Task Card GD 5 Earth and Space Collab1d

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Year 5 Task Card Earth and Space


This digital task card consists of a teacher resource, student on line activities, real world tasks
for the learners and a suggested learning sequence.
This is intended as an introductory, exploratory and concluding activity.
Formative assessment can take place throughout the resource activities and the students will
give a representation of the solar system to conclude.
This resource is broken into sections to aid in the scaffolding of information.

Focus question

How do the planets in our solar system differ from each other?

Intended Learning Outcomes - Direct from Australian Curriculum: Science


Content description
The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) (ACSSU078)


identifying the planets of the solar system and comparing how long they take to orbit the sun
modelling the relative size of and distance between Earth, other planets in the solar system and
the sun
recognising the role of the sun as a provider of energy for the Earth

Declarative Knowledge
The learner will know:

Procedural Knowledge:
The learner will be able to:

D1 The different planets
D2 That the sun is a source of energy
D3 That living things need the sun
D4 That distance from the sun is crucial to
life existing on a planet
D5 Planets further away from the sun take
longer to orbit it.
D6 sizes and distances of the planets

P1 Identify the planets in our solar system
P2 Compare orbits of different planets
P3 Model relative sizes of the planets and
P4 Identify factors that influence wether
life exists on a planet

P Pr ri io or r K Kn no ow wl le ed dg ge e: :

Knowledge and experience of how to use online videos.

Knowledge and experience of note taking for a purpose.

Knowledge and experience of using blogs.

Extensive experience in successful group work.

Basic knowledge of Earth and Space.

Knowledge and experience in using bubbl.us for creating mindmaps.

Knowledge and experience with general ICT's .

Suggested Classroom Application Section 1
Allocate a more familiar planet to the lower skilled groups.
Group learners by ability and this will free up the teacher to take the lower group for more
scaffolding of learning. (Consider behaviour management when grouping).
The variety of presentation styles offers choice for students to work to their strengths.
If the students with lower literacy skills are unable to complete the questions they can verbally
record their answers or draw diagrams where appropriate.
Teacher aide assistance.
Activities address multiple learning styles (VAK).

The 5 Es [Primary Connections] - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
What are planets?
How do planets form?

How many planets are in our solar system?

Why arent all planets the same?

What needs to happen to a planet to sustain life?

Why are there differences in orbits?

The 5 Es [Primary Connections] - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
Write on whiteboard what are planets? and What does a planet need to sustain life?
LM might like to have a scenario of the class being budding astronaughts.
Inform them about the assessment and that they need to pay attention.
Send class in pairs to the on line resource to watch the two videos.
Have students take notes .
The 5 Es [Primary Connections] - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
Make sure learners understand the link between distance from the sun, life support and orbit.
Class discussion about this information.
The 5 Es [Primary Connections] - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
Have learners write a summary of their understandings of the videos.
Break class into enough groups (pairs) to cover all the planets and assign a planet for each group
to research using the videos.
Groups to represent the solar system focussing on their own planet with attention to: The orbit
around the sun, relative size to earth and distance from the sun.
Can be represented as a model, a picture, a song or a dramatisation.
Teachers can video presentation so students can upload to their blog.
Students to create a blog on the blog link, answering questions listed .
Looks Like, Feels Like, Sounds Like about their planet.
Concept map using Bubbl.us

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