues.
When ample water is in the root zone, plants can obtain their daily water requirements
for proper growth and development. As the plants continue to use water, the available
supply diminishes, and unless more water is added, the plants stop growing and finally
die. Before the stage is reached when crop growth is adversely affected, it is necessary
to irrigate again. The amount of water to be applied to each irrigation, and the
frequency of irrigation are dependent on the properties of the soil and the crop to be
Kinds of soil water: When is added to a dry soil either by rain or irrigation, it is
distributed around the soil particles where it is held by adhesive and cohesive forces; it
displaces air in the pore spaces and eventually fills the pores. When all the pores, large
and small, are filled, the soil is said to be saturated and is at its maximum retentive
capacity. The following re the three main classes of soil water:
(i) Hygroscopic water. Water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by
adsorption forces.
(ii) Capillary water. Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous
films around soil particles and in the capillary spaces.
(iii) Gravitational water. Water that moves freely in response to gravity and
drains out of the soil.
Adhesion is the attraction of solid surfaces for water molecules. Adhesion is
operative only at the solid-liquid interface and hence the film of water established by it
is very thin. Cohesion is the attraction of water molecules for each other. This force
makes possible a marked thickness of the films of water established by hydration until
they attain microscopic size. As the film gets thicker and thicker the forces of gravity
act and water flows downward through the large pores. Such water is loosely held.
Thus, when a soil is near saturation it is easy to remove an increment of water, but as
moisture becomes less and less in the soil, the greater will be the force required to
remove a unit amount of moisture.
When a dry soil samples is exposed to water vapour, it will take up moisture.
The amount adsorbed depends on the nature and magnitude of the surface exposed the
temperature and the degree of humidity. The moisture thus adsorbed is the water of
hydration, water of adhesion, or commonly the hygroscopic water. When the air
saturation is 100 per cent the maximum amount of such moisture will be acquired.
The capillary water is held between tensions of about 31 atmospheres and one-
third atmosphere. Between 31 and 15 atmospheres, capillary adjustment is very
sluggish. Comparatively easy movement does not occur until the water film thickens
and pressures near one-third atmosphere are reached. As a result of its energy relations,
the capillary water is the only fluid water bearing solutes, that remains in the soil for
any length of time, if drainage is satisfactory. Thus, it functions physically and
chemically as the soil solution. The principal factors influencing the amount of
capillary water in soils are the structure, texture and organic matter. The finger the
texture of the mineral soil particles, the greater is likely its capillary capacity. Granular
soil structure produces higher capillary capacity. Presence of organic matter increases
the capillary capacity.

Water held in the soil at tensions of one-third atmosphere or less will respond to
gravity and move downward, hence the name gravitational water. The water thus
affected is that present in the non-capillary (large) pores. Of the three forms of water,
only capillary and gravitational water are of interest to the irrigationists since
hygroscopic water is not available to plants.
Movement of water into soils: The movement of water from the surface into
the soil is called infiltration. The infiltration characteristics of the soil are one of the
dominant variables influencing irrigation. Infiltration rate is the soil characteristic
determining the maximum rate at which water can enter the soil under specific
conditions, including the presence of excess water. It has the dimensions of velocity.
The actual rate at which water is entering the soil at any given time is termed the
Infiltration velocity.
The infiltration rate decreases during irrigation. The rate of decrease is rapid
initially and the infiltration rate tends to approach a constant value. The nearly constant
rate that develops after some time has elapsed from the start of irrigation is called the
basic infiltration rate.
Factors Affecting Infiltration Rate
The major factors affecting the infiltration of water into the soil are the initial
moisture content, condition of the soil surface, hydraulic conductivity of the soil profile,
texture, porosity, and degree of swelling of soil colloids and organic matter, vegetative
cover, duration of irrigation or rainfall and viscosity of water. The antecedent soil
moisture content has considerable influence on the initial rate and total amount of
infiltration, both decreasing as the soil moisture content rises. The infiltration rate of
any soil is limited by any restraint to the flow of water into and through the soil profile.
The soil layer with the lowest permeability, either at the surface or below it, usually
determines the infiltration rate. Infiltration rates are also affected by the porosity of the
soil which is changed by cultivation or compaction. Cultivation influences the
infiltration rate by increasing the porosity of the surface soil and breaking up the surface
seals. The effect of tillage on infiltration usually lasts only until the soil settles back to
its former condition of bulk density because of subsequent irrigations.
Infiltration rates are generally lower in soils of heavy texture than on soils of
light texture. The influence of water depth over soil on infiltration rate was investigated
by many workers. It has been established that in surface irrigation, increased depth
increases initial infiltration slightly but the head has negligible effect after prolonged
irrigation. Infiltration rates are also influenced by the vegetal cover. Infiltration rates
on grassland is substantially higher than bare uncultivated land. Additions of organic
matter increase infiltration rate substantially. The hydraulic conductivity of the soil
profile often change during infiltration, not only because of increasing moisture content,
but also because of the puddling of the surface caused by reorientation of surface
particles and washing of finger materials into the soil. Viscosity of water influences
infiltration. The high rates of infiltration in the tropics under otherwise comparable soil
conditions is due to the low viscosity of warm water.
Soil Moisture Retention and Movement
The moisture content of a sample of soil is usually defined as the amount of
water lost when dried at 1050C, expressed either as the weight of water per unit weight

of dry soil or as the volume of water pr unit volume of bulk soil. Although useful, such
information is not a clear indication of the availability of water for plant growth. The
difference exists because the water retention characteristics may be different for
different soils.
The forces that keep soil and water together are based on the attraction between
the individual molecules, both between water and soil molecules (adhesion) and among
water molecules themselves (cohesion). In the wet range surface tension is the most
important force, while in the dry range adsorption is the main factor. Thus, the higher
the moisture content, the smaller is the attraction of the soil for water. The energy of
water tension in a soil depends on the specific surface as well as the structure of the soil
and on its solute content. When water is present in fine capillaries, the energy with
which it is attached is a function of the surface tension and capillary size but when it is
present in bigger pores, it is bound loosely to the soil and can be acted upon by gravity.
When salts dissolve in water, they decrease the free energy of water. Soil water, by
virtue of the salts dissolved in it has a lower free energy than pure water. Further, soil
water that is bound to solid particles as hygroscopic water is tightly held by the surface
of contact and has a low free energy by virtue of binding forces. Thus, there are two
types of interactions which decrease the free energy of water, namely, (i) due to the
solubility of salts, (ii) due to the interaction of water and solid surface. Both these add
together in decreasing the energy of soil water. Thus, the retention of water in the soil
and the tendency of water to move in the soil are consequences of energy effects. Study
evaporation and transpiration in the Lecture 16.
Soil Moisture Tension
Soil moisture tension is a measure of the tenacity with which water is retained in
the soil and shows the force per unit area that must be exerted to remove water from a
soil. The tenacity is measured in terms of the potential energy of water in the soil
measured, usually with respect to free water. It is usually expressed in atmospheres, the
average air pressure at sea level. Other pressure units like cm of water or cm or mm of
mercury are also often used (1 atmosphere = 1036 cm of water or 76.39 cm of mercury).
It is also sometimes expressed in bars (1 bar = 106 dynes / cm2 = 1023 cm of water
1 millibar = ----- bar).
Soil moisture tension is brought about at the smaller dimensions by surface
tension (capillarity), and at the higher dimensions by adhesion. Buckingham (1907)
introduced the concept of ‘capillary potential’ to define the energy with which water is
held by soil. This term, however, does not apply over the entire moisture range. In a
wet soil, as long as there is a continuous column of water, it might be called ‘hydrostatic
potential’, in the intermediate range the term ‘capillary potential’ is appropriate. In the
dry range the term ‘hygroscopic potential’ would be suitable. However, the term ‘soil

moisture potential’, ‘soil moisture suction’ and ‘soil moisture tension’ are often used
synonymously to cover the entire range of moisture (Khonke, 1968).
pF of soils: Scholfield (1935) suggested the use of the logarithm of soil moisture
tension and gave the symbol pF of this logarithm which is an exponential expression of
a free-energy difference (based on the height of a. water column above free-water level
in cm). The pF function, analogous to the acidity-alkalinity scale pH, is defined as the
logarithm to the base 10 of the numerical value of the negative pressure of the soil
moisture expressed in cm of water.
pF = log10 h in which
h = soil moisture tension in cm of water
If the osmotic tension is negligible, i.e., at low salt concentration, the pF of the
soil moisture may nearly equal the logarithm of the capillary tension expressed in cm of

Soil Moisture Characteristics

Soil moisture tension is not necessarily an indication of the moisture content of
neither the soil nor the amount of water available for plant use at any particular tension.
These are dependent on the texture, structure and other characteristics of the soil and
must be determined separately for each soil. Generally sandy soils drain almost
completely at low tension, but fine textured clays still hold a considerable amount of
moisture even at such high tensions that plant growing in the soil may wilt. Moisture
extraction curves, also called moisture characteristic curves, which are plots of moisture
content versus moisture tension, show the amount of moisture a given soil holds at
various tensions. Knowledge of the amount of water held by the soil at various tensions
is required, in order to understand the amount of water that is available to plants, the
water that can be taken up by the soil before percolation starts, and the amount of water
that must be used for irrigation.

Soil moisture stress

Soil-moisture tension as discussed in the preceding paragraphs is based on pure
water. Salts in soil water increase the force that must be exerted to extract water and
thus affect the amount of water available to plants. The increase in tension caused by
salts is from osmotic pressure. If two solutions differing in concentration are separated
by a membrane impermeable to the dissolved substance, such as a cell membrane in a
plant root, water moves from the solution of lower concentration to the one of higher
concentration. The force with which water moves across such a membrane is called
osmotic pressure and is measured in atmospheres.
Plant growth is a function of the soil moisture stress which is the sum of the soil
moisture tension and osmotic pressure of soil solution. In many irrigated soils, the soil
solution contains an appreciable amount of salts. The osmotic pressure developed by
the soil solution retards the uptake of water by plants. Plants growing in a soil in which
the soil-moisture tension is, say, I atmosphere apparently can extract enough moisture
for good growth. But if the osmotic pressure of the soil solution is, say, 10
atmospheres, the total stress is 11 atmospheres and the plants cannot extract enough
water for good growth. Thus, for successful crop production in soils having appreciable

salts, the osmotic pressure of the soil solution must be maintained as low as possible by
controlled leaching and the soil moisture tension in the root zone is maintained in a
range that will provide adequate moisture to the crop.
Soil moisture constants
Soil moisture is always being subjected to pressure gradients and vapour
pressure differences that cause it to move. Thus, soil moisture cannot be said to be
constant at any pressure. However, it has been found experimentally that certain
moisture contents described below are of particular significance in agriculture and these
are often called soil moisture ‘constants’.
Saturation capacity. When all the pores of the soil are filled with water, the soil
is said to be under saturation capacity of maximum water holding capacity. The
tension of water at saturation capacity is almost zero and it is equal to free water
Field capacity. The field capacity of soil is the moisture content after drainage
of gravitational water has become very slow and the moisture content has become
relatively stable. This situation usually exists one to three days after the soil has been
thoroughly wetted by rain or irrigation. The terms field capacity, field-carrying
capacity, normal moisture capacity and capillary capacity are often used synonymously.
At field capacity, the large soil pores are field with air, the micro pores are filled with
water and any further drainage is slow. The field capacity is the upper limit of available
moisture range in soil moisture and plant relations. The soil moisture tension at field
capacity varies from soil to soil, but it generally ranges from 1/10 to 1/3 atmospheres.
Filed capacity is determined by ponding water on the soil surface in an area of
about 2 to 5 sq m and permitting it to drain for one to three days, with surface
evaporation prevented. Evaporation may be prevented by spreading a polythene sheet
or a thick straw mulch on the ground surface. One to three days after the soil is
thoroughly wetted, soil samples are collected with an auger from different soil depths at
uniform intervals throughout the wetted zone. The moisture content is determined by
the gravimetric method.
Moisture equivalent. Moisture equivalent is defined as the amount of water
retained by a sample of initially saturated soil material after being subjected to a
centrifugal force of 1000 times that of gravity for a definite period of time, usually half
an hour. To determine the moisture equivalent, a small sample of soil is whirled in a
centrifuge with a centrifugal force of 1000 times that of gravity. The moisture
remaining in the sample is determined. This moisture content when expressed as
moisture percentage on over dry basis, gives the value of the moisture equivalent. In
medium textured soils, the values of field capacity and moisture equivalent are nearly
equal. In sandy soils, the field capacity exceeds the moisture equivalent. In very clayey
soils, the field capacity is generally lower than the moisture equivalent.
Permanent wilting percentage: The permanent wilting percentage, also known
as permanent wilting point or wilting co-efficient, is the soil moisture content at which
plants can no longer obtain enough moisture to meet transpiration requirements; and
remain wilted unless water is added to the soil. At the permanent wilting point the films
of water around the soil particles are held so tightly that roots in contact with the soil
cannot remove the water at a sufficiently rapid rate to prevent wilting of the plant

leaves. It is a soil characteristic, as all plants whose root systems thoroughly permeates
the soil will wilt at nearly the same soil moisture content when grown in a particular soil
in a humid atmosphere.
The moisture tension of a soil at the permanent wilting point ranges from 7 to 32
atmospheres, depending on soil texture, on the kind and condition of the plants, on the
amount of soluble salts in the soil solution, and to some extent on the climatic
environment. Since this point is reached when a change in tension produces little
change in moisture content, there is little difference in moisture percentage regardless of
the tension taken as the permanent wilting point. Therefore, 15 atmospheres is the
pressure commonly used for this point.
The wilting range is the range in soil-moisture content through which plants
undergo progressive degrees of permanent or irreversible wilting, from wilting of the
oldest leaves to complete wilting of all leaves. At the permanent wilting point, which is
the top of this range, plant growth ceases. Small amounts of water can be removed
from the soil by plants after growth ceases, but apparently the water is absorbed only
slowly and is enough only to maintain life until more water is available. The moisture
content at which the wilting is complete and the plants die is called the ultimate wilting.
Although the difference in the amount of water in the soil between the two points may
be small, there may be a big difference in tension. At the ultimate wilting point soil-
moisture tension may be as high as 60 atmospheres.
The most common method of determining the permanent wilting percentage is
to grow indicator plants in containers, usually in small cans, holding about 600 grams of
soil. Sunflower plant is commonly used as the indicator plant. The plants are allowed
to wilt and are then placed in a chamber with an approximately saturated atmosphere to
test them for permanent wilting. The residual soil moisture content in the container is
then calculated which is the permanent wilting percentage. The determination of
moisture content at 15 atmosphere tension which is the usually assumed value of
permanent wilting point can be done by the pressure membrane apparatus (Richard,
Available water. Soil moisture between field capacity and permanent wilting
point is referred to as readily available moisture. It is the moisture available for plant
use. In general, fine-textured soils have a wide range of water between field capacity
and permanent wilting point than coarse textured soils. In contrast, sandy soils with
their larger proportion of non-capillary pore space release most of their water within a
narrow range of potential because of the predominance of large pores. Illustrates the
three kinds of soil water and the difference in available water between typical sandy
loam and silt loam soils. Tablebelow present the range of available water holding
capacities of different soil textural groups. For irrigation system design, the total
available water is calculated for a soil depth based on the root system of a mature plant
of the crop to be grown.

Range of available water holding capacity of soils

Soil type Per cent moisture, based on dry Depth of available water per
weight of soil until of soil
Field capacity Permanent wilting cm per meter depth of soil
Find sane 3-5 1-3 2-4
Sandy 5-15 3-8 4-11
Silt loam 12-18 6-10 6-13
Clay loam 15-30 7-16 10-18
Clay 25-40 12-20 16-30
Movement of water within soils
The movement of water within the soil controls not only the rate of infiltration
but also the rate of supply of moisture to plant roots and the rate of underground flow to
springs and streams and recharge of ground water. Water in the liquid phase flows
through the water filled pore space under the influence of gravity. In the films
surrounding soil particles (under unsaturated conditions), it moves under the influence
of surface tension forces. Water also diffuses as vapour through the air-filled pore
spaces along gradients of decreasing vapour pressure. In all cases, the movement is
along gradients of decreasing water potential.
Water intake. The movement of irrigation water from the soil surface into and
through the soil is called water intake. It is the expression of several factors, including
infiltration and percolation.
Percolation. Percolation is the downward movement of water through saturated
or nearly saturated soil in response to the force of gravity. Percolation occurs when
water is under pressure or when the tension is smaller than about ½ atmosphere.
Percolation rate is synonymous with infiltration rate with the qualitative provision of
saturated or near saturated conditions.
Interflow. Interflow is the lateral seepage of water in a relatively pervious soil
above a less pervious layer. Such water usually reappears on the surface of the soil at a
lower elevation.
Seepage. Seepage is the infiltration (vertically) downward and lateral
movements of water into soil or substrata from a source of supply such as a reservoir or
irrigation canal. Such water may reappear at the surface as wet spots or seeps or may
percolate to join the ground water or may join the subsurface flow to springs or streams.
Seepage rate depends on the wetted perimeter of the reservoir or the canal and the
capacity of the soil to conduct water both vertically and laterally.
Permeability (1) Qualitative. It is the characteristic of a pervious medium
relating to the readiness with which it transmits fluids.

(2) Quantitative. The specific property governing the rate or readiness with
which a porous medium transmits fluids under standard conditions. According to this
definition, equations used for expressing flow, which take into account the properties of
the fluid, should give the same soil permeability value for all fluids which do not alter
the medium.
The term intrinsic permeability is used as a permeability factor independent of
the fluid. It must, however, be remembered that the factors which tend to change the
permeability of the soil matrix to water will influence this value and prevent its use
unless they can be measured or evaluated separately.
Hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity is the proportionality factor k in
Darcy’s law (v=ki, in which v is the effective flow velocity and i is the hydraulic
gradient). It is, therefore, the effective flow velocity at unit hydraulic gradient and has
the dimensions of velocity (LT-1). The values of k depend on the properties of the fluid
with the porous medium, such as swelling of a soil. A soil that has high porosity and
coarse open texture has a high hydraulic conductivity value. For two soils of the same
‘total’ porosity, the soil with small pores has lower conductivity than the soil with large
pores because of the resistance to flow in small pores. A soil with pores of many sizes
conducts water faster if the large pores form a continuous path through the profile. In
fine-textured soils, hydraulic conductivity depends almost entirely on structural pores.
In some soils, particles are cemented together to form nearly impermeable layers
commonly called hardpans. In other soils, very finely divided or colloidal material
expands on absorbing water to form an impervious gelatinous mass that restricts the
movement of water.
Hydraulic head. Hydraulic head is the elevation with respect to a standard
datum at which water stands in a riser pipe or manometer connected to the point in
question in the soil. This will include elevation head, pressure head, and also the
velocity head, if the terminal opening of the sensing element is pointed upstream. For
non-turbulent flow of water in soil the velocity head is negligible. In unsaturated soil a
porous cup must be used for establishing hydraulic contact between the soil water and
water in a manometer. Hydraulic head has the dimensions of length (L).
Hydraulic gradient Hydraulic gradient is the rate of change of piezometric or
hydraulic head with distance. Hydraulic gradient of ground water records the head
consumed by friction in the flow in unit distance since in ground water flow the velocity
heads are generally negligible.
Hydraulic equilibrium of water in soil It is the condition for zero flow rate of
liquid or film water in the soil. This condition is satisfied when the pressure gradient
force is just equal and opposite to the gravity force.
Movement of water under saturated conditions
Poiseuille’s law forms the basis for a number of different equations which have
been developed for determining the hydraulic conductivity of the soil for knowledge of
its pore-size distribution. Pore size is of outstanding significance, as its fourth power is
proportional to the rate of saturated flow. This indicates that saturated flow under
otherwise identical conditions decreases as the pore size decreases. Generally the rate
of flow in soils of various textures is in the following sequence.

Sand > loam > clay
Moisture movement under unsaturated conditions
As drainage proceeds in a soil and the larger pores are emptied of water the
contribution of the hydraulic head or the gravitational component to total potential
becomes progressively less important and the contribution of the matric potential ψ m
becomes more important. The effect of pressure is generally negligible because of the
continuous nature of the air space. The solute potential (osmotic potential) ψ s does not
affect the potential gradient unless there is unusual concentration of slat at some point in
the soil. The negligible effect of solute potential is due to the fact that both solutes and
water are moving. Thus, in moisture moment under unsaturated conditions, the
potential ψ (Equation 7.28) is the sum of the matric potential ψ m and, to some extent the
gravitational potential ψg. In horizontal movement, only ψm applies. Under conditions
of downward movement, capillary and gravitational potentials act together. In upward
capillary movement ψm and ψg oppose one another. For unsaturated flow (Equation
7.28) may be rewritten as:
∆ (ψm + ψg)
v= - k ---------------
The direction of I is the path of greatest change in (ψm + ψg).
Under unsaturated conditions Darcy’s law (Equation 7.28) is still applied but
with some modifications and qualifications. It is applicable to unsaturated flow if k is
regarded as a function of water content, i.e. k (0) in which 0 is the soil moisture content.
As the soil moisture content and soil moisture potential decreases, the hydraulic
conductivity decreases very rapidly, so that ψsoil is – 15 bars, k is only 10-3 of the value at
saturation. According to Philip (1957 a), the rapid decrease in conductivity occurs
because the larger pores are emptied first, which greatly decreases the cross-section
available for liquid flow. When the continuity of the films is broken, liquid flow no
longer occurs.
In unsaturated soil moisture movement, also called capillary movement, k
(Equation 7.28) is often termed as capillary conductivity, though the term hydraulic
conductivity is also frequently used. The unsaturated conductivity is a function of soil
moisture content as well as number, size and continuity of soil pores. At moisture
contents below field capacity, the capillary conductivity is so low that capillary
movement is of little or no significance in relation to plant growth. Many investigations
have shown that capillary rise from a free water table can be an important source of
moisture for plants only when free water is within 60 or 90 cm of the root zone.
Movement of unsaturated flow ceases in sand at a lower tension than in finer
textured soils, as the water films lose continuity sooner between the larger particles.
The wetter the soil, the greater is the conductivity for water. In the ‘moist range’, the
range of unsaturated flow in soils of various textures is in the following order:
Sand < loam < clay
It may be noticed that this is the reverse of the order encountered in saturated
flow. However, in the ‘wet range’ the unsaturated conductivity occurs in the same or
similar order as saturated conductivity.

Water vapour movement
Movement of soil water in unsaturated soils involves both liquid and vapour
phases. Although vapour transfer is insignificant in high soil water contents, it
increases as void space increases. At a soil moisture potential of about-15 pars, the
continuity of the liquid films is broken and water moves only in the form of vapour.
Diffusion of water vapour is caused by a vapour pressure gradient as the driving force.
The vapour pressure of soil moisture increases with the increase in soil moisture content
and temperature, it decreases with the increase in soluble salt content.
Water vapour movement is significant only in the ‘moist range’. In the ‘wet
range’ vapour movement is negligible because there are few continuous open pores. In
the ‘dry range’ water movement exists, but there is so little water in the soil that the rate
of movement is very small.
Water vapour movement goes on within the soil and also between soil and
atmosphere, for example, evaporation, condensation and adsorption. The rate of
diffusion of water vapour through the soil is proportional to the square of the effective
porosity, regardless of pore sizes. The finger the soil pores, the higher is the moisture
tension under which maximum water vapour movement occurs. In a coarse textured
soil pores become free of liquid water at relatively low tensions and when the soil dries
out there is little moisture left for vapour transfer. But a fine textured soil retains
substantial amounts of moisture even at high tensions, thus permitting vapour transfer.
It is interesting to note that maximum water vapour movement in soils vapour
movement is of greatest importance for the growth and survival of plants.

Water as a Plant Component
The factors influencing the water relations of plants, and thus their growth and
yield responses, may be grouped into the following
I. Soil factors – soil moisture content, texture, structure, density, salinity,
fertility, aeration, temperature and drainage.
II. Plant factors – type of crop, density and depth of rooting, rate of root
growth, aerodynamic roughness of the crop, drought tolerance and varietal
III. Weather factors – sunshine, temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall.
IV. Miscellaneous factors – soil volume and plant spacing, soil fertility, and crop
and soil management
The metabolic activity of cells and plants is closely related to their water
content. Growth of plants is controlled by the rates of cell division and enlargement and
by the supply of organic and inorganic compounds required for the synthesis of new
protoplasm and cell walls. A decreasing water content is accompanied by a loss of cell
turgor* and wilting, cessation of cell enlargement, closure of stomata reduction of
photosynthesis and interference with many basic metabolic processes. Eventually,
continued dehydration causes disorganization of the protoplasm and death of most
organisms. The relation of water content to physiological processes is shown strikingly
in seeds, where respiration and other physiological activities increase manifold as the
water content increases. In photosynthesis, water is as important a reagent as
carbondioixde. An essential function of water in plants is as the solvent in which gases,
minerals, and other solutes enter plant cells and move from cell to cell and tissue to
tissue within the plant. The permeability of most cell walls and membranes to water
results in a continuous liquid phase extending throughout the plant in which
translocation of solutes occurs. Water is a reactant or reagent in many physiological
processes including photosynthesis and hydrolytic processes such as the hydrolysis of
starch to sugar. Water is essential to maintain sufficient turgidity for growth of cells
and maintenance of the form and position of leaves and new shoots.
The total quantity of water required for the essential physiological functions of
the plant is usually less than five per cent of all the water absorbed. Most of the water
entering the plant is lost in transpiration, directly contributing little to its growth.
However, failure to replace the water lost by transpiration results in the loss of turgidity,
cessation of growth, and eventual death of the plant from dehydration.
The following are the main areas of water-plant relationship: (1) water
absorption, (2) water conduction and translocation, and (3) water loss or transpiration.
In determining the importance of water in crop productivity we have to
understand clearly all the three processes – absorption, translocation and transpiration.
We will have to analyse the effect of these processes on plant growth and crop yield in
order to recognize the steps which are needed to regulate and modify the cropping
systems with a view to obtain the maximum water use efficiency.

Amount of water in plants: The amounts of water varies in different plant parts.
The apical portions of the root and stem contain 90 per cent or more water. Leaves and
young fruits are other organs which are rich in water. When the organs mature, their
water content decreases. The woods of large trees may contain about 50-60 per cent
moisture whereas the stems of wheat, barley and sorghum contain about 60-70 per cent
water which at harvest time may decline to 5-10 per cent. Freshly harvested grains of
most crops contain 10-15 pr cent of water. Indeed, it is the moisture content of these
grains which determines their storage life, viability and germinability.

Absorption of water in soil-plant-atmosphere system. The root system is

extremely variable in different crop plants. The variability exists in rooting depth, root
length and horizontal distribution of roots. These are further influenced by
environmental factors and the genetic constitution. Nevertheless, both the properties of
soil and the roots determine the water uptake by roots. The roots of cereals, apparently,
occupy more surface area of the soil than other crops. For example, it has been shown
that cereal roots extend to 200-4000 cm/cm2 of soil surface area as against 15-200
cm/cm2 for non-graminaceous plants.
It is desirable to consider water absorption in the total soil-plant-atmosphere
system instead of the roots alone. In this system, one can partition the system in such a
manner so that the involvement of different plant parts is taken into account. The flow
rate of water in this system is given by the following equation:

Ψsoil – Ψroot surface Ψroot surface – Ψxylem

Flow rate = --------------------- = ------------------------
rsoil rroot

Ψxylem – Ψleaf Ψleaf – Ψair

= --------------------- = ------------------------
rxylam rleaf + rrleaf

in which, Ψ is the water potential at various sites of the system and r is the
corresponding resistance.
Water absorption by roots is dependent on the supply of water at the root
surface. The two main phenomena concerned with this are the movement of water to
the root surface and the growth of roots into the soil mass. As the soil dries out from a
saturated state, the rate of water movement in the soil decreases rapidly. The water
movement in the soil drier than field capacity controls the distance in the soil from
which roots can extract water. Thus, under the conditions where the water extracted by
roots is not frequently replaced by rain or irrigation, it is important that the root system
must expand continuously or else have already occupied a large enough volume of soil
to provide the plant with sufficient water to replace the transpiration losses. Hence, all
the factors which affect root growth or the occupation by roots of a large enough soil
volume, will also affect the absorption of water by plants.
The actual entry of water into the roots is affected by the extent of the absorbing
zone of the roots, the permeability of the root cortex to water movement and the water

potential at the root surface. The movement of water through the root and conducting
elements of the laves xylem to the leaves is initiated and largely controlled by the
transpiration from the leaves in response to the water potential gradient extending from
the soil water, through the plant to the atmosphere. The water moves from the xylem
strands of the leaf across the mesophyll tissue and through the cell walls bordering the
sub-stomatal cavities where the liquid vapourizes and diffuses out of the leaves through
the stomatal openings. Transpiration, though an energy-controlled process, is modified
by the soil, plant and atmospheric factors which govern the potential gradients in the
various parts of the water path to the leaf surface.
Moisture stress and plant response
As mentioned previously, plant-water relations consist of a group of interrelated
and interdependent processes. Thus, the internal water balance or degree of turgidity of
a plant depends on the relative rates of water absorption and water loss, and is affected
by the complex of atmospheric, soil and plant factors that modify the rates of absorption
and transpiration.
Water moves in response to a potential gradient. When the plant roots are in
equilibrium with the soil water potential, and the soil water potential gradients are near
zero, a base level of leaf turgor or plant water potential is reached. Under the conditions
of low evaporation demand during the night and early morning (prior to sunrise) the
values of water potential are often at or near this level. An increase in the rate of
transpiration, coincident with the increase in evaporation, during the day, causes a
decrease in the turgor pressure of the upper leaves and the development of water
potential gradients through the plant from the evaporating surface of the leaves to the
absorbing surface of the roots. Conditions are often such that the rate of water loss
exceeds the rate of water absorption, causing an internal water deficit to develop in the
plant. It is this internal water deficit, through its influence on many of the physiological
processes in the plant that is directly responsible for the growth and yield of a crop
under the prevailing conditions.
The yield of a crop is the integrated result of a number of physiological
processes. Water stress can after photosynthesis and respiration. It can also affect
growth and reproduction. Reduction in leaf area, cell size and inter-cellular volume are
common under water stress. Dehydration of protoplasm may be responsible for
decreasing several physiological processes. Water stress produces important changes in
carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism of plants. Water stress at certain critical stages
of plant growth causes more injury than at other stages. For example, irrigation at the
crown root initiation stage has been shown to be essential for increased yield of wheat
Moisture extraction pattern
The moisture extraction pattern reveals about how the moisture is extracted and
how much quantity is extracted at different depth level in the root zone. The moisture
extraction patter shows the relative amount of moisture extracted from different depths
within the crop root zone.

The moisture extraction pattern of plant growing in a uniform soil without a
restrictive layer and with adequate supply of available soil moisture throughout the zone
is shown in figure.
It is seen from the figure that about 40% of the total moisture is extracted form
the first quarter of the root zone, 30% form second quarter, 20% from the third quarter
and 10% from last further quarter.
This indicates that in most of the crops the effective root zone will be available
in the 1st quarter and it does not mean that the last quarter will not need any water.
Hence soil moisture measurements at different depths in the root zone has to be taken.
a) To estimate the soil moisture status and
b) To work out the irrigation quantity to be applied
Rooting characteristics and moisture extraction pattern
The root system is extremely variable in different crop plants.
The variability exists in rooting depth, root length and horizontal distribution of
roots. These are further influenced by environmental factors and the genetic
The roots of cereals apparently occupy more surface area of the soil then other
crops. For example, it has been proved that cereals’ roots extend to 200-400 cm m2 of
soil surface area as against 15-200 cm m2 for most graminaceous plants.
The amount of soil moisture that is available to the plant is determined by the
moisture characteristics of the soil depth and the density of the roots. The moisture
characteristics of soil like FC and PWP cannot be altered so easily and greater
possibilities lie in changing the rooting characteristics of plants system to go deeper and
denser and more proliferation to tap water from deeper layers of soil as well as from the
larger surface area.
Plants vary genetically in their rooting characteristics (Figure) Vegetable crops
like onion, potato, carrot etc., have very sparse rooting system and unable to use all the
soil water in the root.

Rice, Grasses, sorghum, maize, sugarcane have very fibrous dense root system
which can extract much water from soil. Millets, groundnut, grams are moderately deep
Maize, sorghum, lucerne, cotton and perennial plants have deep root system and
can utilize effectively the moisture stored in root zone as well as in the unexploited
deeper zones. Crops which have dense and deep root system like cotton, sorghum, red
gram tolerate high reduction of soil water content. Shallow rooted crops like rice,
potato, tomato tolerate low level of soil water reduction. Moderately deep rooted crops
like millets, groundnut, grams tolerate medium level of soil water reduction.
The root growth of the crop plants is affected by
1. Genetic nature
2. High water table
3. Shallow nature of soil and permeability of soil layer
4. Soil fertility
5. Salt status of soil
Effective root zone depth

It is depth in which active root proliferation occurs and where maximum water
absorption is taking place. It is not necessary that entire root depth should be effective.
Crop water requirement
Crop water requirement is the water required by the plants for its survival,
growth, development and to produce economic parts. This requirement is applied either
naturally by precipitation or artificially by irrigation. Hence the crop water requirement
includes all losses like:
a) Transpiration loss through leaves (T)
b) Evaporation loss through soil surface in cropped area (E)
c) Amount of weather used by plants (WP) for its metabolic activities which is
estimated as less than 1% of the total water absorption. These three
components cannot be separated so easily. Hence the ET loss is taken as
crop water use or crop water consumptive use.
d) Other application losses are conveyance loss, percolation loss, runoff loss,
etc., (WL).
e) The water required for special purposes (WSP) like puddling operation,
ploughing operation, land preparation, leaching, requirement, for the purpose
of weeding, for dissolving fertilizer and chemical, etc.
Hence the water requirement is symbolically represented as:
WR = T + E + WP + WL + WSP
(The other application losses and special purposes are mostly indented for wet
land cultivation. Hence for irrigated dry land crop the ET loss alone is accounted for
crop water requirement).
The estimations of the water requirement of crop are one of the basic needs for
crop planning on the farm and for the planning of any irrigation project.
Water requirement may be defined as the quantity of water required by a crop or
diversified pattern of crop in a given period of time for its normal growth under field
conditions at a place.Water requirement includes the losses due to ET or CU and losses
during the application of irrigation water and the quantity of water required for special
purposes or operations such as land preparation, transplanting, leaching etc., Hence it
may be formulated as follows
WR = ET or Cu + application loss + water for special needs.
It can also be stated based on “Demand” and “supply source” as follows

WR = IR + ER + S

IR - Irrigation requirement
ER - Effective rainfall
S - Contribution from ground water table.

Hence the idea about crop water requirement is essential for farm planning with
respect to total quantity of water needed and its efficient use for various cropping
schemes of the farm or project area. This crop water requirement is also needed to
decide the stream size and design the canal capacity.
The combined loss of evaporation and transpiration from a cropped field is
termed as evapotranspiration which is otherwise known as consumptive use and
denoted as ET and this is a part of water requirement.
CU = E + T + WP
WR = CU + WL + WSP
The crop water requirement can also be defined as water required meeting the
evapotranspiration demand of the crop and special needs in case of wet land crop and
which also includes other application losses both in the case of wet land and garden
land crops. This is also known as crop water demand.
The crop water requirement varies from place to place, from crop to crop and
depends on agro-ecological variation and crop characters. The following features which
mainly influence the crop water requirement are:
1) Crop factors
a) Variety
b) Growth stages
c) Duration
d) Plant population
e) Crop growing season
2) Soil factors
a) Structure
b) Texture
c) Depth
d) Topography
e) Soil chemical composition
3) Climatic factors
a) Temperature
b) Sunshine hours
c) Relative humidity
d) Wind velocity
e) Rainfall
4) Agronomic management factors
a) Irrigation methods used
b) Frequency of irrigation and its efficiency
c) Tillage and other cultural operations like weeding, mulching etc / intercropping

Based on al these factors, average crop water requirement for various crops have
been worked out and given below for tropical conditions.
Irrigation requirement
The field irrigation requirement of crops refers to water requirement of crops
exclusive of effective rainfall and contribution from soil profile and it may be given as
IR - WR – (ER + S)
IR - Irrigation requirement
WR - Water requirement
ER - Effective rainfall
S - Soil moisture contribution
Irrigation requirement depends upon the
a) Irrigation need of individual crop based on area of crop
b) Losses in the farm water distribution system etc.
All the quantities are usually expressed in terms of water depth per unit of land
area (ha/cm) or unit of depth (cm).
Net irrigation requirement
It is the actual quantity of water required in terms of depth to bring the soil to
field capacity level to meet the ET demand of the crop.
It is the water applied by irrigation alone in terms of depth to bring the field to
field capacity level. To work out the net irrigation requirement, ground water
contribution and other gains in soil moisture are to be excluded. It is the amount of
irrigation water required to bring the soil moisture level in the effective root zone to
field capacity, which in turn meet the ET effective root zone to field capacity, which in
turn meet the ET demand of the crop. It is the difference between the F.C and the soil
moisture content in the root zone before starting irrigation.
n Mfci - Mbi
d= ∑ --------------- x Ai x Di
i=i 100

d = Net irrigation water to be applied (cm)

Mfci = FC in ith layer (%)
Mbi = Moisture content before irrigation in ith layer (%)
Ai = Bulk density (g/cc)
Di = depth (cm)
n = number of soil layer
Gross irrigation requirement
The total quantity of water used for irrigation is termed gross irrigation
requirement. It includes net irrigation requirement and losses in water application and
other losses. The gross irrigation requirement can be determined for a field, for a farm,
for an outlet command area, and for an irrigation project, depending on the need by
considering the approximate losses at various stages of crop.
Net irrigation requirement
Gross irrigation = -------------------------------- x 100
Field efficiency of system

Irrigation frequency
Irrigation frequency is the interval between two consecutive irrigations during
crop periods. Irrigation frequency is the number of days between irrigation during crop
periods without rainfall. It depends upon the rate of uptake of water by plants and soil
moisture supply capacity to plant and soil moisture available in the root zone. Hence it
is a function of crop, soil and climate. Normally, irrigation should be given at about 50
per cent and not over 60 per cent depletion of the available moisture from the effective
root zone in which most of the roots are concentrated.
In designing irrigation system the irrigation frequency to be used, is the time
(days) between two irrigation in the period of highest consumptive use of crop growth,
i.e. peak consumptive use of crop.
Design frequency (days)

F C – moisture content of the root zone prior to starting irrigation

= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peak period consumptive use rate of crop
Irrigation period
Irrigation period is the number of days that can be allowed for applying one
irrigation to a given design area during peak consumptive use period of the crop
Irrigation period

Net amount of moisture in soil at start of irrigation (FC-PWP)

= --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peak period consumptive use of the crop
Critical stages for irrigation:
The stage at which the water stress causes severe yield reduction is also known
as critical stage of water requirement. It is also known as moisture sensitive period.
Moisture stress due to restricted supply of water during the moisture sensitive period or
critical stage will irrevocably reduce the yield. Provision of adequate water and
fertilizer at other growth stage will not even help in recovering the yield loss due to
stress at critical periods.
It general the mid season stage is most sensitive to water shortage because the
shortage during this period will be reflected significantly on yield. For most of the
crops the least sensitive stages are ripening and harvesting except for vegetables like
Lettuce, Cabbage etc., which need water upto harvesting.
Under scarce condition, in an irrigation project or in a farm, if mono cropping is
followed with staggered sowing or planting, it is better to schedule irrigation to crop
which has reached mid season stage since it is the most critical stage.
The sensitive stages vary from crop to crop as given below.
Sensitive stage of different crops cereals and millets
Crop - Critical stages / Sensitive stages
Rice - Panicle initiation critical staps. heading and flowering
Sorghum - Flowering and grain formation
Maize - Just prior to tasseling and grain filling
Cumbu - Heading and flowering

Ragi - Primordial initiation and flowering
Wheat - Crown root initiation, tillering and booting
Oil seeds
Groundnut - Flowering peg initiation and penetration and pod development
Sesame - Blooming to maturity
Sunflower - Two weeks before and after flowering
Soybean - Blooming and seed formation
Safflower - From rosette to flowering
Castor - Full growing period
Cash crop
Cotton - Flowering and Boll formation
Sugarcane - Maximum vegetative stage
Tobacco - Immediately after transplanting
Onion - Bulb formation to maturity
Tomato - Flowering and fruit setting
Chillies - Flowering
Cabbage - Head formation to maturity
Alfalfa - Immediately after cutting for hay crop and flowering for seed crop
Beans - Flowering and pod setting
Peas - Flowering and pod formation
Coconut - Nursery stage root enlargement
Potato - Tuber initiation and maturity
Banana - Throughout the growth
Citrus - Flowering, fruit setting and enlargement
Mango - Flowering
Coffee - Flowering and fruit development
At critical stages, favourable water level should be ensured through timely
Water requirement for different crops: Irrigation schedules for field
Total water requirement is 1100-1250
The daily consumptive use of rice varies from 6-10 mm and total water is ranges
from 1100 to 1250 mm depending upon the agro climatic situation. Of the total water
required for the crop, 3% or 40 mm is used for the nursery, 16% or 200 mm for the land
preparation i.e. puddling and 81% or 1000 mm for field irrigation of the crop.
The growth of rice plant in relation to water management can be divided into
four periods viz.,. Seedling, vegetative, reproductive and ripening. Less water is
consumed during seedling stage. At the time of transplanting, shallow depth of 2 cm is
adequate and maintained upto 7 days and there after 5 cm of submergence is necessary
to facilitate development of new roots. The same water level is required for tiller

production during the vegetative phase. At the beginning of the maximum tillering
stage the entire water in the field can be drained and left as such for one or two days
which is termed as mid season drainage. This mid season drainage may improve the
respiratory functions of the roots, stimulate vigorous growth of roots and checks the
development of non-effective tillers. Any stress during the vegetative phase may affect
the root growth and reduce the leaf area.
During flowering phase 5 cm submergence should be maintained because it is a
critical stage of water requirement. Stress during this phase will impair all yield
components and cause severe reduction in yield. Excess water than 5 cm is also not
necessary especially at booting stage which may lead to delay in heading.
Water requirement during ripening phase is less and water is not necessary after
yellow ripening. Water can be gradually drained from the field 15-21 days ahead of
harvest of crop. Whenever 5 cm submergence is recommended the irrigation
management may be done by irrigating to 5 cm submergence at saturation or one or two
days after the disappearance of ponded water. This will result in 30% saving of
irrigation water compared to the continuous submergence.

Total water requirement 500-550 mm
Evapotranspiration is low during the first 35 days after sowing and last 35 days
before harvest and reaches a peak requirement between peg penetration and pod
development stages. After the sowing irrigation the second irrigation can be scheduled
25 days after sowing i.e. 4 or 6 days after first hand hoeing and thereafter irrigation
interval of 15 days is maintained upto peak flowering. During the critical stages the
interval may be 7 or 10 days depending upon the soil and climate. During maturity
period the interval is 15 days.
Finger millet
Total water requirement: 350 mm
Finger millet is a drought tolerant crop. Pre-planting irrigation at 7 or 8 cm is
given. Third day after transplantation life irrigation with small quantity of water is
sufficient for uniform establishment. Water is then withheld for 10-15 days after the
establishment of seedling for healthy and vigorous growth. Subsequently three
irrigations are essential at primordial initiation, flowering and grain filling stages.
Total water requirement: 1800-2200 mm
Formative phase (120 days from planting) is the critical period for water
demand. To ensure uniform emergence and optimum number of tillers per unit area
lesser quantity of water at more frequencies is preferable. The response for applied
water is more during this critical phase during which the crop needs higher quantity of
water comparing, the other two phases. Water requirement, number of irrigations etc.,
are higher during this period. As there is no secondary thickening of stem, elongation
of stem as sink for storage of sugar it is desirable to maintain optimum level of moisture
during grand growth period. Response for water is less in this stage and this will be still
less in the ripening stage. During the ripening phase as harvest time approaches soil

moisture content should be allowed to decrease gradually so that growth of cane is
checked and sucrose content is increased.
Total water requirement: 500 – 600 mm
The water requirement of maize is higher but it is very efficient in water use.
Growth stages of maize crop are sowing, four leaf stage, knee high, grand growth,
tasseling, silking early dough and late dough stages. Crop uniformly requires water in
all these stages. Of this, tasseling, silking and early dough stages are critical periods.
Total water requirement: 550 – 600 mm
Cotton is sensitive to soil moisture conditions. Little water is used by plant with
early part of the season and more water is lost through evaporation than transpiration.
As the plant grows, the use of water increases from 3 mm / day reaching a peak of 10
mm a day when the plant is loaded with flowers and boll. Water used during the
emergence and early plant growth is only 10% of the total requirement. Ample
moisture during flowering and boll development stages is essential. In the early stage
as well as at the end the crop requires less water. water requirement remains high till
the boll development stage. If excess water is given in the stages other than critical
stages it encourages the vegetative growth because it is a indeterminate plant thereby
boll setting may be decreased. Irrigation is continued until the first boll of the last flush
opens, and then irrigation is stopped.
Total water requirement: 350-500 mm
The critical periods of water requirement are booting, flowering and dough
stages. The crop will be irrigated immediately after sowing. Next irritation is given 15
days sowing to encourage development of a strong secondary root system. irrigation
prior to heading and ten days after heading are essential for successful crop production.
Total water requirement – 200-450 mm
Mostly the pulse are grown under rainfed condition. Some pulse crops like
Redgram, Blackgram, Greengram are grown in summer season as irrigated crop which
need 3 to 4 irrigation at critical stags like germination, flowering and pod formation.
Water requirement of crops
S.No. Corps Duration in Water requirement No. of irrigations
days (mm)

1. Rice 135 1250 18

2. Groundnut 105 550 10

3. Sorghum 100 350 6

4. Maize 110 500 8

5. Sugarcane 365 2000 24

6. Ragi 100 350 6

7. Cotton 165 550 11

8. Pulses 65 350 4
Water application methods are grouped as:
1. Flooding 3. Spraying it under pressure
2. Applying it beneath the soil surface 4. Applying in drops
Irrigation methods
I. Surface
II. Sub-surface
III. Pressurized irrigation
Surface is grouped as Border, Check basin and Furrow irrigations. Border is again
classified in to two as straight and contour. Check basins may be of rectangular, contour
or ring, whereas furrow irrigation is classified as deep furrow and corrugated furrows.
These may be again straight or contour according to direction and leveled and graded as
per their elevation
I. Surface irrigation
1. Border irrigation
 The land is divided into number of long parallel strips called borders.
 These borders are separated by low ridges.
 The border strip has a uniform gentle slope in the direction of irrigation.
 Each strip is irrigated independently by turning the water in the upper end.
 The water spreads and flows down the strip in a sheet confined by the border ridges.

Suitability : To soils having moderately low to moderately high infiltration rates. It is

not used in coarse sandy soils that have very high infiltration rates and also in heavy
soils having very low infiltration rate. Suitable to irrigate all close growing crops like
wheat, barley, fodder crops and legumes and not suitable for rice.
1. Border ridges can be constructed with simple farm implements like bullock drawn
“A” frame ridger or bund former.
2. Labour requirement in irrigation is reduced as compared to conventional check basin
3. Uniform distribution of water and high water application efficiencies are possible.
4. Large irrigation streams can be efficiently used.
5. Adequate surface drainage is provided if outlets are available.
Width of border strip: It varies from 3-15 m
Border length

Slope Soil Length
0.25 - 0.60% Sandy and sandy loam 60-120 m
0.20 - 0.40% Medium loam soil 100-180 m
0.05 – 0.20% Clay loam and clay soil 150-300 m
2. Check basin irrigation
 It is the most common method.
 Here the field is divided into smaller unit areas so that each has a nearly level
 Bunds or ridges are constructed around the area forming basins within which the
irrigation water can be controlled.
 The water applied to a desired depth can be retained until it infiltrates into the soil.
 The size of the basin varies from 10m2 to 25 m2 depending upon soil type ,
topography, stream size and crop.
 Small gentle and uniform land slopes
 Soils having moderate to slow infiltration rates.
 Adapted to grain and fodder crops in heavy soils.
 Suitable to permeable soils.
1. Check basins are useful when leaching is required to remove salts from the soil
2. Rainfall can be conserved and soil erosion is reduced by retaining large part of rain
3. High water application and distribution efficiency.
1. The ridges interfere with the movement of implements.
2. More area occupied by ridges and field channels.
3. The method impedes surface drainage
4. Precise land grading and shaping are required
5. Labour requirement is higher.
6. Not suitable for crops which are sensitive to wet soil conditions around the stem.
Furrow irrigation
⇒ Used in the irrigation of row crops.
⇒ The furrows are formed between crop rows.
⇒ The dimension of furrows depend on the crop grown, equipment used and soil type.
⇒ Water is applied by small running streams in furrows between the crop rows.
⇒ Water infiltrates into soil and spreads laterally to wet the area between the furrows.
⇒ In heavy soils furrows can be used to dispose the excess water.

1. Wide spaced row crops including vegetables.
2. Suitable for maize, sorghum, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, groundnut, potatoes
3. Suitable to most soils except sand.

1. Water in furrows contacts only one half to one fifth of the land surface.
2. Labour requirement for land preparation and irrigation is reduced.
3. Compared to check basins there is less wastage of land in field ditches.
Types of furrow irrigation
Based on alignment of furrows : 1. Straight furrows 2. Contour furrows
Based on size and spacing : 1. Deep furrows 2. Corrugations
Based on irrigation:
A. All furrow irrigation: Water is applied evenly in all the furrows and are called
furrow system or uniform furrow system.
B. Alternate furrow irrigation: It is not an irrigation layout but a technique for water
saving. Water is applied in alternate furrows for eg. During first irrigation if the
even numbers of furrows are irrigated, during next irrigation, the odd number of
furrows will be irrigated.
C. Skip furrow irrigation: They are normally adopted during the period of water
scarcity and to accommodate intercrops. In the skip furrow irrigation, a set of
furrows are completely skipped out from irrigation permanently. The skipped
furrow will be utilized for raising intercrop. The system ensures water saving of 30-
35 per cent. By this method, the available water is economically used without much
field reduction.
D. Surge irrigation: Surge irrigation is the application of water in to the furrows
intermittently in a series of relatively short ON and OFF times of irrigation cycle. It
has been found that intermittent application of water reduces the infiltration tare
over surges thereby the water front advances quickly. Hence, reduced net irrigation
water requirement. This also results in more uniform soil moisture distribution and
storage in the crop root zone compared to continuous flow. The irrigation efficiency
is in between 85 and 90%.
II. Sub-surface irrigation
♦ In subsurface irrigation, water is applied beneath the ground by creating and
maintaining an artificial water table at some depth, usually 30-75 cm below the
ground surface.
♦ Moisture moves upwards towards the land surface through capillary action
♦ Water is applied through underground field trenches laid 15-30 m apart.
♦ Open ditches are preferred because they are relatively cheaper and suitable to all
types of soil.
♦ The irrigation water should be of good quality to prevent soil salinity.
1. Minimum water requirement for raising crops
2. Minimum evaporation and deep percolation losses
3. No wastage of land
7. No interference to movement of farm machinery
8. Cultivation operations can be carried out without concern for the irrigation period.
1. Requires a special combination of natural conditions.
2. There is danger of water logging

3. Possibility of choking of the pipes lay underground.
4. High cost.
 Drip or trickle irrigation is one of the latest methods of irrigation.
 It is suitable for water scarcity and salt affected soils.
 Water is applied in the root zone of the crop
Standard water quality test needed for design and operation of drip irrigation
(Major inorganic salts, hardeners, suspended solids, total dissolved solids, biological
oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, organic, and organic matter, micro-
organisms, iron, dissolved oxygen, H2S, iron bacteria, sulphur reducing bacteria etc
have to be tested)
♦ A drip irrigation system consists of a pump or overhead tank, main line, sub-mains,
laterals and emitters.
♦ The mainline delivers water to the sub-mains and the sub-mains into the laterals.
♦ The emitters which are attached to the laterals distribute water for irrigation.
♦ The mains, sub-mains and laterals are usually made of black PVC (poly vinyl
chloride) tubing. The emitters are also made of PVC material
♦ The other components include pressure regulator, filters, valves, water meter,
fertilizer application components, etc.,
The pump creates the pressure necessary to force water through the components
of the system including the fertilizer tank, filter unit, mainline, lateral and the emitters
and drippers. Centrifugal pump operated by engines or electric motors are commonly
used. The laterals may be designed to operate under pressures as low as 0.15 to 0.2
kg/cm2 and as large as 1 to 1.75 kg/cm2. The water coming out of the emitters is almost
at atmospheric pressure.
Chemical tank
A tank may be provided at the head of the drip irrigation systems for applying
fertilizers, herbicides and other chemicals in solution directly to the field along with
irrigation water.
It is an essential part of drip irrigation system. It prevents the blockage of pipes
and drippers/emitters. The filter system consists of valves and a pressure gauge for
regulation and control.
Drip nozzles commonly called drippers or emitters are provided at regular
intervals on the laterals. They allow water to emit at very low rates usually in trickles.
The amount of water dripping out of each emitters in a unit time will depend mainly
upon the pressure and size of the opening. The discharge rate of emitters usually ranges
from 2 to 10 litres per hour.
Micro-tubes are also used in a drip lateral. They are used mainly in the
following ways (1) as emitters (2) as connectors, (3) as pressure regulators

1. Water saving - losses due to deep percolation, surface runoff and
transmission are avoided. Evaporation losses occurring in sprinkler irrigation
do not occur in drip irrigation.
2. Uniform water distribution
3. Application rates can be adjusted by using different size of drippers
4. Suitable for wide spaced row crops, particularly coconut and other
horticultural tree crops
5. Soil erosion is reduced
6. Better weed control
7. Land saving
8. Less labour cost
1. High initial cost
2. Drippers are susceptible to blockage
3. Interferes with farm operations and movement of implements and
4. Frequent maintenance
5. Trees grown may develop shallow confined root zones resulting in poor


 The sprinkler (overhead or pressure) irrigation system conveys water to the field
through pipes (aluminium or PVC) under pressure with a system of nozzles.
 This system is designed to distribute the required depth of water uniformly, which is
not possible in surface irrigation.
 Water is applied at a rate less than the infiltration rate of the soil hence the runoff
from irrigation is avoided.
A sprinkler system usually consists of the following parts.
1. A pumping unit
2. Debris removal equipment
3. Pressure gauge / water-meter
4. Pipelines (mains – sub-mains and laterals)
5. Couplers
6. Raiser pipes
7. Sprinklers
8. Other accessories such as valves, bends, plugs, etc.
Pumping unit
A high speed centrifugal or turbine pump can be installed for operating the
system for individual farm holdings. The pumping plants usually consist of a
centrifugal or a turbine type pump, a driving unit, a suction line and a foot valve.
Pipe lines
Pipelines are generally of two types. They are main and lateral. Main pipelines
carry water from the pumping plant to many parts of the field. In some cases sub main
lines are provided to take water from the mains to laterals. The lateral pipelines carry

the water from the main or sub main pipe to the sprinklers. The pipelines may be either
permanent, semi permanent or portable.
A coupler provides connection between two tubing and between tubing and
Sprinklers may rotate or remain fixed. The rotating sprinklers can be adapted
for a wide range of application rates and spacing. They are effective with pressure of
about 10 to 70 m head at the sprinkler. Pressures ranging from 16-40 m head are
considered the most practical for most farms. Fixed head sprinklers are commonly used
to irrigate small lawns and gardens.
Other accessories / fittings
1. Water meters - It is used to measure the volume of water delivered.
2. Pressure gauge - It is necessary to know whether the sprinkler is working with the
desired pressure in order to deliver the water uniformly.
3. Bends, tees, reducers, elbows, hydrants, butterfly valves, end plugs and risers
4. Debris removal equipment: This is needed when water is obtained from streams,
ponds, canals or other surface supplies. It helps to keep the sprinkler system clear of
sand, weed seeds, leaves, sticks, moss and other trash that may otherwise plug the
5. Fertilizer applicators. These are available in various sizes. They inject fertilizers in
liquid form to the sprinkler system at a desired rate.
Types of sprinkler system
On the basis of arrangement for spraying irrigation water
1. Rotating head (or) revolving sprinkler system
2. Perforated pipe system
Based on the portability
1. Portable system: It has portable mainlines and laterals and a portable pumping unit
2. Semi portable system: A semi portable system is similar to a fully portable system
except that the location of the water source and pumping plant are fixed.
3. Semi permanent system: A semi permanent system has portable lateral lines,
permanent main lines and sub mains and a stationery water source and pumping plant.
The mainlines and sub-mains are usually buried, with risers for nozzles located at
suitable intervals.
4. Solid set system: A solid set system has enough laterals to eliminate their movement.
The laterals are placed in the field early in the crop season and remain for the season.
5. Permanent system: It consists of permanently laid mains, sub-mains and laterals and
a stationary water source and pumping plant. Mains, sub-mains and laterals are usually
buried below plough depth. Sprinklers are permanently located on each riser.
1. Water saving to an extent of 35-40% compared to surface irrigation
2. Saving in fertilizers - even distribution and avoids wastage.
3. Suitable for undulating topography (sloppy lands)
4. Reduces erosion

5. Suitable for coarse textured soils (sandy soils)
6. Frost control - protect crops against frost and high temperature
7. Drainage problems eliminated
8. Saving in land
9. Fertilisers and other chemicals can be applied through irrigation water
1. High initial cost
2. Efficiency is affected by wind
3. Higher evaporation losses in spraying water
4. Not suitable for tall crops like sugarcane
5. Not suitable for heavy clay soils
6. Poor quality water can not be used (Sensitivity of crop to saline water and
clogging of nozzles)
Steps to be taken for reducing the salt deposits on leaves and fruits during
sprinkler irrigation
• Irrigate at night
• Increase the speed of the sprinkler rotation
• Decrease the frequency of irrigation
Water budgeting:
Allocation of the water receipt including anticipated within the crop period and
its detailed account of expenditure for efficient and profitable farm management is
called as water budgeting.
Water budgeting may be for an irrigation system planned by irrigation
engineers; may be for a canal or for an area (block) or may be for a farm according to
the need and plan by responsible persons who plan the irrigation efficiency.
Importance of water budgeting:
• Efficient utilization of available recourse (water) for bringing more area under
• To increase the productivity of a region / farm.
• To increase cropping intensity of a region / farm
• To tide over some dry-spells
• To reduce excess irrigation and losses caused thereby
• To avoid run off losses
Irrigation scheduling
Irrigation scheduling is defined as frequency with which water is to be applied
based on needs of the crop and nature of the soil.
Irrigation scheduling is nothing but number of irrigations and their frequency
required to meet the crop water requirement.
Irrigation scheduling may be defined as scientific management techniques of
allocating irrigation water based on the individual crop water requirement (ETc) under

different soil and climatic condition, with an aim to achieve maximum crop production
per unit of water applied over a unit area in unit time.
Based on the above definition, the concept made is.
“If we provide irrigation facility the agricultural production and productivity
will go up automatically”
Irrigation scheduling is a decision making process repeated many times in each
year involving when to irrigate and how much of water to apply? Both criteria influence
the quantity and quality of the crop. It indicates how much of irrigation water to be
used and how often it has to be given.
Effect of application of right amount and excess amount of water
Excess irrigation is harmful because
a) It wastes water below root zone
b) It results in loss of fertilizer nutrients
c) It causes water stagnation and salinity
d) It causes poor aeration
e) Ultimately it damages the crops
However, Irrigation scheduling has its own meaning and importance according
to the nature of the work.
For irrigation Engineers
Irrigation scheduling is important to cover more area with available quantity of
water or to satisfy the whole command from head to tail reach in the canal or river
For soil scientists
It is important that the field should not be over irrigated or under irrigated as
both will spoil the chemical and physical equilibrium of the soil.
For Agronomists
It is very much important to get higher yield per unit quantity of water in normal
situations and to protect the crop to get as much as possible yield under drought
situation by means on supplying water in optimum ratio and minimizing all field losses.
Importance of irrigation scheduling
How much and how often water has to be given depends on the irrigation
requirement of the crop.
Irrigation requirement (IR) = Crop water requirement (CWR) – Effective rainfall (ERF)
It can be expressed either in mm/day/ or mm/month
If the crop water requirement of a particular crop is 6 mm per day, it means
every day we have to give 6 mm of water to the crop. Practically it is not possible since
it is time consuming and laborious. Hence, it is necessary to schedule the water supply
by means of some time intervals and quantity. For example the water requirement of 6
mm/day can be scheduled as 24 mm/for every 4 days or 30 mm/for every 5 days or 36
mm/for every 6 days depending upon the soil type and climatic conditions prevailing in

that particular place. While doing so we must be very cautions that the interval should
not allow the crop to suffer for want of water.
Practical considerations in irrigation scheduling
Before scheduling irrigation in a farm or field or a command, the following
criteria should be taken care for efficient scheduling
1. Crop factors
a) Sensitiveness to water shortage
b) Critical stages of the crop
c) Rooting depth
d) Economic value of the crop
2. Water delivery system
a) Canal irrigation or tank irrigation (It is a public distribution system where
scheduling is arranged based on the decision made by public based on the
resource availability).
b) Well irrigation (individual decision is final)
3. Types of soil
a) Sandy – needs short frequency of irrigation and less quantity of water
b) Clay – needs long frequency of irrigation and more quantity of water
4. Salinity hazard
To maintain favorable salt balance, excess water application may be required
rather than ET requirement of the crop to leach the excess salt through deep percolation
5. Irrigation methods
a) Basin method allows more infiltration through more wetting surface which in
turn needs more water and long interval in irrigation frequency
b) Furrow method allows less infiltration due to less wetting surface which needs
less water and short interval in irrigation frequency.
c) Sprinkler method needs less water and more frequency
d) Drip method needs less water and more frequency
6. Irrigation interval
The extension of irrigation interval does not always save water. The interval has
to be optimized based on the agroclimatic situation.
7. Minimum spreadable depth
We cannot reduce the depth based on the water requirement of the crop alone.
The depth should be fixed based on the soil type, rooting nature of the crop and
irrigation method followed. The minimum depth should be so as to achieve uniformity
of application and to get uniform distribution over the entire field.
Theoretical approaches of irrigation scheduling
I Direct approach
a) Depth interval and yield approach
b) Soil moisture deficit and optimum moisture regime approach
c) Sensitive crop approach

d) Plant observation method
II Indirect or predictive approach
a) Critical stage or Phenological stage approach
b) Meteorological or climatological approach
III Mathematical approach
a) Estimation method approach
b) Simple calculation method
IV system as a whole approach
a) Rotational water supply schedule
I. Direct approach
A) Depth interval and yield approach
In this method, different depths of irrigation water at different time intervals
fixed arbitrarily are tried without considering the soil and weather characters.
The irrigation treatment which gives the maximum yield with minimum depth
and extended interval is chosen as the best irrigation schedule. Earlier workers have
adopted this practice to work out the duty of water for different crops in many irrigation
projects. It is the rough irrigation schedule. Hence may irrigation projects which have
adopted this practice have failed to achieve the full efficiency?
 Rainfall is not taken into account
 Ground water contribution is not taken into account
 Soil parameters are not taken for calculating irrigation requirement and hence
this approach is not in use.
B) Soil moisture deficit and optimum moisture regime approach
This approach considers soil moisture content in the root zone of the crop for
fixing the schedule. When the soil moisture reaches a pre fixed value, may be 40% of
Available Soil Moisture (ASM) or 50% ASM or 60% ASM, irrigation is given. The
degree of depletion is measured through percentage of availability by using gravimetric,
tensiometer, resistance block, neutron probe, etc.,
• Soil moisture alone is taken into account
• Hence it cannot be taken for all type of soil in particular region
• It varies from soil to soil
C) Sensitive crop approach
The crops which are grown for their fresh leaves or fruits are more sensitive to
water shortage than the crops which are grown for their dry seeds or fruits. Based on
their sensitivity the crops can be indexed as below.
Low Low to Medium Medium to high High
Cassava Alfalfa Beans Banana
Millets Cotton Citrus Cabbage
Redgram Maize Soybean Fresh Green

Groundnut Wheat Vegetables
D) Plant observation method
Normally in field condition farmers use to adopt this practice for scheduling
irrigation. The day to day changes in plant physical character like colour of the plant,
erect nature of plant leaves, wilting symptoms, etc., are closely and carefully observed
on the whole and not for individual plant and then time of irrigation is fixed according
to the crop symptoms. It needs more skill and experience about the crop as well as local
circumstances like field condition, the rainy days of that tract etc.,
• No accuracy in finding the crop water need
• Sometimes sensitive symptoms are evident only after reaching almost the
wilting point. So yield loss will occur.
i) Indicator plant technique
As we have seen already some crops like sunflower, tomato are highly sensitive
to water stress which will show stress symptom earlier than other stress tolerating crops.
Hence, to know the stress symptoms earlier such sensitive crops are planted in random
in the field and based on the stress symptoms noticed in such plants, scheduling of
irrigation can be made. This technique is called indicator plant technique.
ii) Micro plot technique or indicator plot technique
In this method a one cubic foot micro plot is made of with coarse textured soil to
have more infiltration less water holding capacity and more evaporation than the actual
main field. Normally the field soil is mixed with sand in 1:2 ratio and filled in the
micro plots made in the field. The seed of the same crop and variety is grown in micro
plot with all similar cultural practices as that of the main crop. The crops in micro plot
show early stress symptoms than that of main field. Based on this scheduling of
irrigation can be made.
II Predictive approach of indirect approach
A) Critical stage or phonological stage approach
The growth period of an annual crop can be divided into four growth stages
Initial stage : from sowing to 10% ground cover
Crop development stage : 10 to 70% ground cover
Mid season stage : flowering to grain setting stage
Late season stage : ripening and harvesting stage
B) Meteorological approach
The basic principles employed with this approach are estimation of daily
potential evapo-transpiration rates. Hence it requires knowledge on
a) Short term evapo-transpiration rates at various stages of plant development
b) Soil water retention characteristics
c) Permissible soil water deficit in respect to evaporative demand
d) Effective rooting depth of the crop grown
The irrigation scheduling is based on the cumulative pan evaporation and
irrigation depth.

Irrigation at ratio of irrigation water (IW) and cumulative pan evaporation

IW /CPE = depth
of water to be irrigated
Cumulative pan evaporation for particular period
For example, for ten days cumulative pan evaporation at the rate of 10 mm per
day equal to 100 mm (CPE). Irrigation depth to be given is 50 mm. Therefore IW/CPE
ratio is
50 mm (depth)
IW/CPE ------------------ = 0.5
100 mm (CPE)

Like this many ratio have to be tried and find the best yield performing rabi
which can be adopted for scheduling irrigation.
The irrigation depth (IW) for different crops are fixed based on the soil and
climatic condition. The ratio of IW / CPE which gives relatively best yield is fixed for
each crop by experiment with different rations.
The irrigation depth (IW) divided by the ratio (R) will give the cumulative pan
evaporation value at which irrigation is to be made.
For example the irrigation depth (IW) needed is 50 mm and the ratio (R) to be
tried is 0.5.
Therefore the cumulative pan evaporation value needed to irrigated the field is
IW / R 50 / 0.5 = 100 mm
If the 100 mm of CPE is attained in 10 days (pan evaporation @ 10 mm per
day), once in 10 days irrigation is to be given.
Gives best correlation compared to other formulae where climatic parameters
and soil parameters (depth) are considered.
This approach is subject to marked influence by the selecting pan site.
For example
USWB class A open pan evaporimeter reading from June to December amounted to
130 cm when pan is sited on grass field, 150 cm when pan is sited on dry land with
fetch of grass, 176 cm when pan is sited on dry land without fetch of grass
Pan readings generally over estimated ET during early stage and maturity stage
III Mathematical approach
A) Estimation method approach
It is nothing but scientific prediction mainly based on he climate and soil type.
Calculated crop water need and estimated root depth are taken into account in this.
a. Soil type
Soil type are classified as follows
Sandy / shallow - Low depth of water and more frequency
Loamy soil - Moderate depth water and less frequency
Clay soil - More depth of water and less frequency

b. Climate
Climates are classified based on reference ET as follows:
Reference ET
4 – 5 mm/day – Low
6 – 7 mm/day – Medium
8 – 9 mm/day – High
Reference ET (mm/day) for different climatic zones
Mean daily temp
Climatic zone 150C Low 15 – 250C Medium > 250C High
Desert/arid 4-6 7-8 9-10
Semiarid 4-5 6-7 8-9
Sub humid 3-4 5-6 7-8
Humid 1-2 3-4 5-6
The above table is based on the crop water needs during peak period. It is also
assumed that there is no rainfall or little occurs during the growing season. Based on
this method estimated irrigation schedule is given below for major field crops.

Estimated irrigation schedule for major field crops in peak periods

Intervals in days
Sandy Loamy Clay
Climate 1 2 3* Depth 1 2 3* Depth 1 2 3* Depth
Banana 5 3 2 25 7 5 4 40 10 7 5 55
Cotton 9 6 5 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Sorghum 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
G.nut 6 4 3 25 7 5 4 35 11 8 6 50
Maize 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Peas 6 4 3 30 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 50
Soybean 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Sugarcane 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 55 13 9 7 70
Sunflowe 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Wheat 8 6 4 40 11 8 6 55 14 10 7 70
Tomato 6 4 3 30 8 6 4 40 10 7 5 50

1* - Low temperature of 150C 2* - medium temperature of 15-250C

3*- high temperature of >25 C
Adjustment in this method for Non peak periods
a) In early growth stages
The irrigation could be adjusted with little water and same frequency. But same
water and less frequency are not advisable.
b) In late growth stage

Less frequency with same amount of water is advisable in this period.
c) In rainy days
The table schedule is to be adjusted when there is contribution from rainfall
during crop growth period. This can be adjusted by giving longer interval (high
frequency) with little water.
d) For irrigation practice and soil characteristics
For example, if a maize crop is grown on a clayey soil in a moderately warm
climate, according to the table the intervals is 10 days and the depth is 70 mm per
application. But based on the irrigation method practiced and soil type, the soil is
unable to hold 70mm of water per application. The soil could hold only 50
mm/application. In this situation instead of giving 70 mm for every 10 days, it is
possible to give 63 mm for every 9 days or 56 mm for every 8 days or 49 mm for every
7 days or 42 mm for every 6 days. The 49 mm for every 7 days is the approximate
interval for local situation. Hence this method of intervals for irrigation can be adopted.
B) Simple Calculation Method
It is based on the estimated depth of irrigation application and calculated
irrigation need of the crop over growing season. Hence the influence of climate
especially temperature and rainfall is taken for consideration. Hence, it is more accurate
than that of the estimated method.
It involves four steps
a) Estimate the net and gross irrigation depth (d) in mm.
b) Calculate the irrigation water need (mm) over total growing season
c) Calculate the number of irrigation over total growing season
d) Calculate the irrigation interval
Estimation net and gross irrigation
The net irrigation depth is calculated based on the irrigation depth. This may
vary with local irrigation method and practice and soil type. If local data are not
available the table given below can be used which will be approximate for most of the
field crops. The root depth can be measured locally and adjusted.
Approximate net irrigation depth (mm)
Rooting depth
Soil type Shallow Medium Deep
Sandy 15 30 40
Loamy 20 40 60
Clay 30 50 70
Root depth of different field crops are Given below
Shallow 30 – 60 cm
Rice, rabi, onion, potato, pineapple, cabbage.
Medium 50 – 100 cm
Banana, bean, coconut, groundnut, peas, soybean, sunflower, tobacco, tomato,
cumbu, pulses
Deep 90-150 cm
Citrus, grapes, wheat, cotton, maize, wheat, sorghum, soybean
We know very well that all the water applied in the field cannot be used by the
plants. There is some water loss through deep percolation, run off etc., To include this

unavoidable water loss the field application efficiency (eaf) can be used. The gross
irrigation depth includes the water loss through deep percolation and run off.
100 x net irrigation depth
Gross irrigation (d) = --------------------------------
Field application efficiency

100 x n.d (cm)

= ------------------
eaf (%)
If reliable data for field application efficiency are not available the efficiency
rate given below can be used which are more approximate.
For surface method = 60%
Sprinkler method = 75%
Drip method = 90%
According to the table, the depth is 40 mm for tomato grown on a loamy soil. If
furrow irrigation is used, field application efficiency is 60% and therefore gross
irrigation depth is
100 x 40
Gross irrigation depth d = -------------- = 67 mm
b) Calculation of irrigation water need for total growing season
Tomato crop is planted in February 7th and harvested in June 30th
Water needs mm/month
February March April May June Total
67 110 166 195 180 718
The water need is calculated based of ET value of the crop during that period
c) Calculate the number of irrigation over total growing period
Total water need
Number of irrigation = ---------------------
= ----- = 18

Duration (days)
d). Irrigation interval = ----------------------------
Number of irrigation

= ----- = 7.94 = 8.0

Irrigation schedule for tomato
Net d = 40 mm
Gross d = 65 mm
Interval = 8 days
Water requirement for peak season
April May June Total
166 195 180 541

Depth (d) = 40 mm
WR = 541
Number of irrigation = -------------
d = 40
= 13.5 approximately 14 irrigations
Duration 91 days
Irrigation interval = ----------------------- = --------- = 6.5 days = 7.0
No. of irrigation 14

Water requirement for early growth period

February March Total
67 110 117
No. of irrigation = ----
= 4.4
Approximately = 4 irrigation
Irrigation interval = ---- = 13 days interval
This interval is too long and the rooting depth is also very shallow during this
period. Hence adjustment can be made by reducing the irrigation depth as follows
i.e., instead of 40 mm depth 30 mm depth can be tried

177 52 days
------ = 5.9 = 6 = ----------- = 8.67 = 9.0
30 6
9 days is irrigation interval can be adopted.

IV. System as a whole approach

A) Rotational water supply
R.W.S is one of the techniques in irrigation water distribution management. It
aims at equi-distribution of irrigation water irrespective of location of the land in the
command area by enforcing irrigation time schedules.
Each 10 ha block is divided into 3 to 4 sub units (irrigation groups) According to
the availability of irrigation water, stabilized field channels and group-wise irrigation
requirement, time schedules are evolved. The irrigation will be done strictly in

accordance with the group-wise time schedules by the block committees. Within the
group, the time is to be shared by the farmers themselves.
An efficient irrigation system implies effective transfer of water from the source
to the filed with minimum possible loss. The objective of the efficiency concept is to
identify the nature of water loss and to decide the type of improvements in the system.
Evaluation of performance in terms of efficiency is prerequisite for proper use of
irrigation water.
1. Irrigation Efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of water output to the water input, i.e., the ratio or
percentage of the irrigation water consumed by the crop of an irrigated farm, field or
project to the water delivered from the source.
Ei = --------- x 100
Ei = irrigation efficiency (%)
Wc = irrigation water consumed by crop during its growth period in an irrigation
Wr = water delivered from canals during the growth period of crops.
In most irrigation projects, the irrigation efficiency ranges between 12 to 34 %.
2. Water Conveyance Efficiency
It is a measure of efficiency of water conveyance system from canal network to
watercourses and field channels. It is the ratio of water delivered infields at the outlet
head to that diverted into the canal system from the river or reservoir. Water losses
occur in conveyance from the point of diversion till it reaches the farmer's fields which
can be evaluated by water conveyance efficiency, as under:
Ec = ------- x 100
Ec = water conveyance efficiency, per cent
Wf= water delivered to the farm by conveyance system (at field supply channel)
Wt = water introduced into the conveyance system from the point of diversion
Water conveyance efficiency is generally low; about 21% losses occur in
earthen watercourses only.
3. Water Application Efficiency
It is a measure of efficiency of water application in the field. It is the ratio of
volume of water that is stored in the root zone of crops and ultimately consumed by
transpiration or evaporation or both to the volume of water actually delivered at the
field. Alternatively, it may be defined as the percentage of water applied that can be
accounted for as increase in soil moisture in soils as occupied by the principal rooting

system of the crop. It is also termed as farm efficiency as it takes into account water
lost in application at the farm. We have
Ea = -------- x 100
Ea = water application efficiency, per cent
Ws = irrigation water stored in the root zone of farm soil
Wf = irrigation water delivered to the farm (at field supply channel)

In general, water application efficiency decreases as the amount of water during each
irrigation increases. Water losses due to inefficient application of water in the field
vary from 28 to 50 %.
Common sources of loss of irrigation water during application are represented thus:
Rf = surface runoff from the farm
Df = deep percolation below the farm root zone soil

Neglecting evaporation losses during application, we have

Wf = Ws + Df + Rf

(Df + Rf)
Ec= Wf - ---------------------- x 100

4. Water Use Efficiency

Having conveyed water to the point of use and having applied it, the next
efficiency concept of concern is the efficiency of water use. It is expressed in kg/ha cm.
The proportion of water delivered and beneficially used on the project can be calculated
using the following formula
Eu = -------- x 100
Eu = water use efficiency, per cent
Wu = water beneficially used
Wd = water delivered

Water use efficiency is also defined as (i) crop water use efficiency and (ii) field
water efficiency.
(a) Crop Water Use Efficiency: It is the ratio of yield of crop (Y) to the amount of
water depleted by crop in evapotranspiration (ET).
CWUE = ----
CWUE= Crop water use efficiency

Y = Crop yield
ET = Evapotranspiration
CWUE is otherwise called consumptive water use efficiency. It is the ratio of
crop yield (Y) to the sum of the amount of water taken up and used for crop growth (G),
evaporated directly from the soil surface (E) and transpired through foliage (T) or
consumptive use (Cu)
CWUE = ---------------------
(G + E + T) = Cu
In other words ET is Cu since water used for crop growth is negligible.
CWUE = ------
It is expressed in kg/ha/mm or kg/ha/cm.
(b) Field Water Use Efficiency:
It is the ratio of yield of crop (Y) to the total amount of water used in the field.
FWUE = -----
FWUE = field water use efficiency
WR = water requirement
This is the ratio of crop yield to the amount of water used in the field (WR)
including growth (G), direct evaporation from the soil surface (E), transpiration (T) and
deep percolation loss (D).
FWUE = --------------------
G + E + T + D = WR
It is expressed in kg/ha/mm (or) kg/ha/cm
Deep percolation is important for rice crop. For other crops seepage is important.
Of the two indices defined, the crop water use efficiency is more of research
value whereas the field water use efficiency has grater practical importance for planners
and farmers.

5. Water Storage Efficiency:

It is defined as the ratio of the water stored in the root depth by irrigation to the
water needed in the root depth to bring it to the field capacity. Also termed as water
storage factor.
Es = ---------- x 100
Es = water storage efficiency, per cent
Ws = water stored in the root zone during the irrigation

Ww = water needed in the root zone prior to irrigation, i.e., field capacity

6. Water Distribution Efficiency

Expression for distribution efficiency to evaluate the extent to which the water is
uniformly distributed is as follows:
Ed = -------------x 100
(1 - Average deviation)
= --------------------------------------X 100
Average depth applied
Ed = water distribution efficiency, per cent
d = average numerical deviation in depth of water stored from average depth
stored during irrigation
D = average depth of water stored along the run during irrigation
A water distribution efficiency of 80% means that 10% of water was applied in
excess and consequently 10% was deficient in comparison to the average depth of
7. Consumptive Use Efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of consumptive water use by the crop of irrigated farm
or project and the irrigation water stored in the root zone of the soil on the farm or the
project area. After irrigation water is stored in the soil, it may not be available for use
by the crop because water may evaporate from the ground surface or continuously move
downward beyond the root zone as it may happen in wide furrow spacing. The loss of
water by deep penetration and by surface evaporation following irrigation is evaluated
from the following expression:
Ecu = -----------x 100
Ecu = consumptive use efficiency, per cent
Wcu = normal consumptive use of water
Wd = net amount of water depleted from root zone soil

Consumptive use efficiency is useful in explaining the difference in crop

response from different methods of irrigation.
1. Work out the irrigation efficiency from the following data.
Water conveyance and delivery loss = 40%
Deep percolation and surface runoff in farms = 30%
Water stored in soil lost by evaporation = 20%

2. A borewell fitted with 7.5 HP motor discharges water at the rate of 12 lit/sec. Water
received at the main field. Channel was measured as 8.5 lit/sec. Workout the
conveyance efficiency.
3. Work out the water use efficiency for the following crops using the data given in the
Crop Yield ET (mm) WR (mm)
Rice 6,200 500 1,200
Groundnut 800 320 500
Sugarcane 110,000 1,260 2,050
Quality of irrigation water
Whatever may be the source of irrigation water viz., river, canal, tank, open well
or tube well, some soluble salts are always dissolved in it. The main soluble constituent
in water are Ca, Mg, Na and K as cations and chloride, sulphate bicarbonate and
carbonate as anions. However ions of other elements such as lithium, silicon, bromine,
iodine, copper, cobalt, fluorine, boron, titanium, vanadium, barium, arsenic, antimony,
beryllium, chromium, manganese, lead, selenium phosphate and organic matter are also
present. Among the soluble constituents, calcium, sodium, sulphate, bicarbonate and
boron are important in determining the quality of irrigation water and its suitability for
irrigation purposes. However other factors such as soil texture, permeability, drainage,
type of crop etc., are equally important in determining the suitability of irrigation water.
The following are the most common problems that result from using poor quality water.
1. Salinity
If the total quantity of salts in the irrigation water is high, the salts will
accumulate in the crop root zone and affect the crop growth and yield. Excess salt
condition reduces uptake of water due to high concentration of soil solution.
2. Permeability
Some specific salts reduce the rate of infiltration in to the soil profile
3. Toxicity
When certain constituents of water are taken up by plans which accumulates in
large quantities and results in plant toxicity and reduces yield.
4. Miscellaneous
Excessive Nitrogen in irrigation water causes excessive vegetative growth and
leads to lodging and delayed crop maturity. White deposits on fruits or leaves may
occur due to sprinkler irrigation with high bicarbonate water.
Classification of irrigation water quality
Quality of EC pH Na (%) Cl (me/l) SAR
water (m.mhos /
Excellent 0.5 6.5 – 7.5 30 2.5 1.0
Good 0.5 – 1.5 7.5 – 8.0 30 – 60 2.5 – 5.0 1.0 – 2.0
Fair 1.5 – 3.0 8.0 – 8.5 60 – 75 5.0 – 7.5 2.0 – 4.0

Poor 3.0 – 5.0 8.5 – 9.0 75 – 90 7.5 – 10. 4.0 – 8.0
Very poor 5.0 – 6.0 9.0 – 10. 80 – 90 10.0 – 12.5 8.0 – 15.0
Unsuitable >6.0 > 10 >90 >12.5 >15
(SAR – Sodium Adsorption ratio)
Factors affecting suitability of waters for irrigation
The suitability of particular water for irrigation is governed by the following
1. Chemical composition of water (TSS, pH; CO3, HCO3, Cl, So4, Ca, Mg, Na, and
2. Total concentration of soluble salts or salinity (EC)
3. Concentration of sodium ions, in proportion to calcium and magnesium or
sodicity (SAR);
4. Trace element boron may be toxic to plant growth, if present in limits beyond
5. The effect of salt on crop growth is of osmotic nature. If excessive quantities of
soluble salts accumulate in the root zone the crop has extra difficult in extracting
enough water from salty solution, thereby affecting the yields adversely.
6. Besides this, total salinity depends of the extent to which exchangeable sodium
percentage (ESP) of soil increase as a result of adsorption of sodium from water.
This increase depends on sodium percentage.
7. Soil characteristics like structure, texture, organic matter, nature of clay
minerals, topography etc.
8. Plant characteristics like tolerance of plant varies with different stages of
growth. The germinating and seedling stages are usually the most sensitive to
9. Climatic factors can modify plant response to salinity. Tolerance to saline water
irrigation is often greater in winter than in the summer. Rainfall is the most
significant factor for the leaching of salts from the plant root zone. Temperature
also plays a vital role.
10. Management practices also play great role. Wherever saline water is used for
irrigation, adoption of management practices which allow minimum salt
accumulation in the root zone of the soil is necessary.
The primary parameters that have to be considered to ensure effective
irrigation management for salt control are the water requirement of crop and quality of
irrigation water. Correct irrigation should restore any soil water deficit, to control salt
Points to be considered for the management and use of poor quality water
1. Application of greater amounts of organic matter such as FYM, compost etc., to
the soil to improve permeability and structure.
2. Increasing the proportion of calcium, through addition of gypsum (CaSO4) to the
irrigation water in the channel, by keeping pebbles mixed pure gypsum bundles
in the irrigation tank.
3. Mixing of good quality water with poor water in proper proportions so that both
the sources of water are effectively used to maximum advantage.

4. Periodical application of organic matter and raising as well as incorporation of
green manure crops in the soil.
5. Irrigating the land with small quantities of water at frequent intervals instead of
large quantity at a time.
6. Application of fertilizer may be increased slightly more than the normally
required and preferably ammonium sulphate for nitrogen, super phosphate and
Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) for phosphorus application
7. Drainage facilities must be improved
8. Raising of salt tolerant crops such as cotton, ragi, sugar beet, paddy, groundnut,
sorghum, corn, sunflower, chillies, tobacco, onion, tomato, garden beans,
amaranthus and lucerne.
Use of poor quality water
Besides the salinity and alkalinity hazard of water, some industrial effluents and
sewage water are also problem water that can be reused by proper treatment. The
complex growth of industries and urbanization (Urban development) leads to massive
increase in waste water in the form of sewage and effluent. Waste water supplies not
only nutrient but also some toxic elements such as total solids of chloride, carbonate,
bicarbonate, sulphate, sodium chromium, calcium magnesium, etc., in high
concentration. Besides this the effluent or waste water creates BOD (Bio chemical
Oxygen Demand) These waste water when used for irrigation leads to surface and sub
surface source of pollution due to horizontal and vertical seepage.
Projected waste-water Utilization
It is estimated that 287,000 million m3 of waste water can be reusable during
2000 A.D. Hence this waste water can be properly treated as follows
 Dilute with good quality water in the ratio of 50:50 or 75:25
 Alternate irrigation with waste water and good quality water
 Treat the effluent water through fill and draw tanks, lime tank, equalization tank,
settling tank, sludge removal tank, aerobic and anaerobic treatment tanks etc.,
When rocks and minerals under go weathering process large quantities of
soluble salts are formed. In humid regions these salts are washed down to the ground
water and to the sea. But in arid and semi arid regions they accumulate in the soil.
Excessive irrigation and poor water management are the two chief causes of water
logging and salt accumulation. An accumulation of salts in soil leads to unfavourable
soil water-air relationship and effect the crop production.
The following are the main causes which leads to development of salty soils
(salinity or alkalinity)
1. Arid climate
About 25% of earth surface is arid in which salt accumulation is a common
problem. In India about 25 million hectare is salt affected with different degree of
2. High subsoil water table

When the water table is with in capillary range, the water containing soluble
salts rises to surface. When the water evaporates the salts are deposited as encrustation.
It is estimated that in Punjab annually about 50,000 acres becomes saline because of
raising water table.
3. Poor drainage
Due to poor drainage accumulation of water leads to water logging condition
which leads to salt accumulation.
4. Quality of irrigation water
Irrigation water containing more than permissible quantities of soluble salts with
sodium carbonate and bicarbonates make the soil salty.
5. Inundation with sea water
In coastal area, periodical inundation of land by sea water during high tides
makes soil salty. Besides deep bore wells are also the reason for saline soils.
6. Nature of parent rock minerals
The saline nature of parent rock minerals leads to salt accumulation
7. Seepage form canals
The continuous seepage leads to salt accumulation.
Classification of problem soils
The soil problems can also be divided into
a) Chemical b) Physical
Soil Chemical Problem
The salt affected soils can be classified based on their ESP, pH and EC as follows
ESP (%) EC mhos/cm pH
Saline < 15 >4 < 8.5
Saline alkali > 15 >4 > 8.5
Alkali/sodic > 15 <4 > 8.5
Reclamation of Saline soil
Leaching or flushing with good quality of water provided there will not be water
logged condition i.e. good drainage system should be there to flush water.
Reclamation of Alkali soil
By converting exchangeable sodium into soluble salts by adding the following
1. Calcium chloride
2. Calcium sulphate (Gypsum)
3. Sulphuric acid
4. Ferrous sulphate
5. Aluminum sulphate
Reclamation of Saline alkali soil
The reclamation of these soils is similar to that of alkali soils. First step is to
remove the exchangeable sodium and then the excess salts and sodium are to be leached

Commonly salt affected soils are referred as problem soils as indicated above.
Further, based on pH value it can also be grouped as acid soils where the pH value is
less than 7.
Management practices for chemical problems of soil
Reclamation of saline and alkali soils are not complete unless proper remedial
measures are under taken to restore the soil fertility and structure of the soil. The
following are the important management practices to overcome there problems.

 The saline soil can be easily improved with leaching of salts by using of god
quality water and by providing good drainage systems.
 Application of gypsum would improve the permeability of soil by making good
soil aggregates
 In acidic soils, lime application should be adequate and excessive leaching
should be avoided
 Salt resistant or saline resistant species should be selected for cultivation
 Application of amendments viz gypsum and press mud is found to suppress the
sodium and chromium content in plant and soil.
 Growing resistant crops like ragi cotton, barley and rice can be advocated.
 Growing green manure crops like sunnhemp, daincha and kolinji can be
 Growing resistant varieties like CoC 771 in sugarcane Co 43 in rice may be
 Adoption of drip irrigation for possible crop is also recommended to over come
soil physical and chemical problems.
 Liberal application of FYM
 Application of green manure
 Excess phosphorous and application
 Proper drainage to keep the soil without adverse effect to plant systems.
Soil physical problems
Very coarse, very clayey texture, shallow depth and encrustation in soil surface
are the possible physical problems. Too frequent irrigation in clayey soils with very
high water retention results in poor drainage, water logging and crop damage. Excess
irrigation or heavy rain create hardening of soil surface in red latritic soils with high Fe
and Al hydroxides and low organic matter. This leads to poor germination, restriction
of shoot and development and slow entry of water into the soil profile.
Water management practices for physical problem of soil
• In light soils shallow depth of water with more frequency should be adopted.
• To increase the infiltration rate of clay type soil, breeding of soil by mixing with
coarse textured soil or tank silt at the rate of 50 tones per hectare is advocated.

• Organic wastes like crop residue, farm waste, coir pith, filter cake, etc., at the
rate of 20 tones per hectare once in every year can be applied.
• Poorly drained clay soils can be improved by providing tile drains and trenches
• To make the soil more permeable and to overcome poor drainage, addition of
organic wastes or sandy soil at the rate of 20 tones per ha or 50 tones per ha
respectively is advocated.
• Tank silt or heavy soil application is the only way to increase soil depth and
water holding capacity. Besides growth shallow rooted crop is advisable.
• The encrustation problem could be alleviated by incorporating organic matter
and adding montmorilonite clay containing silt.

Command Area Development
Due to ill distribution, erratic and uncertain nature of rainfall over the year and
variations is year to year cause management difficulties in predicting the quantity and
scheduling irrigation in command areas. Irrigated agriculture plays a vital role in our
food production and therefore a well regulated irrigation system is highly essential to
reduce the loss of water and to increase irrigation efficiencies.
To achieve this maximum possible irrigation efficiencies, there are two
approaches viz.,
1. Modernization of conveyance system down below the reservoirs upto
government controlled outlet. This work involves mainly the construction and
maintenance of head sluices, main canals, branch canals, and distributaries
(Modernization of Supplier’s Side or System Level Development Works)
2. Modernization below the government controlled outlets upto the drains.
(Modernization of user’s side or Farm level development works) This works are
otherwise known as On-Farm Development works (OFD).
Conveyance and distribution system
Main canal
Branch canal
Sluice / outlet
Field channel
Distribution boxes
On-Farm Development Works (OFD)
On-Farm Development works include lining of field irrigation channels and
infrastructural facilities like bed regulators, diversion and distribution boxes, turnouts
and drop structures to regulate and convey the irrigation water from government
controlled outlets to individual land holdings.
This type of work mainly aims to reduce conveyance and application losses, to
minimize water logging condition and to conserve water
Thus the OFD works are more helpful in achieving the objective of the
modernization of irrigation systems.
But their execution involves lot of problems due to the following reasons
 The OFD works are to be executed in the farmers fields
 The number of farmers involved are more
 The influence of Socio-economic constraints
In Tamil Nadu, the OFD works are undertaken by the State Agricultural
Engineering Department

The OFD Strategy
The 10 ha. block outlets are the last government outlets having regulating
shutter arrangements only at the sluices of branch canals. Each sluice serves 1 to 12
blocks through the lined distributory. The OFD works are planned duly considering the
entire command area under each sluice and the irrigation problems and conflicts in each
block are analysed so as to design the preventive and curative measures. The common
problems prevailing in command area and the appropriate OFD measures proposed are
furnished below in nutshell.
a) Absence of adequate field channel network causing wastage of irrigation in field
to field irrigation.
b) Interfering with the distributory (carrying water down to other 10 ha blocks) by
adjoining head reach farmers in each block.
c) Leakage and lateral seepage of water from earthen channels. Running at the
edge of higher level lands causing “water logging” in the adjoining low lying
d) Difficulties in irrigating the higher level fields through earthen channels at zero
e) In the locations the water need to be diverted in different wastage of land and
f) Earthen channels with erosive slopes
g) Structural deficiencies essential structures such as channel crossing, small
culverts road crossings, with siphon arrangements etc., are to be constructed
wherever necessary.
OFT measures to overcome the problems
a) Provision of proper earthen field channel net work to have earthen canal from
the source upto each holding
b) Provision of higher level field channels (mostly lined) parallel to the distributory
in the upper part of each block for feeding to the adjoining lands without the
necessity for interfering with the distributory. By this arrangement the share of
lower blocks is fully allowed without any enchroachement.
c) This problem is solved by lining such portion of the earthen channels.
d) Such earthen channels are lined at zero gradient
e) Construction of diversion boxes with leading channels in all the required
f) Bed dams are constructed to stabilize the slope and drop structures are
constructed at the point of sudden drop in bed levels.
g) Essential structures such as channel crossing, small culverts, road crossing, with
siphon arrangements, etc. are constructed wherever necessary.
The above details are furnished just to show only some of the problems and
relevant OFD measures. But the OFD works are carried out with the “systems
approach” to provide engineering solutions for the problems in the command area with
the objective of improving the irrigation water use efficiency.
Irrigation management under limited water supply

As any scarce resource needs management for its optimal utility. The irrigation
water also needs management to obtain optimum crop production with the available
water resources. Water management is practiced in two stages. (viz)
1. Water distribution management and
2. Water utilization management. The later is the crop water management at field
Rotational Water Supply (RWS)
RWS is one of the techniques is irrigation water distribution management. It
aims at equi-distribution of irrigation water irrespective of location of the land in the
command area by enforcing irrigation time schedules.
Each 10 ha. block is divided into 3 to 4 sub units (irrigation groups) According
to the availability of irrigation water, stabilized field channels and group-wise irrigation
requirement, time schedules are evolved. The irrigation will be done strictly in
accordance with the group-wise time schedules by the block committee. Within the
group, the time is to be shared by the farmers within the group by themselves.


For optimum growth and yield of field crops, proper balance between soil air
and soil moisture is quite essential. Except rice many of the cultivated plants cannot
withstand excess water in the soil. The ideal condition is that moisture and air occupy
the pore spaces in equal proportions. When the soil contains excess water than that can
be accommodated in the pore spaces it is said the field is water logged.
Causes of water logging
1. Excessive use of water when the water is available in abundance or cheaply due
to the belief that more water contributes better yield.
2. Improper selection of irrigation methods
3. Percolation and seepage from lands canals and reservoir located at nearby
elevated places
4. Improper lay out and lack of outlets
5. Presence of impervious layer with profile impeding percolation
6. Upward rise of water from shallow ground water table or aquifer.
Effects of water logging
Direct effects
Replacement of soil air which is the main source of oxygen for the roots as
well as soil microbes.
Due to high amount of CO2 in soil air high CO2 concentration under water
logged condition will kill plant roots.
Sometimes superficial root system or air space in root system will develop.
Due to poor aeration intake of water and nutrient will be reduced.
Indirect effects
Nutrients are made un-available due to leaching
Toxic elements will be formed under anaerobic condition
Composition of organic matter under anaerobic condition results in
production of organic acids like butyric acid which is toxic to plants.

Reduces the availability of N, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, mb,
Reduces soil temperature
Reduces the activity of beneficial microbes
Destruct soil structure
Difficult for cultural operations
Incidence of pest, disease and weeds
Changes for some elements in water logged condition
Elements Normal form Reduced form water logged soil
Carbon Carbon di oxide Methane (H4) complex aldehyde
Nitrogen Nitrate No3 Nitrogen (N) and NH2 amides, ammonia
Sulphur Sulphate So4 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
It is the process of removal of excess water as free or gravitational water
from the surface and the sub surface of farm lands with a view to avoid water logging
and creates favourable soil conditions for optimum plant growth.
Need for drainage
It is generally assumed that in arid region drainage is not necessary and water
logging is not a problem. Even in arid region due to over irrigation and seepage from
reservoirs canals etc., drainage becomes necessary.
Irrigation and drainage are complementary practices in arid region to have
optimum soil water balance.
In humid region drainage is of greater necessity mainly due to heavy
Drainage is required under the following condition
a) High water table
b) Water ponding on the surface for longer periods
c) Excessive soil moisture content above F.C, not draining easily as in clay soil
d) Areas of salinity and alkalinity where annual evaporation exceeds rainfall and
capillary rise of ground water occurs
e) Humid region with continuous of intermittent heavy rainfall
f) Flat land with fine texture soil
g) Low lying flat areas surrounded by hills
Characteristics of good drainage system
1. It should be permanent
2. It must have adequate capacity to drain the area completely
3. There should be minimum interference with cultural operated
4. There should be minimum loss of cultivable area
5. It should intercept or collect water and remove it quickly within shorter period
Methods of drainage
There are two methods
1. Surface method
2. Sub surface method
Surface drainage

This is designed primarily to remove excess water from the surface of soil
profile. This can be done by developing slope in the land so that excess water drains by
It is suitable for
(i) Slowly permeable clay and shallow soil
(ii) Regions of high intensity rainfall
(iii) To fields where adequate out lets are not available
(iv) The land with less than 1.5% slope
It can be made by
a) Land smoothing
b) Making field ditches
The surface drainage can be further classified as
a) Life drainage
b) Gravity drainage
c) Field surface drainage
d) Ditch drainage
Lift drainage
To drain from low lying area or areas having water due to embankment, life
drainage is used. Water to be drained is lifted normally by opened devices unscoops or
by pumping or by mechanical means. This method is costly, cumbersome and time
consuming but effective and efficient to drain standing water over the soil surface.
Gravity drainage
Water is allowed to drain from the areas under higher elevation to lower
reaches through the regulated gravity flow through the out let of various types. This
system is practiced in wet land rice with gentle to moderate slope.
This method is less costly, easy and effective however the area to be drained
should be leveled smooth and slightly elevated from the drainage source.

Field surface drainage

The excess water received from the rain or irrigation is drained through this
method. The irrigated basins or furrows are connected with the drainage under lower
elevation which is connected to the main out let and to the farm pond used for water
harvesting. If the slope of the land is sufficient to drain excess water from the
individual plot, this drain water may be collected and stored locally in reservoir for
recycling for life saving irrigation. This drainage method is cheap and effective but
there is possibility of soil erosion and distribution of weed seeds along the flow of
drainage water.
Ditch drainage
Ditches of different dimension are constructed at distances to drain the
excess water accumulated on the surface and inside the soil upto the depth of ditch.
Such ditches may be interceptors or relief drains. This method is adopted in nurseries,
seed beds and rainfed crops. This is an effective and efficient method but requires
smoothening of surface and construction of ditches. This involves cost and wastage of
crop lands. Shifting of soil, restriction for the movement of farm machineries

reconstruction and renovation of ditches during the crop duration and harvesting of
crops and the problems in this method. In flat land, bed or parallel field ditches may be
constructed. The collector ditches should be across the field ditches.
Advantages Disadvantages
Low initial cost Low efficiency
Easy for inspection Loss of cultivable land
Effective in low Interference to cultural operation
Permeability area High maintenance cost
Sub surface drainage system
Sub surface drains are under ground artificial channels through which excess
water may flow to a suitable outlet. The purpose is to lower the ground water level
below the root zone of the crop. The movement of water into sub surface drains is
influenced by
1. The hydraulic conductivity of soil
2. Depth of drain below ground surface
3. The horizontal distance between individual drains
Underground drainage is mostly needed to the
Medium textured soil
High value crop
High soil productivity
The are four types of sub surface drainage
1. Tile drainage
2. Mole drainage
3. Vertical drainage
4. Well Drainage / or Drainage wells
Advantage of sub surface
1. There is no loss of cultivable land
2. No interference for field operation
3. Maintenance cost is less
4. Effectively drains sub soil and creates better soil environments
1. Initial cost is high
2. It requires constant attention
3. It is effective for soils having low permeability
1. Title drainage
This consist of continuous line of tiles laid at a specific depth and grade so
that the excess water enters through the tiles and flow out by gravity. Laterals collect
water from soil and drain into sub main and then to main and finally to the out let. Tile
drains are made with clay and concrete, Tiles should be strong enough to withstand the
pressure and also resistant to erosive action of chemicals in soil water.
2. Mole drainage
Mole drains are unlined circular earthen channels formed within the soil by a
mole plough. The mole plough has a long blade like shank to which a cylindical bullet
nosed plug is attached known as mole. As the plough is drawn through the soil the
mole forms the cavity to a set depth. Mole drainage is not effective in the loose soil

since the channels produced by the mole will collapse. This is also not suitable for
heavy plastic soil where mole seals the soil to the movement of water.
3. Vertical drainage
Vertical drainage is the disposal of drainage water through well into porous
layers of earth. Such a layer must be capable of taking large volume of water rapidly.
Such layers are found in river bed.
4. Drainage wells
The wells are used for the drainage of agricultural lands especially in
irrigated areas.
Systems of drainage
There are five systems of drainage
1. Random 2. Herringbone 3. Grid iron 4. Interceptor
1. Random
This is used where the wet area are scattered and isolated from each other.
The lines are laid more or less at random to drain these wet areas. The main is located
in the largest natural depression while the submains and laterals extend to the individual
wet areas.
2. Herring bone
In this system the main are in a narrow depression and the laterals enter the
main from both side at an angle of 450 like the bones of a fish.
3. Gridiron
The gridiron is similar to herringbone but the laterals enter the main only
from one side at right angles. It is adopted in flat regularly shaped fields. This is an
efficient drainage system.
4. Interceptor
Ditches of different dimension are constructed at distance to drain the excess
water accumulated on the surface and inside the soil upto the depth of ditch. Such
ditches may be interceptors or relief drains. This method is adopted in nurseries, seed
beds and rainfed crops. This is an effective and efficient method but requires
smoothening of surface and construction of ditches. This involves cost and wastage of
crop lands. Shifting of soil, restriction for the movement of farm machineries
reconstruction and renovation of ditches during the crop duration and harvesting of
crops are the problems in this method. In flat land, bed or parallel field ditches may be
constructed. The collector ditches should be across the field ditches.
Growing of crops entirely under rainfed conditions is known as dryland
agriculture. Depending on the amount of rainfall received, dryland agriculture can he
grouped into three categories;
Dry farming is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall less than 750 mm.
Crop failure is most common due to prolonged dry spells during the crop period. These
are arid regions with a growing season (period of adequate soil moisture) less than 75
days. Moisture conservation practices are necessary for crop production.

Dryland farming is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall more than 750
mm. In spite of prolonged dry spells crop failure is relatively less frequent. These are
semiarid tracts with a growing period between 75 and 120 days. Moisture conservation
practices are necessary for crop production. However, adequate drainage is required
especially for Vertisols.
Rainfed farming is crop production in regions with annual rainfall more than 1150 mm.
Crops are not subjected to soil moisture stress during the crop period. Emphasis is often
on disposal of excess water. These are humid regions with growing period more than
120 days.
Dry farming and dryland farming Rainfed agriculture
Emphasis is on soil and water Emphasis is on disposal of excess water,
conservation, sustainable crop yields and maximum crop yield, high levels of inputs
limited fertilizer use according to soil and control of water erosion
moisture availability
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
distinguished dry land agriculture mainly into two categories: dryland and rainfed
farming. The distinguishing features of these two types of farming are given below.
Dryland vs. rainfed farming
Constituent Dryland farming Rainfed farming
Rainfall (mm) <800 >800
Moisture availability to Shortage Enough
the crop
Growing season (days) <200 >200
Growing regions Arid and semiarid as well as uplands of Humid and sub-
sub-humid and humid region humid region
Cropping system Single crop or intercropping Intercropping or
double cropping
Constraints Wind and water erosion Water erosion
Significance of Dry farming in Indian Agriculture:
1. About 70% of rural population lives in dry farming areas and their livelihood depend
on success or failure of the crops
2. Much of the increase in food production in the recent past is estimated to be mainly
due to irrigated areas. Since 1950, the extent of irrigated land in the world has
increased from 94 million ha to about 220 million ha. During the 1980s, however,
the rate of irrigation development has dropped materially and is presently less than 1
per cent per year, whereas the world population is increasing at 1.7 per cent per
annum. Irrigated land accounts for 18 per cent of the cultivated land but produces 33
per cent of the food. The cost of irrigation and drainage development of new
systems averages over $5,000 per hectare and can be as high as $10,000. Therefore,
it is inevitable that in future the additional food has to come mainly from the
3. With the current pace of irrigation development, it is assumed that the gross irrigated
area is likely to increase to 75 X 106 ha by the year 2000. This means that more than

55 per cent of the gross cropped area will continue to be farmed under rainfed
4. In India only 43 m. ha of land out of the cultivated area of 143 m. ha was irrigated by
1986-87, leaving the remaining 100 m. ha as rainfed. According to experts, even
when the ultimate irrigation potential is reached, 55 per cent of the net sown area
will be still, rainfed.
5. The contribution (production) of rainfed agriculture in India is about 45 per cent of
the total food grain, 75 per cent of oilseeds, 90 per cent of pulses and about 70 per
cent of cotton.
6. By the end of the 20th century the contribution of drylands will have to be 60 per cent
if India is to provide adequate food to 1000 million people. Hence tremendous
efforts both in the development and research fronts are essential to achieve this
7. More than 90 per cent of the area under sorghum, groundnut, and pulses is rainfed. In
case of maize and chickpea, 82 to 85 per cent area is rainfed. Even 78 percent of
cotton area is rainfed. In case of rapeseed/mustard, about 65.8 per cent of the area is
rainfed. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, 61.7, 44.0, and 35.0 per cent area under
rice, barley and wheat, respectively, is rainfed.
8. Although, India is blessed with average annual rainfall of about 1200 mm, slightly
above the global mean of 990 mm, the fate of dryland crops oscillates with the
quantity, onset, and progress, spatial and temporal distribution of monsoon rains. Of
the mean annual rainfall, 30 per cent of the country gets less than 750 mm and 40
per cent between 750 and 1250 mm. Only 20 per cent area is blessed with rainfall
between 1250 and 2000 mm, leaving about 10 per cent area with annual rainfall
over 2000 mm. A critical appraisal of the existing rain water availability shows that
• India receives 400 million hectare meters (M ha m) of rain water annually,
• About 160 M ha m falls on agricultural land,
• Nearly 24 M ha m is available for harvesting in small scale water harvesting
• About 186 M ha m goes to rivers as runoff, and
• Around one-fourth of the total annual rainfall is received before or after
cropping season.
9. At present, 3 ha of dryland crop produce cereal grain equivalent to that produced in
one ha irrigated crop. There is scope for doubling the average yield of dryland
crops. Improvements in the productivity of dryland crops are largely indiscernible.
With limited scope for increasing the area under plough, only option left is to
increase the productivity with the modern technology and inputs, since the per
capita land availability which was 0.28 ha in 1990 is expected to decline 0.19 ha in
10. The productivity of grains already showed a plateau in irrigated agriculture due to
problems related to nutrient exhaustion, salinity build up and raising water table.
Therefore, the challenges of the present millennium would be to produce more from
less of drylands while ensuring conservation of existing resources. Hence, new
strategies would have to be evolved which would make the fragile dryland

ecosystems more productive as well as sustainable. In order to achieve evergreen
revolution, we shall have to make grey areas (drylands) as green through latest
technological innovations.
11. Dryland offers good scope fro development of Agroforestry, Social forestry, Horti-
Sylvi-pasture and such other similar systems which will not only supply food, fuel
to the village people and fodder to the cattle but forms a suitable vegetative cover
for ecological maintenance.
“Intensive irrigated farming is an imperative for survival; but improved dryland
agriculture is essential for equity” – Dr. Gautam, Former DG, ICAR
Development of Dry farming in India:
1920 Scarcity tract development given importance by the Royal Commission on
1923 Establishing Dryland Research Station at Manjri(Pune) Tamhane to Kanikar 1926
1933 Research Stations established at Bijapur and Solapur
1934 Research Stations established at Hagari and Raichur
1935 Research Station established at Rohtak (Punjab)
1942 Bombay Land Development act passed
1944 Monograph on dry farming in India by N.V. Kanitkar (Bombay, Hyderabad,
Madras Dry Farming Practices)
1953 Establishing Central Soil Conservation Board
1955 Dry Farming demonstration Centres started
1970 23 Research Centres established under AICRPDA
1972 Establishment of ICRISAT
1976 Establishment of Dryland Operational Research Projects
1983 Starting of 47 model watersheds under ICAR
1984 Initiation of World Bank assisted Watershed Development Programmes in four
states. Establishing Dryland Development Board in Karnataka
1985 Birth of Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture at Hyderabad
1986 Launching of NWDPRA programmes by Government of India in 15 states.
Indices of Aridity
Aridity refers to a condition of deficiency of water due to either insufficient
precipitation or excess water loss over supply. The term “arid” is derived from a Latin
word, “arere” which means ‘dry’.
Assessment of the degree of aridity of a place is necessary to serve as a base for
the application of technology, for the interpretation of resource assessment and for
transfer of technology. It also useful to analyse the climatic resources and to identify
specific climatic constraints for planning agricultural development.
The degree of aridity can be assessed from climatic parameters and plant
criteria. More than 50 classification of agro-climate was made by many scientists. Some
important indices related to aridity are given below.
1. Thornthwaite and Mather (1955)
The classification of Thornthwaite (1948) was modified for the Moisture Index
(Im) and is give below
Im = 100 [(P-PE)/PE]
Where, P = Precipitation, PE = Potential evapo-transpiration

Im Quantity Climate classification
100 and above Per humid
20 to 100 Humid
0 to 20 Moist sub humid
-33.3 to 0 Dry sub humid
-66.7 to -33.3 Semi arid
-100 to -66.7 Arid
2. Troll (1965)
Based on thermal and hygric variables and number of humid months, climate is
classified and said to be of agricultural use. Humid month is one having mean rainfall
exceeding the mean Potential evapo transpiration.
Humid monthsClimate classification
12.0 to 9.5 Tropical rainforest
9.5 to 7.0 Humid Savannah
7.0 to 4.5 Dry Savannah (Wet – dry SAT)
4.5 to 2.0 Thorn Savannah (Dry SAT)
2.0 to 1.0 Semi desert (Arid)
1.0 to 0.0 Desert (Arid)
3. Papadakis (1961)
Moisture Index (H) based on precipitation, soil moisture storage and PET was
H = [P + W] / E
P = Monthly precipitation
E = Monthly PET
W = Water stored from previous rainfall
H value Climate
Less than 0.25 Arid
0.25 to 0.50 Dry
0.50 to 0.75 Intermediate
0.75 to 1.00 Intermediate humid
1.00 to 2.00 Humid
More than 2.00 Wet
4. Hargreaves (1971)
Moisture Availability Index (MAI) is used for the classification. It is the ratio of
dependable precipitation to potential evapo transpiration. It is a measure of adequacy of
precipitation in supplying crop water demand.
Dependable precipitation (75% probable rainfall)
MAI -----------------------------------------------------------
Potential evapo transpiration

MAI Climate classification

0.0 to 0.33 during all months Very arid

More than 0.34 for 1-2 months Arid
More than 0.34 for 3-4 consecutive months Semi arid
5. Steiner et al (1988)
After careful consideration of several definitions, Steiner et al. (1988) consider
aridity index concept of the United Nations Conference on Desertification based on the
balance between precipitation (P) and evapo-transpiration (ETP) to be appropriate for
wide scale adoption. According to this definition the areas with P/ETP ratio between
0.03 and 0.20 are arid and areas with the ratio between 0.2 and 0.5 are semi-arid.
6. FAO classification
Another 'influential' definition is based on 'growing period concept' of the FAO.
Areas having a growing period between 1 and 74 days are classified as arid and those
with a growing period between 75 and 119 days are semi-arid. (Growing period is the
number of days during a year when precipitation exceeds half the potential
evapotranspiration, plus a period to use an assumed 100 mm of water from excess
precipitation (or less, if not available) stored in the soil profile.)
7. ICAR classification of agroclimatic zones
ICAR while establishing the dryland centers in different agroclimatic zones of
the country in 1970, used the simple formula of Thornthwaite (1955) for estimating the
moisture index.
Moisture Index = 100 [(P-PE)/PE]
Thornthwaite and Mathur (1955) gave only six classification while the ICAR
had eight moisture indices with eight moisture belt indicating eight zones in India. The
scale adopted in defining climatic zones in terms of moisture indices are;

Zone Moisture Index Moisture belt

1 < -80 Extremely dry
2 -60 to -80 Semi dry
3 -40 to -60 Dry
4 -20 to -40 Slightly dry
5 0 to -20 Slightly moist
6 0 to +50 Moist
7 +50 to +100 Wet
8 > +100 Extremely wet
Drought – definition, types and effect of drought on crop production
Low rainfall or failure of monsoon rains is a recurring feature in India. This has
been responsible for droughts and famines. The word drought generally denotes scarcity
of water in a region. Though, aridity and drought are due to insufficient water, aridity is
a permanent climatic feature and is the culmination of a number of long term processes.
However, drought is a temporary condition that occurs for a short period due to
deficient precipitation for vegetation, river flow, water supply and human consumption.
Drought is due to anomaly in atmospheric circulation.
Particulars Aridity Drought

Duration Permanent feature Temporary condition of
scarcity of varying duration
Factors Culmination of many long term Caused by deficient rainfall
processes considers all climatic
Aspect described Description of Climate Description of Water
Definition of drought
There is no universally accepted definition for drought.
a. Early workers defined drought as prolonged period without rainfall.
b. According to Ramdas (1960) drought is a situation when the actual seasonal
rainfall is deficient by more than twice the mean deviation.
c. American Meteorological Society defined drought as a period of abnormally dry
weather sufficiently prolonged for lack of water to cause a severe hydrological
imbalance in the area affected.
d. Prolonged deficiencies of soil moisture adversely affect crop growth indicating
incidence of agricultural drought. It is the result of imbalance between soil
moisture and evapo-transpiration needs of an area over a fairly long period as to
cause damage to standing crops and to reduce the yields.
e. The irrigation commission of India defines drought as a situation occurring in
any area where the annual rainfall is less than 75% of normal rainfall.
Classification of drought
Drought can be classified based on duration, nature of users, time of occurrence
and using some specific terms. Demarcation between the classifications is not well
defined and many a time overlapping of the cause and effect of one on the rest is seen.
1. Based on duration
a. Permanent drought: This is characteristic of the desert climate where sparse
vegetation growing is adapted to drought and agriculture is possible only by
irrigation during entire crop season.
b. Seasonal drought: This is found in climates with well defined rainy and dry seasons.
Most of the arid and semiarid zones fall in this category. Duration of the crop
varieties and planting dates should be such that the growing season should fall
within rainy season.
c. Contingent drought: This involves an abnormal failure of rainfall. It may occur
almost anywhere especially in most parts of humid or sub humid climates. It is
usually, brief, irregular and generally affects only a small area.
d. Invisible drought: This can occur even when there is frequent rain in an area. When
rainfall is inadequate to meet the evapo-transpiration losses, the result is borderline
water deficiency in soil resulting in less than optimum yield. This occurs usually in
humid regions.
2. Based on their relevance to the users (National Commission on Agriculture, 1976)
a. Meteorological drought: It is defined as a condition, where the annual precipitation is
less than the normal over an area for prolonged period (month, season or year).

b. Atmospheric drought: It is due to low air humidity, frequently accompanied by hot
dry winds. It may occur even under conditions of adequate available soil moisture.
It refers to a condition when plants show wilting symptoms during the hot part of
the day when transpiration exceeds absorption temporarily for a short period. When
decreases absorption keeps pace with transpiration and plants revive. (Mid day
c. Hydrological drought: Meteorological drought, when prolonged results in
hydrological drought with depletion of surface water and consequent drying of
reservoirs, tanks etc. It results in deficiency of water for all sectors using water. This
is based on water balance and how it affects irrigation as a whole for bringing crops
to maturity.
d. Agricultural drought: It is the result of soil moisture stress due to imbalance between
available soil moisture and evapo-transpiration of a crop. It is usually gradual and
progressive. Plants can therefore, adjust at least partly, to the increased soil moisture
stress. This situation arises as a consequence of scanty precipitation or its uneven
distribution both in space and time. It is also usually referred as soil drought.
Relevant definition of agricultural drought appears to be a period of dryness
during the crop season, sufficiently prolonged to adversely effect the yield. The extent
of yield loss depends on the crop growth stage and the degree of stress. It does not begin
when the rain ceases, but actually commences only when the plant roots are not able to
obtain the soil moisture rapidly enough to replace evapo-transpiration losses. Important
causes for agricultural drought are
• Inadequate precipitation
• Erratic distribution
• Long dry spells in the monsoon
• Late onset of monsoon
• Early withdrawal of monsoon
• Lack of proper soil and crop management
3. Based on time of occurrence
a. Early season drought: It occurs due to delay in onset of monsoon or due to long dry
spells after early sowing
b. Mid season drought: Occurs due to long gaps between two successive rains and
stored moisture becoming insufficient during this long dry spell.
c. Late season drought: Occurs due to early cessation of rainfall and crop water stress at
maturity stage.
4. Other terms to describe drought
a. Apparent drought: What is drought for one crop may not be drought for another crop;
what is drought in red soil may not be drought in black soil.
b. Physiological drought: Refers to a condition where crops are unable to absorb water
from soil even when water is available, due to the high osmotic pressure of soil
solution due to increased soil concentration, as in saline and alkaline soils. It is not
due to deficit of water supply.
Periodicity of drought

The Indian Meteorological Department examined the incidence of drought for
the period from 1871 to 1967, utilizing the monthly rainfall of 306 stations in the
country. It was seen that during 1877, 1899, 1918 and 1972 more than 40 per cent of the
total area experienced drought. General observation on the periodicity of drought in
respect of different meteorological subdivisions of India is given below.
Meteorological subdivisions Period of recurrence of drought
Assam Very rare, once in 15 years
W Bengal, MP, Konkan, Coastal AP, Kerala, Bihar, Once in 5 years
South interior Karnataka, Eastern UP, Gujarat, Once in 3 years
Vidharbha, Rajasthan, Western UP, TN, Kashmir,
Rayalaseema and Telangana
Western Rajasthan Once in 2.5 years
Usual Drought period in different parts of India
Beginning of drought
Droughts do not occur in Assam, South Kerala and eastern part of West Bengal.
• Severe drought begins on 1 October in the northwest arid zone and even much
earlier in the western part.
• In the southern arid zone and adjoining interior portion of Maharashtra State, the
severe drought begins by the end of November.
• In most of the central portion of the country to the east of the line joining Delhi,
Udaipur and Baroda, the commencement is only in the month of Februrary or
later. This is due to high water holding capacity of the black soil region.
• In the western coastal region of Maharashtra and Karnataka states, the rainfall is
very high. In spite of this, severe drought begins by December-January, probably
because of the lower water holding capacity of the soil.
• Severe drought commences only after April in Gwalior, Guna, Jabalpur, Pendra,
and Satna region of Madhya Pradesh.
Closure of drought
a. On the average, severe drought ends outside the regions of east Bihar, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, and southern Andhra Pradesh only by 1 May. In most of these regions
it ends mainly after 15 May.
b. In the arid zone of northwest India, severe drought ends normally during the second
fortnight of June, except in the Jaisalmer and Bikaner regions where normally
cessation of severe drought is only by the first week of July.
Effect of drought on crop production
c. Water relations – Alters the water status by its influence on absorption, translocation
and transpiration. The lag in absorption behind transpiration results in loss of turgor
as a result of increase in the atmospheric dryness.
d. Photosynthesis – Photosynthesis is reduced by moisture stress due to reduction in
Photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, leaf area and increase in assimilates
saturation in leaves (due to lack of translocation).

e. Respiration – Increase with mild drought but more serve drought lowers water
content and respiration.
f. Anatomical changes – Decrease in size of the cells and inter cellular spaces, thicker
cell wall greater development of mechanical tissue. Stomata per unit leaf tend to
g. Metabolic reaction – All most all metabolic reactions are affected by water deficits.
h. Hormonal Relationships altered – The activity of growth promoting hormones like
cytokinin, gibberlic acid and indole acetic acid decreases and growth regulating
hormone like abscisic acid, ethylene, betain etc. increases.
i. Nutrition – The fixation, uptake and assimilation of nitrogen is affected. Since dry
matter production is considerably reduced the uptake of NPK is reduced.
j. Growth and Development – Decrease in growth of leaves, stems and fruits. Maturity
is delayed if drought occurs before flowering while it advances if drought occurs
after flowering.
k. Reproduction and grain growth – Drought at flowering and grain development
determines the number of fruits and individual grain weight, respectively. Panicle
initiation in cereals is critical while drought at anthesis may lead to drying of pollen.
Drought at grain development reduces yield while vegetative and grain filling stages
are less sensitive to moisture stress.
l. Yield – The effect on yield depends hugely on what proportion of the total dry
matter is considered as useful material to be harvested. If it is aerial and
underground parts effect of drought is as sensitive as total growth. When the yield
consists of seeds as in cereals, moisture stress at flowering is detrimental. When the
yield is fibre or chemicals where economic product is a small fraction of total dry
matter moderate stress on growth does not have adverse effect on yields.
Arid regions of world
The following are the five arid zones in the world
1. North African Eurasian – Sahara and Tar desert
2. North American desert – Arizona in USA
3. South American desert – Peru
4. South African desert – Namibia
5. Australian desert – Central Australia
The climate of arid region is characterized by very low rainfall, usually less than
200 mm per year, occurring in a very short period. Rainless dry spells, may at times,
stretch for more than a year. Depending on temperature regimes and location from
equator, the arid regions are classified into Arid Tropics with mean annual temperature
exceeding 18 ºC and Arid Temperate regions with mean annual temperature less than 18
Semi arid regions of world

Depending on distance from equator and temperature regimes, semi arid regions
are divided into Semi Arid Tropics, usually termed as SAT regions and semi arid
temperate regions.
a. Semi arid tropics.
This region lies between 10º and 30º north and south latitudes. It is spread over
48 countries in four continents of Asia, Australia, America and Africa. It covers many
parts in Africa, India, Pakistan and North Eastern Burma in Asia, Northern Australia
and Mexico, Paraguay, Bolivia and Venezuela in South America. The total area of SAT
is estimated to be 18.9 million square kilometers. West Africa accounts for 24% of semi
arid tropics, East Africa 18%, South Africa 20%, Latin America 17%, Australia 10%
and South Asia 11%.
A semi arid climate is essentially a mixed climate in which a fairly moist or
rainy season alternates with a completely dry season. Hence, the climate is described as
alternating wet and dry climate. Rainfall occurs during 2 to 7 months of the year. When
number of wet months is 2.0 to 4.5, it is described as dry SAT and when rainy months
ranges from 4.5 to 7.0 it is called as wet SAT. Rainfall quantity ranges from 400 to 750
mm per year, with a variability of 20-30%. But, the onset, closure and duration of rainy
season exhibits wide variability between years. Distribution of rainfall within the season
also exhibits wide fluctuations between years. A greater portion of rainfall is received in
high intensity over a short duration, leading to run off. Mean annual temperature is
more than 18 ºC and during most months PET is higher than precipitation. Soil moisture
inadequacy is the major constraint for cropping.
b. Semi arid temperate region of the world
This occurs in Russia, North Western China, USA and Canada. Though annual
rainfall is low, PET also is low during many months. Mean annual temperature is less
than 18 ºC. Maximum temperature during summer is 33 ºC while minimum temperature
may reach -26 ºC during winter months. Temperature rather than moisture is the critical
limiting factor for crop production.
Arid and Semi arid regions of India
Total area under arid and semiarid regions in India extends over 135.8 million
Climate Area (m Regions
Arid Tropics 31.7 Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Parts of
Karnataka and Andhra
Arid Temperate 7.0 Jammu and Kashmir
Semiarid Tropics 95.7 Maharastra, Karnataka, Andhra, Rajasthan,
Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana,
Uttarprades, Madyapradesh
Semiarid Temperate 1.4 Jammu and Kashmir
Temperature in arid and semiarid temperate region is maximum at 32 ºC in July
and minimum at -14 ºC in January – February. Temperature in arid and semiarid tropics

is maximum at 40-42 ºC in May and minimum varies from 3-5 ºC in Punjab and
Haryana and 18-24 ºC in Tamilnadu.
Distribution of arid and Semi arid regions of India
Arid Semiarid
Per cent to Per cent to
State Area (Sq
Area (Sq km) total area in total area in
India India
A. Tropics
Rajasthan 196150 61 121020 13
Gujarat 62180 20 90520 9
Punjab 14510 5 31770 3
Haryana 12840 4 26880 3
Uttarpradesh - - 64230 7
Madhyapradesh - - 59470 6
Maharastra 1290 0.4 189580 19
Karnataka 8570 3 139360 15
Andhrapradesh 21550 7 138670 15
Tamil Nadu - 95250 10
All India 317090 956750
b. Temperate
Jammu & Kashmir 70300 13780
The words “Arid” and “Semiarid” must be understood differentially from dry
farming. All the dry farming areas are located in arid and semi arid regions only. But
not all the arid and semiarid regions come under dry farming areas. When irrigation
facilities are available, irrigated farming is practiced extensively in arid and semiarid
regions also. Eg. Punjab, Haryana. Similarly the two words arid / semiarid and tropical /
temperate must be understood correctly. Arid or semiarid refers to moisture regimes
where as tropical or temperate refers to thermal (temperature) regime of an area.
Climate Moisture Thermal regime Constraints for cropping
Arid Tropics Dry Above 18 ºC Moisture
Arid Temperate Dry Below 18 ºC Moisture and Temperature
Semiarid tropics Wet-Dry Above 18 ºC Moisture
Semiarid temperat Wet-Dry Below 18 ºC Temperature

Region States Places Rainfall Monsoon Climate Soils Crops/cropping systems
Jhansi Uttarpradesh Jhansi, Hamirpur 930 Jun-Sep Semi Red black Sorghum-safflower / mustard cowpea /
Banda Lalitpur, (196) arid urd / moong,-gram safflower rice-
Jalaun soybean-gram safflower
Rajkot Gujarat Rajkot 625 Jun-Sep Arid Medium Sorghum / bajra / cotton green gram /
Surendranagar; (134) black black gram redgram / cluster bean /
Jamnagar, Junagadh groundnut / sesamum / castor-safflower /
Bhavanagar, Amreli sunflower/ green gram / mustard.
Akola Maharashtra Akola, Amravati, 830 Jun-Sep Semi Medium Green gram / sorghum/ safflower /
Wardha, Yeotmal (196) arid and deep sunflower/ cotton + green gram /
Parbhani, Buldana, black groundnut-sorghum + green gram / black
Khandesh, Adilabad, gram / redgram groundnut + sunflower
Andhra Nizambad
Sholapur Maharashtra Solapur, 722 May-Oct Semi Black Pear millet-Gram / Black gram-sorghum /
Ahmednagar, Nasik, (68) arid Pearl millet + Redgram / Horsegram /
Pune, Satara, Sangli, Redgram + setaria / Groundnut /
Dhule, Bhir, sunflower /Castor-Horsegram
Osmanabad, Jalgaon,
Indore Madhya Indore, Ratlan Ujjain 990 May-Sep Semi Medium Maize-gram / safflower sorghum +
Pradesh Dewar, Dhar, (196) arid deep black soybean-gram safflower-maize +
Khargaon Khandura, groundnut sorghum + redgram
Rewa Madhya SidluRewa Satna 1080 Jun-Sep Sub Medium Sorghum +Redgram-gram/rice- wheat
Pradesh Shadol Panna (196) humid black mixed /gram Black grim Green gram-wheat/
Jabalpur Damoh red and rice-lentil
Chattarpur, black
Bijapur Maharashtra Bijapur, Gulbarga 680 May-Oct Semi Medium Green gram-sorghum / safflower-
Belgraum, (105) arid and deep groundnut/ pearl millet + redgram. Bengal
black gram+ safflower / cotton
Karnataka Raichur
Udaipur Rajasthan Uddipur, Chittorgarh 635 Jun-Sep Semi Medium Sorghum maize-safflower mustard / pearl
Bhilwara, Ajmer, (196) arid black millet / pearl millet +cowpea –mustard /
Banswara, Sorghum-mustard. Redgram / green
Dungarpur gram / groundnut / Sunflower-wheat /
Bellary Karnataka Chellakere 500 Sep-Oct Semi Medium Sorghum / safflower / gram sorghum +
Chitradurga Bellary, (105) arid and deep lablab
Raichur,, black
Andhra Anantapur, Kurnool,
Kovilpatti TamilNadu Tiruneiveli, 730 Sep-Dec Semi Deep black Sorghum + cowpea / Pearl millet /
Thoothukudi (135) arid Setaria / kudiraivali / black gram / green
gram / Redgram / lablab/ cowpea / cotton
+black gram Sunflower / Senna
Agra Uttar Pradesh Agra Aligarh 710 Jun-Sep Semi Deep Pearl millet / black gram / green gram /
Mathura, Etah (187) arid alluvial redgram / cluster bean / groundnut
Manipuri sandy loam safflower / mustard / pearl millet+
redgram / black gram / greengram /
groundnut + castor

Anantapur Andhra Anantapur, Karnool, 570 May-Oct Arid Red loam Pearl millet / sorghum / setaria/ castor /
Chithoor (120) Redgram / gmundnut / mesta / groundnut+
Redgram / castor / pearl millet+
Redgram / castor
Hyderabad Andhra Rangareddy 770 Jun-Oct Semi Shallow red Sorghum / pearl millet / castor/ redgram /
Nalgonda,, Medak (208) arid sandy loam ragi / setaria / niger / horsegram / sorghum
Karimnagar,, / maize + red gram-safflower

Regions of Tamil Nadu
Region Taluk / District Annual Monsoon Climate Soils Crops/ cropping systems
Northwest Dhammpmi Dt., 844 Jun - Oct Semiarid Red Groundnut + Redgram / Castor –
Taluks of Omalur, Horsegram
Attur, Rasipuram 842 Jun - Oct Semiarid Red Cowpea - sorghum / Sorghum + lablab
Sankagiri in Salem redgram
Dt. Perambahu Taluk
Parts of Tirupattur 900 Jun - Oct Semiarid Red Ragi / pearl millet / Samai- horsegram
and Vellore Taluks
Western Palladam, Kangeyam 711 Sep - Nov Semiarid Red Cotton/ sorghum/ pear millet / bengal
Dharapuram 717 black gram / coriander / sorghum + lablab./ red
Udumalpet gram
Coimbatore taluks of
Coimbatore and
Periyar Districts
East central Parts of Tiruchi, 840 Sep - Nov Semiarid Black Cotton / sorghum / pearl millet /
Pudukkottai, Madurai 918 Red sesamum sorghum / pulses / pearl millet /
and Dindugul Dts. 876 Red groundnut +red gram/castor
Southern Tirunelveli Dt. 940 Oct - Dec Semiarid Red Groundnut / cowpea / sesamum
sorghum / pearl millet / pulses castor
Thoothukudi Dt. 677 Oct- Dec Semiarid Black Red Cotton / chillies / coriander / black gram /
sorghum / pearl millet / pulses.
Virudunagar Dt. 817 Oct - Dec Semiarid Black Cotton / sunflower / maize / sorghum,/
pearl millet / pulses / castor
Ramanathapuram Dt. 819 Oct- Dec Semiarid Black Rice / cotton / sorghum/ pulses / chillies
Sivagangai Dt. 910 Oct- Dec Semiarid Red Groundnut / pearl millet / sesamum /
cowpea /redgram / castor

Indian Agriculture - Climate
India is located between 8°to 36° North of the equator and between 68° to 96° East
longitude. It is a tropical country.
The tropic of cancer, which passes through the middle of the country, divides it into two
distinct climates. The tropical climate in the South where all the 12 months of the year have
mean daily temperature exceeding 20°C; and in the North where a sub-tropical climate prevails.
In sub-tropics during the winter months, it is cool to cold. Frosts occur sometime during the
months of December and January. Some areas in the Northern India have a temperate climate.
Here it snows during the winter months and freezing temperatures may extend to two months or
more during the year. Three main climatic zones of India based on temperature are shown in the
map below.
Rainfall in India varies considerably. In some parts of the Thar desert, located in Western
Rajasthan, the annual rainfall is as low as 100 mm; while in the East, the annual rainfall may be
as high as 10,000 mm or more. In some areas it may rain for a month or two during the year, in
others as many as 11 months may be rainy.
India is a monsoonal country. In the tropical and sub-tropical regions, almost 80% of the
total annually rainfall is received during the monsoon rainy season. There are two types of
monsoons received in India. During the main rainy season extending from June/July to
September/October, the rains we receive are called as South-West monsoons. They are called
thus, because the rainy season sets in first in the South of India and rains progress gradually
towards the West of the country.
Onset of monsoon
At Trivandrum in Kerala State, the monsoon breaks around June 1; at Hyderabad in
Andhra Pradesh around June 5; at Bombay around June 10; and at Jaipur or Jodhpur towards end
of June or early July. The normal dates of onset are just averages, in actual terms there may be a
week or 10 days delay or earliness. These are just guide dates for agricultural operations or crop
calendars. The actual dates vary from year to year.
NE monsoons occur due to cyclonic disturbances in the Bay of Bengal. Their normal date
of onset is between November 1 and November 15. These rains withdraw by about end of
January and occur in areas located below 10°N latitude in India.
Rainfall distribution
The rainy season extends to about 2 to 4 months across most of agricultural regions in
Northern and North-West India; it extends to 5 months in Peninsular India (eg. Hyderabad), and
is of a much longer duration in some Southern areas (eg. Bangalore or Trivandrum).
Rainfall climatology

Study of rainfall over a long period is called rainfall climatology. It reveals general
pattern of rainfall of a particular place. It helps in understanding the amount, intensity,
distribution and other rainfall characteristics. Rainfall analysis also helps in classification of
climate. Suitable and efficient cropping systems can be developed by understanding the rainfall
pattern. Rainfall analysis helps in taking decisions on time of sowing, scheduling of irrigation,
time of harvesting etc. Rainfall analysis is necessary for designing farm ponds, tanks or irrigation
projects. Amount, distribution and intensity of rainfall are the important aspects of rainfall that
have considerable influence on crop production.
Precipitation is water in liquid or solid forms, falling to the earth. It always precedes
condensation or sublimation or a combination of the two and is primarily associated with raising
air. In the same way that isotherms and isobars are used to show temperature and pressure
distribution respectively, isohyets for rainfall distribution. An isohyets is a line connecting points
with equal values of rainfall.
Change of state from water vapour to liquid water is condensation. When moist air comes
in contact with cool surfaces, it may be cooled to the point where its capacity to hold water
vapour is exceeded by the actual amount in the air. Part of the water vapour then condenses into
liquid form on the cool surface, produce dew. When this happens, the latent heat of vaporization,
in this process, called the latent heat of condensation is released. At temperatures below freezing,
water may bypass the liquid form in its change of state. When dry air with a temperature well
below freezing comes in contact with ice, molecules of ice (H2O) pass directly into the vapour
state by the processes of sublimation.
Forms of precipitation
Condensation forms of fog, dew and frost are not considered to be precipitation. The
common precipitation forms are rain, drizzle, snow, sleet and hail. Of these, drizzle and light
snow are the only forms likely to fall from clouds having little or no vertical development. Fog
results when atmospheric water vapour condenses to water droplets or ice crystals, become
visible and will have their base in contact with ground.

Types of rainfall based on distribution

In India, all areas located between 20° North of equator to 40° North, the rainfall is
unimodal and almost all of the annual rainfall is received due to South-West monsoons. In South
India, the areas located below 10° North, the rainfall is bimodal or it has two peaks – one peak
during the South-West rainy season and the second peak in NE monsoon.
Rainfall Quantity
Generally, yield levels are determined by the amount of precipitation above the basic
minimum required to enable the crop to achieve maturity. Though rainfall has major influence on
yield of crops, yields are not always directly proportional to the amount of precipitation. Rainfall
may also be in excess of the optimum and thereby cause reduced yields which may appear
paradoxical to semi-arid climates. When the rainfall is concentrated in 4-5 months of the year,
there may be periods when the rate of precipitation exceeds the intake rate of soil. As a result,
considerable runoff occurs, plant nutrients are leached out of the root zone and crops are
adversely affected by anaerobic conditions (Germination, establishment etc), especially if the
excess precipitation occurs during the cool season. It may uproot and wash away young
seedlings, causes lodging of grown up crops and affect pollination and seed setting.

Based on the average rainfall over years, the receipt of rainfall during a year is classified
by IMD as below.
-19 to +19% = Normal
+20 to +59% = Excess
> + 59% = Wet
-20 to –59% = Deficit
<-60% = Scanty
Rain fall analysis - refer practical schedule
Intensity of Rainfall
Intensity of rainfall mainly influences erosion of soil. Study of rainfall intensity helps in
probable period of floods, filling of irrigation tanks etc. If the intensity of rainfall exceeds rate of
infiltration of soil, runoff starts. High intensity rainfall causes soil erosion. The runoff from hills
and mountain slopes is collected in tanks. The relationship between intensity of rainfall and
runoff is given below.
Less than 12.5 mm - Runoff is rare
12.5 to 25.0 mm - Runoff in 35% occasions
25.0 to 50.0 mm - Runoff in 80% occasions
Above 50.0 mm - Runoff in 100% occasions

Distribution of Rainfall
The amount of rainfall received at periodic intervals like weeks, months, seasons etc.
indicates distribution. In addition, distribution of rainfall can be known by the length of dry
spells, wet spells and rainy days. Distribution of rainfall is more important than total rainfall. It
can be illustrated with following example taking rainfall related indices of Hyderabad and
Index Hyderabad Sholapur
Annual rainfall (mm) 764 742
Seasonal rainfall (mm) 580 556
Coefficient of variation (%) 26 28
Potential evapo-transpiration (mm) 1757 1802
Growing season 130 148
Soil Vertisol Vertisol
It is apparent from the data that annual rainfall is fairly similar at both locations as is
seasonal rainfall. The rainfall is equally variable and the potential evapo-transpiration is fairly
similar at the two locations. The growing season is slightly less at Hyderabad compared to
Sholapur. From the above, one could probably anticipate that the production potentials are quite
similar. However, rainy season crops are successful at Hyderabad and the annual yields range
from 5,000 to 7,000 kg/ha while at Sholapur rainy season crops are risky and annual yields range
from 1,000 to 2,000 kg/ha. Low grain yields at Sholapur are mainly due to discontinuous rainfall
or long breaks in rainfall during the crop period.
Dependability/reliability of Rainfall
Another important character of rainfall is its dependability. Rainfall in dry farming
regions is characterized by high variability and less reliability. The variability occurs in quantity
of rainfall, onset and closure of rainy seasons, duration of rainfall and distribution within rainy

season. The spatial variability refers to the variability of rainfall between two locations and the
temporal variability refers to the variations over time i.e. between years, between seasons and
within season. Variability of rainfall is the greatest hazard to crop production in the dry farming
The dependability can be estimated by 75 per cent probability rainfall and by coefficient
of variation. It indicates that there is 75 per cent probability of receiving a particular amount of
rainfall in three years out of four years. It can be estimated by arranging the amount of rainfall
present at the three-fourth's place in the descending order line is the 75 per cent probability
Annual rainfall during different years Rainfall arranged in descending order
Years Amount (mm) Amount (mm) Ascending order
1950 850 1020 1
1951 950 950 2
1952 1020 870 3
1953 625 850 4
1954 750 750 5
1955 550 725 6
1956 650 650 7
1957 475 631 8
1958 631 625 9
1959 725 550 10
1960 870 525 11
1962 525 475 12

Out of 12 years, 631 mm and above rainfall was received in eight years and it is the 75
per cent probability rainfall.
Coefficient of Variation (CV%) . By calculating coefficient of variation, the variation in rainfall
can be quantified. If the CV is more, it means that variation in rainfall from year to year or
season to season is more. If the CV is less, the variation in rainfall is less and it is more
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation ----------------------- x 100

SD = ∑ x2 – (∑x)2 /n
Dependability of rainfall based on CV

Period Dependable Not dependable

Annual 25% > 25%
Seasonal 50% > 50%
Monthly 100% > 100%
Weekly 150% > 150%

Daily 250% > 250%
Rainfall Aberrations
a. Deficit in the quantity of rainfall adversely affects crops growth through inadequate supply of
moisture. It leads to lower yield and even complete crop failure.
b. High intensity rainfall causes runoff and soil erosion. It reduces the storage-of rainfall in the
c. Erratic distribution leads to long dry spells during crop growth and cause moisture stress.
d. High variability in the onset of rainy season affects time of sowing. Delayed onset also affects
crop choice.
e. Early withdrawal or cessation of rainfall before the normal time of closure will lead to
moisture stress at maturity and reduce crop yield.
f. Dry spells during rainy season affect crop growth depending on length of dry spell, sage of
occurrence and soil type. Dry spells over 3 weeks are usually harmful.
Dry spell after sowing Germination and establishment affected.
At vegetative stage Stem elongation, leaf area expansion and dry matter
accumulation affected.
At flowering Very critical for pollination and grain setting affected.
At ripening Affects grain development and yield.
Effect of rainfall on crop production
• Primary source of water for the earth is precipitation
• About 40 % of food produced depended on rainfall
• The choice of crop and variety depends on rainfall
• The crops depend on rainfall for their moisture need. Though rivers, tanks and well
can supplement the rainfall, these sources also depends on the rains ultimately.
• Deficient rains limits crop growth and heavy rains are even more harmful.
• Occurrence of drought and famines are mainly due to inadequate rainfall over a
continuous period of time.

Factors of affecting crop production in dry farming regions:

Most of the cropping in the arid and semi arid regions continues to be under rainfed
conditions. A majority of the farmers are small farmers with meager resources. The poor
resources base permits only low input subsistence farming with low and unstable crop yields.
The low productivity of agriculture in dry farming regions is due to the cumulative effect of
many constraints for crop production. The constraints can be broadly grouped in to
a. Climatic constraints,
b. Soil related constraints,
c. Cultivation practices and
d. Socio economic & political constraints.
a. Climatic constraints
1. Vagaries of monsoon

(i) Variable Rainfall: Annual rainfall varies greatly from year to year and naturally its
coefficient of variation. Generally, higher the rainfall less is the coefficient of variation.
In other words, crop failures due to uncertain rains are more frequent in regions with
lesser rainfall.
(ii) Intensity and Distribution: In general, more than 50 per cent of total rainfall is usually
received in 3 to 5 rainy days. Such intensive rainfall results in substantial loss of water
due to surface runoff. This process also accelerates soil erosion. Distribution of rainfall
during the crop growing season is more important than total rainfall in dryland
(iii) Late Onset of Monsoon: If the onset of monsoon is delayed crops/varieties
recommended to the region cannot be sown in time. Delayed sowing lead to
uneconomical crop yields.
(iv) Early Withdrawal of Monsoon: This situation is equally or more dangerous than late
onset of monsoon. Rainy season crops will be subjected to terminal stress leading to poor
yields. Similarly, post-rainy season crops fail due to inadequate available soil moisture,
especially during reproductive and maturity phases.
(v) Prolonged Dry Spells: Breaks of monsoon for 7-10 days may not be a serious concern.
Breaks of more than 15 days duration especially at critical stages for soil moisture stress
leads to reduction in yield. Drought due to break in monsoon may adversely affect the
crops in shallow soils than in deep soils.
2. High atmospheric temperature
3. Low relative humidity
4. Hot dry winds
5. High atmospheric water demand (potential evapo-transpiration) exceeding precipitation during
most part of the year.
b. Soil Constraints
1. Inadequate soil moisture availability
2. Poor organic matter content
3. Poor soil fertility
4. Soil deterioration due to erosion (wind, water)
c. Cultivation practices
The existing management practices adopted by the farmers are evolved based on long
term experience by the farmers. The analysis of traditional system revealed that on one hand the
traditional system suffers due to the fact that yield levels are low and unstable while on the other
hand it has strong points due to which it has stood the test of time.
The traditional management practices are listed below;
• Ploughing with country plough which is replaced by tractor, ploughing just prior to
• Ploughing along the slope
• Broadcasting seeds/gorru sowing / sowing behind the country plough leading to poor
as well as uneven plants stand
• Selection of traditional varieties
• Monsoon sowing

• Choice of crop based on rain fall
• Application FYM in limited quantity
• Hand weeding
• Mixed cropping
• Use of conventional system of harvesting
• Traditional storage system
Among the traditional management practices the fallowing practices are technically sound and
can be practiced. (Strength)
√ Monsoon sowing: This still holds good for crops like maize, red gram, bajra and
karunganni cotton
√ Choice of crop based on rain fall: Farmers take up coriander for late onset of monsoon.
This traditional practice has been experimentally proved to be correct.
√ Hand weeding: It has proved to be as effective as herbicide application in terms of
weed control and yield.
√ Mixed cropping: Farmers adopt many mixed cropping systems based on their
experience. Groundnut and red gram are sown in 6:1 ratio. Co 19 sorghum black
gram, green gram, Lab-Lab (mochai) are broadcasted. Cotton + black gram is sown in
6:1 ratio or black gram is sown in border. Even though the yield is less there is some
stability in yield due to mixed cropping and it is an insurance against risk of complete
√ Traditional system of harvesting processing consumes more labour, but it can be
followed because of no loss in grain during the process of harvest.
√ Traditional storage is based on sound practical knowledge as well as it involves low
cost technology
√ In certain pockets pre monsoon sowing or early sowing of crops are taken.
√ Inter cultivation with plough in between crop rows is one of the best insitu soil
moisture conservation techniques.
Weakness in traditional system
 Most management practices are not aimed at soil moisture conservation.
 Traditional system does not build up nutrient status in the soil; on the contrary it
depletes the fertility status.
 Genotypes /varieties used are poor yielders.
 Spatial and temporal variations are not effectively utilized in the mixed cropping
adopted by the farmers. This results in no yield advantage.
 One of the most serious limitations due to traditional management practices is low
plant population per unit area which ultimately reduces yield.
 Run off is neither collected nor used efficiently.
Scope for improvement in productivity of crops
1. Compilation of results of dry farming crop production during 1970’s in the area covered
by dryfarming stations started during middle of 1930’s indicated 2-5 times increased crop
production is possible

2. With introduction of Dryland Agricultural Research Projects in 1970s experiment
evidence indicate that there is scope to push the production of dryland crops by nearly 3 to 4
times of farmers level.
3. Salvation not from technology alone and a concentrated multidiociphinary multiagency
approach is necessary.
d. Socio-economic constraints – may be studied in extension
Inadequate soil moisture availability is the major constraint in dry farming. All the above
factors directly and indirectly affect the soil moisture. Availability of soil moisture to crops is
affected by rainfall behaviour as well as by various soil properties.
a) Shallow soils, degraded soils, eroded soils, gravelly soils and coarse textured soils have poor
water holding capacity and hence can not store much of rainfall.
b) Wind and water erosion remove the finer soil particles and expose the hard, impermeable
subsoil causing less infiltration and less water storage-
c) Crusting of soil surface after rainfall reduces infiltration and storage of rainfall, due to high
run off.
d) Compaction in surface and sub soil hardpans and poor soil structure affect infiltration and
water storage.
e) Poor organic matter content adversely affects soil physical properties related to moisture
They are grouped as follows:
a) By adapting proper tillage
b) Control of run off water and soil erosion
c) Recycling of rain water
d) Reducing loss soil moisture by mulching and anti-transpirants
e) By increased rain fall use efficiency
A. Tillage in relation to soil moisture conservation
Tillage may be described as the Practice of modifying the state of the soil in order to
provide conditions favourable to crop growth, (Cuplin, 1986). The objectives of tillage in
drylands are;
(1) Develop desired soil structure for a seed bed which allows rapid infiltration and
good retention of rainfall.
(2) Minimize soil erosion by following practices as contour tillage, tillage across the
slope etc.
(3) Control weeds and remove unwanted crop plants.
(4) Manage crop residues, through mixing of trash is desirable for achieving good
tilth and decomposition of residues. However, the retention of trash on top layers is also
useful in reducing erosion. On the other hand, complete coverage of residues sometimes
necessitates control of insects or to prevent interference with precision planting operations.
(5) Obtain specific soil configurations for in- situ moisture conservation, drainage,
planting etc.
(6) Incorporate and mix manures, fertilizers, pesticides or soil amendments into the

(7) Accomplish segregation by moving soil from one layer to another, removal of
rocks or root harvesting.
Hence, attention must be paid to the depth of tillage, time of tillage, direction of tillage
and intensity of tillage.
a) Depth of tillage - depends on soil type, crop and time of tillage
Deep tillage of 25-30 cm is beneficial for deep heavy clay soils to improve permeability and to
close cracks formed while drying. In soils with hard pans, deep tillage once in 2-3 years with
chisel plough upto 35-45 cm depth at 60-120 cm interval will increase effective depth for rooting
and moisture storage. Deep tillage is preferable for cotton, redgram and other deep rooted crops.
It is not to be recommended for shallow, gravelly, light textured soils.
Medium deep tillage of 15-20 cm depth is generally sufficient for most soils and crops. It is
recommended for medium deep soils, shallow rooted crops, soils with pan free horizon and for
stubble incorporation.
Shallow tillage upto 10cm is followed in light textured soils, and shallow soils and in soils highly
susceptible to erosion. In soils prone for surface crusting, shallow surface stirring or shallow
harrowing is useful.
Depth of tillage and crop yield
Crop Yield q ha-1
Shallow tillage Deep tillage
Pigeon pea 9.0 11.7
Pearl millet 12.0 15.4
Groundnut 4.2 5.4
Maize 24.3 47.8
As depth of tillage increases, soil moisture storage from rainfall also increases from about
7-8 % with shallow tillage to 9-10% with medium deep tillage and 11-12% with deep tillage.
b) Time of tillage
Early completion of tillage is often helpful to enable sowing immediately after rainfall
and before the soil dries up. Summer tillage or off-season tillage done with preseason rainfall
causes more conservation of moisture and also enables early and timely sowing. It is particularly
useful for pre-monsoon sowing.
Effect of summer tillage on crop yield
Tillage Sorghum yield q ha-1
Normal rainfall Above normal rainfall Below normal rainfall
No summer tillage 9.1 14.6 4.9
Summer tillage 14.3 19.3 12.4
c) Direction of tillage
For moisture conservation, ploughing across slope or along contour is very effective.
Plough furrows check the velocity of runoff, promote more infiltration when water stagnates in
the depressions caused by plough furrows and improves soil moisture storage.
d) Intensity of tillage

It refers to the number of times tillage is done. Frequent ploughing in shallow light
textured soils will pulverize the soils into fine dust and increase the susceptibility to erosion. In
heavy soils, leaving the land in a rough and cloddy stage prior to sowing is useful for more
depression storage.
The concept of minimal tillage is also practiced in dry lands. Here tillage is confined to
seeding zone only and the inter-space is not tilled. It not only saves time, energy and cost but
also helps moisture conservation. The practice of "set line cultivation" adopted in some dry
regions is an example of minimum tillage. Here the seed row space is fixed and season after
season, tillage is done only in this seeding strip. The intervening strip is not tilled.
Modern concept of Tillage
In dry lands, rainfall is received simultaneously over a large area. In order to ensure
timely sowing before soil dries up, the interval between land preparations and sowing must be
narrowed down. This calls for completion of tillage over a large area in quick time. Dependence
on bullock power and traditional wooden plough may not help in this regard. Use of more
efficient tillage implements and mechanization of tillage operations are warranted.
Tillage in drylands also encompasses land shaping for insitu soil moisture conservation.
Implements that can carryout tillage and land shaping in one single operation will help in saving
time and cost. If land preparation, land shaping and sowing can be done in one single operation
it can save considerable time. This is termed as once over tillage, plough planting or
conservation tillage. Suitable tractor drawn machinery like a broad bed former cum seeder,
Basin lister cum seeder which can complete the land shaping and sowing simultaneously can be
a) minimum/optimum/reduced tillage
b) conservation/mulch tillage
c) zero tillage
Minimum/optimum/reduced tillage
The objectives of these systems include (a) reducing energy input and labour requirement
for crop production (b) conserving soil moisture and reducing erosion (c) providing optimum
seedbed rather than homogenising the entire soil surface, and (d) keeping field compaction to
Conservation/mulch tillage
The objectives are to achieve soil and water conservation and energy conservation
through reduced tillage operations. Both systems usually leave crop residue on the surface and
each operation is planned to maintain continuous soil coverage by residue or growing plants.
The conservation tillage practices may advance some of the goals of alternative farming such as
increasing organic matter in soil and reducing soil erosion, but some conservation tillage
practices may increase the need for pesticides. Conservation tillage changes soil properties in
ways that affect plant growth, and reduce water runoff from fields. The mulched soil is cooler
and soil surface under the residue is moist, as a result many conservation tillage systems have
been successful.
Zero tillage or no-till system

In the crop residue is usually shredded and planting is done without pre tillage. No till
planting has problem of adequate weed control.
Soil deterioration due to erosion (wind and water)
Detachment and transport of soil and soil material caused by water and wind are widely
prevalent in dry farming regions. Erosion takes place in both red soils and black soils.
B. Effect of runoff and erosion on soil moisture retention
♦ Runoff leads to wastage of rainfall.
♦ Under unchecked conditions, even up to 40% of rainfall may be lost as runoff.
♦ Even when moisture conservation practices are adopted, about 10-20% of rainfall may be
lost as runoff because of high intensity rainfall.
♦ Erosion removes top soil and exposes hard impermeable sub soil, increasing the chances
of more run off.
♦ Erosion adversely affects soil physical properties such as loss of structure reduced
infiltration, soil depth and soil moisture storage capacity.
♦ Loss of top soil through erosion leads to loss of plant nutrients and poor soil fertility.
Soil and water are the most critical basic resources, which must be conserved as effectively as
possible. No phenomenon is more destructive than soil erosion through which fertile topsoil and
rain water are lost. Soil and water conservation is the only known way to protect the lands from
degradation and conserving rainwater for improving the productivity of dry land crops.
Soil erosion
Soil erosion is the process of detachment of soil particles from the topsoil and
transportation of the detached soil particles by wind and/or water. The detaching agents are
falling rain drop, channel flow and wind. The transporting agents are flowing water, rain splash
and wind.
Out of 328 mha of India’s geographical area 175 m ha (53.3%) subject to soil erosion and
alll kind of land degradation. Out of which 104.6 m ha are cultivable.
Recent estimates indicate that about 5,333mt (16.35 t/ha) of soil is detached annually.
29% carried away by rivers to the sea.10% deposited in reservoirs resulting 1-2% loss of storage
Types of erosion
Geological erosion: It is said to be in equilibrium with the soil forming process. It takes place
under natural vegetative cover completely undisturbed by biotic factors. This long time slow
process has developed the present topographic features like stream channels, valleys, etc.
through weather abnormalities such as intense rainfall and biotic interference.
Accelerated erosion: It is due to disturbance in natural equilibrium by the activities of man and
animals through land mismanagement, destruction of forests, overgrazing, etc. Soil loss through
erosion is more than the soil formed due to soil forming process.
Water erosion:

Water and wind are the main agencies responsible for soil erosion. Loss of soil from land
surface by water, including runoff from melted snow and ice is usually referred to as water
The major erosive agents in water erosion are impacting raindrops and runoff water
flowing over the soil surface. Erosion and sedimentation embody the processes of detachment,
transportation and deposition of soil particles. Detachment is dislodging of soil particles from
soil mass by the erosive agents. Transportation is movement of detached soil particles (sediment)
from their original location. The sediment moves along the stream and part of it may eventually
reach the ocean. Some sediment is usually deposited at the base of the slopes, reservoirs and
flood plains along the way.
Forms of water erosion
Sheet, Rill, gully, ravine, landslide and stream bank erosion.
Factors affecting water erosion
a) Rainfall - amount, intensity, duration & distribution
b) Soils - primary particle size, distribution, OM, structure, Fe & Al oxides, initial moisture
c) Topography - nature and length of slope
d) Soil surface cover - plant canopy or mulches
e) Biotic interference – disturbance of natural balance
Losses due to erosion
• Loss of fertile top soil
• Loss of rain water
• Nutrient losses
• Silting up of reservoirs
• Damage to forests
• Reduced ground water potential
• Damage to reservoirs and irrigation channels
• Adverse effect on public health
Wind erosion
Erosion of soil by the action of wind is known as wind erosion. It is a serious problem on
lands devoid of vegetation. It is more common in arid and semiarid region. It is essentially a dry
weather phenomenon stimulated by soil moisture deficiency. The process of wind erosion
consists of three phases: initiation of movement, transportation and deposition. About 33 M ha in
India is affected by wind erosion. This includes 23.9 M ha of desert and about 6.5 M ha of
coastal sands.
Transportation of soil particles by wind takes place in three ways
Saltation - movement of soil particles by a short series of bounces along the ground surface
Suspension - movement of fine dust particles, smaller than 0.1mm dia floating in the air
Surface creep - Rolling and sliding of soil particles along the ground surface due to impact of
particles descending and hitting during saltation is called surface creep
Factors affecting wind erosion

1. Soil clodiness
2. Surface roughness
3. Water stable aggregates and surface crust (Mechanical stability)
4. Wind and soil moisture (surface is dry or slightly moist)
5. Field length
6. Vegetative cover
7. Organic matter (cementing)
8. Topography
9. Soil type (sand erodes easily)
Losses due to wind erosion
a. Fertile top soil is lost
b. Fertile soils are converted into unproductive sandy soils drifting sand
c. Yield losses due to abrasive action of wind driven soil particles, especially on broad
leaved crops
Water erosion control
Water erosion can be minimized by preventing the detachment of soil particles and their
transportation. Principles of water erosion control are;
 Maintenance of soil infiltration capacity
 Soil protection from rainfall
 Control of surface runoff
 Safe disposal of surface runoff

Control measures are grouped in to three Agronomic, mechanical and forestry measures
Agronomic – Choice of crops, land preparation, contour cultivation, strip cropping, mulching,
application of manures and fertilizers and appropriate cropping systems
Mechanical – Contour bunding, Graded bunding, Bench terracing, Contour trenching, Gully
control, vegetative barriers
Forestry – Perennial trees and grasses
Wind erosion control
Greatest damage by wind erosion occurs during summer months in dry regions,
where soil surface is bare and wind velocity is at its peak. Basic principles of wind erosion
control are:
 Reducing wind velocity at ground surface, sufficient to prevent it being able
to pickup soil particles
 Increasing the size of soil aggregates or covering the soil with a non-erodable
 Trapping the saltating soil particles
 Keeping the soil moist so that soil particles moving by saltation loose their
momentum at the surface

Practices such as stubble mulching and minimum tillage, cover crops, strip-cropping,
crop rotation, wind barriers and shelterbelts and mulches can be practiced to minimize wind
 Storage of rainfall in soil at the place where it falls is termed as "insitu" soil moisture
 It aims at increasing infiltration of rainfall into the soil and reducing runoff loss of
 Insitu soil moisture conservation can be accomplished through.
 Cultural /agronomic methods
 Mechanical methods
 Agrostological / biological methods
Extent of soil moisture storage from rainfall is influenced quantity and intensity of rainfall, slope,
soil properties such as texture, structure, depth, surface characters, presence of sub soil hard
pans, rate of infiltration and permeability, water holding capacity, vegetative cover, etc.

Cultural/ agronomical Mechanical Agrostological

Addition of organic matter Basin listing, Bunding, Ridges and Pasture, Strip cropping
Summer ploughing, furrows, Tie ridging, Random tie with grasses, Ley farming,
mulching cultivation, strip ridging, Broad bed furrow, Dead Vegetative barriers
cropping furrow, Furrows after crop

1. Cultural /Agronomical methods

i) Addition of organic matter: By improving soil physical properties and WHC
ii) Off season/summer tillage: Plough furrows can hold water in the depressions and
thereby increase the infiltration. When done across the slope, the plough furrows
check runoff, reduce the velocity of runoff water and improve storage. Summer
tillage is a traditional practice helps in the storage of pre-sowing rainfall. When
ploughing is done along contour it is termed as contour ploughing and is more helpful
for in situ moisture conservation. Summer ploughing also helps in control of
perennial weeds, pest control and enables early sowing with onset of rains.
Experimental results at Kovilpatti indicated that summer ploughing with disc plough
had increased infiltration rate to 5.8 mm per hour over fallow field where infiltration
was only 2.9 mm per hour.
iii) Contour farming: Ploughing along the contour and sowing reduce soil erosion and
reduce runoff. Jowar sown in the black soils on contour line restricts the run off to
13.7% of the total rainfall and soil loss to 2.4 t/ha/year
iv) Cover crops: Erosion reduced if the land surface is fully covered with foliage (Eg.)
- Black gram, green gram, Groundnut

- Fodder grasses like Cenchrus ciliaris, Cenchrus glaucus, Dinanath grass,
Marvel grass. Both contour cropping and cover cropping can be practiced
when the slope is less than 2 per cent.
v) Mixed cropping
vi) Inter cropping
vii) Mulching
viii) Strip cropping: Strip intercropping involves erosion resistant crops and erosion
permitting crops in alternate strips of 2-3 m width across slope and along the contour.
Erosion resistant crops include grasses and legumes with rapid canopy development.
(e.g) Cenchrus glaucus + Stylosanthes hamata
2. Mechanical methods of soil moisture conservation
The basic principle involved
 shaping the land surface manually or with implements in such a
way as to reduce the velocity of runoff,
 to allow more time for rainfall to stand on soil surface and
 to facilitate more infiltration of rainfall into soil layers
Choice of any particular method under a given situation is influenced by rainfall characters soil
type, crops, sowing methods and slope of land.
i) Basin listing: Formation of small depressions (basins) of 10-15 cm depth and 10-15 cm width
at regular intervals using an implement called basinlister. The small basins collect rainfall and
improve its storage. It is usually done before sowing. It is suitable for all soil types and crops.
ii) Bunding: Formation of narrow based or broad based bunds across slope at suitable intervals
depending on slope of field. The bunds check the free flow of runoff water, impound the
rainwater in the inter-bund space, increase its infiltration and improve soil moisture storage.
Leveling of inter-bund space is essential to ensure uniform spread of water and avoid water
stagnation in patches. It can be classified into three types
Contour bunding
Bunds of 1 m basal width, 0.5 m top width and 0.5 m height are formed along the
contour. The distance between two contour bunds depends on slope. The inter-bund surface is
leveled and used for cropping. It is suitable for deep red soils with slope less than 1 %. It is not
suitable for heavy black soils with low infiltration where bunds tend to develop cracks on drying.
Contour bunds are permanent structures and requires technical assistance and heavy investment.
Graded/ field bunding
Bunds of 30-45 cm basal width, and 15-20 cm height are formed across slope at suitable
intervals of 20-30 m depending on slope. The inter-bund area is leveled and cropped. It is
suitable for medium deep to deep red soils with slopes upto 1%. It is not suitable for black soils
due to susceptibility to cracking and breaching. Bunds can be maintained for 2-3 seasons with
reshaping as and when required.

Compartmental bunding
Small bunds of 15 cm width and 15 cm height are formed in both directions (along and
across slope) to divide the field into small basins or compartments of 40 sq m size (8 x 5 m). It
is suitable for red soils and black soils with a slope of 0.5 to 1%. The bunds can be formed
before sowing or immediately after sowing with local wooden plough. It is highly suitable for
broadcast sown crops. CRIDA has recommended this method as the best insitu soil moisture
conservation measure for Kovilpatti. Maize, sunflower, sorghum perform well in this type of
iii) Ridges and furrows
Furrows of 30-45 cm width and 15-20 cm height are formed across slope. The furrows
guide runoff water safely when rainfall intensity is high and avoid water stagnation. They collect
and store water when rainfall intensity is less. It is suitable for medium deep to deep black soils
and deep red soils. It can be practised in wide row spaced crops like cotton, maize, chillies,
tomato etc. It is not suitable for shallow red soils, shallow black soils and sandy/ gravelly soils.
It is not suitable for broadcast sown crops and for crops sown at closer row spacing less than 30
cm. Since furrows are formed usually before sowing, sowing by dibbling or planting alone is
Tie ridging is a modification of the above system of ridges and furrows where in the
ridges are connected or tied by a small bund at 2-3 m interval along the furrows.
Random tie ridging is another modification where discontinuous furrows of 20-25 cm
width, 45-60 cm length and 15 cm depth are formed between clumps or hills of crops at the time
of weeding.
Yet another modification of ridges and furrows method is the practice of sowing in lines
on flat beds and formation of furrows between crop rows at 25 - 30 days after sowing. This
enables sowing behind plough or through seed drill.
iv) Broad bed furrow (BBF)
Here beds of 1.5 m width, 15 cm height and convenient length are formed, separated by
furrows of 30 cm width and 15 cm depth. Crops are sown on the beds at required intervals. It is
suitable for heavy black soils and deep red soils. The furrows have a gradient of 0.6%. Broad
bed furrow has many advantages over other methods.

 It can accommodate a wide range of crop geometry i.e close as

well as wide row spacing.
 It is suitable for both sole cropping and intercropping systems.
 Furrows serve to safely guide runoff water in the early part of rainy
season and store rain water in the later stages.
 Sowing can be done with seed drills.
 It can be formed by bullock drawn or tractor drawn implements.
Bed former cum seed drill enables BBF formation and sowing simultaneously, thus reducing
the delay between rainfall receipt and sowing.
v) Dead furrow

At the time of sowing or immediately after sowing, deep furrows of 20 cm depth are
formed at intervals of 6-8 rows of crops. No crop is raised in the furrow. Sowing and furrowing
are done across slope. It can be done with wooden plough in both black and red soils.
3. Agrostological methods
The use of grasses to control soil erosion, reduce run off and improve soil moisture
storage constitutes the agrostological method. Grasses with their close canopy cover over soil
surface and profuse root system which binds soil particles provide excellent protection against
runoff and erosion. The following are the various agrostological methods of insitu moisture
i) Pastures / grass lands
Raising perennial grasses to establish pastures or grass lands is recommended for shallow
gravelly, eroded, degraded soils. Grass canopy intercepts rainfall, reduces splash erosion, checks
runoff and improves soil moisture storage from rainfall.
ii) Strip cropping with grasses
Alternate strips of grasses and annual field crops arranged across slope check runoff and
erosion and help in increasing moisture storage in soil.
iii) Ley farming
It is the practice of growing fodder grasses and legumes and annual crops in rotation. Grasses
and legumes like Cenchrus, stylo are grown for 3-5 years and followed by annual crops like
sorghum for 2 year. When the field is under grasses or legumes, soil moisture conservation is
iv) Vegetative barriers
Vegetative barrier consists of one or two rows of perennial grasses established at suitable
interval across the slope and along the contour. It serves as a block to free runoff and soil
transport. Vettiver, Cenchrus etc are suitable grasses for this purpose.
Vettiver can be planted in rows at intervals of 40 m in 0.5% slope. Plough furrows are
opened with disc plough first before commencement of monsoon. 5-8 cm deep holes are formed
at 20cm interval and two slips per hole are planted in the beginning of rainy season. The soil
around the roots is compacted. Vettiver barriers check runoff and prevent soil erosion. While
they retain the soil they allow excess runoff to flow through their canopy without soil loss. It is
adapted to drought and requires less care for maintenance. It does not exhibit any border effect
on crops in adjacent rows.
 It allows uniform spread of water to lower area in the field resulting in
uniform plant stand thus increasing yield of a crop by 10-15%
 Facilitates better storage of soil moisture
 If fodder grasses like Cenchrus glaucus or marvel grass are used, fodder can
also be harvested and given to the animal
 Vegetative barriers are best suited for black soil. Unlike contour bunding
which give way due to development of crack in summer in black soils vegetative barriers

do not allow such phenomenon in black soil. Hence the vegetative barriers can be
effectively maintained in black soil for 4-5 years
 After 4-5 years, replanting material can also be had from the old barrier by
C. Recycling of rain water
Runoff is that portion of precipitation which makes its ways towards stream, channel,
lake or ocean as surface flow. Mostly runoff refers to surface flow only.
Runoff from rainfall is inevitable and can not be completely arrested. In dry farming
areas, rainfall often occurs at high intensity which exceeds the infiltration rate and causes runoff.
Also, when quantity of rainfall exceeds the water holding capacity of soils, runoff has to take
place. In certain instances, surface characteristics of soils also cause runoff. Usually, under
unchecked conditions, about 40% of rainfall may be lost as runoff. Even if moisture
conservation practices are adopted, about 10-15 % of rainfall in black soils and about 20 % of
rainfall in red soils is lost as runoff.
The amount of such runoff varies with rainfall intensity, soil physical properties, soil
surface characters, slope, vegetation cover and cultural practices. Runoff water, if not checked,
flows out and is wasted, causing soil erosion. It can be guided, collected and recycled to
augment water availability to rainfed crops. The collection, storage and recycling of runoff
water constitute the process of water harvesting.
Water harvesting can be viewed from two situations. First is a case of normal rainfall
with high intensity on a few rainy days causing runoff. This runoff can be guided and collected
in storage structures called farm ponds and reused for supplemental irrigation to crops suffering
from moisture stress. This is termed as macro watershed approach or macro catchment water
In the second instance, total rainfall is less and soil storage is inadequate for supporting
crop growth. Here part of the land is left barren and uncultivated. This is known as donor area
and is treated in such a way as to increase runoff from rainfall. The runoff from the donor strip
is directed towards the lower adjacent strip to increase soil moisture storage there. This strip is
used for raising crops. This is called as micro watershed approach or micro catchment water
Water harvesting through farm ponds
The collection of rain water and storing in big farm ponds is not a new concept in Tamil
Nadu. It is in vogue since early days in the form of tanks. Farm ponds are small storage
structures constructed at the lowest point of a farm to collect and store runoff water. Runoff
from various parts of the catchment area is properly guided through grassed water ways into the
farm pond. The following points need to be considered while constructing farm ponds.
• Deep heavy soils with low permeability are better suited for farm pond technology
than shallow light soils with high permeability. But, ironically, the usefulness of farm
pond is more felt in light soils with low water storage capacity.

• Farm pond has to be constructed at the lowest point of the farm to collect runoff water
from the entire farm area
• Size of farm pond depends on rainfall quantity, soil type, area of catchment (farm
size) and estimated runoff.

Catchments Capacity of farm Size of pond (m)

area (ha) pond(ha cm) Top Bottom Depth
6.50 14.21 27.4 19.8 2.5
6.66 16.13 27.4 18.3 3.05
6.39 20.68 30.5 21.3 3.05
12.14 20.68 30.5 21.3 3.05
12.50 31.46 36.5 27.4 3.05
• Provisions for arresting soil inflow into the pond at the inlet point and a weir, for
draining excess water when pond is full have to be made
• Runoff has to be guided to the farm pond through grassed water ways.
• Water loss through seepage and, evaporation has to be checked. Seepage loss, can be
reduced by lining the sides and bottom with soil + sand + cement or soil + cowdung +
straw, spraying sodium chloride or sodium carbonate on the surface. Evaporation
loss can be reduced by floating materials to prevent direct exposure of water surface,
changing the shape of the pond to provide more depth rather than surface area
(circular instead of rectangular)
Advantages of farm pond
• Harvested water can be used for protective irrigation to crops at critical stages
• Since runoff is properly guided through grassed water ways, erosion is checked
• Earth excavated from ponds can be used for bunding and levelling of fields
• Stored water can be used as drinking water for humans and animals, for spraying
operations and for fish rearing.
• High value tree crops can be raised near farm ponds with protective irrigation
• A chain of farm ponds can recharge ground water in the region
Water harvesting under deficit rainfall
The situation here is that the seasonal rainfall quantity .by itself is not sufficient to
support a crop till maturity. Therefore, runoff of rainfall from a part of the land left uncultivated
is directed to an adjacent strip which alone is used for cropping. In this strip (run-on strip /
recipient area), the rainfall falling on its surface is supplemented by runoff directed from the
other stiip of land (donor area / runoff strip) and total water supply available is increased to
facilitate cropping. This can be accomplished by the following practices.
A portion of the field in the upper reach is left uncultivated. It is shaped or treated to
increase runoff. This can be accomplished by covering the surface with Polythene films or by
water proofing it by spraying sodium carbonate or water repellant materials like silicone / asphalt
or by shaping the land into a sloping, clear, smooth, compact surface to increase runoff. Runoff
from this donor strip is guided to a smaller, strip on the lower reach to increases soil storage and

to raise crops. The proportion of 'donor area' to cropped area depends on rainfall quantity,
duration of rainfall, soil properties and crop characters. In the p cropped area, land is shaped to
conserve moisture. Acceptability of this method is however limited in regions where pressure on
land does not permit leaving a large area barren for runoff harvesting.
Creating micro relief in cultivated field between seed rows to direct rain water to crop
root zone is another approach. Here small alternate strips of land of suitable width are left
without cropping. These un-cropped strips are ridged up and compacted or shaped to slope
towards seed rows to increase runoff which will flow towards cropped strip. The relative width
of runoff strip and cropped strip varies from 2:1 to 4:1 depending on rainfall. Land shaping
through raised ridges between crop rows, planting in shallow ditch or trench, formation of
slopping beds towards tree trunk, saucer shaped basins around trees, semicircular or crescent
shaped basins on the downward slope around trees etc. come under this category. The micro
watershed methods discussed above are also termed inter row water harvesting or inter plot water
D. Reduction of loss of stored soil moisture
Rainfall infiltrates into the soil and permeates downward and laterally and gets stored in
soil profile. Part of it percolates down to ground water. Stored water is absorbed by plants and
weeds. It is lost from the soil surface as evaporation and from crop and weed canopy as
transpiration. The loss through evaporation from soil and transpiration by weeds can be checked
to reduce loss of stored moisture. Excessive transpiration loss from crop plants can also be
minimized. ET loss is by latent heat of vapourisation and is governed by energy, vapour
pressure gradient and conductivity of medium.
Evapotranspiration can be checked by
• Minimizing the evaporative surface area
• Minimize the energy need to the evaporative site
• Minimize the diffusivity / conductivity of water movement from soil
• Minimize the driving force or potential that is responsible for up ward movement of
Reduction of evaporation loss
Evaporation happens to maintain soil thermal regime and is governed by
• Soil moisture content
• Vegetative cover on surface
• Soil type
• Temperature gradient between soil and atmosphere
• Atmospheric water demand.
Higher soil moisture content, especially a wet surface soil increases evaporation rate. As
the surface soil dries up, continuity of capillary pores is disrupted and moisture movement up
wards from deeper layers is reduced.
Soil surface that is exposed to radiation without any vegetative cover offers more scope
for evaporation due to over heating. Evaporation loss in a cropped field is more in the early
growth stage when canopy cover is less, especially in widely spaced crops and slow growing

species. Vegetative cover prevents direct exposure of soil surface to radiation, reduces heating
of soil layers and thus checks the necessity for evaporation.
Black soils tend to absorb more heat and may evaporate more water. When cracks are
formed during drying, evaporation takes place from the sides of the cracks also. With high
temperature, low humidity and dry winds atmospheric water demand increases the rate of
Measures to control evaporation loss
Shallow surface tillage: When surface soil is stirred by tillage, the continuity of capillary pores is
broken and the rise of water through capillary movement is obstructed. Shallow tillage after
summer showers is beneficial in this regard. This process is called dust mulching. Inter tillage
between crop rows during early dry spells has a similar effect.
Mulching: Mulching means covering the soil surface with any material such as organic wastes,
plastic, Polythene, etc. The organic wastes used for mulching include crop stubbles, straw, coir
pith, groundnut shell, husk etc. These wastes at 5-10 t ha-1 are spread on the soil surface to a
thickness of 5-10 cm. Mulching provides the following benefits.
 Reduces direct impact of rain drops on soil particles and controls splash erosion
 Increases infiltration
 Reduces velocity of runoff water
 Controls erosion.
 Improves soil moisture storage from rainfall.
 Controls evaporation loss
 Suppresses weed growth.
 Influences thermal regime of soil by reducing soil temperature
 Improves microbial activity
 Controls salinity development.
 Can be incorporated as manures later
Mulching % of rainfall stored in soil
No mulch 16-20
Straw mulch 1.6 t ha 19-28
Straw mulch 3.3 t ha-1 22-33
Straw mulch 6.6 t ha 28-37
Straw mulch 22.0 t ha-1 66
Vertical mulching is a technique where in trenches of 40 cm wide, 15 cm deep are dug at 2-4 m
interval across slope and filled with stubbles or organic wastes to a height of 10 cm above soil
surface. Runoff is checked, collected in the shallow trenches and redistributed to adjoining soil
layers. Vertical mulch at Agricultural Research Station, Kovilpatti has increased cotton yield
over flat bed system. This method can be considered as precursor method to broad bed furrow
Live mulching is the term used to describe the covering of soil surface through the plant canopy
in intercropping system. (Eg) sorghum + forage cowpea, sorghum + sword bean

Dust mulching refers to the soil condition associated with tillage. When land is ploughed or
stirred the surface soil is disturbed and this breaks the continuity of capillary pores from sub soil
to surface. As a result, evaporation is checked and soil moisture is conserved. Guntaka (Blade
harrow) / Danti/ hand hoe are the implements used for dust mulching.
Stover mulch or straw mulch refers to covering the soil surface with cumbu / sorghum straw,
sugarcane trash reduces the evaporation and increases soil moisture efficiency. Similarly
mulching with organic waste, crop residues, plastic material can be done.
Stubble mulch is referred to the stirring of the soil with implements that leave considerable part
of the vegetative material or crop residues or vegetative litter on the surface as a protection
against erosion and for conserving moisture by favouring infiltration and reducing evaporation.
Stubble mulch is very effectively done in western countries, where crop residue or by products
like straw, stover or haulms are not given to animals as fodder. Special farm implements are
available to create minimum disturbance and leave large surface area undisturbed. It also acts as
minimum tillage and conservation tillage.
Pebble mulch where small pebbles like stone are placed on the soil surface. This mulching will
be successful in dry land fruit tree culture. The pebbles placed on the basins of trees not only
reduce evaporation but also facilitate infiltration of rain water into the basin.
Use of anti-evaporanting chemicals: Chemicals like hexadecanol are used as anti-evaporants.
When sprayed and mixed with soil surface, hexadecanol is reported to reduce evaporation by 43
%. The treated surface layer dries up fast and creates a diffusional barrier for upward movement
of water vapour. It is resistant to microbial activity and degradation. It remains in soil for more
than a year. It also increased the soil aggregate stability.
Evaporation from free water surface, farm ponds, lakes etc can be reduced to 80% by
wax emulsions, rubber / plastic boats or saw dust.
Shelter belt
In arid and semiarid regions the hot winds dry the surface soil and create vapour pressure
gradient and continuous vapourisation takes place. This continuous vapourisation can be
arrested by raising shelter belt. It is a practice of growing one of multi rows of trees / shrubs or
crop plants across the wind direction either in the field or field boundaries to reduce the wind
effect and to reduce the wind velocity.
Shelter belt reduces
 The evaporation
 Increases soil moisture content by 3-5 per cent and this will be useful to alleviate the
terminal moisture stress in crops grown in adjoining area. The increase in soil moisture
percentage is due to favourable micro climate created by shelter belts
 It can be used as resting place of live stocks in dry lands
 Due to reduction in wind velocity, the pollen drift in orchard crops is minimized, there by
pollination percentage is increased and fruit setting is improved.
 Many trees in shelter belt are economically important. After long period of maintenance
the trees can be disposed off as timber and raw material for industrial use. Fruit trees grown
in shelter belt gives fruits which fetch higher economic returns.

 Wind break is also a form of shelter belt, but only one row of tall trees having good leaf
canopy are grown in North - South direction in order to reduce wind velocity and there by
reduce soil erosion. Tall trees like eucalyptus, Casuarinas, wood apple are grown as wind
breaks. After years of maintenance these trees can be disposed of economically.
Measures to reduce transpiration loss
Though transpiration is necessary and unavoidable evil, excessive transpiration has to be
controlled especially when soil moisture stress develops during critical stages of crop growth.
The rate of transpiration is governed by
 Soil moisture potential
 Atmospheric water demand
 Plant canopy characters such as leaf area, leaf orientation, stomatal
resistance, etc.
Transpiration loss can be reduced by the use of antitranspirants and by some cultural methods
Antitranspirants are substances or chemicals applied on plant-foliage to control rate of
transpiration. The important points to be considered in using antitranspirants are;
a) They should restrict water loss from leaf surface without restricting entry of carbon
dioxide for photosynthesis, and
b) Transpiration necessary for cooling of leaf surface should not be completely stopped by
the application of antitranspirants leading to rise in leaf temperature.
Based on their mechanism of action, antitranspirants are classified into various types.
b) Stomatal closing type: They cause partial or complete closure of stomata by inducing the
guard cells to close. But complete closure of stomata adversely affects gas exchange and
photosynthesis. These chemicals may also cause phyto-toxicity and are very expensive too.
Eg. Phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA), alkanyl succinic acid (ASA).
c) Film forming type: They cover the stomata by forming a thin film over leaf surface.
These substances are nontoxic, non degradable and very easy to apply but they adversely
affect photosynthesis. Eg. Paraffin and wax emulsions, folic 2 % power oil 1 %.
d) Reflectant type: When sprayed on leaf surface, the reflectant type antitranspirants
increase the leaf albedo or leaf reflectance of sunlight. As a result, heating is reduced, leaf
temperature inside is low and need for transpiration is reduced. Eg. Kaolin, lime solution.
Spraying kaolin, at 3-6% concentration reduced leaf temperature by 3-4 °C and transpiration
by 22-28%. These are less expensive, non phytotoxic and do not interfere with
photosynthesis since stomatal closure does not take place. Spraying 5% kaolin to cotton at
grand growth stage is very successful.
e) Growth retardant type: Chemicals like cycocel (ccc-chloro choline chloride, chlor
mequat) when sprayed on foliage, reduce leaf area and thereby reduce the transpiring area
and transpiration.
Cultural methods of transpiration control

Weed control: Most weeds have a high transpiration coefficient i.e. amount of water transpired to
produce unit quantity of dry matter. Early weed control prevents unwanted transpiration loss
through weeds.
a) Shelterbelts: Rows of trees grown across the direction of wind reduce air movement,
reduce temperature of air and plant canopy, increase humidity in the protected strips and
thereby reduce the atmospheric water demand and control transpiration in the inter space
between shelterbelts.
b) Alley cropping: This practice refers to raising perennial shrubs or tall crops as hedge
rows up to 1-2 m height at 48 m intervals and raising short statured annual crops in the
alleys (inter space between hedge rows). A similar effect on reduction in atmospheric
water demand and transpiration as described under shelter belts is caused in alley
cropping. This method is also called as hedge row inter cropping. Eg.
Hedge row Intercrop
Leucaena / Desmanthus Blackgram / cowpea / sunflower / groundnut
Agathi / castor / Perennial redgram / Casuarina Cotton / blackgram
(trained as bush) glyricidia / cowpea
1. Most common definition is WUE = Dry weight produced/ET
Any soil moisture conservation technique which increases the RUE will be considered as
the best management technique for that area.
Sorghum Soil moisture % Cotton + Black gram Soil moisture %
Bund 33.0 10.2 BBF 22.7
Graded Bund 31.0 10.3 CB 21.6
Vetiver 35.0 9.0 Tied ridge 20.4
Dead furrow 29.0 8.8 Dead furrow 19.6
Flat bed 18.7
2. Relationship between yield and RF
RUE = Yield / Rainfall Kg/mm
Eg. Silvipasture = 28 Kg/mm, Cotton = Less than 10 Kg/mm
3. Stanhill, 1986 defined WUE as the ratio of water used (ET) to the water potentially available
(Rainfall + stored moisture)
Choice of crops
Traditional cropping pattern in the dry farming areas is dominated by food grains viz
Millets and pulses. In a predominantly subsistence type of farming system, such dominance of
food crops is natural. The choice of crops for drylands is affected by
 Rainfall quantity and distribution

 Time of onset of rainy season
 Duration of rainy reason
 Soil characters including amount of rain water stored in the soil
 Farmer's requirements
The major focus of research under AICRPDA has been on the identification of most
efficient crops for each dry farming region. The criteria for choice of crops comprise the
 Tolerance to drought
 Fast growth during initial period to withstand harsh environment
 Genetic potential for high yield
 Short or medium duration to escape terminal drought
 Adaptability to wide climatic variations
 Response to fertilizers
Selection of suitable varieties
In most crops of dry farming regions, traditional local varieties still dominate. The
preference for these local varieties is based on their pronounced drought tolerance. But they are
usually longer in duration susceptible to moisture stress at maturity. They have low yield
potential even under favourable rainfall. They do not respond significantly to improved
management such as nutrient supply. The criteria now adopted for selection of crop varieties for
dry lands include drought tolerance, short or medium duration, high yield potential, response to
nutrient supply, high water use efficiency, moderate resistance to pest and diseases. Suitable
varieties for all dry land crops have been developed in all the dry farming regions and have
proved their high yield potential.
Choice of cropping system
Cropping system refers to the spatial and temporal association of crops in a farming
system. Choice of suitable cropping system must aim at maximum and sustainable use of
resources especially water and soil. Cropping systems depend on rainfall quantity, length of
rainy reason and soil storage capacity. The broad guidelines in choosing a cropping system for
dry lands are given below.
Potential cropping system based on rainfall and soil characters
Rainfall Soil type Growing Profile storage Suggested cropping system
(mm) season capacity (mm)
350-600 Alfisols, 20 100 Single rainy season cropping
shallow vertisols sorghum / maize / soybean
350-600 Deep aridisols, 20 100 Single cropping sorghum / maize /
Entisols(alluvium) soybean in kharif / rabi
350-600 Deep vertisols 20 100 Single post rainy season cropping
600-750 Alfisols, vertisols, 20-30 150 Intercropping
entisols 1. Sorghum + Pigeon pea
2. Cotton + Black gram
750-900 Entisols, deep 30 200 Double cropping with monitoring

vertisols, deep 1. Maize – safflower
alfisols, inceptisols 2. Soybean – chick pea
3. Groundnut – horsegram
> 900 As above > 30 > 200 Assured double cropping
Maize – chick pea
Soybean - safflower
Intercropping refers to growing two or more crops in the same field during the same
season. Intercropping is widely practiced in dry farming since it offers many advantages as
outlined below.
 Intercropping is a risk minimization strategy and provides an insurance against
complete crop failure due to rainfall abnormalities. This is made possible through the
duration difference between component crops
 It provides more yield and income per unit area per unit time than sole cropping
 Stability in production is achieved
 Multiple products for home consumption as well as for marketing are made available
 When legumes are included in intercropping, soil fertility is enriched
 Intercrop canopy suppresses weed growth
 Some intercrop combinations provide biological control of pests and diseases (eg)
cotton + cluster bean cropping system. Intercrop cluster bean reduces jassid incidence in
 Resource use efficiency is increased viz., light, water and nutrients are efficiently used
However, for success in intercropping the competition between component crops must be
minimized and the complimentary effects must be maximized. This can be accomplished by the
following means
 Choice of suitable component crops differing in duration, rooting pattern, canopy
architecture nutrient requirement and occurrence of critical stages
 Selection of genotypes in each component crop
 Optimum population of component crops
 Suitable crop geometry to provide adequate space for intercrops
 Preference for leguminous crops as intercrops
Inter cropping system suitable for drylands
Crops Geometry Base crop duration Intercrop duration
Sorghum + Lablab 6-8:2 100-120 150-180
Sorghum + Redgram 6-8:1 100-120 180
Sorghum + Cowpea 2:1 100-120 80
Cotton + Black gram 2:1 150-185 65-75
Groundnut + Redgram 6-8:1 105 180
Groundnut + Castor 6-8:1 105 150-180
Bengalgram + Coriander 4:1 100 80
Maize + Cowpea 2:1 100-110 75-80
Ragi+ Cowpea + Redgram 6:1:1 100 75 + 180

Double cropping in drylands
Double cropping either by sequential cropping or relay cropping is possible in places
with high rainfall (> 900 mm) extended rainy season and high soil moisture storage capacity.
Double cropping by relay cropping
Groundnut / Ragi + Redgram - Horsegram
(Jun-Sep) (Jun-Jan) (Sep-Jan)
Groundnut or ragi is sown with redgram as intercrop in 6:1 proportion in June. After
harvest of groundnut in September, horsegram is relay sown in the space between redgram rows.
Double cropping by sequential cropping
Pearl / ragi / samai (May – Sep) Horsegram (Sep – Jan)
Groundnut / sesamum (May – Sep) Horsegram (Sep – Jan)
Cowpea / greengram (Jun – Sep) Sorghum (Oct – Jan)
Sorghum (Jul – Oct) Chickpea (Oct – Feb)
Efficient double cropping system for drylands of India
Soil type Region Water availability (days) Double cropping system
Vertisols MP 210-230 Maize – chickpea
Soybean – wheat
Maharastra 190-210 Sorghum – safflower
Karnataka 130-150 Cowpea – sorghum
Greengram – safflower
Inceptisols UP 200-230 Rice – Chickpea
180-200 Pearl millet – chickpea
Blackgram – mustard
Oxisols Bihar 160-180 Maize – chickpea
Groundnut – barley
Alfisols Karnataka 190-220 Cowpea – ragi
Soybean – ragi
Alfisols and < 120 No double cropping
Crop substitution
It refers to the replacement of an existing low yielding crop with another crop which is
better adapted to the prevailing environment and is capable of giving higher yield under similar
climatic conditions. For many dry farming regions of India, more suitable crops than existing
ones have been identified. However, the acceptance and adoption of the practice of crop
substitution by dry land farmers is poor since in most instances the new crops replace food crops.
Region Traditional crop q/ha More suitable crop q/ha
Agra Wheat 10.3 Mustard 20.4
Bellary Cotton 2.0 Sorghum 26.7
Bijapur Wheat 9.4 Safflower 18.8
Varanasi Upland rice 28.0 Maize 33.8
In vertisols of Tamil Nadu, sunflower and maize are substituting millets and senna
substituting low value pulses.

Crops and varieties selected should match the length of growing season during which
they are not subjected to soil moisture stress. Climatological analysis helps to identify cultivars
suitable for different regions. Feasibility for intercropping, sequence cropping and double
cropping can also be known from such analysis. For regions with cropping season less than 20
weeks, single crop during kharif or rabi is recommended. Regions with more than 30 weeks and
above have no problem for double cropping. In regions with 20-30 weeks cropping season,
double cropping may be risky. Such areas are ideal for intercropping.


Category Effective cropping season(weeks) in different areas Potential cropping
< 20 weeks Bellary (8) Jodhpur(11) Anantapur (13) Sole cropping
Hissar (17) Rajkot (17) Bijapur (17)
20-30 weeks Jhansi (21) Kovilpatti (21) Hyderabad (22) Intercropping
Udaipur (22) Solapur (23) Agra (24)
Anand (25) Akola (27)
> 30 weeks Bhubaneswar Varanasi (32) Indore (36) Sequence cropping
(32) Hoshiarpur (35) Dehradun (44)
Bangalore (36) Ranchi (45)
Rewa (36)
Samba (44)

Water balance for different agroclimatic regions has been calculated and water
availability periods worked out. Regions with 350-600 mm rainfall having 20 weeks effective
growing season are suitable for single cropping in kharif (red and shallow black soils) or rabi
(deep black soils). Intercropping is possible in regions receiving 600-750 mm rainfall and
having 20-30 weeks of effective growing season. Areas with more than 750 mm rainfall or with
more than 30 weeks are suitable for double cropping.
Rainfall Soils Water Potential cropping system
(MM) availability
period (weeks)
350-600 Alfisols & Shallow vertisols 20 Single kharif cropping
350-600 Aridisols & Entisols 20 Single cropping either in kharif or
350-600 Deep Vertisols 20 Single rabi cropping
600-750 Alfisols, Vertisols &Entisols 20-30 Intercropping
750-900 Entisols, Deep Vertisols, >30 Double cropping with monitoring
Alfisols & Inceptisols
>900 Entisols, Deep vertisols, >30 Assured double cropping

Alfisols & Inceptisols
Establishment of optimum population
Poor or suboptimal population is a major reason for low yields in rainfed crops. Establishment
of an optimum population depends on
 Seed treatment
 Sowing at optimum soil moisture
 Time of sowing
 Depth of sowing
 Method of sowing
 Crop geometry
a) Seed treatment
Seed treatment is done for many purposes such as protection against pests and diseases,
inoculation of bio-fertilizers and inducing drought tolerance.
Seed treatment with insecticides and fungicides is a low cost technology for protection
against pests and diseases. In drylands, spraying of chemicals for pest control is difficult due to
scarcity of water. Hence a preventive measure through seed treatment is very useful.
Bio-fertilizers like azospirillum, rhizobium and phosphobacterium are applied through
seed inoculation as a low cost technology for nutrient supply.
Seed hardening
It is done to induce drought tolerance in emerging seedlings. It is the process of soaking
seeds in chemical solution and drying to induce tolerance to drought. Soil moisture stress
immediately after sowing affects germination and establishment. Seed hardening enables
seedlings to survive this early moisture stress.
During seed hardening, seeds are subjected to partial hydration followed by dehydration
before sowing. Seeds are soaked for specified time in chemical solutions of prescribed
concentration. Soaked seeds are then dried in shade back to original moisture content. During
soaking, seeds imbibe water and germination process is started but not completed. The hardened
seeds are thus in a ready state for germination. When sown in moist soils, seeds germinate
immediately. Such early germination helps in seedling emergence before surface soil dries up.
The advantages of seed hardening are listed below
 Ensures early germination by 2-3 days compared to untreated seeds
 Induces better root development which enables absorption of more moisture
 Germination and seedling emergence are completed before surface soil dries out
 Induces drought tolerance by increasing the resistance to protoplasmic dehydration in
young seedlings subjected to moisture stress.
 Low cost technology
 Hardened seeds can be sown immediately or within 30 days of treatment.
 Most important requirement for pre-monsoon sowing.

For success in seed hardening, attention must be paid in selection of right chemical, its
concentration, time of soaking, volume of solution and drying under shade to original moisture
Seed hardening in various crops
Crop Chemical Concentration Soaking time Volume of
solution per kg
Rice Potassium chloride 1% Water-10hrs 1 litre
Sorghum Potassium di-hydrogen 2 % 6 hrs 350ml
Potassium chloride 1% 5 hrs 1 litre
Pearl millet Potassium chloride 2% 16 hrs 1 litre
Sodium chloride 3%
Ragi Calcium chloride 0.5% Until visibility 1 litre
of embryo
Sunflower Zinc sulphate 2% 12 hrs 1 litre
Cotton CCC 1000 ppm 6 hrs 1 litre
KCl 2% 5 hrs 1.6 litres
DAP 2% 5 hrs 1.6 litres

Pulses (Black gram / green gram)

Four kilo gram of wood ash is collected, powdered thoroughly to which 30% Acacia gum is
added and mixed thoroughly so that wood ash - gum paste is obtained. Eight kg of black gram or
green gram seed is spread over the Acacia - wood ash paste and mixed thoroughly so that all the
seeds are smeared with the paste. The treated seeds are shade dried for 5 hours and then can be
b) Sowing at optimum soil moisture
An effective rainfall of 20-25 mm which can wet a depth of 10-15 cm is needed for
sowing. Moisture stress at or immediately after sowing adversely affects germination and
establishment of seedlings. To ensure adequate soil moisture at sowing, sowing has to be done
as early as possible after soaking rainfall is received. Sowing methods and implements play a
crucial rile in this regard.
c) Time of sowing
Optimum time of sowing is indicated by adequate rainfall to wet seeding depth and continuity of
rainfall after sowing. The probable sowing time in a rainfed area is the week which has a rainfall
of not less than 20 mm with coefficient of variability less than 100% and the probability of a wet
week following wet week. Timely sowing ensures optimal yield besides it may also help pest
avoidance. Maharastra kharif sorghum cultivated in 30 lakh hectares and more than 70% is under
hybrid prone to shoot fly. If sown at early July, the pest incidence can be avoided.
Pre-monsoon dry seeding

In some regions, where heavy clay soils dominate, sowing after rains is impossible due to
high stickiness of soil. Here sowing is done in dry soil, 2-3 weeks before the onset of monsoon
(pre-monsoon). Seeds will remain in soil and germinate only on receipt of optimum rainfall.
The advantages of pre-monsoon dry seeding are
 Early sowing
 Uniform germination and good establishment
 Utilization of first rainfall itself for germination instead of for land preparation in post
monsoon sowing
 Early maturity before closure of monsoon and avoidance of stress at maturity.
The success of pre-monsoon dry seeding depends on the following
i) It is recommended for bold seeds like cotton and sorghum only and not for all crops.
ii) Time of advance sowing must be fixed based on rainfall analysis for date of onset of
monsoon and continuity of rainfall after sowing.
iii) Seeds must be hardened to ensure quick germination and drought tolerance
iv) Seeding depth must be such that seeds will germinate only after receipt of rainfall to
wet that depth is received. Surface sowing may lead to germination with less rainfall and
death due to subsequent soil drying.
v) Off season tillage is necessary to enable sowing in dry soil before monsoon
vi) Seed damage by soil insects has to be prevented
Examples of pre-monsoon sowing
1. For sorghum in black soils, pre-monsoon dry seeding is recommended 1-2 weeks before onset
of monsoon with depth of sowing at 5 cm and seed hardening with 2 per cent potassium di-
hydrogen phosphate or potassium chloride.
2. For cotton in black soils, pre-monsoon dry seeding is recommended at 2-4 weeks before
commencement of monsoon, with a sowing depth of 5 cm and seed hardening with CCC
(500 ppm) or potassium chloride or DAP at 2% level.
d) Optimum depth of sowing
When seeds are sown on surface or at very shallow depth, germination and seeding growth are
affected when surface soil moisture dries up. Sowing at a depth where soil moisture availability
is adequate, ensure early and uniform germination and seedling establishment. Optimum depth
of' sowing varies with crop, especially seed size and penetration power of plumule.
Sesamum, 1-2 cm
Pearl millet and minor millets 2-3 cm
Pulses, sorghum, sunflower 3-5 cm
Cotton, maize 5 cm
Coriander 7 cm
e) Method of sowing
Sowing method is an important determinant of population. In dry lands, it is important to sow
the seeds in moist soil layer to ensure proper germination and seedling emergence. It is therefore
necessary to sow immediately after rainfall to avoid sowing in dry soil. It is also important to
sow the seeds at correct depth, neither on the surface nor too deep. Establishment of an optimum
population also depends on proper spacing between plants. The density, geometry, and depth of
sowing are dependent on method of sowing. The sowing methods usually adopted in dry lands
include broadcasting, sowing behind plough and sowing by seed drills. Dibbling of seeds and

planting of seedlings are also adopted for some crops. (Cotton, tobacco, chillies). Each method
has advantages as well as limitations. The choice of sowing method depends on seed size, soil
condition time available, cropping system, crop geometry, sowing depth, source of power, cost
of sowing, etc.

Merits and limitations of sowing methods

Sowing method Merits Limitations
Broadcasting Quick coverage for small seeds like Spacing and depth not ensured high
- ragi, sesamum, minor millets, seed rate-intercrop sown separately
medium sized seed like sorghum
pulses can also be broadcasted
Sowing behind For medium and bold seeds cotton, Low coverage-spacing between
plough sorghum, maize, groundnut, pulses, plants and depth of sowing not
castor, sunflower seeding requires ensured. Intercrop has to be sown
wooden plough only. Easy separately. Only monsoon sowing is
operation-row spacing can be possible
Local seed drill For medium and bold seeds wooden Spacing between plants is not
(gorru) implement easy maintenance, less uniform and depends on experience
cost, row spacing is ensured, more of seed dropper. Intercrop has to be
coverage than broadcasting and sown separately. Cannot be used for
sowing behind plough. Sowing pre-monsoon sowing.
depth and row spacing is uniform
Mechanised seed Large coverage, row and plant Initial cost is high, needs skill for
drill (Bullock spacing ensured uniform depth of operation and maintenance.
drawn/tractor sowing. Base crop and intercrop
drawn) sown simultaneously, enables early
sowing in large area, saves cost and
time. Pre monsoon sowing is

f) Crop geometry
Crop geometry refers to the shape of land occupied by individual plants as decided by
spacing between rows and between plants. It depends on the root spread and the canopy size of
the crop and the cropping system.

Crop Crop geometry (cm)

Sole crop in solid row Intercropping
Sorghum 45 x 15 (60+30) x 15 paired row
Pearl millet 30 x 15
Ragi 30 x 10
Small millets 30 x 10
Black gram, green gram, 30 x 10

Soybean, horsegram
Redgram 60 x 30
Cowpea 30 x 15
Cotton 45 x 30 (60+30) x 15 in paired row
Cotton (Arboreum) 45 x 15
Groundnut 30 x 10
Sesamum 30 x 30
Sunflower 45 x 15
Sunflower hybrids 45 x 20
Sunflower varieties 30 x 15
Coriander 30 x 15
Senna 45 x 15
Maize 45 x 30
"Dryland soils are not only thirsty, but also hungry'
Reason for not using fertilizer
1. Uncertainty of return from the investment on fertilizer use
2. The poor resource base of dryland farmers

The fertilizer use in dryland crops might vary between 5 to 40 kg/ha (N+P2O5+K2O).
Soils are low in N and P and Zn is the most limiting factor among micronutrient others are Ca,
Mg, S for which response was recorded.

Reasons for Poor soil fertility

 Slow weathering of minerals
 Low organic matter content
 Reduced microbial activity
 Erosion
 Very low addition of manures and fertilizers
 Soil salinity and alkalinity
 Reduced mobility of nutrients and nutrient fixation
Nutrient removal by dryland crops
Crop kg /t of yield
N P K Total
Sorghum 22.4 13.3 34.0 69.7
Pearl millet 42.3 22.6 90.8 155.7
Groundnut 58.1 19.6 30.1 107.8
Cotton 44.5 28.3 74.7 147.5
Bengalgram 46.3 8.4 49.6 104.3
Soybean 66.8 17.7 44.4 128.9
Redgram 62.0 11.5 65.0 138.5

Nutrient requirement of dryland crops
Crop kg /q of produce
N P K Total
Pearl millet 3.73 0.99 4.89 9.61
Maize 2.00 0.92 3.00 5.92
Soybean 7.40 1.45 7.20 16.05
Red gram 6.20 1.15 6.50 13.85
Groundnut 6.65 2.12 4.39 13.16

Experimental evidence has clearly established as below the high yield potential of
dryland crops with sufficient nutrient supply.

Yield q/ha
Sorghum Cotton Groundnut
No nutrients 18 3.2 5.5
FYM + NPK 35 6.8 8.7

The beneficial effect of nutrient supply in dry land

 Deficiency in soil supply of nutrients required by crops is corrected
 Nutrient supply promotes root development, which enables higher uptake of soil
moisture and high water use efficiency. This positive relationship between nutrients and
moisture is mutual
 Increased vigour of a fertilized crop enables it to survive drought better than an
unfertilized crop

The above facts obviate the many misconceptions about manures and fertilizers use in
drylands. Farmers in drylands however do not apply sufficient quantity of nutrients since
nutrient sources like manures and fertilizers are costly and risks to dependable crop production
and returns are high. The average consumption of inorganic fertilizers is less than 10 kg per ha
in drylands. Even this is confined to a few commercial crops like cotton, groundnut, chillies
only. According to an estimate of nutrient application rates in the SAT region of India, 151
district use less than 5 kg ha-1, 22 use 5-10 kg ha-1, 27 use 10-20 kg ha-1, 22 use 20-40 kg ha-1 and
only 2 districts use more than 40 kg ha-1.

State-wise per cent of rainfed area fertilized

State Per cent State Per cent
Madhya Pradesh 5 Maharashtra 18
Karnataka 22 Gujarat 32
Rajasthan 3 Andhra Pradesh 13
Tamil Nadu 9 Uttar Pradesh 10

Haryana 4 Punjab 37

The reasons attributed by farmers for poor adoption of nutrient supply to rainfed crops
include the followings.

 High cost, inadequate availability of fertilizers and inadequate availability plus high cost
of transport of organic manures, fear of scorching due to inorganic fertilizer addition.
 Low and uncertain yield and income due to undependable rainfall behaviour
 Apprehension that a well fertilized crop growing vigorously would exhaust soil moisture
supply early and subject the crop to moisture stress at later stages
 Adoption of fertilizer non responsive varieties in large

Due to the above reasons, nutrient supply in drylands is at a slow pace. In order to ensure
adequate nutrient supply, care must be taken to understand the factors that influence nutrient use
efficiency in dry crops and to evolve an integrated nutrient management system that will be
efficient, economical and environmentally sustainable.
Scope for fertilizer use in drylands
 Introduction of new high yielding varieties / hybrids in different crops which are
fertilizer responsive at a given adequate soil moisture storage level.
 Development of new in situ soil moisture conservation methods enhances the duration
time and depth of soil moisture availability. This will increase the fertilizer use efficiency.
Hence there is good scope for fertilizer applications.
 Use of integrated nutrient management in different crops, increase the use efficiency of
fertilizer and increase the yield.
 Short duration / early duration varieties of crops utilize the fertilizers efficiency than
long duration varieties of the same crops.

Factors influencing nutrient use efficiency in drylands

Nutrient use efficiency refers to the yields per kg of nutrient applied. The response of rainfed
crops to nutrient application depends on crop and variety, rainfall and soil moisture availability,
soil properties, quantity, time and methods of nutrient application, cropping system adopted and
management practices such as moisture conservation, timely weed control etc.

Response rainfed crops to nutrients:

kg grain / kg of nutrient
Nitrogen Phosphorus
Sorghum 3.4 – 43.4 2.4 – 59.0
Pearl millet 2.1 – 24.8 1.7 – 14.3
Ragi 5.0 – 42.4 6.4 – 38.0
Maize 4.1 – 67.4 6.8 – 80.0
Thenai 5.9 – 17.9 -
Sunflower 1.5 – 22.6 1.2 – 2.0
Groundnut 1.3 – 6.0 1.2 – 15.0

Sesamum 1.3 – 5.0 1.1 – 3.1
Greengram - 1.5 – 11.6
Blackgram - 1.8 – 6.7
Redgram - 3.1 – 8.3

a) Rainfall and soil moisture availability

Water and nutrients interact positively and exhibit a mutual complementary effect.
Adequate and well distributed rainfall enables higher nutrient uptake and response. This is
accomplished through greater mobility of nutrients in a moist soil, improved microbial activity
and better root growth. Under moisture stress nutrient uptake suffers due to reduced mobility of
nutrients, restricted root growth high salt concentration of soil solution, nutrient fixation and
reduced microbial activity.

Soil moisture storage Yield of sorghum (q ha-1)

50 mm 13.0
100 mm 23.3

Rainfall Response of sorghum (kg/kg)

500 mm 6.5
730 mm 27.7

Nutrient supply improves water use efficiency through, extensive root growth reduced
evaporation loss through canopy coverage of soil and higher yield.

Information about rainfall quantity, distribution and probability, are very useful to make
decisions on soil fertility management. If a region is defined as one having a dependable onset of
monsoon and hence adequate soil moisture for crop establishment, then basal dressing of
fertilizer would be safe.

If continuity and assurance of rainfall in early growth stage are present, then top dressing
would be beneficial. Since, high intensity rainfall is common in drylands, split application of
nitrogen would be advantageous to prevent loss through leaching. Information on rainfall
probability could be used with advantage in scheduling fertilizer application to suit moisture
storage capacity of soil profile and progress of rainfall during cropping season.

b) Crop and variety

Crops and varieties vary in their ability to use applied nutrients. Hybrids and high
yielding varieties (HYV) respond better than local varieties because of their high yield potential
at the same level of resource supply.
Cultivar Sorghum yield q ha-1
Local 12
HYV 20
Hybrid 30

Among the crops also, response to individual nutrients varies with species. Cereals and
millets respond more to nitrogen, legumes to phosphorus and oilseeds to N, P and K.

c) Soil properties
Soil physical properties influence crop response mainly by affecting soil moisture
availability. Soil nutrient status also has a significant effect on crop response, Drylands are
mostly deficient in N and so there is universal response to N. Response to P depends on fixation
in soil and to K on leaching loss.

d) Management practices
Nutrient management aspects such as quantity, time and method of application of
nutrients, inclusion of legumes in cropping system, soil moisture conservation practices etc. also
influence crop response to nutrients.

Crop response to N depending on rainfall (q/ha)

Rainfall Above normal Normal Below normal

Nutrient Control 20-40kg Control 20-40kg Control 20-40kg
Pearl millet 10.9 20.8 7.5 13.7 2.5 6.3
Sesamum 4.9 14.7 3.2 5.8 - -
Sorghum 14.8 31.5 - - 13.8 29.0
Sunflower - - 14.9 22.0 12.3 17.0
The components of INM for rainfed crops are the following
1. Organic manures
Organic matter content in dryland soils is low and its improvement is essential to promote
soil moisture storage and nutrient supply. This can be accomplished through addition of FYM/
compost, green manure/ green leaf manures and crop residues. Addition of FYM/compost at
12.5 t ha is recommended. Incorporation of green manures / GLM before sowing or
incorporation of intercropped legumes is useful. At Bangalore, yield of ragi was increased by 2-
6 q ha-1, incorporation of green leaves at 5-10 t/ha . At Bijapur incorporation of sunnhemp or
Leucaena leaves increased the yield of sorghum and sunflower. At Sholapur leucaena loppings
increased the yield of rabi sorghum. At Bhubaneswar incorporation of glyricidia leaves
increased the yield of maize and finger millet.
At Kovilpatti incorporation of sunnhemp not only reduced 50 % N requirement but also
sustained yield in cotton, sunflower and improved physico-chemical properties of soil. In Tamil
Nadu, Kolinji and Aavarai (Cassisa auriculata) are used as GLM in drylands. Leaves of
leguminous trees through loppings and prunings can serve as GLM eg. Subabul, Vagai, Neem,
Sisoo, Aacha.
Effective management of crop residues can also help to improve organic matter content.
Maize residues at 4 t ha-1 per year in alfisols of Bangalore increased the organic carbon from 0.5
to 0.9% in 5 years and maize yield increased by 25%. At Hyderabad alfisols, crop residue
incorporation caused improvements in soil structure, stable aggregate, hydraulic conductivity and
yield of pearl millet and cowpea was increased. At AICRPDA centres crop yield increase due

crop residue incorporation was recorded in rainfed rice, sorghum, maize, lentil and sesamum.
The materials used were leucaena loppings, leaves and twigs of perennial redgram, stubbles of
sorghum and haulms of greengram and groundnut. Farm residue used along with inorganic
fertilizer, increased grain yield in bajra at Kovilpatti.
2. Fertilizers
Quantity: Great care is required in deciding on the quantity because of high cost. It depends on
soil content, crop and moisture availability
Recommended dose of fertilizer application (kg ha-1) to dry land crops of Tamil Nadu
Crop N P K
Cotton 40 20 0
Sunflower 40 20 20
Pulses 12.5 2.5 0
Groundnut 17.5 35 53
Method of application must ensure application of nutrients in moist soil and prevention of loss.
N can be applied basally at last ploughing and incorporated. Foliar application of N is useful
when crops are reviving from stress. For P placement near root zone by basal incorporation or at
5-10 cm from seed rows is effective to prevent fixation and to ensure easy availability. To avoid
fixation of applied P, application as enriched FYM is recommended. Deep placement is
important for post rainy season crops grown on stored moisture. K is applied basally at last
ploughing and incorporated. Micronutrients are applied after sowing but not incorporated. Use
of seed cum fertilizer drill is very useful for placement of fertilizers
Time of application should be such to suit crop requirement and moisture availability. Since
adequate moisture is always available at sowing basal application is effective. N can be top
dressed at 25-30 DAS depending on rainfall. This enables skipping fertilizer if rainfall is not
adequate and save the cost. For millets and cotton ½ N and full P and K are applied basally and
½ N is top dressed. For other crops full NPK is applied basally. For pre-monsoon sown crops
like cotton, sorghum entire P can be applied basally as enriched FYM. In case of sorghum entire
N can be applied at 30-35 DAS and for cotton N can be applied in two equal split at 20-25 and
40-45 DAS depending upon the receipt of rainfall during the corresponding period.
3. Legumes in cropping system
Legume intercropping is very common in drylands. When a short duration legume is
intercropped with a long duration non legume the legume haulms after picking pods can be
incorporated to benefit the non-legume by current transfer of legume fixed N. Intercropping
green gram with sunflower with 30 kg N produced sunflower yield on par with 60 kg N.
Intercropping greengram or fodder cowpea in pearl millet provided 20 kg N in Hisar.
In Hyderabad, cowpea ploughed in between castor rows at 40-45 DAS provided N
equivalent to 30 kg to castor. Cotton + black gram intercropping system increased the residual N
and organic carbon content on soils of Kovilpatti. Sequential cropping short duration legumes
grown for grain / fodder as first crop, enrich the soil and the residual effect benefits the
succeeding crop. In alluvial soils of North India, short duration fodder legumes like cowpea,
cluster beans, moth bean and soybean provided residual effect to barley. Grain yield of barley

grown after legumes was better than after pearl millet. Nutrient contribution was equivalent to
40 kg N ha-1. Maize sown after groundnut was benefited by residual effect equivalent to 15 kg N
ha-1 at ICRISAT. Non legumes grown after groundnut can be fertilized with reduced N by at
least 25-50 kg N ha-1 due to considerable quantity of minearalisable N left by groundnut. Sole
cowpea as first crop provided residual fertility effect equivalent to 25-50 kg N ha-1. Green
gram /blackgram grown during kharif incorporated after picking first flush pods improved the
yield of succeeding mustard and barley through contribution of residual N equal to 40-60 kg ha-1.
4. Biofertilisers
Seed inoculation of legumes with Rhizobium and seed inoculation and soil application
with Azospirillum for cereals, millets, cotton, sunflower and sesamum is recommended. Besides
N fixation, Azospirillum reportedly improves root growth through the exudation of growth
promoting substances. Use of phosphobacteria as seed inoculation and soil application for
solubilising native P also recommended. VA mycorrhizae have been found to play a crucial role
in P nutrition of dryland crops especially soybean, sorghum and pearl millet. Biofertilizers
constitiute a low cost technology in nutrient management.
Management practices such as moisture conservation techniques, raising responsive varieties,
timely weed control and emphasis on low cost and no cost technologies also play a vital role in
nutrient management for dryland crops.
Low cost technology and non-monetary inputs in soil fertility management
Nutrient supply is a costly input, compared with other components of dryland technology
package. Considering the uncertainty and low level of returns in drylands during years of
abnormal rainfall, low cost technologies and non-monetary inputs relevant to soil fertility
management must be given due importance. Seed inoculation and soil application of
biofertilizers, use of enriched FYM, split application of N fertilizer, suitable method of
application, choice of responsive cultivars and inclusion of legumes in intercropping are useful
technologies in this regard.
Based on the work carried out at the cooperating centres of the All India Coordinated
Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA), fertilizer management practices have
been developed for different food crop based production systems operating in different parts of
India (Randhawa and Singh, 1983). Important points that emerge from these recommendations
 The recommended doses of fertilizers are higher in areas where incident rainfall and
moisture storage capacity of the soils are higher.
 By and large, crops respond to application of N and P, the response for K being
sporadic in Alfisols and Inceptisols.
 A starter dose of N @ 15-20 kg ha-1 is recommended for leguminous pulse crops.
 N is recommended to be applied in splits, whereas P and K are to be applied as basal.
 Fertilizers are recommended to be placed below seeds all at sowing for post-rainy
season crops.
 For acid soils, application of lime is recommended as amendment for crops like maize,
blackgram, greengram and finger millet. Paper mill sludge can, however, substitute lime as
 Inoculation with appropriate Rhizobium culture is recommended for pulses.

Contingency crop planning for different aberrant weather situations
Rainfall behaviour in dry farming areas is erratic and uncertain. The deviations in
rainfall behaviour commonly met with in dry areas include delayed onset, early withdrawal
intermediary dry spells during rainy season. The adverse effect of these rainfall aberrations on
crop growth vary with the degree of deviation and the crop growth stage at which such
deviations occur. Suitable manipulations in crop management practices are needed to minimize
such adverse effects of abnormal rainfall behaviour. These management decision, constitute
contingency planning. Such management practices done after crop establishment and in the
middle of growth are called midterm corrections.

Rainfall aberration Effect on crops

Delay in onset of rainfall Length of cropping season or cropping duration is
reduced - crop sowing is delayed
Early withdrawal or cessation of rainfall Moisture stress at maturity grain filling is affected
(terminal stress)
Intermediate dry spells
a. Immediately after sowing Germination affected, population reduced
b. At vegetative phase Affects stem elongation, leaf area expansion,
branching or tillering
c. At flowering Affects anthesis and pollination grain / pod number
d. At ripening Grain filling and size reduced
Contingency plan and midterm corrections vary with the type and time of occurrence of
rainfall observation.
Rainfall abnormality Contingency plan and midterm correction
1. Delayed onset of rainfall
a) Delay exceeding3-4 weeks Alternate crops of short duration to be sown
Delay in South west monsoon
Normal - June Groundnut
Delay - July Ragi / pearl millet
Delay - August Samai / Cowpea
Delay in South west monsoon
Normal - October Cotton / Sorghum
Delay - Early November Sunflower / Pearl millet / Ragi
Delay - Late November Coriander / Senna
b) Delay of 1-2 weeks Alternate varieties of short duration of same
crop Eg. Sorghum Co 19 (150 days) Co 25
(110 days) Red gram local (180 days) Co 5
(130 days)
2. Early withdrawal of rainfall Antitranspirant spray, harvesting for fodder

(millets) harvesting at physiological maturity
3. Intermediary dry spell
a. Immediately after sowing Gap filling with subsequent rains if stand
reduction is less than 20%. Re-sowing if stand
reduction is more than 20%, mulching
between crop rows. Stirring soil surface to
create dust mulch to reduce evaporation
b. At vegetative phase Mulching, antitranspirant spray, spraying
potassium chloride, thinning of 33-50%
c. At flowering Antitranspirant spray, harvesting for fodder
and ratooning with subsequent rains in millets
(e.g) sorghum
d. At ripening Antitranspirant spray, harvesting for fodder,
harvesting at physiological maturity
A contingent crop programme model for dry lands of Aruppukottai and Kovilpatti is furnished
Rainfall period Aruppukottai Kovilpatti
Rain fall 810mm 730mm
On set of monsoon 37 standard week (2 week 41st standard week(2nd week
th nd

of September) of October)
Soil Shallow vertisol Deep vertisol
Premonsoon 35th standard week 39th standard week
Sowing Last week of August Last week of September
Crops Cotton, Sorghum Hirsutum cotton, Sorghum
(K8) Fodder sorghum (K3)
Monsoon sowing 37th standard week 41st standard week
Choice of Crops Cotton, Sorghum, Maize, Cotton (Hirsutum and,
Redgram, Blackgram arboreum spp), maize,
blackgram, sorghum
2 Weeks delayed 39th standard week(last week 43rd standard week(last week
of September) of October)
Maize, bajra Sunflower, coriander
4 Weeks delayed 41 standard week (2 week 45th standard week(2nd week
st nd

of October) of November) Coriander,

Gingelly, Senna
6 Weeks delayed 43rd standard week (last week 47th standard week (last week
of October) of November)
Coriander Senna is possible if heavy
rainfall is received
Resource management for sustainable agriculture.
Soil and water are two naturally available resources need to be managed efficiently in dryland

Under given ecological limitation it is the rainfall variation that causes fluctuation in productivity
from year to year.
1. Effective utilization of stored soil moisture is important and hence crops and varieties
having high MUE need to be used.
2. Crop planning as per length of cropping season: Select the crop of proper duration to
match the length of growing season for stabilizing in crop production.

Category Regional canters Effective cropping Cropping programme

a) <20 weeks Bellary 8 weeks Sole cropping
Hissar 17 weeks Sole cropping
b) 20-30 weeks Kovilpatt 21 weeks Intercropping
Akolai 27 weeks Intercropping
c) >30 weeks Bhubeneswar 31 weeks Sequence cropping
Ranchi 45 weeks Sequence cropping

3. Instead of compartmentalizing Kharif and Rabi season Kharif-Rabi continuam seemed to

be more effective with high yield besides fertility maintenance. Eg. Deccan rabi dryfarming
tract Bajra + Pigeon Pea better compared to cereal or keeping land fallow in Kharif.
4. Relative contribution of production parameters critical inputs against full package which
affect the productivity considerable experiment results indicated fertilizer application
contributed 43 to 81 % increased yield for cereals. Plant density and spacing and change of
variety can also bring substantial increase in production.
5. Alley cropping for fertility maintenance subabul green matter incorporation increased
sorghum yield by 73%.
6. Contigent crop planning for weather abbreviation to avoid total crop failure and this will
help us to get something to sustain.
7. Soil and moisture conservation practices

Dry land horticulture

Fruit trees with drought tolerance potential can substitute annual crops in many dry land
tracts. The criteria for selection of fruit trees for dry lands are listed below
 Drought tolerance
 Adaptability to varying soil conditions
 Flowering and fruiting during period of adequate moisture availability
 Quick regeneration after pruning
 Rapid recovery after stress is removed

Rainfall (mm) Fruit trees suitable

560 – 700 Ber, pomegranate, cashew sapota, pomegranate, jamun, amla
700-900 Mango, cashew, custard apple, guava, fig,

Soil type Fruit trees suitable
Black soils Ber, sapota, pomegranate, jamun, amla, wood apple
Red soils Mango, cashew, custard apple (Annona), pomegranate, sapota, amla.

Successful dry land horticulture depends on many cultural requirements as listed below

• Selection of trees suitable for rainfall and soil

• Planting during monsoon season in one cubic metro pits
• Pot watering during hot months in the early establishment period of 2-3 years
• Pruning to reduce canopy during dry season
• Moisture conservation through vegetative barriers, large basins sloping towards tree
trunk, crescent or saucer shape basins, mulching with dry leaves, straw or crop waste.

Inclusion of fruit trees in dry land farming systems can be done through

a) Pure horticulture: Plantations of mango, cashew, guava etc.

b) Agri horticulture: Annual crops intercropped in between fruit trees. Eg: Mango + Groundnut /
samai / horsegram, ber + cowpea / green gram
c) Hortipasture: growing pasture grasses and legumes between fruit trees. Eg: Ber / guava +
Cenchrus cilliaris + Stylosanthes


Integrated farming system (IFS) refers to the adoption of allied agricultural enterprises
along with crop production in a mutually beneficial manner in the same farm holding. Eg. Crop
+ sheep / goat, crop / sericulture, Crop + poultry, crop / tree + forage + livestock.
IFS offers many advantages compared with annual cropping alone.
 Increased farm income
 Stability in farm income
 Increased employment opportunities
 Balanced food to farm family
 Efficient use of resources
 Recycling of farm wastes.

Case studies in dryland IFS

Black soils of Kovilpatti
IFS Crop + Live stock
a) Crop (0.5 ha) Cotton, sun flower, sorghum
b) Fodder crops (0.5 ha) Cenchrus cilaris, fodder cumbu, fodder sorghum
c) Livestock 2 Jerssy milch cows
System Net income Rs/Year

1. Crop 1636
2. Additional income from milch animal 2519
3. Organic matter recycled 1.2 tonnes per year

Black soils of Aruppukottai

IFS Crop + trees + goat
Crop Sorghum + cowpea, Cotton + Blackgram
Fodder Cenchrus grass + Desmanthus
Fruit trees Ber, custard apple, Amla
Livestock Tellicherry goats (5 female + one male)

System Net income Per day income Employment Generation

(Rs/ha/Year) (Rs/day) (man days /year)
Crop alone 3228 9 35
IFS 10417 29 131

Blacksoils of Coimbatore
System Crop + trees + goat in one ha
Crop Sorghum + cowpea for fodder 0.2 Leucaena + Cenchrus 0.2 ha
Trees Acacia senegal 0.2 ha Prosophis cineraria 0.2ha
Livestock Goats in deep litter system (5 females +one male)

Crop alone IFS

Net income (Rs/ ha/ Year) 1919 5666
Additional income - 3749
Employment (man day/year) 40 153
Per day profit (Rs) 2.26 15.52

e) Red soils of Paiyur

System Crop + dairy
Crop Ragi /samai /pulses
Livestock 3 cows

System Per day income (Rs/day)

Crop alone Rs 2.38
Crop + dairy Rs 8.10

Integrated dryland technology and its components:

A single technology in isolation will not give desired results. adoption of all related
technologies as an integrated dryland technology package alsone will provide a synergistic effect
and improve the crop productivity in dry regions. The various components of such an integrated
dryland technology (IDLT) are the following.

 In situ soil moisture conservation

 Choice of suitable crops and crop substitution
 Selection of high yielding drought tolerant varieties
 Cropping system to suit rainfall quantity, duration of rainy season and soil
moisture storage
 Tillage to conserve moisture
 Establishment of optimum population
 Soil fertility management
 Crop protection against weeds, pests and diseases.

Uncertain rainfall, poor soil conditions and low level of management has made annual
cropping of field crops a non-remunerative enterprise in many pockets of dry lands. In some
instances, cropping has been given up altogether and lands remain fallow and become wastelands
overgrown with unwanted vegetation. To arrest this trend and to bring back the land under
economically useful vegetation, alternate land use systems such as grasslands / pastures,
agroforestry and horticulture are recommended. This has become necessary for the following

a) Annual field crop production is nonviable and uneconomical in many years

b) Yield of field crops is low and fluctuates widely between years affecting stability and income
c) Continued use of the eroded and degraded lands under the present system of annual cropping
may ecologically degrade the lands further affecting sustainability of the fragile eco-system
in the drylands, leading to the creation of wastelands.
d) Alternate land use systems such as grasslands and tree culture are less risky, more productive
and remunerative in these marginal lands. They will provide stability and sustainability.

The choice of an alternate land use system depends on the land capability. Most of the
lands under dry farming tracts come under the land capability classes of III and above.

Land capability class Alternate land use recommended

Class II Dry land horticulture
Class III & IV Agro-forestry / leyfarming
Class V Pastures / silvipasture / tree farming
Class VI Range lands / wood lots
Pastures and grass lands
Forage crops play an important role in dry land economy. They help to promote
livestock husbandry to improve and stabilize income. Forage grasses and legumes are best suited
for marginal lands and sub marginal lands, sloppy lands, eroded and degraded lands for soil and
moisture conservation and for reclamation of wastelands.
Forage crops for dry lands include
Annual cereals Sorghum, maize, pearl millet
Annual legumes Cowpea, cluster beans (guar)

Perennial grasses Cenchrus ciliaris (Anjan or Kolukkattai grass),
Cenchrus setigerus (black kolukkattai),
Cenchrus glaucus (blue buffel)
Dichanthium annulatum (marvel grass)
Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass)
Heteropogon contortus (spear grass)
Annual grass Pennisetum pedicellatum (Deenanath grass).
Perennial legumes Stylosanthes hamata, Stylosanhes scabra (Stylo or muyal
Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro)
Clitoria ternatea (sangupuspham)
Desmanthus virgatus (Hedge lucerne / velimassal)
Leuceana leucocephala (subapul), berseem.
Forage crops can be introduced into the dry land farming system through any of the
following ways:
a) Grasslands or pasture with perennial grasses and legumes for grazing by livestock, cutting and
stall feeding, (cut and carry system.) and hay or silage making
b) Strip cropping with alternate strips of grasses / legumes and annual crops
c) Ley farming where in perennial forage crops are grown in rotation with annual crops in 4-5
year cycle Eg. Stylosanthes hamata (3 years) – sorghum (1 year) – castor (1 year)

Ley farming offers the following advantages

 Provision of fodder for cattle
 Low risk system
 Soil and moisture conservation
 Enrichment of soil fertility
 Prevention of soil compaction
 Control of perennial weeds
Silviculture refers to the raising of trees. When trees are introduced into farms along with
field crops it is known agrisilviculture or agroforestry system. Tress provides many benefits to
mankind. They play protective role by making available a variety of products for human
consumption, for livestock and for industrial raw material needs. Eg: Fruits, nuts, fuel, fodder,
timber, wood, wax, resin, etc. They also play a protective role through soil and moisture
conservation, enrichment of soil fertility through nutrient recycling and protection of
Methods of tree cultivation
a) Block culture: Large contiguous area is planted with selected species of tress suitable for fuel,
timber, wood or industrial use (multipurpose tree species). It is also known as wood lots or
energy plantations when planted for fuel. Eg: Eucalyptus, Acacia, Prosophis.
b) Staggered planting: Trees are grown scattered in the field with annual crops raised in the
interspaces. Multipurpose tree species suitable for fuel, fodder, wood and timber can be

planted at 20-50 trees per hectare. Eg: Acacia + fodder sorghum vagai / neem + pulses /
c) Border trees: Trees can be grown along farm boundaries and field borders for economic use as
well as boundary markers. Eg: Palmyrah, neem, tamarind, eucalyptus.

Different systems of tree culture

1. Agrisilviculture (Agroforestry) Trees and annual crops are raised in an intercropping system in
the same field. Trees are planted at 5-8 m spacing and field crops are sown in the interspaces
during rainy reason. Eg: Leucaena + Sorghum / Pearl millet / Castor / Pulses, Neem / Vagai
+ Fodder sorghum / Pulses
2. Silvipasture: Leguminous fodder trees are raised with fodder grasses and legumes as
intercrops. Eg: Acacia + Cenchrus + Stylosanthes, Vagai / Sisoo + Cenchrus + Stylosanthes
3. Alley cropping or hedgerow intercropping: Annual field crops are grown in alleys formed by
hedge rows of trees and shrubs. The trees or shrubs in hedge rows are cut back to short
height (0.5 – 1.0 m) at sowing of annual crops with onset of rains and kept pruned during
crop growing season to reduce shade effect and competition with field crops. The width of
alley (space between hedges) is about 4-6 m. eg: Leucaena or Desmanthus as hedge row with
sorghum, maize, pigeonpea, sunflower as intercrop. Alley cropping offers many benefits.
 Green fodder from hedge rows during dry season and food and dry fodder from
annual crops during rainy season.
 Off season rainfall is utilized by hedgerow trees or shrubs
 Hedge rows check runoff and erosion when formed along contour or across slope
 Loppings and prunings from hedgerows can be used as fodder, fuel wood or for
 Yield of crops raised in the alleys is improved due to better microclimate through
reduction in temperature and wind speed, increase in humidity and reduction in
evapotranspiration loss

Success in alley cropping depends on alley width and height of hedge rows. Alley width
of 5-6 m has been found to be effective. Low height of 45-50 cm is desirable. Usually one
cutting of hedge row shrubs at the time of sowing of annual crops and subsequent prunings at
monthly interval during cropping season are optimal. During dry season, cutting is done
depending on fodder requirement.

4. Timber - Fibre system (TIMFIB system): It involves growing trees and perennial fibre crops
together. Eg: Leucaena + agave

Choice of trees for drylands

Trees suitable for dry lands must have the following characters
 Multipurpose tree species (fodder, fuel, timber, wood)
 Adaptable to wide variations in soil and climate
 Rapid growth
 Withstand severe pruning

Soil Rainfall (mm) Trees suitable
Black soil 730-830 Euclayptus viridis, Acacia nilotica, Leucaena leucocephala
Black soil 510-760 Acacia nilotica, Acacia auricultiformis, Acacia indica Acacia
planifrons, Leucaena leucocephala, Azadirachta indica,
Ailanthus excelsa
Red soil 570 - 830 Leucaena leucocephala, Eucalyptus cameldulensis, Acacia
auriculiformis, Acacia nilotica, Acacia senegal, Acacia
holoserecia, Acacia tortilis, Albizzia lebbeck, Prosophis
cineraria, Hardwickia binata, Dalbergia sisoo, Azadirachta
Red soil 380 - 500 Prosophis cineraia, Albizzia lebbeck, Acacia nilotica
Red soil Less than 300 Acacia nilotica, Acacia senegal, Acacia tortilis, Zizljphus


Watershed is defined as a natural hydrological unit that covers a specific land surface
area from which runoff passes through a common outlet. In simple terms, it implies a
catchments or drainage basin from which water drains towards a single channel. It may extend
over a few acres only or may cover thou sands of acres.
Watershed development approach aims at developing the entire area in the watershed
including the cultivated and uncultivated area. It is therefore different from individual farm as
unit for development.
Watershed management is the integration of technology within the natural boundaries of
a drainage area for optimum development of land water and plant resources to meet the basic
minimum needs of the people in a sustained manner.
It is also defined as the development and management of watershed resources in such a
manner as to achieve optimum production without deterioration of resources base or disturbing
the ecological balance. It is termed as "Resource centered technology" since it helps in
assessment augmentation and optimal utilisation of all the natural resources of land water and

vegetation, it prevents deterioration of resources and at the same time ensures sustained
productivity of land to meet basic needs of people.
Need and advantages
1. Watershed is an acceptable basic hydrological unit of planning for optimum use and
conservation of soil and water resources.
2. Here, development is not confined to agricultural land alone but covers the whole land
area starting from the highest point of the watershed (ridge line) to the lower most point
of outlet into, the natural drainage stream at the bottom of the slope. It means every part
of land including barren, sloppy and marginal lands being treated according to its
capability. By adopting watershed as unit for development, different measures are
adopted and executed in each of the topo-sequence according to its capability, providing
an integrated treatment of arable and non arable lands.
Ridge line Tree culture
Marginal land Agroforestry, pasture
Arable land Integrated soil and moisture conservation and cropping
3. It aims at comprehensive development of all resources in the watershed i.e., holistic. It
starts from the most important resources viz., soil and water and extends to other
resources like crops trees, livestock etc.,
4. Some of the resource conservation measures may have to be carried out cutting across
field boundaries E.g. Contour bunding, contour vegetative barriers, shelter belts, drainage
channel. For this watershed is more ideal unit.
5. It is a multidisciplinary approach involving scientists from all related disciplines of
Agronomy, Engineering, Horticulture, Forestry, Soil Science, Extension, Economics,
6. It provides for involvement of farmers in planning execution and monitoring of the
Principles of watershed management
The main principles of watershed management based on resource conservation, resource
generation and resource utilization, are:
(i) Utilizing the land according to its capability;
(ii) Protecting productive top soil;
(iii) Reducing siltation hazards in storage tanks and reservoirs and lower fertile lands;
(iv) Maintaining adequate vegetation cover on soil surface throughout the year,
(v) In-situ conservation of rain water,
(vi) Safe diversion of excess water to storage points through vegetative waterways;
(vii) Stabilization of gullies by providing checks at specified intervals and thereby
increasing ground water recharge;
(viii) Increasing cropping intensity and land equivalent ratio through intercropping and
sequence cropping
(ix) Safe utilization of marginal lands through alternate land use systems with agriculture
- horticulture - forestry - pasture systems with varied options and combinations;
(x) Water harvesting for supplemental and off-season irrigation;

(xi) Maximizing agricultural productivity per unit area per unit time and per unit of
(xii) Ensuring sustainability of the ecosystem befitting the man - animal-plant-water
(xiii) Maximizing the combined income from the inter related and dynamic crop - livestock
tree - labour complex over years;
(xiv) Stabilizing total income and to cut down risks during aberrant weather situations;
(xv) Improving infrastructural facilities with regard to storage, transportation and
marketing of the agricultural produce;
(xvi) Setting up of small scale agro4ndustries; and
(xvii) Improving the socioeconomic status of the farmers.

Objectives of watershed management

As mentioned earlier, watershed management is enshrined with the concept of sustainability
meeting the needs of present population without compromising the interests of future
generations. It is multi-pronged approach for steady uplift of masses living in the area. The
main objectives of this multipurpose programme can be described in symbolic form by the
expression: 'POWER'. Here the letters symbolize the following:
P - Production of food -fodder - fuel - fruit - fibres - fish - milk combine on a sustained basis
Pollution control
Prevention of floods
O - Over-exploitation of resources to be minimized by controlling excessive biotic interference
like overgrazing
Operational practicability of all on-farm operations and follow- up programmes including
easy approachability to different locations in watershed
W - Water storage at convenient locations for different purposes
Wild animal and indigenous plant life conservation at selected places
E - Erosion control
Eco - system safety
Economic stabili4y
Employment generation
R - Recharge of ground water
Reduction of drought hazards
Reduction of siltation in multi - purpose reservoirs

Components of watershed approach

1. Water -resource improvement
2. Soil and moisture conservation in cultivated lands
Hardware Software
Permanent / Semi-permanent Temporary/Recurring
Contour builds Compartmental bunding
Bench terracing Ridging after crop establishment
Conservation ditches Contour cultivation

Land leveling Mulching
Runoff collection structures Vegetative barriers

3. Land treatment in non-arable lands

4. Improved cropping
5. Alternate land use system and integration of livestock in farming system.

1. Increased land productivity through improved technology
2. Sustaining the resource base thorough improved conservation measures
3. Augmentation of resource base viz soil productivity and water availability

Action plan for watershed development (Steps in watershed development)

1. Identification and selection of watershed: The boundary of the watershed has to be marked by
field survey starting from the lowest point of the watercourse and proceeding upwards to the
ridge line. The area may vary as low as 100 ha to as high as 10000 ha.
2. Description of watershed.
Basic information has to be collected on
Area, shape and slope
Soil - geology, hydrology, physical, chemical and biological properties, erosion level.
Vegetation-native and cultivated species.
Land capability
Present land use pattern
Crop pattern, cropping system and management
Farming system adopted
Economics of farming
Man power resource
Socio economic data
Infrastructural and institutional facilities
3. Analysis of problems and identification of available solutions
4. Designing the technology components
a. Soil and moisture conservation measures
b. Run off collection, storage and recycling
c. Optimal land use and cropping system
d. Alternate land use system and farming system
e. Other land treatment measures
f. Development of livestock and other allied activities
g. Ground water recharge and augmentation

5. Preparation of base maps of watershed incorporating all features of geology, hydrology,

physiography, soil and proposed development measures for each part of watershed.

6. Cost-benefit analysis to indicate estimated cost of each component activity total cost of project
and expected benefit.
7. Fixing the time frame to show time of start, duration of project, time frame for completion of
each component activity along with the department / agency to be involved in each
component activity
8. Monitoring and evaluation to assess the progress of the project and to suggest modification if
9. On-farm research to identify solutions for site-specific problems.

Organizational requirement
a. Water shed development agency with multidisciplinary staff
b. Training to personnel
c. Training to farmers
d. Credit institution
e. Farmers forum /village association
f. Non government organization
• End of guidelines
• Students are requested to refer the class notes for further clarity
• Examples given in classes are to be referred.


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