The Vision of LBCS is to be a centre of excellence in providing
leadership for the church of Jesus Christ through quality and well- roundededucationandtrainingon Biblical values. Vision of Lanka Bible College and Seminary To provide quality education and training for all trainees, through holistic curricular to enhance professionalismand research skills that empower learners to be relevant to his or her social context in order to be effective inlife andministryfor the gloryof God. The Mission of Lanka Bible College and Seminary Lanka Bible College and Seminary exists to serve the church of Jesus Christ by equipping pastors and leaders for the manifold ministries of the church in Sri Lanka and beyond. This purpose is evidently expressedinthe college motto, StudyandServe basedon 2 Timothy 2:15. LBCS provides a learning atmosphere for holistic faith and spiritual formation, whereby the great commandment lovingGod andlovingyour neighbors is evidentlypracticed. LBCS focuses on developing intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and emotional development of the trainee. The course syllab are designed with the objective of developing students' knowledge, skills and attitudes that are relevant to the ministry context of Sri Lanka and beyond. us Objectives of LBCS PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE . _r.OO Oec oorO o.r reu..u u:.e.r ue. e.. ._ .... u_ ruu e..e3 e.Oc.u.r u-< u.u Ou .u Ocee. o. ...e. ruu e..e3 .._ ce-.r eq O -O c,:,_.. oe.u. e.. uuOe.u ce e..O u. ee... o..uuc .c.u.r rc3u u:e .uO. c.u.r .eee ..u re_.. uce e..O u_ u-<.O e.. u:e .uO. oc._. ue. o.u 3.O c ue:.r cuc_.r O.e.u O..c.c. o.c3. Oe... o. oO.. e..O u. ee.u Oc.u. O e..r O u.u eOOcu. o...u. rc3u e.uO:uee u_ Oc.u. .O e: uO:ueeO ,u.,u.O e.u3 eu... o: cuc_. Oe., u. cureec rc3u, o.u.. c.<r eru rc e.u u. O,ue_eu eeO.u r... :u r r.c<. eer:. cuc_. r.r oOc,q oo rO O:. u:.e.r o,u Ou.u ruu e..O ee O-uO :. .c.u.u.rO -,_e.u cOuu uuO. oOe-.. rc.u :,r. oee eqO u-. Ocu..ue..O u_ e,_r. .u eOuer o,u . .u.. Ocu..u e..e3 oc.< r.r .- e..O .O e.u .ueu r.uou..u.r rc. Ocu..ue..O erec: o__ o,u o.e... e..uO. uO cOuu o.e...O_O .:< . e:. e..e3 o,u r_ .u eOuer3 e..uO. ruu e..e3 ou..u. .- rueu r.uo.r.c.rO e3 o.r.c.O ruu e..OO o._O c.u .<u.Or oc e. ue. o. ue. ruu e..e3 u..r.u O.e.u oc e..e3 ou..u. r.r. .e. -,_. .u.. oe.u. ou..u. .ee3 :,r..O u-. .u.. ou..u. ee .e. c.<r c..<Ou eu.e3. oO,u ou..u.r e:. .-e. .ue e.u3 . .u.. ou..u.O .,_ecu u..r u..r.Ou oc eu.c.e.u cc,q c:< r_ .u.. oc o 5Ou Oueu. u. ee.u Oc.u. Ou r._ccee.r.. e.O,u e..e.r u. e: o.u.. ouc eOu.r eeO. .O e.u.. eu.:,r. ruu e.. u:.e. ee e3cu.u.rO e: .c.u.u.rO ure<. er.O eq O o:c.:r3 oOe-.. rce.u .,_ecu ..ur ...O e..O e.u3 . .u.. .c.u. re.u oc ru or O,.u e..r.r u3 e..e. u_ .._ u3 qcee z9 ea z eee zoea ea ag eza mc.z9... Lanka Bible College & Seminary (Accredited and Certified by Asian Theological Association ) :. c-.r cOuu -O.. oeeu3 u. :. ee.u Oc.u. Ou e..e.r e..e3 .3r.O r.r oO,u e..e.r o__Ou o.e... e. .,u.O c..<Ou u.r :. e..e3 eeO. rcu ocO ue-uO. eO Ocu. u_ oreur o.u3r :. reu..u e3c.. cOuO. .u3u .< Ou e..e.rou..u c.Oc u-ueu eree :u r o.e...O_O e.cOrO .:<.O u3 o. o.e...O_O .,_ecu u., re_u. :. o.r_c oc Oc.u. rc.u .u e3. e.O,u o.e...O_O .:<. e:. oO.. c:<O _-..O oO.. rcu .ru. :. our. _r. -.-_ .._. eu o,u. e.O,u o.e....u.r ou..u.r rc. ..u r.O :. o. o.e...O_O e.cOrO .:<.O oO.. c:<O _-. . _r. ruu e..O .O e.u...O .- uO<u rO.u rcu o,u,. oecre. rc.. .- e.geu.O eO..cO.. o.c.c. eO.,u _._ eeu.u..r q:_cu fp wp ]; Jtp w; Fs; md; gp d; NghjfHfl; F jiytHfl; F ,iwgzpahsHfl;F> fHj;juhfpa ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; ty;yikAs;s ehkj;jpy; vd; tho;j;Jjy;fisj; njhptpg;gjpy kfpo;r;rpailfpd;Nwd;. mj;NjhL eP z; lfhyj; jpw; Fg; gpd; G ,k; klypD}lhf cq; fisj; njhlHGnfhs;s cjtpa NjtDila fpUigf;fhf mtiu ];Njhj;jhpf;fpd;Nwd;. ,w;iwf;F 500 tUlq;fSf;Fk; Nkw;gl;ljhd fpwp];jt tuyhW ,yq;iff;F fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,t; tuyhw;wpdJ Kjw;gFjpapy; rPf;fpukhd tsHr;rp fhzg;gl;ljhapDk; 19k; E}w;whz;bd; ,Wjp gFjpapNy rigapd; tsHr;rp Fd;wpf; fhzg;gl;lij njsptha; mwpayhk;. ,e;epiyf;Fg; gjhf rigahdJ mwpitj; Njba Mokhd tpkHrdj;NjhL RahjPd juprdj;jpy; gazpj;jJ. mjd; gpd;ddh rigf;Fs; ,Ue;j ,t;tpj RahjPd rpe;jidapd; Nehf;fj;jpypUe;J ntspNaWk;gbahd nraw;ghl;L tpistpdhy; nge;jnfh];Nj ,af;fk; cUthdJ. ,g;nge;jnfh];Nj ,af;fj;jpd; rpyuhy; mwpT Gwf;fzpf;fg;gl;L Mtp kl; LNkahd Nehf; fq; nfhz; L Rtp Nr\ Cop ak; Muk;gpf;fg;gl;lJ. Nkw;$wpa ,U fhuzq;fspdJk; tpisT vt;thwhdJ? 500 tUlq;fSf;Fk; Nkw;gl;l tuyhw;Wilajhd ,f;fhyf; fpwp];jt rigia ntspauq;fkhfTk; NeHikahfTk; ghHg;gjpD}lhf jw;Nghija epiyia mwpe;Jnfhs;sKbAk;. jw;Nghija rigapd; Nehf;fk; vd;d? ehk; rigia Kd;nfhz;L nry;tJ vt;tpj vjpHfhyj;jpid Nehf;fpAs;sJ? jw;Nghija rig Fwpj;J r%fj;jpdhy; Vw;gLj;jg;gLk; rthy;fs; vj;jifait? jw;NghJs;s rthy;fSf;F Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; tz;zk; rigapy; Vw;gLj;j Ntz;ba khw;wq;fs; vit? fpwp];jt rigapd; vjpHfhyj;ij ehq;fs; vt;tpjkha; fhz;fpNwhk;? ,t;tpjkhf fpwp];jt rig Fwpj;j gy Nfs;tpfs; vkf;F Kd;Nd cs;sJ. Mjyhy; fpwp];jt rigapd; jiytHfshf ehk; vjpHfhy rig vg;gbahFk; vd jPHkhdpj;J ghHf;f Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. mt;tpjNk vjpHfhyj;ij MuhAk; jpwDk; mtrpakhFk;. MapDk; vjpHfhyj;ij Fwpj;J khj; jp uk; Muha; tJ NghJkhdjhfhJ. mt; tp j vjpHfhyj;jpw;nfd vq;fs; cs;sk; Maj;jkhf Ntz;Lk;. vjpHfhyj;jpw;F Vw;w jiytH> jiytpaiu ehq;fs; njupe;Jnfhz;ltHfsha; mtHfis gapw;Wtpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ehk; ,d;W tho;tJ mwpT rPf;fpukha; tpUj;jpaile;J tUk; fhyj;jpw;Fs;shfNtahFk;. ,t;tpj r%fj;jpy; mwpT kw;Wk; Mtpia NtWgpupj;J Copaj;ij Kd;Nehf;fp nfhz;Lnry;y KbahJ. rig tuyhw;wpid tpkHrd uPjpahfTk; epiwFiwfisAk; nfhz;L Muha;e;J ghHg;gjpD}lhf ,lk;ngw;w FiwghLfis / /
tp sq; fp f; nfhz; L gazk; nra; tjw; F rigahdJ Maj;jkhfNtz;Lk;. ,t;tpjkha; tpkHrpg;gjpD}lhf ehk; fhZk; rhjfkhd tplakhtJ r%fj;jpw;Fs; tprhykhd mwpTk; kw;Wk; fy;tp tsHr;rpAk; ,Uf;fpd;wikahFk;;. mg;gbahapd; rPf;fpukhf tsHr;rpailAk; r%fj;jpw;Fs; rigapd; nghWg;G vd;d? mt;tpj r%fj;jpYs;s rthy;fspypUe;J ntw;wpaila NghJkhd mwpT kw;Wk; Mtpapd; mEf;fpufk; rigapy; gzp nra;Ak; vkf;F cz;lh? Njt thHj;ijapy; jdpj;jdpahd Mtpf;Fupa kw;Wk; fpwp];jt ghuk;gupaj;ij gpd;gw;wp Kd;NdWk; r%fj;jpy; vjp Hfhy jp l; lq; fis nfhz; L tUtJ vg; gb? Nkw;$wpa rthy;fSf;F ntw;wpfukha; Kfq;nfhLg;gjw;fhd Vw;w mwpT> jpwik kw;Wk; ekJ Mtpf;Fhpa kdg;ghd;ikia ehk; tsHj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;baJ Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. ,t;tpj rthy; epiwe;j vjpHfhyj;ij Nehf;fp gazpf;fTk; kw;Wk; mr;rthy;fSf;F ntw;wpfukha; Kfq;nfhLf;fTk; gapw;rpia ngWtjd; Clhf ePq;fs; ,yq;if fpwp];jt rigia Kd;Nehf;fp nfhz;L nry;tjpy; Gj;jpaha; nray;gLtPHfs; vd ehk; ek;Gfpd;Nwhk;. fHj;jUila ,g;gzpapy; vg;NghJk; ,yq;if Ntjhfk fy;Yhupapd; MjuTk;> xj;jhirAk; cq;fSf;F cz;L. fHj;jUila fpUigahdJ cq;fsidtNuhLq;$l ,Ug;gjhf. NghjfH fyhepjp yhy; Nrdhehaf;f mjpgH nrd;w Mf];l; 14>15>16k; jpfjpfspy; khjk;Ng (nfnjy;y) vDkplj;jpy; eilngw;w vkJ gioa khztH xd;W$ly; kpfTk; Kf;fpakhdjhf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,jpy; fye;Jnfhz;l gioa khztHfSf;Fs; gpuNjr uPjpaha; ,izg;ghsh;fs; epakpf;fg;gl;ldH. vkJ gioa khztH fz;b kw;Wk; Nguhnjdpa itj;jparhiyf;F rpfpr;irf;fhf tUk; re;jHg;gk; cq;fSf;F Vw;gLkhdhy; jq;Fkpl trjpia fy;Y}upapy; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. jw;NghJ ,yq;if Ntjhfkf; fy;Yhupapd; gioa khztH nra;jpfis mDg;Gk; eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;bUg;gjpdhy; cq;fSf;fhd mq;fj;Jt gj;jpu tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;jpid ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;F vk;Kld; njhlHGnfhz;L ngw;Wf; nfhs; sTk; . ,yq; if Ntjhfkf; fy; Y}upapd; ,r; nra;jpj;jhspid ez;gHfSf;Fk; mwpKfg;gLj;jTk;. Upcoming Alumni Meetings Kilinochchi &Vavuniya - October 24-25 Anuradhapura &Polonnaruwa - October 25 Nuwara Eliya &Uwa - November (?) zo+ !,,e .u u.u: ..3ec oec r,,__ .u eO.ue. c,O,uO O.cer o. .e. e.cO uc<.u.r orr O ouc o: c,3< ec o. .e.ue.u c_.u Ou c<e cu rc.,u.O :,r .. oe.u. o..e. e..e. e...eruO. _-u .-O uOc e:. ecc.e<. ec.:e_u cur.c .,u.O c,3<e3 oO..u.O.r o,uOOe:.u uO.u,u c:er3 _r. -.-_ .._e.u _-. .u :,r ouc uOu eeO.Ou O_O .-O :3r3 r.O :,r. _r. -.-_ .._e. o..e.ue. eu.cuc, ..Our._u r. o.c3. rc o,u. .- e...eruO. _-. .,u.O r,.u u3 c:u .u _cue.u o.q3 cur _g3 rcuu. o..e. e..e. e,_e3 e: 2_. O.cer e.cO eOueOu ..c,. rcue.u .e-u __. ec.. - Email [email protected] wdosYsIH mqj;a gioa khztH nra;jpfs; 2013 wdosYsIH iuq`Mf fYaI wjia:d gioa khztH xd;W$lypy; rpy fhl;rpfs; M A D A M P E LANKA BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY ACADEMIC YEAR 2014 Calling Applications for... Interview for all residential courses : 22nd Nov. 2013 LANKA BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY Learn and be trained in an Environment that is conducive to learning...... For applications and further details contact The Registrar Lanka Bible College & Seminary Christopher Road, Peradeniya. Telephone : 081-4930370 | Fax : 081-2388398 | E-mail : [email protected] Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th) (Full/Part Time) Bachelor of Arts in Mission & Ministry (B.A mm) Tamil / Sinhala Medium Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) English Medium Certificate in Christian Ministry (CICM) (For beginners) Master of Divinity (M.Div) O P P O R T U N IT Y K N O C K S !! Obtain your D IP LO M A IN TH E O LO G Y E N G LIS H M E D IU M In from LB C S Need to enhance your and in order to face Contemporary Challenges in Christian Ministry???? Knowledge Skills Attitude Lanka Bible College & Seminary is the leading provider of Leadership Development for the Church in Sri Lanka. With over 900 of the most promising leaders representing all denominations enrolled in Undergraduate and Graduate level study. LBCS programs remain the most sought after by the church in Sri Lanka. Since it's beginning in 1970, LBCS continues to produce men and women who make a difference in society. LBCS Alumni serve as Pastors, Church and Organizational leaders, Church planters, Educators - across Sri Lanka ,Hong Kong Singapore, Italy and Europe. EDUCATION UPCOMING COURSES DATE SUBJECT LECTURER October 07 -11 Leadership Development Rev. Paul Lavender -UK th th : : : DATE SUBJECT LECTURER November 18 -22 Apologetics Dr. Tabea Binder - Swizerland th nd : : : oskh Ih foaYljreka .reu.-c zs- eu.O,3-c o c:.O c_-O eO.c.. eO.,u c..u :<rc:_.u ceerc ( ( (
Mahilaon Ki Swasthy Sambandhi Mithak Dharnayen: 100 Se Aadhik Swasthy Sambandhi Yesi Galatfahmiyan Jo Mahilaon Ke Swasthy Jeevan Jeene Mai Badhak Banti Hai
Mahilaon Ki Swasthy Sambandhi Mithak Dharnayen: 100 Se Aadhik Swasthy Sambandhi Yesi Galatfahmiyan Jo Mahilaon Ke Swasthy Jeevan Jeene Mai Badhak Banti Hai