The Producer's Equilibrium

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The Producers

Meaning of Profit:
Profit refers to the excess of receipts from the
sale of goods over the expenditure incurred on
producing them.
The amount received from the sale of goods is
known as revenue and the expenditure on
production of such goods is termed as cost.
The difference between revenue and cost is
known as profit.
For example, if a firm sells goods for Rs. 10
crores after incurring an expenditure of Rs. 7
crores, then profit will be Rs. 3 crores.
Producers Equilibrium:
Equilibrium refers to a state of rest when no
change is required. A firm (producer) is said to
be in equilibrium when it has no inclination to
expand or to contract its output. This state either
reflects maximum profits or minimum losses.
There are two methods for determination
of Producers Equilibrium:
1. Total Revenue and Total Cost Approach (TR-TC
2. Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost Approach
(MR-MC Approach)
Producer can attain the equilibrium level under two
different situations:
(i) When Price remains Constant (It happens under
Perfect Competition). In this situation, firm has to
accept the same price as determined by the
industry. It means, any quantity of a commodity
can be sold at that particular price.
(ii) When Price Falls with rise in output (It happens
under Imperfect Competition). In this situation,
firm follows its own pricing policy. However, it can
increase sales only by reducing the price.
Total Revenue-Total Cost
Approach (TR-TC Approach):
A firm attains the stage of equilibrium
when it maximises its profits, i.e.
when he maximises the difference
between TR and TC.
After reaching such a position, there
will be no incentive for the producer
to increase or decrease the output
and the producer will be said to be at
According to TR-TC approach, producers equilibrium refers
to stage of that output level at which the difference
between TR and TC is positively maximized and total
profits fall as more units of output are produced.

So, two essential conditions for producers equilibrium are:

The difference between TR and TC is positively maximized;
Total profits fall after that level of output.

The first condition is an essential condition. But, it must be

supplemented with the second condition. So, both the
conditions are necessary to attain the producers
Producers Equilibrium (When
Price remains Constant):
When price remains same at all output
levels (like in case of perfect competition),
each producer aims to produce that level
of output at which he can earn maximum
profits, i.e. when difference between TR
and TC is the maximum.
Let us understand this with the help of
Table where market price is fixed at Rs. 10
per unit:
Producers Equilibrium (When
Price remains Constant)
Output Price (Rs.) TR (Rs.) TC (Rs.) Profit = Remarks
(units) TR-TC
0 10 0 5 -5 Profit
1 10 10 8 2 with
2 10 20 15 5 in output
3 10 30 21 9
4 10 40 31 9
5 10 50 42 8 Profit falls
6 10 60 54 6 increase in
the maximum profit of Rs. 9 can be
achieved by producing either 3 units or 4
units. But, the producer will be at
equilibrium at 4 units of output because at
this level, both the conditions of producers
equilibrium are satisfied:
1. Producer is earning maximum profit of
Rs. 9;
2. Total profit falls to Rs. 8 after 4 units of
Producers equilibrium will be
determined at P OQ level of output at
which the vertical distance between
TR and TC curves is the greatest. At
this level of output, tangent to TC
curve (at point G) is parallel to TR
curve and difference between both
the curves (represented by distance
GH) is maximum.
At quantities smaller or larger than OQ, such as OQ1or OQ2units, the
tangent to TC curve would not be parallel to the TR curve. So, the
producer is at equilibrium at OQ units of output.
Producers Equilibrium (When
Price Falls with rise in output):
When price falls with rise in output
(like in case of imperfect
competition), each producer aims to
produce that level of output at which
he can earn maximum profits, i.e.
when difference between TR and TC
is the maximum.
Producers Equilibrium (When
Price Falls with rise in output):
Output Price (Rs.) TR (Rs.) TC (Rs.) Profit = Remarks
(units) TR-TC
0 10 0 2 -2 Profit rises
1 9 9 5 4 with
2 8 16 9 7 in output
3 7 21 11 10
4 6 24 14 10 Producers
5 5 25 20 5 Profit falls
6 4 24 27 -3 increase in
Producer is earning maximum profit of Rs. 10;
Total profits fall to Rs. 5 after 4 units of output.
Producers equilibrium will be determined at OQ level of output at which the
vertical distance between TR and TC curves is the greatest. At this level of
output, tangent to TR curve (at point H) is parallel to the tangent to TC curve
(at point G) and difference between both the curves (represented by distance

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