Sadashiva Brahmendra-All Compositions

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Sadashiva Brahmendra-all compositions

Sadasiva Brahmendra was a saint composer of Carnatic music

and Advaita philosopher who lived near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu
during the 18th century. He composed mainly in Sanskrit. Only 24 of his
compositions have survived, but they are recognised as great
compositions of Carnatic music.

Sadashiva Brahmendra-all compositions ................................................ 1
1. Sadananda Poorna Bodoham.................................................. 2
2. Anananda poorna bodoham ................................................... 3
3. Bhaja re Gopalam..................................................................... 4
4. Bhajare Raghu Veeram ............................................................ 5
5. Bhaja re Yadhunadham ............................................................ 6
6. Brahmaivaham khila ................................................................ 7
7. Broohi Mukundethi .................................................................. 8
8. Chetha sri ramaam ................................................................... 9
9. Chintha Nasthi........................................................................ 10
10. Gayathi vana Mali .................................................................. 10
11. Khelathi Brahmande .............................................................. 11
12. Khelathi mama hrudaye ......................................................... 12
13. Kreedathi vanamali ................................................................ 12
14. Krishna Pahi............................................................................ 13
15. Manasa Sanchara re .............................................................. 14
16. Nahi re, nahi re Shankha ........................................................ 15

17. Pibare Rama Rasam ............................................................... 15
18. Poorna Bodhoham ................................................................. 16
19. Prathi vaaram vaaram ............................................................ 17
20. .Sarvam Brahma mayam ........................................................ 18
21. Smara vaaram Vaaram, .......................................................... 19
22. Sthirathaa nhi, nahi re,........................................................... 20
23. Thadwath jeevitham Brahmani ............................................. 21
24. Thunga tarange Gange Jaya ................................................... 21

Sadananda Poorna Bodoham

SAdashiva Brahmendrar

Ragam Kalyani
Talam Aadhi
Poorna bodhoham Sadananda poornam bododham

I am the complete realization, I am the complete realization of eternal joy.

Varnasramachara karmadhi duroham swarna vadakhila vikara gathoham.

I am matters which are difficult to be reached by the rituals of Varnashrama ,
Which have gone in to the way of change of golden debate.

1.Prathyagathmaham paravithatha sathyjnoham,
Sruthyantha satha koti prakatitha Brahmaham ,
Nithyoham abayoham advithiyoham

1.I am returning , I am the expanded teller of the truth,
I am that Brahmam that is the end of Vedas where it has been told hundred crore times,
I am that which is forever , I am that which gives protection and I am that which has no second.

2.SAkshi mathroham , pragalitha paksha pathoham,

Moksha swaroopoham , omkara gamyoham,
Sookshmoham , Anagoham Adbuthathmoham.

2,I am only the witness , I am the partiality that has dropped down,
I am the form of salvation , I am the one going towards “Om”,
I am minute , I am sinless , I am the soul that causes wonder

3.SWaprakasoham , Vibhuraham , nishprapanchoham,

Aprameyoham , achaloham akaloham,
Nishpratarkya khandai karasoham

3.I am self illuminated , I am the Lord , I am honest and pure ,

I am unfathomable., I cannot be moved , I am one without
time ,
I am the one who cuts f actions which are uninterrupted
4. Ajanirmithohambudha jana bhajaniyoham,
Ajarohan amaroham Amritha swaroopaoham,
Nija purna mahimani nihithamahitoham.

I am made by one who is not born, And one who is prayed

to by wise people .
I am one who never gets old . I am one who never dies , I
am the form of nectar ,
I am the one who does not like full fame deposited on any
5.Niravyayoham . nirupama nishkalankohsm,
Parama shivendra Sri Guru soma samudhitha,
Niravadhi nirvana sukha sagaroham.
I5.I am eternal, I am without comparison , I am one without
stains ,
I am the ocean of pleasure leading to several detachments
Mentioned by Lord Shiva, Indra and the Guru Soma.

Anananda poorna bodoham

Sadashiva Brahmendral

Translated by

Ragam Madhyamavathi
Talam Khanda chapu

Ananda poorna bodoham satatam
Ananda poornabodhoajaroham

I am always perceive that I am full of joy,
I agelessly perceive that I am full of joy,

1,Prathyag advaitha saaroham sakala,
Sruthyantha thanthra vidhitoham amrutoham,
Athyanthara bhavitoham viditha,
Nithya nishkalarupanir guna padoham.

1.Personally I am all the essence of Advaitha

I am the end of Vedas, the rules of Thanthra,
I am that which is not dead,
I am the very different creation of fate ,
I am the forever decayed qualities of matter.

2.Sakshi chinmathra gathroham , parama,

Moksha samrajyadhipoham, amruthoham,
Paksha patathiduroham , Adhika,
Sookshmoham, anavadhika sukha sagaroham,

2.I am the body that is the witness of divine thought ,

I am the chief of the divine land of salvation,
I am that which is not dead ,
I am far away from partiality , I am very minute,
And I am the very many oceans of pleasure.

3.Swaprakasaika saroham sadaham,

Aprapancha athma bavoham , abhayoham,
Nish pratarkyoham, amaroham , chidaham,
Aprameyakhya . murthirevaham.

3.I am always the essence of self luminosity,

I am the thought of the world which is beyond earth ,
I am the fearlessness/source of protection,
I am that which is inconceivable, I am that which never dies,
I am the divine and I am the unfathomable form.

Bhaja re Gopalam
By Sadasiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Hindolam
Talam aadhi

Bhaje re Gopalam , manasa,
Bhaja re Gopalam
1.Bhaja gopalam, bhajitha kuchelam,
Tri jagam moolam, Dithi sutha kalam

2.Agama saaram, yoga vicharam,

Bhoga sareeram, bhuvana aadaram

3.Kadhana katoram, kalushi

vidhooram, Madana kumaram, Madhu samharam

4.Natha mandharam, Nanda kisoram,

Hatha Chanuram, Hamsa viharam.

English meaning

Oh mind , sing about Gopala,
Sing about Gopala

. Charanam
1.Sing about Gopala , who was sung about by Kuchela
, Who is the basis of three worlds and killer of the sons of dithi(Asuras).

2.He who is the essence of Vedas, He who is thought about by Yogis,

He who is the aim of the body and basis of universe.

3.He who destroys the bad ones and keeps away the tainted ones,
He whose son is Madhana and he who is the killer of Madhu.

4.He who gives heaven to his devotees, he who is the son of Nanda,
He who killed Chanura and is the resting place of sages.

Bhajare Raghu Veeram

By Sadashiva Brahmendra
Translated By P. R. Ramachander

Ragam: Kalyani
Thalam: Mishra Chapu


Bhaje re Raghu veeram, Manasa,

Bhaja re Raghu Dheeram.


Ambudha dimba vidambana gathram,

Ambudha vahana nandana dhathram


1. Kusitha sutharpitha karmuka Vedam,

Vasi hrudayarpitha Bhaskara Padam

2. Kundala mandana manditha Karna,

Kundali manjaka madbutha varnam.

3. Danditha sundha sudhadhika veeram,

Manditha manu kula masrya sowrim.

English Translation


Hey man, sing about the valorous one of Raghu clan,

Sing about the courageous one of Raghu clan.


He whose body is the colour of the cloud,

He who is the boy who was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu


1. He who is the rainbow like Veda told about by Sutha,

He who is the rainbow like Vedas born out of the water.

2. He whose ears are decorated by shining ear globes,

He who is the wonderful platform of music.

3. The nectar like valorous one who punished bad ones,

He who is the archer whom the entire race of kings depended.

Bhaja re Yadhunadham
Sadashiva brhamendrar

Translated by

Ragam Piloo
Thalam Aadhi

Bhajare yadhu nadham , manasa, Bhajare Yadhunadham

1.Gopa vadhu pari rambhana lolalm, Gopa kisoram, Adbhutha leelam

2.Kapata angeekrutha maanusha vesham, Kapata natya krutha kruthsna suvesham.

3.Parama hamsa hrudathava swaroopam, Pranava payodhara pranava swaroopam

English meaning

Sing about the lord of Yadhus(Krishna), oh mind, Sing about the lord of Yadus

1.He is interested in roaming about Gopa lasses, He is a young gopa lad with wonderful sports.

2.He has taken the recognised deceitful form of humans, And is engaged in acting a drama in the role of

3.He has the form that can be seen by the mind of great yogis, He is “Om” and has the form “Om”
similar to the rich cloud.

Brahmaivaham khila
Sadashiva Brahmendral

Translated by

Ragam Nadhanama kriya

Thalam AAdhi

Brahmaivakam khila sadguru krupayaa,
Brahmaivaham khila

Am I not Brahmam due to the mercy of the great Guru
Am I not Brahmam

1.Brahmaivakam kila , guru krupaya,
Chinmaya bodhananda ghanam thath.

1.Am I not Brahman due to mercy of Guru,

Who taught me that is the heavy joy full of divinity.

2.Sruthyanthaika niroopitham athulam,

Sathya sukhaambhudhi samarasam anagham.

2.This matchless truth is proved at the end of Vedas,

Which is the truthful pleasant sea leading to this invaluable conclusion.

3.Karma akarma vikarma vidhooram,

Nirmala samvidha khandam aparam.

3.This is far away from action, inaction and wrongful action,
And is pure along with the shore less gap all knowledge.

4.Niravadhi sathaaspadha padam ajaram,

Nirupama mahimani nihitham aneeham.

4. It depends on many truthful undecaying words,

Which have matchless power placed by one who knows.

5.AAsaa pasa vinasana chathuram,

Kosa panchaka atheetham anantham.

5.It is an expert in destroying attachment and affection,

Endless and much beyond the five sheaths which support the soul.

6.Karana akarana yekam anekam,

Kala akala kali dosha viheenam

6.It is the cause , not the cause , it is one and it is many ,

It is in timely and untimely and that which removes problems due to Kali age

7.Aprameya apadam Akhiladharam ,

Nishprapancha nija nishkriya roopam.

7. It is innumerable , it has no place and supports every thing ,

It has a form which is pure , true and the spreme spirit.

8.Swaprakasa shivam advayam abhayam,

Nishpratham arkyamana apaaya makayam.

8.It shines by its own luster , peaceful , free from duplicity and provides protection,
It never perishes, it is eternal and is without any body

Broohi Mukundethi

Sadashiva Brahmendrar

Translated by


Raga Kurinji
Tala Aadi


Broohi Mukundethi rasane,

Broohi Mukundethi rasane


1.Keshava Madhava Govindethi ,

Krishnananda sadanandehthi

2.Radha Ramana Hare ramethi ,

Rajeevaksha Ghana Shyamethi.

3.Garuda gamana nandaka hasthethi ,

Khanditha dasa Khanda samasthethi

4.Akroora Priya chakra dharethi,
Hamsa niranjana Kamsa harethi

English translation


Tell the names of Mukunda, Oh connoisseur

Tell the names of Mukunda , Oh connoisseur


1.Tell the names Kesava, Madhava ,Govinda,

Get joy out of Krishna and be always joyous.

2.Tell the names The Hari who gives joy to Radha , The Rama
The God with lotus like eyes, He who is of the black colour of the rich cloud.
3.Tell the names of he who travels on Garuda,
He who has the Nandaka sword in his hand.
He surely cut off Ravana with ten heads and others like him

4. Tell the name of the friend of Akroora, He holds the divine wheel,
He who is worshipped by Brahma and Shiva, He who killed Kamsa.

Chetha sri ramaam

By Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Churutii
Thalam Aadhi

Chetha Sri ramam chinthaya, Jeemootha sayanam

1.Angeekrutha thamburu sangeetham, Hanumath gavaya gavaaksha sametham

2.Navarathna sthapitha kotteeram, Nava thulasi dala kalpitha haram

3.Paramahamsa hrudha gopura dheepam, Charana dalitha muni tharuni saapam.

English meaning

Think about the intellectual Rama, Who sleeps on the cloud.

1.He who enjoys the music of one stringed veena, He who is with hanuman, cows and those who look
after the cow.

2.He who has a palace made of the nine gems, He who likes the garland made of new thulasi leaves.

3.He who is the tower light of the mind of great sages, He whose touch of feet removed the curse of a
lady given by a sage.

Chintha Nasthi
By Sadashiva brahmendrar

Translated by

Ragam Sankarabaranam
Talalm Aadi

Chintha nasthi kila teshaam, Chintha nasthi kila

1.Sama dama karuna sampoornaanam, Sadhu samagama samkeernaanaam

2.Kaala thraya jitha kandharpaanaam, Khaditha sarvendriya darapaanaam

3.Parama hamsa guru pada chinthaanaam, Brahmanandamrutha mathaanaam

English meaning
No worries for them, is it not , No worries for them at all
1.To those complete with peace , knowledge and mercy, To those who spent singing in company of

2.To those who have won over the past, present and future, To those who have controlled and won over
their senses

3.To those who spend their time in thoughts of saintly guru, To those who get intoxicated in the nectar of
divine joy.

Gayathi vana Mali

By Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Mishra Kapi

Thalam AAdhi

Gayathi vana maali,madhuram, Gayathi vana mali.

1,.Pushpa sugandha Malaya sameere, Muni jana senitha Yamuna there.

2.Kunchitha suka pika muka, khaga kunje, Kutilaalaka bahu neeradha punje.

3.Thulasi dhama vibhooshana haari, Jalaja bhava sthutha sad guna sowri.

4.Paramahamsa hrudayothsava kaari, Pari pooriutha murali rava dhaari.

English meaning

Lord Krishna sings in the forest sweetly, Lord Krishna sings in the forest.

1.In the breeze laden with incense of flowers, In the banks of Yamuna , crowded by sages.

2.In the crowd of parrots, cuckoos and birds of the sky, From within the curved hairs resembling a rich

3.He who likes the Thulasi leaves as ornament, The archer with good nature, who is praised by her who
was born out of water

4.He who makes the heart of sages in to festival, And one who wears the fully devoped music of the flute.

Khelathi Brahmande
Sadasiva Brhamendra

Translated by

Ragam Sindhu Bhiravi

Talam Aadhi

Khelathi brahmande, Bhagawan, Khelathi Brahmande.

1.Hamsa soham, Hamsa soham, Hamsa soham, sohamithi.

2.Paramathmoham, Pari poornoham, Brhamaivahamaham, Brahmethi.

3.Thwak, chakshu, sruthi , jihwa,grane, Pancha vidha pranopasthane

. 4.Shabdha sprsa, rasadhika mathre, Sathvika, rajasa, thamasa mithre.

5.Budhi mana cchithoahankaro, Bhoo, jala, theja, gagana , sameere.

6.Paramahamsa roopena viharthaa, Brahma vishnu rudaradhika karthaa.

English meaning
The God is playing with the universe, Playing with the universe.


1.Who am I, I am that ; Who am I, I am that, Who am I, I am that indicating, “I am that”

2.I am the universal soul, I am complete, I am the universal Brahmam, indicating Brahmam.

3.The skin, the eyes, hearing aids , toungue and smelling aids, Are the five kinds of places where the soul
is there.

4.The sound, touch and the taste, to large extent, Are the friends
of Sathvika, Rajasa and Thamsa natures.

5.The intellect , the mind, the brain and the pride, Are but a breeze of earth, water , fire, wind and the

6.The one who wanders in the form of Paramahamsa(great saint), Is the doer in the form of Brahma,
Vishnu and shiva.

Khelathi mama hrudaye

Sadashiva brhamendrar

Translated by

Ragam Atana
Thalam Aadhi

Khelathi mama hrudaye, Rama, Khelathi mama hrudaye

Moha maharnava tharaka kari, Raga dwesha sukhasura maari

Shanthi videha suthaa sanchari,
Dahara ayodhya nakhara vihari,
Paramahamsa samrajyoddhari,
SAthya jnananda sareeri

English meaning
Rama is playing in my heart, Playing in my heart

He who makes us cross the great ocean of passion, He who kills passion, hatred, suffering and asuras

He who travels with the peaceful daughter of videha,
He who used to play in Ayodhya when he was young,
He who looks after the affairs of great sages,

And he whose body is truth , wisdom and joy.

Kreedathi vanamali
Sadashiva Brhamendra

Translated by

Ragam Sindhu Bhairavai

Talam Aadhi

Kreedathi Vanamali, goshte , Kreedathi Vanamali

1.Prahlada Parsara paripali, Pavanathmaja , Jambhavatha anukooli.

2.Padma kucha parirambhana saali, Patu sarasaasitha mali , sumali

3.Paramahamsa vara kusuma sumali, Pranava payoruha garbha kapali.

English meaning
The one with forest garland is playing in groups, The one with forest garland is playing.

1.He who looks after Prahladha and Parasara, And is the one who is partial to Hanuman
and Jambhavaan.

2.He who caresses the breast of Goddess Lakshmi, The cunning one who rules over his arrows, the well
garlanded one,

3.He who wears good garland of the flowers of the great sage, He who is “Om”, worshipped by Shiva and

Krishna Pahi
Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Madhyamavathi
Thalam Aadhi

Krishna pahi, jitha krusaano pahi, Krishna vrushni kula dheepa vishno pahi

1.Athyantha sukumara , sadhu seela vara, Sruthyantha khelana gopala leela

2.Vrundharaka, muni brunda vandhya paada, Vrundavana chara, venu rasa vinodha

3.Sathyabhama kucha kumkumangitha, Sathyakama sanakanutha pada ganga

4.Paramahamsa manasa vilasa hamsa, Parama pavana nama bhavitha hamsa

English meaning


Save me Krishna, Winner over Krusana save me, Oh Vishnu who was the light of Vrushni clan as Krishna
save me.

1.Very pretty one , One who likes the conduct of yogis, He who plays as Gopala till the end of a

2.One who wears thulasi,one whose feet is worshipped by crowds of sages, One who wanders
in Brindavan, One who enjoys the music of flute.

3.One who is coated with saffron from the breats of Sathyabhama, One whose feet is worshipped
by Sathyakama and Sanaka

4.One who is the God who plays in the minds of great Sages, One who has a very holy name which is
meditated upon.

Manasa Sanchara re
Oh mind , please travel

Sadashiva Brahmendral

Translated by

Ragam Shyama
Thalam AAdhi

Manasa sanchara re m brahmani,
Manasa sanchara re

1.Mada shikhi pincha alankrutha chikure,
Mahaneeya kapola vijitha mukure

2.Sri Ramaneesa durga vihaare,

Sevaka jana mandhira mandhare

3.Paramahamsa mukha chandra chakore,

Pari pooritha murali rava thare

English meaning

Oh mind, please travel towards Brahmam,
Oh mind , please travel

1.Towards the exuberant hair locks decorated by feather of peacock,
Towards the cheeks of the great one which wins over the mirror.

2.Towards the mountain where lord Vishnu lives,

Towards the flowerlike homes of his devotees.
3.Towards you whose moon like face is waited upon by sages like CHakora birds,
Towards the fulfilling star which is surrounded by music of flute.

Nahi re, nahi re Shankha

Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Mohanam
Talam Aadhi


Nahi re, nahi re , shankha, kachith, Nahi re, nahi re.


1.Ajam aksham madvaitham anantham, Dhyaayami brahma param santham.

2.They thyajanthi bahu thara parithaapam, Ye Bhajanthi sachith sukha roopam.

3.Paramahamsa guru bhanitham geetham, Ye Padanthi nigamartha samedham.

English meaning

There is never any, never even any little doubt, There is never any, never any.

1.Unborn, everlasting, no second and endless, Is Brahmam and meditating on it gives divine peace.

2.Those who forsake it would undergo pitiable state, And those who sing about it attain a form of

3.This song made by the teacher of Paramahamsa, Should be read along with knowledge of inner

Pibare Rama Rasam


Sadashiva Brahmendrar

Translated by


Ragam Yaman Kalyani

Thala AAdhi


Pibare rama rasam, rasane Pibare Rama Rasam


1.Doorikrutha pathaka samsargam,

pooritha nana vidha phala vargam.

2.Janana marana bhaya shoka vidhooram,

Sakala shastra nigamagama saram

3.Pariplalitha sarasija garbhandam,

Parama pavithree krutha pasandam.

4.Sudha paramashrama ashrama githam,

Shuka shaunaka kaushika mukha peetam

English translation


Drink the nectar of Rama, Oh connoisseur, Drink the nectar of Rama.


1. Which removes the society of sinners

And fills you up with the fruits of many types.

2. Which removes the fear and sorrow of death and birth,

And which is the essence of all holy books including Vedas.

3. Which is the egg that looks after Lord Brahma,

And which makes you extremely pure.

4. Which is the pure music of sages in their Ashram,

And which can be heard from the face of,
Sages like Shuka , Shaunaka and Kaushika.

Poorna Bodhoham
Sadashiva Brahmendral

Translated by

Ragam Poorvi Kalyani

Thalam adhi

Poorna bodoham Sadaananda,
Poorna Bodoham

I am the complete perception which is always joyous,
I am the complete perception

Varnasramachara karmadhi dooroham,
Swarnavadha akhila vikara gathoham.

I am far away from rituals and rules based on caste,
I travel towards change of all those golden sayings.

1,Prathyaga aathmaham , pravithatha sathya ghanoham,
Sruthyantha satha koti prakatitha brahmaham,
Nithyoham BHayoham , adwitheeyoham.

1.I am the individual soul , I am the spread out profound truth ,
I am Brahmam mentioned millions of times at the end of Vedas ,
I am permanent , I am the fear and I am without a second.

2.SAkshi mathroham pragalitha apaksha pathoham,

Sookshmoham , anagoham , Adbuthathmaham

2.I am the only witness , I am the dripped down freedom from bias,
I am minute , I am free from blame, I am wonderful.

3,Swaprakasoham, Vibhooraham , nishprapanchoham,

Aprameyoham , achaloham , akaloham,
Nishpratha arkya khandaika rasoham .

3.I am lustrous by myself , I am the Lord , I do not expand ,

I am countless, I am stable , I am not broken in to parts,
I am the essence of the piece that cannot be praised .

4.Ajanirmithoham , budha jana bhajaniyoham,

Ajaraoham , amaroham , amruthastha roopoham,
Nija poorna mahimani nihitham ahithoham.

4.I am neither born nor made , I am one praised by wise people,

I never get old , I do not doe, I have form which never fades ,
I am bestowed with pure greatness and I am hostile.

5,Niravayavoham nirupama nishkalangoham,

Parama shivendra Sri Guru soma samudhitha,
Niravadhi nirvana Sukha SAgaroham.

5.I am ageless ,I am unmatchable one without any stains.

I am the very great ocean of pleasure of liberation,
Arranged by Lord Parameshvara who is the Guru wearing the moon.

Prathi vaaram vaaram

Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Khamboji
Talam Mishra chapu

Prathi vaaram vaaram, manasa, Bhaja re Raghu veeram.

Kalambhodhara kantha sareeram, Kousika, shuka, sounaka parivaaram

Charanam 1.Kousalya Dasaradha sukumaram, Kali kalmasha bhaya gahana kutaaram.

2.Paramahamsa sahruth padma viharam, Prathihatha dasa mukha bala visthaaram.

English Meaning

Oh mind , every time again and again, Sing about Lord Rama who is Raghu veera.

He who has a body shining with the colour of black cloud, He who considers
sages Kousika, Shuka and saunaka as his family.

1.The darling son of Dasaratha and Kausalya, He who is the sword that cuts off fear of Kali age.

2.He who lives the minds of great sages, And He who showed is power to Ravana in the war.

.Sarvam Brahma mayam

Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Jinjoti
Talam Adi

Sarvam Brahma mayam , re re, Sarvam brahma mayam

1.Kim vachaneeyam, kima vachaneeyam, Kim rachaneeyam, kima rachaneeyam

2.Kim pataneeyam, kima pataneeyam, Kim bhajaneeyam, kima bhajaneeyam

3.Kim bhodaneeyam, kima bhodhaneeyam, Kim bhokthavyam, kima bhokthavyam

4.Sarvathra sada hamsa dhyanam, Karthavyam bho mukthi nidanam

English meaning

Hey , hey everything is filled with God, Everything is filled with God

1.All that is spoken, all that is not spoken, All that is written, all that is not written

2.All that can be learnt, all that cannot be learnt, All that can be sung and all that cannot be sung

3.All that can be taught, all that cannot be taught, All that can be enjoyed and all that cannot be enjoyed

4. In all places the meditation of the Hamsa scale, Is that only thing that leads you to salvation.

Smara vaaram Vaaram,

Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated By


Ragam Kaapi
Thalam Aadhi


Smara vaaram, vaaram, Chetha, Smara Nanda kumaram.

1.Gopa kuteera Go grutha Choram, Gokula vrundavana sancharam.

2.Venu ravamrutha pana katoram, Viswa sthithi laya hethu vihaaram.

3.Paramahamsa hruth panchara keeram, Patu thara dhenuka baka samharam.

English meaning


Meditate again and again, Oh mind, Meditate on the son of Nanda.


1.The thief of butter from the homes of Gopas, The traveller of Gokula in Brindavana.

2.He who is the bowl of the nectar of music from flute, He who is the cause of generation and upkeep of
the universe.

Sthirathaa nhi, nahi re,

Sadashiva Brahmendra

Translated by

Ragam Punnaga varali

Thalam Aadhi


Sthirathaa nahi, nahi re, manasa, Sthirathaa nahi, nahi re


1.Thaapa thraya sagara magnaanaam, Darpa ahankara vilagnaanaam.

2.Vishaya pasa veshtitha chithaanaam, Vipareetha jnana vimathaanaam.

3.Parama hamsa yoga virudhaanaam, Bahu chanchala thara sukha sidhaanaam.

English meaning


Oh mind , stability is not there, is not there, Satbility is not there, not there.


1.Those who are drowned in the three types of suffering, Are those who who are drowned in haughtiness
and egotism.

2.Those whose mind is caught by the attraction towards wealth, Are those with opposite wisdom and are
the ofended ones.

3.Those who are against the Yoga of great sages, Are the saints with very ever shifting pleasures.

Thadwath jeevitham Brahmani
Sadashiva Brahmendrar

Translated by

Ragam Keeravani
Thalam Aadhi

Thadwath jeevitham Brahmani
Thadwat Jeevitham

Likewise the life is that of Brahmam,
Likewise the life

Yadyath thoye chandradvithvam,
Yadvan mukhare prathibimbathwam

It is like the moon being in the water ,
Just like the reflection talking back harshly

1.Sthanau yadwan nara roopathvam,
Bhanukare yadwath thoyathvam.

1.Just like the form of a man is fixed,

And just like the Sum making the water.

2.Sukthou yadvath rajathamayathvam,

Rajjou yadvath phani dehathvam.

2.It is just like a sour liquid is full of silver,

And like a rope becoming the body of a snake .

3.Paramahamsa gurunadh adhvaya vidhyaa,

Bhanathi dikkrutha Mayaa vidhyaa.

3. It is just like that knowledge of the Paramahamsa Guru,

Being named as the contemptible illusory knowledge.

Thunga tarange Gange Jaya

Sadashiva Brahmendrar

Translated by

Ragam Kunthala Varali

Thalam AAdhi

THunga tharange Gange jaya,
Thunga tharanga gange

Victory to the Ganges with lofty waves,
The Ganges with lofty waves.

Kamala bhavaanda karanda pavithre ,
Bahu vidha bandha cchedalavithre.

Oh holy one who emerged from the water pot of Lord Brahma,
Who cuts of various type of dirts and makes one pure.

Dhoorikrutha jana papa samoohe,
Pooritha kachapa gucha graahe,
Paramahansa guru bhanitha charithre,
Brahma Vishnu sankara nuthi pathre

You who drive ourt various sins of people ,
Who catches hold of groups of turtles,
Whose history has been told by Guru Paramahamsa ,
And who is praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Lord Shiva,


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