Complete Reference Materials For Free Writing Section (Grade XI)

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Writing (25 marks)

Three writing tasks will be given:

1. Task 1 (1X7=7)
Any one of: paragraph writing, summary writing, interpreting graphic text, news story writing, note
taking, and skeleton stories.
Word limit: 150 words.
2. Task 2 (1X8=8)
Any one of: personal letter, job application letter, letter to the editor, business letter, emails, writing a
Word limit: 180 words.
3. Task 3 (1X10=10)
Any one of: essay, travelogue/memoir, book/film review, biography, diary entry, communique and
press release.
Word limit: 300 words
1. Task 1 (1X7=7)
Any one of: paragraph writing, summary writing, interpreting graphic text, news story writing,
note taking, and skeleton stories.
Word limit: 150 words.

1.Paragraph Writing
Paragraph Writing: How to Write?
Paragraph is usually a group of sentences on a topic. Most of the paragraphs are oftenfive to ten sentences long, but they can be longer or
shorter depending on the topic. A paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence
introduces the topic with a controlling idea, the supporting sentences further explain the topic sentence and the concluding sentence
often repeats the information in the topic sentence in a different way. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph
and the concluding sentence is the last. The students are free to use the words and sentences structure in paragraph writing but they
should follow the format of the paragraph.
Paragraph Writing Format:
i.The Topic Sentence
 It is the first sentence of the paragraph that introduces the topic.

 It is the first sentence of the paragraph that introduces the topic. In a way, it conveys the overall theme of the paragraph. This
sentence is very important as it introduces to the reader the subject matter of the paragraph.
 A top sentence needs to catch readers’ attention in order to make them want to continue to read. The topic sentence should also give
readers an idea of what is to follow.
ii.The Supporting Sentences
 These sentences are used to support the main idea stated in the topic sentence. These sentences are used to elaborate on what the
topic sentence says in brief. They give more information about the main idea through examples.
 Without strong and clear supporting details, a strong topic sentence can’t survive. It is the supporting details, in the form of facts,
descriptions, and examples, that back up the claim made by the topic sentence.
iii. Transitional words

 Using transitional words between sentences builds the unity and clarity of paragraphs. Transitional words like next, similarly, or for
instance make sentences flow together, showing.
iv.The Concluding Sentence
 This is usually the last sentence of your paragraph that sums up what the topic sentence and the supporting details talk about. This
sentence is used to tie up all the loose ends and give a logical end to your paragraph.
 It is very important for students to know how to write a conclusion. The writing conclusion confirms everything mentioned in a
paragraph. A conclusion usually restates the claim in the topic sentence
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Paragraph Writing Example -1

Roasting a chicken is very simple. The only ingredients you need for a perfect
roasted chicken are the chicken, some salt, and an onion or lemon to stuff in the
chicken. Once you have your ingredients, rub salt on the outside of the chicken and
let it sit at room temperature for one hour. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. After
the chicken has been salted for one hour, stuff it with the onion or lemon and put it
in the oven. Roast it for 15 minutes per pound. Once the chicken is done, pull it out
of the oven and let it rest for at least 10 minutes. After that, you will have a perfect
roasted chicken for you and your family to enjoy.

In this example, “Roasting a chicken is very simple” is the topic sentence. The
sentences that follow provide supporting details. The last sentence sums up the point
of the paragraph

Paragraph Writing Example-2

Paragraph writing 0n ‘Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet’

Vegetables and fruit are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that help to
keep our body functioning smoothly. It gives us the energy and strength to lead a healthy and active life. In addition, they have lost
of fiber to help our digestive system work properly. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that the nutrients in fruits and
vegetables can help fight diseases. If we take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, we’ll be on the road to better health.

Paragraph Writing Example-3

Paragraph writing 0n ‘Sense of Humor’

Laughter is an expression of joy and happiness. Man alone, among countless creatures of God, has the capacity to laugh. Life,
indeed, would have been very dreary without humor and laughter. The ability to laugh relieves man of stress and enables him to
see the brighter side of life. A man with a good sense of humor is welcomed at every gathering – he often enlivens a dull
conversation with his sparkling wit and jokes. Humor in many ways helps people not to lose their temper. It helps to maintain
mental equilibrium even, as it helps to attract friends. A man devoid of a sense of humor always remains tense and unhappy. He is
unable to see the lighter side of life. Hence, humor has great practical value in an individual’s life.
Paragraph Writing Example -4
Paragraph writing 0n ‘The Art of Conversation’

The manner in which a man speaks and communicates his ideas sets him apart from the rest. The art of conversation is one of the
most distinctive features of human personality. It is aptly said that a man reveals himself through his conversation. A man, who has
mastered this art, can make a great impact on people. He can enliven a social gathering with his wit and gain popularity amon g
friends and colleagues. We may strive for perfection in the art of dressing well but tend to be rather sloppy when it makes his
presence felt. He exudes confidence and poise. The ability to speak well is undoubtedly an art and like all other art forms, it can be
acquired with practice.

Paragraph Writing Example -5

Paragraph writing 0n ‘Time is Money’

Life a journey traveled on the highway of time. Therefore, time is precious. Every moment in life should be properly utilized , as
time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop should be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be
recovered. And there is no way to stop the hands of time from ticking. Hence right from childhood, one should learn to appreciate
the value of time. Just as one should learn to make the best use of money, should learn to make the best use of time, too. It has been

rightly said, ‘Time and tide wait for none.’ People who realize the value of time, believe in action rather than procrastination. They
use it to acquire knowledge and various useful skills.

2. Summary Writing
A summary is a shorter version of the original texts. When you write a summary, you tell the reader the main ideas using some
words from the text and some of your own words.

Tips to write a summary

Before you write a summary
1. Read the entire and ask to find the author’s purpose.
2. Reread the introductory paragraph(s) and find the thesis statement.
3. Reread the rest of the text. In each paragraph, highlight, underline, or circle the main idea and key points.
When you write a summary
1. Write the title of the text, the author’s full name (if it’s given) , and his or her purpose for writing .
2. Use the text you highlighted or annotated to explain the author’s thesis and main ideas.
3. Remember to :
 When writing a summary, remember that it should be in the form of a paragraph
 Keep the summary short (about one-third as long as the original).
 Include only the original text’s main ideas. Do not include details, examples, information that is not in the original,
or your own opinion.
 Write the summary mostly in your own words, but do not change author’s ideas. (This is called paraphrasing.)

Summary Writing Example -1

Study the following text and its summary.

Nepal’s migration situation is dominated by migration of Nepalis for foreign
employment. The 2011 census on population and housing showed that almost 50per cent of Nepal’s households had a member who
was either working overseas orhad returned. While this labour migration has a significant positive effect on Nepal’seconomy, it also
has a series of socioeconomic impacts on the welfare of Nepalnationals and their communities. Exploitation of migrant workers is
rife and aspiringlabour migrants may find themselves in a situation of irregular migration or trafficking.Nepal’s environmental
vulnerability also has an impact on the scale of internal andinternational migration. Climate change, environmental degradation,
natural and man-made disasters cause displacement and dislocation from the land, meaning that manyNepalis migrate to ensure a
sustainable livelihood. Nepal’s open border with its closeneighbor India is another defining and unique characteristic in Nepal’s
migrationcontext. Although the lack of data on this issue is of concern, it is recognized that thereare frequent and extensive cross-
border movements, which have significant impactsfor Nepal, both positive and potentially negative. The 2011 census data shows
thatnearly two fifths (37.2%) of the Nepali absentees are in India, however such datahas its limitations in the case of an open border
where crossing can be short-term orseasonable and will be undocumented. There are also no records kept on how manyNepalis work
in India or where they are.

Traditionally, Nepali migrant workers sought employment mainly in India,

however, from the mid-1980s, Nepalis started also to migrate to the Gulf States
and Malaysia for work which resulted in an increase in migrant workers as well as
in a proliferation of labour recruitment agencies and brokers. The decentralization
of passport issuance in Nepal also facilitated the migration of many unskilled and
semi-skilled Nepalis.
During past two decades, Nepal has also witnessed an increase in the number of Nepali
women who are seeking work abroad and being gradually recognized as important
economic actors. The risk of exploitation and abuse of women migrant workers is high,
particularly in largely unregulated sectors such as domestic work and the Government
has put in place a series of measures seeking to protect women migrants. To date, these
measures have met with limited success and there is still evidence that many women
migrants are in situations of risk.

Summary Notes
Main Idea: Migration in Nepal takes place mainly for foreign employment
Key points
• 50 percent of Nepali household had a member who had migrated to overseas

• Overseas migration can also create the problem of human trafficking
• Various factors play role in migration
• Migration of Nepali workers has spread to Gulf States and Malaysia
• The number of women migrants for employment is at the rise

Nepal’s migration situation is heavily dominated by people migrating to foreign
countries for employment. According to census report of 2011, 50 percent of
Nepali households had a member who had migrated to foreign countries. Many
Nepalis migrate to foreign countries to ensure a sustainable livelihood. Nepal’s
open border is another cause of migration. Data shows that about 37.2% of
Nepali migrants are in India. Traditionally India is the main destination of
Nepali migrants. However, people have started to migrate to Golf countries
and Malaysia from mid -1980s. There is also an increase in number of Nepali
women migrating to foreign countries for job. This has increased the risk of
exploitation and abuse of them.
Summary Writing Example-2

Summaries the following passage reducing it to about one-third its length: -

The crown and glory of life is character. It is the noblest possession of man,
constituting a rank in itself, dignifying every station, and exalting every position in society. Itexercises a great power than wealth,
and secures all the honor without the jealousies of
fame. It carries with it an influence which always tells; for it is the result of proved honor,
rectitude and consistency - qualities which, perhaps more than any other, command the
general confidence and respect of mankind. As daylight can be seen through very small holes, so little things will illustrate a person's
character. Indeed, character consists in little acts, welland honorably performed, daily life being the quarry from which we built it up,
and roughhew the habits which form it.

Title: The Value of Character.
Main points:
(1) Character is the crown and glory of life.
(2) It is more powerful than wealth and brings honor.
(3) It commands the confidence and respect of mankind.
(4) Character consists the little acts.
(5) It is built up by the honorable performance of duties.

The value of character
Character is the crown and glory of life. It is the noblest possession of man. It exalts his position. It is more powerful than wealth, and
brings honor without exciting jealousy. It is the result of rectitude and consistency - qualities which all respect. It consists in little acts
honorably done. Character can be built by the honorable performance of our duties and byte formation of good habits.

3.Interpreting Graphic Text


Gross Domestic Product in the UK

The chart shows components of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

The bar chart illustrates the gross domestic product generated from the IT and Service Industry in the UK from 1992 to 2000. It is
measured in percentages. Overall, it can be seen that both increased as a percentage of GDP, but IT remained at a higher rate
throughout this time.

At the beginning of the period, in 1992, the Service Industry accounted for 4 per cent of GDP, whereas IT exceeded this, at just over
6 per cent. Over the next four years, the levels became more similar, with both components standing between 6 and just over 8 per
cent. IT was still higher overall, though it dropped slightly from 1994 to 1996.
However, over the following four years, the patterns of the two components were noticeably different. The percentage of GDP from
IT increased quite sharply to 12 in 1998 and then nearly 15 in 2000, while the Service Industry stayed nearly the same, increasing to
only 8 per cent.

At the end of the period, the percentage of GDP from IT was almost twice that of the Service Industry.

Words 182

Sample -2

The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


The line graph compares the fast-food consumption of teenagers in Australia between 1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years.
Overall, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten

In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being eaten 100 times a year. This was far higher
than Pizza and hamburgers, which were consumed approximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from 1980
to 1985, the consumption of fish and chips gradually declined over the 25-year timescale to finish at just under 40.

In sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher levels. Pizza consumption increased gradually until
it overtook the consumption of fish and chips in 1990. It then leveled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in
hamburgers as the occasions they were eaten increased sharply throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, exceeding that of fish and chips
in 1985. It finished at the same level that fish and chips began, with consumption at 100 times a year.

(194 words)

The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:

The pie charts show the amount of revenue and expenditures in 2016 for a children’s charity in the USA. Overall, it can be seen that
donated food accounted for the majority of the income, while program services accounted for the most expenditure. Total revenue
sources just exceeded outgoings.

In detail, donated food provided most of the revenue for the charity, at 86%. Similarly, with regard to expenditures, one category,
program services, accounted for nearly all of the outgoings, at 95.8%.

The other categories were much smaller. Community contributions, which were the second largest revenue source, brought in 10.4%
of overall income, and this was followed by program revenue, at 2.2%. Investment income, government grants, and other income
were very small sources of revenue, accounting for only 0.8% combined.

There were only two other expenditure items, fundraising and management and general, accounting for 2.6% and 1.6% respectively.
The total amount of income was $53,561,580, which was just enough to cover the expenditures of $53,224,896.

(161 Words)
Sample -4
The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between 2000 and 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Secondary School Attendance
2000 2005 2009

Specialist Schools 12% 11% 10%

Grammar Schools 24% 19% 22%

Voluntary-controlled Schools 52% 38% 20%

Community Schools 12% 32% 58%

Model Answer:
The table illustrates the percentage of school children attending four different types of secondary school from 2000 to 2009. It is
evident that whereas the community schools experienced a marked increase in the proportion of those attending their institutions
over the period, the others saw a corresponding decline.

To begin, the percentage of pupils in voluntary-controlled schools fell from just over half to only 20% or one fifth from 2000 to
2009. Similarly, the relative number of children in grammar schools - just under one quarter - dropped by half in the same period. As
for the specialist schools, the relatively small percentage of pupils attending this type of school (12%) also fell, although not

However, while the other three types of school declined in importance, the opposite was true in the case of community schools. In
fact, whereas only a small minority of 12% was educated in these schools in 2000, this figure increased to well over half of all pupils
during the following nine years.
(170 Words)

The Table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken
part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Model Answer:
The table illustrates the results of research
undertaken in Scotland with adults aged
from 16-74 to assess their involvement in a
variety of cultural activities over a 12-month
period. Overall, it is evident that
participation in any performance and crafts
were the most popular for all age groups.
The highest participation in any activities
was seen in the 16-24 age group, with 35%
and 30% respectively doing performance
and visual arts. In contrast, other activities
were much lower, particularly those
computer-based, at only 10%.
Turning to the older age groups, like the
under 25s, the highest participation rate seen
for 25-44 years old was in performance,
though this was much lower, at only 22%. A
similar rate of 22% was evident for the most popular activity for the 45-74 age group, which was crafts. Again, the popularity of
computers was very low for all those who were 25 plus, as was interest in writing.
Taking all age groups together, it can be seen that performance and crafts were the most popular, at over 19%, whereas cultural
purchases and visual arts were slightly less popular at 16% and 15% respectively. Finally, little interest was shown in writing and
(196 Words)
Sample -6
The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited
by UK residents in 1999.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Line and Bar Chart Model Answer:

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in millions from the UK who went abroad and those that came to the UK between 1979
and 1999, while the bar chart shows which countries were the most popular for UK residents to visit in 1999. Overall, it can be seen
that visits to and from the UK increased, and that France was the most popular country to go to.
To begin, the number of visits abroad by UK residents was higher than for those that came to the UK, and this remained so throughout
the period. The figures started at a similar amount, around 10 million, but visits abroad increased significantly to over 50 million,
whereas the number of overseas residents rose steadily to reach just under 30 million.
By far the most popular countries to visit in 1999 were France at approximately 11 million visitors, followed by Spain at 9 million. The
USA, Greece, and Turkey were far less popular at around 4, 3 and 2 million visitors respectively.
(Words 171)
Sample – 7
The pie chart shows the percentage of women in poverty and the bar chart shows poverty rates by sex and age. They are from
the United States in 2008.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of women in poverty by household composition in the United States in 2008 and the bar graph
indicates the differences in rates of poverty by sex and age. At first glance it can be seen that single women with no dependent children
made up the largest group in poverty and that poverty was highest for women and children.
The pie chart shows that single women suffered from poverty the most. Single women without children represented 54% of the total in
poverty, and poverty for those with dependent children stood at just over a quarter. Married women with and without children
accounted for the remaining fifth, or 20%.
Turning to the bar chart, poverty rates were highest amongst children, and the rates were roughly equal for males and females, at
around 21% for under 5s and 15% for 5–17-year-olds. However, from ages 18-24, the gap between men and women widened
significantly, with approximately 14% of men in poverty compared to over 20% for women. Poverty declined throughout the adult
years for both sexes, but a gap remained and this gap almost doubled in old age.
(192 words)

4.News Story Writing

News Story Writing Format:
I. Headline: title of the news report
II. Byline: who wrote the news
III. Dateline: where and when the report is written
IV. Lead paragraph: expansion of the headline in one or two sentences, usually answering the questions: who ? what ? where ?
when ? why ? how ?
V. Body paragraph: greater detail of the event in chronological order, often in one, two or three paragraphs

The 15 steps of News Writing Story:

{The following is an excerpt from The Elements of News Writing by James W. Kershner (Pearson, 2009)}
1. Select a newsworthy story. Your goal is to give a timely account of a recent, interesting, and significant event or development.
2. Think about your goals and objectives in writing the story. What will the readers want and need to know about the su bject? How
can you best tell the story?
3. Find out who can provide the most accurate information about the subject and how to contact that person. Find out what other
sources you can use to obtain relevant information.

4. Do your homework. Do research so that you have a basic understanding of the situation before interviewing anyone about it.
Check clips of stories already written on the subject.
5. Prepare a list of questions to ask about the story.
6. Arrange to get the needed information. This may mean scheduling an interview or locating the appropriate people to interview.
7. Interview the source and take notes. Ask your prepared questions, plus other questions that come up in the course of the
conversation. Ask the source to suggest other sources. Ask if you may call the source back for further questions later.
8. Interview second and third sources, ask follow-up questions, and do further research until you have an understanding of the
9. Ask yourself, “What’s the story?” and “What’s the point?” Be sure you have a clear focus in your mind before you start writing.
Rough out a lead in your head
10. Make a written outline or plan of your story.
11. Write your first draft following your plan, but changing it as necessary.
12. Read through your first draft looking for content problems, holes, or weak spots, and revise it as necessary. Delete extra words,
sentences, and paragraphs. Make every word count.
13. Read your second draft aloud, listening for problems in logic or syntax.
14. Copyedit your story, checking carefully for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style problems.
15. Deliver your finished story to the editor before deadline.
News Writing Story Example-1
Cristiano Ronaldo returns home with his newborn daughter after the death of her twin brother
By Issy Ronald, CNN (or CNN Reporter)
Atlanta, April 22
Football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo said on Instagram that his partner, Georgina Rodríguez, and their newborn daughter returned
home on Thursday following the death of their newborn son.
In October, Ronaldo had announced that he and Rodríguez were expecting twins, and in December revealed they were expecting a boy
and a girl. Earlier this week, however, he announced that their son had sadly passed away.
"Home sweet home," Ronaldo wrote on Instagram under a picture of his family. "Gio and our baby girl are finally together with us. We
want to thank everyone for all the kind words and gestures. Your support is very important and we all felt the love and respect that you
have for our family."
Since Ronaldo announced the loss of his newborn son, the football world has offered condolences to the Manchester United player.
On Tuesday, when Manchester United played Liverpool at Anfield, the crowd participated in a minute's applause during the seventh
minute of the game in support of the five-time Ballon d'Or winner and his family. Ronaldo's shirt number at United is seven.
A United shirt with Ronaldo's name and number was held up at the away end by the visiting fans, while both sets of players had walked
onto the pitch wearing black armbands.
"Now it's time to be grateful for the life that we've just welcomed into this world," Ronaldo said on his Instagram post.
Ronaldo's first child with Rodríguez, Alana Martina, was born in November 2017. He is also father to fraternal twins Eva and Mateo,
whom he welcomed via surrogate in June 2017, as well as his son Cristiano Jr,11, whom he shares with a former partner who has never
been publicly named.(Cable News Network, April 22, 2022)

News Writing Story Example-2

Example -3
Grade X examinations commence
By Rastriya Samachar Samiti
Published: 01:01 pm Apr 23, 2022

This year's Secondary Education Examinations began today with a total of 414,967 regular students taking
According to National Examinations Board, students are taking their exams across the nation from 2,007
examination centres.
Examinations Controller Arjun Rayamajhi shared that a total of 157,914 boys and 257,053 girls are sitting
for their exams from 11,615 schools across the country.
In the past two years, the board had announced the SEE results based on the schools' internal assessment
citing the inconvenience caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. But the students are appearing in the examinations
in person this year.
Likewise, 14,564 students from grade promotion and technical streams are also attending the exams.
According to Rayamajhi, Manang with only 43 students, is the district with least number of students
appearing for SEE.
Similarly, 20 students from a school run by Nepalis in Japan are also appearing in the exams this year.
Chairman of National Examinations Board Mahashram Sharma stated that the Province Examinations
Management Committee from this year would carry out the tasks of monitoring of examinations, evaluation and
reevaluation of answer-sheets, and their review.
District examinations coordination committees have been mobilised from the province examinations
management committees, it is said.
Sharma said the Board has planned to announce the SEE results before mid-July considering the beginning
of academic session for Grade XI students though the SEE started a month later than the usual time.
(A version of this article appears in the print on April 23, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.)

5. Note Taking
Note-taking (sometimes written as note taking or note taking) is the practice of recording information from different sources and
platforms. By taking notes, the writer records the essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall
everything.[1] Notes are commonly drawn from a transient source, such as an oral discussion at a meeting, or a lecture (notes of a
meeting are usually called minutes), in which case the notes may be the only record of the event, but notetaking software has
made digital note taking possible.

6. Skeleton Stories
A story is a work describes the plot of an incident in detail with a title, ending and moral. It provides moral lessons to the human
# The use of Story Skeleton
Story skeleton is organization of a story which involves the identification of the characters, the place, the problem, the goal, as
well as the delineation of the sequence of events leading to the resolution of the previously stated problem. Story skeleton is only
drawn in the form of human body (Caloriina,2004:201).
Story skeleton can be used for teaching reading, speaking, and writing. In teaching reading using story skeleton, the story
skeleton is used as a book report. The students are given a mystery book of a story. They analyze contain of the story book. In this
project, students read about the story. Use the pieces of the body that are provided put the skeleton together with brass fasteners,
string, or yarn. All sentences need to be typed, cut out, and glued to the part of the body in which it belongs. The direction of each
part is below:
1. Head: draw and color the face of the main character. Write your name on the back of the head.
2. Chest: draw and color the setting where and when the story takes place.
3. Hips: write 1-3 sentences in your best writing that explain the main problem or adventure in the book.
4. Upper Arms: write the names of other important characters. Add how each relates to the problem or main character.
5. Lower Arms: write interesting details from the book.

6. Thighs: write other problems that the character must solve on the way to solving the main problem.
7. Lower Legs: write ways the character gets out of the adventure or solves the main problem –the climax and solution.
8. Feet: write one thing you like about the book on each foot.

The story skeleton for writing:

1. Head: Writes the main character and the title on the head.
2. Upper body: writes the setting where and when the story take place
3. Upper arms: writes the other important characters. Gives the character’s name and why they
are important.
4. Hips: Writes the main problem and one paragraph about Summary of the story.
5. Lower arms: Provides interesting details from the story.
6. Thighs: Write other problems that the character must solve on the way to solving the main
7. Legs: Explain how the main character solves the main problem.
8. Feet: State the moral value that can be taken on each foot.

Rules and Regulation

1. Read the given clues, use past tense and write. Especially using; [S+ V2 + O] , had and Be-verb [was/were]
2. Reported speech should be used.
3. Conjunctions [ Firstly / secondly / thirdly/ and / and then / after that / later/ as the result / but / at the same time / one
day / at last / next day / therefore / however etc.]
Some tips to write Skeleton Stories
1. Write a suitable title [ First letter must be capital of each letter (Except preposition and article)]
2. The beginning. [ Once upon a time / Many-many years ago / Long-long ago + there was / were / there lived +
3. Description: [According to the given clause, using V2 / was / were / had and conjunction. ]
4. Moral lesson : [ e.g. From this story , we can learn a moral lesson, “……………”]

Skeleton Story Example-1

The Cap Seller and the Monkeys
A long time ago, there lived a cap seller named Raju. One day he was carrying a bundle of caps to sell them in the market. He
was crossing a dense jungle to reach a market and he became very tired. So, he sat under a tree to take rest for a while. He kept
his bundle of caps under the tree and went to sleep.
There was a big group of monkeys living on that tree. Soon the monkeys came down the tree and started playing with the colorful
caps. When the cap seller woke up, he found the monkeys ran up the tree with all the caps. Raju was annoyed to see all his caps
gone in a jiffy! He shouted at the monkeys angrily, but the monkeys imitated him and screamed back. Raju lost his temper and
pelted a stone at the monkeys. The monkeys too picked the fruits from the tree and threw them at Raju.
Then Raju hit upon a plan to get back the caps. He knew that the monkey is fond of imitating. He took one cap and wore it. All
the monkeys did the same. Raju then took off the cap and threw it on the ground. The monkeys noticed it and they also threw
their caps on the ground. Raju quickly gathered all the caps and tied them up in a bundle. He went away to sell his caps.
Moral: Intelligence is strength.

The Foolish Crow and Clever Jackal
One day a crow managed to steal a piece of bread from a shop. She then flew to a tree and sat on a branch of a tree to eat it
merrily. At that time, a jackal was passing under the tree and saw the crow with the piece of bread.
He became very greedy and thought, "I must get that piece of bread." Then he began to play a trick. He sat under the tree and
struck a conversation with the crow. The jackal began to praise the crow -- "Oh beautiful bird, how nice you are!" But the crow
ignored the jackal and went on eating. "Am I really beautiful?”, the crow thought for a moment. "A beautiful bird like you mu st
have a melodious voice! I am sure you sing beautifully! Please be nice and sing a song for me", the jackal said cunningly. The
foolish crow started believing the clever jackal's flattery. The foolish crow opened her beak to sing and the piece of bread fell
down straight on the ground before the jackal.
The crow was furious but helpless. The jackal went away happily munching on the bread.
Moral: Don't believe a flatterer.
The Ant and the Dove
Once an ant fell into a pond. She tried hard to get out of the pond. But she struggled to get out of water. But she could not . She
began to drown. A dove was sitting in a tree nearby. She saw the ant drowning. She wished to help the ant. The dove dropped a
leaf near the ant. The ant climbed up the leaf. Thus, the ant was saved. The ant thanked the dove for saving her life and wan ted to
repay the gratefulness. The chance came sooner than she expected. A few days later a hunter came there. The hunter had a net to
catch the bird. He saw the dove and wished to catch the dove in the net. The dove was unmindful to the intention of the hunter.
But the ant realized that the life of the dove was in great danger and wished to save the dove. She stealthily went to the hunter's
leg and bit the hunter hard on the foot.
The hunter gave a cry. He dropped the net. The dove realized the impending danger and flew away. Thus, the dove was saved by
the ant.
Moral: A good act always deserves another good turn.
Clever Fox and Greedy Wolf
Once a clever fox met a greedy wolf in the forest. Seeing the fox the wolf growled, "I am hungry and I am going to eat you." The
fox was frightened. He pleaded, “Don’t eat me. Please leave me, Mr. Wolf." The wolf said, "Why not? I am hungry and I cannot
spare you." The fox had an idea. "Come with me," said the fox. "I will find you some food." The fox took the wolf to an old
house. They looked through the kitchen window. The wolf was tempted to see the food in the kitchen. In the kitchen a woman
was putting cakes on a shelf. She went out of the kitchen and shut the door. "Shhhhhhh! Be quiet!", whispered the fox. The
kitchen window was very small. The fox opened it. He climbed through the window. Then the wolf climbed inside with
struggling. The fox and the wolf started to eat the cakes. The fox ate one cake. Then he took three cakes and put them outside the
window. The wolf was greedy. He started to eat cake one after another. The wolf ate eight cakes but still did not intend to stop.
Suddenly the woman came into the kitchen. The woman shouted, "What are doing here? Have you eaten my cakes?" The woman
picked up a rolling pin.
The fox jumped through the small window. He picked up the three cakes and ran away. The greedy wolf became too plump for
eating so many cakes that he could not get through the window. The wolf was beaten severely.
Moral: Greed is the root of all troubles.
Two Friends and the Bear
One day two friends were walking across a forest. Suddenly they saw a big bear approaching them. They got scared. One of them
quickly climbed up a nearby tree. He did not think of his other friend who did not know how to climb trees. Now his other friend
had heard that bears do not prefer dead bodies. So, he quickly lay on the ground and held his breath. The bear came, sniffed him
and thought the man was dead. So, the bear went away.
Seeing this, the friend on the tree quickly climbed down the tree and asked his friend, "What did the bear whisper in your
ear?" He replied, "The bear asked me to keep away from false friends like you."
Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Task 2

2. Task 2 (1X8=8)
Any one of: personal letter, job application letter, letter to the editor, business letter, emails, writing a CV.
Word limit: 180 words.

1. Personal Letter
A personal letter is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters (rather than
professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to another. It's longer than a dashed-off note or invitation
and is often handwritten and sent through the mail.

A format is shown below to write the letter in an informal manner.

Address of the Sender]


Dear (name of person)

Body of the letter:

Paragraph 1: Ask for the well-being of the person

Paragraph 2: The main reason to write the letter

Paragraph 3: Conclusion and end of the letter

Yours lovingly,
Name of sender

Sample Personal Letter -1

Write a letter to your friend telling him /her why she/ he should visit Nepal.

Kathmandu, Baneshwor
26thMay , 2022

Dear Shrinkhala,
By the grace of God, I’m fine here and hope so are you and your family. My heart
leapt up when I received your lovely letter yesterday. I am writing this letter to tell you
why you should come here to visit Nepal.

As you know, Nepal is really beautiful, Himalayan nation bordered by China and India.
The country is synonymous with open museum, as it has preserved historical artifacts and
religious sites dating back to the ancient times. From Lumbini (Birthplace of Gautam
Buddha) to Pasupatinath to Gosainkunda lake, the country has a large number of religious
and cultural sites that offers us a gateway to spiritual enlightenment.

Apart from the religious sites, a beautiful nation of many mountains, including Mt. Everest.
Rich in natural resources and cultural heritages, Nepal is really an attractive zone for
people to spend their holidays. This wonderful land contains many historical places,
UNESCO listed cultural heritages and natural beauties. As a multicultural, multi-linguistic
and multi-ethnic nation, Nepal is a right local for research purpose as well. We can enjoy
and visit Pokhara, Bandipur, Nagarkot ,Illam , Dhulikhel , Sauraha, and many others.

If you ever get holiday, please share it to me. I am ready to arrange your visit here in

I will keep writing to you.

Your love


SamplePersonal Letter -2
You have received a letter from a friend in an English-speaking country, telling you what they did in the
summer holidays. Write a letter back telling them what you did in the holidays. Write 120-180 words.

Kathmandu, Baneshwor
26th May, 2022

Dear Sally,

Thanks for your letter. It sounds like you had a great summer. I really enjoyed the holidays too, but
they weren’t long enough!

As soon as school broke up, I went off to Spain with my parents. We stayed in a lovely little village on
the north coast and spent loads of time on the beach or walking in the mountains.

When I came back, I spent three weeks working in a café. At first, I was in the kitchen, washing up- I
hated that. But after a while the boss let me take orders and serve customers. That was much more fun,
and I got some good tips too. In the final week of the holiday, I went and stayed with my cousins. We
just lazed around and spent most of the time watching DVDs. Then it was back to school.

Anyway, I’d better stop here as I’ve got quite a lot of homework to get through before tomorrow.

How’s school going? Write again soon with more news.



2. Job Application Letter

A job application letter (also known as a cover letter) is a letter you send with your resume to provide
information on your skills and experience. This letter is your chance to “sell” yourself to an employer, explaining
why you are an ideal candidate for a position.

Write your letter of application

1. Begin with ‘Dear………..’ and use ‘Sir/ Madam’ or ‘To whom it may concern’ if you don’t know the
person’s name.
2. Give your reason for writing .
3. Use linking phrases where appropriate.
4. Close your letter with a set phrase.
5. Finish with ‘Yours faithfully’ if you don’t know the person’s name or ‘Yours sincerely’ if you do.
6. Start a new paragraph when you change topic.
7. Letters of application require a formal style.

# An international TV company is planning to make a series of programs, in English, about issues of interest to
young people around the world. Could you help to present it? If so, write and tell us
which three issues you think we should include, and why
why we should choose you to present the series.

Kathmandu, Baneshwor
26th May, 2022

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to apply for the post of presenter for your forthcoming series.

I am twenty years old and for the past two years I have been working as a journalist for a
local newspaper. As the writer of the ‘Youth Today’ section, I spend a lot of time
interviewing young people on issues they find important. In my free time, I belong to drama
group and have played major roles in various shows so I would be very much at ease in front
of an audience. Language would not be a problem since my mother is English and I am

The three issues I believe we must cover in this series are relationships, health, and careers. In
the relationships programme, we could deal with possible areas of conflict such as with
family and friends, as well as girl or boyfriends. Most young people have difficulties with
relationships at some time, therefore I am sure they would enjoy a focus on this issue. As
regards health, most young people worry about how they look, guaranteeing that a
programme giving advice and suggestions in this area would go down well. Finally, on the
issue of careers, I know a lot of young people worry about what kind of profession they
should enter, so a programme that gives them advice and information about this would, I
think, have a strong appeal.

I hope you will see me as a suitable presenter and that you like my ideas for the programmes.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Santosh Baniya

Phrase bank
1.Starting your letter
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing to apply for……………….
I am writing to you about/ with regard to……………..
2.Giving personal information
I’ve been studying…………………..for the past two years.
I currently work as a ………………so I am used to………….
3. Concluding
I hope my application will meet with your approval.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you will find this information of use.
4. Yours faithfully/ Yours sincerely

3. Letter to the editor

Writing a Letter to the Editor
A letter to the editor is written in the format of a formal letter.
I. Sender’s address: Give the complete address of the sender.
II. Date: The date on which the letter is written comes next, immediately after the
sender’s address.
III. Receiver’s address: The address of the recipient (the editor of the newspaper or
magazine you intend to send your letter) should be written.
IV. Subject line: The main purpose of the letter is mentioned in the subject line.
V. Salutation/Greeting: The salutation can be Sir, Ma’am, Respected Sir, Respected
Ma’am, etc.
VI. Body of the letter: The body of the letter should explain the purpose of the letter.
Introduce yourself and provide all the details of the matter being discussed.
VII. Complimentary closing: Thank you very much, Thank you or Thanking you can be
the complimentary closing that you can use.
VIII. Ending the letter: End the letter with your signature, name in block letters and
designation, if there is any.

Sample Editor Letter-1

Sample Letter to the Editor to Highlight the Effects of Air Pollution

Kathmandu, Nepal
22nd May 2022

The Editor
The Himalayan Times,
Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Increase of air pollution in Kathmandu

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I am Sampada, a biology student of Grade XII. I am writing to you to bring to your notice the increasing effect of air
pollution in our neighborhood and in the surrounding area.
Kathmandu Metropolitan City has seen a rapid increase in the use of private transportation and the number of industrial
sectors that have come up in recent years. This has increased the risks of serious health hazards, including breathing
difficulties, chronic diseases, lung damage, nausea, fatigue, etc. The hospitals around the area have already seen an
unexpected rise in the number of patients showing symptoms of chronic illness, and it is important that people and
government authorities are made aware of this dangerous situation at the earliest.
Owing to the seriousness of this situation, I request you to kindly highlight the issue so that some action can be taken to
curb the effect of air pollution and decrease the risk of people being affected by it.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
Sampada Khadka
Student of Grade XII (Biology).

Sample Editor Letter-2

Kathmandu, Nepal
22nd May 2022

The Editor
The Himalayan Times,
Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Conduction of Offline Examinations amidst the Increasing COVID Rates

Dear/ Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Santosh Mahato, a member of the Parent-Teacher Association. I am writing in order to emphasize the decision to
conduct offline examinations in schools and colleges when there is a huge increase in the number of COVID cases.
It is a matter of great concern that the disease is spreading sooner than ever in the past two years of the pandemic, and it is
not safe for us to let our children travel to their respective schools and colleges to take up examinations in this situation.

We have tried to discuss the issue with the authorities of the academic institutions, but no action or decision has been taken
so far. It is the need of the hour to take utmost care and abstain from making any sort of physical contact with anyone in
order to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
I request you to kindly understand the seriousness of this issue and highlight it in your newspaper so that the academic
institutions consider conducting online examinations so that everyone stays safe.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
Member of the Parent-Teacher Association

Sample Editor Letter-3

Q. Garbage management is a big problem in most of the cities in Nepal. Write a letter to the editor to be published
in the daily newspaper suggesting the ways of ‘Solving Garbage Problems.’
Kathmandu, Nepal
15th May 2022

The Rising Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I would like to inform to all people on the topic ‘Solving Garbage Problems’ through your famous national newspaper.
Garbage management has become a serious problem in most of the cities of Nepal. It is happened due to the reason of rapid
and unplanned urbanization. Unmanaged and Unsystematic waste management system is continuous in our country.
Everyday people produce a huge amount of waste. This problem can’t be solved easily without proper planning and
policies from the government level. It is more challenging task to manage garbage.

There are different reasons of increasing waste materials everywhere. They are lack of public awareness, maximum use of
plastic bags , plastic materials and other non-degradable wastages. Lack of responsibility of people , irregular removal of
garbage by the responsible authorities, unmanaged dispose of waste materials are other reasons of increasing waste
materials everywhere. So, all from own side should be aware to control and solve this burning problem.

There are different ways to solve this problem. First of all, all the people should be aware of the effect of garbage and
pollution. They should be cooperative to manage garbage themselves. The concerned authorities and responsible agencies
should be responsible to manage waste materials in time. The people should apply 3Rs 9 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle )

If we give attention towards its solution actively, this problem will be reduced. So, I would like to request all to join our
hands to control this problem from today.

Thank you!
Yours faithfully,
ABC (Given name )

4. Business Letter

You are Parbat/ Parwati, living in Kathmandu ward no 7, Mitrapark. Write a letter to the manager Hyatt
Regency Kathmandu ,Taragaon, Boudha, Kathmandu to find out about the rates for conducting the
class 12 farewell party on their lawns. Enquire about the catering costs per head, service charges and
advance to be paid.


Kathmandu -7,

Mitrapark, Nepal

1st June, 2022


The Manager,

Hyatt Regency Kathmandu ,

Taragaon, Boudha, Kathmandu

Subject: Enquiring about rates for conducting farewell party.

Dear Sir/ Madam

We are interested in conducting a farewell party for students of class 12 on 1st July, 2022 on the lawns of your hotel. We
are a group of 500 students and would like to hire your lawns from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

Before finalizing the venue, we would like to know about the rates for conducting the party. Kindly send us the rates for
catering cost per head, service charges and advance to be paid. We would also like to view the menu for continental food.
Please inform us of the additional costs if any.

Waiting for an early response.

Yours truly,


Write a letter to the manager of The Hotel Pokhara Grande, Pokhara, asking him to reserve 15 double-bed rooms
for a group of 30 students in the month of February. You are Suman/ Sandhya of Kathmandu ward no.4 Baluwatar
, Kathmandu.


Baluwatar, Nepal
15th June, 2022

The Manager

The Hotel Pokhara Grande ,


Subject: Reservation of rooms.

Dear Sir/ Madam

We would like to reserve fifteen double-bed rooms for a group of thirty students in your hotel from 4 th July, 2022 to
8th July,2022.

We require 10 non-A/C double bed rooms. We would also like to avail complimentary breakfast if available. Please
inform us about the availability of rooms for the period. Also send us the details of room rent and additional charges if

Waiting for your early reply.

Yours faithfully


5. Writing Email
Sample Formal Email Writing -1

To:[email protected]
From:[email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam, (1)

I am writing to apply for the post of Sports and Activities Organiser, (7) as advertised in Jobs
Abroad magazine. (3) (4)

I would very much welcome the opportunity to spend the summer working at Camp UK in
Scotland as (6) I enjoy working with teenagers, (7) and would also like to get to know more about
life and customs in the UK. Moreover, (6) I am a keen sportsperson and enjoy horse-riding, tennis
and volleyball. (4)

I have a good command of English , (7) having studied it at school for eight years, and I have also
(6) spent a month at a summer school in Ireland .(4)

I would be grateful if you could tell me what type of accommodation (7) you provide and what it
costs. Could you also (6) let me know when you will be holding the interviews? (4) (7)

I look forward to hearing from you. (5)

Yours faithfully (5)

Joanna Murdoch

1. If you begin the letter or email with Dear Sir or Madam, finish with Yours faithfully. If you begin with Dear (Mr Smith
), finish with Yours sincerely.
2. If you are asked to write an email, you will be given a printed email heading so you do not need to make one up.
3. Start by saying why you are writing.
4. Divide the letter
5. If you expect a reply to your letter write ‘I look forward to hearing from you .’ after the final paragraph.
6. Use linking words to join ideas and sentences.
7. Refer to the input information but do not copy out large parts of it.
8. Use a style appropriate to the situation , and maintain the same style throughout the letter or email .

Phrase Bank
Giving a reason for writing
I am writing to apply for……………………..
I am writing to enquire about…………………….
I am writing to complain about…………………………
I am writing in response to……………………………..

Applying for a job

I have considerable experience of………………………….
I consider myself to be……………………………………
I would welcome the opportunity to………………………..

Requesting information
I would be grateful if you could tell me………………
Could you please let me know……………………?

I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about ……………
I am not satisfied with…………………………

Sample Formal Email Writing -2

To: info@huarodig
From : [email protected]

I recently saw your advertisement requesting volunteers for the forthcoming archaeological digs in Peru, and I should very much like to
take part in the expedition.

Although I hold no formal qualifications in archaeology, I have been on a number of archaeological digs and have acquired a good
knowledge of the processes involved. I considered myself to be a good team player and am also enthusiastic and adventurous.

I have two queries about the expedition. Firstly, it wasn’t clear exactly how long volunteers were expected to stay in Peru. Secondly, could
you give me a clearer impression of the level of physical challenge the holiday would involve? Although I am physically fit, I would not
consider myself particularly athletic. Would I be able to cope with this expedition?

I would be grateful if you could address these queries before the weekend, as I am keen to finalise my holiday plans soon.

Thank you.

Jennifer Mason

Informal Replay Email Sample-3

To: [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Coming to stay

Dear Maria

Thanks for your kind invitation to come and stay with you. I’m glad to take you up on it !
I’ll be coming over in August for three weeks. Is there a lot to do in August ? I’d like to
bring a little present for your parents. Do they like chocolates ? Anyway, I’m arriving on 4 th
August at 11.30 a.m. What’s the best way to get to your house ?



Responding / Replay email:
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject : RE : Coming to stay

Dear Sonia

I’m so glad to hear you are finally coming to visit me ! I’m dying to see you again. It’s so
long since we last saw each other- it must have been three years ago when we did that
summer course. We head such a good time with Luis, Carl and the rest. I wonder what they
are all up to now? Have you kept in touch?

When it comes to entertainment, you’ve chosen a good month to visit. There’s lots to do.
Make sure you bring your swimming gear. As for getting from airport the airport to our
house, you’d be best off taking a taxi, as you’re less likely to get lost ! However, if you want
something cheaper, there are frequent buses from outside terminal 2 to the town centre. You
can check out the bus times on the airport website.

Since you ask about presents, my parents both love chocolate and stuff like that – although
you really don’t have to bring anything at all. Whatever you do, don’t spend loads of money,
my parents wouldn’t feel comfortable about that.


6. Writing CVs and resumes

CVs and resumes are essential documents for the initial stage of applying for a job. They are both accounts of someone’s
education , qualifications, skills and work experience.
In the US , a resume is a short summary of a person’s experience and qualifications , more comprehensive document . In the UK ,
a CV is similar to is a longer , more comprehensive document. In the UK , a CV is similar to an American resume and is a
summary of an application’s education and work experience that is adapted to the job being applied for . For all types of CV and
resume, the information given must be up to date and accurate.

CVs (Curriculum vitae)

A CV should include all the relevant experience, skills and qualifications for the job being applied for as well as details of your
education starting from your final year at school. You can draw out further relevant experience and highlight your skills in the
covering letter that accompanies the CV.

 Make your CV attractive and easy to read: use a clear typeface in at least 10pt.
 Ask someone to read and edit the CV for you.

Name: Emily Jane Wilson

Address: 29 Greenlands Avenue , London , SW3 6RF
Telephone : 01924 786512 Mobile 07799 238182
Email : [email protected]

Profile A dynamic and articulate graduate with work experience in both

Television and teaching.

Education and qualifications

2019- MA in Media Studies. Bristol University. Expected 2020
2015-2019 BA in Media Studies with French (2:1) Bristol University
2007-2014 Beacon School, London
3 A Levels: Drama (A) ; French (A) ; German (B)
5 AS levels 9 GCSEs

Work experience
October 2017 Language assistant
– June 2018 Taught English in Secondary school in France to large classes and small
Ran a film club and a holiday dance and drama club.
Assisted with school drama productions.

September 2014 Production assistant

– August 2015 Oordman and Associates Film-makers, London N16.
Performed office and on-set duties.

–September 2014 Dance tutor
Jacaranda Drama Workshops.
Led groups of teenagers of different backgrounds in dance and drama
July- August 2013 Holiday campsite host
Adventure Camping holiday campsite in France.
Led the children’s club for 4- to 10- year-olds and performed various
practical duties on the campsite.
Languages: French- near native –speaker fluency (CEFR C1) ; German (B2).
Good keyboard skills. Familiarity with Word , Excel and film editing packages.
Clean driving licence.
Drama , both acting and directing; singing ( was member of university choral society).
Regular volunteer at a local centre for the homeless.

A resume is a summary of the information in your CV that matches the job you are applying for. It should be no more than one
The ‘Objective’ section can be used to summarize your goals and customize your resume for specific positions. State a realistic
short- term goal and / or a job for which you are currently qualified .
Jessica M. Brown
[email protected]

Address: 508 Blackbird’s Roost , Flagstaff, AZ, U.S.A.


Telephone : +1 929 555 1212

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry-level management position within an international hospitality organization .

EDUCATION : Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.), 2017-2019

Northen Arizona University , Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.A.
B.A. in International Hospitality, 2013-2017 Universite de Savoie, Chambery, France

EXPERIENCE : Travel Agent , Sep. 2017-Present

Kokopelli Extreme Tours, Sedona, Arizona, U.S.A.
Organized adventure package tours for large student groups , trained and supervised new staff members,
and maintained partner relationships . Showed ability to work well as part of a team.
Camp Counselor, Jun 2013-Aug 2017
Voyageurs Summer Camp, Voglans, France Group leader for children aged 10-15.
Demonstrated can-do attitude by developing curriculum for campers and led overnight hiking trips.

HONORS: Agent of the Month, Kokopelli Extreme Tours, March 2018.

Voted ‘Most Popular Counselor’, Voyageurs, 2014 & 2015.

SKILLS: Fluent in French and English ; conversational Spanish.

INTERESTS: Enjoy hiking , climbing and outdoor photography.

3. Task 3 (1X10=10)
Any one of: essay, travelogue/memoir, book/film review, biography, diary entry, communique and
press release.
Word limit: 300 words

1. Essay
1. The Five-Paragraph Essay Format:

Introductory Paragraph

See, first, Writing Introductory Paragraphs for different ways of getting your reader involved in your essay. The
introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the paper: it tells the reader what the
essay is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also contain a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first
paragraph of the body of the paper.


Body — First paragraph:

The first paragraph of the body should contain the strongest argument, most significant example, cleverest illustration, or an
obvious beginning point. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the "reverse hook" which ties in with the transitional
hook at the end of the introductory paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic

should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional
hook to tie into the second paragraph of the body.

Body — Second paragraph:

The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second
cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include
the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph
should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last
sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body.

Body — Third paragraph:

The third paragraph of the body should contain the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious
follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in
with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second
sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should
include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper. This hook
also leads into the last, or concluding, paragraph.


Concluding paragraph:

This paragraph should include the following:

1. an allusion to the pattern used in the introductory paragraph,

2. a restatement of the thesis statement, using some of the original language or language that "echoes" the original
language. (The restatement, however, must not be a duplicate thesis statement.)
3. a summary of the three main points from the body of the paper.
4. a final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end. (This final statement may be a
"call to action" in an persuasive paper.)

2. Organizing Your Essay

Study this block diagram of five-paragraph advantages/ disadvantages essay to plan a first draft of your essay.



HOOK Hook (Optional)

Summary or general statements Explanation and analysis of quote

Thesis Statement Thesis statement

Body Paragraph -1 Body Paragraph-1

Advantages of workplace Support for your opinion

Monitoring Topic sentence

Topic sentence Examples from history/ current events/ personal experience

Summary of research as support

Transitional sentence Transitional sentence
Body Paragraph-2 Body Paragraph-2

Disadvantage of workplace Support for your opinion

Monitoring Topic sentence

Topic sentence Examples from history/ current events/ personal experience

Summary of research as support

Transitional sentence Transitional sentence

Body Paragraph-3 Body Pragraph-3

Your opinion on workplace Support for your opinion

Monitoring Topic sentence

Topic sentence Examples from history / current events/ personal experience

Summary of research as support Concluding sentence

Concluding sentence

Restatement of thesis Restatement of thesis

Summary of main points Summary of main points

Advice and / or warning Advice and / or warning

2. Travelogue
Travel writing is quite a popular genre. People take the help of the travelogues to know about a particular place before deciding to
visit it. Travel writing generally gives detailed information about the attractions of a place so that people get tempted to go there on
their vacations. Hence, writers involved in travel writing should follow some specific rules to make their travelogues more appealing
and interesting to the readers.

1. Research the Place

Before writing about a particular destination, you’ll need to thoroughly research. If you are able to go to the place, you should—
doing so will give you a firsthand experience and you can find out for yourself what the place is all about. You could even ask the
local people about its legends and other information related to that place. You could tour all over the place and find out for yourself
all its hidden secrets that would attract a tourist bent on having fun. In this way, you can build up quite a reliable picture in your

However, if you live quite far away from the place in question, then you must rely on other resources.

First and foremost, you should look up all the available information related to the place. You could look up books available in the
library or you could surf the net. If you find some pictures of it, it could also help you a lot in your write-ups as it would give you a
clearer idea about the looks of the place.

2. Write Descriptively
Writers are artists. They present a picture through their words. Show your artistic talent here by describing the place in such a
complete manner that the reader actually visualizes it. Spin a beautiful picture so as to make the reader want to visit that place.

If you can get photos of a particular location, you can use them to enhance your travelogue.

3. Highlight the Various Attractions

In travel writing highlighting the various attractions is of paramount importance. The first thing that attracts a person to a particular
place is its various appeals. A place may be very beautiful in its scenic beauty but until and unless it doesn’t give us any other
attractions in the way of sports or any other thing, few people will be tempted to visit it. So, include in your travelogue all the
available attractions of that place so as to lure maximum number of visitors to it.

4. Mention the Ways and Means to Reach the Destination

You have done your job of enticing the reader to visit the place with your travel writing. But, if the reader does not get the adequate
information regarding the ways and means of reaching that destination then s/he may drop the plan to visit it altogether. Therefore,
always try to include the various means by which one can easily reach the place. You could give the information regarding the airline
details, train details, or any other detail that you deem necessary.

5. Name a Few Good Hotels

Once a person reaches her/his destination then s/he may have trouble locating all the good hotels in that place. So, you could help
your readers out of their bewilderment by naming a few good hotels for their benefit. And while you are naming the hotels then make

sure that you choose hotels for all the economic classes. Hence, you could mention some star hotels for the rich and the powerful.
Good hotels for the middle class segment. And some cheap lodgings for the lower middle class people. Thus, your travelogue would
help people from all segments of the society and will be greatly popular in its effect.

6. Mention Some Out of the Way Tourist Attraction

To give your travelogue that specific edge you should try to include some out of the way tourist attractions. These tourist attractions
could be anything from a visit to the local winery or some bargain or elusive items sold at the local market. So, do your homework
properly if you want to excel in travel writing.

7. Give Some Cultural Background

Giving some cultural background of the place makes your travelogue richer in its content. People like to know the background and
culture of a place they are planning to visit. It gives them a distinctive idea of what to expect from that place. It also helps them in
their choice of clothes, accessories, etc. So, do remember to include this little bit of information in your travel writing.

8. Mention Some Dos and Don’ts of the Place

And lastly mention some dos and don’ts of the place so that a person does not make a cultural mistake there. Say a person is planning
to visit the Middle East. Then s/he should wear very decent clothes and reserve all the affectionate behavior for the private. Again
people should avoid asking for beef in a Hindu country like India or pork in a Muslim country. Hence, knowing the dos and don’ts of
a particular place makes a person abide by all her/his etiquettes while fully enjoying the sights and sounds of that place.

3. Memoir

A Memoir is your truth created from your memory and your experience. Lisa Dale Norton, Author


Writing a memoir is a process that requires planning and organization in addition to creative thought and expression. This
mini-course series offers an organizational framework for how to get started and complete a memoir essay during this
time. Classes are interactive as ideas and opinions are considered, personal manuscripts are shared and group feedback

1. What is a Memoir

A memoir is a true story based on a situation that has special meaning or has impacted and changed your life in a
significant way. It differs from an autobiography in scope as an autobiography includes an author’s life story beginning
at birth. A memoir is a slice of life or a snapshot, not a full life story. In this class, we will write a memoir essay. Please
note that a personal memoir can also be expressed through poetry, photographs, artwork and/or a combination.

2. Getting Started
a. You will need
• A main character.
• A situation that will be the core of your story with a collection of related actions (or scenes) that happened. Emotional
• A lesson learned. If there is no lesson, there is no story.

b. Select a targeted event that you have strong feelings about writing. It can be a special experience or one that shaped
or changed you in some important way. Keep your focus narrow.

c. Before getting started, think about the following considerations because they will have an effect on how you write
the story:
• WHAT is the THEME or moral of your story? The theme will be like thread that ties your memories together to keep
them relevant as your story unfolds.
• WHO are you writing it for?
• WHY are you writing it?

d. Brainstorm. Reflect on memories around a situation you will be writing about. Jot down brief details of scenes you
remember. (Post-it notes and index cards work well) The following questions might help trigger memories.
• Who was involved?
• When did it happen? Do you recall details about time period that might have influenced what happened?
• Where did it happen? Do you remember details about location including landscape or surroundings?
• How did this situation get started? How did it end?

• What were you thinking at the time?
• How did you feel?
• Was anyone else directly involved?
• Visualize memories in color and vivid detail

e. Review identified memories carefully. Select only memories that are relevant to the specific theme of your essay.
Memories that are not directly related can be saved for a different story.

f. It is important to include research in the planning and organizing phase of writing a memoir. If writing about your
ancestors or sharing a story from a different generation, historical information from that time period is imperative to
make your story believable and understandable. Resource information can be found at genealogy websites and other
reliable online resources, in newspapers, at libraries and local county archive offices. Other sources might include
family stories that have been passed down through generations or other gathered documents or letters. It is important
that you organize research and record reference citations and sources.

3. Let the Writing Begin

With organization activities completed, thoughts can turn to writing your story in three parts: the beginning, plot, and
ending. Review notes from the Organizing and planning phases, look over your memories and decide first where you
want to BEGIN and END your memoir. These are the most important features of a good memoir.
• The BEGINNING of your story must be compelling in a way that wants readers to keep reading. You can start your
memoir at any point in the story.
• With a beginning in mind, decide where the story will end. The ENDING must weave the threads of experiences
together to create a strong conclusion. The character has grown, changed or learned a lesson.
• The MIDDLE of story or plot are memories that connect the beginning and end of your story together. It is the chain
of cause and effect from beginning to end that gives readers something to follow.

1. Establish a regular writing routine.
2. Tell the truth. Memoirs explore truth as seen through your eyes.
3. Writers get the most satisfaction from writing what we are passionate about.
4. A memoir is an emotional journey of feelings, thoughts and reactions.
5. Avoid editing as you write – you can edit later.
6. Let yourself go and write from the heart.
7. Your voice is your presence on a page giving it your personality and attitude. Each of us is unique and we want to
translate our uniqueness to the page. It helps to write how you speak.
8. Write down what you see and hear as you remember details of actions or events.
9. Include background information to help reader understand events unfolding in the story.
10. The setting includes details not only about the location, but also the time period.
11. Show Don’t Tell is largely about allowing your readers to interpret what you are going through without just telling
them. Think of an emotional moment and describe your body language at that time.
12. As you edit content, pay attention to words in a sentence. An ACTIVE voice is more concise, direct and bold.
Writing in PASSIVE voice often uses unnecessary words that are less direct.

4.Writing a Book or Film review
The main purpose of a review is to describe and explain the main elements of a book or film (plot, character, themes, etc.)
and express a personal opinion about them. The reader should get a clear impression of what the book’s or film’s good and
bad points are, and the review should get a clear impression of what the book’s or film’s good or bad points are , and the
review should include a recommendation to read the book or see the film or not.
Book Review
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
It is a darkly passionate tale of love? Or should we call it a highly original gothic story? The classic novel
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is, in my opinion, a unique and gripping blend of these genres. Written in 1847, it is an
epic family saga full of desire, hate, revenge and regret, focusing on the main characters of Heathcliff and Catherine. The
atmospheric setting of the wild Yorkshire moors cleverly mirrors these violent emotions.

When Catherine’s father adopts the starving orphan boy Heathcliff , Catherine’s brother Hindley feels deeply hurt
and resentful . She, on the other hand, develops an immensely strong bond with Heathcliff, which becomes an all-
consuming love. Upon her father’s death, Hindley becomes the head of the family and forces Heathcliff to assume the
position of servant. Despite loving Heathcliff, Catherine chooses to marry Edgar Linton, who is closer to her class and
position in society. It is this decision that leads to heartbreak and tragedy, not only for them but for many others.

Heathcliff could be described as an anti-hero with his rough manners and lack of control. Likewise, Catherine
displays many flaws, but the reader can still empathize with these characters. In fact, this is the main reason why I believe
this novel is so brilliant. It rings with truth. The reader may be horrified at the way that Heathcliff and Catherine behave,
and yet , at the same time, the writer ensures that we never hate them because the reasons for their actions are crystal clear.

The main part of the book relies on a narrator, Ellen Dean, who is a servant at Wuthering Heights and I think that
this is a useful device which holds the complex plot together. However, Wuthering Heights is not what I would call an
‘easy read’. There is dense description and some of the dialogue is written in dialect, which can be difficult to follow.

Nevertheless, I preserved and, all in all, I can highly recommend Wuthering Heights. I challenge you to remain
unmoved after reading this exceptional book.

Skyfall Film Review

Skyfall is one of the best action films in recent years. Released in 2012, it stars Daniel Craig as secret agent James Bond
and Spanish actor Javier Bardem in the role of Raoul Silva , the villain in this film.

The plot involves a genius computer hacker who is an ex-spy. He wants to take revenge on the organization he used to work
for and James Bond has to prevent this from happening . There are a lot of exciting action scenes as Bond pursues him
around the world . Can he stop him before it is too late?

The film is set in avariety of location including Istanbul, Shanghai , Macau, London and Scotland , which gives it a very
international atmosphere . The soundtrack is impressive and includes the theme song ‘Skyfall’ , performed by English
singer Adele. The acting is also of a very high standard and Bardem brings his character to life with a dazzling and
memorable performance.

I would highly recommend Skyfall, especially if you are keen on action films . It will have you on the edge of your seat
until the very end and I am sure you will not regret watching it,

Writing your review

1. Read or re-read the book or watch the film and make notes.
Your notes should try to answer the questions a reader might have :
 What kind of book/ film is it ?
 What happens in the story ?
 What are the main characters ?
 What is the main theme ?
 Is it well written / directed / acted ?
 Would you recommend this book / film ?

2. Organize your notes

You can use the same plan as the model review ( see below ) . A successful review will contain these elements , but the
order can be changed .

Paragraph 1 Introduction . General comments about the book or film.

Paragraph 2 Plot. A brief summary of what happens .

Paragraph 3 Characters . A description and comment on the main characters.
Paragraph 4 Other Information . Details about the setting or historical background.
Paragraph 5 Conclusion . Include your personal recommendation here.

Phrase Bank

It is a fascinating tale of…………..(e.g. rural life)
This moving account of……….(e.g. a young man’s experiences )
I found this story far-fetched and unconvincing .

Details / Plot
Written in., the story begins with …..
The events unfold in………..
The tale is set in………..

The writer introduces us to……….
The principal characters are………..
My favourite character is undoubtedly……………
The story focuses on…………………

Giving your opinion

The writer excels at…….(e.g. describing………….)
I was impressed by…………………..
One aspect I found a little disappointing was…………….
One possible flaw is that……………….

I would highly recommend rewarding film .
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. In fact I couldn’t put it down !
By the end of this book, you feel……………
I was left unmoved by this story .
I would strongly advise against seeing this film.

4. Biography
A biography is a factual description ( short summary / an account ) of somebody’s life written by another person. In other
words, a biography is an account of a person’s life.

Biography Format;
1. Name
2. Birthdate and place
3. Family Members
4. Childhood and School life / Hobbies / Interests, Activities / Anecdotes- a short amusing or interesting story about a
real incident or person., Name and Fame (Reason )
5. Later Life / Old Age
6. Death ( If dead )
7. Photos and Likenesses ( if possible)

Laxmi Prasad Devkota: A Short Biography

Laxmi Prasad Devkota was born on the night of Laxmi Puja Day (a festive day in Deepwali, the great Hindu festival) in 1909 to
Tilmadhav Devkota and Amar Rajya Laxmi Devi in Dillibazar, Kathmandu. Born at a time when the Hindus including, his
family, were worshiping Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, his parents took his birth as the greatest gift of the Goddess and
accordingly, named him Laxmi Prasad— the blessings of Goddess Laxmi.

Devkota’s father was a scholar in Sanskrit language. Laxmi Prasad Devkota got his basic education at home under the
custodianship of his father. He completed Bachelor’s Degree in liberal arts and law.

Right after earning his bachelor’s degree, Devkota started working as a personal tutor—a rigorous job, that lasted for hours
everyday. He had to do that to support his family.

During Devkota’s time, the country was under Rana’s dictatorial regime. Young Devkota knew the importance of education and
he vowed to do something to help educate the masse, but the idea was not well received by the then Rana rulers who believed in
the idea that the general people should continue to remain illiterate so that any chance of gaining anti-establishment
consciousness always remained bleak. Devkota knew this, and was therefore, determined to foiling the Rana’s insidious design as
much as he could.

Devkota, as a student, was exceptionally brilliant. Right from an early age, he was keen on Nepali literature. At the early age of
ten, he wrote a poem when he was studying in Durbar High School—the school set up for the education of the ruling Rana
children. Children of ordinary people had to seek special permission to study in this school. Laxmi Prasad Devkota’s father also
had to run from pillar and post to ensure admission for his son in the Durbar High School.

Devkota and his friends were keen on generating awareness among the people and educating them. They decided to establish a
library to generate public awareness. They had to seek permissions from the government even to establish a library during those
days. They tried, but were caught and sent behind the bars. As a result, poet Devkota had to undergo a great suffering. He was
later fined and released. Devkota then went to Benaras, India, where he used to sell his poems for survival. He also worked as an
editor of Yugvani a Nepali magazine in Benaras and gave continuity to his writing.

After he returned to Kathmandu, he wrote Muna Madan—an epic poem based on folk verses. This book is about a poor man’s
hunt for wealth in order to fulfill his mother’s dream. Madan, the protagonist, goes to Lhasa in the present day China to earn his
fortune. The book is one of the earliest literary works to highlight the symbiotic relation between China and Nepal. Since th e day
of its publication, the book has remained one of the most popular works in Nepali literature till date, and has the record of being
the best-seller every year, till our own days. Its direct humanitarian appeal, high sentimental ethos, and simple and lucid language
woven in folk meters has given it a timeless presence. The line, “Manisa thulo dilale hunchha jaatale hudaina,”—greatness of a
man is determined by the magnanimity of the heart, and not by birth—has become one of the most popular adages in Nepal. It is
said that Devkota, when he was in death bed, had asked his friends and relatives to preserve Muna Madan even if all other works
were to be burnt.

Muna Madan is perhaps the most popular of all works of Devkota. The simplicity of language, folk and lyrical verses and
rhythmic expression made this book popular among the all including ordinary folks. Muna Madan’s popularity also made the
Ranas appoint Devkota a member of the Nepal Bhasanuwad Parishad. During this period, Devkota wrote the epic, Shakuntala, in
three months.

Devkota is a versatile writer and has tried with hands with extraordinary success in many genres, including pomes, epics, prose,
essays, plays and fictions. But he is basically a poet. The influence of western romantic poets like William Wordsworth, John
Keats and PB Shelley is seen quite apparent in him.

The theme of much of Devkota’s works is nature and human sensitivity. Human and his centrality in the creation identifies one of
the most dominant themes of Devkota. He is therefore often remembered for his humanistic outlook, though his identity as a
romantic poet par excellence always survives.

One very important feature of Devkota’s writing is his pro-people concern and the awarness that voice of the poor and
downtrodden, and the peasantry needs to be sufficiently aired. Devkota’s writing turned revolutionary in 1946, and made
socialism the ideal of his belief after 1953. The speech he delivered in the famous Tashkent Conference is a proof of this. Many
of his works give voice to people’s fundamental concerns of life, and a strong urge for systemic change. His Prometheus rooted
in the mythological story of fire being stolen from heaven, is an acceptance of the fact that unless the most fundamental of the
people’s needs are catered to, higher consciousness remains a far cry. In his poetic drama Krishibala, Devkota lends voice to the
concerns of the peasantry of Nepal, while through magazines like Yugvani and Pahadi Pukar he aired a dire need for political
awakening and revolution.

Devkota, throughout his life, wrote in favor of the human, and to him, an egalitarian society with faith in work and the primacy of
humanity and love was central. He located divinity in human beings and argued that service to the humanity was the only path to
attain divinity. His poem “Yatri” claimes that God kisses hands that are working, and he appeals human to wash the wounds off
the hands of ailing men.

Devkota has also written essays, one act plays and plays and novel. Devkota is the first modern essayist in Nepal. Laxmi Nibanda
Sangraha (Collection of Laxmi Prasad Devkota’s Essays) is the example of the modern essays in Nepali language, which have
clarity in meaning, expressive in feelings and eloquent in terms of language. In this, Devkota broke the traditional style of essay
writing and popularized the personal and expressive style of essays writing instead of descriptive and narrative approach.
The Laxmi Nibanda Sangraha is perhaps the most brilliant book of essays ever produced in Nepali literature.

As a versatile and multi-dimensional writer, Devkota has made contribution in the field of plays, fiction and short stories. Sabitri
Satyaban is Devkota’s acclaimed play, which has earned equally high fame for Devkota. Champa is the only fiction Devkota has
ever written. Despite holding some important and high-ranking positions—a lecturer, a minister, for example—Devkota’s

financial status was always precarious and he had to struggle a lot for survival. But the difficulties he suffered never deterred him
from writing and making contribution to Nepali literature.

The contribution Devkota made to enrich the Nepali literature will always be written down with golden letter. We cannot imagine
the state of Nepali literature without Laxmi Prasad Devkota. An estimation of his greatness may be made by referring to what the
great Indian philosopher Rahul Sankrityayan has remarked: “Devkota is a confluence of three great Indian romantic poets: Jay
Shankar Prasad, Sumitra Nandan Panta and Suryakanta Tripathi Nirala.”

Recognizing his unprecedented contribution in the field of literature, he was honored as a life member of the Nepal Academy.
Devkota was conferred with the title of ‘Mahakabi’ (Poet the Great). He died of cancer in 1959.

Source :

5.Diary Entry
A diary entry is a very personal kind of writing. It is meant to record certain significant events and feelings of the writer.

A diary is where you keep personal musings about your life, the people in it and the things you care about. Your diary is a safe
place where you can be honest and candid about your thoughts, feelings and opinions. Diaries are for the eyes of their owners and
no one else. Your diary is for you and by you. Reflect, create, dream. Do whatever you want with your words.

What is a dairy entry?

A diary entry is a section of writing that has been organized by date. The entries within your diary are how you organize the
thoughts, feelings and opinions you are pouring into it. They break up your diary into smaller pieces. Think of them like chapters
of a book. They can be as short or as long as you want.

8Tips for Writing a Diary Entry

Since diary entries are like chapters in a book, you first have to decide what your book is going to be about. Brainstorm ideas for
your diary, like whether you want it to be just about you or about a specific topic. Once you have a theme, then you can begin!

1. Date your entries

Since your diary will be kept over a long period of time, each of your entries should be dated based on when you write them.

2.Write in the first person ‘I’ and ‘We’

If you are writing a paper by yourself, use the pronoun “I” to refer to yourself. If you are writing a paper with coauthors, use the
pronoun “we” to refer yourself and your coauthors together.

3.Pick a topic

Like chapters in a book, you want your diary entry to have some sort of theme or direction. Is it about what you did today? Is it
about an upcoming event? An event that already happened? Try and stay focused when writing.

4. Write naturally

Don’t feel like your entries need to impress anywhere. They are just for you, so relax and go for it.

5. Be truthful

The worst person to lie to be yourself, so when writing your entry try and be as honest as you can.

6. Be friendly

When you’re writing, try and write as if you’re writing to a friend. How would you tell a story to your best friend? That is how
you should be writing about it in your digital diary.

7. Keep writing

If you feel like you’re at a loss for words, just keep writing through it. Feel free to record your train of thought. Think about why
you have hit a wall. What is getting in the way? Think about what you’re writing about and how that could be affecting your
entry – and write about that thought process!
8. Re-read your entry

Once you have finished your entry, re-read your entry and maybe list some things you hope to focus on in your next entry.
Reflect on what you have just written. Maybe some new things will come to mind that you can jot down before you put your
diary down.

9. Make it a habit

The more frequently you write entries in your diary, the more you will enjoy doing it and the more you will learn from them. Set
a certain time during the day that you want to write in your diary and try to keep to that schedule. The more you practice writing
diary entries, the better you will become at it.

6. Communique and Press Release

Communiqué is an official statement or communication, usually to the press or public. Press release is an example of

Any information deliberately sent to a reporter or media source is considered a press release. This information is released by the
act of being sent to the media. Public relations professionals often follow a standard professional format for press releases.
Additional communication methods that journalists employ include pitch letters and media advisories. Generally, a press release
body consists of four to five paragraphs with a word limit ranging from 400 to 500. Press release length can range from 300 to
800 words.s
Common structural elements include:

 Letterhead or Logo
 Media Contact Information – name, phone number, email address, mailing address, or other contact information for the
public relation (PR) or other media relations contact person.
 Headline – used to grab the attention of journalists and briefly summarize the news in one to six words.
 Dek – a sub-headline that describes the headline in more detail.
 Dateline – contains the release date and usually the originating city of the press release. If the date listed is after the date that
the information was actually sent to the media, then the sender is requesting a news embargo.
 Introduction – first paragraph in a press release, that generally gives basic answers to the questions of who, what, when,
where and why.
 Body – further explanation, statistics, background, or other details relevant to the news.
 Boilerplate – generally a short “about” section, providing independent background on the issuing company, organization, or
 Close – in North America, traditionally the symbol “-30-“ appears after the boilerplate or body and before the media contact
information, indicating to media that the release has ended. A more modern equivalent has been the “###” symbol. In other
countries, other means of indicating the end of the release may be used, such as the text “ends”.

Wish you all the best!

Thank You!


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