Funda Prof - Ad LMR Answers

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1. When you assist an individual to do what be cannot normally

do in illness, you are using which nursing theory?

a. Henderson
b. Roy
c. Orem
d. Abdellah

2. Like other professions, what is unique in professional


a. Its compassionate and caring role

b. Its caring role
c. A well-defined body of knowledge and expertise
d. Its environment in nursing research

3. According to Freud, the ego serves this function:

a. Resorvoir of instincts, basics drives and wishes

b. Reality testing
c. Moral arm of the personality
d. Resorvoir of psychic energy

4. Horence Nightingale conceptualizes that nursing is.

a. the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist

him in his recovery
b. assisting the individual sick or well in the performance of those
activities contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death
c. a humanistic science dedicated to compassionate concern with
rehabilitating the sick or disabled.
d. a unique profession, in that it is concerned with all the variables
affecting an individual’s response to stressors.

5. Which of the following nursing theorists conceptualizes that

all persons strive to achieve self-care.

a. Sister Callista Roy

b. Dorothea Orem
c. Dorothy Johnson
d. Jean Watson

6. Which of the following nursing theorists introduced

Transcultural Nursing Model?
a. Imogene King
b. Myra Levine
c. Ida Jean Orlando
d. Madeleine Leininger

7. Which of the following moral theories is based on respect

for other humans and belief that relationships are based on
mutual trust?

a. Erikson’s theory
b. Kohlberg's theory
c. Freud’s theory
d. Schulman and Mekler’s theory

8. What is your initial nursing action before you suction the


a. perform suctioning
b. document relevant data
c. hyperventilate the patient
d. dispose the equipment and ensure availability for the next suction

Situation: Lady Lee, age 5 is brought to the pediatric clinic by her

mother, who reports that Lady Lee has a sore throat and fever and will
not eat or drink. The physician diagnosis epiglottitis.

9. Which symptoms are associated with epiglottitis?

a. Dyspnea. restlessness, hoarseness and moaning

b. Leaning forward, anxiety, drooling, and a muffled voice
c. Crouching, leaning with hands stretched out in back, and extended
d. Ruddy complexion, distended neck veins, and knee-chest position

10. The nurse's first action when caring for Lady Lee should be

a. Obtain a tracheostomy set and notify the physician

b. Begin respiratory precautions immediately
c. Obtain I. V. and oxygen equipment
d. Obtain a cardiac monitor and an emergency equipment cart

11. Tracheostomy is an opening through the neck into the

trachea through which an indwelling tube maybe inserted
which of the following is not a part of tracheostomy set?
a. cannula
b. respirator
c. obturator
d. cuff

12. Hand washing is important in every setting including

hospitals. Which of the following is inappropriate during hand
washing when observing a sterile technique.

a. Hold the hands higher than the elbows during hand wash
b. Maintaining the hands uppermost when applying soap
c. After washing and rinsing, use a towel to dry one hand
thoroughly in a rotating motion from the elbow to the fingers
d. Let the running water run from the fingertips to the elbows

13. According to Orem's Mode!, which nursing intervention

would you render to a one hour post-operative patient?

a. Universal
b. Supportive-educative
c. Wholly compensatory
d. Partially compensatory

14.500 ml of blood was ordered for his blood transfusion. Your

nursing responsibility before the start of blood transfusion is:

a. check the amount of blood available

b. check the label of the bottle with blood
c. check if Benadryl is ordered for injection
d. check the vital signs

15. Which of the following steps should the nurse take first
when preparing to insert a nasogastric tube?

a. Wash hands
b. Apply sterile gloves
c. Apply a mask and gown
d. Open ail necessary kits and tubing

16. The nurse on duty is inserting a nasogastric tube. Mr. Javier

begins to gag. Which actions should the nurse take?
a. Remove the inserted tube and notify the physician
b. Stop the insertion, allow the client to rest, then continue inserting
the tube
c. Encourage the client to take deep breaths through the
mouth while the tube is being inserted
d. Pause until the gagging stops, tell the client to take a few sips of
water and swallow as the tube is inserted.

17. Which of the following steps, if taken by the nurse after

insertion of nasogastric tube could harm Mr. Javier.

a. Affix the nasogastric tube to the nose with tape

b. Check tube placement by aspirating stomach contents using
a piston syringe
c. Check tube placement by instilling 100ml of water into the tube to
check for stomach filling
d. Document in the chart the insertion, method used to check tube
placement, and client's response to the procedure

18. Which of the following drug forms can be administered

through a nasogastric tube?

a. Enteric
b. Oral
c. Parenteral
d. Sublingual

Situation: As a nurse, you are aware that proper documentation in the

patient's chart is a legal responsibility.

19. A nurse gives the wrong medication to a client another

nurse employed by the hospital as a risk manager will expect
to receive which of the following communications?

a. Incident report
b. Oral report from the nurse
c. Copy of the medication Kardex
d. Order changed signed by the physician

20. Performing a procedure on a client in the absence of

Informed consent can lead to which of the following changes?

a. Fraud
b. Harassment
c. Assault and battery
d. Beach of confidentiality

21. Which of the following characteristics of the client goal in

the plan of care is correct?

a. Nurse-focused, flexible, measurable and realistic

b. Client-focused, flexible, realistic and measurable
c. Nurse-focused, time-limited, realistic, and measurable
d. Client-focused, time-limited, realistic, and measurable

22. A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client

with exacerbation of asthma. Which of the following time is
ideal to begin discharge planning?

a. At the time of admission

b. The day before discharge
c. After the acute episode is resolved
d. When the discharge order is written

23. A nurse is witnessing consent from a client before a cardiac

catheterization. Which of the following factors is a component
of informed consent ?

a. Freedom from coercion

b. Durable power of attorney
c. Private insurance coverage
d. Disclosure of previous answers given by the client

24. Implementation of plan of action is done through:

a. independent and independent measure

b. dependent and independent measure
c. dependent and Interdependent measure
d. none of the above

25. Which of the following has the greatest effect on personal


a. Culture, knowledge, and social influences

b. Occupation, physical environment and genetics
c. Self awareness, time of day, and personnel available for assistance
d. Socio-economic status, health and age

26. The most important nursing intervention to correct dryness

a. Avoid bathing patient until the condition is remedied, and notify the
b. Ask the physician to refer the patient to a dermatologist and suggest
that the patient wear home-laundered sleepwear.
c. Consult the dietician about increasing the patient's fat intake, and
necessary measures to prevent infection.
d. Encourage the patient to increase hid fluid intake, use non-
irritating soap when bathing the patient, and apply lotion to
the involved areas.

Situation 5. As a professional nurse you take responsibility for personal

& professional growth

27. Regulation of nursing practice is mainly based on:

a. Board of Nursing resolutions and pronouncements

b Legal rules and principles governing nursing practice
c. Standards of nursing practice
d. Decisions made by the PRC relating the nursing practice

28. You are a graduate of new BSN curriculum feat aims to

prepare a fully functioning nurse. Which of the following best
describe this graduate?

a. Sensitive awareness to the health needs of society

b. Collaboration with multi-sectoral groups
c. Compassionate attitude to all those cared for
d. Consideration of needs of patients and others

29. Accountability and responsibility in nursing practice is

enhanced by utilization of

a. Assessment or appraisal tools

b. Code of Ethics of nurse's
c. Records for care plan
d. The nursing process

30. The professional license is renewable every three years

during which of the following periods?

a. Every April 15 of each year

b. Every march 15 of each year
c. Every January 20 of each year
d. On or before one’s birth month
31. Which of the following Acts means that "Health Workers"
are all persons engaged in health relate work regardless of
their employment status?

a. Magna Carta of Public Health Worker

b. Security of Tenure of regular employees
c. Discrimination Prohibition
d. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard of Public Officials and

32. BON Resolution No 432 S 2003 is:

a. Guidelines for the implementation of Board Resolution No. 14 S 1999

b. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9173
c. Special training on intravenous injection for nurses
d. Adoption of a Guide to Evaluate Compliance with Standard for Safe
Nursing Practice.

33. Its a type of non-probability sampling wherein the

researcher identifies population strata and determines how
many participants are needed for each stratum

a. Quota Sampling
b. Purposive Sampling
c. Convenience sampling
d. Simple stratified sampling

34. All but one are concepts of informed consent.

a. It must be voluntary-without coercion or force

b. Patient must be competent
c. Knowledgeable information should be provided
d. It must be signed right after administration of pre-ops

35. The following concepts of liability negligence are true,


a. Deviation from standard of care is established.

b. Duty is owed to the nurse
c. Financial, physical and emotional harm is establish
d. Direct cause for failure to meet standard of care clearly established.

36. An insane man got hold of a knife and stabbed a pregnant

woman. His liability will be determined by virtue of :
a. Justifying circumstances
b. Exempting circumstances
c. Mitigating circumstances
d. Aggravating circumstances

37. A crime in which all the elements necessary for its

execution and accomplishment are present.

a. Heinous crime
b. frustrated crime
c. consummated crime
d. attempted crime

38. Once criterion to assess the quality of a study is

triangulation. This means.

a. accuracy and consistency of information

b. soundness of evidence
c. use of multiple sources for conclusions
d. consistency and stability of evidence over time

39. It is thought to be the most recent method or system in

providing nursing care

a. Case System method

b. primary nursing method
c. functional nursing method
d. team nursing method

40. A member of the board of nursing may be removed and/or

suspended on the following grounds except:

a. Toleration of irregularities in the licensure examination

b Violation of the Philippine Nursing Act
c. Neglect of duty or incompetence
d. Immoral unprofessional or dishonorable conduct

41. A tendency of the evaluator to inaacurately rate a group

because of the belief that he/she has a very good cooperative

a. hawthorne effect
b. sunflower effect
c. horn's effect
d. halo effect
42. A type of probability sampling where the researcher selects
random samples, successively from a larger to smaller units by
either simple or stratified methods.

a. Multi-stage sampling
b. Systematic sampling
c. purposive sampling
d. snowballing sampling

43. The following are elements of felony except?

a. There must be an act of ommision

b. such act or omission must be done voluntarily
c. such act maybe done with or without intent
d. such act or omission is punisable by law

44. To qualify as a dean of the college of nursing the applicants

must have?

a. At least 5 years of teaching and supervision

b. At least 10 years of clinical practive
c. At least 3 years of being a clinical coordinator
d. At least 2 years management units.

45. A research design where there is manipulation of

independent variable but no random or control group

a. longitudinal design
b. quasi-experimental
c. experimental
d. cross-sectional

46. Four clients have signaled with the call bells for the nurse.
Who should you see first?

a. A client who needs to use the toilet

b. A client who does not have his glasses or hearing aide
c. A client who has just been given morphine
d. A client in a chair with a restraint vest on.

47. Which of the ff. should the nurse observe first?

a. A client who has just returned from the OR

b. A client whose call light is not working
c. A client with Alzheimer's disease
d. A clietn who is receiving a heating pad treatment

48. Which of the ff. should the nurse deal first?

a. A client who need her dressing changed

b. A client who needs to be suctioned
c. A client needs to be medicated for postoperative pain
d. A client who is incontinent and needs to be cleaned

49. One of the major ethical princles in research is beneficence

that includes:

a. Right to protection of protection from physical and psychological

b. Right to full-disclosure
c. Right to performance of sources good
d. Right to protection of participants form explotation.

50. He described humans as "wanting organism" that satisfly

their basic needs in a specific sequence?

a. Frederick Herzberg
b. Abraham Maslow
c. BF Skinner
d. Victor Vroom

51. A client has been receiving an IV solution. What is an

appropriate expected outcome for this client?

a. Monitor fluid intake and output every 4 hours

b. The client remains free of signs and symptoms of phelibits
c. edema and warmth over the IV site
d. Excess fluid volumn evidenced by weight gain

52. This theorist of management developed the 14 principles of

management based on his experience.

a. Mary Follett
b. Max Weber
c. Henry Fayol
d. Kurt Lewin

53. These are mitigating circumstances that lessen the

penalty, except:

a. Under 18 and over 70

b. No intention to commit so grave
c. There wa sufficent provocation
d. in contempt of authority

54. The nurse is monitoring options of effectiveness of drug

theraphy, when should the nurse obtain a measurement of the
blood sample through level.

a. 1 hour before administering the next dose

b. immediately before administering the next dose
c. immediately after administering the next dose
d. 30 mins. after administering the next dose

55. Which od the following options servers a framework for

nursing education and clinical practice?

a. Scientific breakthrough
b. technological advances
c. theoretical models
d. medical practices

56. Nursing care for a client includes removing elastic stocking

once per day. What is the rationale for this interventions?

a. TO increase blood flow to the heart

b. to observe the lower extremities
c. to allow the leg muscles to stretch and relax
d. To permit veins in the legs to fill with blood.

57. Hyperactive bowel sounds can result from all the following

a. Paralytic ileus
b. hunger
c. intestinal obstruction
d. diarrhea

58. The following characteristics speak of a leader except:

a. Do the right thing

b. focus on people
c. develops visions and strategies
d. have a short-term views

59. This theory of management suggest that an employees

work motivation is controlled by conditions in the external
environment rather than by internal needs and desires.

a. vroom's expectancy theory

b. skinner's operant theory
c. adam's equity theory
d. white competence theory

60. In Lydia Hall's theory, which of the ff. represents "core"?

a. Nurturance and factors that are exclusive to nursing

b. Therapeutic use of self
c. Focuses on nursing related to physicians order
d. All of the above.

61. A research that seeks to describe an existing problem

situation and examine the underlying factors that contributes
to the emergence of the problem:

a. Explanatory research
b. Quantitative research
c. Exploratory research
d. Quantitative research

62. During blood transfusion, the patient manifest tacycardia,

distended neck vein and increase CVP reading, the nurse

a. Obtain vital signs

b. Call the physician
c. Stop the infusion
d. Decrease the rate of infusion.

63. A nurse who is maintainin a private clinic in the community

and renders service on materials and child health amont the
neighborhood for a fee is

a. primary care nurse

b. an independent nurse practioner
c. nurse-midwife
d. a nurse specialist

64. A client comes to the clinic for a diagnostic allergy testing.

Why is intradermal injections used for such tsting.

a. intradermal injection is less painful

b. intradermal drugs are easier to administer
c. intradermal drug diffuse more rapidly
d. intradermal drugs diffuse more slowly

65. A client is placed in isolation. Client isolation techniques

attempt to break the chain of infection by interfering with the

a. Agent
b. susceptible host
c. transmission mode
d. portal of entry

66. A research hypothesis that proposes that there is

association or significant relationship between variables is

a. null hypothesis
b. directional hypothesis
c. alternative hypothesis
d. non-directional hypothesis

67. Which of the ff. laboratory test results is the most impt.
indicator of malnutrition in a client with a wound?

a. serum potassium level

b. albumin level
c. lymphocyte count
d. differential count

69. Which detail of a clients drug theraphy is the nurse legally

responsible for documenting?

a. Peak concentration time of drug

b. Safe ranges of the drug
c. Clients socioeconomic data
d. client's reaction to the drug

70. Which of the ff. statements about these nursing practice

acts are true?

a. These acts are not effective in the supervision or revocation of

licensure of erring nurses
b. These acts have been authorized by the accredited national nurses
c. These acts usually define the scope of nursing practice
d. These acts describe the diffences between a registered nurse and a
practice nurse
71. The following are true on a manager except?

a. Are interested in efficiency

b. emphasize tactics, structure and system
c. motivate people to comply with standards
d. use person to person influence

72. The nurse is assessing tactile fremitus in a client with

pneumonia. For this examination, the nurse hould use the:

a. fingertips
b. ulnar surface of the hand
c. dorsal surface of the hand
d. finger pads

73. The ff. activities belong to the design phase in the research
process, except?

a. developing a time table

b. selecting the study design
c. determining sampling plan
d. conducting a pilot study

74. When inspecting a client's skin, the nurse finds a vesicle on

the client's arm. Which description appliest to a vesicle?

a. flat, nonpalpable and colored

b. solid, elevated and cicumscribed
c. circumscribed, elevated, and filled with serous fluid
d. elevated, pus-filled and circumscribed

75. Which nursing action is essential when providing

continuous enteral feeding?

a. elevating the head of the bed

b. positioning the client on the left side
c. warming the formula before administering it
d. hanging a full day's worth of formula at one time

76. After initial assessment of a client, findings reveals a body

temp of 38.5 C, Consequently the clients blood pressure can be
expected to

a. Fluctuates
b. Remain the Same
c. Increase
d. Decrease

77. The nurse assesses the skin turgor of an elderly client.

When evaluating skin turgon, the nurse should remember that:

a. Over hydration causes the skin to tent

b. Dehydration causes the skin to appear edematous and spongy
c. Inelastic turgor is a normal part of aging
d. Normal skin turgon is moist and boggy.

78. Which of the ff. does not govern the practice of nursing?

a. RA 7164
b. RA 9173
c. BON Resolution for Code of Ethics
d. Board Resolution Scope of Nursing Practice

79. A client with sever chest pain is brought to the emergency

department. He tells the nurse, "I just have a little
indigestion." Which of the following mechanisms is the client

a. Denial
b. Anxiety
c. Repression
d. Confusion

80. These are "in-between factors" present in research

environment that threaten the internal and external validity of
a research study.

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variables
c. Intervening variables
d. Criterion variable

81. The ff. are motivational factors according to Herzberg,


a. Challenging aspects of the work itself

b. Added responsibility
c. Oppurtunities for personal growth
d. Quality of supervision

82. The nurse measures the client's temperature at 102 F.

What is the equivalent centigrade temp?

a. 39.1 C
b. 47.2 C
c. 38.9 C
d. 40.1 C

83. A client is placed on a low-sodium (500mg/day) diet. Which

client statement indicates that the nurse's nutrition teaching
plan has been effective?

a. "I can eat a ham-and-cheese sandwich w/ potato chips for lunch"

b. "I choose broiled chiken whith a baked potato for dinner"
c. "I choose a tossed salad w/ sardines and oil and vinegar dressing for
d. "Im glad i can still have chicken bouillon soup"

84. Why should an infant be quiet and seated upright when the
nurse assess his fontaanels?

a. The mother will have less trouble holding a quiet upright infant
b. Lying down can cause the fontanels to recede, making assessment
more difficult.
c. The infant can breath more easily when sitting up
d. Lying down and crying can cause the fontanels to buldge

85. Communicating and using the research findings is under

what phase of the research process?

a. Implementation phase
b. Dissemination phase
c. Analysis and interpretation phase
d. Design phase

86. To give a Z-tract injection, the nuse measures the correct

medication dose and draws a small amount of air into the
syringe. What is the rationale for this action?

a. Adding air decreases pain caused by the injection

b. Adding air prevents the drug from flowing back into the needle tract
c. Adding air prevens the solution from entering a blood vessel
d. Adding air ensures that client receives the entire dose.
87. Which of the ff. is true of Care System method?

a. Autonomy and authority for the care of four to siz patients on a 24-h
b. Assigning nurses to give total nursing care to a single
c. Divison of labor which nurses are assigned to perform secific tasks
d. Assigning a team to give total care to a selected group of clients

88. Which of the ff. best describes the action of the nurse who
documents her nursing diagnosis?

a. She documents and charts it whenever necessary

b. She can be accused of malpractice
c. She does it reguarly as an impt. responsibility
d. She starts it only when the pt. is acutely ill

89. To help assess a clients cerabral function, the nurse should


a. Have you noticed a change in your memory?

b. Have you noticed a chnge in your muscle strength?
c. Have you had any coodination problem?
d. Have you had any problems with your eyes?

90. The nurse is evaulating a postoperative client for infection.

Which sign of sympton would be most indicative for infection?

a. The presence of an indwelling urinary catheter

b. Rectal temperature of 100F
c. Red, warm , tender incision
d. WVC count of 8,000/UI

91. What nursing diagnosis is commonly used to develop a

plan of care for managing client's drug regimen?

a. Noncomplience
b. Altered coping mechanism
c. Anxiety
d. Altered home maintenance

92. Which of the ff. provides that nurses be members of the

national nurse organization?

a. RA 877
b. 1987 Code of Ethics approved by the house of delegates PNA
c. Board Resolution No 1955 promulgated by the Board of
d. RA 7164

93. The ff. are good sources of research problems except?

a. Literature
b. Clininal experience
c. Daily news reports
d. existing theories

94. What is the common goal of discharge planning in all care


a. prolonging hospitalization until the client can function independently

b. Teaching client how to perform self-care activities
c. Providing the financial resources needed to ensure proper care
d. Preventing the need for medical follow-up care.

95. The physician prescribe as IV infucion of 1000 ml D5W

every 12 hours for a client. The IV setup delivers 15 gtt/ml.
Approx. how many drops should be administered each minute?

a. 18
b. 21
c. 24
d. 27

96. Which of the following provides the material and human

resources and building the structure to care out the activities
of the organization?

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Command
d. Control

97. A client is scheduled to receive a blood transfusion. During

the transfusion, the nurse should observer for which sign or
symptoms of a transfusion reaction?

a. Dizziness
b. Chills
c. Hypothermia
d. Hyperreflexia
98. The client has an abdominal hysterectomy, 10 hours ago.
Which position should the nurse teach the client to avoid?

a. High Fowlers
b. lateral recumbent
c. Supine
d. Side lying

99. A client has been receiving an IV solution. What is an

appropriate expected outcome for this client?

a. Monitor fluid intake and output every 4 hours

b. The client remains free of signs and symptoms of phelibits
c. edema and warmth over the IV site
d. Excess fluid volumn evidenced by weight gain

100. This theorist of management developed the 14 principles

of management based on his experience.

a. Mary Follett
b. Max Weber
c. Henry Fayol
d. Kurt Lewin

101. The nurse prepares to palpate a clients maxillary sinues.

For this procedure, where should the nurse place the hands?

a. On the bridge of the nose

b. below the eyebrows
c. below the cheekbones
d. over the temporal area

102. A client who receives general anesthesia returns from

surgery. Postoperatively, which nursing diagnosis takes
highest priority for this client?

a. Pain related to the surgery

b. Fluid volume deficit related to fluid and blood loss from surgery
c. Impared physical mobility related to surgery
d. Risk for aspiration related to anesthesia

103. After a client receives an IM injection, he complains of a

burning pain in the injection site. Which nursing action whould
be best to take at this time?

a. apply a cold compress to decrease swelling

b. apply a warm compress to dilate the blood vessels
c. Massage the area to promote absorption of the drug
d. Instruct the client to tighten his gluteal muscles to enhance
absorption of the drug

104. These are mitigating circumstances that lessen the

penalty, except:

a. Under 18 and over 70

b. No intention to commit so grave
c. There wa sufficent provocation
d. in contempt of authority

105. The nurse is monitoring options of effectiveness of drug

theraphy, when should the nurse obtain a measurement of the
blood sample through level.

a. 1 hour before administering the next dose

b. immediately before administering the next dose
c. immediately after administering the next dose
d. 30 mins. after administering the next dose

106. Which od the following options servers a framework for

nursing education and clinical practice?

a. Scientific breakthrough
b. technological advances
c. theoretical models
d. medical practices

107. Nursing care for a client includes removing elastic

stocking once per day. What is the rationale for this

a. TO increase blood flow to the heart

b. to observe the lower extremities
c. to allow the leg muscles to stretch and relax
d. To permit veins in the legs to fill with blood.

108. Hyperactive bowel sounds can result from all the following

a. Paralytic ileus
b. hunger
c. intestinal obstruction
d. diarrhea
109. The following characteristics speak of a leader except:

a. Do the right thing

b. focus on people
c. develops visions and strategies
d. have a short-term views

110. This theory of management suggest that an employees

work motivation is controlled by conditions in the external
environment rather than by internal needs and desires.

a. vroom's expectancy theory

b. skinner's operant theory
c. adam's equity theory
d. white competence theory

111. In Lydia Hall's theory, which of the ff. represents "core"?

a. Nurturance and factors that are exclusive to nursing

b. Therapeutic use of self
c. Focuses on nursing related to physicians order
d. All of the above.

113. A research that seeks to describe an existing problem

situation and examine the underlying factors that contributes
to the emergence of the problem:

a. Explanatory research
b. Quantitative research
c. Exploratory research
d. Quantitative research

114. During blood transfusion, the patient manifest tacycardia,

distended neck vein and increase CVP reading, the nurse

a. Obtain vital signs

b. Call the physician
c. Stop the infusion
d. Decrease the rate of infusion.

115. A nurse who is maintainin a private clinic in the

community and renders service on materials and child health
amont the neighborhood for a fee is
a. primary care nurse
b. an independent nurse practioner
c. nurse-midwife
d. a nurse specialist

116. A client comes to the clinic for a diagnostic allergy

testing. Why is intradermal injections used for such tsting.

a. intradermal injection is less painful

b. intradermal drugs are easier to administer
c. intradermal drug diffuse more rapidly
d. intradermal drugs diffuse more slowly

117. A client is placed in isolation. Client isolation techniques

attempt to break the chain of infection by interfering with the

a. Agent
b. susceptible host
c. transmission mode
d. portal of entry

118. A research hypothesis that proposes that there is

association or significant relationship between variables is

a. null hypothesis
b. directional hypothesis
c. alternative hypothesis
d. non-directional hypothesis

119. Which of the ff. laboratory test results is themost impt.

indicator of malnutrition in a client with a wound?

a. serum potassium level

b. albumin level
c. lymphocyte count
d. differential count

120. Which detail of a clients drug theraphy is the nurse

legally responsible for documenting?

a. Peak concentration time of drug

b. Safe ranges of the drug
c. Clients socioeconomic data
d. client's reaction to the drug
121. Which of the ff. statements about these nursing practice
acts are true?

a. These acts are not effective in the supervision or revocation of

licensure of erring nurses
b. These acts have been authorized by the accredited national nurses
c. These acts usually define the scope of nursing practice
d. These acts describe the diffences between a registered nurse and a
practice nurse

122. The following are true on a manager except?

a. Are interested in efficiency

b. emphasize tactics, structure and system
c. motivate people to comply with standards
d. use person to person influence

123. The nurse is assessing tactile fremitus in a client with

pneumonia. For this examination, the nurse hould use the:

a. fingertips
b. ulnar surface of the hand
c. dorsal surface of the hand
d. finger pads

124. The ff. activities belong to the design phase in the

research process, except?

a. developing a time table

b. selecting the study design
c. determining sampling plan
d. conducting a pilot study

125. When inspecting a client's skin, the nurse finds a vesicle

on the client's arm. Which description appliest to a vesicle?

a. flat, nonpalpable and colored

b. solid, elevated and cicumscribed
c. circumscribed, elevated, and filled with serous fluid
d. elevated, pus-filled and circumscribed

126. Which nursing action is essential when providing

continuous enteral feeding?
a. elevating the head of the bed
b. positioning the client on the left side
c. warming the formula before administering it
d. hanging a full day's worth of formula at one time

127. After initial assessment of a client, findings reveals a

body temp of 38.5 C, Consequently the clients blood pressure
can be expected to

a. Fluctuates
b. Remain the Same
c. Increase
d. Decrease

128. The nurse assesses the skin turgor of an elderly client.

When evaluating skin turgon, the nurse should remember that:

a. Over hydration causes the skin to tent

b. Dehydration causes the skin to appear edematous and spongy
c. Inelastic turgor is a normal part of aging
d. Normal skin turgon is moist and boggy.

129. Which of the ff. does not govern the practice of nursing?

a. RA 7164
b. RA 9173
c. BON Resolution for Code of Ethics
d. Board Resolution Scope of Nursing Practice

130. A client with sever chest pain is brought to the emergency

department. He tells the nurse, "I just have a little
indigestion." Which of the following mechanisms is the client

a. Denial
b. Anxiety
c. Repression
d. Confusion

131. These are "in-between factors" present in research

environment that threaten the internal and external validity of
a research study.

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variables
c. Intervening variables
d. Criterion variable

132. The ff. are motivational factors according to Herzberg,


a. Challenging aspects of the work itself

b. Added responsibility
c. Oppurtunities for personal growth
d. Quality of supervision

133. The nurse measures the client's temperature at 102 F.

What is the equivalent centigrade temp?

a. 39.1 C
b. 47.2 C
c. 38.9 C
d. 40.1 C

134. A client is placed on a low-sodium (500mg/day) diet.

Which client statement indicates that the nurse's nutrition
teaching plan has been effective?

a. "I can eat a ham-and-cheese sandwich w/ potato chips for lunch"

b. "I choose broiled chiken whith a baked potato for dinner"
c. "I choose a tossed salad w/ sardines and oil and vinegar dressing for
d. "Im glad i can still have chicken bouillon soup"

135. Why should an infant be quiet and seated upright when

the nurse assess his fontanels?

a. The mother will have less trouble holding a quiet upright infant
b. Lying down can cause the fontanels to recede, making assessment
more difficult.
c. The infant can breath more easily when sitting up
d. Lying down and crying can cause the fontanels to buldge

136. Communicating and using the research findings is under

what phase of the research process?

a. Implementation phase
b. Dissemination phase
c. Analysis and interpretation phase
d. Design phase

137. To give a Z-tract injection, the nuse measures the correct

medication dose and draws a small amount of air into the
syringe. What is the rationale for this action?

a. Adding air decreases pain caused by the injection

b. Adding air prevents the drug from flowing back into the needle tract
c. Adding air prevens the solution from entering a blood vessel
d. Adding air ensures that client receives the entire dose.

138. Which of the ff. is true of Care System method?

a. Autonomy and authority for the care of four to siz patients on a 24-h
b. Assigning nurses to give total nursing care to a single
c. Divison of labor which nurses are assigned to perform secific tasks
d. Assigning a team to give total care to a selected group of clients

139. Which of the ff. best describes the action of the nurse who
documents her nursing diagnosis?

a. She documents and charts it whenever necessary

b. She can be accused of malpractice
c. She does it reguarly as an impt. responsibility
d. She starts it only when the pt. is acutely ill

140. To help assess a clients cerabral function, the nurse

should ask:

a. Have you noticed a change in your memory?

b. Have you noticed a chnge in your muscle strength?
c. Have you had any coodination problem?
d. Have you had any problems with your eyes?

141. The nurse is evaulating a postoperative client for

infection. Which sign of sympton would be most indicative for

a. The presence of an indwelling urinary catheter

b. Rectal temperature of 100F
c. Red, warm , tender incision
d. WVC count of 8,000/UI

142. What nursing diagnosis is commonly used to develop a

plan of care for managing client's drug regimen?

a. Noncomplience
b. Altered coping mechanism
c. Anxiety
d. Altered home maintenance

143. Which of the ff. provides that nurses be members of the

national nurse organization?

a. RA 877
b. 1987 Code of Ethics approved by the house of delegates PNA
c. Board Resolution No 1955 promulgated by the Board of
d. RA 7164

144. The ff. are good sources of research problems except?

a. Literature
b. Clininal experience
c. Daily news reports
d. existing theories

145. What is the common goal of discharge planning in all care


a. prolonging hospitalization until the client can function independently

b. Teaching client how to perform self-care activities
c. Providing the financial resources needed to ensure proper care
d. Preventing the need for medical follow-up care.

146. The physician prescribe as IV infucion of 1000 ml D5W

every 12 hours for a client. The IV setup delivers 15 gtt/ml.
Approx. how many drops should be administered each minute?

a. 18
b. 21
c. 24
d. 27

147. Which of the following provides the material and human

resources and building the structure to care out the activities
of the organization?

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Command
d. Control

150. A nurse stops at the scene of an accident and finds a man

with a deep laceration on his hand, a fractured am and leg,
and abdominal pain. The nurse wraps the man's hand in soiled
cloth and drives him to the nearest hospital. The nurse is:

a. Negligent and can be sued for malpractice

b. Practicing under guidelines of the Nurse Practice Act
c. Protected for these actions, in most states, buy the Good Samaritan
d. Treating a health problem that can and should be handled by a

151. A newly graduate nursing student applied at the PRC to

take the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination. To qualify
she must possess the following:

1. age must be 21 years old

2. a Filipino citizen
3. graduated from a recognized College of Nursing
4. with good health and with good moral character

a. 1, 2,and 4
b. 1,2, and 3
c. 2, 3, and 4
d. 1,3, and 4

152. In order for the examinee to pass the Philippine Nurses

Licensure examination, she must obtain an average of:
1. general average rating of 74.9% that could be round off into 75%
2. genera! average rating of 75% and above
3. rating not below 69% in any subjects
4. rating not below 60% in any subjects

a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 4

153. Persons who committed crimes by indirect participation

such as assisting in its consummation can be accused of being:

a. an accessory
b. a principal
c. a witness
d. both A and C

154. According to the Annotated Philippine Nursing Act of

2002, the Licensure Members of the Board of Nursing is
composed of:

a. A chairperson and six member’s

b. A chairperson and three members
c. Seven members only
d. A chairperson and five members

5. A battery is:

a. An unconsented touching of another person

b. An act that puts the victim in fear of harm to himself
c. Considered only when a harm occurs to the person touched
d. All of the above

156. Miss Montessa applied for the Philippine Nurses' Board

Examination. To qualify she must posses the following:
1. age 21 years old
2. Filipino citizenship
3. graduated from recognized college of nursing
4. good health and good moral character

a. 1 and 2
b. 1,3, and 4
c. 1, 2, and 3
d. 2, 3, and 4

157. A staff nurse must:

1. have at least 2 years experience
2. be single
3. be a Filipino citizen
4. be currently license to practice professional nursing

a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. 2 and 4

158. Nurses abroad are very in-demand nowadays. While

opportunities may be better abroad, she must serve the
country for:
a. 2 years
b. 1 year
c. 6 months
d. as long as she likes '

159. The refusal issue a certificate of registration for reasons

cited in RA 877 as amended by RA 4704 rests on:

a. Philippine Association of Board Examiners

b. Board of Nursing
c. Professional Regulation Commission ;
d. Legal Division, PRC

160. The law which provides for the use of generic terminology
in the promotion, prescription, and dispensing of drugs:

a. RA4226
b. RA6675
c. RA 7164
d. RA 7877

161. A client asks to be discharged from the health care facility

against medical advice (AMA). What should the nurse do?

a. Prevent the client from leaving

b. Notify the physician
c. Have the client sign an AMA form
d. Call a security guard to help detain the client

162. What is the most common tort filed against health care
providers by clients?

a. Malpractice
b. Negligence
c. Assault
d. Battery

163. A nurse is counseling a parent whose 11-year-old child has

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The parent reports
that the child is disruptive at home. Which of the approaches
should the nurse suggest that the parent take?

a. Confine the child to the bedroom

b. Establish a specific schedule for activities
c. Explain to the child why the behavior is disturbing
d. Vary the methods by which rewards are given
164. The physician prescribes digoxin 4mg IV. for a client In
rapid atrial fibrillation, How should the nurse proceed?

a. Assess the client's apical rate, then administer the dose.

b. Administer 0.4 mg I.V. because the physician most likely meant to
write that dosage
c. Question the physician about that order.
d. Administer the dose, then monitor the client closely.

165. A nurse administers a unit of blood to a client without

receiving informed consent. Performing a procedure, such as
administering blood products, without receiving informed
consent can lead to which of the following charges?

a. Assault and battery

b. Fraud
c. Breach of confidentiality
d. Harassment

166. A staff nurse influences the behaviors of her colleagues by

guiding and encouraging them. She's an excellent role model
but has no formal authority over her peers. This nurse is
demonstrating characteristics of which of the following roles?

a. Manager
b. Autocrat
c. Leader
d. Authority

167. The nurse manager is concerned because she received

many time-off requests from her staff for the upcoming holiday
season. She has come up with several possible solutions to the
staffing dilemma and has scheduled a staff meeting to present
ideas to the staff. Which management style is this manager

a. Participative
b. Democratic
c. Autocratic
d. Laissez-faire

168. A new nurse-manager is trying to determine the best way

to implement client teaching in her outpatient surgical center.
She decides to gather data from other surgical centers and
compare their teaching methods to her center's methods.
Which quality improvement process is she utilizing?

a. Benchmarking
b. Risk management
c. Performance improvement
d. Quality management

169. A client arrives in the emergency room and is assessed by

a nurse. The client is staggering, confused, and verbally
abusive. The client complaints of a headache from drinking
alcohol and is asking for medication. The nurse explains to the
- client that the physician will need to perform an assessment
prior to the, administration of medication. When the client
becomes verbally abusive, the nurse obtains leather restrains
and threatens to place the client in the restraints. With which
of the following can the client legally charge the nurse as a
result of the nursing action?

a. assault
b. battery
c. negligence
d. invasion of privacy

176. A registered nurse arrives at work and is told to report

(float) to the intensive care unit (ICU) for the day because the
ICU is understaffed and needs additional nurses to care for the
clients. The nurse has never worked in the ICU. Which of the
following is the most appropriate nursing action?

a. Refuse to float to the ICU

b. Call the hospital lawyer
c. Call the nursing supervisor
d. Report to the ICU and identify tasks that can be safely

177. A nurse who works on the night shift enters the unit and
finds a coworker with a tourniquet wrapped around the upper
arm. The coworker is about to insert a needle, attached to a
syringe containing a clear liquid, into the antecubital area. The
most appropriate initial action by the nurse is which of the

a. Call the police

b. Call security
c. Lock the coworker in the medication room until help is obtained
d. Call the nursing supervisor

178. A study describing the evaluation of aseptjc technique

would be which type of study?

a. Longitudinal
b. Descriptive
c. Historical
d Evaluation

179. If a bill has been approved by the joint conference

Committee of Congress, This means that:

a. The bill is now a law

b. The bill will be sent to the President of the Philippines
c. The bill will be discussed by the senators and the congressman, for
its merit
d. The bill will be print out and distributed

180. Mrs. Peralta was also issued a professional license by the

Professional Regulation Commision. It is a:

1. A permanent right
2. A vested interest
3. A legal right
4. A privilege
5. Means to protect society and promote general welfare

a. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 3,4,5
d. 1,3,4

181. Nursing Resolution concerning with 1.V. Training Program:

a. N. R. #1955 Series 1989

b. N. R.# 557 Series 1988
c. N. R. #08 Series 1994
d. N. R. # 633 Series 1984

182. The devise or technique an investigator employs to collect

data is called:

a. Sample
b. Instrument
c. Hypothesis
d. Concept

183. Being an I. V. Licensed Nurse, it is renewed?

a. every 2 years
b. every 6 months
c. it depends
d. no renewal at all

184. A nurse lawyer provides an education session to the

nursing staff regarding client's rights. A staff nurse asks the
lawyer to describe an example that might relate to invasion of
client privacy. Which of the following indicates a violation of
the right?

a. Taking photographs of the client without consent

b. Telling the client that he or she cannot leave the hospital
c. Threatening to place the client in restraints
d. Performing a surgical procedure without consent

185. If found to be telling the truth, the nurse may be released

right away. The fact That morphine sulfate was meant to be
given to a relative as prescribed by a licensed physician
considered to be a

a. Justifying circumstances
b. Mitigating
c. Exempting
d. Aggravating

186. Example of intentional torts includes:

a. malpractice and assault
b. malpractice and negligence
c. false imprisonment and battery
d. negligence and invasion of privacy

187. In a certain hospital whenever there are patients in the

recovery room, 2 nurses are usually present. The hospital
policy expects the nurses to take their breaks before patients
arrive from surgery. On this particular day, there are 2 nurses
on duty and 2 patients in the recovery room who have had
minor surgeries performed that morning. One nurse had not
had a coffee break that morning. The nurse should:
a. Stay because hospital policy expects there to be two nurses
in attendance while there are patients in the recovery room.
b. Leave for coffee break because there are only 2 patients in the
recovery room and one nurse can handle 2 patients quite easily.
c. Talk with the nursing supervisor and secure permission from
d. Leave to get coffee and come right back.

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