Surya Namaskara Mantras

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1 Sun Salutation Mantras | Surya Namskar Mantras Meaning | Art of Living India

26 July 2013 12:28:37 AM

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Sun Salutation Mantras Love Song to the Sun
Add the attitude of gratitude to your Sun Salutation practice with sun salutation mantras.
That's when through Surya Namaskar, you can honor not only the Sun but also the whole
Nature. (Honoring the creation brings in a sense of sacredness to your yoga practice.)
I stand on my yoga mat, getting ready to start my Sun Salutation practice. My hands are folded
in front of my chest, in prayer position. I chant the first mantra for Sun Salutation, my hands
go up and then as I recite the second sun salutation mantra, they come down and touch the
floor, as if bowing to this higher power the Sun. I have a gentle smile on my face as I carry on
with each Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) posture and coordinate it with a mantra recital. My
whole Surya Namaskar practice turns sacred. This is what mantra chants can do to the Sun
Salutation practice, which can otherwise seem like a physical exercise intended to lose weight
or stretch and tone the muscles.
Sure, sounds good, you say. But what are Sun Salutation mantras?
Mantras refer to a combination of syllables, sounds, or phrases, which can be chanted or sung.
In case of Sun Salutation, they are sung in praise of the Sun. Chanting mantras extends Sun
Salutation benefits; it has subtle yet penetrating effects on both mind and body. There are 12
mantras which praise different qualities of Sun and add a profound spiritual touch to the entire

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2 Sun Salutation Mantras | Surya Namskar Mantras Meaning | Art of Living India
26 July 2013 12:28:37 AM
mantras which praise different qualities of Sun and add a profound spiritual touch to the entire
How to chant the Sun Salutation mantras?
The only rule to remember is to chant them with gratefulness. Each sun salutation mantra has
a specific meaning, but it is not important to delve into what each mantra means.
For instance, Om Bhaanve Namaha means 'one who brings light'. When you recite this mantra,
feel a sense of deep gratitude to the Sun for giving us light and making life possible on Earth.
Similarly, addressing the Sun as a friend with the chant, Om Mitraaya Namaha, where we look
at this glowing ball as our friend.
How to include mantras in Surya Namaskar ?
You can either chant the sun salutation mantras verbally or in your mind.
Now let's see how you can chant the mantras while doing the Sun Salutation sequence. One set
of Sun Salutation comprises two rounds one with the right leg, one with the other. It is
ideally recommended to practice 12 sets of Sun Salutation daily. But you can choose your own
number, according to what seems comfortable. If you choose to do 6 sets or more, chant one
mantra each at the start of every new sequence. Recite the first mantra as you start one set,
finish the two rounds in that set and then start the next set with the second mantra and so on.
This way, you would have chanted 12 mantras with 12 sets of Sun Salutation.
If you practice less than 12 rounds of Sun Salutation 2 or 4 you can recite one mantra each
with every posture in the sequence. This would make it 12 mantras corresponding to 12 poses
of Surya Namaskar.
Sun SalutationPose Sun SalutationMantra Meaning
Pranamasana (Prayer pose) OmMitraaya Namaha Who is friendly to all
Hastauttanasana (Raised arms
OmRavaye Namaha The shining one, the radiant one
Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot
OmSuryaya Namaha
Who is the dispeller of darkness and
responsible for bringing activity
Ashwa Sanchalanasana
(Equestrian pose)
OmBhaanave Namaha One who illumines , the bright one
Dandasana (Stick pose) OmKhagaya Namaha
Who is all -pervading , one who moves
through the sky
Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with
eight parts or points)
OmPooshne Namaha Giver of nourishment and fulfillment
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Who has golden color brilliance
Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
The giver of light with infinite number
of rays
Ashwa Sanchalanasana
(Equestrian pose)
OmAadityaaya Namaha
The son of Aditi the cosmic divine
Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot
OmSavitre Namaha One who is responsible for life
Hastauttanasana (Raised arms
OmAarkaaya Namaha Worthy of praise and glory
Giver of wisdom and cosmic
It is a good idea to chant the sun salutation mantras with the proper intonations. You could
learn the correct mantra chanting along with the video.
Include these mantras in your daily practice of Surya Namaskar and feel a sense of oneness with
the Sun.
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