Assessment Plan Parmer

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April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.

April Parmer
MEDT 7476
Dr. Tang
Assessment Plan

 Client Information
o Client’s Name: Latrell Scott
o Client’s Organization: Sammy McClure Sr Middle School
o Client’s Email Address: [email protected]
o Client’s Certification ID Number: 447164
 Performance Task Information
o Designer’s Name: April Parmer
o Performance Task Title: The Planets of Our Solar System
o Performance Task Annotation: Students will be able analyze and interpret data to compare and contrast
the planets in our solar system in terms of: size relative to Earth, surface and atmospheric features,
relative distance from the sun, and ability to support life.
o Subject: Earth Science
o Grade Level: 6th
o Duration of Performance Task: 3-4 hours
 Standards
o Focus Standards:
 Georgia Standards of Excellence – S6E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information
about current scientific views of the universe and how those views evolved. (c. Analyze and
interpret data to compare and contrast the planets in our solar system in terms of: size relative
to Earth, surface and atmospheric features, relative distance from the sun, and ability to
support life.)
o National Standards:
 NETS-S: Standard 3 – Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of
resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make
meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. (3a. Students plan and employ
effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or
creative pursuits.)
 NETS-S: Standard 6 – Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express
themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and
digital media appropriate to their goals. (6b. Students create original works or responsibly
repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations. 6d. Students publish or present
content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.)
 Setting
o Mrs. Scott is a 6th grade science teacher at Sammy McClure Sr Middle School in Dallas, GA. SMMS is
the largest middle school in its district with around 1,400 students. SMMS was the highest achieving
school, across all levels, in the district in 2018. Instruction and assessment will take place in Mrs. Scott’s
6th grade science lab, which contains 16 lab tables to seat up to 32 students. Students will have access to
a SMART Board and at least one laptop for every two students.
 Audiences
o The audience of learners consists of Mrs. Scott’s advanced/gifted 1st period class. The class contains 32
students with the following characteristics: 17 males and 15 females, 25 white students, 5 African-
American students, 2 Hispanic students, and 5 identified gifted students.
April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.2

 Description and Teacher Directions

This technology-enhanced performance task will take place over the course of three to four class
periods/hours. The end result will allow students to demonstrate knowledge of the eight planets in our solar
system, as well as utilize technology and presentation skills.
o Begin by using the SMART Board to create a student-led word splash. For this activating strategy,
students will think-pair-share what they already know about our solar system by taking turns writing one
to two relative words on the board. Once all students have been given the chance to participate, discuss
the results as a class.
o On the SMART Board, display the Planet Sizes Photo and discuss the varying sizes of the planets. Then,
display the Distances Between the Planets Simulation and discuss the fact that the planets are extremely
spread apart.
o Show the video “Crash Course Kids – The Rocky Planets” and discuss as a class.
o Show the video “Crash Course Kids – Gas Giants” and discuss as a class.
o Show the video “Crash Course Kids – Life of the Party” and discuss how Earth is the only planet in our
solar system that is perfectly situated to support life.
o Direct students to logging into the Canvas LMS and opening their “Earth Science” course. Ask students
to click on the “Solar System Simulation” link and use the Gizmo Class Code “GPVVZZ” to enroll.
o Instruct students that they will use the “Solar System Simulation” and other resource links on Canvas to
gather information about the planets. Pass out copies and go over the performance task instructions and
rubric. Instruct students to explore the simulation, learning about each planet, and take notes along the
way. Students MUST show the teacher their notes before proceeding to attempt the performance task.
(Graphic organizers will be provided for students who need note-taking assistance.)
o Instruct students that once they have shown the teacher their notes and information, they may begin
making their Prezis. Facilitate by monitoring, asking questions, helping with technology issues, etc.
o On the final day, allow volunteer students to share their Prezis with the class.
 Rubric Development
o Rubric Title: Planets of Our Solar System Performance Task Rubric
o Rubric Description: This rubric is “checklist-style”, grading students on the following: includes size,
distance from the sun, surface/atmospheric features, and ability to support life for each of the eight
planets (40 points total); accuracy and presentation of the information such as proper use of grammar,
spelling, sentence structure, etc. (5 points total); and appearance of the presentation including readability
and use of at least three relative graphics (5 points total).
April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.3

o Rubric
April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.4

o Example of Student Work
April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.5

 Resources
o Introduction to the Technology-Enhanced Instruction
The instruction in this unit of study is technology-enhanced in various ways. One way that instruction is
enhanced with technology lies in it’s activating opener when students utilize the SMART Board to
create a word splash of words and phrases that they associate with our solar system. Next, technology
was integrated using photos and simulations to represent the sizes of planets in our solar system as well
as their distances from the sun. Videos were used to help illustrate the differences between the planets
and highlight why Earth is so different from the rest (it can support life). Students use an interactive
simulator to learn about the planets. Finally, students create Prezi presentations to show that they have
met the science standard of comparing and contrasting the planets in our solar system.
o Equipment
 Laptop computers with internet access
 SMART Board
 Copies of graphic organizer for note-taking assistance
o Open Educational Resources
 Distances Between the Planets Simulation (
 Video: Crash Course Kids – The Rocky Planets (
 Video: Crash Course Kids – Gas Giants (
 Video: Crash Course Kids – Life of the Party (
 Solar System Information Simulation (MERLOT):
 - click on “login/enroll” – enter class code
 The use of the above OERs is aligned with the 5R principles of OERs. I retain the right to
make, own and control copies of the content as I downloaded the materials from OER
repositories. I have the right to reuse the content in this or any other unit of technology-
enhanced instruction. I have the right to revise the materials and adjust them according to my
students’ needs. I have the right to remix the content, incorporating it with other content. I
have the right to redistribute the materials by sharing copies, revisions, or remixes with
 The above OERs were used in this unit of study for many reasons. Firstly, they are
appropriate to the audience – 6th grade students. The videos used provide colorful
illustrations with a knowledgeable, engaging narrator, as well as sound, relevant information.
The first simulation used (Distances Between the Planets) provides a video-like
representation of the distances between each of the planets. This simulation is effective
because it shows how little time (distance) elapses between the first four, inner planets
compared to the large amounts of time (distance) between the last four, outer planets. The
second simulation (Solar System Simulation) allows students to explore the planets at their
own paces and read interesting facts about each. Together, the OERs used in this Assessment
Plan work together to provide students with engaging, informative instruction.
April Parmer – Assessment Plan p.6

o Other Online Resources

 Planet Sizes Photo:
o 21st Century Technology
 SMART Board
 Laptops
 Internet/Wi-Fi Access
 Canvas LMS
 Differentiated Instruction
o Readiness: Students will be seated/paired based on reading/Lexile level using the following pattern:
high-medium, medium-low. A graphic organizer will be provided for students who need note-taking
o Learning Profile: Information will be presented through audio/visual, text, and simulations. Students
will be allowed to work independently upon request.
o Student Interests: Students will choose their color schemes, information, photos, etc. for their Prezi
presentations, allowing for personalized end-products.

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