April15-19 Lessons 2024 Cycle 3

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Subject: Mathematics Date: April 15, Topic: Shapes Sub Topic: Sub Topic: rectangles and squares

Curricular Linkages: Language Arts –storytelling, observing, describing, explaining, science- representation of
Intended Learning Outcome: 6.01 Find and describe examples of points, lines, squares, circles, rectangles and
triangles in the classroom, school and the wider environment.
Materials: flash cards, counters, ordinal numbers video, ordinal game video,
Reference: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-point-in-math-definition-example.html
Toolkit for Teachers Infant One Primary Mathematics https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=BaO1E21S pkI\
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=AYZ0iWG opA8&t=39s Previous Knowledge: Students have seen
shapes before.
Objectives: Using 2-D shapes song and shape activities, students will be able to:
Identify and recognize a rectangle and circle
Analyse the basic properties of a circle and rectangle
Sort rectangles and squares shape

Content: A square is a closed shape with four sides of equal length.

A rectangle is a flat four-sided shape with opposite sides being equal.
A circle is a round shape figure that has no corners or edges. Skills:
Students will be:
Analytical thinking
Attitudes: Students will be:
Cooperatively working together in groups.
Value the relationship of numerical symbols and counting to show quantity.
ntroduction: have children complete shapes puzzles in groups of three. Let them identify the shapes created.
Number drills: Counting 1-100.
Procedures: Review what can we use the lines for. Elicit ways line is used to make shapes.
Show examples of square objects (e.g., square tiles, square windows) and ask students to identify them.
Model with more examples. And a song for properties of a rectangle and square.
Ask students to look around and find things around them that has the shape of a rectangle and circle. Encourage
them to share examples.
Show examples of squares in realia (e.g., sharpener, mirror, frames,laptop, TV, etc).
Take a shape hunt around the school or classroom to find and identify different shapes, including squares.

Closure: Review the concepts of rectangles and circle with the class. Ask students to share what they learned.
Culmination: Evaluate students sort squares and rectangles based on their properties correctly.

Subject: Language Arts Date:April 15, 2024 Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Learning Outcomes: LA 1.25 Identify rhyming words from sets of word families.
LA 1.23 Demonstrate, identify, and distinguish basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound and formation of
letters /g/ (hard g), /f/, /l/, /u/,/k/, /j/, /z/, /v/ & /w/, /x/, /y/, /q/
Topics: Circle Time – Pictures of things that rhyme
Phonics– pictures of things that begin with /k/
Reading comprehension- rhymes
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify objects in the picture
Concepts: Phonics – pictures with /k/ beginning sound
Reading Comprehension- rhymes
Objectives: Using making prediction reading strategy and educational video on letter k, students will be able
Recognize words with /k/ beginning sound from the story
Analyse story details through role play the story
Match pictures that rhyme together
Content: Rhyming words are words with the same ending sound. For example, “at” and “bat” are rhyming
Phonics/spelling: kit, kid, king, kite, kop,
Sight words: once, who, there, where, said Role-playing is an interactive way of teaching many social skills.
Role-playing consists of acting out social interactions that children would typically encounter. The adults first
model the skill and then the children practice it by acting it out. Puppets or other toys can be used as “actors” in
the role-play

Circle time: children will complete picture puzzle of things that rhyme. (king, ring, kite, bite, kid, bid, kit, mitt)
Alphabet drills and sight words and spelling drills
Procedures: Begin by asking students what do the pictures shown (words that rhyme). Review noun definition.
Ask children to share examples of singular and plural nouns for revision.
Ask children how to write /k/ Make it in the air, then in the sand tray. Introduce this week’s story. Inform
children of the reading strategy that they will be using. Elicit ‘rhymes’ when reading the story. Provide simple
examples to help them understand (e.g. ways we discover what happened in previous stories we’ve read in
They will be listening to words that have the same ending sound. As you read, pause to discuss where and
when the story takes place. Use making prediction strategy for children to break down and analyse the story.
Point out details in the illustrations that help establish the setting, such as the time of day, the weather, and the
location. Elicit what happened first, next, then and last in the story read.
Encourage students to listen to words that has /k/ sound. Let them recognize nouns (singular or plural nouns)
mentioned in the story.
Let children watch a video on rhyming words.
Closure: Have children review words with /k/ sound and review what are rhymes.
Culmination: children will match pictures that rhymes together

Subject: Scripture Date: April 15, 2024 Time: 11:30- 12:00 p.m.
Scripture presentations will be done

Subject: Belizean Studies Date: April 15, 2024 Duration: 1:15- 2:00 p.m.
Topic: Our Resources Sub Topic: Water Ecosystem
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts: Reading and writing activities can be incorporated into the unit. For
instance, students can read simple texts about Belizean ecosystems and write short paragraphs or stories about
their experiences during the nature walk. Expressive Arts: The creation of ecosystem models and ecosystem
scenes involves art and creativity. Students can develop their artistic skills while expressing their understanding
of ecosystems
Learning Outcome: 4.1 Name land or water ecosystems close to your community and discuss how people
depend on ecosystems for resources.
Materials: Worksheet, flash cards, crayon, pencil, compass,
Reference: https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/ecosystem
Understanding Ecosystems for Kids: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Cubola Productions. Geography of Belize: The Land and Its People. 18th Rev. Ed.,
Cubola, 2016, pg 46-66
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify picture and its representations
Objectives: Using an educational video on water ecosystems and its importance, students will be able to:
• Explain examples of water ecosystems (Cognitive).
• Explore the importance of water ecosystems in the world. (Affective)
• Color aspects that make up an ecosystem (Psychomotor)
Content:An ecosystem is where a community of living organisms (such as plants and animals) live together in
combination with non-living parts of their environment. Ecosystems contain biotic and antibiotic elements
which are joined together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.
Savannas and Grasslands: In the southern part of the country, you can find savannas and grasslands with a
different set of flora and fauna, adapted to drier conditions. Freshwater Lagoons: These freshwater ecosystems
often feature clear, turquoise water and are essential for the survival of various species, including fish and
Skills: Students will be:
1.identifying the importance of ecosystem on a daily basis
2.describing importance keeping the environment clean for the
ecosystem to people, animals and plants or other non-living things
3. classifying pictures that illustrate the parts of an ecosystem
Attitudes: Students will be:
Develop an awareness of ecosystems
Willingly participating in oral discussions
Introduction: Provide students with the various animal and plants pictures.have them discuss where these
animals can be found and what they eat to survive.
Procedures: Have students watch the video on fresh water ecosystem that will explain what the ecosystem is,
their characteristics and our dependence on each other within that area.
Explain to children that they will be in groups when visiting the stations and they must complete the T- chart
table accordingly during this lesson. Group children in groups of three to visit the stations prepared for this
Children will explore the contents of this lesson and illustrate the concept in their groups.
Use a timer so each group visits the stations with smooth transitions.
Ask children questions at different levels to help brainstorm details grasped from this
activity. Have children categorize flora and fauna found from the ecosystem. Explain what is
‘flora’ and ‘fauna’.
Use visual aid to emphasize on what is freshwater ecosystem and supporting pictures
to show what makes up an ecosystem. Children will verify their work with the
concept chart to correct children’s learning.
Closure: Review the lesson with guided questions on what is an ecosystem.
Culmination: Have students color the pictures of animals and plants found at the
freshwater ecosystem. Then have them pair-share to discuss about ways the flora and fauna
depend on each other.
Subject: H.F.L.E. Date: April 15, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Topic: Feelings Subtopic: How Feelings Affects Actions
Curricular Linkages: Mathematics (counting, time, colour) Language Arts (presentation and illustration, oral
sentences, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Viewing) Physical Education (walk, run)
Intended Learning Outcome: 3.2 Explain and role-play what a person can do if a friend makes them feel
unhappy or if they make their friend feel unhappy
Materials: friendly activities, characteristics of a friend video and song.
Reference: KidsHealth.org/classroom K to Grade 2 • Personal Health Series Getting Along Discussion
Questions. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
Previous Knowledge: Students have seen people caring for each other before.
Objectives: Using an educational video and good friend song , students will be able to:
Explain actions that feelings can trigger
List situations which causes bad actions compared to good
Role-play scenes where feelings affect actions
Content: How Feelings Affect Actions (signals that inside us that tell us if we are happy, sad, or something else)
● Happy-Smiling, Laughing, Playing with others ● Sad- Crying, Feeling lonely, Wanting to be comforted ●
Angry-Yelling or shouting, Stomping feet, Making a mean face, Clenched fists ● Scared- Crying or
whimpering, Wide-eyed or frightened look, Hiding or running away, Asking for help Analysing friends’ feeling
Attitudes: Students will be:
Value the importance of expressing feelings about things with a friend.
Introduction: Sit in a circle and take turns using flashcards with pictures of various emotions (happy, sad, angry,
surprised). Play a game of charades where students take turns acting out an emotion without using words while
others guess.
Procedures: Place the word feelings on the board. Let students brainstorm the term.
Pass around a talking piece for students to discuss the definition of the term. Write each meaning given on the
board Ask students: “Do you have feelings?” “What or who makes you feel that way?” Let children watch a
video on sharing feelings with friends.
choose a story that depict characters facing friendship challenges.
After reading, engage students in discussions and role-playing to explore various emotions and their possible
actions along.
Discuss ways to Handle Unhappiness with Friends
Closure: Use exit tickets with questions like "what are some ways to control anger?’
Culmination: students can role-play situations where they or their friends feel unhappy. Encourage them to
explore and act out different ways to address and resolve the issue.

Subject: Math Date: April. 16, 2024 Duration: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Topic: Shapes
Sub Topic: triangles Curricular Linkages: Language Arts –storytelling, observing, describing, explaining,
science- representation of ideas
Intended Learning Outcome: 6.01 Find and describe examples of points, lines, squares, circles, rectangles and
triangles in the classroom, school and the wider environment.
Materials: flash cards, counters, ordinal numbers video, ordinal game video,
Reference: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-point-in-math-definition-example.html
Toolkit for Teachers Infant One Primary Mathematics https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=BaO1E21S pkI\
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=AYZ0iWG opA8&t=39s
Previous Knowledge: Students have seen shapes before.
Objectives: Using 2-D shapes song and shape activities, students will be able to:
Identify the properties of triangles
Analyse the basic properties of triangle
Sort triangles that have three equal sides.
Skills: Students will be:
Comparing triangles sides
Observing things that has a triangular shape
Analyzing types of triangles
Analytical thinking
Attitudes: Students will be: cooperatively working together in groups.
Respecting each other’s opinion
Suggested Activities: Introduction: Children will look at pictures of things that has three sides. Have them
describe the pictures. Engage in a short of discussion.
Number drills: Counting 1-100.
Procedures: Encourage them to observe the sides and angles of the triangle. Explain that this shape is called an
equilateral triangle. Emphasize that all three sides of an equilateral triangle are equal in length, and all three
angles are equal.
Show pictures or illustrations of objects shaped like triangles (e.g., a slice of pizza, a traffic sign, a roof). Ask
the students to identify the triangles in the pictures.
Encourage them to point out if the triangles have equal sides or not. If they find equilateral triangles, praise their
observation skills.
Give each student a small equilateral triangle cutout. Provide crayons or markers and ask them to color their
triangles. Instruct the students to fold their triangles along one of the sides, then open it up again. This
demonstrates that all three sides are equal. Next, have them fold the triangle along another side, then open it up
again. Repeat this process for each side. This helps reinforce the idea that all three sides are equal in length.
Then, stick their triangles onto a piece of paper.
Closure: Ask questions such as "What makes an equilateral triangle different from other triangles?" and "Can
you tell me how many sides an equilateral triangle has?
Culmination: Have children sort triangles that have 3 equal sides.

Subject: Creative Writing Date: April 16, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m
Topic: Text Illustration Sub topic: Sentence writing
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts – (Comparing, listening, describing) Mathematics (counting)
Intended Learning Outcome: LA 3.30 Create illustrations to accompany a text and confidently explain through
written caption using letters or short words.
Materials: sight words, sentence strips, pictures, crayons
Reference: https://www.lwtears.com/blog/how-to-teach-sentence-writing-structure
https://www.freelancewriting.com https://youtu.be/uVeEAFy1z68
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify sight words: I, is, the, am, my, me,
Objectives: Using writing checklist, students will be able to:
Identify the sight words and sounds out CVC words in a sentence.
Identify the picture that matches the sentence.
Read and match short sentences to its correct picture

Content: Pictures help a text to keep reader interested.

The brain helps give visual details faster than anything else. Pictures help tell stories in different ways. It helps
to recall details in a story.
Sight words are common words that schools expect kids to recognize instantly. Words like the, it, and appear so
often that beginning readers reach the point where they no longer need to try to sound out these words. They
recognize them by sight.
Skills: Students will be:
Drawing pictures
Writing words
Describing pictures
Explaining details from a sentence
Attitudes: Students will be:
Cooperatively working together
Showing willingness to interact in group
Hook: Present words: see I mom. Have children put the words in order to make a sentence.
Procedures: Begin by discussing what a sentence is. Explain that a sentence is a group of words that express a
complete thought.
Introduce the terms "subject" and "predicate." The subject is who or what the sentence is about, and the
predicate tells what the subject is doing.
Use simple examples to illustrate subjects and predicates. For example, "The cat (subject) is sleeping
Distribute sentence strips to each student.
Show picture cards or objects and ask students to identify the subject and the action associated with it.
Encourage students to write a simple sentence using the subject and predicate. For example, if the picture is of a
cat, a student might write, "The cat is sleeping."
Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and guidance as needed.
Review the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation for each sentence. Then draw a picture to show the
sentence read the sight words.

Have children practice sound blending with the help of a video sight words.
Guide students to their work where they copy 2 sentences from the board on the paper on the board. While
students write, students and teacher will work together to rewrite the sentence correctly.
Closure: Students will go over sentence structure: capitalization, spacing, and punctuation.
Culmination: children will read and match the sentences correctly to its picture.

Subject: Belizean Studies Date: April 16, 2024 Duration: 1:15- 2:00 p.m.
Topic: Our Resources Sub Topic: Water Ecosystem
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts: Reading and writing activities can be incorporated into the unit. For
instance, students can read simple texts about Belizean ecosystems and write short paragraphs or stories about
their experiences during the nature walk. Expressive Arts: The creation of ecosystem models and ecosystem
scenes involves art and creativity. Students can develop their artistic skills while expressing their
understanding of ecosystems
Learning Outcome: 4.1 Name land or water ecosystems close to your community and discuss how people
depend on ecosystems for resources.
Materials: Worksheet, flash cards, crayon, pencil, compass,
Reference: https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/ecosystem
Understanding Ecosystems for Kids: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Cubola Productions. Geography of Belize: The Land and Its People. 18th Rev. Ed.,
Cubola, 2016, pg 46-66
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify picture and its representations
Objectives: Using an educational video on what is an ecosystem and its importance, students will be able to:
• Give examples of water ecosystems (Cognitive).
• Explore the importance of water ecosystems in the world. (Affective)
• Match living and non-living thing to the correct water ecosystem (Psychomotor)
Content: Coral Reefs: Belize is home to the second-largest coral reef system in the world, the Mesoamerican
Barrier Reef. These underwater ecosystems teem with colorful marine life, including corals, fish, and other
aquatic species.
A pond ecosystem is a community of organisms that live in a pond. It is a freshwater ecosystem in which
the various organisms rely on one another. The biotic factors of the pond ecosystem are classified into
three categories.
Skills: Students will be:
1.identifying the importance of ecosystem on a daily basis
2.describing importance keeping the environment clean for the
ecosystem to people, animals and plants or other non-living things
3. classifying pictures that illustrate the parts of the pond and coral
reef ecosystem
Attitudes: Students will be: Developing an awareness of
Willingly participating in oral discussions
Introduction: Provide students with things found around them to reveal the word ‘ecosystems’. i.e. plants,
land, soil, trees, rocks, sun, animals, etc.
Procedures: Have students watch the video for the teacher to explain what ecosystems are, their characteristics
and our dependence on them
Provide students with pictures of coral reef and pond ecosystems. Students will observe the video to identify the
animals and plants they have. Students will form groups based on numbers 1-5.
The classroom will have a sensory display representing a specific ecosystem and highlighting the biotic and
abiotic factors. Students are to observe the image to identify the animals and plants that live in the area.
Have children classify living and non-living things from the ecosystem displayed.
Closure: Review the lesson with guided questions on what is an ecosystem.
Culmination: Match pictures of living and non-living things that makes up the pond and coral

Subject: H.F.L.E. Date: April 16, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
H.F.L.E Presentations will be done.

Subject: Math Date: April. 17, 2024 Duration: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Topic: Shapes
Sub Topic: triangles Curricular Linkages: Language Arts –storytelling, observing, describing, explaining,
science- representation of ideas
Intended Learning Outcome: 6.01 Find and describe examples of points, lines, squares, circles, rectangles and
triangles in the classroom, school and the wider environment.
Materials: flash cards, counters, ordinal numbers video, ordinal game video,
Reference: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-point-in-math-definition-example.html
Toolkit for Teachers Infant One Primary Mathematics https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=BaO1E21S pkI\
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=AYZ0iWG opA8&t=39s
Previous Knowledge: Students have seen shapes before.
Objectives: Using 2-D shapes song and shape activities, students will be able to:
Identify the properties of triangles
Analyse the basic properties of triangle
Sort triangles that have three equal sides.

Skills: Students will be:

Comparing triangles sides
Observing things that has a triangular shape
Analyzing types of triangles
Analytical thinking
Attitudes: Students will be: cooperatively working together in groups.
Respecting each other’s opinion
Introduction: Children will answer socrative question based on equilateral triangles. engage in a short of
discussion to review their responses.
Number Drills: Students will sing the numbers song 1-30. This is a review for number name and spelling of

110. Students will use their hands to show the different number values and rote counting.
Procedures: Present two types of triangles to the students. Have them describe the triangles based on how they
Ask students if they have seen these triangles anywhere . Encourage them to share examples.
Explain that a line is a straight path that goes on forever in both directions. Model drawing a line on the
whiteboard or chart paper.
Show examples of lines in everyday objects (e.g., the edge of a book, a crayon stroke).
Give each student a chance to draw their own lines on their pieces of paper.
Closure: Review the concepts of points and lines with the class. Ask students to share what they
Culmination: Have children use points and lines to make an art.

Subject: Spanish. Date: April 17, 2024 Duration: 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Topic: Address Subtopic: Classroom items in Spanish
Learning Outcome: 3.7 Identify and name classroom items and items in the schoolbag in their singular and
plural forms such as, (ruler) regla- reglas, (pencil) la piz- la pices, (chalk) tiza-tizas.
Linkages: Language Arts (Vocabulary, Noun – Proper Noun – Places - Address) Belizean Studies (Map work)
Health Education (Sharing Personal Information)
Materials: educaional video on materiales en mi mochila y clase, vocabulary picture cards, crayons
References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx5twyUgGSM (link for plural formation in Spanish)
P.K.: children can identify things they used at school for their school work or projects.
Students can tell what they see from an object.
Objectives: with the use of the vocabulary picture cards, students will be able to:
Name class items in Spanish
Expressing singular and plural nouns in Spanish
Changing singular nouns to its plural form in Spanish
Content: Singular: El libro (the book) La mochila (the backpack) El lápiz (the pencil) La silla (the chair)
Plural: Los libros (the books) Las mochilas (the backpacks) Los lápices (the pencils) Las sillas (the chairs)
Classroom items: Lápiz (Pencil) Carpeta (Folder) Regla (Ruler) Tijeras (Scissors) Papel (Paper) Pizarra
School bag items: Sacapuntas (Pencil sharpener) Goma de borrar (Eraser) Regla (Ruler) Libros (Books) Papel
(Paper) Carpetas (Folders) Marcadores (Markers) Tijeras (Scissors) Pegamento (Glue)
Skills: students will be:
Matching the correct word to its picture
Naming class items in Spanish in singular and plural forms
Attitudes: students will be:
Showing Willingness for active participation in learning activities.
Valuing the importance of teamwork.
Introduction: Engage: Take a red school bag and pack items that the song (En mi mochila roja) mentions. Ask
students to guess what items they think the bag has.
Procedures: Explore: Vocabulary Introduction of singular nouns: Introduce a list of common classroom items
and items found in the schoolbag in their singular forms.
Use flashcards, images, or physical objects to make the vocabulary more engaging.
Have students repeat the names of these items individually, emphasizing pronunciation.
Review the singular and plural forms of the items learned so far. Use flashcards or pictures to test students'
ability to identify the items in both their singular and plural forms. Encourage students to use complete
sentences, e.g., "Es una regla" (It's a ruler) or "Son las reglas" (They are rulers). Correct pronunciation and
provide feedback. Elaborate: Take students around the compound and point to singular objects, allow students
to apply plural formation rules and tell the plural for the object. E.g. escuela – escuelas
Have children practice answering the question, ‘ Qué es esto?" with Es el/la _____.
Closure: Have children play snow ball whereby they will say at least 2 things that learnt to say in Spanish.
Conclusion: Sit down with each student individually for the oral assessment. Begin by asking the student
to identify and name a classroom or schoolbag item from the list in its singular form. For example:
"¿Qué es esto?" (What is this?) Show a picture of a singular item. The student should respond with the
correct singular noun, e.g., "Es el libro" (It's the book).

1:00 p.m.- 1:15 p.m. – spelling drills

Subject: Belizean Studies Date: April 17 2024 Duration: 1:15- 2:00 p.m.
Topic: Our Resources Sub Topic: Types of land ecosystems
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts: Reading and writing activities can be incorporated into the unit. For
instance, students can read simple texts about Belizean ecosystems and write short paragraphs or stories about
their experiences during the nature walk. Expressive Arts: The creation of ecosystem models and ecosystem
scenes involves art and creativity. Students can develop their artistic skills while expressing their
understanding of ecosystems
Learning Outcome: 4.1 Name land or water ecosystems close to your community and discuss how people
depend on ecosystems for resources.
Materials: Worksheet, flash cards, crayon, pencil, compass,
Reference: https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/ecosystem
Understanding Ecosystems for Kids: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Cubola Productions. Geography of Belize: The Land and Its People. 18th Rev. Ed.,
Cubola, 2016, pg 46-66
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify picture and its representations
Objectives: Using an educational video on what is an ecosystem and its importance, students will be able to:
• Explain what is an ecosystem (Cognitive).
• Explore the types of land (terrestrial) ecosystems. (Affective)
• Match animals to the correct type of land ecosystem (Psychomotor)
Content: An ecosystem is made up of the interaction of all living organisms (like animals, plants, and bugs) in
an area with all of the non-living organisms (like water, dirt, rocks, and the sun).
An ecosystem is where a community of living organisms (such as plants and animals) live together in
combination with non-living parts of their environment. Ecosystems contain biotic and antibiotic elements
which are joined together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.
Abiotic Factors: The non-living elements that make up the physical environment of an ecosystem, such as
temperature, sunlight, water, soil, and geology. These factors affect the distribution and behavior of biota Biotic
factors- living things (plants, animals, fungi,)
Rainforests: Belize's lush rainforests are rich in biodiversity, with a canopy of trees, various plant species, and
a wide range of animals, including jaguars, howler monkeys, and exotic birds Other ecosystems: grassland,
desert, etc.
Skills: Students will be:
1.identifying the types of land ecosystem
2.describing importance keeping the environment clean for the
ecosystem to people, animals and plants or other non-living things
3. classifying pictures that illustrate the types of land ecosystems
Attitudes: Students will be:
Develop an awareness of ecosystems
Willingly participating in oral discussions
Introduction: Provide students with things found around them to reveal the word ‘ecosystems’. i.e. plants,
land, soil, trees, rocks, sun, animals, etc.
Procedures: Have students watch the video for the teacher to explain what ecosystems are, their characteristics
and our dependence on them
Provide students with pictures of different types of ecosystems. Students will observe the video to identify the
type of ecosystem they have. Students will form groups based on numbers 1-7.
The classroom will have a sensory display representing a specific ecosystem and highlighting the biotic and
abiotic factors.
Students are to observe the image to identify the animals and plants that live in the area.
Have children classify living and non-living things from the ecosystem displayed.
Closure: Review the lesson with guided questions on what is an
ecosystem. Culmination: .
Reflection: have children match animals to the correct type of land

Subject: P.E Date: April 17, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m Class: Infant I Topic: What is
football Sub Topic: mini football match
Curricular Linkages: Health Education (Healthy Living)Belizean Studies (Our Environment)
Intended Learning Outcome: PE 2.1 Demonstrate passing and receiving techniques using the instep or side of
the foot. Reference: Teacher and student video How to Lace & Tie Running Shoes | REI Cop Physical
Education Safety Guidelines, K-12 - Prince Edward Island. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 271, from
http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/original/eecd_phyeduguid.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbtJMtv0Mo
warm up exercise https://youtu.be/aYMSd0vvujo cool down exercise
Materials: football, video on what is football and how it is played Previous Knowledge: Students can run.
Objectives: using, movement exercises, students will be able to:
Demonstrate different dribbling drills.
Dribble the football with the help of cones.
Content/ Knowledge: Dribbling the ball requires controlling the ball while moving with it. In sports, dribbling is
maneuvering a ball by one player while moving in a given direction, avoiding defenders' attempts to intercept
the ball. A successful dribble will bring the ball past defenders legally and create opportunities to score. A few
dribbling tips also includes: Getting out of pressure. If you're being closed down by a defender, or maybe even
two or three, there are a number of ways to break that pressure. ... Running at players to beat them. ... Freeing
up space for a pass or shot. Does dribbling with cones help? In no regular manner, the players should dribble
through the cones, all of it. The drill enhances concentration during the game, and it helps the players have a
better understanding and connection with the ball and how to move it.
Skills: Students will be:
Passing a Football. Demonstrate team work.
Explain the purpose of warming up. Attitudes:
Students will be:
Respecting for each other’s and opinion
Introductory Activity: Students will run one lap in a circle form.
Warm up exercise/drills
Procedures: Students will be presented with cones (used in a football practice). Allow students to observe the
cones carefully. Elicit what are the cones used for. Teacher will allow students to share their opinion on the
cones. Teacher will explain dribbling the football using the cones.
Demonstration will be done by teacher dribbling the football using the cones. Students will be given the
opportunity to dribble the ball. Dribbling in football. Further explanation will be done, explaining the
importance of dribbling in football.
The class will be divided in two teams. Students will be then given the opportunity to play a game to
demonstrate dribbling the ball. Each student will be given the opportunity to dribble the ball using the cones
Warm down/cool down exercises: Fun Dance: Cool-down exercises for active little ones

Subject: Math Time: 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Date: April 18, 2024 Subject: Math
Time: 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Date: April 18, 2024
Topic: Shapes Sub Topic: 2-D shapes
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts –storytelling, observing, describing, explaining, science- representation of
Intended Learning Outcome: 6.01 Find and describe examples of points, lines, squares, circles, rectangles and
triangles in the classroom, school and the wider environment.
Materials: flash cards, counters, ordinal numbers video, ordinal game video,
Reference: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-point-in-math-definition-example.html
Toolkit for Teachers Infant One Primary Mathematics https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=BaO1E21S pkI\
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=AYZ0iWG opA8&t=39s
Previous Knowledge: Students can sing 2d shapes song.
Objectives: Using counting activities, students will be able to:
Identify and recognize lines on squares.
Analyse the basic properties of a square.
Sorting 2-D shapes correctly
Skills: Students will be:
Analytical thinking
Attitudes: Students will be:
Cooperatively working together in groups.
Value the relationship of numerical symbols and counting to show quantity.
Introduction: have children sing 2-d shape song.
Number drills: Counting 1-100.
Procedures: Show examples of 2-d shapes learnt from this week and ask students to identify them.
Model with more with more examples. And a song for properties of each 2-d shape.
Ask students to look around and find things around them that has 2-d shape learnt this week.
Encourage them to share examples.
Model categorizing shapes based on the their properties sang from the song.
Emphasize of ways to determine the differentiations.
Provide children with 2-d shapes. Sort them out together.
Closure: Review the concepts of points and lines with the class. Ask students to share what they learned.
Culmination: have children categorize cut outs to its correct 2d shape name.

Subject: Spanish. Date: April 18, 2024 Duration: 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Topic: Address Subtopic: Classroom items in Spanish
Learning Outcome: 3.7 Identify and name classroom items and items in the schoolbag in their singular and
plural forms such as, (ruler) regla- reglas, (pencil) la piz- la pices, (chalk) tiza-tizas.
Linkages: Language Arts (Vocabulary, Noun – Proper Noun – Places - Address) Belizean Studies (Map work)
Health Education (Sharing Personal Information)
Materials: educaional video on materiales en mi mochila y clase, vocabulary picture cards, crayons
References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx5twyUgGSM (link for plural formation in Spanish)
P.K.: children can identify things they used at school for their school work or projects.
Students can tell what they see from an object.
Objectives: with the use of the vocabulary picture cards, students will be able to:
Name class items in Spanish
Expressing singular and plural nouns in Spanish
Changing singular nouns to its plural form in Spanish
Content: Singular: El libro (the book) La mochila (the backpack) El lápiz (the pencil) La silla (the chair)
Plural: Los libros (the books) Las mochilas (the backpacks) Los lápices (the pencils) Las sillas (the chairs)
Classroom items: Lápiz (Pencil) Carpeta (Folder) Regla (Ruler) Tijeras (Scissors) Papel (Paper) Pizarra
School bag items: Sacapuntas (Pencil sharpener) Goma de borrar (Eraser) Regla (Ruler) Libros (Books) Papel
(Paper) Carpetas (Folders) Marcadores (Markers) Tijeras (Scissors) Pegamento (Glue)
Skills: students will be:
Matching the correct word to its picture
Naming class items in Spanish in singular and plural forms
Attitudes: students will be:
Showing Willingness for active participation in learning activities.
Valuing the importance of teamwork.
Introduction: Engage: Take a red school bag and pack items that the song (En mi mochila roja) mentions. Ask
students to guess what items they think the bag has.
Procedures: Explore: Vocabulary Introduction of singular nouns: Introduce a list of common classroom items
and items found in the schoolbag in their singular forms.
Use flashcards, images, or physical objects to make the vocabulary more engaging.
Have students repeat the names of these items individually, emphasizing pronunciation.
Review the singular and plural forms of the items learned so far. Use flashcards or pictures to test students'
ability to identify the items in both their singular and plural forms. Encourage students to use complete
sentences, e.g., "Es una regla" (It's a ruler) or "Son las reglas" (They are rulers). Correct pronunciation and
provide feedback. Elaborate: Take students around the compound and point to singular objects, allow students
to apply plural formation rules and tell the plural for the object. E.g. escuela – escuelas
Have children practice answering the question, ‘ Qué es esto?" with Es el/la _____.
Closure: Have children play snow ball whereby they will say at least 2 things that learnt to say in Spanish.
Conclusion: Sit down with each student individually for the oral assessment. Begin by asking the student
to identify and name a classroom or schoolbag item from the list in its singular form. For example:
"¿Qué es esto?" (What is this?) Show a picture of a singular item. The student should respond with the
correct singular noun, e.g., "Es el libro" (It's the book). Next, ask the student to provide the plural form
of the same item. For example: "¿Y cuál es el plural de 'libro'?" (And what is the plural of 'book'?) The
student should respond with the correct plural noun, e.g., "El plural de 'libro' es 'libros'" (The plural of
'book' is 'books').

1:00 p.m.- 1:15 p.m. – spelling drills

Subject: Belizean Studies Date: April 18, 2024 Duration: 1:15- 2:00 p.m.
Topic: Our Resources Sub Topic: Land and water ecosystems
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts: Reading and writing activities can be incorporated into the unit. For
instance, students can read simple texts about Belizean ecosystems and write short paragraphs or stories about
their experiences during the nature walk. Expressive Arts: The creation of ecosystem models and ecosystem
scenes involves art and creativity. Students can develop their artistic skills while expressing their
understanding of ecosystems
Learning Outcome: 4.1 Name land or water ecosystems close to your community and discuss how people
depend on ecosystems for resources.
Materials: Worksheet, flash cards, crayon, pencil, compass,
Reference: https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/ecosystem
Understanding Ecosystems for Kids: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Cubola Productions. Geography of Belize: The Land and Its People. 18th Rev. Ed.,
Cubola, 2016, pg 46-66
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify picture and its representations
Objectives: Using an educational video on types of land ecosystem and its importance, students will be able
Explain what is the difference between land and water ecosystem (Cognitive).
Explore the homes of animals, plants and other non-living things in land and water ecosystems. (Affective)
Categorize land and water ecosystems (Psychomotor)
Content: An ecosystem is made up of the interaction of all living organisms (like animals, plants, and bugs) in
an area with all of the non-living organisms (like water, dirt, rocks, and the sun).
A land/terrestrial ecosystem is a community of land-based organisms having an interaction of biotic and abiotic
components in an area. An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem existing in water bodies which include lakes,
rivers, oceans, and streams, etc.
Examples of terrestrial ecosystems include the tundra, taigas, temperate deciduous forests, tropical rainforests,
grasslands, and deserts.
An aquatic ecosystem includes freshwater habitats like lakes, ponds, rivers, oceans and streams, wetlands,
swamp, etc. and marine habitats include oceans.
Skills: Students will be:
1.identifying the types of land ecosystem
2.describing importance keeping the environment clean for the
ecosystem to people, animals and plants or other non-living things
3. classifying pictures that illustrate the types of land ecosystems
Attitudes: Students will be:
Develop an awareness of ecosystems
Willingly participating in oral discussions
Introduction: Provide students with things found around them to reveal the word ‘ecosystems’. i.e. plants,
land, soil, trees, rocks, sun, animals, etc.
Procedures: Have students watch the video for the teacher to explain what ecosystems are, their characteristics
and our dependence on them
Provide students with pictures of different types of ecosystems. Students will observe the video to identify the
type of ecosystem they have. Students will form groups based on numbers 1-7.
The classroom will have a sensory display representing a water and land ecosystems and highlighting the biotic
and abiotic factors.
Students are to observe the image to identify the animals and plants that live in the areas.
Have children classify living and non-living things from the ecosystem displayed.
Closure: Review the lesson with guided questions on what is the difference between water(aquatic) and land
(terrestrial) ecosystem.
Culmination: categorize pictures of water(aquatic) and land (terrestrial) ecosystem.

Subject: Creative Writing Date: April 18, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m
Topic: Text Illustration Sub topic: Sentence editing
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts – (Comparing, listening, describing) Mathematics (counting)
Intended Learning Outcome: LA 3.30 Create illustrations to accompany a text and confidently explain through
written caption using letters or short words.
Materials: sight words, sentence strips, pictures, crayons
Reference: https://www.lwtears.com/blog/how-to-teach-sentence-writing-structure
https://www.freelancewriting.com https://youtu.be/uVeEAFy1z68
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify sight words: I, is, the, am, my, me, and
Objectives: Using writing checklist, students will be able to: Identify the sight
words in a sentence.
Practice drawing picture to illustrate the details of a sentence.
Edited short sentences correctly
Content: Pictures help a text to keep reader interested.
The brain helps give visual details faster than anything else. Pictures help tell stories in different ways. It helps
to recall details in a story.
Sight words are common words that schools expect kids to recognize instantly. Words like the, it, and appear so
often that beginning readers reach the point where they no longer need to try to sound out these words. They
recognize them by sight.
Skills: Students will be:
Drawing pictures
Writing words
Describing pictures
Explaining details from a sentence
Attitudes: Students will be:
Cooperatively working together
Showing willingness to interact in group
Hook: Present words: see I mom. Have children put the words in order to make a sentence.
Procedures: Begin by discussing what a sentence is. Explain that a sentence is a group of words that express a
complete thought.
Introduce the terms "subject" and "predicate." The subject is who or what the sentence is about, and the
predicate tells what the subject is doing.
Use simple examples to illustrate subjects and predicates. For example, "The cat (subject) is sleeping
Distribute sentence strips to each student.
Show picture cards or objects and ask students to identify the
subject and the action associated with it.
Encourage students to write a simple sentence using the subject
and predicate. For example, if the picture is of a cat, a student
might write, "The cat is sleeping."
Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and
guidance as needed.
Review the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation for each
sentence. Then draw a picture to show the sentence read the
sight words.
Have children practice sound blending with the help of a video sight words.
Guide students to their work where they copy 2 sentences from the board on the paper on the board. While
students write, students and teacher will work together to rewrite the sentence correctly.
Closure: Students will go over sentence structure: capitalization, spacing, and punctuation.
Culmination: children will rewrite sentences correctly. Have children use a checklist to guide them.

Subject: Math Time: 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Date: April 19, 2024
Topic: Shapes Sub Topic: 2-D shapes
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts –storytelling, observing, describing, explaining, science- representation of
Intended Learning Outcome: 6.01 Find and describe examples of points, lines, squares, circles, rectangles and
triangles in the classroom, school and the wider environment.
Materials: flash cards, counters, ordinal numbers video, ordinal game video,
Reference: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-point-in-math-definition-example.html
Toolkit for Teachers Infant One Primary Mathematics https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=BaO1E21S pkI\
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=AYZ0iWG opA8&t=39s Previous Knowledge: Students have seen
lines before.
Objectives: Using counting activities, students will be able to:
Identify and recognize 2d shapes
Analyse the basic properties of 2d shapes
Use 2-d shapes to make an image
Content: The basic types of 2d shapes are a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, quadrilateral,
hexagon, octagon, etc. Apart from the circle, all the shapes are considered as polygons, which have sides.
Skills: Students will be:
Analytical thinking
Attitudes: Students will be:
Cooperatively working together in groups.
Value the relationship of numerical symbols and counting to show quantity.
Introduction: Show samples of things that have 2-d shapes (e.g., square sharpener, rectangle windows, etc.)
and ask students to identify them.
Number drills: Counting 1-100.
Procedures: present a line on the board. Ask children what can we use the line for. Elicit ways line is used to
make shapes.
Show examples of square objects (e.g., square tiles, square windows) and ask students to identify them.
Model with more with more examples. And a song for properties of a square
Ask students to look around and find things around them that has the shape of a square. Encourage them to
share examples.
Show examples of each shape in realia (e.g., eraser, frames, etc).
Have children sing 2-d shape song.
Take a shape hunt around the school or classroom to find and identify different shapes, including squares.

Closure: Review the concepts of points and lines with the class. Ask students to share what they learned.
Culmination: Have students create images using various shapes.

Subject: Language Arts Date: April 19, 2024 Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Learning Outcomes: LA 2.22 Predict and relate to real life scenarios in the next section of a story with a
repetitive or predictable pattern.
LA 4.17 Categorize nouns to differentiate between its singular or plural form.
LA 1.23 Demonstrate, identify, and distinguish basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound and formation of
letters /g/ (hard g), /f/, /l/, /u/,/k/, /j/, /z/, /v/ & /w/, /x/, /y/, /q/
Topics: Circle Time – Pictures of things or animals with things around them
Phonics– words with /k/ sound
Language Structure– plural nouns with adding -es
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify objects in the picture
Concepts: Phonics – pictures with /k/ beginning sound
Language Structure- plural nouns with adding -es
Reading Comprehension- rhymes
Objectives: Using visual aid on singular and plural nouns and making prediction reading strategy, students will
be able to:
Identify words that rhyme together from the story
Add –es to make plural nouns
Highlight beginning middle and ending sound in each word.
Content: Singular means one. Plural nouns- means 2 or more Rule: add- es
Phonics/spelling: mug, bug, tug, jug, hug
Making predictions is an important reading strategy which encourages students to use details and clues from the
text to anticipate what happens next in the story.
Circle time: have children do word matching to the picture in groups of three. Have children sound out and
blend the sounds to say the word from previous lesson. Group that finishes first wins.
Alphabet drills and sight words and spelling drills
Procedures: Elicit from the children the ending sound from each word obtained from the puzzles.
Review Letter K k. Recognition/Discrimination: Display the large alphabet letter card showing the capital and
lowercase partner letters.
Have children watch pictures of CVC words. Elaborate on CVC words that they are words that have a
consonant, a vowel, and another consonant in that order. Show a flashcard with a CVC word and pronounce it
clearly (e.g., "kit"). Break down the word into its individual sounds, emphasizing each sound: /k/ - /i/ - /t/.
Ask the students to repeat the sounds after you, and then blend them together to form the word "kit"
Repeat this process with a three more CVC flashcards, allowing the students to practice blending the sounds.
Have children listen carefully to a story.
Have them highlight nouns from the story.
Allow them to identify whether they are singular or plural.
Review the rule to change singular nouns to plural.
Model using examples.
Then, do some examples together. Have children do this in peers.
Place a word on the board. Have them use the rule to change it to plural noun.
Give children 2 words to do on their own to select the plural form of the word.
Have children use each word in a sentence orally.
Closure: Play CVC flash cards game: Students say the word and spell out the letters, then read the word again.
Let them review what is the rule to change singular words to its plural form.
Culmination: Have categorize singular and plural noun to each kind of noun it is.

1:00 p.m.- 1:15 p.m. – spelling drills

Subject: Expressive Arts Date: April 19, 2024 Duration: 1:15- 2:00 p.m. Topic:
Proportion Sub Topic: Mixed Media Artwork with twisted paper Curricular Linkages: Language Arts
(story-telling) Intended Learning Outcome: EA 4.1 Create simple models of objects using clay, dough, twisted
paper, or other materials.
Reference: Minilab Studios. (2018, January 23). The importance of drawing in your child's development.
https://youtu.be/7_Zzw96qJ1Y I can see colors everywhere
Artzolo-blog. (2019, January 22). Understanding and appreciating mixed media art. ArtZolo.com.
Materials: crayons, coloring pencils, shapes, lines, glitters
Previous Knowledge: students can identify sculpted things seen before.
Objectives: Using sculpting videos, students will be able to:
Recognized ways to blend mixed media of materials and colors
Describe attributes of sculptures and uses
Create an image using mixed media artwork with twisted paper
Content: The term “mixed media art” is a broad definition that covers many arts and crafts, including collage,
assemblage (both 2D and 3D). The “mixed media” used includes paints, papers and board of all descriptions,
glues, buttons, fabrics, found objects, photos, metal bits, fibres, things from nature, inks, pencils, crayons,
markers, pastels and polymer clays, to name a few.

Skills: Students will be: Developing fine motor skills, Describing sculptures, Creating twisted artwork
Attitudes: Students will be:
Valuing and respecting multiple art perspective views.
Self-love and appreciation towards own art work
Introductory Activity: Students will watch pictures of twisted artwork. Have them identify what image is
portrayed from it.
Procedures: Provide the following materials: strips of shop paper, paint, paint brush, glue, scissors, glitters,
shape cut-outs and half a Bristol board.
• Discuss what twisted art means and show examples of simple twisted artworks.
• Distribute different colored paper to each student.
• Encourage them to practice using their hands to twist the paper tightly for great results and include other
desired décor materials to border the draft work.
• Allow students to display their twisted papers on their desks then have them stick the papers together.
• . Closure: review ways materials are used in mixed art and with twisted paper.
Culmination: Let students use their choice of materials, including clay, playdough, colored paper, stickers, and
crayons, to create a mixed media masterpiece. Encourage them to express themselves and share their artwork
with their classmates.
Subject: Creative Writing Date: April 19, 2024 Duration: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m
Topic: Text Illustration Sub topic: Sentence writing
Curricular Linkages: Language Arts – (Comparing, listening, describing) Mathematics (counting)
Intended Learning Outcome: LA 3.30 Create illustrations to accompany a text and confidently explain through
written caption using letters or short words.
Materials: sight words, sentence strips, pictures, crayons
Reference: https://www.lwtears.com/blog/how-to-teach-sentence-writing-structure
https://www.freelancewriting.com https://youtu.be/uVeEAFy1z68
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify sight words: I, is, the, am, my, me,
Objectives: Using writing checklist, students will be able to:
Identify the sight words in a sentence.
Practice drawing picture to illustrate the details of a sentence.
Write complete sentence correctly
Content: Pictures help a text to keep reader interested.
The brain helps give visual details faster than anything else. Pictures help tell stories in different ways. It helps
to recall details in a story. Sight words are common words that schools expect kids to recognize instantly.
Words like the, it, and appear so often that beginning readers reach the point where they no longer need to try to
sound out these words. They recognize them by sight.
Skills: Students will be:
Drawing pictures , Writing words , Describing pictures, explaining details from a sentence Attitudes:
Students will be:
Cooperatively working together
Hook: Students will watch a short video on a short story. Reading drills: Have students practice reading
sentences using the sight words. Review the letters of the alphabet and vocabulary words.
Procedures: Teacher will demonstrate how to sound out letter in words to help read a sentence. Explain the
important concepts as you write such as capitalization, spacing, and punctuation.
Place a sentence strip on the board. Allow students to try sound out the letters in each word of that sentence.
Review the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation for each sentence. Then draw a picture to show the sentence
read. Have children practice sound blending with the help of a video on CVC words.
Guide students to their worksheet where they copy sentences from the board into their books. Then, draw a
picture to show the sentence written in their books. While students write, teacher walk around and closely
monitor and guide their students.
Closure: Students will go over the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation of a sentence.
Culmination: children will write a sentence with CVC words. Allow them to draw to show the sentence they

Subject: Language Arts Date: April 16, 2024 Class: Infant 1 Time: 10:30- 11:30 Topic:
Letter and sound recognition/ Noun Strands: Reading Fluency and Accuracy, Comprehension
Learning Outcome: lA 1.23 Demonstrate, identify, and distinguish basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound
and formation of letters /g/ (hard g), /f/, /l/, /u/, /k/, /j/, /z/, /v/ & /w/, /x/, /y/, /q/
LA 4.02 Effectively compile and classify nouns as person, animal, place or thing.
Objective: With the aid of pictures and a short text “The Kite” children will be able to:
Isolate and pronounce an initial, sounds, demonstrate how to form and write the uppercase and Lowercase
letter /Kk/
Draw picture beginning with letter /K/
Recognize nouns in simple sentences.
Curricular Linkages: Mathematics (Counting), Expressive Arts (Drawing), Science (Animals)
Materials: picture, text, letter chart, video on letter k and words
References: Sound and Letter work and story book
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify pictures beginning with a set of letter sound taught before.
Content:Letter and Sound Recognition, Letter Kk-
‘The letter /K/ is a consonant; to pronounce it, one needs to raise the back of the tongue
to touch the roof of the mouth and then release it. The sound is made with the breath,
whereas its voice twin uses the vocal cord.
Formation of the Letter Kk- Use two strokes to write the Uppercase Letter K.-Step 1:
Start at the headline. Pull down straight to the baseline and left. Step 2: Move to the
right and start at the headline. Slant left to the midline. Slant right to the baseline.
Nouns-Noun is a word that names a person, place, thing o r animal.
Spelling words:
Tricky words: once, who, there, where, said
Hook-Haves students in groups of 4 and have them match the pictures that have similar beginning sound.
Procedures- Teacher says words that begin with Kk and have students repeat each word (Emphasize the /k/ at
the beginning of each word) Kite. Kitchen. Key. Kick. Elicit: what sound do you hear at the beginning of each
word? The sound is /k/. Teacher will hold up the Letter K card in uppercase and Lowercase for students to
identify and name.) This is the Letter K. Teacher will produce the sound of /K/ says /k/ (Students: K says /k/.)
Teacher will present students with the short story text called “The Kite” and have students listen to the read-
aloud. Have students brainstorm and share words they heard with the /k/ sound as /k/ in the kite.
Model to students how to make the ‘k’ sound as /k/ in kite by slowly pronouncing the single sound for
students /k/, /k/, /k/. Allow students to imitate you by making the sound themselves. Once students have
mastered the individual sound, move on to simple syllables by adding vowels to the /k/ sound, such as “/ka/,
/ka/, /ka/, /ke/, /ke/, /ke/, /ki/, /ki/, /ki/, /ko/, /ko/, /ko/ and /ku/, /ku/, /ku/”. Explain and demonstrate on board
how the Letter for /k/ is written in uppercase (K) and Lowercase (k) while chanting a rhyme. (Uppercase K-
Long line down, add a diagonal left and a diagonal right. Lowercase k – Long line down, diagonal left, diagonal
right, that;s how you make the letter k.)
Model to students how to practice writing the uppercase letter K using the following activities: Sky-write the
Letter: We start at the top and pull down to make the Letter K. Then we slant in and out.
Have students’ finger-write the Letter: Make a K by moving your finger on the table. Start at the top. Pull down.
Then slant in and out. Teacher will Re-read the short story called, ‘The Kite’ to students. Have students echo
read along. Students recall and discuss about kite flying event by school ground
Teacher will reinforce five w’s questions to build on students comprehension skills to analyze and interpret
story events. Elicit the following questions from students, - What was the story about? - Who were the main
characters? - Where were the kids? How do you know? Why did kids go to the King? How did the King help
the kids? How do they call a King House, or where does a King live?
Elicit from students if Palace, Castle or School a person, place, animal or thing,
Elicit from students the meaning of the word Noun. Explain to students that we will work on the Person
category as a noun. Elicit for person from the text .Have students list more noun categories as a person. .
Conclusion: Students will color pictures beginning with letter k and match the pictures to its name.

Subject: Language Arts Date: April 17, 2024 Class: Infant 1 Time: 10:35- 11:30
Topic: Letter and sound recognition/ Noun Sub Topic: Letter, Sound Recognition, and Letter Formation
(k /k/) Nouns as Thing and Animal
Learning Outcome: LA 1.23 Demonstrate, identify, and distinguish basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-
sound and formation of letters /g/ (hard g), /f/, /l/, /u/, /k/, /j/, /z/, /v/ & /w/, /x/, /y/, /q/
LA 4.02 Effectively compile and classify nouns as person, animal, place or thing.
Objective: With the aid of pictures and a short text “The Kite” children will be able to:
Isolate and pronounce an initial, sounds, demonstrate how to form and write the uppercase and Lowercase
letter /Kk/
Draw picture beginning with letter /K/
Recognize noun as thing or animal
Strands: Reading Fluency and Accuracy, Comprehension
Curricular Linkages: Mathematics (Counting), Expressive Arts (Drawing), Science (Animals)
Materials: picture, text, letter chart,
References: Sound and Letter work and story book
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify pictures and words beginning with a set of
letter sound taught before and can also give the sound it makes.
Content: Letter and Sound Recognition, Letter Kk- ‘The letter /K/ is a consonant; to pronounce it, one needs
to raise the back of the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth and then release it. The sound is made with the
breath, whereas its voice twin uses the vocal cord. Formation of the Letter Kk: Use two strokes to write the
Lowercase Letter k. Step 1: Start at the headline. Pull down straight to the baseline and lift.
Step 2: Move right and start at the mid-line and headline. Slant directly to the baseline.
Nouns-Noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or animal.
Target Words: sock, tick, tock, kick
Tricky words: once, who, there, where, said

Introduction-Have students sing the alphabet song to review letter and sounds of the alphabet using
educational video (Barbara Miles).
Students will go over the sight words. Students will play a game, dance around the chairs to music when it
stops they will pick up sight words off the chair to read and spell for the class.

Development -Teacher will draw a line on board to divide it in half, put the pictures of the kite, kangaroo, key,
koala, and kit on the left side of the chalkboard. Students will be asked to match picture to its name
Have students read each word and emphasize on the /k/ sound. Explain to students that the /k/ sound can be
found at the beginning of words, like in the word kite and kit
Present students with a picture card of the /k/ CVC Words. Elicit the name of each picture card.
Model to students how to sound out each Letter sound and blend the letters to read the CVC word using sound
boxes. For example, /k/-/i/-/t/ and /k/-/e/-/y/ (Ken, Kim, kid, kiss, kick) Have students identify each CVC
word’;s initial, middle, and ending. Allow students to locate the /k/ sound in the CVC words. Have students
share and tell what is a noun in their own words. Encourage students to give examples of different category that
they have learn (place thing, animal). Explain to students that today we will look at noun in animal category.
Have students mingle around the classroom and find noun as animal category. Allow pairs to freeze when they
have found their noun. Have students orally share their noun with the class.
Provide each student with a picture card of a noun. Show all of these picture cards to students to review their
names. Teacher will write all noun categories on a flash card, then put it all in a bag
Divide class in groups to find noun in the category they picked. Have students take turns leaving the room to
brainstorm noun to categorize as animal, person, place, or thing. Let students come back in and give three
noun, the other students will take turns guessing what category they could be.
Writing Composition- Have students write and categorize noun name

Date: April 18,2024 Time: 9:00- 10:15 a.m.

Church service
Think equal session

Subject: Language Arts Date: April 18th, 2024 Class: Infant 1 Time: 10:30- 11:30
Topic: Letter and sound recognition/ Noun Sub Topic: Letter, Sound Recognition, and Letter Formation
(K /k/ ) Nouns as Thing and Animal Singular & Plural, Add ‘-es’
Learning Outcome: LA 1.23 Demonstrate, identify, and distinguish basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-
sound and formation of letters /g/ (hard g), /f/, /l/, /u/, /k/, /j/, /z/, /v/ & /w/, /x/, /y/, /q/
LA 4.02 Effectively compile and classify nouns as person, animal, place or thing.
Objective: With the aid of pictures and a short text “king Kevin and the key” children will be able to:
● Isolate and pronounce an initial, sounds, demonstrate how to form and write the uppercase and
Lowercase letter /Kk/
● Draw picture beginning with letter /K/
● Recognize noun as thing or animal and make it plural
Strands: Reading Fluency and Accuracy, Comprehension
Curricular Linkages: Mathematics (Counting), Expressive Arts (Drawing), Science (Animals)
Materials: picture, text, letter chart,
References: Sound and Letter work and story book
Previous Knowledge: Students can identify pictures and words beginning with a set of letter sound taught
Content: Letter and Sound Recognition, Letter Kk -‘The letter /K/ is a consonant; to pronounce it, one needs
to raise the back of the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth and then release it. The sound is made with the
breath, whereas its voice twin uses the vocal cord.
Formation of the Letter Kk
Use two strokes to write the Uppercase Letter K.
Step 1: Start at the headline. Pull down straight to the baseline and left
Step 2: Move to the right and start at the headline. Slant left to the midline. Slant right to the baseline.
Use two strokes to write the Lowercase Letter k.
Step 1: Start at the headline. Pull down straight to the baseline and lift.
Step 2: Move right and start at the mid-line and headline. Slant directly to the baseline.
Nouns-Noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or animal.
Nouns as Thing, Animal Singular & Plural, Add ‘-es’
For words that end in ch, s, sh, ss, z, x and o, we add -/es/ is add to make it plural
Church-churches bus-buses
Target Words: sock, tick, tock, kick
Tricky words: once, who, there, where, said
Hook-. 5 Students will play a game, dance around the chairs to music when it stops they will pick up CVC
words off the chair to read and spell for the class.
Development-Students will pick a word or a picture out of the surprise box
They will be given time to read their word or identify their pictures
Student will then be given two minutes to match the pictures to its word
Students will be asked to present their picture and words to class
Pictures of noun will be then place in surprise box for students to pick
Students will be asked to present their picture and choose what category of noun they have,
Students will also say if the noun is singular then they will say the plural to it, if it's plural they will give the
singular to it.
Written composition- Students will write the plural to given nouns

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