Classroom Management Plan b1 Ga Uwp4

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Classroom Management Plan

Guidance and Assessment

Elissa J Beadle
Purpose Statement
Our classroom is a safe, creative and positive learning environment. Here, students will be
encouraged to share, interact and be excited to learn and succeed in order to achieve their
academic potential and social skills.

As a student I will:
1. Be in my seat ready for start of class when the bell rings.
2. Be kind, in my words and my actions, to my classmates.
3. Follow all instructions when given the first time.
4. Keep my hands, feet and all other objects to myself.
5. Continue working on projects until dismissed by teacher.

Arrival Procedure
1. Walk into the room quietly.
2. If your chair is on top of your desk, take it down.
3. Get materials needed out of your backpack and place materials on your
desk. Then hang your backpack and coat up on hooks.
4. Turn in all homework to your appropriate mailbox.
5. Check your mailbox.
6. Make sure you have two sharpened pencils ready to go.
7. Read quietly until the teacher asks you to do something else.

Homework Procedure
1. Get out your homework from your take home folder at your desk.
2. Turn it in as soon as you take it out of your folder to the Turn It In
Here box
3. If you have forgotten or did not complete the homework fill out a
Missing Homework sheet and turn that in to your mailbox instead.
Visitor in the Room
1. Continue to work quietly on task.
2. If you finish the task and I am still with the visitor, quietly read a book.
3. If the visitor will be with us for the rest of the day I will introduce
him or her to you.
4. Always treat the visitor with respect.
Getting the Teachers Attention
1. Raise your hand.
2. If you have a question, quietly ask your neighbor and see if they can answer your
Restroom Procedure
1. I quietly wait my turn if the bathroom stalls are full.
2. I flush the toilet when I am done.
3. I wash my hands with soap and warm water.
4. I dry my hands off and return to the class quietly waiting outside the bathroom.
Lining Up Procedure
1. Hands are at your sides and to yourself.
2. Keep your back straight and tall.
3. My head is facing forward to show I am ready to go.
Hallway Procedure
1. Hands remain by my side and I always face forward to see where I am going.
2. I stay in my place in the line.
3. I walk down the hallway.
4. I am quiet.
Dismissal Procedure
1. Make sure you have all homework in your take home folder.
2. Write your homework down in your planner.
3. Check my mailbox.
4. Get backpack, coat, and any other items that need to go home (lunch box).
5. Sit quietly at seat until Miss Brown dismisses you.


1st time: warning
2nd time: 10 minutes away from group
3rd time: miss recess/speak to teacher
4th time: write behavior reflection/call home
Severe clause: removal from classroom

Example Action Plan

1. What is the problem?
(This is where the student will independently explain why disciplinary measures were taken.)

2. List the factors that are causing the problem.
(Here the students list the factors on their own)

3. What will you do to solve this problem?
(This is where the Parent/Guardian and child sit down and go over this together to collaborate on a
plan to change behavior)

Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Todays date

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