Lessonplan 2 Alex

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Lesson Plan Title: Creature Workshop Length: 1.

5 hours

(What will students accomplish as a result of this lesson? This can be presented to students in the form of a story. In this narrative the students take on a role and create a learning product about a specific topic for a
certain audience. (RAFT Role / Audience / Format / Topic)
You are explorers on an uncharted island, you are taking the role of biologist or historian to make discoveries on this island. As fellow passengers,
Matt, Jesse and Alex will share their discoveries, let this inspire you as you explore. Exploring the island you may discover new creatures nobody
else has seen before. Use magazines to explore nature in the role of biologist and create a collage to show what you found.You may also discover a
culture that has entirely new stories to tell. In the role of historian, use ideas from your own life or other mythology to create a picture that tells a

(List the big ideas students will be introduced to in the lesson. These ideas are universal, timeless and transferrable. Examples of concepts used in art might include: Composition, Patterns, Technique, Rhythm, Paradox,
Influence, Style, Force, Culture, Space/Time/Energy, Line, Law/Rules, Value, Expressions, Emotions, Tradition, Symbol, Movement, Shape, Improvisation, and Observation)
Exploration, myth, origin, culture, invention, nature, storytelling

Enduring Understanding (s):
(Statements that show a relationship between two [or more] concepts. They synthesize what students should understandnot just know or doas a result of studying a particular area of art. Moreover, they articulate
what students should revisit over the course of their lifetimes in relationship to art. These ideas are universal, timeless and transferrable.)
Artists explore using knowledge of nature, science, culture and history.
Artists invent by continually exploring and seeking new information.

Standards: (All lessons should address all standards.)
1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
2. Envision and Critique to Reflect
3. Invent and Discover to Create
4. Relate and Connect to Transfer

Objectives/Outcomes/Learning Targets:
(Objectives describe a learning experience with a condition behavior (measurable) criterion. Aligned to: Blooms-Standards-and, when appropriate, Numeracy, Literacy and Technology. Should be
written as: Objective. Blooms: _____ - Standard: _____. Numeracy, Literacy, and/or Technology)
1. Using images from nature, students will combine to create a new creature and explain why it exists. (Standard: Transfer, Blooms: Knowledge,
Synthesis; GLE: I can create art to show how I feel and how others understand the world.)
2. Using examples from Mythology, students will invent a new myth explaining an occurrence that interests them. (Standard: Transfer, Blooms:
Knowledge, Synthesis; GLE: I can see and talk about the differences in art from cultures.)
3. On paper or in sketchbooks, students will collage, paint, and draw to visually communicate the creature or myth. (Standard: Create; Blooms:
Application, Synthesis; GLE: I can create art to show how I feel and how others understand the world.)
4. One on One or with the group, students will ask and answer questions about their creature or myth to reflect. (Standard: Reflect; Blooms:
Evaluation; GLE: I can use proper art terms to talk about art.)
5. Given examples from Nature, History and Teachers, students will observe how invention happens. (Standard: Transfer, Blooms Analysis,
Comprehension; GLE: I can explain why artists make art work that is important to them.)

(Explain specifically how you have addressed the needs of exceptional students at both end of the skill and cognitive scale. Describe the strategies you will use for students who are already proficient and need growth
beyond what you have planned for the rest of the class, as well as modifications for students with physical and/or cognitive challenges. Students must still meet the objectives.)

(Multiple means for students to access content and
multiple modes for student to express understanding.)
Access (Resources and/or Process) Expression (Products and/or Performance)
Visual and verbal story telling, questions to check
for comprehension.
May use Collage, Paint, drawing on large paper or in sketch
book. Stories and ideas may be developed first, with product to
follow, or product may come before idea and story.
Extensions for depth and complexity: Access (Resources and/or Process) Expressiosn (Products and/or Performance)
Questions to connect, can you tell us about any
unique creatures or mythology that you know?
What ideas did the myth or Alex, Jesse or Matt use
to invent their creature?
What kind of person explores nature? What kind of
person explores mythology?

Mixing media, using visuals to develop myth or

(List terms [vocabulary] specific to the topic that students will be introduced to in the lesson and describe how literacy is integrated into the lesson.)
Vocabulary: Myth, manipulate, composition, invent, origin, historian/anthropologist, omen, biologist/naturalist.
literacy integration: listening to and answering questions about myth and teacher examples. Telling stories about their own creature, recording if

(Must be grade level appropriate. List everything you will need for this lesson, including art supplies and tools. (These are the materials students will use.) List all materials in a bulleted format.)
Acrylic paints
Water cups
Smocks or aprons
Paper Towels
Table mats

(List all visual aids and reference material (books, slides, posters, etc.) Be specific; include title, artist, etc. Make reference to where the material can be found. (These are the resources used by the teacher to
support/develop the lesson.) List all resources in a bulleted format.)
-Teacher examples
-Visual aids: mythology images, stories

(What do you need to prepare for this experience? List steps of preparation in a bulleted format.)
-Create our own mythological creature, Reasearch mythology of various cultures and learn the stories
-Place mats on tables, with supplies

(Be specific about the safety procedures that need to be addressed with students. List all safety issue in a bulleted format.)
-It is important to wear painting shirts or smocks, so our clothing stays clean.
-Some objects for cutting may be sharp-use caution

Action to motivate/anticipatory set:
(Describe how you will begin the lesson to stimulate students interest. How will you pique their curiosity and make them interested and excited about the lesson? What inquiry questions will you pose? Be specific
about what you will say and do to motivate students and get them thinking and ready to participate. Be aware of the varying range of learning styles/intelligences of your students. Some ideas might include: presenting a
skit, telling a story, posing a series of questions, role-playing, etc. )
As explorers our first instinct is to study the place we have discovered, does biology interest you more, or does history? Think about creatures you
like or are curious about if you are interested in biology. Think about mythology or occurrences that you can explain if you are interested in

(Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be visual, concrete or abstract. List and describe inquiry
questions and processes you will engage students in to help them develop ideas and plans for their artwork.)
Did you start with an idea in your head, and find or create images that expressed your idea? Did you start looking at or creating images, and develop
an idea as your expression developed? How do you think others will interpret your art? How can you find out how others interpret your art? How
does the way others interpret art differ from your own?

Procedures: (Align with instructional methodologies and approximate times for instruction.)
Give a detailed account (in bulleted form) of how you will present the lesson logically and sequentially (include approximate time for each activity). Include motivation and ideation/inquiry where appropriate.)

Day 1
-Begin with introductions/re-introductions: Begin by asking what our favorite
animal is and why? 2 minutes.
-Alex will introduce the story, We are a group of explorers on an uncharted
Island, I am a historian and have learned from the people who live on the island
the myth of the Faun-Dit. I lost my pens for recording my discoveries, and after
looking all over, they seemed to just appear in a place I knew I had checked, has
this happened to any of you? Well the people of the island told me this is the
work of a Faun-Dit. the Faun-Dit is a tiny creature that picks up items and tries
to return them to the owner. Sometimes the Faun-Dit forgets who an item
belongs to, so the item stays lost and they incorporate it into their body. The
Faun-Dit that returned my pens looks like a scorpion made out of a toy pickup
truck and nuts and bolts. It even has dust-bunny dice hanging from the rear-
view mirror!
-Jesse Shows and explains her Fairy-elephant, Matt Shows and explains his
frog-squirrel. They explain how they used ideas from nature to come up with
their ideas.

-Read some Greek myths (short ones/summaries).
-Discuss Chimera, a creature with the head of an eagle and lion, the body of a
lion, and a serpent for a tail, the Chimera is an omen of impending earthquake.
-Harpies are birds with the heads of women who know when you lie and the
leaders of the harpies, the furies, can be called upon to harass a person with their
own lies. 10-13 minutes
-Review the story(ies) and their meaning. 5 minutes
-Pass out sketch pads and sketching materials (pencils, markers, crayons, etc.).

-Brainstorm occurrences or phenomena from the students lives that they cant
quite explain. Or students can think of a creature they might find that nobody
has seen before. 20-25 minutes
-Develop any kind of wild idea that may explain the phenomenon and sketch
renderings of it.
-When ready and comfortable let the student choose their material they wish to
paint on and let them start.

-If needed, we can take a break or intermission and do a class discussion to help
1. Students will begin to see how artists generate ideas.
2. Students will learn the roles of historian and biologist,
and how their explorations can be expressed.

3. Students will be able to see how mythology and
biology are used in Matt and Jesses stories.

4. Students experience myth verbally and visually and
can connect the stories with their own experience.

5. Students have ideas of something they want to explain
or have a type of animal they might be interested in
6. Students sketch or browse magazines for ideas of how
to express their idea.

7. As students work they are developing the myth that
steer us back on track to the goal of the activity.
-At the end we will present and photograph each students work and the student
may choose to present their myth and painting. 15 minutes prior to end of

their creature explains or developing the story of the
creatures origins or purpose on the island.
8. Students will tell their story and ask questions about
other stories.

Student reflective/inquiry activity:
(Sample questions and activities [i.e. games, gallery walk, artist statement, interview] intended to promote deeper thinking, reflection and refined understandings precisely related to the grade level expectations. How will
students reflect on their learning? A participatory activity that includes students in finding meaning, inquiring about materials and techniques and reflecting about their experience as it relates to objectives, standards and
grade level expectations of the lesson.)
While discussing creatures and myths, encourage students to observe and reflect on how their ideas differ from others, and whether the images they
made expressed their ideas. Ask students to think about how they would develop their creature or myth further visually.

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