Automobile Industry

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Changing Features of the Automobile Industry in Asia:

Comparison of Production, Trade and Market Structure in

Selected Countries

Biswajit Nag *
Saikat Banerjee*
Rittwik Chatterjee*

Biswajit Nag, Saikat Banerjee and Rittwik Chatterjee are associate professor, assistant professor and
research fellow, respectively, at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, India. This
paper owes to the original research report prepared for IIFT on this topic. The views presented in this
paper are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IIFT, ARTNeT members,
partners and the United Nations. Any remaining errors are the responsibility of the authors. The
authors may be contacted at [email protected]

The Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) aims
at building regional trade policy and facilitation research capacity in
developing countries. The ARTNeT Working Paper Series disseminates the
findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about trade
issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the
presentations are less than fully polished. ARTNeT working papers are
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Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade
Working Paper Series, No. 37, July 2007
Executive Summary

The global automotive industry, increasingly characterized by global mergers and
relocation of production centers to emerging developing economies, is in the grips of a
global price-war. The industry is subject to imperfect competition which has resulted in
too much of everything too much capacity, too many competitors and too much
redundancy and overlap. The industry is concerned with consumer demands for styling,
safety, and comfort; and with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency. In this
context, the study examines the growth patterns, changes in ownership structures, trade
patterns and role of governments of selected Asian countries (viz. China, India, Indonesia
and Thailand) in the automobile sector.

Thailand is a major automobile exporting country from Asia. The sector is mainly
driven by J apanese FDI. Chinese automobile sector is growing very fast and is poised to
make its dent in the international trade arena very soon, with a particularly strong
position in the component sector. India, on the other hand, is consolidating its position
with strong domestic and external demand. The Indonesian automotive industry is
essentially an assembly industry dominated by the major J apanese car manufacturers, but
also increasing its exports.

The developing countries studied are making efforts to develop their automobile
sector through different paths with direct and indirect influence of government through
innovative policies and trade liberalization programmes. Government policies towards
investment liberalisation brought significant benefits to the selected countries as private
players stepped in with modern technology and FDI started pouring in mainly through the
hands of J apanese automobile majors.

Different countries adopted different policies to handle the overcapacity problem
in the sector. Chinese has promoted consolidation of the industry through mergers and
acquisition while Indians sought overseas market. In both these countries, government
policies have been towards development of the indigenous automobile sector through
strengthening the national players while Thailand focused entirely on the export market
through J apanese companies. Domestic players in Indonesia remained as partners to
MNCs in assembling activities.

Protection in automobile sector earlier was mainly through high tariffs, import
bans on Completely Build Units (CBU), local content use condition, and restriction on
private investment and other regulatory restrictions. Protection in component sector did
not work well in general as it helped only the basic components sector to grow
domestically in these countries, with most of the critical components still being imported.
Thailand has aimed to plug the gaps in the component sector through a focused
investment promotion scheme. India is also making an effort to develop indigenous
component sector through giving focus in R&D and tightening the IPR regime and
thereby inviting big players to step in the critical component sector leaving the basic
components in the hands of SMEs. China, on the contrary, is increasing its comparative
advantage in the basic component sector through further reduction in cost. For vehicles, it
is still focusing on the consolidation of the domestic sectors and improving the
technological as well as managerial capabilities of the sector in general.

Specialization in automobile sector is increasingly becoming segment specific as
each of these countries is finding its niche. China is specalising in components, India in
two wheelers and small vehicles, Thailand in pick-up trucks and passenger cars and
Indonesia in utility vehicles. Thailand is exporting to developed countries and
strengthening its position in ASEAN. Indonesia is also increasing its trade relation with
ASEAN. India is concentrating on Middle East and south Asia beside traditional
developed country destinations. With the gradual opening up of the component sector,
now the challenge is for individual governments to support the development of domestic
critical component and sub-system suppliers through, interalia, improvement in the
investment environment, stronger patent regimes and incentives for R&D.
Table of Content

I. Introduction.............................................................................................. 4
II. Changing Structure of Global Automobile Industry:............................. 5
II. I Growth of Automobile industry:....................................................... 5
II. II. Economics of Automobile Industry: .............................................. 8
II.II.I Production:.................................................................................. 9
II.II.II Supply Chain:.......................................................................... 10
II.II.III Pricing: ................................................................................... 12
II.II.IV International Trade:................................................................ 14
III. Methodology: ...................................................................................... 16
IV. Brief Review of Automobile Industry Growth in Selected Countries18
IV.I China: ............................................................................................. 18
IV.II India: ............................................................................................. 18
IV.IV Indonesia: .................................................................................... 19
IV.III Thailand:...................................................................................... 20
V. Production and Market Structure: ........................................................ 20
V.I: China............................................................................................... 21
V.II: India............................................................................................... 22
V.IV: Indonesia...................................................................................... 24
V.III: Thailand....................................................................................... 26
VI. Dynamics of Trade.............................................................................. 28
VI. I Chinas automobile Trade............................................................. 29
VI.II Indias automobile Trade.............................................................. 31
VI.III Indonesias automobile Trade..................................................... 33
VI.III Thailands automobile Trade....................................................... 35
VII. Tax and Tariff Structure: ................................................................... 36
VIII. Epilogue............................................................................................ 38
VIII.I: Comparison of Policy Framework............................................. 38
VIII. II Focusing more on Trade............................................................ 40
VIII. III: Identifying Niches and Future Challenge............................... 41
References................................................................................................. 44
Appendix HS Codes Relevant to Automotive Sector............................ 46


I. Introduction

Automobile industry is a symbol of technical marvel by human kind. Being one of
the fastest growing sectors in the world its dynamic growth phases are explained by
nature of competition, product life cycle and consumer demand. Today, the global
automobile industry is concerned with consumer demands for styling, safety, and
comfort; and with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency. The industry is at the
crossroads with global mergers and relocation of production centers to emerging
developing economies.

Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with several key segments of the
economy, the automobile industry is having a strong multiplier effect on the growth of a
country and hence is capable of being the driver of economic growth. It plays a major
catalytic role in developing transport sector in one hand and help industrial sector on the
other to grow faster and thereby generate a significant employment opportunities. Also as
many countries are opening the land border for trade and developing international road
links, the contribution of automobile sector in increasing exports and imports will be
significantly high. As automobile industry is becoming more and more standardized, the
level of competition is increasing and production base of most of auto-giant companies
are being shifted from the developed countries to developing countries to take the
advantage of low cost of production. Thus, many developing countries are making
serious efforts to grab these opportunities which include many Asian countries such as
Thailand, China, India and Indonesia.

The rising competition and increasing global trade are the major factors in
improving the global distribution system and has forced many auto-giants such as
General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, and Daimler Chrysler, to shift their
production bases in different developing countries which help them operate efficiently in
a globally competitive marketplace. During the second half of the 1990's, the
globalization of the automotive industry has greatly accelerated due to the construction of
important overseas facilities and establishment of mergers between giant multinational
automobile manufacturers. Over the years, it is being observed that Asia is emerging as a
global automotive hub. Exports of automobiles including components from Asia are also
increasing by leaps and bounds. Asia has become the major consumer as well as supplier
of automobiles.

At this juncture, the study makes an attempt to evaluate the growth pattern,
changes in ownership structures, trade pattern, role of government etc. in automobile
sector of selected Asian countries (viz. China, India, Indonesia and Thailand). The
objective of the study is to understand the dynamics of Indian automobile sector in
comparison to the same sector in other selected Asian countries. Thailand is a major auto
exporting country from Asia. The sector is mainly driven by J apanese FDI. Chinese
automobile sector is growing very fast and is poised to make its dent in the international
trade arena very soon with its strong position in component sector. India, on the other
hand is consolidating its position with strong domestic and external demand. The
Indonesian automotive industry is essentially an assembly industry, dominated by the
major J apanese car manufacturers is also coming up in post-liberalization period and
increasing its exports.

J apan and Korea Rep already have developed automobile industry. Hence,
comparison with these two countries may not be worthwhile. Selected four are
developing countries and making an effort to develop the automobile sector through
different paths. The paper will compare the alternative strategies for the growth of
automobile industry in these selected countries.

II. Changing Structure of Global Automobile Industry:

II. I Growth of Automobile industry:

The production of automobiles in volume began in the early 1890s, in Western
Europe. The USA started the production of both electric and gas automobiles by 1896. In
1903, Ford stepped in. The price of cars reduced from USD 850 in 1908 to USD 360 in
1916. The great depression and the World Wars saw a drop in sale; but the 1950s and
1960s were the glorious era for automobiles (driven by Ford, GM and Chrysler).
Production reached 11 million units in 1970. Industry specialists indicate that
international business in the automobile industry dates back to the technology transfer of
Ford Motor Company's mass-production model from the U.S. to Western Europe and
J apan following both World Wars I and II. This gives rise to two important trends. The
first one is that, the advancements in industrialization led to significant increase in the
growth and production of the J apanese and German automotive markets. The second
important trend was that due to the oil embargo from 1973 to 1974, the export of fuel
efficient cars from J apan to the U.S.

Earlier due to low fuel prices, US was producing muscle cars but after the oil
price shocks US had to compete with Europe and J apan who succeeded in producing fuel
efficient cars. For the first time, design, marketing, prices, customer satisfaction etc
become important in the automobile market. By 1982, J apan became the world leader in
US market. The potential growth opportunities led to global overcapacity in automobile
industry. 1990s observed the merger and acquisition (M&A) and formation of strategic
alliances to tackle this overcapacity problem.

Increasing global trade also act as a major factor for rising growth in world
commercial distribution systems, which has also increased the global competition
amongst the automobile manufacturers. J apanese automakers have instituted innovative
production methods by modifying the U.S. manufacturing model. They are also capable
of adapting and utilizing technology to enhance production and increase product

There are three major trends of world automotive industry, which are discussed briefly

Global Market Dynamics - The world's leading automobile manufacturers continue to
invest into production facilities in emerging markets in order to reduce production costs
and therefore rise in profits. These emerging markets include Latin America, China,
Malaysia and other markets in Southeast Asia.

Establishment of Global Alliances Now-a-days, there is trend of joint venture in global
automotive industry. Most of the giant automobile manufacturers are merging with each
others. The big three U.S. automakers (GM, Ford and Chrysler) have merged with, and
in some cases established commercial strategic partnerships with other European and
J apanese automobile manufacturers. The Chrysler Daimler-Benz merger, were initiated
by the European automaker in order to strengthen its position in the U.S. market. Overall,
there has been a trend by the world automakers to expand by merging with other giant
automotive companies in overseas markets

Industry Consolidation - Increasing global competition amongst the global manufacturers
and positioning within foreign markets has divided the world's automakers into three
groups, the first group being GM, Ford, Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen, and the two
remaining group manufacturers attempting to consolidate or merge with other lower
group automakers to compete with the first group companies

. Diagram1 provides a
snapshot view of this.

World automotive industry, in its early stages of development, was concentrated
mainly in hands of developed countries like U.S., J apan etc. But as automobile industry
become more and more standardized, the production base of most of auto-giant
companies was shifted from the developed countries to developing countries.
Standardization makes production more profitable in developing countries due to low
cost of labor. Thats why countries like Thailand, China today are the main production
base for many multinational automobile companies, and that explain why this study is
concentrated only on selected countries in Asia. Table 1 below compares basic features of
automobile industry in three major markets in the world.

Table 1: Comparison of Basic Features in Three Major Automobile Market
Characteristics US Market European Market East and South East Asian
Contribution to Motor vehicle The automotive industry represents In Japan industry represents 13 %


1st Group Company Mergers - Volkswagen-Lamborgini; BMW-Rolls Royce

2nd Group Company Mergers - Chrysler-Mercedes Benz; Renault-Nissan-Fiat
3rd Group Company Mergers - Mazda-Mitsubishi; Kia-Volvo

Economy production
represents over 5 %
of the U.S. private
sector GDP in 2002
approximately 9 % of the EU
manufacturing sector
of its total manufacturing output and
10 % of employment. South Korea
is exporting 41 % of its total motor
vehicle production, with roughly 35
% of the exports going to the U.S. It
contributed around 3.7% to GDP in
Organisational and
technological change
is the key
characteristics of the
US industry. Of late,
steps are taken to
increase its global
presence by
expanding global
alliances and seeking
greater collaboration
with other U.S.
Productivity is more
than EU but less than
The European automotive market is
comprised of a concentrated and
sophisticated global network, which
includes joint-ventures,
cooperatives, productions and
assembly sites. Like USA, over
capacity, intense competition and
investment for technology are
general features. The industry is
driven by MNCs mainly located in
Western Europe. However, the
growing production is noted in the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
Slovenia, Slovakia and Turkey.
East Asian market is mainly driven
by Japanese FDI. Apart from this,
state sponsored initiatives are
observed in Korea Rep., China, etc.
These countries are making attempt
to develop indigenous auto-industry
base. Others are driven by MNCs.
Profitability in the industry is
relatively more than EU
Market Share Ford, GM and
Chrysler makeup
approximately 76 %
of U.S. passenger
vehicle production,
while Japanese
automakers, Toyota,
Honda, Nissan,
Mitsubishi, Subaru,
Isuzu represents 18
%, and European
automakers, BMW
and Mercedes
(division of Daimler-
Chrysler) make up
nearly 2%.
The EU's largest automotive
producer is Germany estimated at
30 % of EU's total production,
followed by France at 19 % and
Spain at 17 %, and the United
Kingdom at 10 %
The largest automakers producing
multiple brands, such as General
Motors, Ford, Daimler Chrysler,
Volkswagen, Fiat and Peugeot
Citroen. There are also independent
automakers, such as Porsche, BMW
and Bertione.
In Japan Toyota, Honda, Nissan,
Mazda etc dominate the market. In
Korea Rep, Hyundai acquired Kia
and Asia Motors in 1999, and sold
10 % of its equity to
DaimlerChrysler in 2000; Daewoo
purchased 52 % equity in Ssanyong
in 1998; and GM purchased 42 %
equity of Daewoo; and in 2000,
French automaker Renault
purchased Samsung Motors. In
ASEAN region, Toyota, Hyundai,
Suzuki, GM are major players.
Demand Pattern
(Domestic and
The US producers
mainly produce for
domestic market and
to some extent for
Canadian market.
Canada is the largest
market for U.S.
vehicle exports with
subsidiaries of U.S.
accounting for most
of the imports. The
US big Three
continues to invest in
Canadian market.
Consumer demand is the driving
force for industry in EU. More
models, shorter life-cycle is the key
of demand pattern which is similar to
New EU members show an
increasing demand and many
Companies shifting some of their
production base to these countries.
EU is gaining through exporting high
value services such as design and
Europes bus and truck market is
stronger than Asia dominated by
players like Volvo, Scania and

Asian market is growing relatively
slowly but steadily in post-financial
crisis period. Asias three core
markets are Japan, Korea and
China. South East Asian markets
are also growing rapidly. The
compound average growth rate in
ASEAN countries is expected to be
in the order of 10 to 20 percent until
2010; 10 percent in India; and only
4 percent to 8 percent in PRC;
Korea; or Taiwan ,China. In 2010,
Japans demand will be around 1/3

of total East and SE Asian demand.
Korea, Thailand play major part in
exporting vehicles. AFTA is
expected to increase the regional
export market.
Sources: Prepared from various websites which include:,
Key Indicators on the competitiveness of the EUS automotive Industry, Memo 05/7, Brussels, J anuary 2005, etc.

Diagram 1: Restructuring Status of Automobile Industry in 2000

Source: Dicken, P. (2003) Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21
century, Fourth
Edition. London: Sage Publications.

II. II. Economics of Automobile Industry:

Todays global automotive industry is full of opportunities and risks which are
everywhere in emerging and mature markets alike. However, profitable growth is
becoming more difficult to achieve due to challenges prevailed from the supply chain to
the retail environment. Currently, the automotive industry has too much of everything
too much capacity, too many competitors and too much redundancy and overlap. The
industry is in the grips of a global price-war.

II.II.I Production:

Today, the large car manufacturers has a production facility in the different
markets and from each platform a car is produced for that market as well as for exports to
other markets. Big players in automobile industry do not have just one big factory which
exports its products to all other countries. In addition, the products are not identical in
each different market. It may have the same technical platform, but the design and the
options and features differ between countries. They are different because the demands of
customers differ between countries. For example, in South America, incomes are lower
than in Western Europe and customers need more affordable cars. In the USA the
customers want more space in the car, and that's an important factor for a car to be
successful there. On the contrary, small cars are quite popular in India. It is not possible
to be in the high volume market and to send the same cars to every market all over the
world. So car makers are researching what their customers want and changing the car for
each market otherwise they will loose customers. More and more CKD (completely
knocked down) cars are being produced for some countries in smaller volumes. That is
often the case if there are barriers to exporting cars to particular countries, and they are
only being sold in smaller volumes. With larger markets, where sales of particular models
are high, companies really need their own plant which has its own suppliers of parts.
Due to sharp competition and changing customer demand, product development
process advances have been more significant than changes in product architecture.
Product cycles continue to grow shorter as more companies adopt the simultaneous
engineering approach pioneered by J apanese automakers

. At the same time, advances in

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) tools are being
used to replace physical prototypes and testing processes. Now, major players (in post
M&A situation) take greater responsibility for product design and allow production base
to get shifted to advantageous location for low cost. However, still due to lack of
standardization, number of tiers at the supply chain is not reduced. Moreover, when
design is replicated with modification for physical product development, several
domestic issues need to be taken into consideration. These are mainly legal liability, and
regulatory procedures. Furthermore, there is a technological move towards modules, i.e.
self-contained functional units with standardized interfaces that can serve as building
blocks for a variety of different products. Modularization is expected to reshape the entire
supply chain in automobile industry as component designs will gradually get shifted to
supplier companies. This is expected to reduce cost significantly and increase efficiency.
However, IMVP (International Motor Vehicle Programme at MIT) found that cost saving
is still elusive. The absence of a clear cost advantage for modules, combined with the
inherent technical difficulties of changing the highly integral product architecture of an
automobile, has reduced the probability of successful modularization. Nevertheless, a
number of factors could still accelerate the move towards modularity, including
automaker efforts to shift investment risk to suppliers, the increasing use of information

J ohn Paul MacDuffie & Fred Moavenzadeh (2001)

technology within vehicles, and the possibility that consumers will show a strong interest
in built-to-order vehicles.
Box1: Adopting Passenger cars for Indian Market
Because of the widespread use of chauffeurs in cars of all sizes in India, passenger car manufacturers have to pay
particular attention to rear passenger space and roof height. The design brief for the Indica small car, produced by
Indias leading vehicle manufacturer, Telco, specified that the rear seat space should match that in the Hindustan
Motors Ambassador model, used by the government and big companies. Thus, the Indica is substantially wider and
longer than small cars in Europe. Similarly, when Ford redesigned the Fiesta for the Indian market, it stretched the
floor-plan design by 40mm in order to increase rear seat space (the model is sold as the Ikon in India).
Source: John Humphrey & Olga Memedovic, UNIDO, 2003

According to (Friedlaender, et al., 1983) consumer look at production only from
make and model point of view but in reality, automobile production is dependant on
layers of supplier driven outputs for final assembly. Many automobile companies
concentrate on assembling activities only and some have long vertical chains. The
industry has long planning horizon and high fixed cost associated with new car design.
The degree of scale economies in the industry is very much associated with the flexibility
of the technology to constantly produce different models from same platform. Some of
the major technological issues which are important currently are increasing energy
efficiency, competency of internal combustion engine (ICE), reducing the weight of
vehicles, incorporating high-tech safety features, etc. (Monteiro (2001)). On one hand the
effort of standardization is reducing cost but new challenges on the other as mentioned
above is fuelling the cost of production.
II.II.II Supply Chain:

Automobile companies have adopted a strategy of global perspective in their
operation. Growth of transplants in 1990s led to a presence of all competitors in virtually
every corner of the globe. By focusing on common platforms and interchangeable
modules, companies are able to make faster and lower cost deployment of new solutions
across the whole product range, while tailoring vehicles to a multitude of tastes and
preferences of consumers in the world. Moreover, they can assure enough differentiation
between products to cope with proliferation while maintaining scale efficiency and a
proper management of brand equity (Lung et al. 1999). As a result, major automakers are
now operating on a global scale. With new investments, firms are also trying to replicate
supply chain structures, demanding suppliers to be present in the new regions where they
are located, often near their plants.

The supply chain of auto industry has completely changed over the years. Major
OEM (original equipment manufacturer) players world-wide are increasingly focusing on
basic design and assembly operations as well as servicing the after-sales market and
prefer to deal with a smaller number of large suppliers. Consequently, the supply chain is
morphing into sub-system integrators, component makers, and commodity players. The
segregation is increasingly defined by risk sharing which was earlier defined by only
cost pressure. Tier 1 suppliers (concentrating on system supply, module assembly and
sub supplier management) are taking increasing risk from major players shifting the cost
pressure to Tier 2 supplier who concentrate only on production of sub components.
Diagram 2 explains this more clearly. In general, suppliers can be divided into few
groups such as Systems Integrator (capable of designing and integrating components,
subassemblies), Global StandardizedSystems Manufacturer (specialist in design,
development and manufacturing of complex systems), Component Specialist (produces
specific component or subsystem for a given car or platform) and Raw Material Supplier.

Many companies (such as Volkswagen and Renault) feel that a mono-supplier
strategy (such as in Ford) is not good but having limited number of large suppliers are of
a better strategy. Ford pushes the supplier to own the tools, a strategy of pushing the risk
associated with volume fluctuations onto the supplier rather than Ford. Suppliers will
have to be concerned with their amortization schedule when quoting prices because
payback for the investment in tools must be included in price (Veloso & Kumar 2002).
On the contrary, Volkswagen and Renault, are satisfied with 2 suppliers in each region
with an additional one having less responsibility but ready replace any of the existing
supplier. Globally, these companies want their suppliers to invest near their plants or
transfer their knowledge to local players. Companies bring the quality standards and price
reduction condition while developing the contract with the suppliers. In general, contract
length and overall value are related to price reduction targets that the supplier is able to
commit to. For some of the assemblers, suppliers can also propose alternative designs
that have the same economy results. The experience shows that magnitude of reduction
per year varies from 2 to 8 percent due to achieving economies of scale. The competitive
pressure in the industry is increasingly bringing the cost reduction targets as a major
management decision of assemblers. Nowadays, major companies target cost reduction
along with the design and models over a period of time. For example, German companies
are targeting price reduction of 13% for the next generation model. Ford and Renault
targets price reduction of 5-8% per annum and the figure is 13% for Toyota over 3 years
(Veloso & Kumar 2002).
Diagram 2

Supply Chain Structure in Automobile Industry
Present Past
Sub Component
Tier 2
System Supply
R&D on System
Module Assembly
Sub supplier
Tier I
System Integration
Supplier management



Source: Society for Indian Automobile Association (SIAM), (2004)

The changes in the automobile companies strategy have led to considerable
restructuring in the components industry. In the 1990s, mergers and acquisitions created
global mega-suppliers who became responsible for designing systems for vehicles. Mega-
suppliers also in turn reorganized the rest of the value chain, managing the second-tier
suppliers and developing supply systems in many different locations. The components
industry is now increasingly concentrated in companies that can design and provide
systems and sub-assemblies across different markets. Several supplier companies were
created by assemblers. In fact, in-house component manufacturing division were given
separate identities and encouraged to compete with other companies. For example,
Delphi was created out of GMs component activities. Similarly, Visteon (formerly part
of Ford), Magneti, Marelli (Fiat) and ECIA (formerly owned by Peugeot-Citroen and
now fused with Bertrand Faure) were also created in the similar line. M&A activities
among suppliers also became a common feature in 1990s. Lucas and Varity merged in
1996, T&N was taken over by Allied Signal; Bertrand Faure was acquired by ECIA. New
global companies were created through the fusion of smaller manufacturers also


In Asia-Pacific region, the growth of component manufacturers has taken a
different route. Most of the J apanese producers followed a tight relationship with their
suppliers (independent or quasi-independent). The existence of the keiretsu system
(business affiliation) in J apan greatly facilitated such an arrangement. But other
manufacturers especially Korean, Chinese and Indian gave lot of importance on price and
quality while buying from number of trusted suppliers. As a result of this indigenous
auto-component sectors are thriving in many Asian countries though some MNCs are
also present.

II.II.III Pricing:
Pricing of automobiles is a complex issue as it is dependant on fixed cost,
economies of scale, technology and other aspects. Competition and consumer demand
also play important role in this. Currently, most of the automobiles companies consider
price reduction as major strategic move for survival. For price reduction, companies need
to take series of decisions at every stage of production and selling; starting from
managing factors of production and supply chain to negotiation with dealers. Price is one
of the factors that influences sales variability of products and services significantly.
Companies require appropriate policies to be played intelligently for managing the series
of decisions. Interestingly, reducing prices does not always generate profits. It should be
in combination of other decisions regarding maintaining quality and marketing of the
product. One undesired consequences of considering price reduction as the main means
of obtaining customers, is attracting disloyal customers, who are attracted by the offer but
do not see any other value in the company. Their life-cycle in the end is short, and they
receive a much greater return from the company than the company can even make up the
cost for obtaining them.

For example, Autoliv Inc., formed by the merger of the Swedish company, Autoliv AB, and the
Automotive Safety Products Group of the United States company Morton International
Many companies take strategy of different pricing policies for different product
segments of the considering the expected value to the customers through the offered
products. Companies develop innovative strategies to maximise profits without hurting
customers. Pricing is adjusted to the qualities, purchase volume, development potential,
loyalty and profitability factors.
As the fixed cost is very high, companies look for different models from same platforms
and decide about the total output of each model. The wide range of outputs along with the
degree of economies of scale drive down the average cost of production. If the auto
makers are basing price on average costs, expected deviations in output in the short run
(between model years) could significantly affect prices without any change in factor
costs. Moreover, higher the fixed costs as a proportion of total costs, the more sensitive is
short run marginal cost to changes in the costs of the of variable factors of production
(for example sudden rise in prices of steel or rubber). Thus the low proportion of the
variable costs in the auto industry would make short run marginal costs especially
sensitive to variable factor price changes. If firms are short-run profit maximizers, prices
should respond positively to changes in variable factor costs (Hoffer, et al. 1976).

Box2: Rising Factor Prices hit Indian Automobile Industry
With rising freight charges and hardening prices of steel, rubber and aluminum putting pressure on margins, Maruti
Udyog Ltd on Wednesday announced that it will hike the price tags of all its cars by this month-end. While Hyundai
has already hiked prices earlier this month, other manufacturers like General Motors and Ford are expected to follow
suit by July-end. This fresh hike the second this year coupled with rising interest rates and increased state levies
like Road Tax and Sales Tax would neutralize the 8% excise duty benefits offered by the government in the 2006-07
Source: Times of India, 19
July 2006

In most of the countries, automobile sector is identified to have monopolistic
market (in some countries it is oligopolistic) structure where many players compete for
market share with significant amount of product diversification. As a result of this, in the
long run, most of the players earn zero normal profit and in the short run super-normal
profit. Hence, competition in the short run is intense particularly when product life-cycle
is very short. Moreover, within segment the nature of competition sometimes is
oligopolistic as the number of models under one segment may be limited in a model year.
Dominant firm sometimes take a strategy of limit pricing setting it below monopoly
prices while bringing a new model to bloc entry of other firms in that category. However,
after sometimes, it raises prices and allows entry in the usual fashion and convert the
competition towards non-price variables. If non-price attributes involve slower responses
by the other players e.g., due to product development lags, the dominant firm is likely to
prefer to manipulate these characteristics in order to maximize profitability. According to
(Kwoka, 1984), when a dominant firm or core begins with a substantial advantage over
the fringe, we would expect an initial effort to drive the fringe down in size through
strategic product policy, followed by product alterations which increase profitability
while permitting some entry. According to Copeland et al. al.(2005) companies develop
only one vintage of a product at a time and accumulate inventories and consequently sell
multiple vintages of the same product simultaneously. The profit maximizing pricing and
production strategies under a build-to-stock inventory policy lead to declining prices and
rise in sales (and fall there after) and similarly, inventory stocks get built up initially and
then gradually get depleted. A significant portion of the price decline is driven by
inventory control considerations, as opposed to decreasing demand. Hence, along with
limit pricing strategy, inventory control plays an important role in maximizing profit of
the automobile companies.

There has been evidence of collusive pricing also. The price disclosure law in the
USA made major players to come together and which created a collusion among
themselves regarding equalization of quality adjusted prices. The law has inhibited
players to provide price discounts (Boyle & Hogarty, 1975). Sudhir (2001) uses the
ability-motivation theories and argues that in markets with high concentration and stable
environment cooperative behaviors among producers are sustainable and therefore
provide firms with the ability to cooperate. He also argues that in a market where firms
current customers tend to be loyal, they have the motivation to compete aggressively for
new customers. Firms do so as they believe about the positive benefits of loyalty from the
customer base in the long run. As consumer loyalty in the market increases, the gains
from increasing market share by aggressive competitive behavior are more than offset by
losses in profit margins. Firms therefore have the motivation to price cooperatively.

In the USA, earlier GM used to announce price in late summer and Chrysler and
Ford would follow suit. However, foreign competition and erosion of domestic
concentration has changed price uniformity. Prices are now continually altered
throughout year. In general, price variation is subject to mark-ups, costs and also imports
duties and other trade barriers (Goldberg and Verboven, 1998).

II.II.IV International Trade:

The dynamics of international trade in automobile sector attracted attention of
economists and policy makers to formulate trade strategy. International trade of
automobiles has been influenced both by liberalization as well as protectionism. In the
1970s and 1980s, the U.S. auto industry faced its first major challenge from foreign
competition as J apanese automakers aggressively entered the American market. The
decline of automobile sector in USA and rising J apanese imports led to protectionism in
USA through imposition of quota. This led to voluntary export restraints (VER) from
J apan anticipating further restriction. J apan continued with VER even after the relaxation
of quantitative restrictions by the USA government in 1985. In the post oil crisis period,
J apanese fuel efficient cars were high in demand in USA (Finan, & Rappoport (1982).
Also, reluctance of the Big Three in the USA to produce smaller cars led to increase in
import demand from J apan
. Apart from this, the annual import limit had the perverse
effect of encouraging J apanese car companies to change the product mix of vehicles they
shipped to the USA, sending more upscale models, where the profits were greatest, and
fewer smaller, cheaper cars. In the early 1980s estimates say that the quota was
transferring US$5 billion a year in additional profits to J apanese automakers, who could

This was due to constrained small car production capacity by the US players in short run.
sell their quota-limited cars at a premium

. J apanese car majors Toyota, Nissan, Honda,

etc jumped the quota barrier and invested in USA for the domestic market also. The
protectionism in automobile market is also prevalent in Korea Rep. Korean automobile
companies developed the sector through protection and currently companies like Hyundai
are heavily into export business. Similarly, Indian trade policy ensures high barrier in
importing vehicles to provide protection to domestic players who have started exporting

In contrast to J apanese producers, companies from the USA were catering mainly
to domestic market. In the post quota period, when J apanese players reduced prices in US
market, domestic players were unable to compete. Due to very high level of output and
efficiency, J apanese players achieved significant economies of scale which was
unattainable for US automobile giants. Today, this has led to complete restructuring of
the industry where even US majors have started investing in other countries to capture the
global market share. Germany, J apan and Canada emerged as major exporters of
automobiles to USA (Warf, 1990). There is a strategic difference between J apanese and
German players also. Studying the trade data (see Table 2), it is clear that Germany has
emerged as a major vehicles exporting country in 2005 overshooting J apan. J apanese
companies are more interested to relocate their plants (and also bring fresh investments)
to SE Asia or other developing countries and use that base as exporting platforms. As a
result, export from J apan gets reduced. Germany has given thrust to mid and big size high
priced vehicles in its export basket in contrast to J apan which also gives importance to
low value small cars. Table 2 shows that major European countries also import a lot and
the import growth is quite significant during 2000-2005. All these countries also import
auto components significantly. Quite interestingly, Asian players such as J apan and
Korea, rep import very less amount of components giving importance to domestic
component industry which is fairly protective.

Table 2: International Trade of Major Auto producing Countries
(Figures in Billion US$)
Export Import
Description 1995 2000 2005 1995 2000 2005
Auto Components 17.53 19.67 28.86 11.83 13.56 24.84
Vehicles 20.62 24.09 42.54 21.49 22.43 36.64
Auto Components 29.93 35.59 73.33 15.88 22.63 47.03
Vehicles 60.83 72.37 131.18 29.95 27.61 43.62
Auto Components 11.42 12.75 23.54 5.62 7.30 11.71
Vehicles 12.56 12.15 15.61 16.06 21.98 36.75
Auto Components 10.69 13.11 15.74 14.72 15.15 24.45
Vehicles 13.89 16.92 28.48 18.93 25.78 42.40
Auto Components 40.26 35.23 47.93 3.11 4.68 8.53
Vehicles 57.28 70.38 97.27 10.55 7.47 8.94
Auto Components 1.18 2.63 9.78 3.31 2.80 5.09
Vehicles 8.55 13.36 29.60 0.61 0.31 1.68

Protectionism and Politics by Bruce Stokes

Available at
Auto Components 37.16 52.55 53.08 41.69 57.16 81.90
Vehicles 24.22 25.89 40.67 81.49 133.44 154.47
Note: Detailed HS Codes for Auto Components and vehicles are given in the Appendix
Source: Calculated from WITS Database
III. Methodology:
In this study, we broadly follow the paradigm of Structure-Conduct-Performance
(SCP) to analyze the changing features of automobile industry in China, India, Indonesia
and Thailand. The study will be done in a comparative framework to evaluate the
dynamics of automobile industries in these countries. The market performance along with
international trade of any industry depends on various elements of market structure, such
as ownership pattern, entry conditions, market concentration, and number and size of
firms, as well as different forms of firm conduct and strategic behavior, such as capacity
utilization, advertising and collusion. Market performance is finally linked to
competitiveness of the sector which is essential for studying the trade prospect of the
sector. Under the structure, analysis has been done considering ownership structure,
size distribution & concentration, integration & cooperation. Marketing strategies
regarding product policies has also been discussed under conduct. The nature of
competition is analyzed. Through performance focus is given on profitability and
problem areas of the sector. Special attention has been given on government policies
regarding investment in the automobile sector, trade performance and other trade policies
which are affecting automobile sector of these countries.

Automobile market structure in the selected countries has been evaluated taking
into account the demand pattern and production structure. Considering the market
segment, country wise production data is analyzed to identify in which segments these
countries are specializing. Also, major players and their ownership pattern have been
identified to understand the role of government, domestic private sector and MNCs in the
development of the automobile sector. Some of the policy elements such as variety of
taxes and tariffs on the sector are also studied. Taxes are divided into three major groups
viz. corporate income tax, tax on vehicles and import tariffs on CBU and a cross
comparison will be provided to understand the business environment.

To analyze production, sales and trade data, we have noticed that the data structure of
productions are different in different countries. Productions data are structured
considering the nature of market segmentation which varies from one country to other.
As a result of this, production and sales data are non-comparable. Nature of market
segmentation of each of the selected countries is given below.

Segmentation in India: Indian passenger vehicle market segmentation is based on
length, price or weight. Weight based segmentation is divided into two sub
segments viz. utility vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles, where utility vehicles is
again divided into two groups viz. weight up to 3.5 tons and weight up to 5 tons.
Segmentation in Thailand: Segmentation on the basis of number of seats, engine
capacity and engine powers (HP). According to Thailand Automotive
Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) passenger car markets are divided
into following categories Entry, mid size segment, Pick up extended cab segment,
Pick up double cab segment, etc.
Segmentation in China: Segmentation is based on type of manufacturing, type of
category and type of fuel used (diesel or petrol). For example type of category
segmentation has four groups viz. Car, MPV, SUV and Others.
Segmentation in Indonesia: Segmentation is based on type of manufacturing and
type of category such as sedans, MPVs, bus, double-cabin trucks etc.

In contrast to this, trade data is reported in terms of HS code which is harmonized at
the 6-digit level across the countries. Automobile sector consists of 82 6-digit level HS

and the nature of segmentation does not match with the types of production data.
Hence, the analysis of trade data could not be linked with the production data.

The trade analysis is done considering these 6-digit codes. These codes constitute all
the components of vehicles and vehicles as a whole. Codes are segmented into 7 sub-
groups viz. Rubber and Glass component, Iron and Steel component, Engines and parts,
Auto component I, Auto component II, Auto component III and Vehicles. Auto
component I, consists of pulleys, gaskets, screws, electrical fittings, Auto component II
contains body components, bumpers, brakes, clutches, safety component and Auto
component III includes seats, indicators, bicycle and motor cycle components, etc. The
trends of international trade related to these sub groups are analyzed to understand their
pattern. First, six sub-groups are mainly components and among these first three are
critical and major components for any vehicle. Auto-components (I-III) are mainly small
components and accessories. The aggregated trade dynamics are analyzed to understand
the nature and technical standards of the automobile industry of those selected countries.
Also, major export destination and import sourcing countries for each group will be
analyzed to evaluate the change in trading partners. All the export-import data of all the
countries are taken from World Trade Integrated Solutions (WITS).

Table 3: Understanding HS Code of Automobile Industry
Segmentation of HS Code (82 codes at 6-digit level)
Rubber and Glass component
Iron and Steel component
Engines and its parts
Detailed Group wise HS codes are given in the appendix.

The study follows 82 codes as per Automotive Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA), India.
IV. Brief Review of Automobile Industry Growth in Selected
IV.I China:

China today, is one of the most important automobile markets in Asia. From the
beginning, China's automobile industry continues to grow rapidly. The automobile
industry in China is composed of 120 vehicle manufacturers 9currently getting
consolidated), employing nearly 2 million workers.

In early days, there was a debate on whether automotive industry should be
controlled by public enterprises or automotive industry should be restricted in the hand of
private sectors. This debate has ended with the solution of joint venture. That is why
today most of the Chinese automobile company runs in the hands of both public and
private enterprises. FDI is also a major factor of the development of Chinese automotive
industry. During the 1990s, China received more foreign investment than any other
developing country as investors sought to reap some of the gains of Chinas fast-growing
economy. Much of this foreign investment in China was in the automobile industry. By
2001, more than 800 Chinese companies in vehicle-related industries (including
component manufacturers) had received FDI and the total agreed investment was valued
at $233 billion with actual registered capital of $12 billion.

Despite China's growing auto industry, productivity lags behind the other Asian
competitors, and industry lacks the ability to conduct research and development, relying
on its foreign partners to develop new vehicles. Although Chinese automakers are
presently creating new and more trade friendly policies and methods through foreign
joint-ventures, but China's automotive industry still remains underdeveloped both
technically and managerially. These conditions present a significant challenge for China's
automotive industry, and it is expected to take a considerable amount of time before
China becomes a global competitor in the automotive market.

IV.II India:

India is also an emerging market for worldwide auto-giants. Due to low cost of
labor many multinational companies are investing in India. Its automotive industry has
grown very rapidly from the middle of 1990s. Recently, there are two big investments
expected to boost the sector further, one is from Maruti and the other is from Honda Siel.
Tatas proposed investment to manufacture cheap car is also expected to boost the

India is the second most populated country in the World, and the growth rate of
Indian economy is very high, which indicates the presence of huge demand in different
industrial sectors. Automobile industry is not the exception in this regard. Indian
automobile sector has huge demands from its own country. This demand also attracts the
giant automobile suppliers through out the world to come and invest in the Indian
automotive industry.

Due to the contribution of many different factors like sales incentives,
introduction of new models as well as variants coupled with easy availability of low cost
finance with comfortable repayment options, demand and sales of automobiles are rising

Government has also contributed in this growth by liberalizing the norms for
foreign investment and import of technology and that appears to have benefited the
automobile sector. The production of total vehicles increased from 4.2 million in 1998-
99 to 7.3 million in 2003-04. It is likely that the production of such vehicles will exceed
10 million in the next few years.

The increase in the exports of automobile sector is also due to the adaptation of
international standards. After a temporary slump during 1998- 99 and 1999-00, such
exports registered robust growth rates in last few years. Investment is also a major factor
for this growth of Indian automotive industry, with investment exceeding US$ 11.11
billion, the turnover of the automobile industry exceeded US$ 13.22 billion in 2002-03.
The turnover has increased to US$ 18.5 billion by the end of 2004-05. Recently in 2006,
Maruti invested US$ 0.67 billion and Honda invested US$ 0.2 billion on small cars. It is
expected that by the year 2016, the turnover of the Indian automobile sector could grow
to $145 billion. Today, this sector has emerged as a sunrise sector. However, the
overcapacity problem is haunting many of the players as demand may not go up
significantly. Hence, many players are looking for an external market for Indian
automobiles. The prospect of component industry is quite positive. The leading local
firms have established over 200 technical cooperation agreements with foreign firms to
be able to reach international standards in cost and manufacturing.

IV.IV Indonesia:

Although the development and the markets of Indonesian automotive industry is
not as drastic as compared to the other three countries discussed above, but Indonesia's
automotive industry is currently growing steadily.

Many factors, like easily obtainable credit and low interest rates, coupled with a
strong increase in consumer lending by banks and an abundance of new, low-priced
models assembled locally, have fueled a car boom in Indonesia.

Under AFTA, tariffs were cut, including those on cars, which brought new
opportunities to Indonesia to export vehicles to ASEAN members. Since, 2000, through
liberalization programmes, tariffs have been brought down, component industry has been
further strengthened. However, as the entire region is gearing up with the automobile
sector Indonesia will face stiff competition in South East region.

Shortcomings like, poor infrastructure, legal uncertainty and a lack of tax
incentives have been blamed for declining foreign investment in the sector, but still it
remains a key pillar of the economy with investments raising more than US$7 billion and
generating employment of over 300,000. The economy expanded by 5.1% in 2005,
mainly spurred by consumption, and is expected to continue on track, spurring hopes of
continued demand for cars


IV.III Thailand:

Thailands automotive industry is the South East Asias largest and most
advanced automotive industry. Thailand's automotive industry is well on the way to
solidifying its status as the Detroit of Asia. It is already the ASEAN's largest automotive
market and assembler and world's second largest pick-up truck market after the U.S.A.

Although for Thailand, most of the export growth has come from Europe,
Australia and the Middle East, ASEAN are becoming major markets. With a population
of approximately 550 million and 2003, production totaling 1.3 million vehicles, industry
sources predict that an integrated ASEAN auto market could become the world's fifth
largest in 2005. The Thai-Australian Free Trade Agreement (2005) is expected to raise
automotive trade with Australia.

Thailands rising status in automotive industry may also boost up due to many
new ventures in the country such as by the Tata Industries, the major Indian Auto
producer. Tata Motors is in the process of setting up a pick-up truck manufacturing plant
in Thailand, from where it could access the ASEAN and the Chinese markets through the
Free Trade Area (FTA) treaties. The entry of Tatas into Thailand would pave the way for
other Indian auto players also to explore manufacturing opportunities in this country.

Thailand Automotive Industry (TAI) has developed an 8.7 billion baht (US $
217.5 million) plan to further develop the sector. This plan includes human resource
development program, automotive experts dispatching program to establish clusters and
upgrade auto parts manufacturing technology, generation of fund for the establishment of
research and development centers, development of information center to analyze industry
data and automobile export promotion center.

V. Production and Market Structure:
In this section we have addressed the production and the market structure of the
selected four countries. In this process, we have analyzed the structure and organization
of major companies of each of these countries, along with the market shares held by these

companies. Finally, we have discussed the overall production structure and the nature of
demand in the market. A brief description of governments policy towards promoting
automobile sector is given as reference to changing features of automobile industries of
these countries.

V.I: China

Historically, Chinese automobile industry has been highly fragmented. The
industry is made up of 120 complete vehicle manufacturers, 780 refitted and special-
purpose vehicle manufacturers, and over 1,800 auto parts and components enterprises,
149 of which are joint ventures (Veloso & Kumar 2002). Changchun First Automobile
Works (FAW group), Dong Feng Motor Corporation (DMC), Shanghai Automobile, etc
are major domestic players. The Chinese government gives high priority to developing a
competitive indigenous auto industry. China maintained high tariff wall to protect
domestic automobile sector. In 2000, average tariff on vehicles were more than 40%.
Automobile policy allowed joint ventures (J Vs) with MNCs. Generally J Vs were limited
to single product line. Local content regulations require at least 40 percent local content
for sedans and 50 percent for commercial vehicles (Veloso & Kumar 2002). Moreover,
sedan manufacturers must use 60 percent local content in the second year and 80 percent
in the third year. In addition, joint ventures are also pressed to accept parts produced by
subsidiaries of their partners. Quite interestingly, today China has a strong component
manufacturing sector and tariffs on components have come down significantly.

During the Tenth Plan (2001-2005) government wanted some amount of
consolidation to tackle the problem of growing overcapacity in the industry. The state
decided not to establish new sedan-manufacturing facilities. Instead, government aimed
to concentrate gradually on developing three major auto groups, FAW, Shanghai, and
DMC through J Vs with MNCs.

Having experienced a "Golden Period" in 2005, the Chinese automobile market
has been influenced by revitalized industrial policies in 2006, which include the
adjustments in automobile customs, petroleum price and excise, the "three guarantees"
policy (provisions on maintenance, replacement & return of private auto) and incentive
policies on the development of economical cars proclaimed by the National Development
and Reform Commission. As a result, in 2006, the production and sale of automobiles
were 3.63 million units and 3.53 million, up by 28.94% and 26.71% than 2005 separately.
The output and sales of passenger vehicles have been 2.60 million units and 2.51 million
units separately, up by 40.30% and 36.53% than 2005; the output and sales of business
vehicle have been 1.03 million units and 1.02 million units respectively, up by 7.16% and
7.71% than 2005
. China's car consumption showed a CAGR of 54.42% from 2001 to

. To exploit growth opportunities in automobile industry, MNCs as well as

Chinese automobile companies are currently investing heavily. Companies like Audi AG
(Germany), BMW Group, Daihatsu Motor Company (J apan), DaimlerChrysler AG, Fiat

automobile, Ford, Honda etc. have their production base in China. The whole automobile
industry is speeding up to reorganize the investment. The large state-owned enterprises
and MNCs are playing pivotal roles in the process of reorganizations.

Table 4: Reorganisation of Chinese Automobile Companies
Oct 2002 Shanghai Automobile declared to acquire 10% shares of GM Daewoo with USD 59.7 million.
Feb 2004 Shenyang Jinbei GM was jointly reorganized by Shanghai Auto, GM and Shanghai GM. Shanghai
Auto and GM (China) separately acquired 25% of the shares, while Shanghai GM held 50% of the
shares to form the third whole-car production base.
Oct 2004 Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. and Jianglin Group separately invested RMB 50 million to establish the
Jiangling Holding Co Ltd. On Dec, 6, Changan Automobile and Jianglin Group separately input RMB
450 million to enhance the capital capacity of Jiangling Holding,Co, Ltd. And equally 50% of the shares
were held separately.
Mar 2005 Dongfeng Motor spent RMB 352 million to acquire 51% of the shares of Zhengzhou Nissan. Dongfeng
Motor is a joint venture founded by Nissan and Dongfeng Motor, each holding 50% of the shares,
which is the largest investment project of Nissan all over the world.
July 2005 Nanjing Motor Group acquired MG Rover with over 50 million pounds, and then began to make full use
of the tangible assets to launch cars of its own brand one year later on this platform.
Aug 2005 Weichai Power spent RMB 1.023 billion and became the largest shareholder by acquiring 28.12% of
the total stock of Torch Automobile Group Co., Ltd, which is the most and largest eye-catching open
tendering case. Weichai Power then follows the trend to integrate the advantageous capital from the
affiliated companies of Torch such as Shanxi Automobile Group and Fast Gear

Despite having lot of J Vs, Chinese automobile industry lack capabilities
technically and managerially. Therefore, making it internationally competitive will be a
major challenge. The labor productivity in Chinese automobile industry is much less than
that of J apan. They also do not spend much on R&D. Only in recent times, China has
started spending on product development through its J V partners. Nevertheless, any
results are still far in the future.

V.II: India

In India, automobile market is mainly dominated by J apanese and Indian
manufacturers; also some other multinational companies are currently investing in India.
The major foreign automobile manufacturers in India are Honda, Toyota, Ford, Fiat,
Daimler Chrysler, etc. The major Indian players are Marutyi Udyog, TATA motors,
Hindustan motors, etc. Automobile production in India rose substantially in last five
years. 77% of market share is captured by two wheelers. Passenger and commercial
vehicles capture around 19% market share (SIAM statistics for 2006-07). In China, J Vs
have given preferences for development of automobile sector. On the contrary, in India
government made an attempt to develop automobile sector through domestic private
sector before the liberalization. As a result of this, important Indian players have
diversified ownership structures (see Diagram 3) where promoters, banks and financial
institutions own significant shares of the companies. Maruti was developed as a
subsidiary of Suzuki. Today, government owns around 10.27% and Suzuki Motors
around 54% of total shares. In case of Tata Motors, Indian corporate bodies own
significant shares (33%) and only around 7% comes from FDI. In both the companies, FII
owns limited number of shares. In case of Hindustan motors, promoters own around 29%,
financial institutions 11% and individuals around 31%

Table 5: Automobile Production of India (in nos.)
Category 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CAGR
Passenger Cars 49273 70263 125320 160670 169990 192745 31.36
Utility Vehicles 3077 1177 3049 4505 4489 4403 7.43
MPVs 815 565 922 1227 1093 1330 10.29
Total Passenger
Vehicles 53165 72005 129291 166402 175572 198478 30.14
M&HCVs 4824 5638 8188 13474 14078 18838 31.32
LCVs 7046 6617 9244 16466 26522 30928 34.43
Total Commercial
Vehicles 11870 12255 17432 29940 40600 49766 33.20
Three Wheelers 15462 43366 68144 66795 76881 143896 56.23
Scooters 28332 32566 53687 60699 83934 35685 4.72
Motorcycles 56880 123725 187287 277123 386054 545887 57.19
Mopeds 18971 23391 24078 28585 43181 37566 14.64
Total Two
Wheelers 104183 179682 265052 366407 513169 619138 42.82
Grand Total 184680 307308 479919 629544 806222 1011278 40.50
Source: Society of Indian Automobile Industry (SIAM) website
Table 5 explains the segment wise production of vehicles. Between 2002 and
2004 there has been major jump in production in almost all segments. During the period
2000-01 to 2006-07, average growth of vehicle production was around 40%. The
majority of this growth has come from the growth of motorcycles and three wheelers.
However, the growth of scooter has been only 4.72%. Passenger vehicles grew by 30% in
last six years. Despite the speculations of slow growth from different quarters due to
unprecedented rise in input prices, the growth of passenger vehicles has been quite
impressive in last two years. In 2004-05, installed capacity for four wheelers was 1.72
million and for two and three wheelers it was 9.13 million.

In India, domestic producers initially concentrated on producing small and basic
models under a protective environment. Most of the foreign players in India have focused
on mid-range market (with exceptions such as Hyundais Santro) with the models which
have been successful in other countries. Many MNCs took up a cautious approach till the
time Indian consumers are ready for big cars. It has been gradual but very steady
approach. However, like Chinese market, Indian automobile sector also experienced
surge of investment which led to overcapacity problem. Some companies changed their
strategy and started exporting to tackle the demand related issue. The overall automotive
Components sector is highly fragmented and has important quality problems. Over 300
small and medium companies service directly more than 20 companies assembling
vehicles in the country, with as much as 5,000 other micro firms working for the first tier
suppliers and for the replacement market. Mostly due to regulation, component import

For details refer to company websites.

dependence is also small, with 87 percent of the domestic demand satisfied by local
firms. Despite these levels of localization, the industry is quite small by international
standards (Veloso & Kumar 2002). Indian auto producers are capable of exploiting the
cost advantage due to cheap labour and sufficient amount of localization but they are
unable to do so due to small demand and low level of productivity.

Diagram3: Share Holding Pattern in Maruti and Tata Motors
Share Holding Pattern of maruti Udyog (2005)
MF/FII/BANKS Public Promoters Others

Share Holding Pattern of TATA Motors
MF/FII/BANKS Public Promoters Others

Source: Company websites

V.IV: Indonesia

Indonesia is now the third-largest car market in Southeast Asia after Thailand,
where an estimated 620,000 cars were sold, and Malaysia, with some 485,000 cars sold in
2005. Figures from Gaikindo (the Association of Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers)
show that around 483,000 cars were sold in 2004, up 36% on 2003, with sales growing at
a pace second only to China. Increased demand could see sales reach 1.3 million cars a
year by 2010. The homegrown automotive giant, publicly listed PT Astra International, is
42% owned by Singapore's J ardine Cycle and Carriage. Astra last year increased its
market share to 45% from 41.5% in 2003. The company sold cars in the domestic as well
as external market. International players control 90% of the market, with the rest shared
by the US, European and Korean imports, the majority from Europe. Like several other
regional markets, J apanese manufacturers have the lion's share of sales. It is estimated
that over 80% of all new passenger car and commercial vehicle sales in Indonesia are
claimed by Toyota, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Suzuki and Daihatsu. As passenger car ownership
has been discouraged through progressive taxes, and because utility vehicles are well
suited to local usage patterns, approximately 80% of the market is made up of
commercial vehicles and MPVs. Car manufacturers across the globe are competing in
Indonesia, but domestic manufacturers are little more than assemblers for foreign car
makers. The major assembler is P.T. Astra International, whose subsidiaries build cars
and trucks for Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu, and motorcycles for Honda. Other major
assemblers in the country include the Indomobil Group and the P.T. Krama Yudha

Large number of assemblers in Indonesia producing for a relatively small market,
a proliferation of various makes and models, market fragmentation, and a lack of
standardization, have prevented automobile assemblers from achieving economies of
. Moreover, to achieve minimum efficient scale the industry requires huge capital
investment. This was done mainly by MNCs who took the advantage of vertically
integrated global production system and reduced the cost part significantly. The industry
was highly regulated in 1970s and there was ban on importing CBUs. Domestic
investments were encouraged through J Vs for assembling and distribution activities.
High import duties were introduced for not using domestic components

. The
restrictive policies pushed automotive producers to assign a domestic company as a sole
agent for importing cars in a CKD forms. In 1970s, there were more than 22 assemblers
producing more than 20 brands, with more than 50 models. However, since these sole
agents and assemblers were originated from trading companies that generally have
limited knowledge of car production and little motivation to develop the industry, there
was no significant improvement attained in this industry (Aswicahyono, et. al, 1999). The
protective policies helped domestic component sector to grow.

Table 7: Production (in numbers) of Vehicles in Indonesia (2006)
Passenger Cars
Sedan Type 2008
Mpv 4x2 Type 203676
Suv 4x4 Type 637
Subtotal 206321
Commercial Vehicles
Bus 1254
Pick Up / Truck 88433
Double Cabin 4x2 / 4x4 0
Subtotal 89687
Grand Total 296008

In 1990s, government provided incentives to automobile producers for using
domestic component and reduced import duties in the ancillary sector. The higher the
level of local content achieved, the lower import duty would be applied for the remaining
components that have to be imported

. This was further liberalized in 1995. The 1995

policy package deregulates investments in the automotive industry for the production of
new cars; setting a target for lower import duty in 2003 that was mainly due to
Indonesias commitment to AFTA and APEC. In 1996, government took steps for

As per Gaikindo, in 2006, models such as Toyota Avanza (16.4%), Toyota Kijang (14.6%), Daihatsu
Xenia (7.4%), Suzuki Carry/Futura (7.3%) were having very high market share. Top ten models consist of
almost 73% of domestic sales of the vehicles in 2006.

Popularly known as Deletion Programme which was introduced in 1976

In 1993, the government replaced the Deletion Program with the Incentive Program, known as the 1993
Automotive Policy Package. Automobile manufacturers were allowed to choose the components that would
use local products and were granted discounts on import duties, even total exemption, according to the
vehicles level of local content.
development of national car with stringent conditions on local content requirement and
tax incentives for that. The idea was challenged in WTO and following the
recommendation of the Dispute Settlement Body the policy was discontinued in 2000.
Also following the advice from IMF in the post-financial crisis period, Indonesia had to
liberalise the economy including automobile sector. Also, under AFTA, Indonesia put
several automotive products under Temporary exclusion List (TEL) which was
transferred to Inclusion List (IL) and tariffs were brought down to 20% initially and then
gradually to below 5%. The series of policy change due to internal as well as external
pressure led to a paradigm shift for automobile industry. The 1999 Automotive Policy
Package brought a new dimension in the automobile industry of Indonesia, which aimed
at stimulating the export of automotive products, driving the post-crisis domestic market
and strengthening the sectors structure by developing the parts manufacturing industry.
The Incentive Program was removed and import duties were lowered by more than half
on average.

Indonesian automobile industry (especially passenger cars segment) as a result of
interplay between demand factors and policy factors suffered from extreme fragmentation
with lot of brands and models. However, volume of sales of each model has always been
very low. As local content rule had some relaxation for passenger vehicles, each
company imported advanced components and changed models quite fast to compete
aggressively in relatively smaller domestic market. In commercial vehicle segment,
number of brands is less. The fragmented market structure of the sectors prevents the
automobile and component makers to achieve sufficient economies of scale. As the
domestic market for the sector is highly protected, selling the products in the domestic
market has been more profitable than exporting them. MNCs took the advantage of this
protected market to increase their profitability. As a result of the policy, domestic
component market got developed only for basic ancillaries. Most of the components
which have high technology contents and require precision in their production are
imported. Today, Indonesian domestic component manufacturers are concentrating on
low value, relatively simple and labour/natural resource intensive components such as
tires, electrical equipment, and wires and conductors. Of late, Indonesia is making a room
for export oriented automobile industry and some investment is expected in that
direction. Nissan, Mazda, etc have been contemplating large investment to increase their
production base in Indonesia

V.III: Thailand

Thailand is already the world's second largest pick-up truck market after the U.S.
and ASEAN's largest automotive market and assembler. Today all leading J apanese car
producers as well as BMW, Mercedes Benz, General Motors, Ford, Volvo and Peugeot
assemble cars in Thailand along with their legions of suppliers. Thailand has become the
main production base for auto exports in South East Asia. The biggest foreign producer
located in Thailand is Toyota with a total production of more than 300,000 cars a year
and the number is increasing. General Motors (GM), although a much smaller player in
Thailand than Toyota, is also increasing production. Among the other big auto companies
located in Thailand are Nissan, Isuzu, Auto Alliance, Mitsubishi and Honda etc. In recent
years, Daimler Chrysler (Mercedes-Benz) and BMW have also increased their
investments to gain complete control on local manufacturing and marketing operations.

The revival of the industry in post-financial crisis period is noteworthy. Soon after
the crisis, when demand came down significantly, local manufacturers got integrated with
large foreign players. As a result, J Vs became popular choice for many Thai players.
Toyota and Isuzu are market leader claiming a combined 65% of the total vehicle
market. Isuzu and Toyota also dominate the one-ton pickup market with more than 72%
of the pickup market between them. The rest is divided up between Mitsubishi, Nissan,
Chevrolet, Ford and Mazda. Sales of passenger cars, which are increasingly becoming
diesel powered because of petrol price increases, are dominated by Toyota, which took
more than 51% of the segment. Honda is second in this segment with a 25.9% share.
Segment wise sales from different companies are given in Table6. Post Implementation
period of AFTA is expected to create a good export market for Thai automobile industry.

Table 6: Market Share (monthly) of Various Automobile Companies in Thailand (in Numbers)
Segments Companies May 2007 May 2006
( May 2007)
Toyota 23,082 25,585 44.90%
Honda 6,605 5,888 12.90%
Isuzu 9,985 11,710 19.40%
Nissan 3,723 3,005 7.20%
Mitsubishi 2,309 2,190 4.50%
Total sales
volume for all
Total 51,364 55,700 100.00%
Toyota 8,811 8,755 53.70%
Honda 5,429 5,850 33.10%
Chevrolet 624 281 3.80%
Nissan 331 504 2.00%
Mitsubishi 288 413 1.80%
Sales volume of
saloon cars
Total 16,422 17,227 100.00%
Isuzu 9,985 11,710 28.60%
Toyota 14,271 16,830 40.80%
Nissan 3,392 2,501 9.70%
Mitsubishi 2,021 1,777 5.80%
Ford 1,174 1,494 3.40%
Honda 1,176 38 3.40%
Sales volume of
Total 34,942 38,473 100.00%
Isuzu 9,172 10,808 30.10%
Toyota 13,204 16,038 43.40%
Nissan 3,191 2,369 10.50%
Mitsubishi 1,833 1,589 6.00%
Ford 1,134 1,448 3.70%
Sales volume of
vehicles with
weight not over 1
ton Total 30,449 35,383 100.00%

The governments support and promotion of automobile industry has been quite
consistent for decades. Policy and procedure have been set to facilitate the process in
which the automobile industry would grow from the assembly plant stage to the
production plant stage. Initially, governments policy was quite protective but in post
AFTA period, it is quite liberal and many MNCs are poised to take advantage of the
situation. Earlier, automobile sector was developed through an import substitution policy
where import tariff was set high, components import was restricted and promotion of
domestic investment was given due importance. In a liberal trade regime, Thailand is
now ready for fresh round of investment in the automobile sector. Government is
focusing on industrial clusters for providing opportunities to new entrants. In case of
component sector, careful attention is being given to chalk out the plans for the missing
link sub-sectors of the value chain to reduce importable components providing incentives
to produce in the country.

VI. Dynamics of Trade
It has been mentioned earlier that the international trade in the automobile sector
consists of trade in vehicles and components. The sector consists of 82 six digit HS
codes. We have divided them into 7 broad categories: rubber & glass components (Group
I), iron & steel parts (Group II) , engine& parts thereof (Group III), small parts such as
pulleys, gaskets, electrical fittings, etc. (Group IV), body parts, bumpers, brakes, clutches
and other safety components (Group V), seats, indicators, bicycle and motor cycle
components (Group VI) and full vehicles (Group VII). Changing pattern of export and
import of all these subgroups will be analysed for each one of the selected countries. Top
5 exporting markets and importing sources are identified for each sub-group in this

It may be noted that earlier discussion has pointed out that trade in automotive
sector takes place either for market seeking activities or for using destination country as
offshore export platform. Trade in components is very much dependant on status of
domestic component sector, protection and government regulation in component trading,
level of technology absorption etc. Among these four countries, Thailands automobile
sector is truly export oriented. It has developed domestic component sector but still
several critical components get imported. Indias export orientation was started to tackle
the domestic overcapacity problem. Export orientation has come out as a second best
strategy for many players and as a result much focus has not been given to make
component sector internationally competitive. However, as export is increasing,
importance is being given on the component sector also. India is emerging as component
exporting country as well. Chinas domestic market is the main target of most of the
players. The strategy of J Vs has helped Chinese players to consolidate themselves with
modern technology from MNCs. Focus has also been given on development of the
component sector. Domestic component sector got flourished in a relatively weak patent
regime. Today, China is more into component trading than trading of vehicles. On the
other hand, Indonesia remained as a small market. Most players concentrated on
assembling activities as economies of scale are not being achieved through
manufacturing due to smaller size of the market. Though Indonesia exports some
vehicles, majority of companies play with models and makes for the domestic market
only. Component sector got developed through government protection. However,
technology absorption in the component sector is not sufficient and as a result critical
components are still imported (Nag et. al, 2007). Table 8 provides a snapshot view of
automobile trade of the selected countries. Several attempts are also being taken to
integrate fragmented international production structure of automobile industries in South
East Asia. APEC automotive Dialogue is one such forum (see Box 4).

Table 8: International Trade of Selected Asian Auto producing Countries
(Figures in Million US$)
Export Import
Description 2000 2004 2000 2004
Auto Components
3043.47 9692.39 4479.02 15058.67
Vehicles 1000.62 2888.99 1219.94 5447.61
Auto Components 757.01 1604.74 746.82 1610.41
Vehicles 338.36 1381.75 27.4 109.73
Auto Components 1335.61 3113.5 2755.76 5092.24
Vehicles 1755.4 3935.16 523.71 717.33
Auto Components 501.42 1056.53 2465.26 2966.41
Vehicles 115.24 187.79 463.01 1049.11
Note: Detailed HS Codes for Auto Components and vehicles are given in the Appendix
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

VI. I Chinas automobile Trade

The distribution pattern of automobile exports of China shows that it exports more
of auto components compared to full vehicles. In 2004, more than 75% of total export
from automotive sector was mainly components. Chinas major exporting destinations
are USA, J apan, Germany, UK, Honk Kong, etc. (See Table 10). Interestingly most of
them are developed countries; particularly USA and J apan are the main two nations to
which China exports most. Among developing countries, Indonesia imports significantly
from China. During 2000-2004, highest export growth has been observed in Group V
which consists of body parts, brakes and clutches etc. Chinas vehicles have a good
market in USA, J apan and Indonesia. For most of the product groups USA occupies more
than 20% of Chinas exports from automobile sector. Among the exports of vehicles two
wheelers, passenger vehicles and vehicles for transportation of goods are worth

Table 9: Chinas Total Export and Import fromAutomobile Sector (US$ Million)
Export 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 199.85 229.85 253.67 301.32 442.74 22.00
GR-II 422.66 269.92 332.39 410.20 1152.20 28.49
GR-III 329.09 410.38 591.25 676.61 1133.18 36.22
GR-IV 581.36 661.04 849.75 1201.67 1528.80 27.34
GR-V 1123.07 1351.22 1841.62 2415.53 4409.18 40.76
GR-VI 387.44 481.34 633.14 846.71 1026.29 27.57
GR-VII 1000.62 1008.38 970.14 1936.13 2888.99 30.35
Import 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 134.18 159.77 230.60 385.31 512.29 39.78
GR-II 421.53 266.20 405.87 538.14 1119.69 27.66
GR-III 960.65 1114.19 1400.11 2378.13 3037.58 33.35
GR-IV 765.17 1072.56 1375.69 2008.27 2756.14 37.76
GR-V 2112.83 2515.32 2980.31 6135.27 7325.79 36.46
GR-VI 84.65 115.46 157.02 250.84 307.18 38.02
GR-VII 1219.94 1765.27 3243.72 5284.44 5447.61 45.37
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

However, in case of imports J apan occupies the top position for most of the
product groups. Other important sourcing nations of automobile imports are Germany,
Korea, Taiwan and USA. Chinas imports of vehicles are significantly higher than that of
exports. Vehicle imports registered a growth of 45.37% during the period 2000-04. The
imports of component also grew significantly. In 2004, total import for components in
group V was around US$ 7.3 billion much more than the export from that category (US $
4.4 Billion). The trading pattern of Chinas automobile sector provides the idea that
historically, China has focused on the growth of the domestic sector and as it is gaining
confidence; its export has started increasing. Currently, intra-industry trade in this sector
is significantly high. Though there are discussions on over capacity problem in China but
looking at the import figure, we get an idea that high internal demand is going to persist
for some more time and this will fuel the growth of Chinese automobile sector.

Table 10: Top 5 Export Destinations of China in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I USA Japan Hong Kong Australia Korea
102.50 57.65 40.95 30.26 25.82 442.74
GR-II USA Japan Germany UK Hong Kong
274.17 131.61 72.08 64.59 53.63 1152.20
GR-III Canada USA Japan Indonesia Korea
255.02 111.98 77.52 52.00 26.46 1133.18
GR-IV USA Japan Italy Hong Kong Germany
380.38 237.60 75.51 67.44 58.27 1528.80
GR-V USA Canada Germany UK Indonesia
1213.67 93.03 80.90 59.24 49.47 4409.18
GR-VI Indonesia Taiwan Japan USA Germany
99.86 79.15 74.67 68.92 56.92 1026.29
GR-VII USA Japan Indonesia UK Hong Kong
579.12 128.58 107.49 74.33 58.24 2888.99
Source: Calculated from WITS Database
Table 11: Top 5 Import Sources of China in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Japan Germany Korea USA Taiwan
188.45 93.54 63.43 46.24 22.62 512.29
GR-II Japan Taiwan Germany Korea USA
368.79 149.21 145.88 115.20 94.84 1119.69
GR-III Japan Germany Korea USA Brazil
1133.93 617.25 282.52 212.07 81.79 3037.58
GR-IV Japan USA Korea Taiwan Italy
854.54 241.67 229.06 183.78 87.15 2756.14
GR-V Japan Germany Korea Taiwan USA
2480.70 2108.55 1123.02 369.43 226.76 7325.79
GR-VI Germany Japan Korea Taiwan USA
112.63 92.27 34.61 31.40 11.32 307.18
GR-VII Japan Germany Korea USA UK
2064.49 2047.61 376.07 309.41 108.90 5447.61
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

VI.II Indias automobile Trade

As described earlier, Indias export orientation has been developed to tackle the
overcapacity problem. As a result of this, the entire sector is not geared up equally for
exports. The export growth figure (Table 12) reveals that vehicle export growth has been
much higher than components and during 2000-04, average growth from this group was
more than 42%. The overall export is much lower than that of China but unlike China,
Indias exports are more than its imports in most of the categories. In components, overall
export and imports are very close to each other in 2004.

Table 12: Indias Total Export and Import fromAutomobile Sector (US$ Million)
Export 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 37.19 36.04 42.19 63.51 62.79 13.99
GR-II 89.16 77.89 112.50 183.05 214.55 24.55
GR-III 174.69 164.34 187.35 294.10 401.97 23.16
GR-IV 73.02 73.40 119.61 143.04 202.93 29.11
GR-V 309.15 306.01 370.95 475.87 663.86 21.05
GR-VI 73.81 65.54 67.28 55.91 58.65 -5.59
GR-VII 338.36 285.09 489.97 949.13 1381.75 42.15
Import 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 41.17 41.20 49.75 67.29 82.54 18.99
GR-II 43.77 44.19 61.23 81.86 101.63 23.44
GR-III 186.38 182.95 198.57 282.12 364.22 18.23
GR-IV 185.39 216.39 231.06 318.20 384.91 20.04
GR-V 281.18 249.03 220.89 423.56 661.18 23.83
GR-VI 8.93 7.65 9.05 9.55 15.93 15.58
GR-VII 27.40 33.10 86.11 94.45 109.73 41.47
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Indias major export destinations of automobiles are developed countries such as
USA, UK, Germany, Middle East and SAARC countries. Unlike China, J apan does not
come among the top 5 export destinations of India. Also, India is making an effort to
find out a South Asian market for its products which is evident as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
are among the major export destination of some product groups. Indias export basket is
more diversified compared to China in full vehicles category. India significantly exports,
motorcycles, passenger cars, tractors, vehicles for transporting more than 10 persons and
vehicles for transportation of goods. Though India is not heavily into component trading
the country is gradually specializing in safety components and engine parts. Also it is
expected that due to capability in R&D India may be a right choice for sub-system and
design development.

Table 13: Top 5 Export Destinations of India in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I UK USA Germany UAE Mexico
7.14 6.45 4.03 3.53 2.46 62.79
GR-II USA Bangladesh Germany UK UAE
61.26 34.37 15.26 15.03 9.74 214.55
GR-III USA Germany UK Sri Lanka UAE
89.88 60.78 28.01 22.08 11.35 401.97
GR-IV USA UK Germany Italy China
38.44 25.47 17.44 12.29 12.08 202.93
GR-V USA UK Italy Germany UAE
166.84 54.91 41.99 34.68 26.17 663.86
GR-VI UK Bangladesh USA Malawi Italy
3.02 1.90 1.90 1.85 1.82 58.65
GR-VII UK Italy USA Germany UAE
100.01 99.80 90.66 56.07 38.17 1381.75
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

In case of imports, J apan, USA, Germany, UK, Korea Rep are important sourcing
countries. Highest import is observed in body parts and safety component category.
Thailand also has come as a major sourcing country for brakes, clutches and some basic
components. India-Thailand FTA has given emphasis on trade of auto components and in
future Indias imports from Thailand is expected to increase.

Table 14: Top 5 Import Sources of India in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Japan USA Germany Korea UK
17.06 13.74 9.14 6.94 6.68 82.54
GR-II Japan Germany Korea USA UK
16.53 16.23 14.95 11.90 8.47 101.63
GR-III Japan Korea USA UK Germany
82.70 60.72 41.41 29.69 24.82 364.22
GR-IV Germany Japan USA Korea Italy
104.41 56.95 43.26 25.36 20.07 384.91
GR-V Korea Japan Germany Thailand USA
208.66 128.73 56.29 51.88 27.03 661.18
GR-VI Japan China Thailand Italy Germany
5.35 3.47 2.22 1.52 0.73 15.93
GR-VII Japan Germany Korea Thailand UK
50.11 23.12 11.89 5.36 3.15 109.73
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

VI.III Indonesias automobile Trade

Indonesia has a small market. During 1990s, automobile sector was significantly
influenced by the government policy. Component sectors were highly protected and
assemblers were provided incentives to use local components. As the domestic market
was not big; economies of scale was difficult to achieve. Hence, production activities
were limited and the sector was operational mainly through assembling which was done
through importing critical components and using basic local components. Marketing was
very aggressive through frequent changing of models mainly by dominating J apanese
players. However, import was more flexible in post 2000 period which has been
explained earlier. Both export and import showed rising trend but much slower compared
to other selected countries in most of the product category.

Table 18: Indonesias Total Export and Import fromAutomobile Sector (US$ Million)
Export 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 39.44 38.38 50.44 66.04 64.84 13.23
GR-II 22.86 30.42 35.26 35.25 45.60 18.84
GR-III 94.77 88.52 135.01 181.43 201.11 20.7
GR-IV 83.59 48.38 48.52 60.81 120.89 9.66
GR-V 230.28 261.56 294.12 386.72 533.89 23.4
GR-VI 30.48 36.57 57.50 60.74 90.20 31.16
GR-VII 115.24 88.11 92.19 82.33 187.79 12.98
Import 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 40.95 41.82 42.85 53.56 65.76 12.57
GR-II 86.59 82.88 96.85 109.02 144.49 13.66
GR-III 618.51 489.41 534.70 568.02 840.15 7.96
GR-IV 339.42 312.25 352.30 348.55 597.53 15.19
GR-V 1120.89 936.33 829.68 956.38 987.59 -3.12
GR-VI 258.90 396.91 389.38 300.40 330.90 6.33
GR-VII 463.01 497.06 409.16 591.89 1049.11 22.69
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Due to opening up of the economies import of vehicles increased significantly
during 2000-04 period. Earlier, during the protection period, basic component sector
grew. As a result of that today Indonesia is supplying components especially from Group
IV, V, and VI to many ASEAN members and also to J apan. Indonesia has specialized in
components used in CVS and MPVs. As a result of this some J apanese companies are
now investing in Indonesia in these segments for exporting vehicles to other ASEAN
members. For import, major sourcing countries for Indonesian imports are J apan and
Thailand. Most of the J apanese companies settled in Indonesia import components either
from J apan or from Thailand. Indonesia also imports components and vehicles from
Germany, China, USA , Korea Rep., etc.

Table 19: Top 5 Export Destinations of Indonesia in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Singapore Japan Australia USA Thailand
25.08 8.16 6.59 6.31 2.54 64.84
GR-II Japan Germany Italy USA Singapore
14.57 6.92 3.54 3.51 2.65 45.60
GR-III Japan Thailand Taiwan, China Malaysia Singapore
64.85 29.40 22.90 17.35 13.14 201.11
GR-IV Thailand Japan USA Philippines Singapore
40.27 18.51 12.67 11.87 7.47 120.89
GR-V Japan UK Malaysia Thailand USA
117.76 65.10 64.61 63.13 46.61 533.89
GR-VI Thailand Japan Malaysia Vietnam Philippines
30.80 13.60 11.89 11.33 4.80 90.20
GR-VII Thailand Malaysia Vietnam Philippines Colombia
88.77 28.22 14.14 12.89 7.80 187.79
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Table 20: Top 5 Import Sources of Indonesia in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Japan USA Thailand Singapore China
32.98 9.51 6.98 3.01 2.71 65.76
GR-II Japan Thailand Taiwan, China China USA
81.21 12.22 10.06 8.02 7.19 144.49
GR-III Japan Thailand USA Germany China
567.21 105.84 41.13 20.33 18.94 840.15
GR-IV Japan Thailand USA Germany China
289.78 100.65 37.05 29.53 19.66 597.53
GR-V Japan Thailand Germany Taiwan, China Korea, Rep.
696.36 84.61 46.58 21.80 20.48 987.59
GR-VI Japan Thailand China Taiwan, China Malaysia
132.52 85.53 59.25 17.06 12.77 330.90
GR-VII Thailand Japan USA Germany Sweden
455.39 287.87 65.02 47.06 31.08 1049.11
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Box 3 : 8
Meeting of APEC: An attempt for Regional Integration of Automobile Sector
APEC Automotive Dialogue is an independent forum and is attended by automotive industries and APEC state
members. This is a forum that discusses early voluntary sectoral liberalization for automotive sector in the APEC
areas. In the future, the forum will play a role to bring APEC economic area into integrating the automotive sector area.
Meanwhile the integration is aimed at strengthening regional integration efforts through liberalization, facilitation and
promotion measures to ensure full integration of the automotive sector by 2010. The Integration is also aimed at
promoting private sector participation. The 8th APEC Automotive Dialog in Bali was expected to help the integration
process of automotive industries in Asia Pacific area in general and especially Indonesia. The main topics of
discussion in the 8th APEC Automotive Dialogue include customs and trade facilitation, information technology (IT),
intellectual property rights, harmonization of regulations and road safety, environmental issues, market access, rules of
origin and certification system, ecotech, other topics as proposed and agreed by the steering committee, such as,
world trade organization Doha development and ASEAN cooperative agreement for automotive technical regulations.

VI.III Thailands automobile Trade

Thailand is a major Asian exporter of automobiles especially cars and pick up
trucks. The industry is mainly driven by J apanese companies. In 2004, exports of vehicles
from Thailand were around US $ 4 billion which registered an average growth around
22% during 2000-04. Among components, Thailand exports body parts, brakes and
clutches significantly followed by engine and its parts. However, its imports are still very
large in these two product groups (see Table 15). J apan has occupied the first position
among the sourcing countries in all product categories (see Table 17). Overall import
growth has registered much smaller rate compared to China and India.

Table 15: Thailands Total Export and Import fromAutomobile Sector (US$ Million)
Export 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 86.80 73.42 87.76 110.85 158.31 16.21
GR-II 98.11 83.05 122.19 167.36 245.84 25.82
GR-III 271.84 241.23 292.55 407.41 615.67 22.68
GR-IV 166.94 170.10 202.24 259.39 339.61 19.43
GR-V 507.83 496.43 634.06 971.97 1422.68 29.37
GR-VI 204.10 173.52 188.90 237.27 331.40 12.88
GR-VII 1755.40 2029.19 2095.57 2836.86 3935.16 22.36
Import 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CAGR
GR-I 89.92 47.99 50.50 54.24 65.00 -7.79
GR-II 197.59 198.45 222.89 266.28 334.61 14.08
GR-III 693.18 756.62 980.68 1214.42 1363.36 18.42
GR-IV 369.93 348.67 423.77 509.68 722.89 18.23
GR-V 1337.88 1496.62 1629.10 2142.64 2512.97 17.07
GR-VI 67.25 67.69 67.52 77.48 93.41 8.56
GR-VII 523.71 401.45 439.80 653.14 717.33 8.18
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Table 16: Top 5 Export Destinations of Thailand in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Japan USA France Malaysia Australia
56.3 13.1 2.1 7.2 5.2 158.3
GR-II USA Japan Indonesia Malaysia Germany
60.2 46.9 21.0 16.9 7.3 245.8
GR-III Indonesia Malaysia Japan USA Australia
142.1 82.7 68.1 32.0 17.5 615.7
GR-IV Indonesia Japan Malaysia Australia USA
36.9 35.1 32.4 7.9 16.5 339.6
GR-V Japan Malaysia USA Indonesia Australia
298.2 181.9 106.0 127.5 47.6 1422.7
GR-VI Indonesia Japan Philippines Malaysia Italy
94.2 32.1 32.0 31.1 13.6 331.4
GR-VII Australia UK Indonesia Japan Philippines
697.45 368.56 452.82 90.61 207.55 3935.17
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

Earlier, Thailand was concentrating in developed country market. As AFTA is
increasingly defining intra-ASEAN trade, Thailand is now consolidating its position in
the regional market. As a result of this, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines etc have become
major export destination for Thailand both for vehicles and components. Thai vehicles
are sold maximum in Australia followed by UK. Export of vehicles back to J apan has
been very low. USA has come among the top 5 export destination of vehicles both in case
of India and China. However, for Thailand it is not the case. Overall component exports
are less than full vehicles which shows the export orientation of Thailand in case of final
products. Import of components has been high only in Group V and Group II which was
mainly due to inclination of J apanese producers towards J apanese components.

Table 17: Top 5 Import Sources of Thailand in 2004 (US $ million)
Summary Country-I Country-II Country-III Country-IV Country-V WORLD
GR-I Japan Indonesia USA Germany China
35.78 4.94 6.39 3.08 2.69 65.00
GR-II Japan USA Germany China Korea
217.42 17.81 8.84 11.68 5.51 334.61
GR-III Japan Germany Indonesia USA China
1179.14 24.31 32.13 12.73 13.24 1363.36
GR-IV Japan USA Germany Korea China
359.59 58.77 36.06 41.74 30.18 722.89
GR-V Japan Germany Indonesia Korea USA
1725.20 242.86 64.70 41.61 41.97 2512.97
GR-VI Japan Indonesia China Taiwan USA
32.47 23.53 13.01 4.08 1.43 93.41
GR-VII Japan Germany Indonesia Korea USA
327.10 47.58 83.09 12.98 11.21 717.33
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

VII. Tax and Tariff Structure:

Tax structure is important both for demand and production as it is treated as an
additional cost and affects demand by rising selling prices. Automobile industry in these
countries is subject to variety of taxes such as excise tax, sales tax, corporate income tax,
VAT and import duties. Table 21 provides the comparison of tax structure in these four

It may be noted that taxes on automobile industry do not have a homogeneous
structure in the selected countries. In India taxes are not vehicle specific. However, in
Thailand and China different taxes are levied on cars, motor vehicles, CVs etc. Corporate
Income tax is highest in India among all these four countries. Quite interestingly,
corporate income tax in China is higher in state owned enterprises (SOEs) compared to
J Vs. China is giving importance on J Vs in terms of production. This is reflected in lower
corporate income tax. In Indonesia it varies from 10-30%.

In Thailand and India import tariffs on CBU are quite high which provide
protection to domestic industries. Different vehicles have different import duties in
Indonesia and Thailand. However, for India it is same rate for all kinds of vehicles. It is
important to note that most of the countries other than India have differential duties in
case of imports. In general, duties faced by automobile industry in India are on the higher
side compared to other countries.
Table 21: Comparison of Tax Structure
Income Tax
36.75% SOEs and Chinese
companies: 33%
JVs: 16%
10 30% 30%
Tax on vehicles
Excise tax:
Cars 24%
Others 16%
Sales tax:
Cars 12 %
Others 4%
VAT: 17%
Consumption tax:
3 8% for motor-
10% for Motorcycle
VAT 10%
Excise tax 2 20%
ad valorem
VAT: 7%
Interior tax: 10%
Excise tax:
Cars and PV 12
CVs 0 3%
Bike 3 5%
Import tariffs on
All vehicles at 60% Car and light
vehicles: 43 50%
Parts and
components: 15
Cars 30%
CV 20%
Bikes 30%
10% duty under
MVDP program
Cars and PV 60
CV 30 80%
Bikes 30%
Source: SIAM (2004)

Table 22 below summarises the MFN average tariffs for each selected product
groups. Most of the countries have reduced the tariffs especially in component sector
except Indonesia. Indias average tariff in component sector is now reduced to 15%.
Thailands strategy is very clear in case of import duties on components. We have earlier
noticed that it exports lot of components from group V and government wants to develop
this sector further. As a result of this higher duties are there on imports in Group V.
Import duties on vehicles are relatively high in India and Thailand and both of them are
making an effort to increase their exports.

In South East Asia, trade in automobiles is now under AFTA rules where tariffs
were cut, including those on cars, to between 0 and 5%. Provided a car has a minimum
local content of 40% from any ASEAN member, the car maker has to pay just 5% duty
when exporting to member countries of the grouping. AFTA has a brought new range of
issues for discussion related to automobile trade in ASEAN region. As many ASEAN
members have effective component manufacturing capability, the intra-ASEAN trade
will provide opportunity for sourcing different components from different countries and
assembling in suitable locations for better distribution channel. The major challenge in
ASEAN is to integrate the international production system (IPN) within ASEAN for
development of the automobile sector. As individual ASEAN member does not have very
big internal market, to achieve economies of scale, it has become compulsion on
domestic automobile sector to go for regional integration. Different tax structures and
export-import procedural differences are other major hurdles for this integration.
Currently, ASEAN automobile industry has a fragmented product make-up with
dominance of Thailand in pick-up truck production, Malaysia and the Philippines in
passenger car production, and utility vehicles and passenger vans by Indonesia. The
regional integration will bring efficiency in the production system and also develop the
market bringing homogeneity in several transportation sector related issues


Table 22: Average MFN Tariff on Automobile
China India Indonesia Thailand
2001 2005 2001 2005 2001 2005 2001 2005
Group I 14.59 11.02 35.00 15.00 5.91 6.25 24.55 8.75
Group II 12.43 10.27 35.00 15.00 12.42 12.73 20.00 11.82
Group III
21.05 10.23 32.27 15.00 8.00 8.00 20.91 11.82
Group IV
13.03 8.36 30.26 15.00 4.65 4.45 16.58 8.53
Group V
29.47 13.13 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 44.75 32.50
Group VI
20.00 15.50 32.50 15.00 9.42 9.91 25.00 13.75
Group VII
42.62 23.64 66.82 53.64 29.49 29.69 49.24 42.88
Source: Calculated from WITS Database

VIII. Epilogue
VIII.I: Comparison of Policy Framework

All these countries made serious attempts to grab the opportunities emanated from
the global restructuring of the industry and relocation of production base to developing
countries. Most leading auto-manufacturers continue to invest in R&D so that the
production costs get reduced and develop partnership with local firms which concentrate
on production activities to reduce cost. Government policies towards automobile
industries in these countries also got evolved along with this.

Policies towards liberalization of investment regime brought significant benefits
to the selected countries as private players stepped in with modern technology and FDI
started pouring in mainly through the hands of J apanese automobile majors. However, the
overcapacity problem faced by the global automobile industry also creped in the
automobile industry of these selected countries. Different countries took different policies
to handle the overcapacity problem in the sector. Chinese has attempted to consolidate
the industry through mergers and acquisition while Indians sought overseas market. In
both these countries, government policies have been towards development of the

Refer to various APEC Automotive Sector Dialogues.

indigenous automobile sector through strengthening the national players while Thailand
focused mainly on the export market through J apanese companies.

In China, company structures are mainly in the form of J Vs. Consolidation of
domestic companies is being promoted to form larger groups such as FAW, DMC, etc. In
India, domestic companies such as Telco, Hindustan Motors are listed companies at the
stock exchange with relatively low level of FDI. These companies grew considerably
under the protective environment of the government and are now competing with MNCs.
Even company like Maruti, in which Suzuki has a significant stake, has grown through
government patronage and today, government holds more than 10% share in the
company. On the contrary, domestic players in Indonesia remained as partners to MNCs
in assembling activities. Protection in automobile sector in these countries earlier was
mainly through high tariff, import ban of CBU, local content use condition, and
restriction on private investment and other regulatory condition.

Protection in component sector did not work well in general as it helped only
basic components sector to grow domestically in these countries. Most of the critical
components are imported despite protection given to component sector. Thai government
has adopted a strategy to plug the gaps in the component sector through its investment
promotion scheme. India is also now making an effort to develop indigenous component
sector through giving focus in R&D and tightening the IPR regime and thereby inviting
big players to step in the critical component sector leaving the basic components in the
hands of SMEs. China, on the contrary is increasing the comparative advantage in the
basic component sector through further reduction in cost. For the vehicles, it is still
focusing on the consolidation of the domestic sectors and improving the technological as
well as managerial capabilities of the sector in general. Due to local content requirement
and lack of intellectual patent rights, sub-system and design development sector has not
been developed in China which is a prerequisite for international competitiveness.
Protection in Indonesia through its incentive programmes did not help component
industry much as assemblers imported critical components and bought only basic and
small components locally. However, larger demand in utility and commercial vehicles
helped the sub-sector focus on components used in this segment.

Automobile industry in these countries is subject to variety of taxes such as excise
tax, sales tax, corporate income tax, VAT and import duties. Tax structure of these
countries on automobiles is not similar which shows the interest of the government. In
Thailand and China different taxes are levied on cars, motor vehicles, CVs etc. whereas
in India it is not vehicle specific and limited to cars and others. The taxes are
relatively heavier in India. Corporate Income tax is highest in India among all these four
countries. Quite interestingly, corporate income tax in China is higher in state owned
enterprises (SOEs) compared to J Vs. The policy towards taxes reflects the idea how
government is looking into the tax elasticity of the demand of products and how it is
related to the revenue and other social objectives.

In case of trade policy, all countries have relatively higher tariff on vehicles
compared to auto components. Tariffs on components have been reduced in general,
except in Indonesia. Indias average tariff in component sector is now reduced to 15%.
Thailand is exporting significantly body parts, brakes, clutches and other safety
components and it has certain level of comparative advantage. It wants domestic
companies to use domestically produced components and hence, import duties are higher
on those component sub-sectors. India still has higher duties on the vehicle section
which reflects its inclination to develop domestic production system further. Thailand and
Indonesia are now looking into ASEAN market due to reduction of duties in the region
following the implementation of AFTA. Of late, in some regional forums such as in
ASEAN, APEC, etc. automobile sector has become a subject of interest and attempts are
being undertaken for integrating the fragmented regional production network of
automobile sector especially in east and south-east Asia.

VIII. II Focusing more on Trade

The analysis shows that all these selected countries are increasingly engaged in
international trade of vehicles and components, with domestic companies and MNCs both
competing for market share. It reveals that these countries mostly trade with developed
countries with some exceptions. China is mostly engaged with USA, European countries
and J apan. India is making an attempt to find a market in south Asia and Middle East
also. Thailand being an automobile hub traditionally trade mainly with J apan, USA,
Australia, etc. However, it is increasing its share in the ASEAN market also. Indonesias
automobile sector development has a chequered history. In 1990s it was mainly an
assembling industry due to small market size. Local component industry could not get
developed beyond basic components despite having protection. From the new
millennium, with a changed automobile policy Indonesia is now increasingly becoming
production base of utility and commercial vehicles. Exports of those are also increasing
mainly to ASEAN market.

Chinas focus on auto component sector is now revealed as its exports increased
almost by three folds during 2000-2004. However, mostly these exports consist of small
and basic components. Chinas import of engine and other critical parts are still high. At
the same time, its imports of vehicles are also high. China is having net trade deficit in
the automobile sector. .

Indias market size is not as big as that of China. It has net trade surplus in that
sector due to tight regulatory policy in importing automobiles. Indias import tariffs on
vehicles historically are higher than other selected countries. In component sector export
and import figure remains very close to each other. Indias export product basket consists
of motorcycles, passenger vehicles, tractors and goods transportation vehicles. In recent
time, export growth of passenger vehicles is impressive. India is gradually specializing in
small cars and two-wheelers. Indian auto component sector was never designed for
exports rather it was supposed to cater the demand of domestic producers only. But it is
believed that industry has reached some level of maturity and will be able to increase its
exports in near future.

The automobile policy helped Thailand to become major automobile hub in Asia.
The policy has helped countries to move from assembling stage to production stage.
Mainly driven by J apanese FDI, the facilities have been used by MNCs to export vehicles
and components to other countries. Most of the global automobile giants are present in
Thailand along with their legions of suppliers. Regional trade liberalization through
AFTA is fuelling the export growth of Thailand. Trade agreements with Australia, India
and discussions in APEC forums are also acting as key elements to increase the regional
trade of automotive sector and Thailand is playing a significant role. Thailand is clearly
specializing in full vehicles.

Indonesia has been traditionally crowded by many J apanese players to assemble
cars for the small domestic market. Main demand comes from the commercial and utility
vehicles section. In case of passenger car segments, assemblers mainly play with makes
and models and compete aggressively with frequent change of models. The incentive
programme aimed towards developing passenger car production centre did not work well
and companies import critical components. Indonesias over protectiveness was
challenged in WTO. In post-financial crisis period following IMFs advice and its
commitment to AFTA and APEC, Indonesia opened up its automobile sector. Now, many
J apanese players are bringing fresh investments to Indonesia especially in MPV and
utility vehicles segments to tap the ASEAN market.

VIII. III: Identifying Niches and Future Challenge

Table 23 provides a summary of the salient features of the automobile industry in
the four developing countries examined. The paper brings out the idea that specialization
in automobile sector is becoming segment specific as each of these countries is finding its
niche. China is specializing in basic components, India in two wheelers and small cars,
Thailand in passenger cars and pick-up trucks and Indonesia is making attempt to
specializing in utility vehicles.

Most of the governments earlier focused on protecting their domestic auto
component sectors. However, it is being realized that within component sector also there
are divisions between small and basic components and critical components. SMEs, often
at the lowest end of the supply chain, specialize in basic components but have difficulty
moving to production of critical components and sub-systems, as relatively large
investments are required. However, MNCs need easy access to these critical components
and sub-systems. In a protected investment environment, if these system suppliers are
unable to enter the country, most of the MNCs will import critical components and
system modules.

With the gradual opening up of the component sector, now the challenge is
therefore how individual governments can effectively support the development of
domestic system suppliers which can compete with large foreign players in this sector.
The success of automobile sector in each of these countries significantly depends on this,
and governments need to create proper investment environment, incentives for R&D and
strong patent regime.

Table 23: Salient Features of Automobile Industry in Select Asian Countries
India China Thailand Indonesia
Highest growth is
observed in two-
wheelers section,
followed by CVs.
Passenger cars and
Three-wheelers also
showing high
Current internal
demand is low but
rising very fast.
Domestic production
facilities are also
Component sector is
coming up very fast
Production of
passenger vehicles
showing high growth
The sale of MPV and
SUV also grew rapidly
Sales of domestic
brands are also robust.

China produces more
number of vehicles
compared to other
selected countries
Strong component
sector, developed
through protection
Big market for pick-up
trucks. Demand for
diesel cars is
increasing. Toyota is
market leader
Strong focus on
making component
sector export oriented.
Now Govt. is providing
importance on the
weak sub sectors of
auto ancillaries to
make the entire
supply chain equally
It is a small domestic
market and
assembling activities
are more important
compared to
production. Frequent
change in models is
observed in passenger

High growth is
projected in some
segments, especially
in utility vehicles and

Market is dominated
by Japanese and
Indian players. Of
late other foreign
companies are
coming in and
production facilities
Company structures are
mainly in the form of
JVs. Attempt was made
to consolidate domestic
companies into few
large groups such as
FAW, DMC, etc.

Mainly Japanese
player in all segments
of the industry. Toyota
and Isuzu control 65%
of the market. MNCs
are present in
manufacturing also.
Market is dominated
by and Japanese and
Indonesian players
Foreign players control
almost 80% of the

Making an attempt
to specialize in full
Component sector
though growing is
still inefficient.
Exporting two
wheelers and
passenger cars.
Export to Europe,
countries. Strong
patent regulation is
manufacturers to
production facilities
including supply
Imports more than
exports. Specializing in
basic auto-components
but imports engines
parts. Technology
absorption is given
importance through JVs
and follow up is made
for component sector
development and
export of that. Lack of
R&D and designing
limits the export growth.
Patent issues need to
be addressed.
Specializing in full
vehicles. Strong govt.
support of domestic
sector. Export mainly
to Japan, Australia
and ASEAN countries.
FTA with Australia,
India and AFTA are
helping Thailand to
increase exports.
Components are
getting exported to
other ASEAN
countries also.
Specializing in basic
sector. Export
opportunity of CVS
and vans are
increasing within
ASEAN. Import
components from
Thailand and Japan.

India is specializing
in motorcycles and
small cars.
Component industry
is being developed
and system and sub
system suppliers are
increasingly into it
due to countrys
capability in R&D.
China is specializing in
basic component sector
and in future possibly in
big cars. Currently
specializing in two-
wheelers, passenger
cars, etc. Product
development progress
has limitation and may
face competition.
Specializing in sedans
and pick up. Currently
focusing on gaps in
component supply
chain and will develop
those missing links to
have robust
component sectors
Specializing in utility
vehicles, MPVs and
CVs. Strength in
components required
for this segments.
Tax Structure High Corporate
Income tax and
import duties on
CBUs. Differentiate
excise and sales tax
on cars and other

Having higher import
duties on vehicles.

Lower corporate
income tax for JVs to
attract foreign players.

Import duties are lower
than India.
Differentiated duties for
vehicles and
Import tariff on CBU is
high. Not much
reduction of duties on
vehicles in last five

Differentiated Import
duties and excise
taxes for different kind
of vehicles
Range of excise duties
are quite long implying
low for some vehicles
and high for other
Different Import duties
for cars, CVs and


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Appendix HS Codes Relevant to Automotive Sector

HS Code and Descriptions Groups
400930 : Tubes, pipes& hoses vulcanized /rubber reinforced with textile material without fittings
400940 : Tubes, pipes & hoses vulcanised rubber reinforced nes ,without fittings
401320 : Inner tubes of rubber for bicycles
401693 : Gaskets, washers and other seals of vulcanised rubber
681210 : Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixture with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonates
681310 : Asbestos brake linings and pads
681390 : Asbestos friction material and articles nes
700711 : Safety glass toughened (tempered) vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft/vessel
700721 : Safety glass laminated for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
700729 : Safety glass laminated nes
700910 : Rear-view mirrors for vehicles
731815 : Bolts o screws nes, with or without their nuts or washers, iron or steel
731823 : Rivets, iron or steel
731824 : Cotters and cotter-pins, iron or steel
731829 : Non-threaded articles of iron or steel, nes
732010 : Springs, leaf and leaves thereof, iron or steel
732020 : Springs, helical, iron or steel
732090 : Springs, iron or steel, nes
732619 : Articles of iron or steel, forged or stamped, but not further worked
830120 : Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles of base metal
830230 : Mountings, fittings& similar articles of base metal f motor vehicles, nes
840731 : Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating, displacing not more than 50 cc
840732 : Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating, displacing >50 cc but not more 250cc
840733 : Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating displacing > 250 cc to 1000 cc
840734 : Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating displacing more than 1000 cc
840820 : Engines, diesel, for the vehicles of Chapter 87
840991 : Parts for spark-ignition type engines nes
840999 : Parts for diesel and semi-diesel engines
841330 : Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines
842123 : Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
842131 : Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
870600 : Chassis fitted with engines for the vehicles of headg Nos 87.01 to 87.05
841520 : Air conditioners used in vehicles
842139 : Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases nes
848310 : Transmission shafts and cranks, including cam shafts and crank shafts
848320 : Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings
848340 : Gears & gearing, ball screws, gear boxes, speed changers/torque converters
848350 : Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks
848360 : Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints)
848390 : Parts of power transmission equipment/other goods used to transmit power
848410 : Gaskets of metal sheeting combined with other material
848420 : Mechanical seals
848490 : Gasket sets consisting of gaskets of different materials
851120 : Ignition magnetos, magneto-generators and magnetic flywheels
851130 : Distributors and ignition coils
851140 : Starter motors
851190 : Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment
851220 : Lighting or visual signaling equipment nes
851230 : Sound signaling equipment
851240 : Windscreen wipes, defrosters and demisters
851290 : Parts of electrical lighting, signaling and defrosting equipment
870710 : Bodies for passenger carrying vehicles
870790 : Bodies for tractors, buses, trucks and special purpose vehicles
870810 : Bumpers and parts for motor vehicles
870821 : Safety seat belts for motor vehicles
870829 : Parts and accessories of bodies nes for motor vehicles
870831 : Mounted brake linings for motor vehicles
870839 : Brake system parts nes for motor vehicles
870840 : Transmissions for motor vehicles
870850 : Drive axles with differential for motor vehicles
870860 : Non-driving axles and parts for motor vehicles
870870 : Wheels including parts and accessories for motor vehicles
870880 : Shock absorbers for motor vehicles
870891 : Radiators for motor vehicles
870892 : Mufflers and exhaust pipes for motor vehicles
870893 : Clutches and parts for motor vehicles
870894 : Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes for motor vehicles
870899 : Motor vehicle parts nes
871411 : Motorcycle saddles
871419 : Motorcycle parts nes
871420 : Wheelchair parts nes
871491 : Bicycle frames and forks, and parts thereof
871492 : Bicycle wheel rims and spokes
902910 : Revolution counters, prodion counters taximeters, milometer
902920 : Speed indicators and tachometers; stroboscopes
940120 : Seats, motor vehicles
8701 : Tractors (other than tractors of heading no. 87.09
8702 : Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver
8703 : Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons other than
those of heading no. 87.02, including station wagons and racing cars
8704 : Motor vehicles for the transport of goods
8705 : Special purpose motor vehicles, other then those principally designed for the transport of
persons and goods
8711: Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motors with or without side
cars, side cars

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