Questionnair On Promotinal Strategies

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Promotional Strategies of


Objective of the study
1. Study of promotional strategy used by Pepsi.
2. Study of advertising techniques used by Pepsi.
3. Study of public relations, and personnel selling used by Pepsi.
4. To study the depth and width of distribution channel adopted by PEPSICO and compare them
with those followed by competitors.
5. To ascertain the consumer brand perception of soft drink with respect to price product taste
quantity and advertising.

1.Monthly Sales (in Rs.)(a) Less than 5000(b) Between 5000 to 10,000(c) 10,000 to 15,000(d) Above
2.Number of C/s-crest sold per month of soft drinks.(a) 0 to 50 carets (b) 50 to 100 carets(c) 100 to 150
carets (d) 150 to 200 carets
3.Which type of outlets?(a) General Store(b) Grocery(c) Betal Shop (d) sweet Shop
4.Which brand of soft drinks is available in the outlet?(a) Pepsi Cola (b) Mirinda (O)(c) Mirinda (L) (d)
5.When comes to your shop your outlet which brand of soft drinks does he/she demands?(Rank
them)(a) Pepsi (b) Coca-Cola
6.Which company soft drink is demanded most?(a) Pepsi (b) Coca-Cola
7.Which factors effect the most?(a) Advertisement (b) Scheme(c) Presence (d) Taste(e) Prince (f) Others
8.Any other suggestion for Pepsi?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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