Research Paper First Draft

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Amand 1
Tatia St. Amand
Mrs. Funk
Inquiry Skills 14
16 April 2014
Evolution of African American Culture in the U.S.
Imagine going back in time, skipping through Americas history, and abruptly
yielding at the introduction of African American culture. African American heritage and
origin dates back hundreds and hundreds of years. Enduring slavery, racism,
discrimination, low social statuses, stereotypes, etcetera, African Americans have
persevered through numerous trials to be at the stance they are today. By doing so was
how African American culture developed and evolved. Being vast in history, significant
experiences that have evolved with African American culture include migration with
traditions and rituals, and the era that introduced black culture and its spunk.
Migrating from Caribbean Countries and Africa
Black migration was not just a movement that began in Africa with the help of
slavery, but also by willing ethnic people from several other countries in the Caribbean.
Independent immigrating was an important attribute in Americas colonizing. According
New societies, new peoples, and new communities usually originate in acts of
new destination and sever their ties with their traditional community or society as
worlds. (In Motion AAME)
Being relevant and true, migrating to American soil in particular, was not a process with
ease. This alludes to one that with these migrations, Americans were able to witness new
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and abstract life within their environment. This then also added to the immigrants being
led straight into slavery, to abide with throughout the country.
Influences Immigrants made on American Culture
Immigrants from the South, Haiti, The Caribbean, Africa, and more, have had an
extraordinary impact on American arts and culture. A New African American Culture
says, When immigrants reach a new land, their old ways die hard. This has been the case
with most immigrant groups to the New World. The language, customs, values, religious
beliefs, and artistic forms they bring across the Atlantic are reshaped by the new realities
of America and, in turn, add to its fabric. The rich traditions of Africa combined with the
British colonial experience created a new ethnicity the African American. (6g. A
New African Culture). Although this did happen in most cases, less than often would an
immigrant strongly hold on to their customs and culture, having Americans to respond in
return. Each immigrant country containing its own heritage and rituals, added to the
combinations and varieties that now constitute the American and African American
culture as a whole. Looking at America itself, immigrants and their few culture
migrations, blatantly created this nations diversity. With natives from the South, the
Caribbean, and more, America wouldnt be who, or where it is today in 2014.
Segregation and Discrimination
After the lengthy process of being released from slavery and thus obtaining
limited liberty, black citizens were barely accepted into the majority white community.
From the earliest days of its history the United States has struggled with the issue of race
relations. Slavery based on race was legal in this country for 250 years. (Reparations for
Slavery, 6) Coming in large numbers and posing an unintended threat, this added to the
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racial discrimination and hatred coming from white Americans, to the black Americans.
In more modern times after the slavery period, to make things better or God
ordained, black and white people were separated from everyday necessities, werent
given the same opportunity, respect, or service, and were always at odds. The Civil War
was followed by a period known as Reconstruction, which was the process of rebuilding
the South and reuniting the nation. During Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865 to
1877, African Americans made several significant civil rights gains. (Reparations for
Slavery, 21) Many large occurrences happened that affected the Black Americans, but in
ways added to their strength and perseverance. This illustrates that segregation and
discrimination did vibrantly affect African Americans, but was used as a stepping-stone
from mental bondage.
Integration and Anti-Racial Organizations
After many years of toiling and being fed up with racial nonsense, was finally the
time for Civil Rights and Anti-Racial activists to take a stand. According to the NAACP,
Founded Feb. 12. 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely
recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members
and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for
civil rights in their communities, campaigning for equal opportunity and conducting voter
mobilization. (NAACP, 1) The NAACP was one of the few active organizations seeking
justice, not just toward Blacks, but also other prejudiced Americans. NAACP says, The
NAACP was formed partly in response to the continuing horrific practice of lynching and
the 1908 race riot in Springfield, the capital of Illinois and resting place of President
Abraham Lincoln. Appalled at the violence that was committed against blacks, a group of
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white liberalsissued a call for a meeting to discuss racial justice. Some 60 people,
seven of whom were African Americansigned the call, which was released on the
centennial of Lincoln's birth. (NAACP, 1) This reveals that while being yet in racial
communities, and segregation years later, Americans sought into the future and prepared
to conjure up a general support system to African Americans and also those being
Famous Black Americans That Have Significantly Changed African American Culture
Many people have had an incredible and ginormous toll on African American
culture and prosperity, but there are just a few that have to be recognized separate, apart
from others. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist, who led
the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by
assassination in 1968. (Martin Luther King Jr. Biography, 1) Being classified as
basically the most inspirational and influential leader, Martin Luther King Jr. was a
leader of the Civil Rights Movement, who strove to abolish Jim Crow laws, while
diminishing economic, social, and political differences between black and white
Americans, all by the guide of peace and faith. Another phenomenal person that has
shaped African American Culture was Rosa Parks, whom also dwelled during the same
time period as Martin Luther King Jr. Civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to
surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, spurring the Montgomery boycott and other
efforts to end segregation. She lived an admirable and purposeful life from 1913 to
2005. These two people show to prove that taking a stand for your beliefs and rights can
be beneficial to other people proceeding after you and the world.
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Black Culture and Politics
Another strong difficulty for African Americans that has yet to be acquired is the
true acceptance into politics. Men and women in the past have gone at all costs to have a
word or say into the governing of America. Black Demographics states, African
Americans have a history in both major political parties of the United States. After the
Civil War almost all Blacks considered them-selves Republicans. It was the Republican
Party that was started by abolitionists and of course the party of President Abraham
Lincoln. Meanwhile Southern Democrats strongly opposed any rights to Blacks at the
time and for almost a century thereafter. African Americans were not even allowed
to officially attend the Democratic convention until 1924. (BlackDemographics) Today,
America has a President of African descent, and is also racially discriminated against.
Being able to have President Barack Obama as the leader of the U.S. appalled many, but
was also applauded by many. Although African Americans are now governors, senates,
mayors, etc. in the political world, it took a lot of endless nights and exhausting efforts to
obtain such positions in 2014. This then shows how far African Americans have come
with the involvement into political activities.
Musical Progressions That Have Evolved In Black Culture
While in slavery, Africans continued to apply their musical and spiritual customs
when laboring. Which is, for example, one of the main places where genres Jazz and The
Blues originate. Conforming to the growth of modern America introduced people who
had a strong desire and love for music. Blues, which is the foundation of Jazz erupted in
the 1800s. Louis Armstrong, known as the The Jazz Original was apart of the discrete
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induction of the genre. Also, take beautiful Lena Horne, says, Actress,
Singer, Dancer, Pin-up, Civil Rights Activist (19172010)Actress and singer Lena
Horne was one of the most popular performers of her time, known for films such as The
Wiz and her trademark song, "Stormy Weather." (Lena Horne Biography, 1). Not only
was Lena Horne a woman who supported African Americans, but she also one of the few
who did so with her music. Another stellar musically advanced African American was
Michael Jackson the King of Pop. And lastly, a talented African American woman that
has influenced many with her life, was Whitney Houston. These people, all together,
were effective African Americans in African American culture, pertaining to the musical
area. Not only did they propose as talented wonders, but also they assisted in the move
and evolution of music in African American culture. Popular Black Americans have
added to the musical evolution in Black culture, and still do in 2014. Some other genres
that majority of Black people produce from include Gospel, Pop, R/B, and Rap.

African American Style and Demeanor That Affects Black Culture
Today, the general label and title given to African Americans is ghetto, which
really doesnt mean what people claim it to be. The definition of ghetto is a part of a
city, esp. a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups; an isolated or segregated
group or area. (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Many today, perceive Black Americans as
all being poor, unsuccessful, illiterate, promiscuous, juvenile, uneducated, and the list
continues to go on. The thing is that they all categorize these titles under the word
ghetto which obviously isnt used in proper context. African American demeanor
comes in dozens of varieties and forms. No black American is exactly the same. Some
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may have similar qualities and maneuvers, but no one shares the same demeanor. This
adds to African American style. Being the trendsetters and trend appliers, African
Americans developed their own style way back before when cotton was used to produce
clothes. Black people are known to sport the latest gear and shoes, ranging from True
Religion to Retro Jordans. All in all, this gives a visual of African Americans persona,
and how they apply that to their outward appearance and fashion sense.
Having an incomprehensive taste, African American culture is one of the most
peculiar, influential, and successful cultures known to man. Being vast in history,
significant experiences that have evolved with African Americans and their culture
include migration with tradition and rituals, and the era that introduced a twist on black
culture. African Americans themselves, represent strength and unity. Without that,
African American culture and its evolution would have had no impact on America and its

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