CATARACT A Cataract Is An Opacity of The Eye's Normally
CATARACT A Cataract Is An Opacity of The Eye's Normally
CATARACT A Cataract Is An Opacity of The Eye's Normally
· Diminished visual acuity, disabling sensitivity to glare, painless, dimmed or blurred
vision with distortion of images, poor night vision. Other effects include myopic shift,
astigmatism, monocular diplopia (double vision), color shift (aging lens becomes
progressively more absorbent at the blue end of the spectrum), brunescence (color values
shift to yellow brown), and reduced light transmission.
· Yellowish, gray, or white pupil
· Develops gradually over a period of years; as the cataract worsens, stronger glasses no
longer improve sight
· May develop in both eyes, although one is more compromised than the other
There is no medical treatment for cataracts, although use of vitamin C and E and beta-
carotene is being investigated. Glasses or contact, bifocal, or magnifying lenses may
improve vision Mydriatics can be used short term, but glare is increased.
Two surgical techniques are available: intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) and
extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) including phacoemulsification. Less than 15%
of people with cataracts require surgery.
Indications for surgery are loss of vision that interferes with normal activities or a
cataract that is causing glaucoma. Cataracts are removed under local anesthesia on an
outpatient basis. Lens replacement may involve aphakic eyeglasses, contact lens, and
intraocular lens (IOL) implants. When both eyes have cataracts, one eye is surgically
treated at a time.
· Because surgery is performed on an outpatients basis, instruct patient to make
arrangements for transportation home, care that evening, and a follow-up visit to the
surgeon the next day.
· Withhold any anticoagulants the patient is receiving, if medically appropriate. Aspirin
should be withheld for 5 to 7 days, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for 3
to 5 days, and warfarin (Coumadin) until the prothrombin time of 1.5 is almost reached.
· Administer dilating drops every 10 minutes for four doses at least 1 hour before surgery.
Antibiotic, corticosteroid, and NSAID drops may be administered prophylactically to
prevent postoperative infection and inflammation.
· Instruct patient to wear a protective eye patch for 24 hours after surgery to prevent
accidental rubbing or poking of the eye. After 24 hours, eyeglasses (sunglasses in bright
light) should be worn during the day and a metal shield worn at night for 1 to 4 weeks.
· Provide postoperative discharge teaching concerning eye medications, cleansing and
protection, activity level and restrictions, diet, pain control, positioning, office
appointments, expected postoperative course, and symptoms to report immediately to the
· Instruct patient to restrict bending and lifting heavy objects.
· Caution patient that vision may blur for several days to weeks.
· Inform patient that vision gradually improves as the eye heals; IOL implants improve
vision faster than glasses or contact lenses.
· Reinforce that vision correction is usually needed for remaining visual acuity deficit.