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Vocabulary Lesson (Cine) Spanish 1B- Grades 10-12 Chapter 10, 1 st lesson of the third week DATE OF LESSON 12/02/13 CA CONTENT STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED Communication Stage III- 3.2 Interpret written and spoken language. CA ELD STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED Bridging- 12. Selecting language resources Use a variety of grade-appropriate general and domain specific academic vocabulary words and phrases, including persuasive language, accurately and appropriately when producing complex written and spoken words BIG IDEA ADDRESSED (Enduring Understanding: WHY this material is important; how it fits in with the unit or theme) Building vocabulary allows students to communicate in Spanish ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED When can you use what we just learned? Use the vocabulary word in a sentence Why is this information useful? OBJECTIVE(S) OR LEARNING GOAL(S)choose type(s) as appropriate Language Development Students will identify Spanish vocabulary words related to movies, museums, cultural events and theater by organizing notes and engaging in class discussion. ASSESSMENT(S)choose type(s) as appropriate Diagnostic (entry level)-informal: class discussion will help me diagnose their level of understanding Formative (progress-monitoring)-Informal: monitor class and ask her questions regarding the topic to see their level of understanding Summative (evaluative)-Formal: Answer questions on page 309 and submit for grading
PREDICTION OF LIKELY DIFFICULTIES STUDENTS MAY ENCOUNTER WITH THIS MATERIAL (possible misconceptions or assumptions) Students will have a hard time understanding the meaning of vocabulary words. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: What the teacher does to help students cope with the difficulties in order to succeed STEPS (Fill in each box with specific information) LEARNING STYLE(S) ADDRESSED REASONS- RATIONALES Anticipatory Set (Into) I will begin lesson by using the doc- cam to show image on page 306, I will make up a story for that image and use total physical response method to act out the different scenes in the picture. I will connect to students background knowledge by asking them if they have watched the most current movies on the theater. 5 min
Linguistic To get students engaged in the lesson
To make a connection with students background knowledge Instruction (Through) Visual
To help students learn STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What the students do as opposed to what the teacher does STEPS (Fill in each box with specific information) LEARNING STYLE(S) ADDRESSED REASONS- RATIONALES Anticipatory Set (Into) Students will open up their book to page 306; they will be analyzing the illustration show in that page. Students will observe and listen attentively as teacher demonstrates different scenes related to the image on page 306. Students will share their knowledge on current movies that are in the theaters. 5 min Kinestheti c
Linguistic To get students engaged in the lesson
To make a connection with students background knowledge Instruction (Through) Students will write down graphic organizer on a Visual
Linguistic To help students learn vocabulary words by using I will write down graphic organizer on the white board. It will consist of three columns; first column, name of the word, second column definition of the word, and third column a pictorial representation of the word I will explain to the class how to fill out graphic organizer. 10 min
Linguistic vocabulary words by using graphic organizer
Guided Practice (Through) I will say the words shown on image on page 307 using doc- cam. I will ask students to repeat the word or expression after me as I point out to the corresponding item. We will fill out graphic organizer together using doc-cam. 10 min Intraperson al
Visual This will help students practice the pronunciation of vocabulary words by themselves
Graphic organizer will help students memorize and learn new words. It is also a good way for them to stay organized Independent Practice (Through) I will ask students to use previously learned vocabulary words and complete assignments 1, 2, & 3 on page 308- 309 (Buen Viaje Textbook) After, they finish completing the assignments, we will go over the answers using doc-cam 20 min Logical
Intraperson al A way to have students practice what they have learned and process learning to their long term memory
To assess students level of understanding
Closure (summarize; make meaning of the lesson) I will have students share with a partner Why do they think that it is important to know these vocabulary Interperson al To have students listen to different points of views and learn from one another different piece of paper. Students will pay close attention to the instructions on how to fill out graphic organizer. 10 min graphic organizer
Guided Practice (Through) Students will listen to the words. Students will repeat the words three times after teacher. Students will fill out graphic organizer.
10 min Intraperso nal
Visual This will help students practice the pronunciation of vocabulary words by themselves
Graphic organizer will help students memorize and learn new words. It is also a good way for them to stay organized Independent Practice (Through) Students will connect to previously learned vocabulary words. Students will complete assignments 1, 2, and 3 on the Buen Viaje textbook on page 208 Once students finish with the classwork, they will go over the answers with the teacher 20 min Logical
Intraperso nal A way to have students practice what they have learned and process learning to their long term memory
To assess students level of understanding
Closure (summarize; make meaning of the lesson)
Students will use a share with a partner the reasons of why is it important to know these vocabulary words.
Students will reflect on the importance and relevance of this new learned material.
5 min Interperso nal To have students listen to different points of views and learn from one another Transfer (Beyond) (opportunities to apply the learning) Students will start to think about another class activity that we will Intraperso nal To get the students thinking on the next assignment
words? After they share with partner, I will tell class that it is very important because we never know when we will travel to a different Spanish speaking country and it will be beneficial to know these vocabulary words.
5 min Transfer (Beyond) (opportunities to apply the learning) I will tell the class that we watch a film in class; we will pretend that we are in a theater and we will use the learned vocabulary words. 5 min Intraperson al To get the students thinking on the next assignment
do in the future in which they will have the opportunity to use the new vocabulary words that they learned today 5 min
Vocabulary words: Una pelicula policiaca, una pelicula documental, una pelicula de amor, una pelicula de ciencia ficcion, una pelicula de aventuras, una pelicula de vaqueros , cine, el boleto, la cola, la fila, la taquilla, la boleteria, la pantalla INFO ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS: Consider students individually & as a group 5 th Period-9/12 students have been classified as EL. Proficiency level 5- Orlando 4- (Jessica & Rubella) - This group of students seems to be more independent in class. 3-(Kerry, Sebastian, Luis, Ruben, & Marcos) *Students in this class get distracted very easily. Teacher need to repeat instructions a couple of times. All of the students can communicate in English but need a lot of help with grammar and reading. Students are not motivated and have trouble organizing work. Many of these students have been involved in drugs and have anger management problems. Students do not have positive role models at home. The class enjoys talking about cultural and stories from the teachers.
INFO ABOUT STUDENTS W/ SPECIAL NEEDS (include gifted students): Consider individually & as a group There is one student with a 504 in class. She has a panic disorder. Lorena suffers from panic attacks. She likes to work independently. Lorena needs to work and develop social skills. Poor attendance is affecting her grades. She is taking medications for depression. Lorena is very respectful and has no behavior problems. There are other students that I think they qualify for special education but they have not been classified yet. Students walk into classroom with earphones on, they enjoy listening to music and watching movies. It seems that a couple of students have trouble reading words on the board but they refuse to get an eye exam. DIFFERENTIATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERSchoose area(s) as necessary based on information above Content English Language Learners will be learning new vocabulary by writing the vocabulary words in English and Spanish Process Students will be participating in fun class activities that targets learning styles. Students will draw, write, listen, think, and use body language to communicate a message. Students will be engaged having fun and at the same time will be learning vocabulary words. Product To enforce classroom management students will be seating in assigned seats. Instructions for the activities and test will be read out with clear annunciation. Lesson objective will be DIFFERENTIATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS choose area(s) as necessary based on information above Content- Lorena will be developing social skill by participating in class activities. She will communicate and interact with classmates. Process Norms will be introduced at the beginning of the lesson so students experience a safe and positive classroom environment. Lorena will be seating next to the door in case she feels the need to walk out of classroom. She will always carry a special pass that gives her the freedom to take breaks when needed. She will be responsible to administer her own medication. Teachers will keep an open communication with student to make sure we meet her needs. Product- To differentiate during the activities, we will be written on the board and read at the beginning of the lesson to make sure students have a clear understanding of expectations. We would be using a lot of visuals to help our visual learners. I will introduce norms at the beginning of the lesson to make sure students feel comfortable enough to participate in class activities. asking for volunteers always encouraging all students to participate. I would also highlight words on the board to help visual learners. RESOURCES (Attach materials needed to implement the lessone.g., power point presentation, text, graphic organizer) Doc-Cam White board Dry erase markers Buen Viaje textbook
REFLECTION (Questions to consider after the lesson: What went well? Why? What evidence do I have that shows the extent to which the lesson was effective? What problems do students still have? How will I deal with the students whose understanding of the material is weak? How will I remediate? What changes will I make to enhance learning the next time I teach this lesson? Why?)