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research papers

Journal of
Single-crystal structure validation with the program
Crystallography PLATON
ISSN 0021-8898

A. L. Spek
Received 27 September 2002
Accepted 28 November 2002
Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. Correspondence e-mail: [email protected]

The results of a single-crystal structure determination when in CIF format can

now be validated routinely by automatic procedures. In this way, many errors in
published papers can be avoided. The validation software generates a set of
ALERTS detailing issues to be addressed by the experimenter, author, referee
and publication journal. Validation was pioneered by the IUCr journal Acta
Crystallographica Section C and is currently standard procedure for structures
submitted for publication in all IUCr journals. The implementation of validation
procedures by other journals is in progress. This paper describes the concepts of
validation and the classes of checks that are carried out by the program
PLATON as part of the IUCr checkCIF facility. PLATON validation can be run
at any stage of the structure re®nement, independent of the structure
determination package used, and is recommended for use as a routine tool
during or at least at the completion of every structure determination. Two
examples are discussed where proper validation procedures could have avoided
# 2003 International Union of Crystallography the publication of incorrect structures that had serious consequences for the
Printed in Great Britain ± all rights reserved chemistry involved.

1. Introduction data collection, structure solution and re®nement steps have

A single-crystal X-ray study has the unique potential to been automated and often form part of the software package
provide `solid' knowledge about the three-dimensional struc- that comes with the data-collection instrument. Current CCD
ture of molecules and complexes in the crystalline state along (charge-coupled device) detector-based diffractometer
with their intermolecular interactions. Much of our current systems are capable of producing up to 1000 data sets per year.
knowledge concerning inorganic and metal-organic Computing power, being a serious bottleneck in the past, is no
compounds is derived from single-crystal studies. Structure longer a limiting factor in this ®eld. A modern PC can easily
determinations that are carried out carefully will generally handle all the necessary calculations.
provide incontrovertible results, upon which subsequent An important and certainly ®nal part of a structure deter-
research can be built. Unfortunately, for various reasons, not mination should be the validation of the structural results.
all structures that end up in the refereed literature and Traditionally, this was the responsibility of a professional
subsequently in databases appear to be correct, either being crystallographer and, when submitted for publication, the
erroneous only in certain details or containing major errors referees. The unfortunate current situation is that the number
which lead to the derivation of incorrect conclusions. An of structures that are submitted for publication each year is
excellent paper by Harlow (1996) discusses many examples. orders of magnitude larger than the number of experienced
The assignment of the correct space group to a structure is one crystallographers and referees knowledgeable in crystal-
of the most common problems, as has been demonstrated lography. In addition, referees are often given only limited
many times by Marsh and others (e.g. Marsh & Spek, 2001). access to the supporting experimental data or are simply
Some of the more serious errors include incorrectly assigned informed that all crystallographic details have been deposited.
atom types and missing or too many hydrogen atoms in a The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD; Allen, 2002)
structure, obviously with serious implications for the chem- includes many entries with comment records detailing
istry involved. Often, papers include a detailed discussion on problems encountered by the data-entry staff during the
an interesting feature of a molecular structure that in hind- processing of published structures.
sight turns out to be based on an artefact. Parkin (1993) A recent editorial (Eisenberg, 2002) in Inorganic Chemistry
addresses in detail the illusive `bond-stretch isomerism' addresses the issue of properly `reviewing crystallographic
phenomenon. data'. The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Technical advances have turned the structure determination identi®ed the general problem a decade ago and created as a
of many crystals of suf®cient quality into a routine procedure ®rst step the computer-readable Crystallographic Information
in the hands of an experienced crystallographer. Much of the File (CIF) standard for reporting, exchanging and archiving

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research papers
crystal structure data (Hall et al., 1991). Most current software autolist.html) that are carried out for all structures submitted
packages can now generate such ®les. Subsequently, a project for publication in IUCr journals. These tests address issues
(checkCIF) was initiated to validate crystal structure data related to questions 1 and 2 detailed above and are readily
supplied in CIF format. Currently, the electronic validation available through the Web-based IUCr checkCIF
procedures are fully operational. facility (
form.html). The tests include checks for proper re®nement
and absorption correction procedures. The program
2. Validation IUCRVAL (Farrugia, 2000) also incorporates this set of tests
Single-crystal structure validation addresses three important and can be implemented locally.
issues that can be expressed in the form of the following The validation function in the program PLATON (Spek,
questions: 2002) addresses all three questions. The next section of this
Question 1: is the reported information complete? paper details the various classes of tests that are implemented
Question 2: what is the quality of the analysis? in the program.
Question 3: is the structure correct? PLATON can also conduct Fo/Fc CIF validation. Issues
The answer to question 1 should be easy since it essentially addressed include resolution and completeness of the data set.
involves a checklist of items describing various details of the In particular, missing low-order re¯ection data are reported.
structure analysis. Many journals provide in their notes for However, no details will be presented here.
authors such a checklist of details to be provided so that others
can evaluate and repeat the study. The CIF standard offers an
adequate mechanism to make this information available for 4. Validation tests implemented in PLATON
subsequent electronic processing. The automatic analysis of The tests are given a three-digit number, nxx, and fall into ten
the data present in the CIF for completeness and internal groupings:
consistency is relatively trivial. 0xx: this range concerns data completeness, consistency and
Judging the quality of a structure determination, question 2, quality tests.
is more dif®cult. It very much depends on factors such as 1xx: tests addressing unit-cell and space-group symmetry
crystal quality, data collection hardware, expertise of the issues.
investigator and software used. Nevertheless, various values 2xx: issues related to (an)isotropic displacement parameters.
can be calculated that can be compared with some generally 3xx: tests and reports on intramolecular issues.
accepted standards. Examples are resolution and complete- 4xx: tests and reports on intermolecular issues.
ness of the data set, bond precision (see below), convergence 5xx: coordination-related issues.
of the least-squares re®nement and R factors. Referees can 6xx: issues related to solvent-accessible voids.
judge whether the quality of the analysis is suf®cient to 7xx: problems with bonds and their associated standard
support the conclusions drawn from it and meet journal uncertainties.
standards. A journal might choose to publish only those 8xx: validation-software problems
structures with the highest attainable quality, which can be 9xx: problems with the re¯ection data.
higher than needed for the purpose of the study but relevant
for the follow-up research that might build upon it. In the following, a number of the issues addressed will be
Question 3 is probably the most important and dif®cult. discussed in detail.
This is not something to which a computer (program) can
provide a complete answer. What a program can do is to
report on any unusual feature it detects. It is then up to the 4.1. Missed symmetry
investigator/author to consider the issue, take action if The assignment of the proper space group to a given
necessary, or otherwise comment convincingly on it. Subse- structure is not always obvious at the beginning of a structure
quently, the referees must decide on the validity of the argu- determination. Often, a preliminary structure can be obtained
ments offered. only in a space group with symmetry that is lower than the
Incorrect structures usually exhibit one or more of three actual symmetry. Subsequent analysis should lead to a
symptoms: (i) unusual bond distances, (ii) unreasonable description in the correct space group. Unfortunately, the
displacement parameters (ellipsoids) and (iii) impossible latter is not always achieved.
intra- and intermolecular contacts (see below). When unusual ADDSYM, an extended version of the MISSYM algorithm
structures are reported, only a high-quality structure might (Le Page, 1987, 1988) is used to search for possibly missed
give the level of con®dence needed to proclaim that it indeed higher crystallographic symmetry in the reported structure. A
has unique features. tentative, more appropriate, space group is suggested. Inter-
estingly, approximations to higher symmetry (pseudo-
symmetry) occur frequently. For that reason, missed symmetry
3. Validation tests ALERTS generally require as a follow-up a detailed analysis of
The IUCr has de®ned and documented a large number of the situation `by hand', with access to the primary re¯ection
validation tests ( data.

8 A. L. Spek  Single-crystal structure validation J. Appl. Cryst. (2003). 36, 7±13

research papers
An attempt to re®ne a centrosymmetric structure in a non- 4.4. Bonds and angles
centrosymmetic space group generally results in poor The values of bonds and angles are checked to determine
geometry due to the (near) singularity of the least-squares whether their values fall within expected ranges. Single,
normal matrix. Chemically equivalent bonds may differ double or triple bond types are assigned from the deduced
signi®cantly and displacement parameters generally make hybridization of the bonded atoms. Bonds that are too short or
little sense in such a case. Proper action includes, apart from too long may be caused by unresolved disorder. Failure to
leaving out half of the atoms in the model and the addition of assign a proper hybridization type to a carbon atom may be
an inversion centre, a shift of the structure to the proper indicative of a missing (hydrogen) atom. The average and the
origin. A number of reported cases of missed higher symmetry range of CÐC bond lengths within a phenyl moiety are
are due to a failure by the authors to apply such a shift, with compared with the expected value, 1.395 A Ê . A signi®cant
the result that the subsequent re®nement of the centrosym- deviation may indicate incorrect cell dimensions (possibly
metric model was reported `unsuccessful'. For a corrected calculated with the wrong wavelength), poor diffraction data
example of a structure originally published in P1 with two or an incorrect re®nement model. When the data quality does
crystallographically independent molecules and an unusual not support their re®nement, methyl H atoms often behave
ORTEP diagram, see Kahn et al. (2000a,b). badly, giving rise to unrealistic geometry. In addition, the
The ADDSYM algorithm allows a small percentage of geometrical data given in the CIF are checked to see that they
atoms to fail the proposed higher symmetry. Although this correspond to the values calculated directly from the atomic
feature will bring up a number of false ALERTS, it will often coordinate data.
catch cases of missed symmetry in poorly re®ned structures or A quality indicator called bond precision is reported and
those with missing, miss-identi®ed or disordered atoms. calculated as the average standard uncertainty on CÐC bonds.

4.2. Voids 4.5. Intermolecular contacts

Solvent-accessible voids (van der Sluis & Spek, 1990) are Intermolecular contacts can be very informative in indi-
reported. Such voids might include disordered solvent that cating incorrect structures. Obviously, when atoms approach
went undetected by peak-search algorithms. A common closer than the sum of their van der Waals radii there must be
reason might be that the disorder results in density ridges or either a missed interaction, such as a hydrogen bond, or their
faint plateaus rather than isolated peaks. Except for some positions are in some way in error. Bumping hydrogen atoms
framework structures, crystal structures generally collapse may indicate misplaced hydrogen atoms (e.g. two instead of
when they have lost solvent molecules of crystallization. one hydrogen on an sp2 carbon) or methyl moieties ®xed in an
Voids are frequently located at or along symmetry elements. inappropriate conformation.
Solvent molecules on those sites are generally highly disor-
dered or ®ll one-dimensional channels along three-, four- or
4.6. Hydrogen bonds
sixfold axes.
Void ALERTS in combination with ALERTS on short inter- As a rule, OH moieties are hydrogen bonded to an
molecular contacts may point to molecules that are misplaced acceptor. A test is carried out to ®nd out whether this is indeed
with respect to the symmetry elements. the case. Potential H-atom positions lie on a cone. Finding the
correct position on this cone can be tricky when the difference
4.3. Displacement ellipsoid tests electron-density map does not present a single suitable
maximum. SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997) provides an option
A displacement ellipsoid plot (ORTEPII; Johnson, 1976) is
to ®nd the optimal position by way of an electron-density
an excellent validation tool but not suitable as an automatic
calculation around a circle. Alternatively, the program
tool. Fortunately, numerical analogues for visual inspection by
HYDROGEN (Nardelli, 1999) may also be used to ®nd an
an expert are available. The Hirshfeld rigid-bond test
optimal position based on geometric and energy considera-
(Hirshfeld, 1976) can be indicative of many problems with a
structural model. The central idea is that the components of
The analysis of structures containing hydroxy moieties
the anisotropic displacement parameters along the bond for
obtained from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD;
two bonded atoms should have approximately the same value.
Allen, 2002) gives many examples where hydroxy hydrogen
This will generally not be the case when incorrect atom types
atoms are in the wrong position. For a corrected example, see
are assigned to density peaks. Carbon atoms might be nitrogen
KoÈrner et al. (2000a,b).
atoms or oxygen, etc.
Elongated ellipsoids are, in general, indicative of unre-
solved disorder. An attempt should be made to develop a 4.7. Connectivity
proper model to represent the disorder. The CIF is assumed to contain a set of atomic coordinates
Many systematic errors (including absorption and wrong that do not require the application of symmetry operations to
wavelength) ®nd their way into the displacement parameters, connect them into chemically complete molecules and ions.
often giving rise to physically impossible non-positive-de®nite The exception is where a molecule possesses crystallographic
values for the main-axis values. symmetry, but the asymmetric fragment should still be a

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research papers
connected set. Checks are performed to identify isolated autolist.html). As a general rule, the data set should be
atoms. An isolated transition metal probably points to a complete up to at least sin ()/ = 0.6 A Ê ÿ1. The actual number
misinterpreted identity. Isolated hydrogen atoms might need a of observed re¯ections is compared with the number to be
symmetry operation to bring them into a bonding position or expected for the stated resolution. Incomplete data sets may
their bond distances might be outside the expected range. be caused by improper selection of the asymmetric re¯ection
Isolated oxygen atoms generally indicate missing attached unit on a serial diffractometer or an improper set of scans with
hydrogen atoms on a water molecule. Single-bonded metal an area detector, which results in a cusp of missing data.
atoms are also ¯agged since they probably represent the Several tests check for the proper application and imple-
assignment of an incorrect atom type. A mismatch of site- mentation of the Flack parameter (Flack & Bernardinelli,
occupation factors in disordered structures can also lead to 1999, 2000) for the determination and reporting of the abso-
connectivity alerts during validation. lute structure.
Connected sets of atoms should generally have their centre The numerical values of bonds, angles, torsion angles and
of gravity within the bounds of the unit cell. Molecules or ions hydrogen bonds as reported in the CIF are checked for
with their centres outside the base unit cell can sometimes consistency with corresponding values calculated from the
arise following the inversion of a chiral structure without coordinate data. Failures are often caused by inconsistent
applying an origin shift, or from the initial set of atomic symmetry codes associated with the atoms, or are indicative
coordinates generated by the structure solution software. that an old CIF has been updated with atomic coordinates
from a fresh re®nement without the corresponding revised
4.8. Disorder geometric data being included. The reported standard uncer-
tainties on geometry items, which are generally derived using
Several tests address the issue of disorder. Reported
the full covariance matrix for the parameters involved, should
disorder can be real or an artefact resulting from poor
at least resemble the standard uncertainties calculated on the
experimental procedures. With the point detector of a serial
basis of the variances reported for the coordinates.
diffractometer, it may happen that the re¯ection data are
A CIF gives both an explicit list of symmetry operators and
collected for a direct-space subcell only. The resulting struc-
the short Hermann±Mauguin symbol. The latter symbol can
ture may then be described with a 50:50 disorder model.
be ambiguous and may lead to confusion when not given in
Alternatively, an average structure that exhibits unusual
association with the set of symmetry operators. It is therefore
displacement ellipsoids, falsely suggesting high rigid-body
suggested that the Hall symbol (Hall, 1981) be included as
motion, may result (for an example, see Spek, 1993). Reported
well. Several programs generate the set of symmetry operators
disorder is especially suspicious when the structure at hand
from this symbol. Conventionally, the twofold screw axis for
diffracts well at high diffraction angles.
space group P21 will run along the b axis. However, under
Pseudo-symmetry, particularly in cases where the structure
certain circumstances, such as in the description of a reversible
contains real and pseudo centres of symmetry, may result in
P21/c $ P21 phase transition, it may be convenient to keep the
partially disordered structures when described with respect to
screw axis 14c off the b axis. The Hall symbol was introduced as
the pseudo-symmetry element. For an example, see Spek
a way to avoid this choice of origin ambiguity. The standard
(1993; note that Figs. 3 and 4 therein should be interchanged).
and alternative settings are then speci®ed as `P 2yb' and `P
Occupancy parameters cannot have values larger than 1.0.
2ybc', respectively.
Site-occupancy parameters in partially disordered side chains
should make sense. An atom closer to the end of a chain
cannot have occupancy higher than the occupancy of the
previous atom in the chain (unless coinciding with an atom of 5. Implementation
the other disordered form).
The validation tests in PLATON form an integral part of the
Occupancy is often misunderstood for atoms on special
automatic geometry-analysis option of the program when a
positions. Traditionally, re®nement programs (e.g.
data ®le in CIF format is used as the input ®le. A scratch ®le is
SHELXL97; Sheldrick, 1997) include site-symmetry in what is
created containing data from which a validation report is
often called population parameters. Thus, a fully occupied (i.e.
generated. The actual validation is carried out against an
occupation = 1.0) position of an atom on a twofold axis is
external ®le named CHECK.DEF. This ®le contains editable
assigned a population parameter of 0.5. The value in the CIF
validation criteria and associated printable explanatory text.
for the occupancy should be 1.0 in this case. In this regard,
The generated validation report presents a list of ALERTS.
investigators should be aware of the distinction between
Based on the criteria in the CHECK.DEF ®le, they are classi®ed
the two CIF data names _atom_site_occupancy and
as Level A, B or C ALERTS. Level A ALERTS should generally
be taken very seriously. The related problem should either be
resolved or discussed/explained convincingly as an exception.
4.9. Completeness and consistency Level C ALERTS draw attention to non-standard issues and
Many checks address missing, incomplete or inconsistent should be inspected to see whether they can be ignored or
data issues. Most of the IUCr checks published on the Internet should be acted upon. Level B ALERTS are generally inter-
are included ( mediate. Large numbers of Level C and Level B ALERTS

10 A. L. Spek  Single-crystal structure validation J. Appl. Cryst. (2003). 36, 7±13

research papers
should not be ignored, as collectively they could indicate 6. An example
serious problems with the structure. An (edited) example of a PLATON validation report is given
The ALERTS are also classi®ed into the following four in Fig. 1. It reports on an anonymous CIF that was submitted
categories. for publication to Acta Crystallographica Section C. The
ALERT Type 1: CIF construction/syntax errors, inconsistent structure was supposedly a somewhat unusual coordination
or missing data. This type of ALERT should be easy to address compound of composition Cu2+.Ligand2ÿ, with an R value of
before publication. 0.06 and a reasonable ORTEP plot. Validation indicated
ALERT Type 2: indicator that the structure model may be several problems, eventually leading to a revised ionic struc-
wrong or de®cient. This type of ALERT should be resolved ture with composition Ligand+.Brÿ (i.e. no copper at all!).
completely at the time of the analysis or commented on when ALERT number 307 points out that the copper ion is not
published. coordinated by suitable oxygen functions of the ligand, which
ALERT Type 3: indicator that the structure quality may be is of course extremely unusual. ALERT 430 indicates a missing
low. The follow-up on this will depend on the purpose of the hydrogen atom on N1 and a missing hydrogen atom in the
structure determination and the publication policy of the short acid bridge between two carboxyl moieties. As it turned
journal. out, HBr was used in the course of the preparation of the
ALERT Type 4: improvement, methodology, query or intended copper coordination complex. Interestingly, struc-
suggestion. Issues to be considered and acted upon when ture determination and re®nement proceeds uneventfully with
appropriate or necessary for the purpose of the analysis at currently available software packages on the basis of the
hand. supposed false composition.
Entries from the CSD (Allen, 2002), either in FDAT or CIF
format, can also be validated. This can be useful as a
prescreening tool before attempting a statistical analysis.
Many outliers turn out to represent unresolved problems with 7. Discussion
the associated database entry. The correct assignment of element types to electron-density
maxima can be a serious pitfall (Mueller, 2001). Nitrogen and
oxygen are often interchangeable in ring systems. Misinter-
pretation can have important chemical consequences. A good
example of this problem is the structure determination of a
multi-ring anticancer marine natural product (Lindquist et al.,
1991). It was shown recently by Li, Burgett et al. (2001) that
one of the oxygen atoms in one of the ®ve-membered rings
should have been identi®ed as NÐH. Obviously, such a
misassignment has serious consequences when one attempts
to synthesize such a compound from scratch (Li, Jeong et al.,
2001). Interestingly, this misassignment could have been
identi®ed easily had the intermolecular contacts been exam-
ined carefully. The packing analysis would have revealed an
unusually short O  O C contact of 2.85 (1) A Ê . Such a
contact is only realistic when hydrogen bonding is involved.
The correct interpretation is NÐH  O C. The validation
software in PLATON automatically ¯ags the problem as an
unusual intermolecular contact, much shorter than the sum of
the van der Waals radii.
Many interpretation errors, some with disastrous conse-
quences, fall in the category `missing hydrogen atoms'. Otto et
al. (2002) discussed another recent example of this problem
where it was shown that a supposedly unique compound
(Lambert et al., 2002) containing a Cp*(+) moiety was more
standard once two missing hydrogen atoms were included.
Again, the standard validation procedures sent out the proper
If the authors of publications fail to validate their results or
do not recognize the implications of the validation alerts, such
Figure 1
misinterpretations should at least be picked up during the
Example of a PLATON validation report for an erroneous structure. The
associated commentary is not shown. ALERTS 307 and 430 strongly refereeing process. Unfortunately, too many unusual struc-
indicate that the reported structure is wrong. tural features are `explained' as being due to the poor quality

J. Appl. Cryst. (2003). 36, 7±13 A. L. Spek  Single-crystal structure validation 11

research papers
of the crystal or with the catchall explanation of `packing journals archive the re¯ection data and make them available
effects', as was the case in the last example. on the Web for future use.
Pseudo-symmetry can give rise to structures which initially Automated structure validation was pioneered by Acta
appear to be plausible, but which have atoms or molecules Crystallographica Section C. Structural papers and associated
misplaced with respect to the true symmetry. Several such data are now accepted electronically and in CIF format only. It
cases can be found in the literature. R factors can be turns out to be very effective. Several other major journals are
misleadingly low in such cases. A recent example has been now implementing (or considering the implementation of)
reported by Bowes et al. (2002). In this case, a number of structure validation in their procedures.
validation alerts led the authors to the true structure. Validation sets standards that are not just based on low R
values. A validated structure that does not generate serious
ALERTS can be considered `routine' in the hands of its inves-
8. When to use PLATON data validation tigator. As a side effect, validation tests often point to unusual
It is much easier to detect and correct overlooked problems and interesting features in a structure (e.g. pseudo-symmetry)
with a crystal structure during or immediately at the end of an that merit further investigation and discussion. The only
analysis than during the publication process. The project is still dif®culty is that some ALERTS (e.g. missed symmetry) will
fresh in ones mind, interest has not yet waned and the sample require the experience of a professional in order to sort out
or additional crystals are readily available or can be prepared their implications.
if the validation process suggests a serious de®ciency that can Validation is a learning process. PLATON currently
only be recti®ed with a fresh data collection. The publication implements more than 200 tests, but there is scope for the
of the results has often to wait for months or years before implementation of additional tests, particularly for inorganic
related investigations have been completed. If the validation is structures. New tests often have their origin in problems
only conducted as a pre-publication check, it may be quite encountered with real-world CIFs submitted to Acta Crystal-
dif®cult to resolve any problems because the sample is no lographica.
longer available and the person who prepared the material has The PLATON (Spek, 2002) validation software, both as
departed etc. Aside from this, a misinterpreted (preliminary) source code and as executable, is freely available for
crystal structure may cause the chemist concerned to spend academics and runs on both Unix/Linux and Microsoft
many months investigating a supposedly unexpected reaction Windows platforms. Access is also freely available as part of
product, where early validation could have avoided the the Web-based IUCr checkCIF facility (http://journals.
fruitless effort. Investigators
The original data validation project initiated by Acta are urged to use such facilities and address all unusual issues
Crystallographica (checkCIF) was intended as a pre-publica- prior to submitting a paper for publication, if not on the
tion tool. However, the PLATON validation checks can be completion of a structure determination. Proper use of these
run easily at any stage of the structure re®nement and are methods can speed up the refereeing process and lead to
recommended for use as a routine tool at the completion of quicker publication.
every structure determination, if not after every signi®cant
change to the structural model. In this way, any aspects
The development of the validation tool in PLATON was
requiring attention can be treated promptly and ef®ciently
suggested by the Section Editor of Acta Crystallographica
before the ®nal report is generated.
Section C at that time, Professor Syd Hall. The inclusion of the
The CIF standard makes validation independent of the
PLATON tests as part of the Chester checkCIF suite was
actual software package used for the structure determination.
strongly encouraged by the current section editor, Professor
George Ferguson, and capably implemented by Dr Mike
9. Concluding remarks Hoyland. I wish to thank Drs Sandy Blake, Anthony Linden,
Howard Flack, Huub Kooijman and Martin Lutz for valuable
The utility and applicability of automated data validation for
suggestions for improvements and careful reading of the
the investigator is obvious. Even more importantly, the referee
manuscript. This work was supported in part by the Dutch
of a paper that reports and builds on supporting crystal-
NWO±CW organization.
lographic evidence now has the tools to judge a submitted
paper adequately and ef®ciently without having to wade
through extensive supplementary material. They can have References
access to an automatically generated list of issues to be Allen, F. H. (2002). Acta Cryst. B58, 380±388.
addressed. In case of doubt or for any other good reason they Bowes, K. F., Ferguson, G., Glidewell, C., Low, J. N. & Quesada, A.
may even do their own calculations with the data, given that (2002). Acta Cryst. C58, o551±o554.
the re¯ection data have been made available as well. Of Eisenberg, R. (2002). Inorg. Chem. 41, 1995.
course, this requires that the data be deposited electronically Farrugia, L. J. (2000). IUCRVAL. University of Glasgow, Scotland.
as a CIF format ®le at the time the manuscript is submitted, Flack, H. D. & Bernardinelli, G. (1999). Acta Cryst. A55, 908±915.
either with the journal concerned or with the Cambridge Flack, H. D. & Bernardinelli, G. (2000). J. Appl. Cryst. 33, 1143±1148.
Crystallographic Data Centre. Unfortunately, only IUCr Hall, S. R. (1981). Acta Cryst. A37, 517±525.

12 A. L. Spek  Single-crystal structure validation J. Appl. Cryst. (2003). 36, 7±13

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Hall, S. R., Allen, F. H. & Brown, I. D. (1991). Acta Cryst. A47, 655± Li, J., Jeong, S., Esser, L. & Harran, P. G. (2001). Angew. Chem. Int.
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