This kriti is about the presiding goddess at the Big Temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. It is composed in the 57th melakarta raga Simhendramadhyamam. The 3-line summary is:
This kriti praises the goddess of the Big Temple as the protector of the helpless, giver of desires, showerer of compassion's nectar, residing in soft hearts, shining as the intellect of Subrahmanya, and worshipped as the enchantress of Mahadeva.
This kriti is about the presiding goddess at the Big Temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. It is composed in the 57th melakarta raga Simhendramadhyamam. The 3-line summary is:
This kriti praises the goddess of the Big Temple as the protector of the helpless, giver of desires, showerer of compassion's nectar, residing in soft hearts, shining as the intellect of Subrahmanya, and worshipped as the enchantress of Mahadeva.
This kriti is about the presiding goddess at the Big Temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. It is composed in the 57th melakarta raga Simhendramadhyamam. The 3-line summary is:
This kriti praises the goddess of the Big Temple as the protector of the helpless, giver of desires, showerer of compassion's nectar, residing in soft hearts, shining as the intellect of Subrahmanya, and worshipped as the enchantress of Mahadeva.
This kriti is about the presiding goddess at the Big Temple in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. It is composed in the 57th melakarta raga Simhendramadhyamam. The 3-line summary is:
This kriti praises the goddess of the Big Temple as the protector of the helpless, giver of desires, showerer of compassion's nectar, residing in soft hearts, shining as the intellect of Subrahmanya, and worshipped as the enchantress of Mahadeva.
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Pamarajana Palini
Ragam: Simhendramadhyamam (Sumadyuti): 57
th Melakartha ARO: S R2 G2 M2 P D1 ! S "" A#A: S ! D1 P M2 G2 R2 S "" $alam: Ru%akam &'m%'(er: Dik(hitar #er(i'n: )ydera*ad +r'ther( ,yri-(.Meaning( &'urte(y: ///0(angeetham0-'m Palla1i Paamarajana Paalini Paahi +ruhannaayaki Sami(hti &haranam: 2aamithaarttha Phaladaayini 2aarunyaamruta #aahini 2'mala )rudaya i1aa(ini Guruguha Mati Prakaa(hini Seemantini ata Mantrini Shree Mahaade1a Ranjani Meaning: (///0(angeetham0-'m) This kriti is on the presiding Goddess at the Big Temple in Tanjavur. This kriti is set to the 57th melakarta that is now called Simhendramadhyamam, but was known to ikshitar as sumadyuti ! "rotector #$paalini%& o' the helpless #$pamara(jana%&) Goddess o' the enormous #$bruhann%& 'orm #$naayaki%&) "rotect me #$paahi%&) Giver #$daayini%& o' all desired #$kaamithaartha%& boons #$phala%&) !ne who rains #$vaahini%& the nectar #$amruta%& o' compassion #$kaarunya%&) *esiding #$nivaasini%& in the hearts #$hrudaya%& o' those who are so't #$komala%& natured) !ne who shines #$prakaashini%& as Subrahmanya+s #$guruguha%& intellect #$mati%&) Goddess #$seemanthini%& ) ,orshipped #$nata%& by -antrini) .nchantress #$ranjani%& o' -ahadeva) Palla1i Paamarajana Paalini Paahi +ruhannaayaki ! "rotector #$paalini%& o' the helpless #$pamara(jana%&) P 3 M D 4 % M "" D 3 S 3 3 "" Paa mara 5 jana Paa5 li ni 5 5 Goddess o' the enormous #$bruhann%& 'orm #$naayaki%&) "rotect me #$paahi%&) d%P 3 M5 G 4 5 R 4 "" S 4 d S 4 rgm "" Paa hi +ru han naa55 ya ki 5 5 55 %dnd %m gr gm P "" %d D 5 S 3 "" Paa ma5ra5 ja 5 na Paa5 5 li ni5 d%P 3 M5 gm %mgr "" S 4 d S 4 rgm "" Paa hi +ru han55 naa55 ya ki 5 5 55 %dnd %m gr gm P "" %d D 5 S 3 "" Paa ma5ra5 ja 5 na Paa5 5 li ni5 d%P 3 M5 gm %mgr "" gr(( 4d (rgm "" Paa hi +ru han55 naa55 55 ya ki5 55 %dnd %m gr gm P "" %d r(nd 3 5 gr 4 r(S3 "" Paa ma5ra5 ja 5 na Paa5 5 5 li ni5 d%P 3 M5 gm %mgr "" gr(( 4d (rgm "" Paa hi +ru han55 naa55 55 ya ki5 55 %dnd %m gr gm P "" %d r(nd 3 5 gr 4 r(S3 "" Paa ma5ra5 ja 5 na Paa5 5 5 li ni5 gr(n d%5 nd %mgm "" %mG R 5 (n (rgm "" Paa hi +ru han55 naa55 ya ki5 55 5 5 P 3 M D 4 % M "" D 3 S 4n (r "" Paa mara 5 jana Paa5 li ni 5 5 4 ( 3 3 3 3 3 "" 3 3 3 3 3 3 "" 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 Sami(hti &haranam: 2aamithaarttha Phaladaayini 2aarunyaamruta #aahini 2'mala )rudaya i1aa(ini Guruguha Mati Prakaa(hini Seemantini ata Mantrini Shree Mahaade1a Ranjani Giver #$daayini%& o' all desired #$kaamithaartha%& boons #$phala%&) G 3 M P 3 D "" 4 % M D 3 S "" 2aa mithaa 5rttha Pha la daa5 yini 3 3 3 3 3 3 "" 3 3 3 3 3 3 "" 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 G 3 M P 3 D "" 4 % M D 3 S "" 2aa mithaa 5rttha Pha la daa5 yini d%mg 3 M P 3 D "" 4 % M D 3 S "" 2aa 5 5 mithaa 5rttha Pha la daa5 yini !ne who rains #$vaahini%& the nectar #$amruta%& o' compassion #$kaarunya%&) 4 S 4 R 3 gm%m "" G R (Sd S "" 2aa run5 yaa5 55 mruta #aa55 hini *esiding #$nivaasini%& in the hearts #$hrudaya%& o' those who are so't #$komala%& natured) S n d % m g 5 m P dn "" 4 S 4 3 4 ( nd%d "" 2'mala )rudaya i 1aa (i ni5 5 5 5 5 / !ne who shines #$prakaashini%& as Subrahmanya+s #$guruguha%& intellect #$mati%&) S n d % m g 5 m P dn "" ( n d % m G 5 r G r ( "" 2'mala )rudaya i 1aa (ini Guruguha Mati Pra kaa(hini Goddess #$seemanthini%& ) ,orshipped #$nata%& by -antrini) .nchantress #$ranjani%& o' -ahadeva) n ( R g r 5 g m P d n "" S n d 4 P m g r g m "" See5 man ti ni ata Man tri ni Shree Mahaa 5 de1a Ran5 ja ni